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Eating out

Objectives: At the end of the unit you will be able to: Interpret written and oral language related to restaurant situations by reading and listening to input from peers and others in order to communicate in an effective way. Produce spoken and written texts related to ordering food, making, accepting and refusing invitations, using polite expressions, as well as showing possession by using the acquired language in order to interact adequately with others.


Unit 4 Eating Out








Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Language used to order food in a restaurant

Polite expressions in a restaurant



Review of expressions to make, accept and refuse invitations

Unit Guidelines In this unit you will be able to identify language used in a restaurant, order food, scan a menu and recognize expressions used by servers in the restaurant business. You will also be able to make, accept and refuse an invitation. You will understand how to use possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives.

Introduction: Hands on! In this unit, you will work on a project called “Restaurant review”. In this project you will pretend that you work for a well-known food and restaurant magazine, and your job is to be a restaurant critic and write reviews about them in the latest magazine editions. By the end of this unit, you will have learned new vocabulary words, made a dialogue, and written a short article for your company describing your experience in a restaurant.

192 English - Tenth Grade


Lesson 1

Unit Four

Would you like to see the menu? Getting started!

What is your favorite dish?

Where is the drinks section on a menu? Where is the special for the day on a menu?

Achievement indicators I can successfully scan a menu for different dishes.

I can creatively write a restaurant menu with appropriate vocabulary.

Conversation and more Listen to and read the following conversation. Look up any new words in a dictionary. Would you like to see a menu? Yes, please. Here you go. Let me know if you have any questions. Well, actually, here it says that you have a grilled chicken sandwich and fries for $4. 50. What does that include? A: That includes french fries and coleslaw. B: Is the drink separate? A: Yes, the drink is not included in the price. It costs $1.50. B: Your menu says that you also offer baked potatoes. Can I have that instead? A: Yes, ma’m, if you’d like you can substitute your fries for a baked potato. B: Really? And that would be for the same price? A: Yes, ma’m. And today if you buy a sandwich, you get a dessert for half the price. B: Perfect, I don’t see cheesecake on your dessert menu. Do you have any? A: B: A: B:

Glossary: To die for: an expression used to describe food that is very delicious. Coleslaw: a salad made from chopped cabbage.


Well, we have chocolate cheesecake. Would you like to try it? B: Sure, also your menu mentions your famous chicken soup. Do you recommend it? A: Yes, ma’m. It is to die for! B: Really? Okay, bring me a cup of soup too, please. A:



Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Carla wants to see the menu. The restaurant didn’t have a grilled chicken sandwich and fries. The dish included french fries and coleslaw. The drink wasn’t included with the dish. If Carla ordered a sandwich, she had to pay the full price for her dessert.

Bed of rice: the meat or fish is laying on top of rice. Sides: the smaller portions of food such as vegetables or french fries.

Tenth Grade - English 193

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary

Study the following adjectives used to describe food. Can you think of any food that these words describe?

Bitter: sour.

It is the opposite of sweet. Delicious: tasty, appetizing, scrumptious, and yummy. Juicy: succulent, luscious, thirst quenching, moist, ripe. Mouthwatering: that savory, delicious food which gets you salivating. Salty: one of the basic tastes. Sour: one of the basic tastes. It is acid, lemon-like or vinegary.


has the piquant, hot, fiery, burning taste of spices. Strong tasting: highly flavored. A strong wine is high in alcoholic content. Succulent: juicy, moist, tender, and lush. It is the opposite of dry. Sweet: syrupy, candied, sugar coated, or honeyed. Tasteless: the opposite of tasteful. It is food that is flavorless, dull and weak. Yummy: great tasting, much more than tasty, really appetizing, and lip-smacking. Tasty: also yummy! It is delicious. Spicy:


Categorize the following list of food according to the adjectives that best describe it. Food lemons honey ice cream bananas coffee butter cheese tamarindo jalapeños


Spicy Bitter Salty Sweet Sour Oily Creamy X


Match the phrases said by the waiter on the left to the responses said by the costumer on the right.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Waiter Tonight we have jalapeno steak. Did you enjoy your dinner? How would you like that cooked? Would you like soup or saad? Are you ready to order, sir? Will you be having dessert tonight?

194 English - Tenth Grade


Customer I’ll have the creamy chicken soup. What are the specials? A spicy steak sounds perfect. Yes, I’d like some lemon pie. Yes, it was very delicious. Medium well please. I like it juicy.


UNIT 4 Time to read Read the menu below. If you are not familiar with these foods, look them up.

Menu from Patty’s Famous Pizza


Answer the following questions. How much are the cheese sticks? What are they served with? 2. How many kinds of fruit are in the fruit salad? How is the fruit salad served? 3. What is the chicken alfredo served with? 4. How many people does the pizza serve? 5. How much do the jalapeño peppers cost? How many jalapeño peppers come in an order? 6. What is the cheapest thing on the menu? 1.

Appetizers Cheesy Garlic Bread Hot Peppers Cheese Sticks

$ 2.00 $ 2.25 $ 3.00

Entrees Lasagna Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Alfredo

$ 4.50 $ 8.00 $ 6.50

Desserts Apple Pie Chocolate Cake Fruit Salad

$ 1.50 $ 2.50 $ 1.50




Match the food on the left with the corresponding descriptions on the right. Food 1 Cheesy Garlic Bread


2 Hot Peppers


3 Cheese Sticks 4 Lasagna 5 Pepperoni Pizza


6 Chicken Alfredo


7 Apple Pie 8 Chocolate Cake


9 Fruit Salad


Descriptions Thin crust pizza topped with fresh cheese and spicy pepperoni. Serves four people. Lightly toasted bread with garlic butter and melted mozzarella cheese. Fried mozzarella cheese sticks with a side of spicy tomato sauce. A variety of seven types of fresh, sweet fruit. Served cold. Linguini noodles covered in a white cheese sauce and topped with grilled chicken. Served with garlic bread and a side salad. Five stuffed jalapeño peppers lightly fried with a side of cool ranch dressing. Rich homemade white pound cake drizzled with chocolate. Seven layered noodle dish filled with cheese and hamburger meat and covered with a spicy tomato sauce. Homemade pie served a la mode.

Glossary: Slices: a thin, flat piece cut from something. A la mode: topped with ice cream.


Tenth Grade - English 195


Conversation and more


Listen to and read the following conversation. Look for key vocabulary used to order food in a restaurant. Look up any new vocabulary in a dictionary. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:


Put the following short conversations in the correct order.

Conversation 1

Hi. How are you doing this evening? Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please? Certainly, here you are. Thank you. What’s today’s special? Homemade spaghetti and meatballs. That sounds tasty. I’ll have that. Would you like something to drink? Yes, I’d like a soda. Thank you. Here is your dinner. Enjoy your meal! Thank you. Would you like dessert? No thanks. I’d like the check, please. That’ll be $8.75. Here you are. Keep the change! Thank you! Have a good day!

__ Thank you. __ Yes. Can I have a hamburger, please? __ Can I help you? __ Here you are.

Conversation 2 __ Bye. __ Yes. Can I have a glass of orange juice, please? __ Can I help you? __ Sorry, I haven’t got any orange juice. __ OK! Bye.

Conversation 3 __ Thank you. __ I would like the kids chicken fingers and fries. __ Yes, I would like to know if you have a children’s menu? __ Yes we do, here it is. __ Can I help you? __ Okay.



Match the following questions and statements with the appropriate responses. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Thanks for the great service! Could I have the check, please? Can I get you anything else? Where are the restrooms? Can I see a menu? Would you like dessert? This looks delicious! Could you tell me your specials? Would you like an appetizer? Here is your dinner.

196 English - Tenth Grade


Yes, would you bring me some coffee? Of course, I will bring you one right away. Good, I hope that you enjoy your meal! Yes, I would like a brownie a la mode. Of course, tonight we have seafood pasta. Yes, could I please start with today’s soup. My pleasure, have a good day! Wow, that was fast! They are to the left of the main entrance. That’ll be $12.50.


UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Look at the dishes that you may find in a restaurant. How often do you eat them?


fresh summer salsa

egg and cheese sandwich


beef soft taco

chicken tenders



Choose the two main ingredients needed to make each dish. 1.




9. french fries with ketchup pizza 5. ham and cheese sandwich A. potatoes A. noodles A. pork B. cheese B. cheese B. cheese C. onions C. tomatoes C. corn D. tomatoes D. apples D. rice 10. shrimp cocktail spaghetti and meatballs 6. fruit salad A. lemons A. corn A. apples B. shrimp B. noodles B. strawberries C. beef C. rice C. onions D. fish D. beef D. eggs cheese omelet 7. chicken chow mien A. eggs A. lemons B. cheese B. chicken C. bread C. noodles D. beans D. apples chicken soup 8. vegetable lasagna A. onion A. tomatoes B. beef B. shrimp C. noodles C. corn D. pork D. fish


Tenth Grade - English 197

UNIT 4 Language in use Countable and uncountable nouns Nouns Definitions Examples Quantifiers


Countable Countable nouns are things that are capable of becoming plural, more than one, things that can be counted. apples, bananas, eggs, kiwi not any, no, one, both, a couple of, a few, some, several, many, a lot of, plenty of, a number of, most, every, each, all, another

Uncountable A “mass noun” or uncountable noun names things that cannot be counted. It is only used in the singular. advice, knowledge luck, work, spaghetti, bread, love not any, no, a little, some, much, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, most all




Categorize the following nouns by labeling them countable (C) or uncountable (U).

Choose five nouns from the list, and write complete sentences or questions for each one using different quantifiers.


Examples: Can you pass me some more salt?

butter 2. banana 3. orange 4. pork 5. mayonnaise 6. steak 7. cheese 8. bacon 9. sausage 10. mustard

I’ll have another tortilla.



Imagine that you are a mother explaining to her daughter how to make chicken soup. Use as many quantifiers as possible to describe how much of each ingredient is needed for the recipe.

Don’t forget! Many abstract nouns are uncountable, but not all of them. For example, a meeting is abstract. You can’t feel it or hold it in your hand, but you can count it. You could say for example, “He has a couple of meetings in the morning.”

198 English - Tenth Grade





Choose the letter that best answers each question or statement. Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. A. Thank you. B. Okay. C. Excellent. 1.

Would you like to sit in any specific area? A. I’ll have some salad, please. B. Non-smoking please. C. I have another friend joining me shortly. 2.

May I take your order? A. The chicken soup is delicious. B. I’ll have the chicken soup, please. C. Mexican food is good. 3.

So what do you think about your dinner, sir? A. Yes, please. B. I haven’t finished yet. C. It is mouth-watering. 4.

Would you like something to drink? A. I’ll have some garlic bread. B. I would like some chips and salsa. C. I will take a cold soda.

Hands on! 4A Pretend that you work for a well-known food magazine. Your job is to visit restaurants and review the food and service. This time you are going to visit a popular Mexican restaurant. Create a menu showing three Mexican dishes from each category: appetizer, entrée and dessert. Write a brief description of each dish, and be as descriptive as possible. Include prices and be creative.


What would you like for dessert tonight? A. I’ll have the soup of the day. B. I’ll have the special please. C. I’d like to have a brownie a la mode. 6.

What did you think about the dessert? A. I’d like the check, please. B. It was yummy. C. Could I have another one? 7.


Lesson core In this lesson you have been given the necessary tools to effectively order from a menu. You can read a menu, scan the prices and ask how a dish is prepared. You can communicate with a server and be able to understand when he describes a dish that you would like to try. You have practiced creating your own menu as well. You can talk about food in a countable and non countable way. And you know many key words and phrases to help guide you to the appropriate answer in a real-life setting.

Tenth Grade - English 199


Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question or statement.

Would you like to have some chips and salsa or garlic bread for an __? a) appetizer b) lunch c) dessert d) entrée


Tonight we have __ for an entrée. a) horchata b) ice cream c) grilled chicken and vegetables d) avocado


Everything was great. Can I have the __? a) change b) special c) check d) wallet

1.b, c




I would like to have __ for dessert. a) tomato b) an apple c) pie d) carrot



Self evaluation


MENU VOCABULARY The vocabulary used on menus is varied. One of the reasons is because food comes from everywhere in the world where different languages are spoken, and when they are adopted by restaurants in other countries, they keep their original names. It is very important to be able to understand the vocabulary on a menu because through understanding dishes and trying them, we get to understand and taste a piece of that culture.

200 English - Tenth Grade


Lesson 2

Unit Four

Getting started!

What would you like to drink?

Do you know how to read a menu in English?

What do you like to order for dessert? What is the specialty of your favorite restaurant?

Achievement indicators I can recognize expressions for ordering in a restaurant in different written sources. I can order food in a restaurant using polite expressions.

I can list polite expressions used in a restaurant. I can express possession with grammatical accuracy.

Conversation and more Listen to and read the following conversation. Look up any new words in a dictionary. A: B: A: C: A:

C: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

May I take your order? Can you tell us what your most popular dish is? Yes, we are well known for our lasagna here. How is it prepared? Well, it is a seven-layer noodle dish filled with homemade tomato sauce, eggplant and ricotta cheese. The top layer is covered with melted mozzarella cheese. That sounds tasty. I will take that with a side garden salad and a glass of water. And for you, sir? I will have a big, juicy steak and a baked potato with a garden salad. How would you like your steak to be cooked? Medium rare, please. Would you care for a beverage tonight? Yes, bring a bottle of wine for my wife and I. We are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary tonight. Very good, sir. Congratulations. I will be back shortly with your wine.

Glossary: Establishment: a place of business. Deserve: suitable for some reward. Dish: food prepared in a particular way.




Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The conversation took place at the entrance of the restaurant. The customers like lasagna. They use tomato sauce to make lasagna. Sara didn’t show interest in the lasagna. Rafael didn’t order steak. Rafael and Sara are husband and wife. Rafael and Sara are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They ordered wine.

Ricotta cheese: a white unripened cheese of Italy that resembles cottage cheese. Medium rare: a cooked steak that is still pink in the middle. Shortly: in a short time. Well done: a cooked steak that has no pink in the middle.

Tenth Grade - English 201

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary There are many key words and phrases to order food in a restaurant. Study the expressions below.

Can I take your order? No, we are not ready yet. Could you give us more time? Could you tell us the specials first? What do you recommend? Yes, please, we are ready to order. Yes, we are ready to order now. How would you like your steak? What is the soup of the day? What does it come with? What are the choices of sides? Would you like a glass of water?

Hands on! 4B



Put the following short conversations in the correct order.

Conversation 1 __ __ __ __

May I take your order? Yes, I will have a glass of water. Sure, if you’d like I can take your drink order while you decide. I need a little more time please.

Conversation 2 __ Well, everyone always talks about how good the tacos are. __ It’s your choice of chicken or beef, tomato, sour cream, and fresh cheese, all rolled up in a flour tortilla, and served warm. __ What do you recommend here? __ Really? How are they prepared?

In this part of the project, you will create a dialogue between you and your server. In the conversation you will use as many polite expressions as possible as your server takes your order. You will also use as many key words and expressions that would normally be asked when ordering food. You will order a drink, an appetizer, a main course and a dessert from the menu that you created earlier.



Match the questions on the left with the corresponding responses on the right. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Questions Can I take your order? Could you give me more time? Could you tell us the specials? What do you recommend? How would you like your steak? What does it come with? What are the choices of sides? Would you like wine? Would you like an appetizer? Would you care for dessert tonight?

202 English - Tenth Grade


Responses It is served with fries and coleslaw. I recommend the peppered steak. Yes, please, bring us a red merlot. Medium rare, please. No, not tonight, I am full. Yes, I would like a hamburger. Yes, please, but something light. Today’s special is fried flounder. It’s a choice of fries or salad. I’ll take your drink order while you decide.


UNIT 4 Time to read Read the following customer review for a restaurant in Suchitoto. Look up any new words in a dictionary.

Restaurant Tipicos El Portal This little restaurant offers indoor and outdoor seating. This place is great to spend some time relaxing and to enjoy delicious local and international food. Main dishes include chiles rellenos and gallo en chicha. It also includes seafood specialties such as boca colorada (a meaty local lake-fish) and grilled shrimp. Parilla style grills are also on the menu, as are Mexican antojitos (tacos, tortas, quesadillas, etc.). Perhaps the most tempting and traditionally Salvadoran offerings are the hot-off-the-griddle pupusas, available with some interesting variations such as cheese and chicharron, beans, cheese with either spinach, carrots, mushrooms, or other seasonal vegetables. In the evening, many customers stop by for a delicious dessert or a drink. Wine is available by the bottle, soda, juice, tea, coffee and hot chocolate. The service was excellent. The whole staff was very friendly and attentive. Overall it was an excellent experience.



Listen to the following conversation, and then fill in the blanks to complete the questions and statements below. A: Hello, can I __ you? B: Yes, __ to have some lunch. A: __ a starter? B: Yes, I’d like a bowl of beef soup, __. A: And what __ for a main course? B: __ a tuna sandwich. A: Would you like __ to drink? B: Yes, __ a glass of Coke, please. A: __ bring you anything else? B: No thank you. Just the __. A: Certainly.



Based on the customer review, answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the name of the place? What are the sitting options? What do they offer as main dishes? Do they offer pupusas? What kinds? What are the drinking options?

What for? Notice how the waiter asks: “What would you like?” Katie responds, “I’d like…” Would like is the polite form used when asking and requesting.

Glossary: Starter: another way to say appetizer or soup or salad, which is the first part of the meal. Main course: another way of saying entrée, which refers to the biggest part of the meal.


Bill: a word with the similar meaning of check.

Tenth Grade - English 203


Conversation and more Listen to and read the following conversation below. Focus on the polite requests. Look up any new words in a dictionary. Good afternoon. My name is Tony, and I will be your server this evening. B: Good afternoon, would you mind telling us what the specials are tonight? A: Of course, tonight’s special is Chicken Dijon, a tender chicken breast sautéed in a creamy Dijon sauce with scallions and fresh tomatoes and served with a side of spaghetti. B: That sounds delicious. Could you give us a little more time to decide? A: Of course, would you like for me to take your drink order while you look over the menu? C: Yes, please, could you tell us what you have to offer? A: Yes, we have fresh mango juice today. C: That sounds perfect. Would you mind bringing two glasses of ice water as well? A: Of course, it will be my pleasure. A:



Write down five polite requests you would normally use at a restaurant.

Don’t forget! Always be polite to your waiter. If the restaurant doesn’t have what you want, it’s not the waiter’s fault!



Write down five sentences from the conversation above where a polite request was used. Use complete sentences.

Glossary: Waiter: a man who waits on people in a restaurant. Specials: featured dishes at a restaurant. Dijon: a prepared mustard made from dark mustard seeds, white wine, and spices.

204 English - Tenth Grade

Sautéed: to fry in a small amount of oil. Creamy: smooth and rich. Scallions: small green onions. Rude: to be impolite.


UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary


Study the polite expressions that are commonly used by waiters in a restaurant. Welcome to Joe’s Diner. B. Do you have a reservation? C. How many people are in your party? D. Hello my name is Abigail, and I will be your server today. E. Can I start you off with some drinks? F. Is there anything else that I can bring you right now? G. How is everything? H. Would you like a refill? I. Here is your check/bill. I can take it up whenever you’re ready. J. Thank you, have a nice day. A.



Match the polite expressions from the vocabulary list on the left with their corresponding responses below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

__ Hi, Abigail, nice to meet you. __ Yes, the name is Lopez. __ Yes, please, I would like a refill. __ No, we are fine for now. __ Thank you, we are glad to be here. __ Okay, I am ready. __ Everything is great, thank you.


Categorize the following expressions based on the moment that they are used at the restaurant. B. C. D.

Welcome to Joe’s Diner. Do you have a reservation? How many people are in your party? Hello, my name is Abigail, and I will be your server today. E. Can I start you off with some drinks? F. Is there anything else I can bring you? G. How is everything? H. Would you like a refill? I. Here is your check/bill. J. Thank you, have a nice day. K. Hi, Abigail, nice to meet you. A.

Entrance/ seating


Drink order

Yes, the name is Lopez. M. Yes, please, I would like a refill. N. What are your specials? O. Today’s special is fried shrimp. P. No, we are fine for now. Q. Thank you, we are glad to be here. R. Okay, I am ready. S. Everything is great, thank you. T. There are four of us. U. Thanks, you too! L.

Food order

Paying the check/leaving

Tenth Grade - English 205

UNIT 4 Language in use The difference and use of “whose” and “who’s” Whose It‘s the possessive form of who (or occasionally which). It means belonging to whom or which.

Who’s It‘s a contraction of who is or who has. Notice the apostrophe replacing the missing letters.



Whose coffee is it? Whose fork is this? I wonder whose name will be chosen.



Write corresponding questions using “whose” for the following answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Who’s coming to visit tomorrow? Can you check who’s at the door? Who’s been sitting here?

That is my soda. This is Julie’s salad. That is Consuelo’s pie. That is my plate. Those are their appetizers. That is our ice cream.


Fill in the blanks with the correct use of either “whose” or “who’s”. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Glossary: Entertainment: amusement. Entire: complete or whole.

206 English - Tenth Grade


The biggest entertainment at the picnic was Louis, __ ability to eat an entire hotdog in one mouthful was hilarious. In the restaurant sits Veronica, __ furiously typing as she waits for her food to arrive. __ going to help me finish my dessert? Before you eat at that restaurant, talk to Thomas, __ food came back with a worm. As Mom looked over the dessert menu, she thought of Lorraine, __ love of chocolate cake was well known throughout the family.

Mouthful: as much as the mouth will hold. Hilarious: extremely funny.





Match the following questions on the left with the responses on the right. 1 2 3 4 5

Questions Whose drink is that? Whose entrée is this one? Whose dessert is that? Whose coffee is that? Whose garlic bread is that?



Responses This one is Daniel’s steak. That is Daniel’s drink. That is Denis’ appetizer. That is Denis’ chocolate cake. That is David’s Coke.



Look at the list of foods in the box below and place them in the appropriate category.

Answer the following questions with your own information. 1.


chocolate cake


ice cream



chips and salsa





garlic bread


fruit salad



bottled water





cheese sticks








Appetizers/ starters


What is your favorite food? What is the name of your favorite restaurant? What is your favorite dish from that restaurant? How often do you eat out a month? Who do you take with you when you go out to eat?

Entrées Desserts

Lesson core Throughout this lesson you’ve received instruction on how to successfully recognize common expressions used to order food in a restaurant, know how to be polite when ordering food by using polite expressions and express possessions with grammatical accuracy. In order to have a successful language transaction in a restaurant, it is elemental to be able to understand the expressions commonly used by servers and to know how to be polite to them to show them respect for what they do.


Tenth Grade - English 207


Choose the letter that best answers each question or statement.

Self evaluation


Can you please tell me what the most popular dish is? a) avocado and beef tacos b) ice cream c) fried chicken d) lemonade


May I go over the specials with you tonight? a) No, I can’t. b) Wait a second. c) Yes, please. d) I don’t know.


These are Carlos and Julie’s sodas. They are ___. a) they b) theirs c) my d) her


If you’d like, I can take your drink order while you decide. a) No, please. b) Yes. c) I’d like a Coke. d) I’d like a piece of apple pie.


1. c

2. b

3. c

4. c


The language used in restaurants is expected to be very formal and polite. That’s one of the reasons why a restaurant experience is out of the ordinary. A restaurant experience should be extraordinary for every customer because it’s not something people do every day. Therefore, when you decide to go to a restaurant, it’s a way to gratify yourself by being treated and attended to.

208 English - Tenth Grade


Lesson 3

Unit Four

Should i leave a Tip? Getting started!

What percentage of the bill should you tip? How much would you tip for great service? How often do you tip servers?

Achievement indicators I can understand the concept of tipping and how much is appropriate. I can successfully identify language used in restaurants in recorded material.

I can express possession with grammatical accuracy.

Conversation and more Listen to and read the following conversation. Try to identify whether Luis and Amanda are satisfied with the dinner and service through the language that they use. Wow, that dinner was excellent. I really enjoyed it. What about you, Luis? B: It was perfect! The food was delicious, the wine was great and the service was excellent. A: Yes, our server was very attentive. My wine glass was always full. B: Yeah, I noticed that! It was superb service. I’ve never had better. C: Here is you check, sir. When you are ready, I will pick it up. B: Okay, thank you. A: How much do we owe? B: It’s $24.50. I am going to leave a 15% tip for doing such a great job. A: I agree. That is the standard amount to tip for good service. C: Are you ready, sir? B: Yes, here is $30.00. Keep the change. C: Thank you, and have a good night. A:

Glossary: Superb: marked to the highest degree of excellence. Tip: to give a small percentage of money for a service as a sign of appreciation for a job well done.




Answer the following questions about the previous conversation in complete sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What did Luis and Amanda think about dinner? What did they think about the service? What did Amanda like about the waitress? How much of a tip did they leave her? What was Luis’ reason for leaving a 15% tip?



Decide whether the following statements are true or false. The food was overcooked. 2. The waitress gave excellent service. 3. Luis has had better service. 4. Luis didn’t order anything. 5. Luis tipped the waitress less than 10%. 1.

Overcooked: to exceed in the correct cooking temperature or to burn.

Tenth Grade - English 209

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Study the following vocabulary words that are used to describe a good server.

attentive knowledgeable empathetic timely sincere

efficient enthusiastic clean formal polite



Match the adjectives from the vocabulary list to the appropriate description below. 1.

When I explained that I had allergies to certain foods, she was very understanding. 2. I could tell that she really enjoyed her job. She always had a smile on her face. 3. I asked her about a certain dish, and she advised me to order something better. 4. She had a good appearance. Her fingernails were clean and her shirt was ironed. 5. The server never let my glass get empty. She was very aware of all of my needs. 6. She always answered me with yes ma’m and no ma’m. 7. Our food came out exactly on time and all of my requests were answered quickly. 8. My server knew the answers to all of my questions regarding the menu. 9. She asked me questions using would and could in a very respectful manner. 10. My server was able to carry seven plates of food without any problems.

What for? In most countries, a waiter or waitress is paid significantly lower than the minimum wage. That means that when they are working at the restaurant, they completely depend on the tips that they earn. Many times people will tip an average of 15% of the total of the bill, but when a server really does an excellent job, the customer will tip 20% of the total bill. This is a high honor and shows the waiter or waitress did an outstanding job. Not tipping a server is considered extremely rude and shows disrespect. The minimum that a server should earn from tips is 10%.


Answer the following questions with your own information in complete sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Glossary: Attentive: to pay close attention to one’s needs. Knowledgeable: to have great intelligence about a certain field or topic. Timely: to come at the right time.

210 English - Tenth Grade


Which of the characteristics above do you appreciate the most in a server? Which of the characteristics above are most common of the servers in your community? Which of these characteristics describe you in your job? Is it common to tip at the restaurants you visit? Do you think that good service deserves to be tipped?

Sincere: to be honest and true to your thoughts and opinions. Advised: to notify or inform. Iron: to smooth with a hot iron. Aware: to be conscious.


UNIT 4 Time to read Read the following passage that explains how a server should be in order to receive a good tip. Look up any new words in a dictionary. The best advice to be a good server is to have a lot of knowledge of the menu and to be able to answer a person’s questions quickly and correctly. A person is likely to tip more money when they feel like they did not have to make too many decisions. They were guided on choosing the best foods and the best drinks to accentuate the flavor of the food. For example, fish and light meats, such as chicken and veal, are accompanied by a dry white wine. If you have a dish that you like the best, then do not be afraid to recommend it to the client. But always be sure to be able to describe the food in great detail. Use adjectives to describe things, for example, juicy, mouthwatering, and delicious. One of the most important things is to be passionate about the menu. Try everything on it so that you can answer any question about the taste of a particular dish. If you see that customers are having a difficult time deciding, then engage them in open ended questions, such as “Are you in the mood for meat entrée or pasta?” If they say pasta, tell them about the pasta on the menu that you find the most appetizing and explain it to them. For example, “The shrimp and scallop fettuccini alfredo is made with a spicy red wine sauce and tossed with fresh, diced tomatoes and cilantro. It is one of my favorite dishes.”

Glossary: Accentuate: to compliment or emphasize. Engage: to invite participation in the conversation.




Answer the following questions according the reading. Use complete sentences. What does it mean to be knowledgeable of the menu? 2. Why is it important for server to try everything on the menu? 3. What are some of the words used to describe a dish? 4. How should a server help a customer when they are unsure of what to order? 5. What does it mean to ask an “open ended” question? 1.



Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the words in the box below. remember


important reward



10% incredible royalty unnoticed

performance relax professions

Sometimes I like to go out to a nice restaurant where I am able to _(1.)_ and be taken care of. I have been to restaurants where the food was _(2.)_ but the service was pitiful. And even though I liked the food, I did not go back just because of the service. Sometimes the service can be considered even more _(3.)_ than the quality of the food. I have been to restaurants where the food was okay, but I had excellent service and was treated like _(4.)_. It feels good to go out and have someone take care of your needs every once in awhile. I consider myself to be a _(5.)_ tipper. I tip based on how good or bad the _(6.)_ of the service was. If I got excellent service, then I am very generous. I know that servers _(7.)_ off of their tips, and if they are working hard, I _(8.)_ them for their hard work. But, if I have a server that just does the _(9.)_of what is necessary to serve me, then I will only tip the minimum of _(10.)_. Sometimes when I go back to the same restaurant, the server will _(11.)_ me and how generous I was and will give me the best service again, knowing that they can trust that their work will not go _(12.)_. I think that this applies to all _(13.)_. We like it when people notice and reward our hard work. Appetizing: agreeable or pleasant to taste.

Tenth Grade - English 211


Conversation and more Listen to and read the following conversation. Pay attention to the waiter’s disposition. Are you ready to order? Do you have any specials tonight? No. Okay, what do you recommend then? I don’t know because I haven’t eaten the food here. Okay, I will have the pork and my wife will have the fried trout. A: We are out of trout. B: Okay, well, just give us two pork dinners then. A: Okay, do you want fries and coleslaw? B: Sure, that sounds good. A: Here’s your order. B: Wasn’t this supposed to come with fries and coleslaw? A: Oh, yeah. Well, I can take it back if you want. B: No, don’t worry about it. A: Okay, cool. A: B: A: B: A: B:



Answer the following questions with your own information. Does this remind you of the service that you receive at your local restaurants? 2. Why do you think that service is bad in your area? 3. Do you think this server deserves to receive a good tip? 4. Do you think that Manuel is happy with his service? Why or why not? 5. Does bad service affect your dining experience? Explain. 1.

Don’t forget! Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes a server will forget something or the kitchen will be out of the food that has been ordered. But when a server apologizes, explains the situation and tries to make it better, that makes the customer feel that the server cares about their dining experience and tries to compensate for any problems that may have occurred.



Name three problems that you see in the waiter’s service.

Hands on! 4C At this part of the project, you have reached the time to pay the bill. Write a paragraph explaining why you were satisfied or dissatisfied by the food and service and how much you will tip based on your explanation. Glossary Fair: to give equal treatment. Reward: something that is given in return for good work.

212 English - Tenth Grade



Rewrite the following responses made by the waiter making them into polite statements or requests. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Are you ready to order? I don’t know because I haven’t eaten the food here. We are out of trout. Oh, yeah. Well, I can take it back if you want. Okay, cool.

Unnoticed: not to pay attention or indifference.


UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Read the following vocabulary words that describe a bad server.

lazy forgetful pushy impatient slow indifferent


rude clueless dirty informal incompetent


Answer the following questions with your own information in complete sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Which of the characteristics above do you dislike the most in a server? Which of the characteristics above are most common of the servers in your community? Which of these characteristics describe you in your job? What does “lousy” mean by inferring the meaning from the context? What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you at a restaurant?

Glossary: Forgetful: not able to remember things that were told or asked. Pushy: making someone feel pressured to do something. Slow: to show laziness in a job. Rude: when someone is acting impolite.




Match the above adjectives to the appropriate description below.

__ It took forever for her to bring anything to us! 2. __ She kept having to ask her co-worker what the 1.

specials were. 3. __ We asked for a Coke she brought a Sprite, we said fries and she brought salads. 4. __ Even though she had very few customers, she was not able to do her job well. 5. __ She used language like she was a family member or good friend. 6. __ Our server walked around like she had nothing to do and didn’t help anyone out. 7. __ Her shirt was stained with mustard and her hair was in her face. 8. __ Even though we received lousy service, she didn’t seem to care at all. 9. __ She kept trying to get us to order the most expensive dish on the menu. 10. __ She kept interrupting when we were trying to have a conversation.



You are the manager of the waitress mentioned in activity 10, and you want to help her. What tips would you give her for her performance to be better? Write three tips in complete sentences.

Clueless: not to know anything about the topic. Takes forever: an expression that suggests that too much time has passed and there is no result. Lousy: another word for bad or not good.

Tenth Grade - English 213

UNIT 4 Language in use To ask and answer who possesses someting, you can use the following expressions: Possessive pronouns mine yours his hers its ours theirs


Definition takes the place of a noun

Example My food is cold. Yours is hot. (the pronoun takes the place of the noun)

Explanation “Yours” is a pronoun because it replaces or takes the place of a noun. In this case, the example given tells us that “yours” is replacing the noun “food”. Furthermore, it is a possessive pronoun because it tells who owns, or possesses, the noun that it is replacing.


Read the following short conversations between friends, and fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive pronouns.

Conversation 1 A: B:

I love my pizza. __ is good, but I love __ more.

Conversation 2 A:

I think my coffee needs more sugar. B: Do you want to try__?

Conversation 3 A:

Did you see how good Daisy’s dinner looked? B: Yes, but __ was more expensive.

Conversation 4 Do you think that table has a better view? B: It’s nice but I like __ better. A:

Conversation 5 A:

I think our service has been better than the table next to us. B: I agree, I don’t think __ has been very good.

214 English - Tenth Grade







Write sentences using possessive pronouns by using the following information. Follow the example below.

Choose the letter that best answers each question or statement.

Example: Answer:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I ordered lasagna. The lasagna is mine.

Tati, David and I ordered fried fish. Rosie and Consuelo ordered sweet tea. Raul ordered chicken soup. Stephanie ordered pasta. You ordered cheesecake.






Replace the personal pronouns with possessive pronouns to complete the sentences. This menu is __ (you). 2. The soda is __ (I). 3. The fish dinner is __ (we). 4. The check is __ (she). 5. We met Paul and Jane last night for dinner. This house is __ (they). 6. The dessert is __ (he). 7. The spaghetti is __ (she) . 8. In our favorite restaurant, there is a bird. The nest is __ (it). 9. This table is __ (we). 10. This was not the waiter’s fault. It was __ (you).





Tom left __ cell phone on the table. A. her B. your C. his The parents brought home __ dinner. A. his B. her C. their The waitress quickly writes down the order on __ notepad. A. his B. theirs C. her These warm chocolate chip cookies melt in __ mouth. A. its B. your C. yours Is __ steak cooked medium well? A. your B. mine C. its The cheesecake is __. A. its B. my C. theirs

Lesson core Throughout this lesson you’ve learned about language used in a restaurant, how to identify good service and also the importance of rewarding the good service by tipping. When you know the appropriate language used by servers and customers and the attitudes they should have in a restaurant transaction, you can judge how good or how bad the transaction went and based on that you need to reward the effort that a server puts on giving you a good service through tipping. You have also studied possessive pronouns.


Tenth Grade - English 215


Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question or statement.

A: “I would like to have the chicken alfredo, please.” B: “I`m sorry sir, but __.” a) we don’t serve that b) we ran out of chicken c) unfortunately the chicken alfredo is out d) I don’t like chicken



A server should be tipped when he or she is __. a) pretty b) attentive c) tired d) bored

Could you give us a couple of more minutes to decide? a) No problem, take your time. b) It’s getting late. c) I have more customers. d) Just one more minute.





To know the menu by heart and to know how the dishes are made is to be __. a) knowledgeable b) sincere c) efficient d) enthusiastic



Self evaluation



Serving somebody is not an easy task to do even if you love and care about the person you’re serving. This is because serving can be very difficult, and you can just appreciate the effort. This should be taken into account when dealing with a server. They do not know you but they should try hard to give the best service that they can. Because of their hard work and effort, it is always good to show appreciation by tipping.

216 English - Tenth Grade


Lesson 4

Unit Four

Getting started!

Would you like to go on a picnic?

What is a picnic? What things are brought on a picnic? What kind of food is taken on a picnic?

Achievement indicators I can successfully write a paragraph from a main idea and supporting facts with unity and coherence.

I can express possession with grammatical accuracy.


Conversation and more Listen to and read the following conversation. Look up any new words in a dictionary. Man! I left my soda on the kitchen table before leaving for the church picnic. B: Don’t worry, Robert. We are going to be sharing food and drinks. I have brought enough soda for you and your family. And thanks for letting us use your blanket. A: Thanks, Reina. My wife made enough sandwiches to share with everyone, too. C: Oh no, Tommy is covered in ketchup from the hotdogs. Can I borrow some of her napkins? A: Those are not her napkins, they’re my napkins and you can take as many as you need, Debi. C: Hanging out with you guys is great. We are just like family. B: I agree with you, cheers! To great friends! A, B, C: To great friends! A:



Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Carlos forgot his soda. Reina said that they were going to share their food. Robert’s mom made enough sandwiches for everyone. Carlos shared his napkins. They are very happy with their friendship.

Tenth Grade - English 217

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Study the following vocabulary words that describe things that you would find at a picnic.


Look at how green it is! It’s perfect for playing soccer before we eat. A. blanket B. lemonade C. tablecloth D. grass


Hey look! This is full of juice boxes, sodas and ice. A. soda B. food C. cooler D. grass


We have ham and cheese with lettuce, sliced tomato and mayo. A. cookie B. sandwiches C. hotdog D. food




Try to infer the meanings of the following words. Match the words in the box with their appropriate context. picnic sharing 1. 2.




napkins hanging out

Glossary: Picnic: a tradition of eating outdoors. Basket: usually made out of wood and used to carry items such as food and blankets. Cooler: a container that you can put ice inside of along with cold drinks to keep them cold. Folding chair: a kind of portable chair that you can fold and take to the beach with you.

Can you pass me one of those? I have ketchup on my nose. A. spoon B. fork C. napkin D. chips


This soup looks delicious, but I need something to eat it with. A. knife B. spoon C. fork D. soda


I cant find the salt on the table, could it be in the __? A. tablecloth B. basket C. foldable chair D. blanket


When we give a little of what we have to other people to use, that is called__. The two kids were always relaxing at each other’s houses, eating and playing games. Eating pupusas can get very messy, so each table comes with __. The group of friends held up their glasses and wished each other good health. The company invited everyone to go to the park to grill, socialize and relax.

218 English - Tenth Grade


Choose the option that is being talked about in each statement.

ice juice knife lemonade napkin sandwich soda spoon table tablecloth tea ants mosquitoes

picnic basket blanket chips cookie cooler drinks folding chair food fork grass hamburger hotdog


Tablecloth: the material used to cover and adorn a table before you put down the plates. Ant: a tiny insect that can carry up to four times of its weight. Swarming: how you would describe a group of flying insects. Bites: the red and irritated marks left after an insect has attacked you.


UNIT 4 Time to read Read the following article about a high profile Italian chef who reviewed the food of a popular Italian restaurant. I had recently been invited to a summer picnic hosted by the Olive Branch. Not only do I love picnics but since I am an expert at Italian cuisine, I have always wanted to know if the Olive Branch really does offer “a genuine Italian dining experience.” I arrived at the picnic in great spirits. It was a beautiful summer evening, and everyone had their blankets out on the lawn watching as the caterers set up the dinner buffet.



Answer the following questions about the previous reading using complete sentences. 1.

3. 4. 5. 2.

What kind of food does the Olive Branch specialize in? What is the name of the soup that she ordered? How did she say Toscana soup should be? How did she describe the entrée? Why did she not enjoy the dessert?

Soon we were served. They brought sausage soup. It is supposed to be a creamy broth with sausage, potatoes and green beans. When I tasted it, I enjoyed the flavor, but it was not Toscana soup as I know it. I just did not recognize it as being Italian. Shortly after, they brought out the Roman pasta that is cooked with green beans, tomatoes and olive oil, then tossed with noodles and a white herb sauce. Unfortunately, the sauce was bland and the beans were undercooked. Undercooked beans taste like grass. I don’t know why they cooked it that way. It was all wrong. Next the dessert arrived. It was Tiramisu, a creamy dessert made with liquor and served chilled. It was really bad. The texture was chewy, and they had used too much liquor. It had a very strong taste. I was disappointed by the quality of the food, so to console myself I ordered a coke. My conclusion is that the Olive Branch does not offer a “genuine Italian dining experience.”

What for? It is very common for people to look for restaurant reviews either online or in a magazine before they decide where they want to go to eat. It can be very disappointing to spend your time and money in a place where the food and/or service is below standard. For that reason, restaurant reviews are used regularly to help people decide where to go for their next dining experience.



Write three or four sentences explaining whether you would or would not go to the Olive Branch after reading the review.

Glossary: Cuisine: a dish that represents a particular culture. Genuine: authentic or pure. Great spirits: that everyone was happy. Caterer: a person that prepares and serves food at parties and events.


Buffet: when food is placed before you and you can see what you are going to order. Broth: the liquid part of the soup. Bland: to not have any flavor. Chewy: when a food sticks to your teeth. Console: to comfort.

Tenth Grade - English 219


Conversation and more Listen to and read the conversation below. Look up any new words in a dictionary. Rosita! Hey, I want to invite you to our family picnic after church next Sunday. B: Well, that’s sounds nice but I do not know what a picnic is, Misty. A: Really? Well, a picnic is where we cook our favorite food at home, and then we go to a beautiful outdoor area and eat. This time we are going to the lake. B: What do you eat? I’d like to bring something. A: Well, I’d like to bring a grill and cook hotdogs and hamburgers. But I also make a lot of dishes from home to bring, too. You can bring anything that you want, just bring enough for everyone. It’s all about sharing! B: That sounds interesting. Will there be tables? A: No, bring a blanket that you don’t mind getting dirty and that is big enough for you and your kids to sit on. We lay the blanket on the ground and eat on top of it. B: Okay, that sounds like fun. What can I bring to help out with the food? A: How about you bring some dessert, cookies or a cake or pie. It’s your choice. B: Sure, I can do that, but how do I carry it all? A: Haven’t you ever heard of a picnic basket? I have at least three large ones. You can borrow one of mine. B: Thanks, this sounds like fun. I will see you on Sunday at the lake! A:



Answer the following questions about the previous conversation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the conversation about? Does Rosita sound interested? What is a picnic? Where is the picnic going to be? What is Rosie bringing to the picnic?



Answer the following questions with your own information in complete sentences. Have you ever been on a picnic? 2. Are picnics common where you live? 3. If you had a picnic, what kinds of food would your take with you? 4. Where would you go? 5. Do you think that you would have fun? 1.

220 English - Tenth Grade


UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Don’t forget!

Review the vocabulary below that is used to describe the basic parts of a paragraph. topic sentence supporting sentences reasons examples

facts statistics quotations conclusion

When you are developing your supporting sentences you can choose to use a combination of facts, reasons, statistics and examples or you could choose just one of those ways to support your topic sentence.



Read the following paragraph, and decide what part of the paragraph each sentence is. topic sentence



Match the above vocabulary with their corresponding definitions below. 1. 2.







__ develop the topic. They can do this by giving reasons, example, facts, statistics and quotations. __ are used to illustrate a close related subject to prove a point. The __ states the main idea of the paragraph. It names the topic. __ are truths that are given to show the reality of a topic. __ are used when repeating the exact words of something that was said or written. __ are a mathematical interpretation of information collected. The __ marks the end of the paragraph and often summarizes the key points of the paragraph. __ are statements that offer explanations.


supporting sentence


1. __I have so much fun going on picnic’s with my family. 2. __One reason why I love picnics is because of the food. 3. __There is always so much to eat and it is all delicious. 4. __Also, we usually have our picnics at the park so I get to play with all of my cousins. 5. __In

addition, at the picnics I get to see all of my family and my extended family. 6. __All these reasons show why I really have fun when we my family takes me to the picnic.

Hands on! 4D Now you are back at the office, and it’s time to write a review of the popular Mexican restaurant. Write a paragraph describing your experience regarding the food and service. State your topic sentence, use supporting sentences and provide a conclusion. Be sure to add whether or not you would recommend this restaurant to others.

Tenth Grade - English 221

UNIT 4 Language in use Possessive adjectives


A possessive adjective is usually used to describe a noun. It comes before the noun like other adjectives.

Unscramble the letters to make words.



My picnic basket is bigger than her picnic basket.

There are no apostrophes in possessive pronouns and adjectives. “It’s” means “it is.” This is not a possessive pronoun. Possessive adjective my your his her its our their


hcpis 2. fnkie 3. taclbthleo

4. 5.


relooc dosa

Description Possessive adjectives are used with nouns to show possession or ownership.

Example: I like my picnic blanket.


Choose the best word to complete the sentences presented below. Jody has lost __ soccer ball. A. mine B. hers C. her D. theirs


Katie has eaten her hotdog already, but I am saving __ until later. A. hers B. her C. my D. mine




My telephone is broken, but __ is working. A. your B. his C. our D. their __ pie is chocolate , __ pie is apple. A. Your, mine B. Ours, theirs C. Yours, mine D. Our, their We let them try __ food and they let us try __. A. ours, theirs B. ours, their C. our, their D. our, theirs

7. 3.

This blanket has ants on __. A. it’s B. hers C. its D. it

__ grill is broken. Can I borrow __? A. Mine, yours B. My, yours C. Your, mine D. Yours, mine


Was __ ice tea cold enough? A. your B. your’s C. yours D. you


222 English - Tenth Grade






Complete the story with the appropriate word given below. her





Molly and Dave live at a beautiful lake house. Last week we had a picnic at _(1.)_ house. At the end of the picnic, only three people were left: Molly, Gabby, and myself. The strange thing is that there were four picnic baskets left. One of them was full of uneaten food. Molly said that it wasn’t _(2.)_. _( 3.)_ basket had tiny red flowers on the handles. When I asked Gabby if it was _(4.)_, but she said no, that _(5.)_ basket did not have any food in it. Molly asked Dave if the basket was _(6.)_, and he said that he didn’t own a basket. I knew that it wasn’t _(7.)_ basket, of course. Finally, I called my friend Stephanie, and she said that she thought that she had brought _(8.)_ basket home. But after searching for a while, she realized that the basket with food was _(9.)_.



Fill in the spaces with the missing possessive adjectives. Follow the example below.

Example: I bought some sodas. They are my sodas. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Trisha brought a blanket. It is __ blanket. Julia has some cookies. They are __ cookies. Carmen has a lot of hotdogs. They are __ hotdogs. They all have food. It is __ food. Jose’s hamburger looks good. It is __ hamburger. Doris brought lemonade. It is __ lemonade. Vilma and Neris brought the cooler. It is __ cooler. Luisa has a big spoon to serve ice cream. It is __ spoon. 9. Cesar and Karla have a big basket. It is __ basket. 10. Erick’s radio looks cool. It is __ radio. 11. I forgot the CDs. They are __ CDs 12. David bought ice cream. It is __ ice cream. 1.



Choose the letter that best answers the following statements. Luisa likes ice cream. __ favorite flavor is vanilla. A. Her B. My C. Their D. Your 2. Jose likes romantic music. __ favorite singer is Bryan Adams. A. My B. Your C. His D. Their 3. That is not my mom’s basket. __ basket is pink. A. Her B. Your C. My D. His 4. Carlos and Consuelo live by themselves. __ parents live in the United states. A. Your B. My C. Their D. His 5. My wife is American. __ parents live in Virginia Beach. A. His B. Your C. My D. Her 1.

Lesson core Throughout this lesson you’ve learned how to successfully express possessions and you’ve been taught how to write paragraphs from main ideas. Now you know how to write with coherence and clarity. In order to convey your ideas through written documents, it’s necessary to support the main topic of your paragraph with supporting sentences.

Tenth Grade - English 223


Choose the letter that best answers each statement.


A ___ is composed of a topic sentence, body and concluding sentence. a) main idea b) essay c) paragraph d) letter


Karla’s dessert looks mouthwatering. ___dessert is cheesecake. a) I b) Mine c) Her d) You


A topic sentence should be the one that ___. a) starts the essay b) tells what the paragraph is about c) closes the paragraph d) explains the supporting details


In a paragraph, the ___ explains the topic sentence in more details. a) mail b) essay c) concluding sentence d) body


1. c

2. b

3. c

Self evaluation


READING FOR PLEASURE Written language is very important. A lot of people read for different reasons, but one of the main reasons people read is for pleasure. It is sad when something that’s supposed to give you pleasure can instead give you headaches. That’s exactly what happens when you try to read something that has been badly written. You spend more time trying to understand what the author is trying to express than actually enjoying the content. For that reason, it is important to be coherent and clear for the reader so that you can convey your ideas more successfully.

224 English - Tenth Grade


Lesson 5

Unit Four

Do you want to go out on Friday night? Getting started!

How do you like to celebrate? Do you invite people to your house and play games? Do you always bring something to a party?

Achievement indicators I can use appropriate expressions to make, accept, and refuse invitations. I can extract different expressions to make, accept, and refuse invitations from dialogues and other written services.

I can write emails making, accepting and refusing invitations using the appropriate language for each case.

Conversation and more Listen to and read the following conversation. Look up any new words in a dictionary. A: B: A:

B: A: B:

Hi, Nancy, I’m so excited! We both start our vacations next week! I know. I am looking forward to some rest and relaxation. What are you going to do, Carlos? Do you and Lucy have any plans? Well, we have been planning on going to Guatemala and spending some time in Antigua. We are going to take long walks around town and do lots of shopping. That sounds great! And it would be even better if you and Pedro could join us! We’d love your company, and we can split the bills. Yeah, that would save us a lot of money and we always have so much fun together. We’d love to go.



Answer the following questions. Who are the two people that are talking in the conversation? 2. What is Nancy looking forward to? 3. Where are Carlos and Lucy going on their vacation? 4. What are they going to do while they are on vacation? 5. Who did Carlos invite to join them on their vacation? 6. What were the two reasons that he gave Nancy to convince her to say yes? 7. Who is Nancy’s husband? 8. Did Nancy accept the invitation? 1.

Glossary: Split: to divide equally among the amount of people involved.


Tenth Grade - English 225

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Read the following formal expressions used to make, accept or refuse an invitation.

Inviting Someone to Come to Your House for Dinner: (formal) Would you like to come over…? Would you care to join us for …? I was just wondering if you would like to …? Please come over for …? We’d be delighted to have you over …?

Accepting an Invitation: (formal) I’d love to. Would you like me to bring anything? I’d be delighted to. What time should I be there? Oh, certainly! Do I need to bring anything?

Declining an Invitation: (formal) I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy tonight. I’d love to, but I already have plans tonight.



Put the following statements in the correct order to make short conversations.

Conversation 1 __ __ __ __ __ __

A parent is making an invitation to her daughter’s teacher and the teacher accepts. No, but thanks for asking. Great! Could you come over around 5:30 p.m.? Mr. Brown, my husband and I were just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner this evening? Okay, see you this evening. Sure, do I need to bring anything? Oh, thank you! I’d be delighted to!

Conversation 2 __ __ __ __

A parent is making an invitation to her daughter’s teacher and the teacher declines. Yeah! Thank you for asking. Enjoy your evening! Oh, that’s too bad. Well, maybe next time then. Mr. Brown, my husband and I were just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner this evening? Well, I’d love to, but I have another appointment tonight.

Conversation 3 __ __ __ __

A business man is making an lunch invitation to a client. Okay, I will arrange the details with my secretary. Would you be available to meet for lunch at Mimi’s Diner on Friday to go over the contract? Let’s say at 11 a.m. Certainly, I am free Friday afternoon. What time should I be there?

Don’t forget! When you refuse an invitation, it is impolite not to give an explanation of why you cannot accept.

226 English - Tenth Grade


UNIT 4 Time to read Read the following refusal to an email invitation to an upcoming baby shower.



Answer the following questions about the previous reading.

Dear Brandi, I have recently received your Evite, and I would like to thank you so much for the invitation that you sent regarding your baby shower. I am very grateful that you thought about me during this very special time in your life. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend. A few months ago I purchased a round trip ticket to El Salvador to visit my family. It is impossible for me to rearrange those plans. I do hope that you understand.

What is the occasion that Dana has been invited to? 2. Did Dana accept or refuse the invitation? Explain your answer. 3. Does Dana seem as though she is appreciative of the invitation? How? 4. Does Dana seem as though she is regretful that she will not be able to attend? 5. Is it important to express regret when the occasion is important? Why? 1.

I wish you a very happy and joyful baby shower, and I will be thinking about you on that special day. Once again, thank you for thinking about me. Best wishes, Dana



Read the following situations and answer them in your own words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

You have been invited to an upcoming wedding by your boss. You have to refuse. You have been invited to a brunch by your Sunday school teacher. You accept . You have been invited by your mother-in-law to church. You have to refuse. You have recently been asked to join the symphony for your city. You accept. The minister of your church has invited you to speak at the sermon. You have to refuse.



Match the invitations on the left with the corresponding answers on the right. Invitations 1 Would you like to join us for coffee? 2 We would love your company tonight. 3 Please join us to celebrate our anniversary.

Glossary: Evite: an invitation to a party or invitation that you receive through your email. Grateful: to be appreciate. Round trip: a trip that includes both leaving and returning. Joyful: to be very happy.


Answers A Regretfully, tonight I will be on a business trip. B It would be my pleasure to join you. C I would love to have coffee, thank you.

Regretful: to wish that you could go back in time and change a decision that was made. Brunch: a mid morning breakfast that includes lunch. Minister: the preacher that speaks at a church. Sermon: the religious speech that is given by the minister.

Tenth Grade - English 227


Conversation and more Listen to and read the conversation below. Be sure to focus on the person making the invitation. Look up any new words in a dictionary. A: B:

A: B:

A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

Hello, Robinson residence. Hello, sir. This is Elias from Decameron. We have recently pulled your name from our data base and you have won a three day all inclusive vacation package to our four star resort. That sounds wonderful. What do I need to do? Well, Mr. Robinson, would you care to join us Saturday morning to participate in a small meeting where will discuss the package that you have won? I’d love to, but I am afraid that I am busy Saturday morning. Okay, that is fine. Would you like to join us Saturday afternoon? Let me check my agenda. Please give me a minute. Sure, take your time. It seems as though I have that afternoon free. Great, can I write you down as attending? Certainly. I will be there.

What for? It is important to know that not all of your invitations will be accepted. Of course when the occasion is special you cannot be obligated to change the time for the people that cannot accept. However, many times in life you will need to be flexible and try to reschedule for times that are more convenient for the person that you are inviting. Of course this depends on how badly you want the person that you are inviting to be present.



Answer the questions about the conversation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Did the telemarketer formally invite Mr. Robinson? How? What was the telemarketer’s attitude when Mr. Robinson declined the invitation? How did the telemarketer demonstrate that he really wanted Mr. Robinson to accept? Do you think that the telemarketer achieved his purpose? Do you think that the telemarketer would have given up if Mr. Robinson declined for Saturday afternoon?



Write requests for the following answers. I’d love to have dinner Friday night, but I have my son’s baseball game that night. 2. It would be my pleasure to participate in your grandchild’s baptism. Thank you very much. 3. I would love to attend your wedding, but that is the day of our annual family reunion. 1.

Glossary: All inclusive: that everything is included, food, drinks, hotel. Achieve: to accomplish.

228 English - Tenth Grade

Purpose: the reason for something. Give up: to no longer try.


UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Read the following informal expressions used to make, accept or refuse an invitation.

Inviting Someone to Come to Your House for Dinner (Informal)

Wanna come over …? (Wanna = want to) Wanna drop by for a quick dinner? How about coming over for …?

Accepting an Invitation (Informal)

Sure. What time? Why not? When do you want me to be there? Sure. When should I be there? Yes! Do you want me to bring something? I’d love to. I’ll bring dessert.

Declining an Invitation (Informal)

I can’t. I have to work. Tonight’s no good. I have an appointment. I’m busy tonight. Can I take a rain check on that?



Put the following statements in the correct order to make short conversations.

Conversation 1 A conversation between two coworkers. __ Okay, want me to bring something? __ No. Just bring yourself. __ Sure, why not? What time do you want me to be there? __ Around 6 p.m. __ Bob and I are having a little get together at our place tonight. Want to drop by after work?

Conversation 2 A conversation between two friends. __ Okay, no problem. Enjoy your evening! __ Want to come over for a quick meal tonight? __ Tonight’s no good. I have a date. Can I take a rain check? __ You too.

Conversation 3 A conversation between a mom and daughter. __ Hey, mom, do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow? __ Okay, sounds good. Come pick me up. __ How about sometime in the morning? __ Yeah, sure, what time?

Glossary: Drop by: a casual way to ask if someone can come over. Rain check: a common expression to say no but you would like to in the near future.


Tenth Grade - English 229

UNIT 4 Language in use Expressing necessity with “need to” and “have to” Need to:

It is used when you want to talk about situations where the level of obligation is low. Example: I need to go out more often.

If the person in the previous example doesn’t go out more frequently, there won’t be any major consequence. Have to (has to):

It is used when you want to talk about situations where the level of obligation is high.


I have to do my homework. Doing homework is something that has to be done, otherwise the consequence could be getting low grades.



Write the invitations for the following refusals. Use the clues in the parenthesis.


I don’t feel good. I have to go to the doctor. (party tonight) Do you want to come to my party tonight?

I need to clean my room. (play video games) I have to get my license renewed. (go on a road trip) 3. I have to pick up my mom from the airport. (go to



the mall)


I have to pick up my children from school. (watch a soap opera)

5. 6.

I have to cook dinner for my in-laws tonight. (go see

a movie)

I need to help my little brother with his homework. (hang out)

I have to pay my bills first. (go shopping) 8. I have a retreat this weekend. (go fishing) 9. I need to study for my test next week. (drink a few beers) 7.



Rewrite the phrases below into sentences using “have” to or “need to”. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


230 English - Tenth Grade

study for an exam chat with my friends clean the house go to class write an email to my boss take my child to the doctor water the garden wash my car go to the pharmacy to get my mom’s medicine write a letter to my friend






Choose the letter that best answers each sentence.

Choose the letter that is not an appropriate response.


I cannot go. I __ take my sister to her dance recital. A. has to B. have to C. needs to D. need to


I __ to go to the market and pick up a few things. A. has to B. have to C. needs to D. need to



My brother __ to get more sleep. He stays up too late. A. has to B. have to C. needs to D. need to



Want to come over for dinner tonight? A. Sure, what time? B. Why not. What time should I be there? C. Why? Want to come over for a quick meal tonight? A. No. B. I’d love to. C. I’m busy tonight. Can I take a rain check? My husband and I are wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner this Saturday? A. Thank you very much, I’d be delighted to. B. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy this Saturday. C. I don’t go out on Saturdays. 3.




Would you care to join us for dinner? A. Yes, I would. B. Thank you, I’d love to. C. I’m sorry, but I already have plans for tonight. Tonight is not good, but can I take a rain check? A. Ok, no problem. B. Sure, let’s does it some other time. C. No, you can’t. Do you want me to bring something? A. No, just bring yourself. B. Why don’t you like my cooking? C. Ok, bring some dessert if you’d like.

Lesson core Throughout this lesson you’ve learned how to use appropriate expressions when you need to make, accept or refuse an invitation. It is very important to show politeness when inviting, accepting, or even more when refusing an invitation from somebody. You also practiced the difference between “need to” and “ have to”.


Tenth Grade - English 231


Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question.


Hey, I’m giving a party this coming Friday night. Do you want to come? a) I have too much to do. b) I’d love to, but I have to work that night. c) I don’t like parties. d) I don’t have pretty clothes.


I was wondering if you could have dinner with us tonight? a) I don’t know what to do. b) I like dinner. c) I’d love to. Thank you for the invitation. d) What are you going to cook?


There is a very good movie playing tonight. Do you want to go with us? a) Ok. b) Yes. c) I’d love to. What is it about? d) Yes, but you have to pay.


There is a concert coming up next month. Would you like to go? a) I like concerts. b) How much is the entrance? c) That sounds great. I’d love to. d) No.


1. a, b



Self evaluation


DEALING WITH INVITATIONS When you invite or are invited to do something or go somewhere, you need to show politeness in your questions and answers. When you are invited, you can either accept or refuse, and in either case you have to be polite. When you’re invited, you need to make sure you show appreciation to the person inviting you and wants you to be part of their plans. When you have to refuse, you need to give a solid reason and show sorrow for not being able to accept. Also show interest for another opportunity. When you invite, you should try to be flexible because you don’t know other people’s prior plans.

232 English - Tenth Grade


Answer Key Lesson 1 Activity 1: Activity 2: Activity 3: Activity 4: Activity 5:

Activity 6:

Activity 7:

Activity 8:

Activity 9:

Activity 10: Activity 11: Activity 12:

1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False Answers may vary. 1. C 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. B 6. D 1. B 2. F 3. C 4. H 5. A 6. E 7. I 8. G 9. D 1. $3.00, a side of spicy tomato sauce 2. seven types of fresh, sweet fruit; cold 3. garlic bread and a side salad 4. four 5. $2.25, five 6. fruit salad Conversation 1: 3, 2, 4, 1. Conversation 2: 3, 2, 4, 5, 1. Conversation 3: 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1. 1. G 2. J 3. A 4. I 5. B 6. D 7. C. 8. E 9. F 10. H 1. B,C 2. B, D 3. A, B 4. A, C 5. A, B 6. A, B 7. B, C 8. A, C 9. A, D 10. A, B 1. U 2. C 3. C 4. U 5. U 6. U. 7. U 8. U 9. U 10. U Answers may vary. Answers may vary. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B

Activity 2:

Activity 3:

Activity 4:

Activity 5:

Activity 6:

Activity 7: Activity 8: Activity 9:

Activity 10:

Activity 11:

Activity 12: Activity 13:

Activity 14:

Lesson 2 Activity 1:

1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. False 8. True 1. F 2. J 3. H 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. I 8. C 9. G 10. E Conversation 1: 1, 4, 3, 2. Conversation 2: 3, 1, 4, 2. 1. help 2. I’d like 3. Would you like 4. please 5. would you like 6. I’d like 7. anything 8. I’d like 9. Can I 10. bill, please 1. Tipicos El Portal 2. indoor and outdoor 3. chiles rellenos, gallo en chicha, fried boca colorada and grilled shrimp 4. yes; cheese and chicharron, beans, cheese with either spinach, carrots, mushrooms and other seasonal vegetables 5. wine, juice, tea, coffee and hot chocolate Would you mind telling us what the specials are tonight? Could you give us a little more time to decide? Would


you like for me to take your drink order while you look over the menu? Could you tell us what you have to offer? Would you mind bringing two glasses of ice water as well? Answers may vary. 1. D 2. B 3. H 4. F 5. A 6. I 7. G Entrance/seating: A, B, C, D, K, L, Q, T. Drink order: E, F, H, N. Food order: N, O, P, S, G. Paying the check/leaving: I, J, R, U. 1. Whose soda is it? 2. Whose salad is it? 3. Whose pie is it? 4. Whose plate is it? 5. Whose appetizers are they? 6. Whose ice cream is it? 1. whose 2. who’s 3. Who’s 4. whose 5. whose 1. E 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C Drinks: juice, coffee, bottled water, tea, lemonade, soda. Appetizers/ starter: garlic bread, soup, chips ands salsa, cheese sticks, salad. Entrees: pizza, chiken pasta, turkey, tacos, sandwich, lasagna. Dessert: ice cream, chocolate cake, pie, cake, fruit salad, cheesecake. Answers may vary.

Lesson 3 Activity 1: Activity 2: Activity 3:

Activity 4: Activity 5: Activity 6:

Activity 7: Activity 8: Activity 9:

Answers may vary. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False 1. empathetic 2. enthusiastic 3. sincere 4. clean 5. attentive 6. formal 7. timely 8. knowledgeable 9. polite 10. efficient Answers may vary. Answers may vary. 1. relax 2. incredible 3. important 4. royalty 5. fair 6. performance 7. live 8. reward 9. minimun 10. 10% 11. remember 12. unnoticed 13.proffessions Answers may vary. Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

Tenth Grade - English 233

Answer Key Activity 10: Activity 11:

Activity 12: Activity 13:

Activity 14:

Activity 15:


Answers may vary. 1. slow 2. clueless 3. forgetful 4. incopetent 5. informal 6. lazy 7. dirty 8. indiffetent 9. pushy 10. rude Answers may vary. Conversation 1: Yours, mine. Conversation 2: mine. Conversation 3: hers. Conversation 4: ours. Conversation 5: theirs. 1. The fried fish is ours 2. The sweet tea is theirs. 3. The chicken soup is his. 4. The pasta is hers. 5. The cheesecake is yours. 1. yours 2. mine 3. ours 4. hers 5. theirs 6. his 7. hers 8. its 9. ours 10. yours 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C

Lesson 4 Activity 1: Activity 2:

Activity 3: Activity 4:

Activity 5: Activity 6:

Activity 7: Activity 8:

Activity 9:

Activity 10: Activity 11:

1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True 1. sharing 2. hanging out 3. napkins 4. cheers 5. picnic 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 1.Italian food 2. Toscana soup 3. a creamy broth with sausage, potatoes and green beans 4. The sauce was bland and the beans were undercooked. 5. It was really bad. The texture was chewy and they used too much liquor. It had a strong taste. Answers may vary. 1. an invitation to a family picnic 2. Yes, she does. 3. People cook their favorite food at home, and then they go to a beautiful outdoor area and eat. 4. at a lake 5. some dessert Answers may vary. 1. Supporting sentences 2. Examples 3. topic sentence 4. Fact 5. Quotations 6. Statistics 7. conclusion 8. Reasons 1. topic sentence 5. supporting sentence 6. conclusion 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. B 1. chips 2. knife 3. tablecloth 4. cooler 5. soda

234 English - Tenth Grade

Activity 12:

Activity 13:

Activity 14:

1. their 2. hers 3. Her 4. hers 5. her 6. his 7. my 8. her 9. hers 1. her 2. her 3. her 4. their 5. his 6. her 7. their 8. her 9. their 10. his 11. my 12. his 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D

Lesson 5 Activity 1:

Activity 2:

Activity 3: Activity 4: Activity 5: Activity 6:

Activity 7: Activity 8:

Activity 9: Activity 10:

Activity 11: Activity 12:

1. Carlos and Nancy 2. rest and relaxation 3. Guatemala 4. take long walks around town and do lots of shopping 5. Nancy and Pedro 6. enjoy their company and split the bill 7. Pedro 8. yes Conversation1: 3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 4. Conversation 2: 3, 4, 2, 1. Conversation 3: 2, 4, 3, 1. Answers may vary. Answers may vary. 1.C 2.A 3.B 1. Yes, he did, “Would you care to join us Saturday morning to participate in a small meeting where will discuss the package that you have won?” 2. positive 3. he showed flexibility 4. yes 5. No, he wouldn’t have. Answers may vary. Conversation 1: 5, 3, 4, 1, 2. Conversation 2: 2, 3, 1, 4. Conversation 3: 1, 4, 3, 2. Answers may vary. 1. I have to study for an exam. 2. I need to chat with my friends. 3. I need to clean the house. 4. I have to go to class. 5. I have to write a letter to my boss. 6.I have to take to take my child to the doctor. 7.I have to water the garden. 8.I need to wash my car. 9. I have to go to the pharmacy to get my mom’s medicine.10. I need to write a letter to my friend. 1.B 2.D 3.C 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B


Hands on! “Restaurant review” Purpose With this project, you will be able to create an article that shows a critical review of a restaurant. You will have learned vocabulary related to food and have a good understanding of good service in a restaurant. By the end of this unit, you will have the necessary skills to write a comprehensive and opinionated article about a restaurant.

Theory and practice The different phases of the project throughout the lessons (from Hands on! 4A to Hands on! 4D) should guide you on how to get started on your article. It is important for you to pay close attention to the project phases as you develop each lesson because every phase of the project will get you closer to the final product, which is writing the article.

Development You should be able to see that every phase of the project is connected in content with the lesson where it appears. The reason why the different phases are related to the lessons or activities is because the project should be used as an indicator of what you are able to do in the activities developed in that particular lesson and to get closer to the final project. By developing the activities assigned in the lessons, you have advanced in your ability to competently finish the Hands on! project. This unit has taught you new vocabulary related to food in restaurants, showed the different expressions used in a restaurant, how to act properly at a restaurant, and many more important things. The contents of each Hands on! activity helped you to prepare for writing a restaurant review.

Wrap up In conclusion, it would be very useful for you to review the contents that you have developed throughout the unit so that you have a fresher idea of what kind of information and grammar points could be included in your final project. Now that you have successfully completed this project, you’ve become more knowledgeable in your ability to discuss, compare and criticize food and service from any restaurant.


Tenth Grade - English 235

Resources For more on vocabulary used to describe flavor and taste of food: http://www.world-food-and-wine.com/describing-food.html http://www.eslgenius.com/Describing_Food.html http://www.eoioviedo.org/anacarmen/crossdescribefood/crossdescribefood.htm

For more on menus: http://www.usmenuguide.com/lasvegas.html http://www.menusonly.com/ http://www.louisvillediner.com/ http://www.ocharleys.com/menu/

For more restaurant exercises: http://instructional1.calstatela.edu/lkamhis/TESL565/michel_engle/at_the_restaurant_exercises.htm http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/hotel/exercises?03 http://www.english-test.net/esl/learn/english/grammar/ii012/esl-test.php http://www.audioenglish.net/english-learning/efl_restaurant.htm

For more practice with countable and uncountable nouns: http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/nouns-un-countable.htm http://esl.about.com/library/quiz/blgrquiz_quantity1.htm http://personales.ya.com/mjandres/archivos/Grammar4.pdf

For more on polite and impolite expressions: http://www.englishmedialab.com/higherlevels/polite%20expressions/polite%20expressions.html. http://www.123teachme.com/learn_spanish/polite_impolite_expressions

For more on ordering food in a restaurant: http://esl.about.com/library/beginner/blwouldlike.htm

For more on expressing possession: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/poss.htm http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/possessive-adjective.html

For more about how to be a good server: http://www.helium.com/items/599046-how-to-be-a-good-waitress http://www.ehow.com/how_4522656_be-good-server.html

236 English - Tenth Grade


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