As was the case in tourist regions worldwide, the health crisis caused by the pandemic also halted the trend of growing tour ist activities in Serbia. However, this meant domestic tourist destinations became an appealing alternative to holidaying abroad and the number of tourist arrivals and overnight stays began to be dominated by domestic Accordingtourism.todatafrom the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, over the course of 2020, the total number of tourist arrivals in Serbia fell by 50.7% compared to 2019. However, tourism trends had already started stabilising in 2021, mostly as a result of the intervention measures implemented by our state in support of the tourism economy, and the re-opening of the countries of the region and Europe. Apart from promotions for domestic tourists, we also focused on international markets, such as those of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Spain, France, Italy, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and others, with those efforts still yielding excellent results today.
2 Charms Of Late Summer 2022
The total number of tourist arrivals over the course of 2021 was up 42.4%, with the turnover of domestic tourists increasing by 25.2% and foreign tourist traffic up 95.5% compared to 2020, which means that inter est in Serbian destinations has increased among both locals and foreigners. We are also achieving excellent results this year. According to data of the eTurista [eTourist] portal – the central information system in the fields of hospitality and tourism in the Republic of Serbia – the country had more than 1,630,000 tourist TATJANA MATIĆ, MINISTRY OF TRADE, TOURISM & TELECOMMUNICATIONS
We’re Achieving Excellent Results
During the course of last year and this, we achieved excellent results in the area of tourism, with contributions to these enviable results provided by the development of road structure, tourist economy support measures implemented by our state and the re-opening of the countries of the region and Europe

We are nonetheless still facing some chal lenges, primarily related to labour shortages. Low wages and a shortfall of workers in the hospitality industry are becoming chronic problems. According to the estimates of HORES – the Business Association of the Hotel and Restaurant Industry of Serbia –this sector has a shortfall of around 15,000 workers, with some 6,300 of them having quit their jobs over the last few years. The majority of hospitality sector workers accept job offers from abroad. That’s why, in Serbia, students, foreign workers and job applicants with no experience in the sector are hired to work in positions that lack competent personnel. A possible solution could be found in providing benefits like tax breaks and exemptions from income tax contributions. It is my sincere hope that the Open Balkan initiative will contribute to increased labour mobility in the Western Balkan region and speeding up the resolving of this problem.
Charms Of Late Summer 2022 3 arrivals during the first five months of this year, with more than five million overnight stays. This means that we can expect even better results by the end of this year and during next year, thanks to investments in infrastructure, particularly road in frastructure, as well as the allocating of vouchers for Serbian holidays. Vouchers have proven to be an excellent solution for the recovery of our tourism, as they contribute to increasing traffic among domestic tourists in the country, boosting the utilising of the existing tourist offer and affirming new destinations. A no less important factor is that this method of promoting domestic tourism also serves to help reduce foreign currency outflows.
Vouchers have proven to be an excellent solution for the recovery of our tourism, as they contribute to increasing traffic among domestic tourists in the country, affirming new destinations and reducing foreign currency outflows

Despite it being an atypical and unusual occurrence, there is actually a hotel in Belgrade that’s equally enjoyed by foreigners from all over the world and local guests, for whom special packages and services have been created. The credit for that, apart from belonging to the major brand that is the “Mama” brand, also belongs to a small team of creative enthusiasts.
Mr Majić, your “Mama Shelter” adventure has lasted for four and a half years so far, and continues to grow ever more exciting. We know that you believed in the concept and the team, but did you know back then that “Mama” would be quite so popular? - That’s right, my adventure with “Mama” has lasted since her first day. I’m very proud of the fact that, in less than five years of operations, we’ve succeeded in singling ourselves out as one of the most successful among the 16 “Mama” hotels operating all over the world, from Los Angeles to Rome. I would like to highlight in particular the fact that “Mama” has brought to Belgrade the true spirit of French fun and hedonism, and has somehow changed the way hotels are enjoyed. I’m known in my team as a perfectionist, so I personally wouldn’t accept anything less than the great popularity of “Mama” among guests, both foreign ones and our dear fellow citizens with whom we socialise on a daily basis. We shouldn’t forget that “Mama” has as many as 125 rooms and that more than a million satisfied guests have passed through them to date. Apart from an excellent location, specific interior design and superior service, what’s the secret of Mama’s success? How important was that personal touch to your guests; the fact that they feel like they’ve ar rived home? - I consider that the most important feeling. Every hotel, especially when it comes to people who travel often, should and must represent a second home for them – a place where they feel comfortable, secure and cared for. Apart from that, “Mama” also introduced a fourth criterion: fun. Something happens at our cocktail bar almost every day, our terrace provides the most beautiful views of sunsets in the city, so you can enjoy a complete package of hedonism at the heart of Belgrade without ever needing to leave the hotel. We know that flexibility is today more important than ever before; and that without it businesses cannot survive. How does “Mama Shelter” adapt to market conditions and expectations? - I think the answer to that ques tion is best exemplified through our approach to operations during the pandemic. When it comes to the hotel business, we monitored trends and created new packages for digital nomads, for people who
4 Charms Of Late Summer 2022
The Spirit Of France In Belgrade
Over the course of less than five years of operations, Mama Shelter Belgrade has managed to set itself apart as one of the most successful of the 16 “Mama” hotels operating all over the world, from Los Angeles to Rome. More than a million satisfied guests have passed through its 125 rooms during that time
The famous Jalil Amor really knew what he was doing when he designed the interior and every nook and cranny of Mama Shelter Belgrade

- Yes, those are offers that were cre ated during the time of the pandemic, when it wasn’t possible to travel, so we let our imaginations run wild, and then helped our guests do the same...
All those offers, including Sexcation, Movie Night, Mama Deal and Sunday Lunch at Mama’s, became so popular that they remain relevant and widely used today. Apart from being able to be tour ists in their own city, Belgraders, but also other domestic guests, have opportunities to organise team building events and work at “Mama Shelter”. How was that concept conceived? - That’s right. Seemingly like every other hotel, “Mama” offers confer ence halls and rooms for meetings, team building events and work, but the feedback we receive from our clients is that the energy of “Mama” is special. For almost all of them, working from the “Mama” studios is fun and less strenuous, and this proves that the famous Jalil Amor really knew what he was doing when he designed the interior and every nook and cranny of Mama Shelter Belgrade. There has finally been more or less normal travel this summer, without restrictions and bans. Did you have sufficient capacity to handle all interested guests? Is it time to bring other Accor Group hotels to Serbia? - I experienced sweet anguish this summer, the best kind a ho tel manager can have, and that’s overbooking. Market demand was incredible, but I also believe and like to think that that was still partially down to us [laughs]. When it comes to the Accor Group, with years of planning behind us, this year will demonstrate our full result, and I’m personally very happy that, in the coming years, the Accor Group will be present in Serbia and the region with its broad palette of various types of hotels.
Charms Of Late Summer 2022 5 had the ability to work remotely. On the other hand, our F&B sector was extremely creative and we imme diately introduced home deliveries of the finest “Mama” specialities.
Some of the operational models have remained in place today and proven themselves to be very suc cessful and practical.
Your desire from day one was for Belgraders to also enjoy “Mama”, and not just guests from abroad. Have you devised special packages and services for locals?

The Luxurious Experience Of Autumn On Zlatibor
6 Charms Of Late Summer 2022
Guests also have at their disposal several types of saunas, a salt room, tepidariums, massage services and face and body treatments. A special, isolated corner – the VIP Spa – has been created for the enjoyment of visitors with more refined tastes. Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Resort & Spa has taken care to ensure its guests can take advan tage of its modern-equipped fitness centre, as well as unusual and innovative forms of entertainment, in the bowling alley and pool hall. A special place has also been set aside for the youngest guests. An attractive and con tent-rich playroom, adapted to suit children of all ages, is the right place for your little ones to spend quality time, have fun and enjoy unusual amenities. Autumn is reserved for various chil dren’s theatre shows and workshops, while the all-day animation programme allows parents to enjoy joint activities and personal time. When it comes to the gastronomic offer, the Kalem by ZAK Mountain Concept restau rant provides guests with incredible culinary creations that are prepared according to the recipes of top experts, while the RUJ guest house restaurant provides opportunities to enjoy both international dishes from around the world and local specialities that are typical of the Zlatibor area. Alongside its large selection of dishes, this restaurant also offers a unique preparation concept.
Zlatibor is a mountain with an authentic spirit and charm. It welcomes guests with open arms throughout the en tire year, and the Zlatibor autumn is something that everyone should feel and experience. It was at the beginning of this year that Zlatibor gained a new, state-of-the-art hotel facility in the form of the Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Resort & Spa. Representing the perfect combination of contemporary design and rustic elements that are characteristic of the area, it has been created as a new favourite destination for the ideal mountain holiday at the very heart of the “golden mountain”.
A special, isolated corner – the VIP Spa – has been created for the enjoyment of visitors with more refined tastes
The luxury amenities of this exclusive, five-star hotel don’t leave anyone feeling indifferent. The standout feature of the offer is the Magnesium
Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Resort & Spa, the jewel of Serbian tourism and the country’s most modern mountain resort, has already won over tourists from across the entire region, thanks to its high-quality offer, luxurious facilities, fantastic location and impeccable service
T he Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Resort & Spa complex is located alongside the lake and central square, while the hotel provides a view that is itself priceless and precious, especially during the evening hours. A large selection of accommodation options and various types of units provide guests with the opportunity to enjoy a different holidaying experience, while the comfort and convenience of luxuriously equipped rooms and suites ensure an incredibly tranquil and relaxing experience.
Wellness & Spa centre, where everything has been tailored to guarantee a sense of peace, relaxation and positive energy. Encompassing an area of more than 4,000m2, it is enriched by a special type of water with a unique chemical composition that has a positive effect on the body. This water is rich in magnesium and is found in all three of the centre’s swimming pools: the recreational, swimming and children’s pools.

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES FOR A COMPLETE EXPERIENCE Autumn is the ideal time to enjoy fresh air and the blessings of nature. Alongside its luxurious hotel amenities, Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Resort & Spa also offers its guests opportunities to experience the natural beauty of Zlatibor in the best possible way. Quad riding, with a break and refreshments at Lake Ribnica, is reserved for the bravest guests, while practising yoga outdoors is the perfect choice for those wanting to feel balance and synergise with the energy of pristine nature. You can also feel the energy of You can also feel the energy of nature in the air, from the heights, while enjoying views of the clearings and forested landscapes of one of the region’s most beautiful mountains
The autumn offer also includes a ride in the Gold Gondola lift and planned activities that the hotel provides for its guests, as well as a family voucher for the Dino Park, where you are sure to have a fun time and spend unforgettable moments with your nearest and dearest. This is the right time for an ideal mountain break! Find details of the autumn offer on the hotel’s website: www.hotelzlatibor-resort.com You can receive all information on the hotel’s luxury facilities and available capacities over the telephone (+381/31-31-50 500) or via email (info@hotelzlatibor-resort.com).
Charms Of Late Summer 2022 7 nature in the air, from the heights, while enjoying views of the clearings and forested landscapes of one of the region’s most beautiful mountains.

8 Charms Of Late Summer 2022
Guests Seek An Experience
The portfolio of the Mona Hotel Management group currently includes four hotels: Hotel Mona Plaza and Hotel Argo, both in Belgrade, Hotel Zlatibor Mona and Hotel Javor in Kušići. Apart from its own properties, the group also manages hotels owned by other investors
- Without an experienced and well-connected team, it’s not possible to manage one’s own hotel, let alone hotels owned by other inves tors. One of the fundamental differences in managing one’s own hotels compared to hotels owned by other investors is reflected in the harmonising of business philosophies and the metrics of the business itself, given that the majority of hotel industry investors come from other industries that have some different business philosophies, thus the harmonising of philosophies represents the basic difference in managing hotels owned by other investors.
What are all the aspects involved in hotel management? Is it just a case of leading operational activities that the services used by the guest depend on, or does it also include the legal aspect, sales, marketing, planning etc.?
Does managing hotels that you own differ from managing hotels that are owned by other investors, and if so, how? Can it be done without a large, experienced and tightly knit team?
What’s among everything included in your portfolio? We assume that Mona Plaza is your biggest project to date, something that brings
N ext year will mark two decades since fashion house Mona entered the world of hotel management, and last year saw the company commemo rate the birth of Mona Hotel Management. Here the group’s sales director, Petar Platiša, speaks to CorD Magazine about what was brought by separating the fashion and hotel sectors, as well as discussing plans for the period ahead.
A total investment value of 30 million euros, with 170 rooms and nine conference halls, makes the Hotel Mona Plaza really special
- Managing a hotel implies the complete syn chronising of managerial and operational activities with the aim of satisfying guests, satisfying employees and achieving the desired profitability. Legal service, sales, marketing, accounting and other services provide signif icant contributions to achieving goals, such that it is only the full synchronising of the noted services with operational activities that leads to the desired results.

- Our portfolio currently includes four hotels: Hotel Mona Plaza in Belgrade, Hotel Argo in Belgrade, Hotel Zlatibor Mona and Hotel Javor in Kušići. Our biggest investment to date is certainly the Mona Plaza, with 170 rooms, nine conference halls and a total investment value of 30 million euros, which really makes it special. We plan to further develop that brand in the period ahead, both within our own portfolio and by way of expansion through management contracts and franchise agreements.
- The loyalty programme represents one of our most strategically important projects, considering that we plan to use the period ahead to expand across the region – both through our own investments and through man agement contracts and franchise agreements, as I mentioned, so creating a unique database of companies, individuals and groups will have a lot of importance, not only in terms of our further development, but also to all potential investors interested in cooperating with us and taking on the Mona Plaza brand.
Today’s guests, particularly the foreigners who are increasingly coming to Serbia, seek much more than spacious rooms and a supe rior service. They seek a unique experience, authentic contents, original interiors etc.?
Charms Of Late Summer 2022 9
- Guests today, both in Serbia and other des tinations, desire experiential travel, which is why we are shifting our entire philosophy to “experience”, to a model through which we want to offer an immersive adventure, whether that’s about individual guests, groups or other market segments. Experience is what people pay money for nowadays. Who are your most frequent guests; who fills your capacities? Did the pandemic lead to a change in the structure of your guests, their habits, desires, needs and expectations?
- The pandemic had a great impact on changing the structure of market segments, which is to tally understandable. We are noticing changes in market segments, as well as opportunities to increase average sales prices. We’ve redesigned our budgets in accordance with the potential of the new market and growing market segments that accumulate the most. As for the needs themselves, I would like to highlight the fact that, as in the previous question, it is experi ence that represents one of the main points of interest in the desires of guests. How do you utilise your unique advantage reflected in having two top hotels, one in the centre of Belgrade and the other on the country’s most popular mountain?
you are particularly sense of pride.
How far have you progressed on your planned introduction of a loyalty programme that will provide member companies with benefits at hotels operating under the scope of the Mona Hotel Management group?
- I will gladly use this opportunity to announce that the Zlatibor Mona Hotel will also become part of the Mona Plaza brand prior to the start of the upcoming winter season, so we will have Hotel Mona Plaza in Belgrade and Hotel Mona Plaza in Zlatibor. We utilise our unique advantage in “cross-selling”, given that many market segments participate in both hotels to a large extent, so having two hotels of the same brand in different destinations provides us with a great “cross-selling” opportunity, which we try to take advantage of, thereby spreading our brand’s strength and visibility.

At a juncture when it’s evident that international demand for tourism is changing and pressure is mounting on the global tourist market, it is important to redefine the strategic orientation and the way tourism is managed, and to make Serbia an authentic, globally recognisable and competitive tourist destination
10 Charms Of Late Summer 2022
Tourism was recognised globally, even before the pandemic, as an important and powerful branch of the economy, with importance and influence that extends far beyond activities related to holidaying and free time, and which represents a unique and significant source of new jobs and the generat ing of funds for the life of local communities, particularly when it comes to sensitive sections like young people, women, persons with special needs etc. In other words, tourism represents a genuine opportunity to achieve more sustainable and balanced regional development, at the global and national levels. At the same time, the UN General Assembly hosted its first major debate on tourism in May 2022, emphasising tourism’s key role in ensuring inclusive and sustainable growth and the development of modern societies. It is likewise important to point out that, over the last decade, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has made tourism a high priority in the scope of its economic agenda. The implementation of key infrastructure projects across the country has created the prerequisites required for the future development of tourism.The Government support that was provided during the most critical periods of the pandemic was essential to preserving jobs, but also ensuring the survival of many companies. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that, alongside highlighting the importance of tourism to the Serbian economy, the pandemic also highlighted outstanding issues that need to be resolved in order to make serious strides on the future development of Serbian tourism. That requires an intensive, cross-sector ap proach from the government that will enable predictability and the improvement of conditions for doing business and investing in this sector, innovative sources of financing, but also effective coordination of the public and private sectors aimed at achieving a shared vision of Serbia as an authentic, globally recognisable and competitive touristEverythingdestination.thatI’ve mentioned motivated mem bers of the Foreign Investors Council to initiate the forming of a new FIC Committee for tourism and hospitality, with the desire to utilise their vast international experience and repute – especially in the human resources domain that’s crucial to this labour-intensive branch, in technological and organisational solutions, but also in the building of a corporate culture – to provide their contribution to redefining strategic priorities and improving the business and investment climate of Serbia’s tourism and hospitality sector. At its founding session, this Committee stressed the particular importance of regulatory solutions to the issue of workforce seasonality, the rationalisation of costs, including tax policy, combating the grey economy through the improving of the regulatory framework and the proposing of measures aimed at discouraging and preventing such activities, as well as creating an effective and approachable framework for improving investment in tourism and hospitality for all investors.
Tourism Plays A Key Role In Inclusive And Sustainable Growth
Furthermore, with its 20 years of experience and positive reputation, the Foreign Investors Council will provide specific additional weight to resolving the aforementioned issues, signalling to the Government how important this prospective economic branch is, but also signalling to companies operating in this sector that they are not alone, but rather the entire business community stands behind them with only one desire: to advance and ease the business and investment climate for their benefit, but also for the benefit of Serbian citizens, as our member companies are respectable and reliable employers for more than 100,000 citizens of Serbia.

Although Prince Mihailo is considered the pioneer of wine tourism, connoisseurs of wine, the history of wine making and wineries in Serbia believe that the credit for this belongs to the or ganizers of the first Smederevo grape exhibition held in 1899, because it was open to all interested guests. After that, everything went much easier, so the events just kept coming, and today the most famous are the Župa Harvest, Grožđebal in Vršac, Smederevo Autumn and many others that celebrate wine and viticulture in Serbia.
Although wine tours contribute to onsite sales, a much more important aspect is building a brand and relationship with consumers
Today, the state’s decision to provide wine making with a status similar to that of the IT sector and to adopt a development strategy for 2020-2030, which assumes 300 million EUR will be invested in wine making and viticulture in the next decade, contributes greatly to this.
The Wine Route To Happiness
Wine tourism is extremely popular in Europe, and today our country is increasingly using its potential to compete with other destina tions. For this purpose, nine wine routes have been defined - Palić, Fruška gora, Šumadija, Smederevo-Belgrade, Župa, Kosovo and Metohija, Niš-Kragujevac, Vršac and Negotin - on which there are native vineyards and Serbian wineries, which have been producing, tasting and selling high quality wine for a long time. Thanks to this, there are Serbian agencies that organise special wine routes for wine lovers. However, visitors can also organise themselves, find addresses, working hours on the websites of
Serbia currently has about 220 square kilo metres under vineyards and more than 700 types of wine. If investment in the development of wine making continues, wine tourism will certainly flourish and wine routes will be put on the map, right next to fortresses, imperial cities, but also traditional destinations like mountains and spas.
Serbia currently has about 220 square kilo metres under vineyards and more than 700 types of wine. If investment in the development of wine making continues, wine tourism will certainly flourish, as foreseen by the state strategy for the period until 2030.
12 Charms Of Late Summer 2022
Wine tourism is a trip that includes visiting vineyards, wineries, wine festivals and wine exhibitions, but also much more. It includes getting to know the culture and traditions of wine regions, getting to know the process of wine production, tasting different gastronomic specialities... Fans of these trips are people who enjoy wine and have a desire to learn more about the wine industry, but also to spend quality time in pleasant company and a natural environment. Such trips are also educational because the tourists learn about wine, its consumption and the essential elements of wine as a product.
There has been an increasing interest in recent years among foreign and domestic tourists in wine tourism and visiting wineries. These can be found all over the country, from the Subotica region in the far north, to Vršac and Fruška Gora, and further from Belgrade all the way to Šumadija, Smederevo, Negotin, Niš and Župa

WINE TOURS ARE MADE FOR EVERYONE Wine tours are not reserved only for oenologists, for connoisseurs of excellent wine who know how to list all the grape varieties from different countries, for those who can distinguish between dozens of different wines. Anyone who enjoys the unique tastes of different wines and likes to spend time outdoors can enjoy wine tours. Many wine regions around the world have discovered that promoting wine is a fantastic way to achieve financial benefits, so our wineries have followed in their footsteps and invested major resources in improving and promoting this type of tourism. Although wine tours con tribute to on-site sales, a much more important aspect is building a brand and relationship with consumers. Selling in the winery itself is only a short-term goal, while building trust and positive associations is a much longer-term and more profitable goal. For wine lovers, wine tours provide a great experience. For those new to the world of wine, wine tours are a great way to soak up good tips on wine tasting and the unique flavours that wineries work hard to create. Meeting people with similar interests is also a great advantage of wine tourism.
Charms Of Late Summer 2022 13 wineries, make an appointment and come for a visit. It usually includes a tour of the winery and the cellar, but also a tasting of several types of wine, the host’s advice on which wine goes with which food, getting to know the production technology, tradition and all the important but less known details. Along with that, there is also a tour of the vineyards, some of which are several decades old, and those in Fruška Gora even several centuries.
To improve wine tourism, the Tourist Organization of Serbia, in cooperation with tourist associations, wineries and wine cellars, has designed the “Wine Routes of Serbia”
To improve wine tourism, the Tourist Organisation of Serbia has decided to create an institutional framework and, in cooperation with tourist associations, wineries and wine cellars, offer the public what has been expected for a long time: “Wine Routes of Serbia”. A programme has been established for a total of eight wine tours in different regions of Serbia, which tourists can visit through tourist agencies or on their own. Whereas every day of the year is good for visiting wineries, enjoying wine events requires a little patience, because they are held during autumn. Wine harvest in Vršac, Harvest days in Palić, Župa harvest in Aleksandrovac and Pudar days in Irig are scheduled for September, while the Belgrade Wine Fest will be held in October.

Photo: Ivana Čutura
The Aleksandrović winery is a leader among Balkan producers and has won a large number of medals for quality at the world’s largest competitions. Their wines can be found in the World Wine Museum in Bordeaux and in the wine lists of elite hotels and restaurants from Japan, China and Russia, all the way to the USA, and they are especially proud of Rodoslov, the crown of their work so far. The story of Rodoslov Grand Reserve is a primordial story of the birth of a great Serbian wine. It begins in 2004, when the Aleksandrović winery started thinking about making a wine that would be the crown of all their previous work. The project was started with the idea of making a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from the best years, a typical burgundy blend that would bear the certification of the Šumadija terroir. That local certification was to be assured by the Prokupac grape. Thus, from the 2006 harvest, the first Ro doslov was created, a blend of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot and 10% Prokupac, a total of about 5,000 litres of wine that macerated for 40 days and then matured for two years in French oak barrels and another two years in large used Slavonian oak barrels with a volume of 4,000 litres. When it was released on the market in 2011, after an additional year spent in the bottle, the wine immediately attracted the attention of local connoisseurs. Praise came from every di rection, and Rodoslov 2006 took first place in the selection of the Best Wines of Serbia that year. Wine is defined by the characteristics of theItclimate.wasthe beginning of a series of successful comparisons with other Serbian wines, which continued with numerous recognitions abroad, but also with another confirmation at home when Rodoslov 2016 repeated its success of the previous year and won the title of the best red wine of “RodoslovSerbia!isactually a wine authored by our oenologist Vladan Nikolić”, explains Božidar Aleksandrović, owner of the winery. “Although we had burgundy blends as a model, specifically several wines from Medoc, we were aware that Cabernet and Merlot cannot give the same From the 2006 harvest, 5,000 litres of the first Rodoslov were created, which was a blend of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot and 10% Prokupac
The Aleksandrović family has been engaged in viticulture and winemaking for more than a hundred years. By the beginning of World War II, they had 30,000 vines, and today they can boast 75 hectares of their own vineyards planted with high-quality grape varieties
14 Charms Of Late Summer 2022
Rodoslov, Wine Ambassador Of Serbia

When asked if they are thinking about re-in troducing Prokupac to Rodoslov, since in the meantime they have planted two hectares of vineyards with this most popular local red variety, our interlocutor gives an affirmative answer.
However, the next edition of Rodoslov from 2009 contained Cabernet Franc instead of Prokupac. The reason was the decision to make this wine only from grapes from their own vineyards. Harvesting was done on three occasions, from specially selected plots from which they obtained the best quality. The result was a particularly powerful wine with pronounced fruitiness, similar to a Bordeaux. The vintage of 2012 was a certain turning point, when the maceration was reduced to 25 to 30 days in order to highlight the elegance and accentuate the fruitiness even more. Thanks to this, Rodoslov from that vintage and the next one from 2013 had the qualities of a New World wine. Immediately after being put on the market, the wine was ready, and the presence of phenols and tannins was more harmoniously integrated. It was the first evolution in the development of Rodoslov. Finally, Rodoslov 2016 went one step further, as the first unfiltered wine from the Aleksan drović winery, which in a way united the stylistic characteristics of all the previous vintages.
Charms Of Late Summer 2022 15 result in Šumadija, because the soil and climate are different. So we had to find a way to define the characteristics of the climate as clearly as possible in the wine. That’s where we got the idea to add Prokupac to the blend, though we didn’t have it in our vineyards at that time, but we sourced top-quality grapes from a 50-yearold vineyard in the vicinity of Stalać.”
“If I had to single out the Rodoslov that best cor responds to the idea that Vlada and I had when we started making this wine, then it would be that vintage,” continues Mr. Aleksandrović. “We took the risk of bottling wine that had not undergone filtration, clarification, or stabilisation, everything that gives us the assurance that it will be micro biologically safe in the bottle. And we took that risk to get a wine that will bear the imprint of the vineyard and the climate even more, because every stabilisation and filtering procedure changes the wine’s style and eliminates part of the originality”. A little more of this wine was produced than in previous vintages, about 10,000 bottles. The winery closely monitors the market’s reactions to it, especially in countries where it is currently exported, first China and then Scandinavia. Today, Rodoslov is found in restaurants in 10-15 countries, from China and Japan, through Europe to the USA.
Rodoslov has become not only the pride of our winery, but also the wine ambassador of Serbia. We don’t produce it in large quantities, but it is a big deal when we see that some experts put it on the lists of the world’s best wines, as was the case in 2017. That year, in Japan, Tasaki Shinya, best sommelier in the world in 1995, ranked Rodoslov 2012 among the five best wines on the Japanese market. That’s a huge recognition for a small wine country. I can’t get more satisfaction than that”, concludes Božidar Aleksandrović in this short story about Rodoslov, noting that the next release of this special wine will be from the 2019 vintage.
“Certainly, certainly. The only reason we haven’t done it already is that we are waiting for the vineyard to reach full strength. So, in about ten years.”
Today, Rodoslov is found in the most prestigious restaurants and hotels of 10-15 countries, from China and Japan, through Russia and Western Europe, to the USA

Charms Of Late Summer 202216 TOURISM Resavska Cave, Photo: Đorđe Marković

17Charms Of Late Summer 2022
Serbia's BeautyUnderground
Stopića Cave, Photo: Sandro Zdravković
The Resavska Cave has as many as eight halls, and each of them holds unique cave jewellry, which is perfectly lit so that the visitors can enjoy the beauty. Due to its long tradition over several decades and its great popularity, the Resavska Cave is the best organized tourist cave in Serbia, even though the temperature in it is only seven degrees throughout the year.
Serbia does not have the longest cave in the world, because that title belongs to the Mammoth Cave in the American state of Kentucky, whose network of underground channels is 240 metres long. Serbia does not even have the most famous cave in the world. The Spaniards can boast of Altamira in the Santander province. Serbia does not even have the deepest cave in the world, because it would be difficult to outdo Krubera in the Georgian moun tain region of Western Caucasus, whose deepest point is at 2,197 metres down, but it doesn’t matter. We also have something to boast of. Serbia has more than 2,000 caves that are rightly considered precious, unique natural treas ures with a plethora of stalactites and stalagmites, magnificent jewellry, underground rivers and waterfalls, incredible figures... Most of the caves are hidden by the mountains in the western and eastern parts of Serbia, so well that only a small number are organized and accessible to visitors.
The title of the most famous speleological pearl of Serbia is rightly held by the widely famous Resavska Cave, one of the most visited tourist destinations and one of the most interesting places in our country. It lies about 20 kilometres from Despotovac, near the Ravanica and Manasija monasteries, surrounded by a beautiful landscape.
Between the villages of Rožanstvo and Trnava, just 20 kilometres from the centre of Zlatibor, known as the “golden mountain”, a slightly different Among the many natural beauties that Serbia can boast of are more than 2,000 caves. Unfortunately, only a small number of them have been explored, arranged and made accessible. While many hidden underground gems are patiently waiting for someone to discover them, others have been attracting the attention of speleologists and tourists for decades, thanks to their magnificent underground halls, corridors, rivers, waterfalls, figures and decorations

Photo: Tomaž Jančar
Charms Of Late Summer 202218
LAZAR’S CAVE Lazar’s Cave is located in eastern Serbia, in the idyllic surroundings of Lazar’s Canyon. It belongs to the poorly explored system of the Zlot caves and is the only speleological object from that entire underground system that is accessible to tourists. Lazar’s Cave is considered the longest speleological system in Serbia, as it is 10,000 metres long, of which only 900 metres are accessible to tourists. It is enough just to see the Throne Hall, the Concert Hall and the Hall of Blocks and to enjoy the cave decorations with interesting names, among them the conductor, the orchestra and the bison, which looks like a petrified animal.
In the immediate vicinity of Ceremošnja, in the area of the nearby village of Ravnište, there is Ravništarka. It is a little longer than Ceremošnja, and equally interesting in terms of the beauty of the jewellry. According to legend, this cave was discovered by fearless and curious village boys who managed to overcome all the obstacles. Thanks to them, tourists can admire the unique wealth of cave jewellry, enjoy the monumentality of the Black Castle hall filled with powerful stone figures Kraljević Marko, Beautiful Ravništarka Girl and Big Heads.
gem is hidden - Stopića Cave. Its five halls hide many beautiful sights that amaze tourists, and it all starts at the very impressive 18-metre tall entrance. There is also a unique underground waterfall, 10 metres high, known as the Source of Life, dugure, large openings in the ceiling, a cone with the unusual name Dogs’ Cemetery, and large “siga” tubs that are the trademark of the Stopića Cave. In these hollows lined with stone walls, water accumulates and overflows in cascades.
Just 15 kilometres from Niš, near the Kamenički Vis picnic area, at the altitude of 515 m, at the place where the Provalija River sinks, you will find Cerjanska Cave. The main corridor of this cave is over three kilometres long, and it is decorated with numerous stalactites, stalagmites, helictites, wavy draperies, cave corals and crystal flowers. Cerjanska Cave has been under state protection since 1955. The path that leads to it is ideal for easy hiking in nature, and at the entrance you can see a small waterfall.
The winding meanders of the river Uvac are one of the biggest attractions in Serbia and one of the most visited tourist spots in our country. In the immediate vicinity is the Uvac cave system, the largest in our country. This system also includes the Ice Cave, which can be reached by boat on the Uvac Lake. In the cave, which has all the elements of an underground castle - decorations, tall pillars Lazar’s Cave,
Ceremošnja, Photo:
On the northeastern slopes of the Homolje mountains, 15 kilometres from Kučevo, near the village of Ceremošnja, after which it got its name, there is the Ceremošnja cave. It was opened to tourists only in 1981, and since then visitors have been able to admire one of the largest and most beautiful halls in Serbia, whose acoustics are so special that it is difficult to find a similar example. The largest hall is called the Arena and it contains the most beautiful examples of cave jewellry. The trademark of Ceremošnja is the cave column On Eternal Watch, and there is also Beautiful Vlajna Girl, a luxurious column made of crystalline, sparkling calcite, the Abyss and Andesite halls decorated with snow-white ceiling jewellry, the opening of the Door reminiscent of altar doors and a whole series of stone formations. The tourist trail is 447 metres long, the cave is dominated by the colour white, created by lime calcite. By the way, Ceremošnja belongs to the living caves, which means that decorations are still being created in it.

BOGOVINSKA CAVE At the bottom of the Kučaj Mountains, near the road Boljevac-Zeječar and the village of Bo govina, there is the Bogovinska Cave, one of the largest and most beautiful in our country. Of the six kilometres discovered so far, only the first few hundred metres have been arranged, so tourists are not recommended to go deeper into the cave. The Bogovinska cave is considered a spring cave, because the Bogovinska river occasionally flows through its middle, the largest part, while the upper part is always without water. What fascinates everyone who enters the Bogovinska Cave is the beautiful cave jewellry.
19 and draperies - there are large tubs of siga from which visitors can drink water.
In the immediate vicinity of Aranđelovac, in gentle Šumadija, there is Risovača. Although it is far smaller than the endless tunnels of Lazar’s Cave, although its jewellry cannot match the decorations of the Resavska Cave, Risovača has been at the very top of the most visited caves in Serbia for a very long time. It was discovered quite by accident, during the collapse of the quarry, but that’s why what it hid immediately grabbed attention of both speleologists and archaeolo gists. Beneath the ground they discovered a large number of fossils, bones and skulls of long-extinct animals, from woolly mammoths, to rhinoceroses and cave lions. The researchers were particularly amazed when they discovered that Neanderthals had also lived in this place.
The entrance to the Ice Cave is located under a steep limestone section, and with side channels its length exceeds 2.5 kilometres.
RAJKO’S CAVE Just 2.5 kilometres from Majdanpek, next to the gold-bearing river Pek, Rajko’s cave is hidden, the only white cave in Serbia, whose decorations look like frozen scenes characteristic of a winter idyll. This speleological pearl abounds in hidden treasures, including the murmur of the clear Ra jko’s River, which echoes through the cave halls, thousands of calcite tubes on the ceilings, ruddy bigrene bathtubs, the Winter Fairytale Hall with a figure of a white bear, and the Crystal Forest Hall adorned with a twinkling lake. Following reconstruction, the two horizons of the Rajko’s Cave are connected, so that visitors can go around the entire complex on a concrete circular path that is beautifully lit.
Ice Cave: Photo: JYB Devot Rajkova Cave, Photo: Sawa Risovača, Photo:Vanilica Bogovinska Cave, Photo: Bubamara94