Project 2020-1-SI01-KA229-075876_2

Project 2020-1-SI01-KA229-075876_2
The hosting partner
-informed the local authorities about the presence of european teachers in their Kindergarten and town.
They organize an opening ceremony involved children,parents, teachers. Partners visited classroms, learning new methods,observing the Turkish education systems, sharing knowledge.
Organized an exposition with sale,products made by kids and parents for partners.
Was involved parents, colaborators, local comunity,school Inspectorate and hall town,NGO.
Working on project
-evaluating the activities performed until that time
-sugesting a big dissemination party according to the aplication form.
Check the final products,sharing ideas for final report,we talked about impact,valorisation and visualisation of project, learning outcomes.
after the mobility in turkey, we continued with the Video conferences with the theme –good manners-. we completed the final products e-book, brochures, website, diary of our project, questionnaires etwining, twinspace, online sources, online forms and social networks, Videos, meetings, Videoconferences, dissemination acts,learning outcomes,etc. we loaded in the mobility tool the datas, and started to write the final report .
(presentation to partners,parents,local comunities the impact of the project
(presentation to teachers,partners,parents,local comunities the impact of the project)
(presentation to partners,parents,local comunities the impact of the project)
big disemination party-greece (presentation to teachers,partners,parents,local comunities the impact of the project)
big disemination party-spain (teachers,partners,parents,local comunities)presentation the final products of our project
disemination party-turkey (teachers,partners,parents,local comunities,local teleVision,mass-media)
It was a trying project(2020-2023), with many challenges, but we overcame them and adapted to any conditions: the pandemic, the organising of virtual mobility, etc, because we are creative and adaptable. It was a long journey where we faced plenty of ups and downs, but most of all, we fostered friendships which continue even beyond the end of the project. After all, we have make new friends and of course we have so many Experiences which broaden our horizons... And although the project is coming to an end, let's not forget that every ending is a new beginning!! The world is so small!