A Long Time Ago Exploring the complex history between the Star Wars saga and politics, history, and culture
“Fiction rarely springs from the head of its creator without being influenced by the events, characters, and often stranger-than-fiction narratives that make up what we collectively call ‘history.’” - Star Wars and History
cience fiction and real life have always intermingled with and fed off of each other, sometimes to a point where it becomes impossible to gather which is being inspired by which. It is often said that there is no room for politics in science fiction. If science fiction exists outside of our realm, and it regularly does, it is an escape from our highly political and often bitter reality. However, science fiction and politics have always coexisted beside one another, often inpsiring each other, subconsciously or not. 1
Speculative fiction as a response to political and social climate isn’t a new idea. In this publication I will mention many ways the Star Wars franchise (films only) are inspired by historical and political topics. However, there are many other works of science fiction that arose as a response to, or in influence of, history and politics. Yevgeny Zamyatin, Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell, for example, were inspired by the Russian Revolutions and two World Wars. However, one of the most influential examples of science fiction as a response is Frank Herbert’s Dune series. Herbert was incredibly outspoken about how his books were created as a reponse to global warming and climate change. In a 1965 interview, Herbert is quoted as saying about Dune, “One of the purposes of this story was to delineate consequences of inflicting yourself upon a planet, upon your environment...man has assumed that if you have power, there is no problem which won’t submit to this approach…even the problem of our own ignorance.”
Furthermore, speculative fiction being the catalyst that inspires real people is even more common. Scientist and author Carl Sagan as well as first female African-American astronaut Mae Jemison were inspired by works of science fiction. Hungarian physisist Leo Szilard was inspired by H.G Wells’ “The World Set Free” and solved the idea of a nuclear chain reaction, and went on campaign for arms control during World War II. Finally, American astronomer Edwin Hubble was also inspired to pursue science by reading stories by Jules Verne. Why do we find ourselves so eager to escape the arguments, discourse, or disagreements that we encounter everyday, and what do we gain to replace it with a viewing of Star Wars Episde VI: Return of the Jedi, a film that George Lucas himself has said was highly political?
The importance of relating our favorite science fiction books or movies to the most common parts of our lives -politics, religion, gender studies, racism- gives the media , and hopefully our lives, a new meaning. The theme tracker presented in this publication analyzes themes in the Star Wars films and in real life as they coincide with each other. The purpose of the theme tracker is to present the idea that Star Wars is a reaction to history and current political topics at the time of each film’s release. Also included is a timeline which outlines important events that happened in the United States during the times of production of each film. Hopefully the ideas presented within this text and other additional assets urges you to view not only Star Wars and science fiction, but all media you encounter, in a new light.
Why is it that we choose to ignore the blatant underlying political themes in our favorite media?
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Production: 1973-1974 Release: 1977
Theme Tracker
Episode IV Real Life
Speciesism LGBT Rights/Issues Rebellion Militarism Authoritarianism Sexism Feminism Weapons of Mass Destruction
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Real Life and Historical Influences: The People’s War The People’s War was coined by Mao Zedong and according to the Oxford Dictionary is defined as: “A war in which the common people are regarded as fighting against the ruling classes or foreign aggressors.” According to Star Wars and History, the People’s War in real life inspires the Rebel Alliance’s tactics in Episode IV and is characterized by three stages: 1. Building a political force while seeking allies and spreading ideas. The book’s example is Princess Leia’s message to former Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi urges him to join the rebel alliance and destroy the Empire. 2. With stage two comes larger actions, and the book goes into detail about what these may be: Guerilla tactics, hit-and-run attacks, and small units. The goal is not to win the war but to wear the enemy down. The example the book gives is the first attack on the Death Star.
3. Finally in stage 3, the people attempt to overthrow the existing power by giving everything they’ve got. The Battle of Endor in Episode VI is where the rebels and all of their allies team together to risk everything and destroy the Empire.
The Cold War The ever-present threat of nuclear attack between the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War is similar to the threat of the Death Star in the fourth and sixth installments of the Star Wars original trilogy.
Rebel pilots planning the destruction of the Death Star
First Death Star explosion
Mushroom cloud of a nuclear bomb
Star Wars Episode VI: The Empire Strikes Back Production: 1980-1982 Release: 1983 7
Theme Tracker Episode V Rebellion Racism LGBT Rights/Issues Sexism Speciesism
Real Life X X X
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Real Life and Historical Influences: Nazi Germany The Empire is heavily inspired by Nazi Germany- the name Stormtrooper comes explicitly from the paramilitary fighters who share the same name. Additionally, the Imperial officer’s uniforms were inspired by German Uhlan’s uniforms from World War I and Darth Vader’s helmet resemble those worn by German Army members in World War II.
German Uhlan’s uniform Imperial uniform from Star Wars
Stormtroopers from Star Wars
Helmet worn by a German soldier in World War II
German Stormtrooper in World War I
Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Production: 1980-1982 Release: 1983
Theme Tracker Episode VI Real Life Rebellion Feminism Weapons of Mass Destruction Guerilla Warfare Slavery Speciesism Racial Equality
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Real Life and Historical Influences: The Vietnam War The guerilla war tactics used by the Rebel Alliance in Return of the Jedi mirrored the battle being waged in Vietnam. In Star Wars and History, William J. Astore says, “Both the Viet Cong and Ewoks were well-served by their ‘superior knowledge of the local terrain and an ability to blend into that terrain’, about the influence of the Viet Cong on the Ewoks of Endor.
Shaolin Monks
Viet Cong soldiers in the Vietnam War
The Shaolin monks are very similar to Jedi. They train in martial arts but as Buddhists, only fight defensively for protecting others. Star Wars and History explains that, “This is reminiscent of Yoda’s admonition to Luke that ‘A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.’ Shaolin monks also learn several different staff forms, similar to the different forms the Jedi learn with the lightsaber. Ewoks in Return of the Jedi
Luke training with Yoda
Shaolin monk training
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Production: 1994-1998 Release: 1999
Theme Tracker Episode I
Feminism Slavery Democracy Poverty Rebellion Government corruption
Real Life X
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Real Life and Historical Influences:
Richard Nixon
Ancient Rome
When George Lucas was asked during a 1981 story conference if Palpatine was a Jedi, he said, “No, he was a politician. Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the senate and finally took over and became an Imperial guy and he was really evil. But he pretend to be a really nice guy. “ Lucas also stated later that Star Wars “Was really about the Vietnam war, and that was the period where Nixon was trying to run for a [second] term, which got me thinking historically about how do democracies get turned into dictatorships? Because democracies arent overthrown; they’re given away.”
The planet of Naboo is very much architectural inspired by Ancient Rome. Additionally, the pod races on Tatooine resemble chariot races in Ancient Rome. According to Star Wars and History, Senator Palpatine of Naboo even has a Latin-sounding name. The book also points out that the Galactic Republic is democratic and ruled by a senate, just as Rome’s was.
Pod racing on Tatooine
Naboo’s capital city of Theed
The Pantheon in Rome
Artistic rendering of chariot races
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Production: 1999-2001 Release: 2002
Theme Tracker Episode II Eugenics Terrorism/Extremism
Real Life
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Real Life and Historical Influences: Eugenics
Ancient Rome
Eugenics were used in Attack of the Clones on Jango Fett to create the Clone Army. In Nazi Germany, the center of Nazi ideology was the improvement and creation of a master race through eugenics. However, eugenics in Attack of the Clones was used to create an army, whereas in Nazi Germany it was used on what the Nazis called “Life unworthy of life,� including prisoners, homosexuals, and the mentally ill.
When Anakin, Obi Wan, and Padme are forced to defeat alien creatures on Geonosis, it once again mirrors gladiators fighting animals in Ancient Rome.
Obi-Wan Kenobi touring the clone facility on Kamino
Obi-Wan Kenobi fighting the Acklay on Geonosis
An artistic rendering of the Roman gladiator Carpophorus
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Production: 2002-2004 Release: 2005
Theme Tracker
Episode III Real Life
Authoritarianism Government Corruption Rebellion Militarism LGBT Rights/Issues
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Real Life and Historical Influences: Hitler Its no surprise that George Lucas had Adolf Hitler in mind when creating Palpatine. Both Palpatine and Hitler rose from anonymity to chancellor, granted emergency powers, and built a secret military. Even one of Palpatine’s addresses to the Senate recalls Hitler, when he claims, “I assure you the Empire will last for ten thousand years.” According to Star Wars and History, this recalls the Thousand Year Reich that Hitler used to define the Nazis’ rule over the world.
Artistic rendering of Cleopatra
Cleopatra Padme’s life was surprisingly very similar to Cleopatra’s. Both young women begin ruling their kingdoms at a young age, supported by their powerful military. Cleopatra’s kingdom fell as one of her allies sought to rule the kingdom, and because of this, she died, but not before her twinsa boy and a girl- grew up without her. This is similar to when the Padme watched the Senate fall under Palpatine, and eventually meet her demise at her lover’s hands, but not before bearing a twin boy and girl. Padme Amidala in Revenge of the Sith 25
Padme Amidala in Attack of the Clones, wearing an African-inspired headress and choker
The famous bust of Queen Nefertiti, showcasing a similar intricate headdress
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Production: 2013-2014 Release: 2015
Theme Tracker Episode VII Real Life Militarism Racism Rebellion Poverty Authoritariansim Speciesism Weapons of Mass Destruction Feminism LGBT Right/Issues Sexism
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Real Life and Historical Influences: Nazi Germany
The inspiration from Nazi Germany is even more evident in the First Order. JJ Abrams himself has even confirmed that the First Order was inspired by Nazi Germany. We see this exemplified mostly in General Hux’s speech to his troops on Starkiller Base, which almost exactly reflects Hitler’s speech at Nuremberg. This is also evident in the reds, whites, and blacks used as a the First Order’s color palette, also used in Nazi regalia.
Hitler in front of 160,000 Germans
From The Making of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, concept artist Yanick Dusseault says, “I just took the Olympic Third Reich photos, put them on my computer screen, modeled them in 3D, and put in little TIE fighters instead of guys. And I added the flag logo to the Empire logo.�
General Hux addressing First Order troopers in The Force Awakens
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Production: 2014-2015 Release: 2016
Theme Tracker Episode VII Real Life Militarism Racism Rebellion Authoritariansim Speciesism Weapons of Mass Destruction Feminism LGBT Right/Issues Sexism Guerilla warfare
Rogue One: A Star Wars STory
Real Life and Historical Influences:
War in the Middle East
Saw Gerrera’s army of militants in Rogue One uses guerilla tactics, handmade or found weapons, often wearing clothes that obscure their identities. There is also no centralized leader, and many members come from all around the galaxy. This is similar to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). ISIS has no main leader and often form in small groups, they also use handmade or found weapons and technology, including bombs and drones. Foot soldiers are young and usually drawn from a number of different countries.
Jedha in Rogue One is chosen by the Empire to be subjected to a weapons test. This is similar to nuclear and biological weapons testing that has been happening for years in the Middle East.
Weapons test on Jedha
Masked and armed ISIS militants in Iraq
Imperial defector and pilot Bodhi Rook speaks to Gerrera’s masked troops