Wines & Wineries of Serbia

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Wines & Wineries O F

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Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus, born 232AD in the city of Sirmium (today’s Sremska Mitrovica), planted vines on the slopes of Alma Mons (today’s Fruška Gora), ensuring his name is linked with the start of viticulture in Serbia.

The first Serbian encyclopedia of wine “Experienced Cellarman”, authored by famous educator Zachariah Orphelin, dates back to 1783. In it he collected everything that was then known about winemaking, including the famous Bermet wine from Sremski Karlovac.

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Since the 1970s the Institute for Viticulture in Sremski Karlovac has created 21 new varieties of grape and three clones of Italian Riesling.

Serbia currently boasts the following wine routes: Palić, Fruška Gora, Vršac, Smederevo, Oplenac , Negotin, Knjaževac and Župa.

Rajačke Pimnice

Sremski Karlovac

According to the National Institute of Statistics, the average annual consumption of wine per capita in Serbia is between 3.3 and 4 litres. Three of every four bottles of wine consumed in the country are imported!

In Serbia some 700 wines are produced from 30 grape varieties. About 83 per cent of vineyards are located in Central Serbia, with the remaining 17 per cent in Vojvodina.

In the last decades the area of land in Serbia occupied by vineyards has fallen from 70,634 hectares to 30,000 hectares. During the 1980s vineyards covered 120,000 hectares. |

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A Story Yet to be Told 

It used to be thought that only the wine regions of the "Old World", like those of France, were home to the best wine producers. Today, however, new wine markets are increasingly opening around the world, from Andalusia in Spain, to California and Oregon in the United States, the Cape Province in South Africa, Hunter Valley in Australia, Piedmont and Tuscany in Italy, Porto in Portugal etc. It turned out that the world is now more open to discovering new flavours and colours from unfamiliar wine regions, such as Serbia's


hen it comes to the production of wine, Serbia has similar climatic conditions to Bordeaux in France and international experts believe that Serbian wine can compete with European brands in terms of quality. In the last two decades, following the collapse of state wineries, private winemakers have, with great effort and investment, encouraged the renewal of domestic wine production. Speaking to CorD, sommelier and vice president of SERSA (The Association of Sommeliers of Serbia), Đurđa Katić, says, “in

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the last 15 years wine production has developed better than any other industry and it is still growing." Serbian winemakers believe that if domestic wine regions were properly presented and managed to attract those who create the image of a wine region - there is a good chance for Serbia to really become an important wine region on the world map in the next 10 to 30 years. For now, hundreds of small, private wineries have been established and are creating a high quality and distinctive style of wine. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the

Serbia was the first country in the region to begin the transformation of the geographical origin of wines with marks of different colours

system of geographical origin of wine in Serbia currently includes 64 wine producers with a total of 203 types of wine with certified geographical origin. At this summer’s prestigious Decanter 2014 World Wine Awards held in London, the 2011 Stari Zavet (Old Testament) wine from the Janko wine cellar in Sombor brought Serbia the historical title of regional winner among the red wines of Europe. At the same competition last year, in competition against as many as 14,362 wines from 52 countries, Serbian wines picked up a

historic record number of Decanter medals – as many as 17 (4 silver, 13 bronze, 18 recommendations). Among the most successful were – The Janko Cellar from Smederevo, Aleksandrović Winery, Zvonko Bogdan Winery, The Small Radovanović Cellar, Aleksić wine cellar from Vranje, Matalj Winery, Rajković Brothers Cellar, DiBonis from Subotica and the wineries Molovin and Belo Brdo from Ćeranić. Although we are still awaiting gold, these successes clearly show the possibilities of Serbian winemaking and potential private viticulture. As for the road to success, Serbia still has a long way to go.

Renewal of viticulture tradition

Serbia was once known for producing high quality wines, but various social turmoils throughout history have led to this sector being neglected. The first law on wine was passed way back in the time of the Nemanjić dynasty. During that era the leaders of production were the monasteries, while many rulers owned large vineyards. The most glorious period for Serbian wines was from the 18th to the late 19th centuries. During that time wines emerged in Serbia that found their way to the tables of most European courts.

for private producers, permitting them only to sell their grapes to large wineries or produce wine “for their own soul”. All the way until the 1990s there was around 100,000 hectares of vineyards in Serbia. But then began their constant decrease as a result of the collapse of major state wineries, an inability to sell grapes and a poor overall economic situation. In Serbia today, according to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC), there are around 30,000 hectares of vineyards. Production and processing of grapes is dealt with by about 120,000 households. It is estimated that about 83 per cent of perennial wine grape vines are located in central Serbia, while around 17 per cent are in Vojvodina. However, the government has in the last decade encouraged the renewal of the country’s winemaking tradition through subsidies and, according to expert estimates, wine could be an export ace for Serbia.

Harmonisation with EU winemaking regulations

The Ministry of Agriculture has launched a series of measures for the recovery of viticulture in Serbia. A new law on wine has been adopted and envisages the further development of Serbian wine on the basis of free market

Our chance are vineyards of 30,000 to 40,000 hectares with vines that will provide top quality grapes and wines with protected geographical origin and stamps The first Serbian encyclopedia of wine "Experienced Cellarman", compiled by famous educator Zachariah Orfelin, dates from 1783. For the book Orfelin collected everything that was known about winemaking, including the famous Bermet from Sremski Karlovci. Some 150 years ago this wine was exported to the United States and, according to some sources, was also on the wine list of the ill-fated Titanic. This wine has a very specific flavour, sweet and aromatic, and during its production more than 20 different herbs and spices are added. At the end of World War II the reconstruction of the country was a priority, which did not include the restoration of vineyards. During this period the Government of the People's Republic of Serbia established state wineries – 1950 "Navip", based on the existing Bruno Mozer wine cellar in Zemun, "Rubin" in Kruševac in 1955 and "Vinožupa" in Aleksandrovac in 1957. These were bad times for individual producers. In addition to nationalisation and land confiscation, these producers no longer had anywhere to sell their wines. The peak came with the law of 1970, which banned winemaking outright

principles, defined geographic origin, wine quality and family businesses. A vineyard and winery registry has been established according to EU standards and represents a census of local vineyards. Serbia was the first country in the region to begin the transformation of the geographical origin of wines. Marks of different colours have been introduced – green, red, purple – which differentiate between each category or sub-category of wines with indications of geographical origin. Top quality wine with controlled and guaranteed geographical origin and quality is |

According to expert estimates, wine could be an export ace for Serbia

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dicated by a purple label and the tag "K.G.P.K.", which means that its geographical origin and quality is controlled and guaranteed. In addition to harmonising legal regulations, in the last few years significant resources have been invested

What does Serbia have to offer foreign markets? In Serbia 700 types of wine are produced from 30 grape varieties, while in terms of colour they can be divided into red, white and rosé, and in terms of category they incude high quality wines with certified geographic origin, top quality wines with certified geographic origin, table wines and table wines with certified geographic origin. Trypes of wine differentiate depending on the region

Grape production in the period from 2008 to 2013 totalled an average of 340,000 tonnes annually

Wines from our area are characterised by their light-green or greenishyellow colour

in viticulture, in order to improve breeding of the highest quality grape varieties and pave the way for Serbian wine to penetrate the international market. The Ministry of Agriculture also provides grants of €12,000 per hectare for planting vines. Subsidizing each seedling on up to 10 hectares of vineyards is envisaged, as well as the registered farm returning 40 per cent of the funds, which are invested. At the same time, the state is willing to set aside up to €20,000 euros for investments worth up to €50,000. However, the process of growing vines is long and from planting to higher yields requires six to ten years.

Screwcap Extends Wine Freshness

of Serbia. A large number of vineyards are located next to three major rivers - the South Morava, West Morava and Great Morava, while in central Serbia and Vojvodina they are near the rivers Sava, Tisza and Danube. In central Serbia red grape varieties are represented, while in Vojvodina grapes are grown that provide high-quality white wines. Wines from our area are characterised by their light-green or greenish-yellow colour. They are light, with moderate alcohol content, a dry taste and less sugar. For winemakers an important issue is how to make the best use of natural resources and the available terrain, as well as deciding which variety of vines to plant in order to produce wines interesting to Europe. According to sommelier Đurđe Katic, "every foreigner, on a business trip or private visit to Serbia, prefers to opt for local wines and is particularly interested in those very specific, unique wines made from autothonic varieties." Since the 1970s the Institute for Viticulture in Sremski Karlovac has created 21 varieties of grapes and three clones of Italian reisling. The most interesting varieties have proven to be Sila, Probus and Neoplanta, while Panonija and Morava are interesting for organic production

One of the pioneers in the application of threaded caps in Serbia is the Zvonko Bogdan Winery from Subotica, which this year switched entirely to using the Screwcap – the latest threaded caps – on its white and rosé wines

The battle for caps has been one of the burning issues in the global wine industry for over the past five or six years. And while traditionalists fear the threaded metal cap, some of the fastest-growing wine industries are applying this technology for sealing wines. Proponents of the latest threaded caps emphasise their convenience, especially for wines not intended for long aging. Moreover, a large number of studies, but also examples in practice, have shown that the screwcap is much better at retaining the freshness of the wine compared to a traditional cork. The real cause of the increasingly mass introduction of the screwcap is TCA (2,4,6-tribromoanisole), a chemical compound that usually enters the wine due to a tainted cork. The result is the emergence of an odour in the wine that is reminiscent of mould, known as "cork taint". Positive changes can be detected on the Serbian wine scene by the fact that an increasing number of wine producers are selecting precisely the screwcap.

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due to their high level of resistance. However, until a few years ago it was difficult to convince Serbian producers that it would be a good idea to start producing wine from domestic varieties. However, in the last few years winemakers have slowly changed their attitude. Nevertheless, another group of wine experts considers that when it comes to Serbian wines for foreign markets we should not avoid international varieties. Diversity in the relief and microclimates of Serbia provides the possibility for the successful cultivation of the majority of the most popular varieties. For instance, it is known that Chardonnay and Pinot Noir achieve superior quality in eastern Serbia, that the whole of Mount Fruška Gora and Vršac Breg hill are perfect for white varieties, that Levač is the place for Merlot, Frankovka and Pinot Noir. And from Leskovac to Vranje the land is made for Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. According to the Association of Winemakers of Shumadia, "viticulture in Serbia has a lot to offer for-

There are nine wine routes of Serbia that have so far been defined - Palić, Fruška Gora, Vršac, Šumadija, Smederevo-Belgrade, Negotin, Župa, Niš-Kragujevac and Kosovo

eign buyers, but there are problems of quantity and our only chance is for vineyards of 30,000 to 40,000 hectares with vines that will provide top quality grapes and wines with protected geographical origin and stamps." According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, grape production in the period from 2008 to 2013 totalled an average of 340,000 tonnes annually. Furthermore, for now Serbia has not yet reached its wine export quota of 37,600 hectolitres envisaged by the EU.

Wine tourism in Serbia France, Italy and Spain are the biggest wine producing countries in Europe. Their local wine routes are travelled by millions of tourists annually, while wineries make multimillion profits from tourist visits. An old Roman proverb says: "In order to meet a nation sit at its table, try its food and drink its wine, then you will get to know what those people are like." Under the auspices of the project initiated by the Ministry of the Economy, nine wine routes of Serbia have so far been defined - Palić, Fruška Gora, Vršac, Šumadija, Smederevo-Belgrade, Negotin, Župa, Niš-Kragujevac and Kosovo. They are becoming an important link in the development of rural tourism, while tourists and all wine lovers can, during the traditional "wine months" from September to November, visit wineries, wine cellars and thematic museums, but also the largest commercial and tourist events in the glory of the grape harvest, such as – Smederevo Autumn (Smederevo), Vintage Days (Palić), Pudarski Days (Irig), Grape Picking Days (Vršac), Župa Harvest (Aleksandrovac) and Karlovac grape harvest (Sremski Karlovac). In our country, where the culture of rakia brandy, followed by beer, is much more prevalent, wine culture has only recently become interesting. And although creating a wine culture is a long and slow process, it is a particularly important and necessary link in the creation of the identity of a country. That’s why we are yet to tell the story of Serbian wine. 

Among the World’s Best Wines

Chardonnay and Pinot Noir achieve superior quality in eastern Serbia

The Janko Wine Cellar is currently building a new winery equipped with state-of-the-art technology in the most beautiful part of Smederevo

Among fierce competition to be declared the world’s best wine, the 2011 vintage of “Stari Zavet” (Old Testament) wine won a gold medal at this year’s prestigious Decanter Wine Awards in London, as well as the Regional Trophy for Central and Eastern Europe. The Janko Wine Cellar, which has existed since 2006, produces six different wines using to the latest technology, which entails aging in stainless steel casks and traditional Barrique barrels. The winery’s stand out red wines include - “Crveni Zapis” (Red Record), made from the Merlot variety, “Zapis” (Testament)", a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc, and the wine “Stari Zavet” (Old Testament), which brought Janko its first gold medal at the prestigious Decanter competition in London and its first regional trophy. Among the white wines, alongside "Smederevka", other highlights include “Vrtlog” (Vortex) and “Misija” (Mission). These wines, which win numerous awards in Serbia and elsewhere in the world, emerge from the varieties Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer, Riesling, Smederevka, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc, from fertile vineyards that stretch over 14 hectares of land in the Smederevo area, which has a long winemaking tradition. |

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Only Top Quality Wines Stand a Chance 

The proprietor and director of the Oplenac-based Aleksandrović Winery, Božidar Aleksandrović, has brought back to Serbia global awards for his winery's top quality wines and is rightly regarded as one of the leaders of the new “wine movement”, comprising local winemakers from this region who are conquering the world


Božidar Aleksandrović,

Proprietor and Director of Aleksandrović Winery d.o.o.

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umerous awards from national and international events make the Aleksandrović Winery a globally recognisable Serbian brand. In 2014 alone the winery won several gold, silver and bronze medals at the most prestigious global and regional wine competitions, like Decanter and the International Wine Challenge, both of which take place in London, and Chardonnay du Monde in France, the Balkan International Wine Competition in Bulgaria and Slovenia’s Wine Ljubljana. The hills around Oplenac have been a vine growing region since ancient times. During Roman rule Vincea (also known as Vinica in medieval times and Vinča today) was the symbol of the centuries-old dedication the locals demonstrated when it comes to vine growing and winemaking. In the early 20th century the Venčac Wine Cooperative was established in the close proximity of Vinča, followed by the cultivating of vineyards by kings Petar and Aleksandar Karađorđević and the opening a wine cellar which made the Oplenac wines famous all over Europe. The Aleksandrović Family has been in the vine growing and winemaking business for over a century and since the very beginning they’ve cooperated with royal vine growers and winemakers. The family was also among the founders of the Venčac Wine Cooperative. The Aleksandrović Wine Cellar had its first vintage in 1991, when the winery also launched its original label. In the next year the winery developed its original signature wine, royal wine cellarman Živan Tadić. This is also the time when the winery started to bottle the Trijumf wine, which quickly became recognised far and wide as a top quality wine, taking the number one position among wines from our region.

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 Considering your winery’s export results, it seems Serbian wines are finally starting to gain their position on the global market. How can Serbia export even more wine and what are the market advantages of Serbian wines?

- We need to listen intently to the market and carefully follow its trends. The aim of every winemaker should be to develop an identity for their wines, as well as adjusting to consumer tastes. Globally speaking, consumers are overwhelmed with the French, Spanish and Italian wines and they want something new. I think the fact Serbia is still not recognised as a winemaking country is both our advantage and our obstacle. We are considered very exotic at the moment and that should be our trump card. In the last ten years there was a resurgence of family winemaking in Serbia. Our climate and land facilitate

The highest quality wines are sold at auction for exuberant prices. That’s why quality is the only chance that Serbia and other winemaking countries have

the production of top quality wines. To corroborate this claim, allow me to say that in the last five to six years the wines from our winery have ranked high on the wine lists of prestigious hotels and restaurants from Japan, China and Russia, to Europe and America.

 What is Serbia’s position today in terms of wine production and who are our biggest global competitors?

- In my opinion, good wine has no competition. Hence, whoever manages to achieve the right quality will be successful in this industry. In Europe some 30% of wine remains unsold and subsequently distilled into alcohol. This

is so-called quantity, mass produced wine, and not top quality examples. The top quality wines are sold at auctions for exuberant prices. That’s why quality is the only chance that Serbia and other winemaking countries have.

 What do you think the state should do in order to ad-

vance the production and sale of Serbian wines both at home and abroad? How much protection does the state give to domestic winemakers?

- We, as winemakers, have to be proud of our product and have to allow it to shine as brightly as possible. However, it is up to the state to create an environment where the idiosyncrasies of a new wine region, like Serbia, could be presented in the best possible way. Serbian winemakers cannot do that alone. That’s why

it is important for all institutions – from the government and ministries to tourist organisations and embassies – to get on board with the project. Only with synchronised help from the state in presenting Serbian wines at international fairs, presentations and tasting sessions in our diplomatic offices and embassies, as well as bringing in media familiar with wines and winemaking, and attracting potential buyers, are we going to be able to make the next step forward and make a good deal.

 Serbia cultivates the world’s most common grape va-

rieties, as well as local indigenous and emerging varies. What development direction should the Serbian wine industry take?

- In the future those indigenous Serbian varieties are going to attract most attention, but the international varieties, which are responsible for top quality wines and have completely adapted to our climate, are still going to be the most popular. Since consumers are on a constant quest for new aromas and tastes, the creativity of oenologists is of the utmost importance, along with respecting tradition and old recipes. Furthermore, the excellent properties of our climate contribute to the creation of a strong foundation for wines from ‘the new Serbian wine movement’ to stem from.

 This year the Šumadija Winemaking Association, which you chair, held the first Šumadija Wine Festival. How big is Šumadija's tourist potential as a wine destination?

- Wine tourism doesn’t only imply touring vineyards, wine cellars, wine festivals and wine exhibitions, but also ‘tasting’ the past, getting to know the customs and enjoying beautiful nature. If you add to this mix local cuisine, it becomes a one-of-a-kind experience. This is where Šumadija has huge potential. We have beautiful hills and glades and a climate suitable for fruit and grape growing. We are only an hour’s drive from an international airport and 80km from Belgrade. Šumadija is brimming with historic monuments. Oplenac is home to the Royal Winery which, back in the day, was the nucleus of development of the

Only with synchronised help from the state in presenting Serbian wines we will be able to take the next step forward and make a good deal

contemporary Serbian wine industry in the early 20th century. Today Šumadija boasts 13 or 14 private wineries that will form the backbone of the development of wine tourism in the future.

 The Aleksandrović Winery is very successful and your wines have been awarded many times at prestigious national and international competitions. What is your development strategy based on?

- Creating symbiosis between our climate, our land and our grape varieties, coupled with continuous hard work, provide the fabric of our wines. Our motto is quality and the perpetuation of the same. The Aleksandrović Winery today owns 75 hectares of its own vineyards and we mainly produce wines from our own grapes. The constant quest for all idiosyncrasies of a certain area is the one of the best moments you could have in this industry. That’s why winemaking is such a creative, uncharted art form.  |

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— W I N E AT E L I E R S H A PAT —

Winery of the Future 

Wine, like food, is experienced by all the senses, and Wine Atelier Shapat strives to enchant them all, with unique winery and an exceptional restaurant


n one of the most beautiful parts of Serbia, on the slopes of Mount Fruška Gora near Stari Slankamen, hidden among vineyards, Wine Atelier Shapat is located – a modern winery with a tasting room, top class restaurant and luxury apartments. Here they have been combined to form a single experience, as the realisation of the dream of wine and food lovers, hedonists and those who truly respect nature and art. Wine Atelier Shapat is a young winery with fresh and powerful ideas, defined in the clear vision, experience and wisdom of the founders, who built the foundations and are now living the vision. Their mission lies in the production of excellent wines from their own

"Shapat" is a place that needs to be enjoyed, a place to gather with family members and friends, meet business associates, but primarily share with good people 72 |

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vineyards, utilising exceptional Italian knowledge and local tradition, as well as special service and nurturing nature and art. As the winery’s owners believe, with the combination of tradition and the art of old masters and crafts, master equipment, as well as the vast potential of our region, they can produce the best. Atelier Shapat wine!

The very first purposely limited harvest came in September 2012. Then, one year later, the first big harvest marked the beginning of all creation. From October 2013 until today, Wine Atelier Shapat has offered wine lovers five kinds - Our first wine made from 100% Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Rosé and the red blend Pi, while a new red wine is expected this autumn. With great anticipation, they wait for each new encounter. Then, they share the pleasure with friends and partners. Wine, like food, is experienced by all the senses, and they strive to enchant them all! The exceptional restaurant offer is inspired by surrounding vineyards, the silent flow of the Danube and the finest products, which are turned into the most delicious dishes by the chefs. This tranquil location, hidden and quiet, is the ideal venue for weddings, corporate meetings and various family and business gatherings. "Shapat" is a place that needs to be enjoyed, a place to gather with family members and friends, meet business associates, but primarily share with good people. It is a place where you come to feel and enjoy the nicer side of life. Everything is supported by the owners” overwhelming desire to share this piece of paradise with others, hence the effort to establish a special club of Wine Atelier Shapat lovers, with membership which will make each member feel very privileged. This remarkable sanctuary in nature has its perfect

match in the capital, where for years guests have enjoyed award winning grand service at the unique urban style luxury boutique hotel of the highest class - Townhouse 27. For four consecutive years it has been awarded the highest awards for impeccable service – 5 full circles (Certificate of Excellence - 5 circles of excellence), awarded by world famous web portal

For four consecutive years Townhouse 27 has received the highest awards for its impeccable service Townhouse 27 proudly retains its title as the best hotel in Belgrade and its elegant and extraordinarily large luxury rooms offer extreme comfort. An exclusive location, modern architecture and rich history complemented by works of art and sculptures, leave a truly unique impression of space and harmony. 

Wine Atelier Shapat

Počenta bb, Novi Slankamen Mob: +381.69.607906 Email:

Hotel Townhouse 27

Marsala Birjuzova 56, Beograd Tel. + 381.11.2022900 E-mail: |

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 Serbian Winery

Wine Cellar Aleksandrović Topola 34310, Vinča -Oplenac Tel: + 381 (0) 34 826 555

Wine Cellar Vinski dvor Horgoški put 221, Hajdukovo Tel: +381(0)24 758 400 Mob +381(0)63 855 49 29 E-mail: vinskidvor.od@open.

Wine Cellar Radovanović Dositejeva 10, 11319 Krnjevo, Srbija Tel: +381 (0) 26 821 085 E-mail: podrumradovanovic@

Wine Cellar Radenković Trnavci, 37230 Aleksandrovac Tel: +381 (0) 37 764-058 E- mail:

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Wine Cellar Probus

Wine Cellar Miletić

Matoševa 32, Sremski Karlovci Tel:+381(0)63 / 80 79 098 E-mail:

Oparić, 35267 Oparić E-mail:

Fax: +381 11 2450 605 Mob: +381 64 195 15 46 E-mail:

Wine Cellar Dibonis

Wine Cellar Budimir

Tuk Ugarnice 14, Subotica Tel: +381 (0) 24 546 067 E-mail:

Borjanska 23, Aleksandrovac Tel: +381 37 751649 E-mail:

Wine Cellar Nedin Gortanova 22, Gudurica Tel:+381 ( 0) 13 881 118 E-mail:

Wine Cellar Mačkov kamen Zanatski centar bb, Irig Tel: +381 (0) 22 462 492 E-mail:

Wine Cellar Kuzmanović Ulica Vojvode Živojina Mišića 11, Beočin Tel: +381 (0) 21 876-153 Mob +381 (0) 64 287-3117

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Wine Cellar Vršački vinogradi

Wine Cellar Kovačević

Svetosavski trg 1, 26300 Vršac Tel: +381 (0) 13 821-835 E-mail:

Đoke Šundukovića 85, Irig Tel: +381 (0)22 461 192 E-mail:

Wine Cellar Zvonko Bogdan

Wine Cellar Rubin

Kanjiški put 45, Palić Tel: +381 (0) 24 415 02 75

Wine Cellar Panajotović Sanje Živanovića br. 5, Beograd Tel: +381 11 2455 166

Nade Marinković 57, Kruševac Tel:+381 ( 0) 37 412 - 699 E-mail:

Wine Cellar Živković Vojvode Putnika bb, Inđija Tel: +381 (0) 18 519 260 E-mail


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Winery Vinum Lodi

Winery Jović

Njegoševa 36, Feketić Tel: +381 ( 0) 24 738 276

Spasoja Milkića 32, Knjaževac Tel: + 381 (0) 19 732 770

Winery Milijan Jelić Bujačić bb, Valjevo Tel: +381 (0) 14 291 143

Winery Dulka Poštanska 8, Sremski Karlovci Tel: +381 (0) 21 571 711

Winery Vindulo Baranji Karolja 17, Temerin Tel: +381 (0) 21 843 773

Winery Vrbica Vrbica bb, Aranđelovac Tel: +381 (0) 34 725-805

Winery Milutinović Grčkoškolska 7, Novi Sad Tel: +381 (0) 21 425 976

Matalj Winery

Wine Cellar Braća Rajković Gornje Zleginje, Aleksandrovac Tel: + 381 (0) 37 764 453

Winery Burčel - Todorov Tunislava Paunovića 6, Petrovaradin Tel: +381 (0) 21 643 16 40

Kladovski put bb, Negotin Tel: +381 (0) 19 522 828

Winery Janko Šalinačka bb, Smederevo Tel: + 381 (0) 26 613 340

Wine Cellar Aleksić Industrijski blok 9, Vranje Tel: + 381 (0) 17 446 243

Winery Art Wine Nićifora Novakovića 13a, Grošnica Tel: + 381 (0) 34 328 528

Winery Čoka Vinoprodukt Čoka Korzo 1, Subotica Tel: +381 (0) 24 557 940

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Wine Cellar do kraja sveta Žarka Zrenjanina 13, Kovilj Tel: + 381 (0) 21 298 99 77

Winery House Spasić Tržac bb, Aleksandrovac Tel: + 381 ( 0) 37 751 353

Winery Vinastra Prvomajska 21, Ilandža Tel: + 381 (0) 63 817 49 20

Winery Kiš Karlovačkog mira 46, Sremski Karlovci Tel: + 381 (0) 21 882 880

Winery Ivanović 10. avgusta 18, Aleksandrovac Tel: + 381 ( 0) 37 555 033

Winery Župa Kruševačka 36, Aleksandrovac Tel: + 381 (0) 37 355 24 09

Winery Stemina Pana Đukića 2, Trstenik Tel: + 381 (0) 37 711 694

Winery Vinovita Sinđelićeva 8, Beograd Tel: +381 ( 0) 11 245 51-66

Vinski Dvor Horgoški put 221, Hajdukovo Tel: + 381 ( 0) 24 758 400

Wine Cellar Selecta Otona Župančića 73, Gudurica Tel: + 381 ( 0) 13 805 359

Wine Cellar Botunjac

Winery House Miljković selo Gornje Rataje, Aleksandrovac Tel: + 381 ( 0) 37 763 107

Status Winery Vasilija Anđelkovića 165a, Svrljig Tel: + 381 (0) 18 822 075

Despot Winery Nikodijević

selo Donje Zleginje, Aleksandrovac Tel: + 381 ( 0) 37 764 391

Stenjevac bb, Stenjevac Tel: + 381 (0) 35 863 33 26

Vitis Vino - Vino Jelenković

Wine Cellar Benišek

Mire Vinklajt 17, Negotin Tel: + 381 ( 0) 19 542 500

Mitropolita Stratimirovića 72, Sremski Karlovci Tel: + 381 ( 0) 21 881 605


Wine Cellar Skovin

Fruškogorska bb, Banoštor Tel: + 381 (0) 21 879 145

15. Korpus broj 3, Skopje Tel: +389 02 3145-701; E-mail:;

Winery Pusula Milutina Milankovića 25b, Novi Beograd Tel: + 381 (0) 11 711 31 03

Winery Tonković Bački vinogradi bb, Subotica Tel: + 381 ( 0) 24 753 232

Wine Cellar Tikveš 810 bb, Skopje Tel: + 389 2 3175 966 E-mail:

Atelje vina Šapat

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6, Novi Sad Tel: + 381 (0) 21 423 720

Počenta bb, Novi Slankamen Tel: +381(0)69 607 079 +381 (0)69 607 906 E-mail:

Winery Belo Brdo

Podrum vina Bogunović

Quet Wine

Sremska bb, Čerević Tel: + 381 ( 0) 63 507 555 |

Ugrinovački put 11, Zemun Tel: + 381 (0) 11 375 0501

119 September 2014 | 77

The Zvonko Bogdan Winery has opened its doors to all lovers and admirers of wine. We invite you to step into the world of wine, discover the secrets of wine, rich colours and flavours... Unique atmosphere, great wines – a haven for hedonists.


Contact: Kranjiški put 45, Palić

Tel: + 381 24 415 02 75 Mob: +381 62 789 980

Follow us: 78 |

119 September 2014 |


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