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A Reliable Partner FOR THREE DECADES
Withmorethan300experts,1,600completedprojectsand1,200clients,SRChas,forthreefull decades,beenhelpingcorporations,financialinstitutionsandthestateachieveefficiencyby digitalisingandautomatingbusinessprocesses

By establishing a comprehensive digital transaction management system, we help clients replace outdated and inefficient processes - says Tilen Rebec, explaining that this eliminates human error, ensures resource control and data security, and improves reputation and visibility.
■ Does the expression 'digitalisation of business processes' epitomise what SRC does?
- SRC helps users digitalise business processes – we focus on automating business processes, which brings immediate savings, speeds up procedures and reduces the possibility of human error. We help users in the complete digital transformation of the company, with the emphasis not on the digitalisation of old business processes, but on newly defined processes that are completely digital and based on the opportunities brought by modern IT technology.
■ Are the quality of its solutions and client satisfaction the best recommendation for SRC?
- It is important to say that SRC has been on the market for more than 30 years, which gives customers a safe choice. Given the breadth of our knowledge in this domain, we offer clients much more than a specific project – a strategic partnership through which we help the company in its digital transformation, in understanding the role of the latest technologies and their impact on business, and in introducing new technologies into the client's environment in a way that gives them a competitive advantage and reduces costs.
■ Do your solutions have measurable business, technical and financial benefits?
- The advantages are perhaps easiest to measure in the financial sector, and this is where we have been most active in recent years. From a business perspective, we enable clients to use digital technologies to develop new business models, which bring new sources of income. The best example is precisely our banking solutions, the financial sector, which through digitalisation, process automation, improvement of existing and support of new processes, products and sales channels, provide our clients with much greater and easily measurable agility. This provides them with stability and long-term support in their business development and, crucially, with space for the development of new business ideas, without doubting whether they will be put into practice. In terms of technology, solutions and implementation of the right IT technologies, SRC enables users to conduct efficient and secure digital business, based on the principles of availability, security and privacy.
The digitalisation of existing processes and newly designed fully digital processes bring great savings on the cost of human resources and speed everything up because processes take place in minutes instead of days, costs are reduced by optimising existing processes and developing new ones. Digitalisation also provides competitive advantages, improves business agility and reduces inefficiencies by simplifying procedures and increasing operational efficiency, not to forget increasing customer engagement by improving the availability and visibility of data to assist in making decisions.