LAMPEDUSA: African migrants stripped and being sprayed for scabies Inmigrantes africanos desnudados y fumigados contra la sarna
Hundreds of Migrants Try to Enter Spanish Enclave 800 inmigrantes intentan entrar en Melilla
MELILLA: Hordes of African migrants break into Spanish Enclave of Melilla Entrada masiva de africanos en Melilla
Morocco repels 1,000 migrants trying to reach Spain Marruecos evita la entrada de unos mil inmigrantes
A statement from the Interior Ministry's office in Melilla said EFE/MELILLA The ministry said Moroccan forces kept back the migrants attempted to scale the fences several times and more than 1,000 who made similar attempts Thursday. at least 10 managed to get across. ____________________________________________________ Spain: meningitis alarm in Melilla migrant centre The frontier at Melilla has been closed following the arrival Tratadas 226 personas contra la meningitis en el CETI de of dozens of Syrian refugees Melilla La frontera de Melilla cierra 2 horas por un intento de A meningitis alarm has arrived on top of an emergency caused by entrada masiva de inmigrantes the massive arrivals of migrants in recent days in Melilla, the The Moroccan authorities had warned the Spanish about the Spanish enclave in Morocco. A case of meningitis was recorded in arrival of ‘a numerous group of uncontrolled’ who were the centre for temporary detention (CETI) that has forced health showing a firm determination to cross the frontier into Spain. authorities to launch a prevention and quarantine protocol for 226 people, between Sub-Saharans and facility personnel. Sources at the Spanish Delegation in Melilla have said the border was closed as a precaution between 20:40 and 22:30.
Developing critical thinking and solidarity: 1. What idea can you get from the pictures you can see on the top and from the headlines you can read? 2. Why do headlines say something different from what you can actually read in the detailed report of the news? 3. Have you ever heard the account of news about migration retold by migrants in popular Mass Media? 4. Why do you think the words “problem” and “illegal” are generally attached to the word “immigrant”? 5. Do you know approximately how many migrants are living on Gurugú Mount, on the border with Melilla? 6. Why do you think they are allowed to live there? 7. Why do you think we get wrong and manipulated information about migration? 8. What reasons may a person have to emigrate, leave their families, in many cases spend months or years migrating from one country to another and risk their lives? 9. Why do you think they decide to come to Europe? What do they do in Europe? How can they survive? 10. In what way do you think paying an impoverished immigrant very little or in some cases nothing (just poor accommodation and food) can affect other salaries and the whole economy of a country? 11. Who benefits from this situation? How? 12. What do you understand by “IMMIGRANTS ARE MAKERS NOT TAKERS.” What is it that they make? 13. Who are harmed most by forced immigration? Why? 14. How can we redress this situation to make it fair for those who suffer the unjust consequences of forced immigration most?