3 minute read

Anastasia Cvetković Čučulis, CFO

Meet The Best CFO



The Association of Financial Directors of Serbia, the largest Serbian organization of financial professionals, in cooperation with the consulting and auditing firm Deloitte, awarded a prestigious recognition to Anastasia Cvetković Čučulis at Dijamant, a regional leader

Iowe my success to all partners, suppliers, for many years of high quality cooperation. On the other hand, I am proud to be part of an extremely important investment project - the construction of a new factory for the production of raw and edible oil in Zrenjanin - says the best financial director in 2021.

First of all, we would like to congratulate you on being named the best financial director, and then we would like to ask you to tell us more about this award. It must mean a lot to you.

Being chosen as the best financial director of the year is an extraordinary honour, especially when such recognition comes from the profession, from the largest Serbian organization of financial professionals. With the honour inevitably comes responsibility, to justify results and expectations, to continue with even greater motivation. As a regional leader, our company works through a chain of associates with equal importance for achieving the goal, which is first and foremost the continuous supply of Diamant’s products to the market.

I owe my success to all partners, suppliers, for many years of fine cooperation. On the other hand, I would like to point out that I am proud that Fortenova, of which the Zrenjanin plant is the largest producer of edible oil, has entrusted me with such an important management function and that I am part of an extremely important investment project: the construction of a new factory for the production of raw and edible oil in Zrenjanin.

Awards for the best managers in finance have for years been reserved for your male colleagues. Does this mean that women are getting better at their jobs and that there are more and more of them in these positions?

The world of business is generally used to men occupying managerial po-

The key to success is developing high quality two-way communication, caring about common goals and focusing on their outcomes

sitions, but the fact is that the number of women driven by ambition is increasing. I am pleased that you see me as someone who continues to proves herself and that this award is also an indication that the divisions between men’s and women’s jobs have been overcome. Jobs that are traditionally believed to be men’s are available to women today, and I am sure that success is not guaranteed by gender, but by dedication and constant improvement of personal performance.

You have years of experience in managerial positions in finance, and you have a great team of forty staff. Do you have the impression that you were born to be a leader? What do all leaders have in common, regardless of gender?

Those years of professional experience that you mention taught me that behind every accomplished leader, there is a team of dedicated and engaged colleagues. My opinion is that all good team leaders share one characteristic: awareness that personal success is inextricably linked to the motivation of their team. I strive, from my personal position, to inspire and set a positive example for employees, and for us to push the boundaries together. Besides, the key to success is developing high quality two-way communication, caring about common goals and focusing on their outcomes. The task of the leader is to maintain a positive attitude in the whole team. This is of great importance for successfully completing business obligations and managing the complex processes we face.

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