Tripping Magazine August

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aug / sept 2015

what’s on Whitsunday Airshow at

Sealink Magnetic Is. Race Week Mackay Airport Beach Racing Audi Hamilton Is. Race Week Whitsunday Writers Festival

tripping to Northern Beaches, Mackay Magnetic Island Great Barrier Reef Billabong Sanctuary

adventure time Mini 4WD Tour Red Baron Seaplanes Thundercat Whitsundays Top 5 Wildlife Experiences

maps accom. guides


tourism, travel & leisure 2

16 .2

16 .2

9 .5

27 .9

7 .5

24 .9


Total: 372 m² 444 m²


21 .9


21 .9

26 .0 26 .0




.0 26

12 .1


Total: 362 m² 456 m² 23


531 m²




Total: 726 m²




15m 15m 15m















342 m² Total: 404 m²


5 .3 5 .5

.0 26 .0



SOLD Total: 404 m²









Total: 506 m²

24 .9







Total: 370 m² 442 m²


342 m²




342 m²

SOLD Total: 404 m²



451 m²

459 m²







417 m²


Total: SOLD


Total: SOLD








409 m²


471 m²



12 .8



1 5 .0


364 m²

2 .8

20 .0


391 m² Total: 453 m²

1 8 .0



423 m²

SOLD Total:

19 .6



19 .4



16 .2


2 8 .1

11 Total: 667 m² 487 m² SOLD


12 .5




400 m² Total: SOLD 465 m²






2 8 .1

2 8 .1

16 .2


16 .2


400 m² Total: SOLD 465 m²

1 8 .0


13 .2



2 8 .1

2 4 .6

2 8 .4

2 2 .2

400 m² Total: SOLD 465 m²






500 m² 15


500 m²

16 .5


. 15

405 m² Total: SOLD 470 m²

420 m²

SOLD Total:

394 m² SOLD Total: 459 m²







558 m²

.6 42


Total: SOLD 608 m²

.8 38

SOLD Total:

547 m²

• adjacent marina arm J with direct access and a 90+ year sub lease.

Bordering on the Great Barrier Reef and now one of Australia’s most contemporary and exclusive marinas, The Cove is a perfect addition to the Whitsundays lifestyle.

SOLD Total:


439 m²


497 m²



1 5 .1

400 m² Total: SOLD 500 m²



• a unique opportunity to own waterfront land in Airlie Beach Whitsundays, an address only 324 households enjoy.

• direct access to Airlie Beach’s state of the art maritime terminal and transit hub, completed June 2015.


1 5 .1

Introducing The Cove at Airlie Beach, an exclusive offering with only 23 waterfront home sites and featuring:

• access to Port of Airlie’s retail and dining precinct and a short walk to the Airlie Beach Main Street.


1 6 .1 1 5 .1

16 .2




1 5 .0

Waterfront land now available from $495,000.



19.9 25.8

7 waterfront homesites remaining

M A R I N A B E R T H S • W AT E R F R O N T L A N D • A PA R T M E N T L I V I N G D I N I N G & R E TA I L • M A R I T I M E PA S S E N G E R T E R M I N A L Port of Airlie Sales Centre & Marina - OPEN 7 DAYS 13 The Cove Road, Port of Airlie, Airlie Beach QLD 4802

Freecall: 1800 676 526 The information in this advertisement is subject to change and will not form part of any offer or contract. Any person must rely upon their own inquiries. While reasonable care has been taken to provide this information, the seller, the receivers and related parties accept no responsibility or liability if anyone relies upon it or for any loss, damage or claim suffered by any person.

Enjoy an amazing getaway... that’s not far away





From $135 per person per night* Including accommodation, ferry transfers, plus Kids Stay and Eat Free!^

Enjoy 25% off Great Barrier Reef Adventures with Cruise Whitsundays** Simply quote the promotional code 100549 to receive this offer.

Perfectly situated in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, Hamilton Island offers an experience like no other: turquoise waters, brilliant beaches, awe-inspiring coral reefs, fascinating flora and fauna, fine food and wines, free use of water sports and over 60 activities perfect for singles, couples or families.

Plus, become a Turtle Club member and you’ll receive: 20% DISCOUNT on ‘Resort Connections’ services to all destinations 50% DISCOUNT on Day Cruises when accompanied by one full fare paying adult FREE TRAVEL on Day Cruises when accompanied by two full fare paying adults

To book please call 1300 780 797, or visit

To book please call 07 4846 7000, or visit

*Standby prices are per person, per night, twin share and can only be booked only within 3 days (72 hours) prior to travel date. Valid for travel until 30 Sept 2015. Subject to availability, blackout dates apply. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and is only available to residents of Gladstone to Port Douglas. ^Kids 0-12 years inclusive stay free when sharing with adults and using existing bedding, and eat free from the kids menu when dining with parents in selected restaurants. Please refer to for cancellations and amendments policy. **Must quote Promo Code at time of booking to redeem offer and is for Great Barrier Reef Adventures only. Discount applied to full prices Adults and Child tickets only. Offer is not in conjunction with any other promotion. No further discounts or offers apply. Subject to availability. Not available from 19 September – 5 October 2015.

Drop anchor in the heart of our vibrant village. Explore the Whitsundays from the beautifully redeveloped Abell Point Marina. State-of-theart facilities and exceptional service will make your stay a sea breeze. Our private helipad and private car are at your disposal too. Meanwhile the Marina buzzes with atmosphere from the Barcelona Tapas Bar, Sorrento Restaurant and the Sunset Bar. Be certain, a new standard in Marinas has been set.

Abell Point Marina – expect the ‘blue carpet’ treatment.

Find out more at

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25 34

44 41

Andrew Pattinson Vampp Photography



21 45

Advertising 07 4945 4429

Editorial Enquiries 07 4945 4429

Writers: Amanda Wright / Jo Sweeney / Rachael Smith Photography: Iconic Bride Photography Editor: Rebecca Douthwaite / Publishers Indemnity. Those who make advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to Tripping Magazine, undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe any copyright, trademark, defamation, libel, slander or title, breach of confidence, does not contain anything obscene or indecent, or does not infringe the Trade Practices Act or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to the above mentioned these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, claims or judgements. All material is correct at time of printing and is copyright of CORE Publishing and Events Pty Ltd.



co Ntent ts

what’s inside > 12-15 what’s on 17-29 townsville region 30-50 whitsunday region 51-59 mackay region 10-11 Whitsunday airshow 21 sealink magnetic is. race week 25 red baron seaplanes 41 mini 4wd tour 43 thundercat whitsundays





play beach races

ANZAC Centenary Dinner



6-9 August, 2015

7-11 August 2015

The Mackay Airport Beach Horse Racing Festival is a unique combination of events surrounding the festival highlight The Mackay Airport Beach Race Day. The mild 24 degree winter weather will see 7000 + people converge on Mackay Harbour Beach on Saturday 8th August 2015 to witness the 4th annual running of one of equines most exciting spectacles. The lead up to the race day offers visitors a great opportunity to experience some famous Mackay hospitality and weather. From Thursday 6th August, a swanky cocktail party will launch the festival followed by a fun social charity golf day (Friday 7th morning) & Garden Party/Calcutta (Friday evening) all adding to the fun.

The vibrant coastal town of Airlie Beach will come alive from July 31 to August 9 2015, as the Whitsunday Reef Festival hits town. The annual favourite festival, is a delicious combination of family fun, community events, all-night celebrations, food, fashion, fireworks and some of the biggest street parties north of Mackay.

The Race day is regarded as the number 1 social and sporting event on North Queensland’s calendar. The event features up to 10 exciting horse races on beautiful Mackay Harbour Beach, festival bands, family entertainment and an abundance of ticket/ package choices that will accommodate all budgets. Races and on course entertainment run from 10.30am-4pm with a festival band complimenting the entertainment from 4-6pm. Free courtesy buses to and from Mackay’s City Center make attending the event both convenient and affordable.

Thurs 6th - Sun 9th August 2015 • Ph: (07) 4946 4444 • 13 Waterson Way 12

The festival, now in its 15th year, is themed Heart of the Reef, as it celebrates what it means to live in the Whitsundays, on the edge of the Coral Sea, in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef. In 2015 the Whitsunday Reef Festival will be bigger, better and brighter. We will be bringing back our classic events such as Telstra Family Funday, Frocktails, Comedy Gala, Recyclable Regatta & our infamous Street Party. Stay tuned for updates on more events as our amazing committee locks them in. This event is a solely run and operated community event which means we need local business and citizen support to make it happen. The Whitsunday Reef Festival is not to be missed, as there is something for everyone, whether you’re young or young at heart. For more information, where to stay and what to do while in the Whitsundays for the Reef Festival, visit the website.

airlie beach 7- 11 august

Airlie Beach’s most inspiring multi purpose venue

melbourne ballet company

xavier rudd

audi hamilton is. race week




14-15 August 2015

16 August 2015

15-22 august 2015

Melbourne Ballet Company is proud to offer you the opportunity to book an MBC master class. The MBC master class gives ballet teachers and students from your community the opportunity to be taught by some of Australia’s foremost artists and teachers and is an excellent way to build audiences for the show.

Xavier Rudd And The United Nations finds the iconic Australian solo artist in full band mode for the first time in a long and successful career and introduces new album Nanna to Xavier’s diverse and acclaimed discography... Debuting at #2 on the ARIA charts, Xavier’s 2012 album Spirit Bird was the triumphant pinnacle of of his entire solo career – capturing the most beautiful aspects of his voice, his songs and his spirit. Spirit Bird saw Xavier Rudd yet again tour the world, bringing together old fans and new, regardless of their culture or country of origin. Now, this ability to connect is at the heart of Xavier Rudd And The United Nations. A band with a strong message of all people coming together around the globe to return to spirit, respect the ancient ways and protect the Earth and the very essence of creation. Finding one of the great solo artists of our time fronting a full band with impeccable results. Once again diving into new musical waters, while still holding true to the music in his heart, Xavier Rudd has added another remarkable milestone to his already epic journey; solidifying his place as one of Australia’s greatest artists, activists and spirits.

Audi Hamilton Island Race Week is one of Australia’s favourite yachting events and a firm fixture on the international sailing calendar. Competitors, family and friends come together to enjoy the convivial atmosphere and unique camaraderie of the event’s on-water and off-water carnival. Every August, spectators and yachties from around the globe sail to Hamilton Island for Audi Hamilton Island Race Week - Australia’s largest offshore keelboat regatta.

Fairy Ballet Class Suitable to ages 5 - 7 Years old. Spaces limited to 30 per class. Junior Classical Technique Suitable to ages 8 – 14 Years old with previous ballet experience.Spaces limited to 30 per class. Junior Melbourne Ballet Company Repertoire Suitable to ages 15 – 20 Years old with elementary or above experience. Spaces limited to 30 per class. Senior Classical Technique Suitable to ages 15 – 20 Years old with elementary or above experience. Spaces limited to 30 per class. Senior Melbourne Ballet Company Repertoire Suitable to ages 15 – 20 Years old with elementary or above experience. Spaces limited to 30 per class. Senior Classical on Stage Suitable to ages 15 – 20 Years old with previous ballet experience. Spaces limited to 10 students.

The WACC 14-15 August 2015

Perfectly situated on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef, amongst Queensland’s 74 Whitsunday Islands, Hamilton Island offers an experience like no other: glorious weather, azure waters, brilliant beaches, awe-inspiring coral reefs, fascinating flora and fauna, fine food and wines, and activities almost too numerous to mention.

hamilton island 15-22 august, 2015

Sunday 16 August 2015 7.30pm mecc auditorium


12 AUG



16 AUG




for more info, prices and bookings


OF LOVE 1 SEP | Box Office: 4961 9777 13


play whitsunday air show whitsundays


The biggest airshow in Far North Queensland! Gates open at 08.30, with the flying display to commence at 13.00 and close at 15.30. ur starting line up has Paul Bennett with his Grumman Avenger, Wolf Pitts, Sky Aces, Wirraway, T-28 Trojan, The RAAF Roulettes, Skydive Demonstrations, DH82a Tigermoth, L39 Albatross Fastjet, P-51 Mustang, Helicopters - R22, R44, R66, Bell 407, EC130, Gippsland Airvans, Beaver, Caravan, Static displays, fixed wing and helicopter Joy Flights, Kids Corner, Street Food Stands, Whitsunday Classic Cars, Beer Garden and lots more.

The SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week showcases the beauty of Magnetic Island and surrounding waters, attracting many sailors from around Australia to the annual event which is now in its ninth year.

whitsunday airport 26-27 september 2015

Try something a little bit different while you’re in Airlie. Take a ride in a WWII Tiger Moth, with Queensland’s ONLY full time Tiger Moth charter company.


magnetic island

26-27 september 2015

WANT TO SEE AIRLIE BEACH FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE? It’s the most fun that can be had with clothes on and without getting arrested!


Racing around the 40km of the Great Barrier Reef island coastline, past the Townsville foreshore and criss-crossing the sparkling waters of Cleveland Bay, the monohull and multihull sailors experience the pleasure of pristine waters, stunning natural beauty backdrops and plenty of tactical challenges. SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week isn’t just for yachties. The Island will be bustling with events for those looking to soak up the atmosphere from 27 August – 1 September including Friday & Saturday night parties, a beach fair, the return of the familyfriendly Treasure Quest and the debut of the Ladies Long Lunch. Some of Townsville’s well-loved performers such as Jade Holland, GodFathers of Funk and the 1RAR Band will keep everyone entertained. Event Chairman Paul Victory said this year’s social calendar was designed to encourage Townsville locals to get involved with the Festivities. “It’s important that folks don’t feel confined to the mainland as spectators, but know they’re invited to get over to Magnetic Island and get involved in the fun.”

Thurs 27 Aug-Tues 1 Sept, 2015

4946 9911 For bookings or Gift Vouchers

the laughing samoans

Sarina festival

writers festival




28 august 2015

12 september 2015

18-20 september 2015

Don’t miss the latest offering from one of New Zealand’s most successful live comedy acts.

Sarina Festival is an annual event held in Sarina, promoting the community, families and business. It brings together the arts, entertainment and culture.

The 2015 Whitsunday Writers Festival will be a feast for the senses, with inspiring speakers, motivating workshops and entertaining panel discussions.


With views of the Coral Sea from the Whitsunday Marine Club, the festival is also a relaxing and calming event, where guests and speakers mingle with one another and everyone connects and shares ideas and information.

The Laughing Samoans comedy duo of Eteuati Ete and Tofiga Fepule’ai has been touring New Zealand, Australia the Pacific islands, the USA and the UK for more than ten years now performing their unique brand of humour. ‘Fink About It’ will see the return of all your favourite Laughing Samoans characters such as Aunty Tala, Uncle Sam, Paul and Victor as well as another episode of their children’s TV programme Island Time. Search for them on YouTube and see for yourself why they are so popular. This is a rarity in live comedy… a show the whole family can enjoy.

friday 28 august 2015 8pm MECC Auditorium

Enjoy a unique lantern parade, digital animations and performance all created by the children of Sarina. ‘On the fringe: Belonging’ is based on living in a regional loction that extends from the mountains to the sea. Local bands, licensed bar and fantastic food on site PLUS Free amusements for the kids. Ending the night with a fabulous fire dancing show. RUGBY LEAGUE GROUNDS PARTY Wander through the grounds and enjoy the local art and craft markets, food stalls and live entertainment on the main stage. Great free family entertainment for your weekend! UTE MUSTER

Central street, sarina Saturday, 12 september 2015

This year’s festival boasts a stellar line-up of speakers and we are pleased and proud to announce that Blanche d’Alpuget, Jessica Watson, Ryan Campbell, Darren Stephens, Mark Abernethy, David Reiter and Dr Tony Ayling will be speaking. For the first time, there will also be an art exhibition, courtesy of local Whitsunday artists, and photography and painting workshops for those interested in the visual arts, as well as self-publishing and poetry writing workshops. With fresh, delicious food, served up throughout the day and a jam-packed social calendar for the evenings, this friendly and welcoming festival is certainly a delight for everyone who loves words!

airlie beach 18-20 september, 2015

Warm up for winter

with our $7.00 Footlong Meatball Sub® Subway® Proserpine Drive-Thru or Subway® Bowen Proserpine (07) 4945 3211 • Bowen (07) 4786 3682 Extra charges apply for double meat, double cheese & avocado


Do you even party?

When you are in need of a night to let your hair down, you need the right combination of sights, sounds, signature tastes and surroundings. Mama Africa Bar & Niteclub in Airlie Beach is a party institution and is the most popular nightclub on the main strip of Airlie.

“Mamas” as it is referred to by the locals, offers an awesome vibe, serving world-class drinks and friendly service. On the zebra striped dancefloor Mamas always plays the hottest music to get your groove on. Resident DJ’s mix the hottest tracks and the club regularly plays host to Top DJ’s from around Australia. The likes of Will Sparks, Joel Fletcher, Ember, SCNDL and Rave Radio are just a few of the names to have graced the DJ Booth in recent times, so whenever you are in town, you can always expect the party to be happening at Mamas.

and be part of the action! All the info can be found on the Mama Africa website.

This year, Mamas is hosting North Queensland’s biggest DJ Competition, “Do You Even DJ?” Amateur and professional DJ’s compete for huge prizes and mentoring sessions with soapbox artists to help get them started in the industry. The DJ’s gain experience in all aspects of DJ’ing including promotion and social media. With heat three being held in Late August, there is still a chance for aspiring DJ’s to secure a spot on the decks. Also there will be a special Under 18’s heat to be held during Schoolies Week in November. So, do you even DJ? If yes, jump online

Feeling lucky? Could you use a few more dollars to sweeten your week? Tuesday to Thursday, Mamas hosts the backpackers tour company Peterpans’ Party Games from 9 p.m. till 11 p.m. where you can win cash and prizes.

Visitors and locals become part of the family at Mamas. The friendly crew will make you feel at home, learning your name and remembering your favourite drink. Sunday night is known as Industry Night where staff from local bars and restaurants all meet up to relax after their weekend of work, with cash giveaways at 1 a.m. an added bonus if you happen to win.

The weekend is when Mama Africa’s wild side comes out to play. Secure your spot early with free entry before 11 p.m. or why not book yourself a VIP area with bottle service and your own personal waiter? No waiting in line, just sit back and let Mamas treat you like a rock star.

Exotic flavours and explosive tastes is what Mamas is all about. New cocktail creations are whipped up by the bar staff who compete for the most likes for their tasty creations. Get involved, discover a new favourite drink and enjoy the exotic mixes. For groups and special occasions, Mama Africa specialises in providing you everything you need to make your night memorable. Hen’s and Buck’s parties are extremely popular, with staff on hand to help organise a package to cater your needs. Be sure to get in early as dates can fill up quickly during wedding season, so call or email to secure your booking. Step through the mural staircase to get among the heartbeat of Airlie’s nightlife. At Mama Africa’s… we want to see you get wild!

Airlie’s Favourite Party Venue!

BAR & NIGHTCLUB Join our tribe Open Tuesday - Sunday 9pm - late


Hens+Bucks VIP groups THE PARTY EXPERTS.


Townsville GETTING HERE By Air Fly direct to Townsville from a range of Australian cities, including Mackay, Brisbane, Mt Isa, Cairns, Darwin, Sydney and Melbourne. Choose from a range of airlines who fly direct into Townsville Airport, including Qantas, Virgin Australia, Jetstar and Airnorth.

By Rail Travel by rail up and down the Queensland coast on the Spirit of Queensland, with services running between Cairns and Brisbane. Stations throughout the Mackay, Whitsunday and Townsville regions include; St Lawrence, Carmila, Sarina, Mackay, Proserpine, Bowen, Home Hill, Ayr, Giru and Townsville.

By Road The drive from Brisbane along the Bruce Highway should be split into at least two days, as the total duration is approximately 15 hours. The drive from Cairns is a pleasant four hours, with many towns dotted along the way to revive and refresh.

the strand clubs & pubs passenger ferry to magnetic island vehicle/passenger ferry to magnetic island Restaurants & hotel hub

Magnetic Island



things to do Townsville GETTING AROUND By Taxi Taxis are available throughout the Townsville region. Call 13 10 08 (13TAXI) to organise your journey. A taxi from Townsville Airport to the CBD will usually cost between $15 and $25, which includes the $3 airport toll.

Rental Car Rental car desks are conveniently located in the terminal arrivals area at Townsville Airport. Companies include Hertz, Europcar, Thrifty, Budget and Avis.

Stand on top of Castle Hill It’s easy to see the distinctive red monolith, known as Castle Hill from almost any point in Townsville. For the fit, the walk to the top is rewarding, however, you can drive to the top. The panoramic views are remarkable. Visit the historic WWII bunker, used by American soldiers as a defensive vantage point.

Swim at Little Crystal Creek, Paluma Nestled in verdant rainforest, the quaint village of Paluma is the perfect location to escape into a world from yesteryear. Dine at a cute café and shop for local art and produce. Drive to Little Crystal Creek for a refreshing swim, where a handmade stone bridge from the 1930s creates a fairytale backdrop.

TOURS AND TRANSPORT SERVICES The Townsville Bulletin Square Visitor Information Centre is located in the heart of the Townsville Central Business District just off Flinders Street.

WEATHER The Townsville region enjoys summer-like warmth year-round, with an average maximum daily temperature of 31 degrees Celsius in the summer and 25 degrees Celsius in the winter. Being a tropical city, it experiences wet and dry months. The most rainfall occurs between December and March, however, even during the wet season the majority of days are still filled with periods of hot sunshine. Cyclones frequently form in the Coral Sea during the wet season and can cause severe damage to parts of the Queensland Coast, however, these are well broadcast on major television and radio stations giving ample warning.

Weather in August/September Townsville’s weather during Spring is usually glorious. The average maximum daily temperature over these months is approximately 26 degrees Celsius, with an overnight low average of 20 degrees Celsius.

MUST-DO TOWNSVILLE Feed a croc at Billabong Sanctuary Australia’s best interactive wildlife experience. Hold a koala, hug a wombat, feed a crocodile, pat a dingo or wrap a python around your shoulders. Stroll through the natural habitat and watch turtles swim to the edge of the Billabong.

Visit the world’s largest living coral reef aquarium Reef HQ Great Barrier Reef Aquarium is home to the world’s largest living coral reef aquarium. The 2.5 million litre coral reef exhibition will open your eyes to an amazing underwater world of complex and fascinating marine creatures. Stroll through the underwater viewing tunnel and come face to face with large tropical fish and turtles.

Snorkel a shipwreck on Magnetic Island Snorkel or dive “The Moltke”, an old cargo ship which sunk close to the shore on Magnetic Island. The broken structure is home to an array of colourful marine life, making it a picturesque and easily accessible dive site. Follow the Geoffrey Bay snorkel trail to other interesting snorkelling locations.


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18 trips. 20 minutes. Your quickest link to Magnetic Island.

Let SeaLink take you there RETURN FERRY FARES from $29pp FERRY + ALL DAY BUS from $35pp FERRY + DRINK + CAR from $42pp



Bright Point Apartments


Magnetic Island

race week 2015

1 Bright Point Apartments Magnetic Island Phone: +61 7 4758 2100 With views across the sparkling Coral Sea, One Bright Point Apartments Magnetic Island is the place where you and your tropical dreams meet.

beaches, bays, cafes, local galleries and golf course.

The resort offers 4 swimming pools, spa, BBQ, equipped exercise room Nestled amongst natural island beauty, and boardroom. and bathed in a warm, tropical climate Guests can select from a variety of the beautiful heritage listed Magnetic 1, 2 and 3 bedroom luxury beach Island, just off the Tropical North Queensland coast is only a 20 minute house style apartments, most with uninterrupted views of the Coral Sea. fast ferry ride from Townsville. With Bush Walks, Horse Riding, Jet Ski Hire / Tours, Fine Dining and many One Bright Point Apartments is more enjoyable activities One Bright located right beside the island’s Point Apartments on Magnetic Island spectacular harbour, with a state of is a holiday destination that you simply the art ferry terminal and marina and can’t afford to miss. within walking distance to over 23



DON’T MISS A MOMENT 5 Days of Yacht Racing from 11am daily For bookings call 1300

624 443

The SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week, is being held from August 27 to September 1, 2015

SeaLink Magnetic Island

Race Week

regatta puts stunning venue on holiday map SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week isn’t just for yachties. This year, the Island will be bustling with events for those looking to soak up the atmosphere including Friday and Saturday night parties, a beach fair, the return of the family-friendly Treasure Quest and the debut of the Ladies Long Lunch. Townsville’s well-loved performers such as Jade Holland, GodFathers of Funk and the 1RAR Band will showcase local talent and entertainment. The SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week, which is being held August 27 to September 1, puts Magnetic Island and its surrounding waters on the map as the perfect Spring-time holiday and sailing destination. The regatta showcases the beauty of Magnetic Island and the local region, attracting many sailors from around Australia to the annual event which is now in its ninth year. Racing around the 40km of the Great Barrier Reef island coastline, past the Townsville foreshore and criss-crossing the deep blue Cleveland Bay, the monohull and multihull sailors experience the pleasure of pristine waters, stunning natural beauty backdrops and plenty of tactical challenges. Townsville Yacht Club’s Rear Commodore Tony Muller said the racing is held close to the island or close to the Townsville shore which helps to showcase the event and the sport. “We try to get them racing where they can be seen from the shore,” Muller said.

“The access to the race area is just so convenient. You’re on the race course in two minutes. You have four or five hours on the water, then you come back and you are there with everybody at the same venue. All the boats are parked at the same place and everybody gets together in a social, almost intimate environment,” Muller added. On shore both the sailors and visitors have the choice of a variety of affordable accommodation options and four quaint towns to visit, and the enjoyment of a hearty north Queensland welcome in the relaxed destination. With the bulk of the fleet being made up of Cruising Spinnaker and Non Spinnaker entries and with owners often aged 50 and older, there tends to be a large number of family and friends travelling with those teams and this is the perfect time to launch into other events on Magnetic Island such as the Bay Dayz Festival featuring the crowd favourite Beer Can Regatta, local markets, Magnetic Island Jazz Party and the Fullmoon Down Under parties. Following onto all this action packed fun is the Tasar National Championship later in September and the growing international KiteFoil Gold Cup in early October. For full SeaLink Magnetic island Race Week Racing and social program see


Magnetic Island Award winning restaurant Quality wine list Art gallery showcasing Local talent Oceanview deck Secluded back garden deck A cultural experience in the heart of Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island Bush & Beach Rides Enjoy the scenic beauty of Horseshoe Bay, its wildlife, beach, lagoon and hinterland followed by a thrilling bareback ride with your horse in the cool clear waters of the Coral Sea.

Book your wedding or private function with us now

Tours depart 9am and 3pm daily and are perfect for all rider levels. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Weight and age limits apply. Ph. 47785109

5 Pacific Drive Horseshoe Bay Magnetic Island Queensland 4819 Australia Tel/Fax: 07 4758 1170


Bright Point Apartments


today | P +61 7 4758 1616 32 Picnic Street, Picnic Bay, Magnetic Island Q


Picnic Bay 07 4778 5076 |





Save & Explore Magnetic

Clean, quiet and affordable self-contained units. 4WD hire and double-room accommodation.


Escape & Explore Magnetic Island

Award winning restaurant Quality wine list Art gallery showcasing Local talent Oceanview deck Secluded back garden deck A cultural experience in the heart of Magnetic Island Book your wedding or private function with us now

5 Pacific Drive Horseshoe Bay Magnetic Island Queensland 4819 Australia Tel/Fax: 07 4758 1170

ESCAPE PACKAGE 2 people, 3 nights only $300

Book your winter escape on Magentic Island now! Affordable friendly getaway with spacious hinterland gardens and native wildlife.

Magnetic Island Bush & Beach Rides

Amaroo On Mandalay features a Healing Magna pool with mineral de-stressing qualities. We have a range of room types to suit any budget - executive, studio, studio twin, family. Amaroo On Mandalay is also the perfect intimate wedding venue!

Enjoy the scenic beauty of Horseshoe Bay, its wildlife, beach, lagoon and hinterland followed by a thrilling bareback ride with your horse in the cool clear waters of the Coral Sea. Tours depart 9am and 3pm daily and are perfect for all rider levels. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Weight and age limits apply. Ph. 47785109

Call 07 4778 5200 and ask about our weekly prices!


Bungalow Bay Koala Village boasts its own on-site wildlife park with 3 daily tours at 10am, 12 noon and 2:30pm


ISLAND ESCAPE Located within the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Magnetic Island is a must for the eco conscious traveller and is just a short 20 minute ferry ride from Townsville. The rocky granite headlands provide a basis to any array of eco systems from rainforest thicket, coastal dunes and eucalypt forest. The island is home to northern Australia’s largest colony of koalas and they can be observed on the popular Forts Walk. The 23 bays, secluded beaches and fringing reefs provide snorkelling experiences to rival the outer reef. The multi award winning Bungalow Bay Koala Village, just a 5 minute walk from Horseshoe Bay and central to all island activities, is the place to stay for the eco traveller. Brett and Janelle Flemming have created an accommodation resort truly like no other which caters to everyone – safari double and twin bungalows, traditional 3 share, 6 share and 8 share budget safari bungalows along with powered and unpowered camping sites. The bungalows offer private verandahs to enjoy the tranquillity and the wildlife, from rock wallabies to curlews and a chorus of bird song. Bungalow Bay Koala Village boasts its own on-site wildlife park with 3 daily tours at 10am, 12 noon and 2:30pm. The 2 hour interactive tour will have you wrapping pythons around your neck, holding a saltwater crocodile, kissing Shadow, our Red-tailed black cockatoo, putting a frilled neck lizard on your head and holding the icon of the island, the koala. An optional koala photo is available with money being donated to local wildlife projects on the island. Ranger Tony also hosts our “Breakfast with Koalas” showcasing an array of local produce. Enjoy a gourmet buffet breakfast of lamb loins encrusted with outback spices, reef fish with lemon myrtle, bacon and eggs, pancakes with Rosella Jam and Honeycomb from the banks of Ross River. Join the team from 8.30am to 10am on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings. If you are coming over for the day, the 7.45am ferry departing Townsville will have you there in time. Public bus transfers co-ordinate with all the island ferries to deliver you to the doorstep.



Red Baron Seaplanes The Ultimate Aquatic Playground What is the best part of the tour? Taking to the skies in the ONLY two passenger, open cockpit bi-plane on floats in the world, speaks for itself. It is an opportunity to take a step back in time, to a past era. Taking off from and landing in the water is such a unique and thrilling experience. The fact that you can then gaze upon the natural beauty of the Great Barrier Reef from an open cockpit adds to the excitement. If you’re lucky, you may even see unique marine life, including turtles, dolphins, dugongs as well as whales during migration season, from July to September. The fly-by of the Strand is an exciting part of the flight.

Where is it located? Red Baron Seaplanes is unique and exclusive to Townsville. The main point of departure and arrival is from the Townsville Marina. The meeting point is at Red Baron Seaplane’s office, Shop 5, Breakwater Marina, Mariners Drive. We operate all year round, it is possible to depart and arrive on Magnetic Island itself, from Horseshoe Bay.

Why choose this tour?

opens up views of remote parts of the island which are rarely seen, including the inaccessible Five Beach Bay. On a clear day, you can often see as far north as Hinchinbrook Island, beyond Great Palm and Orpheus islands. Two-passenger cockpits are rare on bi-planes, so the opportunity to share the majestic experience of flying with a loved-one is an opportunity not to be missed.

What does your tour include? Choose from either a panoramic flight over Townsville, or the circumnavigation tour of Magnetic Island. Both tours depart and arrive on the water. There is also the opportunity to customise your own unique flight experience, up to a maximum of one hour flying time. Flight spaces book quickly, so it is advisable to book well in advance. The tour operating all year round.

would you recommend this tour to a friend? Most definitely! This is the opportunity of a lifetime and would be enjoyed by both young and old. This flight would make an excellent gift or would add excitement to any holiday. The experience could certainly enhance the romance of a honeymoon, or it could become the ultimate platform for a memorable proposal, just don’t drop the ring!

Unique, thrilling, memorable and exclusive. The historical Grumman Sea-Cat bi-plane starred in the movie ‘The Phantom’. Billy Zane and Catherine Zeta-Jones both flew in this very plane and now it’s your turn! The circumnavigation of Magnetic Island

tour info

where to book

contact details

Open 7 days a week

Book at any travel agent or tour desk

Phone 0412 896 770 or online via


Visit beautiful Magnetic Island! Take in the stunning views while cruising on Magnetic Island’s only passenger and car ferry. With eight return trips daily, we welcome you aboard as we make our way to Magnetic Island where you can enjoy brilliant beaches, fascinating flora and fauna, fine food and wines, and activities almost too numerous to mention. FREE parking & FREE Wi-Fi!


Loading commences 20 minutes before departure. Vehicle bookings essential. Simply book online or call us

4796 9300 •

DID YOU KNOW –The southern cassowary is the world’s third largest bird!

cassowary Colourful and clever, the cassowary is one of the most interesting birds on the planet. The name cassowary comes from two Papuan words, ‘kasu’ meaning horned and ‘weri’ meaning head, referring to the prominent casque on its head.

Closely related to other flightless birds, such as the emu and New Zealand’s kiwi, the southern cassowary is the name given to the Australian sub-species of this majestic bird. In Australia, the southern cassowary is found in tropical rainforests just north of Townsville at Paluma, through rainforest areas such as Cardwell Ranges, Mission Beach, Tully and the Atherton Tablelands. If you come in contact with a cassowary, please do not feed it, as this can be detrimental to its health. Cassowaries eat the fruits from over 150 rainforest trees, palms, cycads and shrubs. Some 60 species of the larger rainforest plants rely entirely on the cassowary for propagation. The fruit passes through the gut with the seeds being deposited on the rainforest floor intact. Unfortunately these beautiful birds are in danger of becoming extinct. Southern cassowaries are an endangered species with estimates of only about 1000 individuals in the wild. The main problem for the decline of cassowaries has been loss of habitat with clearing of the rainforest. After cyclones when the diet of fruit is destroyed, the cassowaries wander into backyards and are attacked by dogs. They also get hit by cars after associating cars with food after being fed by people, another reason not to feed them. To help keep a healthy population of cassowaries in the wild, Billabong sanctuary is part of the captive Breeding Programme for this endangered bird. Chicks bred at the Sanctuary have gone to other wildlife parks and zoos as part of the programme. Get up close and personal with our two resident cassowaries, Yarrabah and Hope. At the 10am cassowary experience, you will learn all about these majestic birds and will have the opportunity to feed them from behind the safety of the fenced enclosure.

Billabong Sanctuary Waltzing Matilda is about as Australian as it gets and, to experience an array of wildlife by an Aussie Billabong, take a walk on the wild side at Townsville’s Billabong Sanctuary. Australia’s native animals are as weird and wonderful as they come. From the cuddly koala to the bounding kangaroo, Billabong Sanctuary lets you get up close and personal to your favourite furry, feathered and scaly friends. Billabong Sanctuary is based around three habitats; eucalypt forest, rainforest and wetlands, with a large billabong at its heart. Wetland birds come and go from the sanctuary as they please, and as you take a stroll around the lapping edge of the billabong, keep an eye out for the friendly turtles who greet you at the water’s edge. Whether you visit morning or afternoon, there are always guided shows and interactive opportunities to touch or feed many of the sanctuary’s inhabitants. If you leave Airlie Beach after breakfast and head north to Townsville, you will not miss any of the experiences as there is a 3 p.m. as well as a 12:45 p.m. crocodile feeding and also the opportunity to hold a koala both morning at 11:15 a.m. and afternoon at 4 p.m. At wildlife encounters, you can hold a koala or hug a wombat and have a souvenir photo for a small fee, or use your own camera. There is no charge for wrapping a python around your neck, holding a lizard or holding a small crocodile. Wildlife talks and interpretative experiences feature all day. Don’t miss the most popular feeding show, where the sanctuary’s largest crocodile, Bully, will leap from the water in an amazing show of strength to take a snap at his lunch. Hear the tremendous jaws snap shut as Bully lunges for food, fed by one of the experienced rangers. Bully is 4.5m long and weighs in excess of 500kgs. To see him in action is an unforgettable nature experience. Take the opportunity to feed one of the snappy freshwater crocodiles, only $10 to experience the action. At the all-inclusive wildlife talks, you will learn about the ecology, the habits and unusual characteristics of Australia’s unique animals. Each ranger is passionate about the welfare of the animals at the sanctuary. Their care and devotion is evident in the presentations they give. They pass on valuable information about how to stay safe in the wild in North Queensland and also inform about many misconceptions people may have about different animals. One of the most misunderstood native animals in Australia is the dingo. See a different side to this magnificent creature and then pose for a photo and pat the friendly dingoes. Some of the friendliest inhabitants of Billabong Sanctuary are the kangaroos. Be sure to grab a bag of animal feed to experience them eating out of your hand. Be aware, they do slobber! A heart-warming experience for young and old and a great photo opportunity with one of Australia’s icons. Make a day of it at Billabong Sanctuary by enjoying a coffee and meal from Blinky Bill Café or bring your own supplies to enjoy a barbecue beside the tropically landscaped pool.

Billabong Sanctuary – a wild experience every day!



accommodation guide

Get Stranded Come and stay on The Strand.

All rooms are overlooking the Coral Sea to Magnetic Island.

Air conditioned rooms | Private balcony | Cooking facilities | Swimming pool Guest laundry | Foxtel | Great restaurants & bars nearby Call 07 4772 4255 or checkout our website for today’s best rate.


townsville Star Rated

Self Rated

townsville Grand Mercure Apartments Magnetic Island

The resort is a secluded sanctuary in one of the most spectacular locations in the South Pacific. A mere 50 metres from Magnetic Island Ferry Terminal, Grand Mercure Apartment Magnetic Island is an Island Resort just beside the Coral Sea and Marine Reserve. The hotel has fully self-contained apartments offering magnificent views of Townsville and Cleveland Bay, 4 pools with exercise rooms and a Rooftop Pool.

Aquarius on the Beach Aquarius on the Beach on the Strand boasts the best waterfront hotel views in Townsville. Be prepared for comfortable accommodation, excellent service and pleasant surrounds. 07 4772 4255 |

07 4758 2100 |

c stay magnetic island

tropical palms resort, magnetic island

CStay guest house is perfect for couples, two friends travelling together or special interest groups. Magnetic Island is only 20 minutes by ferry from the city of Townsville. Peaceful, quiet, clean, affordable accommodation and only 200 metre away from beautiful Picnic Bay beach.

Just 150M to the beach, Picnic bay Hotel, mall, parks, & a short walk to the golf club. Tropical Palms Inn offers a fully renovated, modern, holiday solution: Airconditioned, Self Contained studio units with ensuite bathroom and kitchen. Pool, BBQ, Private courtyard, Laundry & Garden entertaining area. 4WD Car Hire, Kiosk and tour desk available.

07 4758 1616 |

amaroo on mandalay There is no other place quite like it on the island. The resort is truly a great place to unwind and relax. Spacious and roomy, Amaroo On Mandalay is also an affordable family get away, with plenty of room to run around. Wildlife is plentiful around the resort, we feed cockatoos, lorikeets and kookaburras daily. At dusk numerous rock wallabies and possums appear, and you are welcome to feed them pellets available from reception. We know you will enjoy your stay at Amaroo On Mandalay….it’s a lovely beautiful place. 07 4778 5200 |

07 4778 5076 |

Holiday Inn A short stroll from your accommodation you will find award winning restaurants, nightlife, entertainment and major tourist attractions such as the Strand Waterfront, Castle Hill and Reef HQ Aquarium. Conveniently located across the street are local bus services that will take you to the Townsville Crocodiles basketball games and the North Queensland Cowboys Rugby League clashes. Holiday Inn Townsville is Townsville’s tallest building and is a short 10 minute taxi ride from the Airport. 1800 669 562 |



Whitsundays Bowen Gloucester Island

Cape Gloucester

Montes Reef Resort Cape Gloucester Beach Resort

Hideaway Bay

Dingo beach pub

Dingo Beach

GETTING HERE By Air Great Barrier Reef Airport, Hamilton Island. Fly direct to a Whitsunday island via Virgin Australia, Jetstar and Qantas to Hamilton Island. Fly direct from Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns.

Peter Faust Dam

Whitsunday Coast Airport, Proserpine The Whitsunday’s main airport is located near Proserpine, 25 minutes from Airlie Beach. It is serviced by Virgin Australia, Jetstar and Tiger Airways, with direct flights from Brisbane and Sydney. Whitsunday Airport, Shute Harbour Whitsunday Airport is a private airport, utilised mainly by private aircraft and helicopters. This airport can offer air transfers to Whitsunday islands.


By Rail Travel by rail up and down the Queensland coast on the Spirit of Queensland, with services running between Cairns and Brisbane. Stations located in the Whitsundays region include Proserpine and Bowen.

Whitsunday Coast Airport

By Road


Proserpine is an easy one and a half hour drive from Mackay, or three hours from Townsville.

Airlie Beach Cedar Creek Falls Shute Harbour Conway Beach Laguna Quays

Daydream Island

Long Island

Hayman Island

North Molle Island

South Molle Island

On the northern end of Proserpine, turn off the Main Rd Bruce Highway and follow signs to Airlie Beach and Shute Harbour to arrive at Cannonvale and Airlie Beach. Airlie Beach is 25 minutes from Proserpine.

whitsunday coast (proserpine) airport cedar ck falls conway beach shopping centres

Hamilton Island Airport

main street airlie beach accommodation, nightclub, restaurant hub

Hamilton Island Hill Inlet Whitehaven Beach

Lindeman Island


abell point marina cruise whitsunday terminal whitsunday airport shute harbour

things to do whitsundays GETTING AROUND By Taxi

pristine pool which is a local favourite for swimming. Remember to take your insect repellant as mosquitoes can be found in concentrated numbers in the bush. You can find Cedar Creek Falls on Saltwater Creek Road, off Conway Beach Road.

Taxis are available throughout the Whitsunday region, 24 hours per day.

Charter a yacht and explore the islands

By Water

Sail off in search of adventure. By night enjoy cocktails on the deck of your own charter yacht at sunset, by day plot your own course of discovery, drop anchor as you please and explore uninhabited Whitsunday islands. You are only limited by your own sense of adventure.

Cruise Whitsundays operates ferries and island connections between Hamilton Island Airport, Airlie Beach, Long Island, Daydream Island, South Molle Island and many island resorts. It also provides tours to Whitehaven Beach and the Great Barrier Reef. Please be aware that they are now located at a brand new terminal building at the Port of Airlie.


Airlie Beach Markets Community markets held at the Airlie Beach foreshore every Saturday - weather permitting of course!

There are many tour operators, shuttle services and bus companies who operate throughout the Whitsundays. Contact the Whitsunday Visitor Information Centre on +61 7 4945 3967 to find the one which suits your itinerary and to make a booking.

WEATHER Hamilton Island enjoys warm weather year-round, with the mercury rarely dipping below 17 degrees Celsius, even in the middle of winter. It enjoys balmy highs averaging 30 degrees Celsius in the summer, and highs averaging 22 degrees in winter.

Weather in August/September The weather is getting warmer, with average highs of 26 degrees. There are plenty of sun-filled moments to enjoy. You will often find that the mornings and early afternoons are warmer than the evenings.

MUST-DO WHITSUNDAYS Fly over Heart Reef It’s one of the most recognizable Whitsunday icons, the tiny reef shaped like a heart. It is best experienced from the air, as from the water is looks like any other small part of reef. Enjoy the romantic flight with someone special.

Picnic on Whitehaven Beach With its inviting, turquoise-hued water and soft, impeccably white sand, Whitehaven Beach is simply paradise. Consistently named one of the best beaches in the world, you will want to spend hours digging your toes into the sand. For the best view of Whitehaven Beach, make your way to Tongue Point, on Whitsunday Island, to enjoy the stunning fusion of colour. Then enjoy a relaxing picnic, followed by a refreshing swim or snorkel right off the beach.

Sleep on the Great Barrier Reef There can be fewer greater experiences offered in the world than the chance to sleep under the stars, 40 nautical miles from shore, on the Great Barrier Reef! Snorkel and swim from Cruise Whitsunday’s pontoon on the reef, and then enjoy the solitude of the setting sun over the reef as you, and only a few others, sleep under the stars, lulled to sleep by the sounds of the Coral Sea.

Swim at Cedar Creek Falls

If you are looking for a laid back, atmosphere within beautiful, natural surrounds, then look no further than...

Dingo Beach Hotel & Units, The Whitsundays visit us on Facebook

hotel - bar - bistro - units - store (07) 4945 7153 17 Pioneer Drive Dingo Beach QLD 4800

Swim within a rock amphitheatre at the base of Cedar Creek waterfall, a large



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Skate Park Water Park Playground BBQ Area



Wake up to this view Rose Bay Resort – Absolute Beachfront, Absolutely Stunning

07 4786 9000 | | 2 Pandanus Street, Bowen


Absolute Beachfront “It’s like an Island… On the mainland!” Horseshoe Bay

4786 1206 C AT ERI N G



5 2 R i c h m o n d r d - op e n 7 d a ys - le s or e l le c o f f e e h o us e . c o m . a u














• • • •

Queens Beach Tourist Village

CABINS CAMPING POWERED SITES POOL & SPA Phone: (07) 4785 1313 • Email: • 160 Mt Nutt Road, Queens Beach, Bowen QLD 4805

Self-contained, motel and studio units Surrounded by five secluded beaches Beautiful landscaped gardens On-Site Indian restaurant called “Spice and Pepper”, open Monday to Saturday. • Perfect for small wedding ceremonies • Families, Couples and business reps all welcome • 300m to Grays Bay boat ramp. Great fishing and ample parking to bring your boat and trailer. Phone: 07 4786 3333 2A Horseshoe Bay Road, Bowen 4805


Tripping out on

cocktails whitsundays where Sorrento Restaurant and Bar is Abell Point Marina’s iconic bar and restaurant, famed for its large open plan deck, glorious sunset views of the marina and delicious seafood inspired menu. Sorrento’s is located a short walk from Airlie Beach along the bicentennial walk-way which skirts the coastline and provides a stunning early evening stroll. So, what better way to enjoy the vibrant orange sunset than with a sensational cocktail from their extensive cocktail list.

The Lychee Lover Ingredients: Lychee liqueur, limoncello, lemon wedges, fresh lychees, a hint of mint, topped with lift and layered over ice. Owners note “Sorrento’s is a sunset bar so we see a lot of people come to enjoy cocktails while the sun goes down, especially the ladies. It is very popular with them! We try and create modern cocktails that are a feast for the eyes as well as the palette. We also put a lot of cocktails on special each week at a reduced price. We take a lot pride in making cocktails and employ a great team to create the best cocktails.” The verdict Sweet and tangy. This is the perfectly refreshing cocktail to begin your night with. The glass comes decorated and the fresh lychees add an authentic taste making the experience even more special. The staff asked if I wanted to try a few more and who was I to decline? It was Friday night after all! My friend tried the mojito and I tried the Toblerone. The Toblerone was like one gloriously long alcoholic milkshake – mmm! Total indulgence!

the Retreat from the Street

book us for your next private function!

RETREAT FROM THE STREET open for breakfast, lunch & dinner tuesday to saturday, 9am - 9pm

coffee | tapas | pizza | wine 0416 011 615

263 Shute Harbour Road, Airlie Beach, Queensland



where Walter’s Lounge is located in the modern Port of Airlie precinct, overlooking a beautiful marina. Go for an extensive wine list, incredible tapas to nibble and divine cocktails to sip. The service is also incredibly friendly, you’ll be made to feel at home.

The Chiro Ingredients: Spiced rum, IPA beer, blood orange liqueur, orgeat syrup (almond). Owners note “This cocktail was created for local chiropractor, Jason Naumann, from Total Lifestyle Chiropractic. Jason visited us with a group of friends for his birthday and enjoys spiced rum and IPA beer, so I thought it would be fun to create a cocktail for

where Little Vegas Burger Bar is the new hip place to be in Airlie Beach. This intimate funky restaurant is on the main-street and is packed out most nights because the food is so good. Decorated in a Vegas theme with incredible wall murals of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe this is a city experience on a small-town street. There is a focus on unique, quality menu options and incredible service from their friendly team. I couldn’t wait to try their signature Vegas Mary!

THE VEGAS MARY Ingredients: Vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Byron Bay Chilli Company jalapeno sauce, Hell Fire Habenero bitters, olives, pickles and celery.

the birthday boy based around those two ingredients. This gave me the opportunity to challenge myself as I had never made any cocktails with beer before.” The verdict This really surprised me, the blend of these ingredients produced a fruity and refreshing taste explosion. The bitterness of the beer combined with the sweetness of the rum and the citrus of blood orange makes a completely unique and delicious taste. Heath also explained that the addition of the orgeat syrup adds a slight creaminess in the mouth without the addition of cream. Superb!

Owners note “Whenever you think about a bloody mary it’s always a morning after drink. It complements our specialty burger menu really well and is really popular with our regulars. This is a spicy cocktail, but a unique spicy. A cocktail for real cocktail drinkers” The Verdict I am not much of a tomato juice drinker or a person who likes a lot of spice so I was a little apprehensive before trying this particular cocktail. Dressed in olives, pickles and celery, this long glass cocktail certainly looked enticing. I took a delicate sip and my taste buds boomed to life. It was rich and spicy and intoxicating. It was almost too much but within seconds I found myself wanting another sip! The flavours were perfectly balanced and I would happily recommend this cocktail to anyone. A unique sophisticated take on a classic!

3/259 Shute Harbour Rd, Airlie Beach / / 07 4948 1089



You never know what’s going to happen in airlie Beach

The POP UP COUrTYARD - Rum Bar, airlie beach Bec Clark, co-owner of Fish D’vine and the Rum Bar in Airlie Beach, has a lot of passion for pop up businesses. “As a chef and restauranteur I have always loved pop up’s. Bars, restaurants, clubs and supper clubs, something different, something new, exciting, fresh, the unknown, what’s coming next! Popular all over the world. A trend I believe will live on forever,” she said. The Pop Up concept is new to Airlie Beach and allows for ever-changing ideas with personal passion being exploited in the concept. It’s a win win for the business owners to keep inspired and customers to discover new and nostalgic trends, dreams come to life and the chance for experiences, tastes, knowledge and random good fun can be had by everyone! I was invited by the owners of Fish D’vine to attend one of their random ‘pop up courtyard nights’ and the crazy Dr Rum who heads up the Rum Bar hosted 2 nights of fun and chaos. A streetside tiki bar featured with live acoustic music and a Hunter S Thompson theme set the tone for the ‘pop up’ evening. Dr Rum took on the role of chief cocktail barmen in his Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas attire and the cocktails were just as crazy. The pop up tiki bar had a small menu. Well compared to the internal bar that holds over 500 rums and full cocktail menu. This cute little streetside delight featured 2 options... Bat Country - Mulled Red Wine and The Rum Diaries, as a Hunter fan I felt ‘morally obligated’ to make this my potion (ahem... I mean cocktail) of choice.

cocktails in the courtyard 36

A mix of rum, pineapple, grenadine, almond, lime and bitters, it packs a punch. The right amount of sweet and bite. As the night closed I’m still not sure who had more fun, the guests or Dr Rum himself, as he mixed his concoctions served with extravagantly oversized garnishes, sparklers and excessively long straws. The pop up courtyard really allows for the team to express themselves without hampering on the normal service standard at their iconic multi award winning restaurant and Rum Bar. I asked Bec, the self confessed food junkie, what else is going to pop up in the courtyard, “Well actually, we’re already underway with the unofficial Rum Club and my Cooking Master Classes were a hit with more tricks and food training in the pipeline. We’re also now planning different themed pop up dinners, the classic French bouillabaisse to the long Greek table garnished with a touch of zorba dancing and plates to be smashed.” Every other weekend, the cocktails in the courtyard is a must, showcasing visiting musicians under the fairy light skies, sip away on a classic well executed daiquiri, a freshly muddled mojito or simply savour in the journey of learning to love rum. Keep a close eye on Fish D’vine and the Rum Bar on social media as they leak out their random plans. Once you pop you just can’t stop! Images courtesy of

follow our


e r _Dvin Fish um_Ba R _ The e Fish D’vin h Airlie Beac Rum Bar

Fish D’vine & Rum Bar 303 Shute Harbour Road Airlie Beach Ph: 4948 0088 •


Smoothies & Fresh Juice

Made with REAL fruit & vegetables

New Zealand Natural - Airlie Beach 370 Shute Harbour Road - Next to Mc Donald’s. Ph: 07 4948 0550



· live music fri, sat & sun · free wifi rties · book us for functions, pa & conferences · vegetarian & gluten free options available day! · breakfast Saturday & Sun · lunch & dinner ble · customer parking availa

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Grandview hotel bowen Where The Grandview Hotel is a fourth generation family owned and operated hotel in the heart of Bowen. Popular with locals and visitors alike, the hotel is located on the corner of Herbert and Dalrymple Street, just a short walk away from towns the main beach and the beautiful Port Denison Harbour. .

What you’ll find there A vibrant buzzing restaurant is at the heart of the hotel. Open for lunch and dinner 7 days a week guests can enjoy a classic hotel meal with daily lunch specials. Or, if you want to spoil yourselves we recommend you try their new premium specials selection - braised duck in mandarin jus, Asian style Tasmanian salmon, locally caught coral trout and their fabulous selection of grain-fed prime-cut Nolan’s steaks – just delicious!

Cost With something for everything the Grandview Hotel’s restaurant offers terrific value for money. The lunch specials are from just $12 and offer good-sized portions of yummy pub classics such pasta, steak and schnitzel. The premium specials are more expensive but still modestly priced and well worth it.

Why we love it Recently named Best Overall Hotel in Queensland, every aspect of the hotel is steeped in history, showcased in frames and in memorabilia throughout the building. The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming from the moment you arrive to the well-prepared meals delivered to your table, the clean well-kept premises and the homely atmosphere created for all to enjoy. The Grandview Hotel takes their dedication to perfection one step further by engaging in the ‘farm to plate’ movement. Not only do guests get to eat locally sourced, extremely fresh food, local farmers also benefit from the Hotel’s support. The Grandview Hotel is a wellloved family run establishment and well-worth a visit.





(07) 4786 4022 | 5 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 38

Sunset Cruise | Cruise & Dine | Weddings | Any Celebration Known as the ‘must do cruise’ in Airlie Beach by tourist and locals alike. It’s about the social atmosphere, fantastic service and great memories. Sundowner provides the perfect venue for a romantic sunset cruise to any celebration from Weddings, birthday parties, corporate functions to Christmas Parties.

From $49 per person Group discounts apply.

perfect venue

pre-wedding get together wedding

celebration conference

sunset cruising bucks & hens


groups welcome

phone 0407 48 3000 Book online NOW


Plan your dream escape... DREAM STANDBY RATE

• 1 night in a tropical Garden room • Scrumptious full buffet breakfast daily • FREE shell necklace and mocktail on arrival • FREE holiday portrait during your stay

only • Return luxury transfers from Port of Airlie • Children stay and eat breakfast FREE of charge* • FREE WI-FI^ • Over 20 FREE guest activities



* per person, twin share

Available for bookings within 72 hours prior to stay.

To book FREE CALL 1800 075 040 or contact your local travel agent *Conditions apply. Subject to availability. Valid for Regional guests only. Valid 01 April 2015 - 31 March 2016. High season surcharge applies 18 December 2015 - 08 January 2016. Dream Standby package available for bookings within 72 hours prior to stay. Children 0-14 years, inclusive, stay and eat breakfast free when staying with an adult using existing bedding. Additional costs apply for children’s transfers. ^ Free Wi-Fi in atrium and all room types 24 hours a day.








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16/07/2015 12:20 pm


Wings Whitsunday Adventures

Experience the 4WD Adventure Park

Step 1 Meet & Greet

Step 6 Man made challenge

Step 10 Return to Airlie

Meet and greet at the Airlie Beach Base Resort car park where your amazing tour guide will be waiting with your airconditioned Wings bus to check you in.

Arriving at the man made challenge area your tour guide educates you on all the action and takes you through the instructions of how to best navigate each of the obstacles. Tackle log hops, tire crawls and hilltilts until they’re mastered.

For those who are lucky enough to book a helicopter tour back to Airlie Beach, enjoy aerial views of the course and the Whitsunday Hinterland on your short flight back to Airlie. Everyone else, wave good bye to your lucky tour buddies getting in the Helicopter and climb aboard our Wings bus to take you back to Airlie Beach.

Step 2 The Journey to the Adventure A quick 45 minute drive to the Adventure Park. You can chat with our local tour guide, they also take you through a general safety briefing dvd together to prepare you for what’s ahead. While onboard you also have the opportunity to book one of our Helicopter flights to return you to Airlie Beach in superstar style!

Step 3 The Wilderness! Step off the bus into the pristine Aussie bushland. Fresh air and mini 4WDs lined up and ready to go!

Step 4 All board All aboard your mini 4WDs with two passengers per vehicle twin share. Half the adrenalin is letting someone else drive because your not in control!!

Step 7 Scenic Lookout Back on the track you venture right to the top of the Whitsunday hinterland and look out over the green lush terrain, step out of your vehicles, stretch your legs and get some group photos with the stunning backdrop! After a short break at the lookout head down the mountain trail towards the man made mud pit challenge area.

Step 8 Mud!!!!! Cruise down the hill back towards the man made mud challenge area! Enjoy the track and take turns manoeuvring around the circuit with plenty of mud action and super fun corners! You’ll enjoy your tour’s end covered in mud and smiling from ear to ear.

Step 5 Scenic Trail

Step 9 Monster Truck snaps

Follow your tour guide in the lead buggy through a 10km scenic trail, first trek through the dense Whitsunday bushland with dry creek beds to cross while you keep an eye out for native birds and marsupials.

End your tour with a photo in front of our massive monster truck! Say Cheese! Passengers get hosed off or use the outdoor showers to get clean before the mud sets and you turn to stone.

tour info

where to book

contact details


Departs 8am & 12pm, Mon-Fri.

Book at any travel agent or tour desk

Phone (07) 4948 2037 or online via

$155 Per person $99 Per Child (8-16 years)



Feel the wind in your face and hang by your straps, upside down over Airlie Beach! Be a part of aviation as it once was, when the pilots were pioneers, adventurers and explorers. Welcome to an experience you will remember forever! Built in 1940’s and used to train World War II pilots, the Tiger Moth gives thrill-seekers an exhilarating, nostalgic aerial tour of the Airlie Beach coastline. If you love flying and are looking for something a little different to do while you are visiting the Whitsundays this is a must-do activity. Imagine an open-air cockpit, the wind flowing through your hair as you spin and twirl over the turquoise ocean of Airlie Beach. On the 26-27th September, Tiger Moth Adventures have invited a special guest to town just in time for the Whitsunday Airport Airshow. For this special occasion you can experience a ride on one of the most iconic fighter planes in history – The P51 Mustang! Built at the end of the war, the Mustang is a high performance fighting machine travelling at speeds of 500 miles an hour and giving the courageous a combat stimulation assault on the skies. To celebrate the airshow owner of Tiger Moth Adventures, Nick, has put together a once in a life-time package deal. For one special price you can experience what it’s like to fly in both aircraft. The nostalgic trip in the classic 1940’s Tiger Moth which gets you used to the aerobatics in the sky before you tackle the extreme speeds and sensations of the Mustang. The Tiger Moth flight lasts twenty minutes and will be followed by a fifteen minute flight in the Mustang. The package includes both aircraft and video footage of each flight.

Whitsunday Tigermoth Adventures the most unique & exciting way to see the Whitsundays


To the team at Tiger Moth Adventures, your experience is more than just a scenic flight. They want to show you what it feels like to be part of the skies, see the beauty in the sensation of the flight itself. All their pilots are highly trained with years of experience and a genuine passion for flying. So if you or someone you know loves flying or extreme thrills, this is the adventure for you. It’s the ultimate joy ride!

tour info Open 7 days a week

Contact details 07 4946 7172


Thundercat Whitsundays exhilarating thrill ride

What is the best part of the tour? Jetting through the water at a hundred miles an hour. Ok, so it is not that fast but it feels like it is! At the beginning of the tour you are given a water-proof bag to keep your belongings dry for the day and an army camouflage poncho to keep you dry for the day. If it is windy, I recommend you use both. The boat is custom-designed for stability, comfort and speed. It navigates the waves like a way-ward rollercoaster, skipping and jumping from peak to trough. An exhilarating thrill ride, yet still suitable for both old and young. Lively music plays a classic sound-track to your day and getting from A to B becomes an adventure!

Where is it located? Thundercat leaves from Abell Point Marina at 9am and returns around 5pm. It is one of the only day charters that takes in three different locations. Firststop is Tongue Bay, the gateway to Whitehaven Beach and Hill-inlet. You will take a short bushwalk to the summit and see the swirling sands of Whitehaven beach before walking onto the beach itself. Voted number three in the world, Whitehaven Beach is 98% silica. Sand so fine you can polish your jewelry and exfoliate your skin with it. Next stop is Mantaray Bay for a snorkel and fish feeding session. Mantaray Bay is known for being one of the best snorkel sights in the Whitsundays and the crew will

introduce you to resident Maori Wrasse, George, who is a huge friendly fish with a blue humped nose. Last stop is Langford spit, an island in the middle of the ocean with a large sand spit exposed at low-tide, perfect for a late afternoon stroll before you return to the mainland.

Why choose this tour?

would you recommend this tour to a friend? 100% yes! If you are looking to see the best of the Whitsundays in one day – this trip has it all! Action, thrills, sights, experiences, delicious food, a great atmosphere, fun-loving hosts and good music. Perfect for young, old, families, couples and friends – anyone with an adventurous spirit will love this tour.

Thundercat is part of the Red Cat Adventure group and is a brand-new product. Everything is new and is being well-maintained. This is the sort of trip where the owners care about the little things and as a guest you are extremely well-equipped. The food is delicious and plentiful - a little cake in the morning, a variety of salads, rolls and meats for lunch, plus a fresh fruit platter for afternoon tea. The day is packed with quality experiences from each thrilling ride transporting you to a different location to the three excellent locations themselves. You definitely get your money’s worth!.

What does your tour include? The tour is all-inclusive with no hidden extras. Great! National parks and marine fees are included. Stinger suits, snorkel and mask plus noodle floats, if you need them. A waterproof bag and poncho. Snacks, lunch and a bottle of water. A guided tour with information about each location and, of course, a thrilling ride for the day!

tour info

where to book

contact details

Open 7 days a week

Book at any travel agent or tour desk

Phone 07 4948 2340 or online via Adults $169 Child (4-14 yrs) $89 Family Pass (2Ad. 2Ch.) $439



What is the best part of the tour?

The reef pontoon is situated on Hardy Reef and is a good kind of mayhem. The second the boat docks alongside this floating wonderland activities await for your undivided attention; snorkelling, guided snorkelling tours, semi-submersible submarine rides, underwater viewing platform. You’ll get off the boat excited to participate in everything! On the journey out the Reef Safari crew are on hand to talk to you about experiencing an introductory dive adventure below the surface. On arrival to the pontoon everyone is briefed, booked in and ready to try their first dive.

Our 3 day mini getaway was full of ‘bliss’ moments but by far the most special was being on the outer reef when low tide arrived and seeing the Great Barrier Reef emerging from the ocean as far as the eye can see... Magic! The Great Barrier Reef didn’t make the list of 7 natural wonders on our planet without a good reason... It’s simply breathtaking. An expansive underwater ecosystem that runs as far as the eye can see. Coming in as a close 2nd best moment of course I’m going to have to rave about Australia’s best beach, Whitehaven Beach, stretching for over 7 kilometres it’s a very special place.

The Camira Sailing Adventure to Whitehaven Beach is a full day sailing on one of the fastest sailing vessels in the world. One look at her sleek lines and it doesn’t take a yachty to realise that the experience is going to be performance plus. The vessel features spacious deck areas and large all weather cabin so you can be amongst it or relaxing inside in comfort.

Where is it located?


Cruise Whitsundays have their own state of the art marine terminal at the Port of Airlie precinct where all vessels depart. Our accommodation at Whitsunday Vista At Hotel Group was directly across the road, a quick and easy walk to/from the tour departures as well as an easy level walk into main street Airlie.

Why choose this tour? This 3 day getaway is the perfect mix of experiences to see the absolute best that the Whitsundays has to offer. If you’ve done your research, you’ll already know that Whitehaven Beach and the Great Barrier

Reef are the two ‘must do’ experiences in the region. The catamarans out to the reef pontoon are purpose built for cruising in comfort, as for Camira, there is no vessel in the Whitsundays that comes close to the experience this sailing machine provides. It’s unique and fast. I don’t mean in an adrenaline hold onto your seat way, just fast and comfortable making this boat an excellent choice for families with young kids plenty of deck space for the kids to wander in a safe environment.

What does your tour include? We booked a 3 day package with Cruise Whitsundays that includes 3 nights accommodation at Whitsunday Vista At Hotel Group and 2 full day tours.

The Great Barrier Reef Adventure Tour Our day trip to the reef departed from Airlie Beach at 8am arriving back at Port of Airlie by 6:10pm. The tour includes an awesome restaurant prepared buffet lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and most activities. Optional extras activities include diving, massage and helicopter scenic flights.


Based on Whitsunday Vista Twin/Double 1 Bedroom Bayview Apartment. Valid until 31 Mar 2016. Subject to availability. See your Travel Centre or contact us (07) 4846 7000

CW5705 LHS CW5705 Solus ads as dps.indd 1


21/07/15 3:07 pm


Cruise Whitsundays


The Camira Sailing Adventure to Whitehaven Beach

Our day trip to Whitehaven Beach departed from Airlie Beach at 8am arriving back at Port of Airlie by 5:45pm. The tour includes a delicious barbecue lunch, a wonderful banquet of tropical foods, morning and afternoon tea and use of all snorkel gear. There are bars on board all vessels serving a full range of alcoholic and soft drinks.

Would you recommend this tour to a friend? YES! A 3 day 3 night package in Airlie Beach allows you to see the best of the Whitsundays with two days of touring and a spare day to explore Airlie Beach.

tour info

where to book

contact details


Tours depart daily

Book at any travel agent or tour desk

Phone (07) 4846 7000

$499 Per person, twin share

3 DAYS / 3 NIGHTS Package price per person: $


• Full day Great Barrier Reef Adventures • Full day Camira Sailing to Whitehaven • Full day in Airlie Beach • 3 nights accommodation in Airlie Beach CW5705 Solus ads as dps.indd 2

#cruisewhitsundays CW5705 RHS 21/07/15 3:08 pm


Getaway to the perfect Whitsunday mainland holiday destination...

ily and friends... m a f r u o y h t i w y a l p d n a Stay

paradise found

Multi-award winning BIG4 Adventure Whitsunday Resort is set amidst 26 acres of botaniclike gardens and offers quality accommodation options from private shady camping and caravan sites, through to luxury studios and one, two and three bedroom condos. We can

confidently say you won’t find a larger range of accommodation anywhere in the Whitsundays to suit every situation, every budget and every taste. The resort is heaven on earth for all ages with Airlie Beach’s largest lagoon-style pool (heated June to Sept) and over 15 onsite activities including

two waterslides, outdoor cinema, two jumping pillows, adventure playground, 18 hole mini golf, tennis, basketball, volleyball, all year activity program, the only mainland Kid’s Club and poolside massage. It’s all these things that set us apart and sets you up for the most amazing holiday ever.

Get away with your family and friends and we will give you a 15%* discount when booking 10 cabins or more. * Based on a 3 night minimum stay. Subject to availability.

BIG4 Adventure Whitsunday Resort & The Palm House 25 - 29 Shute Harbour Road Airlie Beach, Queensland 4802

The Palm House‌ so much more than just a function venue

For conferences, meetings,

s t n e v e l a i c weddings and spe

Located at BIG4 Adventure Whitsunday Resort, The Palm House caters for up to 250 guests theatre or cocktail style and 170 guests banquet style. It’s elegant, purpose built design cleverly transforms into smaller, more intimate spaces and can be easily divided into three rooms

for smaller meetings, weddings and special events. The outdoor area is home to the serene open air Palm Pavilion and botanic-like tropical gardens. The Palm House creates exceptional dining options from themed gala dinners to cocktail parties and works with local event

Ph 07 4948 5400

specialists and caterers to bring your ideas to spectacular life. Located onsite at BIG4 Adventure Whitsunday Resort, The Palm House offers an extensive range of onsite activities and quality accommodation options from budget to spare-no-expense luxury.


accommodation guide


1800 466 233


Return island drop-offs from





*Not available on school & public holidays. Airlie Beach Hotel reserves the right to withdraw this offer without notice.

Star Rated

Base Airlie Beach Resort

Self Rated


Luxuries of a Resort at backpacker Prices! And have a sleep in with our 11AM checkout!

Base Airlie Beach Resort has gained a reputation for their stylish rooms, friendly local crew and a fun social atmosphere all in one great central location in Airlie Beach.

Beaches Backpackers

Dorms Spacious and accommodating, our fully air-conditioned 6 and 8 share dorm rooms offer comfy bunk beds, ample storage space for your luggage and complimentary doona and linen.

The hostel accommodation is set amongst 6 acres of tropical gardens with an outdoor swimming pool right in the heart of Airlie Beach. Only 50m to the lagoon, the cafes, bars and shops are on the doorstep and the Abel Point Marina is just a stroll away.

Double/Twin with Ensuite Secluded, cosy getaway spaces for couples and singles, our private rooms are well appointed with ensuite, fridge and air conditioning to keep you cool and contained from the simmering Airlie heat.

07 4948 2000 |

07 4946 6244 |

Magnums Backpackers Airlie Beach

Magnums is an “over 18 years only” budget holiday retreat in the heart of the beautiful Whitsundays. Discover the hidden rainforest setting right in the Heart of Airlie Beach. Literally a minute’s walk from the hustle and bustle of the vibrant town centre. Magnums continues to provide travellers with well priced budget accommodation for individuals and groups. 1800 624 634 |

Cape Gloucester Beach Resort

The absolute beach front location, lightly timbered foreshore, beach side accommodation and nearby islands make Cape Gloucester Resort the ideal setting for rest and relaxation, or activity for the more energetic. Cape Gloucester Beach Resort is a small community of three one room open plan cabins; three 2-bedroom cabins; and four adjoining “motel style” units. accommodation is in close proximity to the beach and the pool. All units are well ventilated, semi selfcontained and air-conditioned. | (07) 4945 7242

Travelling alone? Looking for a safe, welcoming place to stay? We have private en suite rooms for $55 per night! $195 per week.

Dingo Beach Hotel & Units

Dingo Beach is located in one of the most pristine locations in the Whitsundays. Imagine stepping barefoot onto the sandy beach with the sound of water lapping the shore – knowing you leave behind nothing but footprints in the sand. Our 8 holiday units Recently Renovated are set only meters from the sandy beach and provide a perfect spot for viewing the sunrise or sunset over the Coral Sea. | 4945 7153

2614 Shute Harbour Rd, Jubilee Pocket

CALL 07 4946 6483 49

stay Hamilton Island

at Marina Shores

Enjoy the ultimate in Australian luxury at qualia or the boutique Beach Club. Relax in large rooms and enjoy magnificent views in the four-star Reef View Hotel, or enjoy the convenience of our newly renovated, self-contained Palm Bungalows. You can also select from our wide range of holiday homes, which range from comfortable and casual, to jaw-droppingly luxurious.

07 4964 1500 |

Whether you’re planning to holiday as a couple, or a group of friends or family, Hamilton Island has six different types of accommodation to choose from.

daydream Island

Daydream Island Resort and Spa has 296 rooms and suites, each offering views of tropical waters or rainforest. Rooms are comfortable and stylishly furnished and are only a quick walk to restaurants, lagoon-like swimming pools, spa and the main lobby. There are 46 Garden rooms, 117 Garden Balcony rooms, 61 Ocean Balcony rooms, 63 Coral Ocean Balcony rooms and 9 luxurious suites. 1800 075 040 |

airlie beach hotel

The Airlie Beach Hotel is located on The Esplanade and boasts ocean views, a village atmosphere, three on-site restaurants and a convenient landmark location. Discover the Great Barrier Reef and 74 Whitsunday Islands with daily tours. Rated as 4-star, the hotel has 60 rooms, including self-contained suites with balconies.

Absolute waterfront luxury living, in a prestigious oceanfront location, ultimate intimate sophistication with spa apartments and split level spa penthouses, a new standard of fashionable accommodation.

Kipara Tropical Rainforest Retreat

Nestled amongst the exotic rainforest lays Kipara Rainforest Retreat, Airlie Beach’s newest private budget accommodation resort. Kipara is an innovative, clean and comfortable accommodation thriving with private rooms and self-contained villas in a sanctuary of greenery, nature and tranquillity. The perfect retreat for an affordable overnight holiday to the Whitsunday Islands or for a long-term to semi-permanent stay in Airlie Beach. 07 4946 6483 |

mirage whitsundays

Luxury serviced apartments located on the serene waterfront of Whitsundays, in Airlie Beach, Qld, also known as the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. Mirage Whitsundays apartments offer self-contained opulent five star accommodation with uninterrupted view of the Coral Sea and the Whitsunday Islands. 1300 088 988 |

1800 466 233 |


A welcoming boutique resort with a friendly environment, which happily plays host to families, groups, couples, weddings, functions, retreat holidaying and sailing folk. Business locally owned & managed.


6 GREAT HOTELS Holiday Apartments Luxury Penthouses Lu xu ry R esi den ces

(07) 4945 7242 128 Cape Gloucester Avenue, Hydeaway Bay QLD Find us on Facebook! Cape Gloucester Resort

The Whitsundays • Queensland • Australia


Lethebrook Proserpine

Thoopara Laguna Quays

Midge Point

Bloomsbury Yalboroo

Wagoora St Helens Beach Keswick Island Pindi Pindi Seaforth Cape Hillsborough NP St Bees Island Camerons Pocket

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Mt Jukes East Habana

Eungella NP Mount Ossa Mt Martin

Finch Hatton


Buscasia Eimeo Blacks Beach Slade Point

Farleigh Gargett Marian Pinnacle Marani Walkerston

Eungella Dam

Teemburra Kinchant Dam Septimus Dam

Mackay Bakers Creek Hay Point


Double Island

Grasstree Beach

Blue Mtn

Colston Park


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The beauty of Mackay is that it encompasses all the convenience of a city, yet beautiful natural attractions can be discovered within minutes of the city centre. Shop ‘til you drop ghway largest shopping centre, Caneland HiMackay’s owns at D k Central, and then Pea take a wetlands stroll through a canopy of Maleluca trees or soak up the ambience of a city centre café before relaxing on a nearby beach. You’re spoilt Coppabella for choice. The Mackay region has more than 30 beaches to choose from, so it’s not unusual to find yourself relaxing alone on one of the many pristine stretches of sand. Dipperu NP

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By Rail

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Travel by rail up and down the Queensland coast on the Spirit of Queensland, with services running between Cairns and Brisbane. Stations throughout the Mackay, Whitsunday and Townsville regions include; St Lawrence, Carmila, Sarina, Mackay, Proserpine, Bowen, Home Hill, Ayr, Giru and Townsville.

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Mackay can be reached within a day’s driving from either Brisbane or Cairns, Dysart approximately 11 hours from Brisbane and 8 hours from Cairns. Allow an additional hour for at least three breaks to refresh and revive. The drive time from Mackay to Proserpine is 1 hour and 15 minutes, add an additional 20 NP minutes from Proserpine to Airlie Beach. Mackay to Townsville is 4 hours 10 minutes. We recommend at least one stop to refresh between Mackay and Townsville, with Bowen being a lovely Whitsunday town to revive yourself in.

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Fly direct toI Mackay from a range of Australian cities, including Townsville, s Brisbane, thes Gold Coast Sydney and Melbourne. Choose from a range of airlines who fly direct into Mackay airport, including Qantas, Virgin Australia, Jetstar and Tigerair.

By Road


Carmila West


By Air

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West Hill NP

Welcome to Mackay, where finding a slice of paradise is effortless.

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things to do mackay GETTING AROUND

Watch a sunrise with wallabies on Casuarina beach

By Taxi

Spend an evening in Cape Hillsborough National Park and wake before the sun rises to enjoy a spectacular Australian experience. Take a few steps onto the beach at Casuarina Bay and watch the spectacular sunrise, illuminating the friendly wallabies who venture to the surf for their morning breakfast.

Taxis are available throughout the Mackay region. Call 13 10 08 to organise your journey.


Explore Mackay’s scenic Bluewater Trail Mackay’s Bluewater Trail is a pedestrian and bike path which links many of the city’s key attractions. From river wetlands to Mackay’s public art and art-deco inspired buildings, to the Botanical Gardens and the Bluewater Lagoon, the trail is a blend of heritage and entertainment.

See a platypus in Eungella National Park See the Mackay region through the eyes of a local expert by booking one of the many tours available. Visit the Mackay Visitor Information Centre on Nebo Road for more information and friendly advice.

One of the most ecologically diverse stretches of tropical rainforest in the world, Eungella National Park is also home to the famous platypus. Enjoy a meal with a breathtaking view across the rainforest in Eungella, then walk to the Broken River viewing platform for a chance to see a platypus.

Swim at Bluewater Lagoon

WEATHER The Mackay region enjoys summer-like warmth year-round, with an average maximum daily temperature of 32 degrees Celsius in the summer and 23 degrees Celsius in the winter. Being a tropical city, it experiences wet and dry months. The most rainfall occurs between December and March. However, even during the wet season the majority of days are still filled with periods of hot sunshine. Cyclones frequently form in the Coral Sea during the wet season and can cause severe damage to parts of the Queensland Coast. However, these are well broadcast on major television and radio stations giving ample warning.

Weather in August/September Sprint time in Mackay! There are very few periods of rain, the humidity is still quite low and the maximum daily temperature is not overwhelming. The average maximum daily temperature over these months is approximately 25 degrees Celsius, with an overnight low average of 19 degrees Celsius.

TOP 5 MUST-DO MACKAY Zipline through rainforest canopy in Finch Hatton Gorge Discover the waterfalls of the Finch Hatton Gorge on a morning bush walk, then see the rainforest from a different angle. Fly through rainforest canopy from 25 metres above ground for a close encounter with the tree tops on a zipline.


Perfect for swimming year-round, Mackay’s Bluewater Lagoon is the place to relax and refresh during a hot tropical day. Featuring three age-appropriate lagoons, a children’s water playground and a water slide, it’s fun and refreshing for everyone. Best of all, entry is free, with free electric barbecue facilities to enjoy a lagoon-side lunch.

Did you know?

There are 24 national parks surrounding Mackay with designated camping spots, as well as the option for true bush camping. Living off the grid has never been so sweet.

Nature calls If the thought of being sans technology for a weekend scares you more than finding out all those drop bear rumours are actually true, stop reading now.

Try these 5 for starters

But if unspoilt (almost deserted) beaches, epic fishing and secret camping spots nestled within beautiful national parks appeal to the explorer within, turn off the GPS and take a detour to The Mackay Region.

2. Cape Palmerston National Park Bush camping + fishing = heaven on a stick.

Whether you’re in a tent, caravan or trailer, a camping trip to Mackay means nature can return to the spotlight. From walking with wallabies on the beach at Cape Hillsborough National Park, to scuba diving with platypuses in Eungella National Park, or waking up to the Great Barrier Reef just beyond the tent flap on a nearby island, it’s the in-the-know campers who have all the fun in this naturally-blessed region. So, leave the terms and conditions behind, stop your downloads and get back to simplicity in nature.

1. Cape Hillsborough National Park For sunrise with the wallabies on the beach.

3. Eungella National Park Scuba dive or spot a shy platypus in the wild. 4. Homevale National Park True bush camping 70km south west of Mackay. 5. Newry Islands National Park A nature and wildlife lover’s paradise with limited camping spots available (aka no crowds).

The Mackay Region Nature. Reserved.

Top 5 Wildlife Experiences

Eungella National Park

If you appreciate natural splendour, you’ll love exploring a region where the surroundings are unspoiled. There’s so much to see and do around The Mackay Region, from the Pioneer Valley, one of the most picturesque valleys in Australia, to the charming heritage towns in the Isaac Region or Keswick Island, a tropical oasis just off the coast...and don’t forget the hub of Mackay itself. It’s unspoilt. It’s real. It’s nature. Reserved for you, and for those who seek out life’s quieter corners.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Spot a platypus in Eungella National Park Spend a sunrise with wallabies at Cape Hillsborough National Park Spot a dugong at Clairview Surround yourself with butteflies on Keswick Island Birdwatching at St. Lawrence Wetlands

For more information about holidays in The Mackay Region visit


Thursday 6th August Sunday 9th August 2015

Mackay Airport Beach Race Day

A Race Day Like No Other Saturday 8th August > 11.00am - 6.00pm

For discounted tickets Call Sam > 0414 699 513 Bus available from Banjos

Magnificent Mackay Blue Water Lagoon & Airlie Lagoon With three age-appropriate pools, including a waterslide and waterpark, kids of all ages love making a splash at Mackay’s Blue Water Lagoon. With the picturesque back-drop of the Pioneer River and close proximity to restaurants and cafes, parents won’t mind supervising. Safety is under control with full-time lifeguards patrolling the facility, and shade, barbeque facilities and picnic tables allow you to make a day of it. At the centre of Airlie Beach, Airlie Lagoon is a focal point of the local community, providing a relaxed atmosphere where children can swim in a stinger-free environment. The surrounding grassy knolls are perfect for a picnic, or find a secluded spot to read a book.

Mackay Botanical Gardens Take the kids on a journey of discovery as they walk through the tropical beauty of the Mackay Botanical Gardens. From wetland boardwalks to the unique coal garden, the abundant bird and butterfly life will enchant and excite. There’s so much to discover, they won’t even notice the healthy dose of exercise they will gain from the trip.

ts ion including ticke For more informat

& packages visit

hhorsera www.mackaybeac


Sarina Sugar Shed One of its kind in Australia, Sarina Sugar Shed is a miniature sugar mill and distillery, set up to provide an interactive insight into the sugar industry. See how sugar is grown, processed, milled and distilled, a fun tour for all ages. Kids will look forward to the taste experience, where they can sample sugar cane juices, lollies and fairy floss. Adults will lap up the delicious gourmet sauces and liqueurs available to taste. Educational and delicious!


picks# Stay

Northern Beaches With more than 30 beaches in Mackay to choose from, it can be hard to know where to begin. A cluster of the region’s most popular beaches can be found scattered throughout Mackay’s Northern Beaches, a collection of bustling beachside communities with an enviable coastline and a relaxed, carefree lifestyle.

Blacks Beach Blacks Beach is host to a range of popular accommodation, from the serenity of the Blacks Beach Holiday Park, the resort facilities at Comfort Resort Blue Pacific to self-contained holiday apartments at The Shores.

Sublime sandy shores, sparkling blue water and the fact that the region’s beaches are usually quiet and serene are what attracts visitors to experience the peaceful nature of the Northern Beaches.


Pockets of natural melaleuca forest, delicate sand dune ecosystems, mangrove-fringed creeks and an everchanging coastal vista, combine to create a playground in nature. Who wouldn’t swoon over being immersed among this tropical milieu?

Beach Rd, Dolphin Heads

How to get there From Mackay’s city, head north on the Bruce Highway, turning right onto the Mackay-Bucasia Road. Continue until you reach the Eimeo Road roundabout. From here, choose to turn right to head to Black’s Beach, Dolphin Heads, Eimeo Beach and Sunset Beach, or continue straight to visit Bucasia Beach or Shoal Point. When you want kilometres of sand to stroll, Black’s Beach is an ideal choice. At approximately 6km in length it’s Mackay’s longest stretch of sand. It is also a great beach to fish from, try your luck near the creek mouth at the southern end. Enjoy an ocean-view game of tennis or relax on sun loungers under tall palm trees at Comfort Resort Blue Pacific. Continue your journey north. As you reach Eimeo, you will pass under a canopy of old Mango trees, planted by early Mackay pioneer, Jeremiah Armitage, in the 1880s. The canopy, now a heritage-listed attraction, guides visitors to the Eimeo Pacific Hotel, known as the pub with the “million dollar view.” It is a spectacular location to enjoy coffee and cake, or a cool beer with a meal while gazing upon the coastal vista.

Dolphin Heads Resort

Dine poolside with a glimpse of the ocean, or inside in a beautifully decorated restaurant. Enquire about themed dining evenings, from its popular seafood buffet to family fun days.


Eimeo Pacific Hotel Mango Avenue Among a range of beer and cider on tap, you’ll also find a unique lager, exclusive to the Eimeo Hotel. With sweeping views over the southern Whitsunday islands and Eimeo Beach, it’s Mackay’s most picturesque spot to enjoy a beverage.

Eimeo Beach is sheltered and picturesque. A popular choice for swimming. During the summer months the beach is patrolled by lifeguards. The soft sand is paralleled by an esplanade park with a children’s playground and barbecue facilities. The perfect location for a pretty beachside picnic.


Continue north to the sweeping, golden-sand beach known as Bucasia, with an air of peaceful serenity. Life moves at a leisurely pace here. Quiet and unspoilt, the beach is sublime. Kohuna Beachside Resort gives guests the opportunity to awake to the sound of the ocean. Enjoy a meal at the Aloha Restaurant and Bar, then succumb to bliss at the Waimanu Spa.

Black’s Beach Seafood

The Waimanu Spa caters to a wide range of beauty needs, from hairdressing and beauty essentials, to couples massages, facials and wedding packages. Not just for the ladies, Waimanu Spa offers men the indulgence of the Lqd Skin care range, for the ultimate skin workout. Shoal Point is the northern-most community of the Northern Beaches group, with a visually spectacular coastal beach. At low tide, the beach can almost be mistaken as a small sweeping desert. The sand stretches for hundreds of metres, allowing a close-up view of Green Reef Island. Watch as thousands of tiny blue Soldier Crabs scuttle along the mud flats, burying themselves into the sand. The ‘lone tree’ found toward the northern end of the beach is one of Mackay’s most ‘instagrammable’ images. Take a blanket, choose a spot to dig your toes into the sand and watch a sublime sunset!

Fish and chips on the beach

Enjoy a popular Aussie tradition. Grab a feed of fish and chips from the Turtle Shores Shopping Centre and enjoy dinner on the beach.


Kohuna Beachside Resort Kohuna Waimanu Spa Bucasia From beauty essentials to pamper packages. Indulge in a couple’s massage or rejuvenate a tired complexion with an awakening facial treatment.



Northern Beaches a Blacks Beach Holiday Park




Blacks Beach


Slade Point


Rural View



Mt Pleasant


5 Mackay Airport 7 Mackay Rail Station 8 Mackay Marina








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6 Wood St

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1800 808 386

Wellington S t

3 Acres of Lush Tropical Gardens Beachfront Views to Islands, Beach Houses Spacious Self-Contained Studios - 1,2,3 Bedroom Apartments Golden Sands of Blacks Beach

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14 Northern Beaches Central Shopping Centre




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e Eimeo Hotel




d Dolphin Heads Resort

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c Comfort Resort Blue Pacific

Dolphin Heads


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b Blacks Beach Seafood



Carlyle St


to Shoal Pt

Alfred St


Beachfront Holiday Apartments Brighten your holiday by experiencing true Queensland living by the beach.



Telephone (07) 49 444 777 Reservations 1800 075 088 Fax (07) 4954 9341

Beach Road - Dolphin Heads Mackay - Queensland - Australia



ing the souther

n Whitsun day Islands

he perfect destination for your next holiday, weekend retreat or special event.

Spacious beachfront | Fully self contained air-conditioned apartments | Quiet, peaceful, tropical setting | Fronting beautiful Blacks Beach | Pools | Flood lit tennis court | BBQs | Free WiFi | Volleyball | Fishing & much more!

Ph 07 4954 9444 9 Pacific Dr, Blacks Beach, Mackay 4740


1 Mango Avenue | Eimeo | Mackay | Queensland | 4740 | Tel 07 4954 6106 Devonshire Tea Buy one, Get one free

Open 7 days a week 10am - 10pm

Monday - Thursday

Dinner Specials from $15 Heated Outdoor Dining with Candlelight & Tablecloths

Reservations (07)4954 6805 Follow signs to Northern Beaches, Mackay. Eimeo Road to Mango Avenue

Avery 900 Supercast Light Blue 942 Pantone 2925C

John and Michelle Young Managers P 07 4954 9334 F 07 4954 9344 E A 16 Bourke Street, Blacks Beach QLD 4740

Avery 700 Premium Film Light Blue 732 Pantone 297C

Blacks Beach Welcome to Kohuna, Time to Relax

07 4954 7515 | |


FULL TAKE-AWAY MENU Best chips in the world (Potato Perfection Brand) WINNER OF THE BEST TAKEAWAY IN MACKAY 3 YEARS IN A ROW 2011-2014 (Mackay Best in the Business Awards) Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-8pm, Including public holidays

Aloha Restaurant|07 4954 7799

Kohuna Waimanu Spa|0468 704 182

1 Griffin Ave, Bucasia Q 4750

Phone Orders Welcome 4954 9969 Turtle Shores Shopping Centre, 10/15 Blacks Beach Road, Blacks Beach



Mackay mackay

Geckos Rest

Gecko’s Rest budget & backpacker accommodation is a family owned and operated budget accommodation provider, situated in the heart of Mackay (cbd), close to transport (greyhound/ premierbus), shops, cafés, restaurants, movie theatre, pubs, nightlife of Mackay, bluewater lagoon, bluewater trail and artspace centre. Free linen, towels and dvd hire. 07 4944 1230 |

Comfort resort blue pacific Comfort Resort Blue Pacific is set in 3 acres of lush tropical gardens and offers tropical beach houses, self contained Studios and 1,2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments. We have a space that’s the right size for a solo stay of you your Friends and Family too.

With self-contained bungalow style units on site there is opportunity to stay in an Ocean Front unit overlooking the ocean or in our Garden View Units amongst the tropical resort gardens and water features. 07 4954 7515 |

The Shores Holiday Apartments Looking for somewhere special to stay on your next holiday? Then you’ve just found it! The Shores Holiday Apartments is the perfect holiday destination for beach lovers who want to stay in comfort close to Mackay, without the hustle and bustle of the city. 07 4954 9444 |

1800 808 386 |

Mackay Blacks Beach Holiday Park Perfectly positioned on absolute beachfront, overlooking the southern islands of the Whitsundays. Set on five beachfront acres, Blacks Beach Holiday Park offers guests modern facilities and services in picturesque surrounds. 07 4954 9334 |

Potter’s Oceanside Motel

Situated opposite the popular Blue Water Trail and just a 5-minute walk from Town Beach, Potter’s Oceanside Motel offers an outdoor pool and an on-site breakfast restaurant. Free in-room WiFi and free bicycle hire are provided. Rooms in this modern motel feature a dining table, air-conditioning and a large flat-screen TV with 20 cable channels. Interconnecting rooms and rooms with disability facilities are available. 1800 188 133 |

dolphin heads resort Dolphin Heads Resort situated at beautiful Dolphin Heads on Mackay’s northern beaches, is your Whitsunday resort on the mainland! You will enjoy stylish, comfortable accommodation with full ocean frontage overlooking the southern Whitsunday Islands. With delicious cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere, choose Dolphin Heads Resort for your next holiday, weekend retreat, conference, wedding or function.


EXPECT FROM A MOTEL From $129/night

07 4954 9341 |

Eimeo pacific hotel The historic Eimeo Pacific Hotel has built an enviable reputation as “lunch with a million-dollar view“. It is has been in the same family for over 70 years. Patrons have the best views in town overlooking the Whitsunday Coast, Brampton, Keswick and St Bees islands with our very own Eimeo beach at the forefront. 07 4954 6805 |

kohuna beachside resort The Kohuna Beachside Resort is an Iconic Mackay beachside resort situated on one of the Central Queensland’s most beautiful beaches. Kohuna was opened in 1987 and has been a popular destination for couples and families ever since.


FREE • WiFi • Bike Hire • Airport, Greyhound & CBD Transfers • Parking • BBQ’s • Ice

AMENITIES • Pool • Dinner (Mon-Thurs) • Breakfast (7 days/week) • Air-conditioning/Heating • Foxtel (20 channels) • Laundries

(07) 5689 0388 Free Call 1800 188 133 2C East Gordon St, Mackay Q 4740 |

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07 4898 0000 | | Boundary Road East, Mackay Airport, S outh Mackay 4740 *Subject to availability, terms and conditions apply. Paint the town RED! ibis.australia

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The Ultimate Whitsunday Adventure 1300 859 853


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