Naked Soap Process Book

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soap 路 savon

Process Book Tiffany Chin Cornelia Baptista



I would like you to consider various product categories across a broad spectrum;foods & beverages (including pet foods), electronics, computers, toys, cosmetics,fashion, etc; whatever product category you would like to work with. Within your chosen product category, please select a product; for example, if you select cosmetics, you could choose a line of facial creams. The same analogy could be applied to new software for the computer product sector. Once you have selected your product category/specific product within the category, please create a new brand name, brand identity and packaging graphics for a new hypothetical line of the product you have selected. Please note, for this project, I do not expect you to create a new product, just select an existing product and create a new brand name, brand identity and packaging graphics for it across a minimum of three SKUs (varieties).

Table of Contents

Brand Name Development

1 2

Brain Storming Brand Name Finalization

Brand Identity Development

3 4

Type Exploration Final Type Selection

Packaging Graphics Development

5 7 11 12 13

Inspiration Visual Brainstorming Concept Development Concept Finalization Colour Refinements

Design Rationale


Rationale + Final Packaging

Brand Name Development Brain Storming

Project 2 Process Book

Brand Name Finalization

'ne-ked not wearing any clothes : not covered by clothing: stripped

*1. Naked Naked was selected as our final brand name because we felt it best represented our brand qualities and product. Naked is simple and honest, true to the nature of our product which takes pride in being stripped of harmful chemicals; using simple ingredients, natural scents and plant based dyes. It also speaks to the actual use of the product, plain and simple you must be naked to use it.

2. Blanche Blanche is similar to the name naked in its conveyance of a stripped down and minimal name however it did refer to the process of bleaching which is why it was not selected as our final name.

3. Wonderland

This brand name option emphasizes the whimsy behind our product. Speaking more to the fragrance and luxury of the product leaving you feeling as if you have escaped to a different world.

4. Champagne

This brand name option emphasizes the luxurious and refined nature of our product.

5. Porcelain We felt this name reflected the pure and feminine nature of our product.


Brand Identity Development Type Exploration naked Naked Naked naked naked naked naked naked naked naked



Type Refinements WALBAUM REGULAR





naked naked naked naked

naked naked



Project 2 Process Book

Final Brand Identity

PRIMARY TYPEFACE WALBAUM MED ITALIC To be used only in lowercase SECONDARY TYPEFACE GOTHAM BOOK To be used only in lowercase

WALBAUM MEDIUM ITALIC was chosen to be the primary typeface making up the naked brand identity because of its flowy, feminine and strong nature. GOTHAM BOOK acts as the secondary typeface to the main brand identity. It compliments the feminine nature of Walbaum while grounding it with a bit more clarity with its simple, rounded, sans-serif forms.


Packaging Graphics Development Inspiration


Project 2 Process Book


Packaging Graphics Development Visual Brainstorming


Project 2 Process Book


Packaging Graphics Development Visual Brainstorming


Project 2 Process Book


Packaging Graphics Development Concept Development





lavender hypoalergenic soap Net Wt 250g 8.8oz





naked Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

orange blossom hypoalergenic soap Net Wt 250g 8.8oz


naked orange blossom

naked lavender hypoalergenic soap Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

orange blossom





orange blossom


orange blossom

hypoalergenic soap

hypoalergenic soap

hypoalergenic soap

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

Project 2 Process Book

Concept Finalization

A. naked naked hypoalergenic soap

naked naked

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz


orange blossom


hypoalergenic soap

hypoalergenic soap

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

hypoalergenic soap Net Wt 250g 8.8oz


orange blossom hypoalergenic soap

naked naked rose

hypoalergenic soap Net Wt 250g 8.8oz


After experimenting with various packaging graphic options, trying to incorporate ideas like cut-outs, transparencies and feminine graphic elements we came down to two major design concepts. Option A This concept would be applied as a wrap around the actual soap piece which would be circular in form. It shows the plant used to fragrance the soap in a botanical illustration aesthetic while layering the brand information in the form of a sticker over top.

Option B This concept combines traditional lace graphic elements with bright pastel colours to create a fresh new look modern look with a traditional feel. The subtle pattern differentiation and colour variation create a strong brand block with enough variation between SKUs.

Both options were aesthetically strong and had different personalities. We chose to pursue Option B because of its more modern feel and it'd be a stronger brand block. Option A spoke more to an older audience and was more European in its design aesthetics. 12

Packaging Graphics Development Colour Refinements

naked orange

naked orange

naked rose

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

naked rose

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

naked lavender Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

naked lavender Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

We wanted to stay within the pastel range. We chose orange, purple and pink to work with as they corresponded directly to the chosen scent varieties (orange, lavender and rose respectfully).


naked orange

naked orange

naked rose

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

naked rose

Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

naked lavender Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

naked lavender Net Wt 250g 8.8oz

We had to keep in mind the contrast between the white lace/ text, the amount of differentiation between each scent (enough variety when faced with the brand block) and how the actual colour would turn out during the printing process.

Project 2 Process Book

Colour Finalization







Corresponding Graphics Primary Graphics

Secondary Graphics

The final colours are soft and pastel enough to carry out our vision while being bold enough to contrast the white elements of the design.

In order to create subtle differentiation between the varying scents of soap we chose similar lace graphics that had slightly different details. A secondary graphic was created to represent the individual scent minimally. 14


Naked Soaps revamps the luxury soap market and successfully gives it a fresh new look while appealing to our target market of women between the ages of 25-50. By combining traditional lace graphics with bright pops of pastel colours we have created a strong brand block while allotting for differentiation between the varying scents through the use of colour and subtle pattern changes. The light colours appeal to the younger range of our target audience and the use of lace elements prevents the alienation of the older end of our target audience. We wanted each lace pattern used to reflect the scent of the product through their shapes in a subtle manner. The name itself was a tongue-in-cheek play not only on the actual state one would be in to use this product but it also speaks to the fact that it is stripped free from chemical dyes and ingredients.

Take care of your best accessory. 13

Project 2 Process Book


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