Better Teaching and Learning Brochures 2020-2023

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Project 2020-1-SI01-KA229-075876_2
BTL 2020-2023
Better Teaching and Learning (BTL) is a Project to be carried out under Key action 2, Ka229, School Exchange Partnerships of erasmus+ programme with the cooperation of 6 partners from 6 different countries (Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Spain). Thanks to BTL, we will exchange of good practices in partner schools about combining the favoured "Teaching/Learning Approaches and Elements" in school environment through the activities of the project covering six main areas: "Entrepreneurship", "Media literacy", "STEM", "Nature and the Environment" , "Healthy lifestyle" and "Personal Affairs" Kindergarden


the Slovenian –

, whom she knows from Spain, from an Erasmus Study Visit and also Javier from

FIRST YEAR 2020-2021


ACTIVITIES- we saw the partners for the first time

Because of the pandemic period we did an online meeting and continued the project online, created and oted the mascote, the logo of the project Slovenia was the winner for both mascote and logo(we used this for all materials) We communicated on whatsapp group ,Facebook, Etwinning , Zoom, Meet and other platforms.

SECOND YEAR 2021-2022



During the first meeting we met face to face partners from Greece,Spain,Turkey and Virtual, the partners from Slovenia and Italy.

Welcoming Ceremony-3 Romanian kids opened the ceremony with traditional customs (bread and salt )

wearing the traditional costume from Satu Mare area.

Useful language -Romanian/English (learning some useful words in Romanian language)

Getting acquainted with the project team, school staff

Exploring long time traditions workshops

We worked sincron with partners online

Promoting the project

Promoting the project to the local community, teachers, parents and students.

Exploring long time traditions and workshops.

We also discussed about the next mobility in Slovenia. We exchanged good practices, learnt about how to use the website, planned the dates for the videoconferences with students, shared traditional dances, songs and games, learnt about Romanian school system and cultural traditions.

Confirmation of the dates of the next mobility 26-31 of March 2022,Slovenia

E-twinning workshops: how it works, how to register, upload project results.


Personal Affairs

LTTA SLOVENIA 26-31 of March 2021

Teachers from each partner presented Ppt Slides, Videos, perform Workshops what has already been done in the project. In addition, they presented about How they improved or How they can/should improve the skills of "Personal Affairs" in their classes on the basis of favoured elements such as "Experiments", "Research", "Games", "STEAM" and "Real life experience practices".

Visiting teachers attended classes of the host school to see how the topic is dealt with in the curriculum and also they had sample lessons with hosting students in real classes.

Children performance(kindergarten and shools)

Workshops with children -Social affairs and hands

The other workshop of good relations with other people,important of nature,forest,tree,relaxing excercises.

GUest professor from Greece introduced STREAM and possible activities that can be done in kindergartens.

Sightseeing guided by the students of primary school to Roman Tombs,performance in Roman style

Learning about traditions ,culture,history and visiting important places in Maribor and surroundings


SLOVENIA 26-31 of March 2021

Sharing new methods

THIRD YEAR 2022-2023

LTTA ITALIA 24-28.10.2022


Children performance-songs and dances,happines and fun!

Teachers from each partner presented Ppt Slides, Videos, perform Workshops about How they improve or How they can/should improve the skills of"Media Literacy" in their classes on the basis of favoured elements such as "Experiments", "Research", "Games", "STEAM" and "Real life experience practices".

The activities were integrated with the normal activities of the host kindergarten in the following way: visiting teachers attended classes of the host kindergarten to see how the topic is dealt with in the curriculum and also they had sample lessons with hosting children in real classes.

During the meeting, participants got familiar with the host kindergarten education schedule and their mates' teaching/learning methods. The host country integrated the visit into the timetable of the kindergarten, allowing guests to attend classes. study visits, discussing, sharing opinions and professional experiences. They worked into together to achieve the objectives. At the end they evaluated the project acts.

Learning about traditions,history,religion and culture visiting important places in Piacenza,Ravenna and surroundings

ITALIA 24-28.10.2022
Next activities : will organize First Videoconference children to children-December 2022 Italia-Romania Spain- Turkey Slovenia -Greece MEETING GREECE 22-27 .01.2023 MEETING SPAIN 13-17 .03 2023 MEETING TURKEY ...2023 FINAL REPORT ,FINAL PRODUCTS ,MOBILITY TOOLS 2023

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