AHOL A KÖZÖS ÚT KEZDŐDIK WHERE OUR JOURNEY TOGETHER BEGINS Ki ne ábrándozott volna élete legszebb napjáról? Ez a nap önről szól. Szárnyaljon, álmodjon mi pedig valóra váltjuk elképzeléseit. Több, mint 12 évtizede az ön esküvőjére készülünk. Pompázatos, átriumos belső tereink, a meghitt szertartás, a különleges ünnepi vacsora mind fenséges díszletei ennek a csodálatos eseménynek, de valóban tökéletessé, felejthetetlenné a pár boldogságától és a ránk jellemző személyes figyelemtől, elkötelezettségtől válik. Who haven’t dreamt of the most beautiful day of their lives? This day is about you. Keep soaring above the clouds, while we make your wishes come true. We have been practicing for your big day for over 12 decades. Our glorious atriums, the intimate ceremony, the extraordinary dinner are all sublime elements of this truly wonderful event, but what really makes it perfect and unforgettable is the happiness of the couple and our characteristic personal care and commitment.
TÖKÉLETESEBB ESKÜVŐI HELYSZÍNT ÁLMODNI SEM LEHETNE A MORE PERFECT VENUE COULD NOT EVEN BE DREAMT OF Kifinomult elegancia, lélegzetelállító részletek, ahol a luxus átölel. A Corinthia Hotel Budapest grandiózus Bálterme több, mint 120 éve tanúja felemelő és fényűző esküvőknek. Csak a menyasszony sugárzó tekintete képes elhomályosítani a márvány, az arany és a szikrázó csillárok ragyogását. Ne elégedjen meg kevesebbel ön sem! Fine elegance, breath-taking details, where luxury embraces you. The Grand Ballroom of Corinthia Hotel Budapest has witnessed a number of lavish weddings during its 120 years of service. Only the radiant look of the bride can shine brighter than its marble, gold elements and sparkling chandeliers. Do not settle for anything less than that gleam!
ROYAL CATERING A Corinthia Hotel Budapest legendás vendégszeretetét nem csak a Báltermében élvezheti. Amennyiben egy szállodán kívüli helyszínről álmodik, a Royal Catering meglepően sokféle, színes lehetőséget kínál. Ön megálmodja, mi megvalósítjuk. A TERVEZÉSTŐL AZ UTOLSÓ KOCCINTÁSIG. The legendary hospitality of Corinthia Hotel Budapest can be enjoyed outside of our grand ballroom. If your dream wedding happens to have an outside location, Royal Catering offers a surprisingly wide and colourful palette of alternatives. You dream it, we make it happen. FROM THE PLANNING UNTIL THE LAST CLINK OF GLASSES.
1 évvel az esküvő előtt Válasszunk időpontot.
1 year before the wedding Set the date.
Határozzuk meg a költségvetésünket. Nézzünk helszíneket. Foglaljunk ceremóniahelyszínt. Gondoskodjunk a polgári esküvő időpontjáról. Állítsuk össze a vendéglistát. Foglaljuk le a választott helyszínt.
Determine our budget. Let’s visit the venues. Make reservations for the ceremony. Reserve the muncipal office. Prepare the guest list. Reserve the venue.
Foglaljuk le a nászutat. 6 hónappal az esküvő előtt Küldjük ki a meghívókat.
Book the honeymoon. 6 months before the wedding Take care of the invitations.
Kóstoljuk meg a választott esküvői menü és bor sort. Béreljünk esküvői ruhát. Válasszuk ki a virágokat a Royal Flower-ben. Döntsünk más dekorációkról is a Corinthia Event Team-el együtt. Válasszunk fotóst.
Let’s taste the wedding dinner menu with the wines together. Choose a wedding dress. Let’s take care of the flower decoration with Royal Flower together. Decide on other decorations with the Corinthia Event team. Choose and book a photographer.
Döntsünk a zenéről. 3 hónappal az esküvő előtt Foglaljunk időpontot a Corinthia Event Team-nél a végső részletek egyezetésésre.
Decide on entertainment. 3 months before the wedding Set an appointmet by the Corinthia Event team for finalising all details.
Véglegesítsük a vendéglistát. Állítsuk össze az ülésrendet. Rendeljük meg az esküvői autót. Vásároljunk ajándékot a vendégeknek.
Confirm the guest list. Make the seating plan. Reserve a wedding car. Buy gifts for the guests.
Foglaljunk időpontot fodrásznál és kozmetikusnál. 1 nappal az esküvő előtt Hozzuk el a ruhát.
Book a hairdresser and beautician. 1 day before the wedding Pick up the wedding dress.
Gyűrűk és minden egyéb kiegészítő összekészítése.
Get ready the rings and all the necessary accesories.
Csak semmi rohanás és sok sok alvás! Az esküvő napja - Sok bolsogságot kívánunk!
Don’t rush and sleep well! The day of the wedding - Best wishes!
A CORINTHIA HOTEL BUDAPESTRŐL ABOUT CORINTHIA HOTEL BUDAPEST A szálloda történelme 1896-ig nyúlik vissza, amikor először nyitott meg Grand Hotel Royal néven Európa legnagyobb luxusszállodájaként. Ez a lenyűgöző, impozáns építmény azóta is a luxus, a kényelem otthona. Egyedülálló Báltermével, elegáns szobáival és lakosztályaival, valamint a semmivel össze nem hasonlítható Royal Spá-val nem is lehetne ideálisabb helyszíne az ön esküvőjének. First opened in 1896 as the Grand Hotel Royal, being the largest luxury hotel in Europe, the Corinthia Hotel Budapest remains one of the grandest hotels in the city. This impressive landmark is the home of comfort. With its one-of-a-kind Grand Ballroom, elegant rooms and suites and of course the unmatchable Royal Spa it is the ultimate wedding venue.
Contact details / Elérhetőségek 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 43-49. Telephone / Telefon: +36 1 479 4716 E-mail: events.budapest@corinthia.com
Corinthia Hotel Budapest’s gifts for the newlywed couple The couple may spend the honeymoon in one of our Deluxe Suites on a complimentary basis Discounted Superior Rooms for the wedding guests Free of charge airport transfer Personal consultation and food tasting with the Executive Chef The hotel may be used as a photography location Surprise during the cake ceremony A candlelit dinner in one of our restaurants upon returning to Corinthia Hotel Budapest for the first wedding anniversary
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Dear Betrothed Couple, Groom, look at your amazing bride – she is just lighting up with joy. Now, sweet bride, look at your handsome groom – he can’t even express his feelings. Try to keep your faces that happy forever. Royal Wedding’s creative menus have been carefully crafted by our Executive Chef, Péter Bolyki to feature the best of international and Hungarian cuisine to make your most important night perfect. The most remarkable part of your life is just about to begin. You’ve decided to start a family. May all your plans and hopes on it become true! I truly thank you to have chosen us to assist you in our humble, dedicated and professional way at the start of your most spectacular journey. On behalf of Corinthia Hotel Budapest’s Royal Wedding team, let me wish you all the happiness and joy you may imagine. Yours faithfully, Jean Pierre Mifsud General Manager
Welcome Reception For 30 minutes
Superior Welcome Drink Package Törley Gala Sec Kir Royal Orange Juice, Szentkirályi mineral water € 7.5 per person Grand Welcome Drink Package Hungaria Extra Dry Kir Royal Unicum Dreher Beer Orange Juice, Szentkirályi mineral water € 10.5 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
BEVERAGE packages
Our beverage packages are valid for 6 hours After this time limit € 6 will be charged per person hourly Deluxe beverage package Chapel Hill Sauvignon Blanc, Balatonboglár Malatinszky Signature Cuvée Dreher beer Soft drinks, Szentkirályi mineral water Coffee, Tea € 30.5 per person
Royal beverage package St.Andrea Napbor, Eger Skizo Rosé (Shiraz), Badacsony Vida Öreg Tőkék Kadarkája, Szekszárd Dreher Beer Soft drink, Szentkirályi mineral water Coffee,Tea € 38.5 per person
Exclusive beverage package Ikon Chardonnay, Balatonlelle Vesztergombi Pinot Noir, Szekszárd Dreher Beer Soft drink, Szentkirályi mineral water Coffee,Tea
Open bar 5 selected spirits, digestives, Scotch whiskies or liqueurs from our banquet beverage list € 11.5 per person hourly
€ 35 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Family Style Buffet Starter and soup Pork cracklings and potato pogácsa, salty cookies Traditional Hungarian “Újházy” chicken consommé, served with whole cooked chicken meat and vegetables Main courses Stuffed cabbage with pork, rice and crispy bacon “Country style” grill platter Chicken Wiener Schnitzel, grilled pork neck with bacon, turkey Cordon Bleu, fried mushroom, steak potato, steamed rice with green peas, grilled vegetables, tomato- and cucumber salad Desserts “Lúdláb”, Hungarian speciality with chocolate and sour cherry € 35 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Hungarian Buffet Starters and salads “Csekonics” salad with iceberg lettuce, chicken breast and cocktail shrimps Vegetable salad with green asparagus, champignon and tomato dressing Smoked trout fillet with horseradish cream Stuffed eggs with vegetable salad Marinated goose liver terrine with prune jam Smoked beef tongue with Hungarian pickles Fresh goose cracklings, tomato and red onions
Hot items “Hortobágyi” pancake filled with chicken, paprika sauce Gratinated chicken breast with grilled mushroom and rosemary scented cheese sauce Grilled catfish fillet “Kárpáthy” style with mushroom, shrimps and creamy dill sauce Hungarian egg barley with bacon and onion Steamed rice with green peas Homemade noodles with curd cheese and bacon Desserts “Somlói” sponge balls with chocolate sauce “Lúdláb” chocolate cake with sour cherry Pancake filled with walnut and raisins Black forest cake “Zserbó” slice “Eszterházy” cake
Soups Royal goulash soup Farmer chicken consommé Hot Carving Crispy mangalica pork loin with tarragon gravy sauce € 38 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
International Buffet Salads and appetizers Fresh herbed potato salad Salad Niçoise Mozzarella and tomato with balsamic dressing Eggplant caviar Smoked chicken breast with red onion and Port wine jam Smoked mangalica ham with Hungarian pickles Guinea fowl galantine with pistachio Thai glass noodle salad with lemongrass Assorted smoked and marinated fish plate Grilled antipasti Chilled prawn with cocktail sauce International and Hungarian cheese plate Selection of assorted bread rolls
Live station Beef tenderloin with herbed walnut crust and thyme Jus Main courses Grilled salmon with lemon butter sauce Duck à l’orange Grilled pork medallions with wild mushroom and mustard sauce Fresh mushroom tortellini with grated Parmesan Gratinated potato cream Grilled vegetables with fresh basil and thyme Desserts Warm apple crumble with vanilla sauce Trio of Hungarian strudel Strawberry bavarois Ginger crème brûlée Opera cake Baked cheese cake Strawberry and pistachio macaron Citrus cheese cake Gianduja éclair
Cold carving Sushi selection from our Rickshaw restaurant with marinated ginger and soy sauce Soups Coconut scented pumpkin cream soup Veal ragout soup with lemon and tarragon
€ 46 per person All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Indian buffet Salads Sweet and sour chicken salad Hummus and pita bread Grilled Mediterranean vegetables with feta cheese and pesto Gado Gado salad with vegetables and peanut sauce Aloo chaat Eggplant salad with cumin and black olives Royal Salad bar Salty lassi
Indian main courses Butter chicken Baked tandoori fish Indian seafood Biryani with Raita sauce Dal fry Steamed Indian Basmati rice Palak paneer Channa Masala Indian pickels
Appetizers Stuffed paprika Marinated salmon with lime and coriander Roasted pork slices with mango chutney Giant mussel stuffed with its own meat and tomato concassĂŠ Grilled curry chicken with tabouleh Basket of crispy bread rolls and butter
International main courses Fried rice noodle with vegetables and tofu Wok fried duck breast with Oyster sauce, bok choy and garlic chips Desserts Chocolate fountain with fruit display Opera cake Mango and dark chocolate cake Carrot halva Gulab jamoune
Live station Slow cooked lamb leg with rosemary sauce â‚Ź 56 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Deluxe Midnight Buffet Goose cracklings with red onion and vegetables Fried camembert with cranberry and sauce remoulade Stuffed Hungarian pancake â‚Ź 10 per person
Corinthia Tip: Crispy baked piglet with braised cabbage and bread dumplings â‚Ź 25 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Royal Midnight Buffet Freshly baked bread and bread rolls International and Hungarian cold cuts selection with pickled vegetables Butter and olive oil selection Artisan cheese with walnuts and figs Traditional Royal goulash soup Hungarian stuffed cabbage Assorted grilled sausage with sweet mustard Hungarian strudel selection Corinthia Tip: Crispy baked piglet with braised cabbage and bread dumplings â‚Ź 25 per person
â‚Ź 15 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
superior Cocktail Reception Cold canapĂŠs Sweet potato pancakes with tuna tartare, green onion and pickled ginger Tortilla wraps with cilantro chicken, cucumber and radish Grilled zucchini with sun-dried tomato tapenade Vegetarian California rolls 4 pieces per guest â‚Ź 8 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
EXCLUSIVE Cocktail Reception Cold canapés Parma ham on pesto ciabatta Spicy chicken and glass noodle salad Tomato and mozzarella with balsamic dressing Tuna Niçoise Hot canapés Chicken satay with spicy peanut sauce Mini quiche lorraine Fried prawns in beer batter Chicken curry puffs 8 pieces per guest € 16 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Crystal Menu Grilled goat cheese and vegetable tower with tomato-basil essence – “Újházy” chicken consommé with green peas and mushroom – Crispy confit of pork loin with braised red cabbage, roasted potato and rosemary cider sauce – Chocolate mousse with nougatine and gingerbread ice cream € 30 per person
Corinthia Tip: Petit fours € 2 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Silver Menu Hungarian appetizer platter Foie gras terrine, artisan ham with goat cheese, homemade sausages, salami and pickled vegetables – Veal ragout soup with lemon and tarragon – Crispy trout fillet with fresh spinach mushroom ragout, curd cheese cannelloni and paprika sauce – Raspberry and chocolate crémeux with chocolate crumble, lemongrass jelly and chocolate pearls € 33 per person
Corinthia Tip: Petit fours € 2 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Gold Menu Smoked Hungarian duck breast and rillette with paprika coulis – Green pea cream soup with crispy sausage and crouton – Duo of beef tenderloin and cheek with Bikavér jus, fondant potato and seasonal vegetable bouquet – Pêche Melba à la Royal € 38 per person
Corinthia Tip: Petit fours € 2 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Pearl Menu Duo of smoked trout fillet with horseradish flavored curd cheese dumpling and beetroot cream – Royal goulash soup with four different meats – Furmint braised guinea fowl supreme with grilled Jerusalem artichoke and green pea purée – Poppy seed soufflé with wildberry sauce and pálinka sabayon € 36 per person
Corinthia Tip: Petit fours € 2 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Diamond Menu Homemade foie gras terrine with apricot-orange marmalade and toasted brioche – Grilled pike perch fillet with Hungarian vegetable and sausage ragout, cracklings and balsamic vinegar reduction – Whole baked veal tenderloin with pepper crust, mushroom ragout and celeriac mousseline – Dark chocolate mousse with tonka bean and orange € 38 per person
Corinthia Tip: Petit fours € 2 per person
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
Royal Wedding Cake Offer Chocolate mousse cake with raspberry Opera cake White chocolate cake with exotic fruit jelly Black forest cake Strawberry mousse cake “Dobos” cake Chocolate mousse cake with hazelnut praline “Eszterházy” cake From € 5 per slice
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note: 6% Service charge will be added to your bill. All service charges are distributed to our employees.
The Royal Flower
The bridal bouquet, the boutonniere of the groom, harmonizing table decoration all set the style of the wedding. This is yours and only yours, each piece is truly unique. Only your imagination can be the limit of the creations of the hotel’s florist, the Royal Flower. Telephone: +36 1 479 4843 Web: www.theroyalflower.com E-mail: royal@theroyalflower.com
Gábor Erdélyi
award winning photographer Gábor Erdélyi is an award winning photo artist and a professional wedding photographer. He has won various and several prizes and awards in nearly 50 photo contests. He is currently Photography Ambassador of Sony. He is a photographer of musicians, actors, dancers and other artists. As an international wedding photographer he works all around Europe, as well as in Asia and America. In 2015 he was second in the Hungarian Press Photo Contest which he won in 2014 in portrait category. In 2016 two of his photos were included in the private Hungariconok contemporary art collection and in the Luciano Benetton Imago Mundi Collection. Leaving his profession of law he started to build up his photographer career. He studied photography in Denmark. He has projects with international magazines, actors, musicians, cinematographers, dancers, artists. For several years he was the lead photographer and visual editor of Gentleman Magazine. Telephone: +36 30 214 9268 Web: www.erdelyiphotowedding.com