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Insulation EXPERTS
Apartfrominourcountry,FragmatS–withitsofferofbitumenstriprollsfortheprotection ofbuildingsandfacilitiesagainstthepenetrationofgroundwater,atmosphericwaterorother water–hasforyearsbeenpresentinMontenegro,Bosnia-Herzegovina,NorthMacedonia, Romania,BulgariaandAlbania tions almost 20 years ago, in September 2004, as a member of the system of Laškobased Tim d.d. A year later, following changes to the ownership structure, the Tim Izolirka factory was connected to the Fragmat system from Ljubljana.
The production process adheres to the ISO 9001 high quality standard, as confirmed by an official certificate, which –together with the professional training of workers – enables and ensures recognisable quality in operations and the product range, both on the domestic market and on other markets of Southeast Europe.
Bitumen strip rolls consist of a liner insert underlay that is coated on both sides with bituminous mass and protected with quartz sand, polyethylene film, talcum powder, shale or PE film. The bitumen strip’s characteristics are primarily determined by the type of underlay and the quality and amount of bitumen mass. The underlay regulates the physical and mechanical characteristics of the strip, while the bitumen mass regulates temperature consistency, waterproofing and resistance to ageing. The protection required determines the installation method for the strips, which are divided according to intended purpose into strips for secondary waterproofing, building foundation waterproofing, waterproofing for flat roofs, damp proofing vapour barriers and waterproofing bridge structures. Something for everyone.
T hanks to a favourable geographic location, knowledge and experience of the Fragmat system in the areas of thermal and hydro insulation, Fragmat S has become a leading factory for the production of waterproofing materials based on modi- fied bitumen, bitumen emulsions, polymer modified bitumen for road surfacing and waterproofing bridge structures, as well as thermal insulation materials based on expanded polystyrene (EPS), special EPS products in the form of blocks and packaging polystyrene.

Fragmat S d.o.o., which hails from the town of Šid, officially launched its opera-
The Fragment S waterproofing bitumen strip is an indispensable inclusion in systems for greening flat roofs, to which special attention should be paid because green roofs have a positive aesthetic impact on the look of a buildings, but also on oxygen production, while they additionally reduce noise pollution levels by up to 50 decibels. That’s why the Fragmat S programme includes a green flat roof system with extensive vegetation that fully preserves the environment, which is also a commitment of this Šid-based company.