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The Tiber river has been substantially widened from its original state prior to 1870. Past the papacy of Pope Julius II in the early 16th century, it has been framed by the Via Jiulia and its sister street across the Tiber, the Via della Lungara. Both streets are represented in this aerial perspective in the upper left-hand side. 1

The “Trident� of Rome was formed over the course of thrity years by two Medici Popes, Leo X and Clement VII. Each added one branch of the trident to the extant Via Recta, which runs perpendicular to the Piazza Del Popolo. The resulting view down the trident towards the Piazza Venezia is spectacular and unique within the city of Rome. 2

The Villa Giulia is located on what were previously the boudaries of the city of Rome. It was a project that employed Antonio Sangallo, Giorgio Vasari, Giacomo Vignola, and Michelangelo. Pictured here is the nymphaeum as I sketched it from the upper terrace. It is a sunken element of the axial garden that defines the organization of the villa. 3

The Borghese Galleries house what is arguably the best collection of non-antique sculpture in the city of Rome as well as a plethora of Caravaggio’s works. Among mid-sized galleries, it is the undisputed king. Of all locations that I regret not being able to visit while in Rome, the Borghese gallery is the top one. Here, I have pictured Bernini’s David and Rape of Proserpina as well as Canova’s reclining sculpture of Pauline Bonaparte. 4

Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza is an expressive Borromini church that eschews the usual right angles and domes of high Renaissance churches. He created a curved facade and a lantern-like cupola. Both frame the colonade and courtyard below.


Sant’Ignazio is a baroque church that opened as part of the Pontifical Gregorian University. It was funded by the Orsini family and is most famous for Andrea Pozzo’s masterpiece trompe l’oiel fresco works. This pencil sketch of the extravagant detailing of the church is one of the first drawings I created while in Rome. 6

In front of the Church of Sant’Ignazio, the piazza is framed by warped building facades that indicate baroque construction. The plan of the plaza is dictated by three circles that puncture the buildings around the piazza.


The Ponte Roto and Cloaca Maxima are two of the major landmarks of the Tiber River near Tiber Island. They are landmarks that mirror each other in form- one an object in a void, the other a void in an object. The Ponte Roto is one of the earliest existing bridges in Rome; like the Cloaca maxima it was built during the Republican period. 8


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