October 2022 Central & Waterfront# PLYMOUTHTOGETHER READ AND SHARE MORE LOCAL NEWS plymouthchronicle.co.uk • Out and About • Local news and views • Charity news • Cross ExperienceRhythms • Dial the Experts • Useful numbers ALSO INSIDE:Empty city centre shops are transformedbeingbyartistsandcreativesFordetailsSeePage22 Wayne Wheeler is taking on the London Marathon to raise funds for the Salvation Army For details See Page 9 Two brave mums will skydive from 15,000 feet to raise funds for Trevi, the Plymouth-basedleadingwomenscharitySeePage23 To value your home call us on 01752 664125 Success powered by people, passion and service The sign of the times QueenourpassingmournsPlymouththeofbeloved See pages 10 and 11
New online mental health service launched
are that it keeps your mind active, doing the resident’s shopping keeps you fit and you get to meet interesting people.
I am loving life again. Gail
Connect: with those around you, whether that’s friends, family, neighbours, colleagues or others in your community. Reach out to friends, via phone, face to face or online.
The five themes in the guide are about connecting with others, learning, being active, noticing the world around you and giving.
I feel looked after as I have safety and protection from the team and the coordinators.It’sgreatto meet other volunteers at our regular tea and cake socials and we support each other.
Learning new skills will give you confidence and you might even have fun at the same time.
I’ve learned so much from my peer volunteers and even more especially from our clients, who we see as our ‘neighbours’.
Volunteering is a great way to give to others and do something really worthwhile.
Users can also keep an online journal and monitor their wellbeing via an interactive goal tracker.
A free digital mental health and wellbeing service is now available in Plymouth.
This is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Aswell as the self-help and community support, there is an anonymous oneon-one counselling live text chat and messaging counselling service with a team of professionally qualified practitioners
Helping someone else makes me feel good about myself and it also helps me get out of the house. I like talking to people and having a laugh, which makes me feel happy.
An easy way to remember them is the acronym CLANG. These stand for:
You can build new social networks, use existing skills and develop new ones and build your experience too – all while having fun and meeting others.
If you’re interested in becoming a Good Neighbour Support Volunteer like David, Jenny and Gail, support-volunteernew.plymouth.gov.uk/good-neighbour-visit
Having been fortunate enough to be employed consistently for 40 years, at the age of 58 I decided to take early retirement and hoped to make all of my time my own to pursue and indulge myself in my hobbies, leisure activities and travel.
It impacted my life hugely and my husband, though very willing to help, was unable to do so, as I lay in bed or on the sofa, with no energy or desire to do anything.
With long COVID, it was a bleak time for several months, until I heard about the Good Neighbour Support Volunteering scheme, helping those who were isolated.
Finding a form of exercise you enjoy is important and should make you feel good.
From time to time we all face challenges in life and sometimes struggle to cope.
a rapport with them and was amazed at how much better and lighter I felt in myself. Whilst actively listening and hearing them, I was able to forget about perceived problems of my own. Concentrating on their needs and being privileged to enter their homes and shop for them put my life firmly in perspective and has given me more than I feel I could ever offer them.
Plymouth City Council has worked in partnership with NHS Devon and other councils to commission Qwell to provide everyone aged 18 and over anonymous and confidential support.Qwell, delivered by mental health provider Kooth, aims to help people manage their own emotional health and wellbeing.
Being a volunteer is truly amazing in the way in which it so often gives back way more than is given out. I thoroughly recommend it!
For me the benefits of volunteering
2 October 2022 @PlymChronicle
There are lots of opportunities to volunteer with Plymouth City Council, including Good Neighbour Support Volunteers, Event Volunteers (such as with the recent SailGP) or with the library service, youth services, parks and greenGoodspaces.Neighbour Support Volunteers David, Jenny and Gail share their experiences of volunteering and talk about how giving has impacted on their wider wellbeing.
My life felt suddenly meaningless and I felt a burden, useless and worthless.
I feel incredibly privileged to have this opportunity to be involved in such a worthwhile, important and valuable service in the community and it has opened up a new chapter in my life, for which I will always be grateful.
Give: something to others, even if it just smiling at a stranger, thanking someone or helping a neighbour.Volunteering your time to help others in your community can boost your own wellbeing too.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing guide was designed to increase resilience and build on existing strengths to help us face those more challenging times when we encounter them.
like a family at times, of Plymouth Community Volunteers. The range of opportunities help keep me actively engaged in the everyday events of our wider society, keep me mentally alert and vital and the varied degrees of physical challenge are healthy for me too in an enjoyable way!
It keeps me active, engaged and I really look forward to my visits, the responsibility of which I take very
After 40 years of nursing, in February 2022, I found myself in a hospital bed with COVID.
‘Mayflower Makers’ volunteering has grown into a general hub, more
‘Freebies’ are welcome benefits too, further valuing our efforts, whether in the form logo-based baseball cap, fleece, jacket or tote bag, a ballpoint pen or a lapel badge!
work and life skills. While much of the Mayflower 400 programme had to be cancelled, the activities that were possible were incredibly successful and our volunteer activity was very well received.
This means people can access support outside traditional office hours.
We have regular, informal gettogethers where complimentary coffee and cake are welcome; tangible recognition of our effective teamwork.
Being connected to your community, whether that’s at work or at home, can be rewarding and help you feel connected and part of a wider network.Whatare the things that improve your wellbeing? They may not neatly fit into the ‘five ways’ but thinking about your wellbeing and what helps you is important so you can draw upon them when things get tough.
As a new Good Neighbour Support Volunteer I was recently matched up with an elderly resident and have been visiting her for two weeks now.
I’ve benefited from free, ongoing training and learning opportunities to support the myriad opportunities offered through Plymouth’s volunteer manager and support team. The positive feedback and thanks received from people are fantastic rewards too, making me feel valued and needed.
The detrimental effect was enormous, mentally, physically and spiritually and when I left hospital, I was no longer fit to work.
Nurturing your relationships and connections will support you and enhance your daily life.
Five ways to help improve your wellbeing and resilience
How volunteering can bring benefits for everyone
Appointments can be booked in advance or accessed via a drop-in text-based chat and run from midday to 10pm on weekdays and from 6pm to 10pm at the weekend.
Notice: what can you hear, see, smell, taste and touch. Notice the little things, like the changes in seasons, the smell after a storm or the sounds of theBeingbirds.present in the moment and taking time to reflect on your surroundings and experiences
The pandemic wreaked havoc on so many of my plans, yet opportunities to do alternative and worthwhile deeds had fortunately presented themselves pre-pandemic, with the offer of training to be a ‘Mayflower Maker’ for the Mayflower 400 commemorative programme.
As a true ‘Janner’ I was eager to share my wealth of local knowledge about my home city, its history, its unique tourist offer and our local facilities, in addition to utilising my
Learn: something new or restart an old interest. It doesn’t need to be complicated; it could be as simple as trying a new recipe, reading a book or taking on a different responsibility at work.
As a result of being a good neighbour I know my way around just about every supermarket and chemist premises in Plymouth, I’ve learned about various diets and allergies, sought out new and often elusive products, shared recipes, stories and histories galore and even picked up tips on cooking, cleaning and growing things!
Having been placed with two separate people and started visiting, I quickly felt
It focuses on supporting self-care and provides a safe space for adults to access therapeutic activities, with a peer support community, selfhelp articles and forums and discussion boards moderated by qualified practitioners.
To find out more about the service visit www.qwell.io
will help you acknowledge what matters to you and make you feel more connected to your environment.
Be Active: Go for a walk, do some gardening, go dancing or participate in a yoga class. Being active doesn’t mean running marathons.
I was apprehensive as I’d lost all faith and confidence in my abilities but I have always been a ‘better self’ when connecting with other people and trying to give and this was an opportunity to try something new, that could be of value.
to discuss each visit afterwards with a co-ordinator provides valuable time for reflection and a measured and useful impartial overview of the event from someone else.
One of the kittens which was abandoned
Plymouth Energy Community who offer advice and support to households struggling with fuel bills or poorly heated homes as well as signpost people to potential grants.
The grant will enable the delivery of a wide-ranging programme of outreach activities to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion. This will include reaching out to neighbourhood wellbeing initiatives, community groups, local employers, and schools.Partof the grant will be used for the costs of the branch’s 50th Anniversary Ball on November 12, and various other outreach events across the city, which will provide a focus and launch pad for this community initiative.
Cllr Rebecca Smith
3October 2022@PlymChronicle
“I know all the organisations around the table and their networks want to ensure that as a city we are doing all that we can and joining up our efforts where possible. We also want to make sure any further money that we can secure goes to where it is needed most.
Deputy manager, Ruth Rickard said: “As soon as we heard about these four little kittens we knew we had to help them. Our general manager, Claire Sparkes, is very
The task force, instigated by Councillor Rebecca Smith, Cabinet member for Homes and Communities, will include Plymouth’s Director of Public Health, Ruth Harrell and representatives from key agencies including Citizens Advice Plymouth, Food Plymouth, Transforming Plymouth Together, Plymouth Energy Community, Plymouth Children in Poverty Partnership, Plymouth Octopus project, Whitleigh Four Greens Community Trust, Argyle Community Trust, Department for Work and Pensions and Improving Lives Plymouth.Councillor Smith said: “The rising cost of living is an issue that is affecting many families in Plymouth and we know it is a worrying time for everyone. I’ve been working since July to bring together a wide range of organisations working to address issues such as child, food and energy“There’spoverty.alot of good work happening in Plymouth from these organisations who provide advice and support, as well as practical help.
of Public Health Dr Ruth Harrell added: “A lot of support is already in place from organisations across the city. However, the challenges that people are facing mean that we expect many more people to be struggling and to need help.“Where possible, we want to prevent people from reaching crisis point by making sure they can access all the support that is out there. But we also need to ensure that support is there for people who need it, if they do reach crisis point.”The task force will meet monthly for at least the next six months and likely longer.
New born kittens left for dead in heatwave lucky to survive
Emma Handley, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice Plymouth said: “In recent months, we have reported hundreds of Plymouth residents who requested help with the crisis. We do what we can to address these issues and with a joinedup approach it will help us assist more people across the city.”
experienced in hand rearing kittens. She immediately syringe fed them and started removing all the fly eggs to ensure they didn’t get fly strike.
made such an effort to find these vulnerable kittens. If these kittens had not been found they would have died a very horrible and painful death. They still have a long road ahead of them but now that they are in the experienced hands of Claire we know they have the best chance of surviving this horrendous and cruel ordeal.”Itisestimated it will cost Gables an additional £800 for the specialist care these tiny kittens need to help them survive and find new loving homes.Readers can help to ease Gables financial burden by making a contribution to ‘Heatwave Kittens’ Vet Appeal’, please call 01752 331602 or cheques can be posted to Gables Dogs and Cats Home, 204 Merafield Road, Plympton, Plymouth, Devon, PL7Alternatively1UQ. visit donatepaypal.me/gablesdogsandcatscom/campaign/hwkittenswww.justgiving.orwww.toonline.
The intention is to develop a volunteer base which better reflects the community that Plymouth Samaritans serves and to reach new audiences within the community. The scope of the project will cover Plymouth, Tavistock, Liskeard, Saltash, Callington and Torpoint.
Big Lottery boost for Plymouth Samaritans
Food Plymouth and the Plymouth Food Aid Network work with partners to help people access food-related support such as food banks, food vouchers and eligibility for free school meals and other schemes.Anonline hub with information about a wide range of support is available at www.plymouthonlinedirectory.com/ costoflivingsupport
Funds have also been allocated for the purchase of a mobile digital display system to enable the branch to target their communications at outreach events.
Task force to coordinate city-wide efforts to tackle cost of living crisis
“Flystrike is a painful condition caused by flies laying their eggs on vulnerable animals. These hatch into maggots, which eat the flesh of their ‘hosts’. We are so grateful to the people and wonderful dogs who
The £9,700 grant will enable the charity to use its jubilee as a springboard to attract new volunteers and callers; extend community partnerships; and improve the delivery of its communications.
Plymouth Samaritans are celebrating their 50th Anniversary with a grant worth almost £10,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund.
A new multi-agency task force is being set up to coordinate a city-wide effort to provide support for Plymouth families impacted by the rising cost of living.
Home recently took in four abandoned kittens which were dumped in a field and left for dead in the middle of the heatwave. The tiny, eight day old kittens were discovered frightened, severely dehydrated and covered in fly eggs.
The Government has recognised the challenges being faced and funding has already been provided, for example through the Household Support Fund, which has so far provided free school meal vouchers over school holidays, energy aid through Plymouth Energy Community and Citizens Advice Plymouth, and grants to a wide range of VCSE organisations who provided support to some of the group most at risk of falling intoDirectorcrisis.
Gables Dogs and Cats
floppy, covered in fly eggs and fleas and struggling to breathe in the heat. They were taken to the vets for emergency fluids and the first 24 hours were touch and go.
“My hope is this group will be cross party so that this is a combined effort and we get everyone’s input.”
For more information at activities)voluntarysignpostingsupport,andbeingareasapproachget-help-with-the-cost-of-livingcitizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/www.Plymouthasacityhasajoineduptotacklemanyofitschallenges,signalledbythePlymouthPlan.Therealreadymanyexamplesofsupportprovidedacrossthecitysuchas:Wellbeinghubs(whichofferdebtemploymentadvice,mentalhealthvolunteeropportunitiesandtootherhealthservices,andcommunitysector
“We want the task force to work together to ensure these efforts are coordinated and make the best use of all the resources available, as well as spot any gaps and generate ideas for what more we can do.
Local residents were horrified to discover the owners had chucked them out and driven off with the kitten’s traumatised mother. The kittens were difficult to locate at first and they nearly gave up hope of finding them until a local dog owner came to help with his exceptionally well trained Sprockers, who located the kittens after only a few minutes of Althoughsearching.Gables rushed to collect the little kittens and gave them lifesaving care, they were very concerned that they would not survive as they were so dehydrated,
Plymouth Jazz Club
Barbican Lights Switch On Nov 19
Area Police Choir continue to celebrate their 50th anniversary with a concert at Lee Moor Village Hall in support of Devon Air Ambulance and funds for the Village Hall. Concert starts at 7pm and tickets at £6 can be obtained from www.leemoorpublicchall.org.uk
Anniversary Ball
St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth popular fund-raising event offers cyclists an adrenalin-packed adventure: the hill-filled, 52km mixed terrain route of mud, sweat and gears with other routes for younger and familiy participants. Sign up for the challenge at www. stlukes-hospice.org.uk/tourdemoor or by calling 01752 492626. Registration costs £35 for the 52km or 30km route, and £15 for the 11km route.
Dec Organised3 by Elburton Residents’ Association at Elburton Village Hall from 3pm. Lots of stalls to browse with food and drinks available. Santa will be there for the children and the the Elburton Village Christmas lights will be switched on at the event.
Christmas Lights Switch On Nov 17
Oct 29
Nov Plymouth12
The Armchair Adventure Festival is back for 2022 at Mount Edgcumbe Country Park. The event will feature inspiring tales of adventure and exploration, adventurous activities to get involved in, live music and top-quality local beer and food. For more information and to book tickets visit www. armchairadventurefestival.com
Plymouth’s spectacular Bonfire Night celebration on The Hoe is a safe and free way to spend the most explosive night of the year. Watch as the huge bonfire is lit, then gaze in awe at the brilliant firework display. If you’re feeling brave enough, have a go on the fairground rides or warm up with a bite to eat from one of the food stalls. More details will be published closer to the time.
Charity Concert
Christmas Fayre
Charity Model Show
Area Police Choir continue to celebrate their 50th anniversary with a concert at Janeva Court, Saltash in support of the Sue Hooper Charitable Foundation. Concert starts at 7pm and tickets at £8 can be obtained from Sue Hooper or suehcf@msn. com
Out and About
Writer, broadcaster and comedian Dom Joly, best known as the creator of Trigger Happy TV, is back on the road with his one-man theatre tour, giving fans a rare opportunity to see him live at Plymouth’s Quad Theatre on the Marjon campus. Dom will be talking about his exploits as a serial globe-trotter and seeker of dangerous travel spots when he returns to the road to complete his ‘Dom Joly’s Holiday Snaps’ tour.Tickets are available at www.comicalentertainment.com
The Post Mortem Live Nov 14 to Nov 17
The Post Mortem Live arrives at Plymouth Guildhall with six live shows offering attendees the chance to solve a murder working with award winning human anatomist Sam Piri in this four-hour long experience. Tickets from £35. For details visit www. thepostmortemlive.co.uk
Dec 10
the Plymouth Harbour 10K this October, which is now open for registration. A second event, the Plymouth Harbour Half, will take place on a date to be confirmed in 2023. Registration for the Plymouth Harbour 10K is now open at runplymouthharbour.co.uk
By the Dartmoor 009 group at Ford Park Cemetery Visitor Centre from 11am to 4pm on Saturday and 10.30am to 3.30pm on Sunday. For details call 01752 665442 weekdays from 10am to 4pm.
Oct 23
Ford Park Cemetery Visitor Centre from 2pm to 4pm. Refreshments available. Details at 01752 665442 from 10am to 4pm.
Bonfire Night on The Hoe Photo: Jeff Tomkins One Plymouth
Model Boat Club are holding a charity show in aid of Children’s Hospice South West at Harewood House, Plympton from 10am to 4pm.
Oct Featuring2
The Oxley-Meier Guitar Project at Stoke Damerel Church, Paradise Road at 3pm. Featuring work from their new album ‘The Alluring Ascent.’ Expect a dazzling display of contemporary fare, ranging from Turkish panache to soundscape of Latin America to English pastoralism. Hear this played on nylon string, steel string, electric, 12 string, fretless, slide, guitarsynth, glissentar guitars and more! Tickets £15 from www.wegottickets/event/547774 or on the door.
Frank ‘N’ Stein’s Teddy Oct 15 to Oct 22
Sept 22 to 25
Until Nov 13
Sept 23 to Sept 25
Huge line up of DJs at the popular event held at Newnham Park in Plympton. Also featuring boutique stalls, food village, speciality bars and cocktails and massive afterparties. Return shuttle buses from the city centre every 15 minutes. Tickets and further infrormation from www.weekenderfestival.com
Nov 5
Nov Popular26
Carol Service
charities have partnered to launch the Plymouth Harbour Runs, a pair of new community running challenges. Mental health charity Devon Mind and men’s health charity the Chestnut Appeal are inviting local running enthusiasts to participate in
Ford Park Cemetery’s latest free exhibition is called Plymouth on the Move and explores transport in the city over the years. The exhibition in the Visitor Centre is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.30am to 3.30pm and 12.30pm to 3.30pm at weekends. Parkin and refreshments available.
Model Railway Presentation Oct 15 and 16
Plymouth Harbour 10k Oct
Sept 24 and Sept 25
Tour de Moor Oct 9
Fun show is based on the Plymouth legend of Gogmagog the giant whose figure was once carved into the limestone on Plymouth’s Hoe in Elizabethan times. Performers tell the wonderful and tragic story of Gogmagog through two foolish gardeners Clod and Turf, whose night vigil of protecting the figure from moles, leads them on a fantastical and amusing retelling of the story involving giants, Trojans, puppets, dressing up and humorous songs. Performed at Soapbox Children’s Theatre in Devonport Park. Recommended 5yrs+ and their big people. Pay what you can tickets starting at £10 (Children under 18 months are free) For details go to www.stiltskin.org.uk and select Box Office.
Armchair Adventure Festival
Send details of your event to info@ cornerstonevision.com and we will do our best to include them in Out and About. Unfortunately because of space limitations we are unable to publish details of regular meetings of groups and societies or similar
Dartmoor Zoo Charity Ball
Dom Joly’s Holiday Snaps
An afternoon of festive fun in the Barbican and Sutton Harbour from 12 noon to 6pm. Children will be able to visit Santa in his grotto, after he has arrived from across the water on the RNLI boat. Families can soak up the festive joy of the local choirs as they perform on The Parade. There will be Christmas themed street entertainment and rides to have a go on, plus a selection of stalls selling some delicious Christmas treats. Take part in the free Christmas trail across the Barbican, with some tasty prizes! Follow the trail around the shops and restaurants, and maybe pick up some wonderful unique Christmas gifts or enjoy some festive refreshments along the way. Look out for festive bus on Southside Street, which will be hosting the special guests who will be switching on the awesome sparkly Christmas lights, at approximately 5.30pm.
Dec 7
Christmas Raffle
Oct Plymouth7
Collectors Toy & Train Fair
Oct Wildly8 entertaining evening at Boringdon Park Golf Club. Drink on arrival, three course meal and music by Joey the Lips. Charity auction and raffle with exclusive prizes. For tickets call 01752 837645 or visit www. dartmoorzoo.co.uk
Samaritans will be holding their 50th Anniversary Ball at the New Continental Hotel in Plymouth. The evening will feature welcome drinks to a live band - the Smooth Jazz Combo, a quality three course meal, dancing to the Fabulous Swing Kings, a bumper raffle and an auction. The auction will include signed pieces from Adele, Ed Sheehan, Daniel Craig and Mo Salah among other dazzling items. Tickets for the Ball are £55 per head and can be obtained from Mrs Jan Sherriff at janetasherriff@btinternet.com
Bonfire Night
Soup and Sweet Lunch
Oct 16
In the Chapel at Ford Park Cemetery at 6.30pm. Entry £6. Details at 01752 665442 from 10am to 4pm.
Send details of your event to info@ cornerstonevision.com and we will do our best to include them in Out and About. Unfortunately because of space limitations we are unable to publish details of regular meetings of groups and societies or similar organisations.
Oct Plymouth21
The veteran stand up comedian brings his ‘Good Times Tour’ to the Quad Theatre on the Marjon campus. Details and tickets available at www. comicalentertainment.com
Oct 27
Performed at Soapbox Children’s Theatre Devonport Park this show is suitable for children aged 8 and under and their big people. Frank and Stein accidently break their teddy Victor. Can our two madcap scientists put teddy back together again? With extraordinary science, magical tricks and puppets all based in the Soapbox Laboratory, this fun and inventive show is for children and adults alike. Pay what you can tickets starting at £10 (Children under 18 months are free) For tickets and further information go to www.stiltskin.org.uk and select Box Office.
Heritage Walk
Autumn Concert Series Oct Featuring9
Organised by the Plymouth Diecast Club at the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre, Scott Business Park, Beacon Park from 10am to 1pm. Admission adults £1 children free. Parking and cafe onsite. Wheelchair friendly.
the Fraser Weekes Quartet at the Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Crownhill at 7.30pm. Tickets on the door or www.plymouth-jazzclub.org.uk. Upcoming events City Steam Jazz Band on October 16; Greg Abate on November 6 and Two Counties Jazz Band on November 20.
Charity Concert
Christmas Fair
annual event at Ford Park Cemetery from 11am to 2.30pm with many stalls present.
Your guide to events in the local community and beyond
Oct Plymouth2 on the Move Heritage Team Walk at Ford Park Cemetery. Meet at the Visitor Centre at 2pm. Details at 01752 665442 from 10am to 4pm.
The official kick off for the Plymouth’s Christmas holiday calendar, also marking the start of festive late-night shopping every Thursday night in the lead up to Christmas. The switch on is due to take place between 6pm and 6.30pm and there will be an exciting programme of free, family-friendly entertainment to enjoy on stage in the Piazza from 4pm. Enjoy live music, with performances of carols and popular Christmas songs from local groups and choirs.
At Ford Park Cemetery Visitor Centre from 12 noon to 2.30pm for £6 and including delicious home made dishes. For details call 01752 665442 weekdays from 10am to 4pm.
Oct Plymouth8
Omid Djalili
The Weekender Festival
For the last four years, Plastic Free Plymouth have been working with the Surfers Against Sewage Plastic Free Communities project to gain Plastic Free Community status for the city of Plymouth.
They achieved the status for the Waterfront area in June 2018, and then went on to gain citywide status a year later in June 2019, working closely with SAS, and with the citywide Plan for Plastic to tackle single-use plastic wherever possible through the Interreg funded Preventing Plastic Pollution project.
Clean Our Patch CIC have become only the third organisation in Plymouth to achieve the status of Diamond Award, as part of Plastic Free Plymouth.
They already have over 300 businesses, community groups, individuals and schools working towards being Plastic Free, and are still welcoming new partners. Further information can be found tojoiningreceivedGoldorganisationwithincampaignplymouthenvironmentplymouth.org/plastic-free-atCleanOurPatchCICsigneduptotheshortlyafteritwaslaunched2018andquicklygainedBronzestatusthehelpofdedicatedvolunteers.ThewentontosecureSilverandAwardsandafteracharterreviewitsDiamondstatusinAugust,onlytwootherorganisationsachievethissincetheprogramme’s
“We also work with schools and community organisations to educate them about the devastating affect of plastic pollution and what we canall do to make a difference in not only our communities, but in our everyday lives.
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Ash added: “We host over 40 litter picks a month, encouraging the wider public to get involved, as well as working with businesses to clean up around their sites and encouraging the maintenance of this.
“We are excited about the future and wish to be at the forefront of the cultural shift in Plymouth.”
Diamond Award for Clean Our Patch
“The Diamond Award is a recognition of the work we have done towards becoming more plastic-free as an organisation— not just when we are picking litter, but ensuring that even our social occasions with our volunteers, our awareness stalls and all the events in which we participate aim to avoid single use plastics,” said Clean Our Patch co founder Ashton Samuels.“Thisaward is a great opportunity to say thanks to our volunteers and our community partners, and to highlight the fact that real cultural change around single-use plastics is possible.”
Schools in the Trust include Austin Farm Academy, Boringdon Primary School, Chaddlewood Primary School, Ermington Primary School, Glen Park Primary School, Morley Meadow Primary School, Oreston Community Academy, Sherford Vale School, Wembury Primary School, Woodford Primary School, Yealmpton Primary School, Coombe Dean School, Eggbuckland Community College, Hele’s School and Plymstock School
In thanking those governors for their service, Chair of Trust, Iain Grafton, told the Plymouth Chronicle that he believes the new arrangements will bring greater accountability to the Trust structures and will support newly appointed hub advisors in making their viewpoint heard.
Schools in the Trust include Plymstock School, Coombe Dean, Hele’s and 10 primary schools in the area.
Iain Grafton added: “Joining one of our hubs as an advisor will give you an opportunity to contribute to our schools and our community. It will be an example of civic duty at its best. Please do think about applying.”
Local governing bodies will be disbanded at the end of the year, and four new advisory hubs will replace them on January 1 2023.
Iain Grafton
Improving Lives Plymouth hosted a family fun day for former veterans and their families – thanks to funding by Annington, the company responsible for refurbishing former MOD properties on Holmwood Avenue in Plymstock.
6 October 2022 @PlymChronicle ENTRYFREE Visitor&LearningCentre attheTamarBridge Talks | Events | Exhibitions | Schoolworkshops FREE introductory guided talks on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Visitor Centre open daily 10am - 4pm VisitBridgingwww.bridgingthetamar.org.uktheTamar|01752361577
Rob Haring, chief executive of the Trust, added: “I’m really looking forward to working with our new hub advisors, who will be able to take a rounded view on what we are trying to do across WeST.
The event took place at the Improving Lives premises in Mannamead Road, where more than 80 people enjoyed a fun-filled day with a treasure hunt, barbecue and bouncy castles. It was the first family day for three years because of the Improvingpandemic.Lives Plymouth aims to foster a community dedicated to improving health and wellbeing. The group’s dedicated Veterans and Family hub provides regular support for former Service personnel and their families. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the last Family Day event took place three years ago, however, celebrations were able to resume thanks to a donation from Annington.
range of experiences possible to be our hub advisors. It’s also essential that parents from our schools apply so that the hubs have the benefit of their experience’
He said: “This is a great opportunity for interested people to bring their skills to bear on making sure that our Trust is the best it can possibly be for our 14,000 pupils. We are looking for people to apply to be hub advisors to one of our four hubs.
Westcountry Schools Trust is pushing ahead with its controversial scheme to replace governing bodies across its 26 schools.
“You might have experience in business, in education or children’s services, in safeguarding, in the armed forces, in law or in public service. We need the widest range and most diverse
Trust pushes ahead with controversial plan to replace school governors
Ann-Marie Woollacott, Veterans Project co-ordinator for Improving Lives Plymouth, said: “After a few tough years, it’s been great to gather at the Mannamead Hub. It’s not often that we’re all under the one roof, but when
we are, it highlights the sense of camaraderie and allows families to meet others within the flourishing Service community here in Plymouth.“I’dlike to thank Annington for its donation, it’s been brilliant to see all the children enjoying themselves and giving the parents some down time too!”
“Such a great mix of schools make up our Trust – primary secondary, large and small –and every hub advisor will have experience that will bring something to ensure that each school is doing its very best for our pupils’.
Veterans family fun day returns after three years
Plymouth’s Lord Mayor Cllr Sue Dann attended the event
Stacy Whitehead, marketing manager at Annington, added: “It’s extremely rewarding to see the community spirit that this summer family fun day has created. We are happy to have played a small part in being able to facilitate the event. We hope everyone had a great time and that the donation from Annington aided some lasting friendships within this close-knit community.”
To find out more about WeST’s new hub advisor roles, together with details of how to apply go to www.westst.org.uk. Applications must be received by September 28.
When the WeST trust board announced their intention to do this earlier in the year there was widespread criticism of the proposal. Many parents were angered by the proposals and hundreds of people signed an online petition to fight the plans.
Jessica complained to HR about the data breach who asked her to confront her Ward Manager herself. She said that she didn’t know how to use the system properly despite having been a member of staff for a long time.
She continued: “I don’t put all of the blame on this data breach but I have been in and out of hospital with suicide attempts and the breach made it harder to get better. I put my trust in the hospital and they were aware of my difficulties but the way they’ve handled the situation has been wrong - it should’ve been approached with care and compassion.
Her manager had detailed the reason she was off work on the rota which all Band 6 members of staff could see in her department.
A teenager, who was working as a healthcare assistant at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, has been compensated £2,500 for a GDPR breach which saw her mental health struggles revealed.
“I’m really happy with the support I’ve received from High Street Solicitors who secured the compensation.”
Jessica explained: “Before the data breach, I was starting to get my life back on track with my medication. But after it my anxiety and mood worsened. I worried that I was being judged by the people I worked with due to my mental health and it made me feel so uncomfortable that they had details of my private life.”
Jessica Mowbray, from Milehouse, has been working for the hospital since 2019. In September 2020, she was off sick as she was suffering with her mental health when her Line Manager exposed the reason she wasn’t in work.
Niamh Jones, head of GDPR at High Street Solicitors, added: “Jessica’s case is incredibly distressing. Given she was suffering with her mental health, this should’ve remained private and confidential rather than being revealed to a team of
The 19-year-old had already been put on medication for her anxiety and depression.
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“We’recolleagues.delighted to have helped secure her compensation and urge anyone in a similar situation to seek legal advice.”
Teenager receives £2,500 compensation after data breach
Feeling as though the matter hadn’t been dealt with appropriately, Jessica sought legal advice from Liverpool-based High Street Solicitors
embarrassment and worry that her colleagues knew about her mental health battles, Jessica stopped going to work.
Following the data breach, Jessica was admitted as an in-patient in hospital where she felt that she was “fighting for my life”. Her manager then turned up at the hospital to see her, and proceeded to visit her to discuss her work
Luke Pollard said: “I’m incredibly proud of the bravery of care-experienced young people from Plymouth who’ve travelled up to Parliament to tell MPs about their experiences. “Careleavers are too often ignored by politicians and I want to help change that, especially in the coming months as the government sets out its stall on the future of children’s social care”.
Luke Pollard MP pictured at Westminster with the young care
Both Geoff and his wife Pam were also very active in the Twinning of the Lions Club of Plymouth and the Lions Club of Morlaix France. This was known as the ‘Jumelage’. The clubs would visit each other on a regular yearly basis for a weekend duration and enjoy barbecues and visiting places of local interest.
on Children, Young People and Families, said: “This exhibition was a creative and powerful way to let these young people tell us what they want us to hear about oftheir experiencecare. They were extremely courageous to share their listen and “Westories. mustmake the changes they are telling us the care system needs. I know how much it meant to them to take this work to Westminster and proud ofI’m reallyall of them and the Barnardo’s Care Journeys team who have supported them.”
With a move to Plymouth in March 1980 Geoff transferred to the Lions Club of Plymouth and was a Director of the Club from 1983 to 1999. He and his wife Pam have been very active in participation of club activities over the 45 years they have been involved.Intheearly 1980s the Lions club owned a caravan which contained supplies necessary for various fetes and summer fairs, and Geoff he collected, drove, loaded and unloaded the vehicle for all of the events for many years.
Geoff said: “I have been involved with these activities over the past 45 years, it was always so much fun working with like-minded members who had the same aim: to raise money for hundreds of local charities.”
The MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, who hosted the Parliamentary event, said he was ‘incredibly proud’ of the group’s courage and willingness to talk about the hurdles they face as care leavers.
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Geoffrey Woodland was originally inducted as a Charter Member of Radstock & Midsomer Norton Lions Club, Bath, in February 1977.
Luke Pollard has praised the ‘bravery’ of a dozen care leavers from Plymouth, who visited Westminster recently to meet MPs and raise awareness of their experiences of life in care.
Young care leavers praised for their Parliamentary campaign
Graeme, 25, a care leaver who attended the event in Parliament, said: “Our idea was to take our shoes and our life stories to London so that MPs could see things from our point of view. MPs have care-experienced young people in their own areas and we want them to listen to us about the issues that matter to them and think about how they can help them.”
He was coordinator for a Lions Club go-Karting event on Plymouth Hoe which involved the supply and driving a truck to collect hundreds of second hand car tyres to act as safety barriers for the go-kart racing track. With with the help of other Lions club members he installed the race track and legally disposed of the tyres after the event.Formany years he was heavily involved with organisation of both Boxing and Race Nights and with the help of other members the events proved extremely successful and raised thousands of pounds for charity Geoff has been regularly involved in the club’s Dartmoor 20 mile and 10 mile walks, and with the help of other members he arranged the collection of mini buses necessary to act as safety vehicles during each event and for the distribution of pasties for hundreds of walkers.
A long-serving member of the Lions Club of Plymouth has been honoured for his decades of dedication to the organisation.
Children who grow up in care often have poorer mental health and employment opportunities than those who don’t, and a quarter of homeless people have been in care at some point in their Their visit came at cruciallives. time for reform of the children’s social care system, with the new Health and Social Care Secretary, Thérèse Coffey, announced the same day. The government is also shortly expected to publish its children’s social care implementation strategy. The young people staged a special exhibition for MPs, Walk a Day in Our Shoes, where they decorated white gym shoes to reflect their experiences of living in care. Some used the opportunity to call for more resources for prevention work and greater opportunity for siblings to stay in contact.
Cllr Jemima Laing, Plymouth Labour spokesperson
Lions Club member honoured for 45 years of dedicated service
a point in Parliament
Victoria Pomery, CEO, The Box said: “Working with Hayward Gallery Touring to create a presentation that is sympathetic to the challenges we’ve faced over the last couple of years, but which also references Plymouth and its particular histories, has been a unique experience for a touring exhibition.”
Wayne Wheeler at the gym
9October 2022@PlymChronicle
However, there were further low points in his life as he drifted back into more heavy drug use and unhelpful relationships.
At the end of August he was up to 15 miles on a regular basis and planned to increase that to 18 miles in the build up to the race on October 2.
A turning point came around four years ago when a chance encounter with Rob Fowler, the vicar of St Chad’s Church in Whitleigh, led to Wayne attending the church on a regular basis - and ultimately giving his life to Jesus. He has been clean and free from drugs ever since.Wayne, who recently started a new job as a support worker, said: “One of my goals
has always been to do the London Marathon and I was fortunate enough to get a place by committing to raise funds for the Salvation Army.“They do so much for people in needparticularly the homeless - and I know exactly
A Whitleigh man who overcame addiction to drugs and alcohol is facing another big challenge - taking part in the London Marathon to raise funds for charity.
A total of 37 artists have been confirmed for this fourth and final stop on the national tour, which brings the work of some of the UK’ s most exciting contemporary artists to four cities every five years.
Wayne Wheeler, who is 52, struggled as a young person and fell in with the wrong crowd. By the age of 21 he was homeless and had become heavily involved in drug dealing as well as other crime.
British Art Show 9 highlights work that has been made since 2015. The exhibition has evolved with every city, with a different combination of artworks and artists that respond to each location.
Wayne’s marathon effort for the Salvation Army
Now he plans to raise £2,000 for the Salvation Army by covering the 26 mile course in London in October. “I have never run that far before, but I really want to help this brilliant organisation,” said Wayne.
“I’ve always tried to keep myself in shape and now my routine involves not only running long distances regularly but also spending time in the gym with my son Zach, who is a personal trainer and support worker,” said Wayne.“I’mreally looking forward to the big day itself. It will be something special to be among the thousands of runners taking part and to be spurred on by the massive crowds. I know their cheers will lift me and inspire me to complete the course.
Wayne has embarked on an exhaustive training programme in preparation for the big race. He has been running regularly, gradually building up the miles covered.
“The biggest incentive of all is knowing that all my efforts and fund raising are supporting a great cause in the Salvation Army,” he added.Wayne has set up a just giving page for donations and has already raised over £1,200 towards his target. To support Wayne visit justgiving.com/waynewheeler22
The selected artists will present their work across four different venues: The Box, KARST, The Levinsky Gallery at the University of Plymouth and MIRROR at the Arts University Plymouth. For more information visit www. britishartshow9.co.uk
British Art Show 9 (BAS9), Hayward Gallery Touring’s landmark contemporary art exhibition, will culminate in Plymouth this autumn.
BAS9 exhibition is heading to Plymouth
what that’s like having been in that position myself. I really respect what they do.”
Wayne became a professional boxer in his early 30s to keep at peak fitness and help with his recovery from the effects of lifecontrolling addictions.
After successful showings in Aberdeen, Wolverhampton and Manchester BAS9 will be in Plymouth from October 8 to December 23 at four venues in the city.
In Plymouth, the exhibition will be centred on the migration of bodies, peoples, plants, objects, ideas and forms; taking inspiration from and referencing the role it has played in Britain’s colonial past, as well as the encounters between British and other cultures that have and continue to enrich our society.
profoundDesignate’sBishop statement
10 October 2022 @PlymChronicle
As a mark of respect the flags on Council buildings and key city landmarks will be flown at half-mast until after the state funeral on Monday 19 September.
Council Leader, Councillor Richard Bingley said: “I’m deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She dedicated her entire life to duty and serving the country and her beloved Commonwealth. She truly was an inspirational monarch and will be greatly missed.”
Plymouth has joined the rest of the country to mourn the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
“This is such a sad and historic moment for our nation and the world. Yet it is also a time of profound gratitude.
“I never had the privilege of meeting the Queen but I was aware that she had expressed these comments and felt it was extremely important to share with others.”
He said that the Queen’s greatest wish was that she would live long enough to see the second coming of her Saviour Jesus Christ and that she would loved to have laid her crown at His feet.
“I think everyone was expecting the day to come, but no-one was really prepared for it when it came,” he“Forsaid.many of us, when death
comes, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. We don’t know how to grieve, we don’t know how to mourn, we don’t know how to give expression to that feeling; and, for some, the emotions have been overwhelming.
James said that he had received many messages from fellow Christians, colleagues and friends following his appearance on BBC News.
Our beloved Queen has died...
“There’s no right way to grieve - it’s important that we do and we don’t just push it down and supress it. It’s good to give expression to those emotions.”
Revd James is due to be ordained as Bishop of Plymouth at Westminster Abbey on September 29, but the ceremony may have to be postponed because a new Royal Warrant signed by King Charles will be needed.
Shadow Leader, Councillor Tudor Evans OBE said: “This is a very sad day. Her Majesty was the glue that has bound the nation together for decades. She visited Plymouth many times and, on the occasions I was fortunate enough to meet her, her fondness for Plymouth and its people shone through.”Leader of the Green Party group, Councillor Ian Poyser commented: “Our deepest condolences go to the entire Royal Family at this extremely difficult time. Our thoughts are also with all those across Plymouth, the country and the world who hold Her Majesty so dear in their hearts. We will be sharing in their sorrow.”
the church on the morning after the Queen’s death was announced.
The Bishop of Plymouth-Designate, the Rev’d Prebendary James Grier, added: “I am deeply saddened to hear of the death of her Majesty the Queen.
Her Majesty was welcomed in Plymouth, both as a Princess and a Queen, many times. One of her most special visits to the city was when she opened the Civic Centre in 1962. This was a milestone in the rebuilding of Plymouth after the devastation of the Blitz.
On behalf of the entire city of Plymouth I would like to express our sincere condolences to the Royal Family after the death of Her Majesty.”
mournsPlymouththe passing of The Queen
“For the majority of us, she has been our only monarch. Prior to her coronation, she asked for prayer for the wisdom and strength to faithfully serve God and the people of her monarchy, all the days of her life. This is a prayer that has been well and truly answered since the mark of her reign and life have been faith and service.
The Lord Mayor of Plymouth, Councillor Sue Dann, said: “Today is an extremely sad day as we mourn the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Most people in Plymouth will only have ever known a time when Queen Elizabeth II was on the throne, so to lose our longest reigning monarch is incredibly sad.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of people have signed Books of Condolence at churches, libraries and other locations across the city, while floral tributes have been laid outside St Andrew’s Church for people to lay floral tributes. The Lord Mayor and civic leaders laid the first flowers outside
“In all the changing seasons and uncertainties of the decades, she has been a constant rock, pointing us to God, the Rock of ages, who is with us in our grief today.”
The Reverend Prebendary James Grier, Bishop Designate of Plymouth, made a profound statement which reflected the Queen’s deep Christian faith. while being interviewed on BBC TV National News
Filmed outside St Andrew’s Minister Church, Revd Prebendary James Grier said people in the city had been profoundly impacted.Hesaid he had seen people with ‘overwhelming’ emotions and people should allow themselves to grieve.
“It’s pretty certain that he will have many other administrative affairs to deal with so it’s a question of waiting to see if it is all approved in time,” said Revd James.
The Local Proclamation followed the Principal Proclamation which took place in London the days before.
Historic moment as the new sovereign is proclaimed in city
The future Monarch and Queen Consort pictured with the Bishop of Exeter The Rt. Rev’d Robert Atwell during a recent visit to Devon
They will remain at half-mast until 8am on the day after the State Funeral of The Queen, which is Monday September 19.
In line with tradition when a Monarch visits the city, the maces were inverted in recognition of the authority of the Crown.
Photo by Richard Longford
The Lord Mayor of Plymouth, Councillor Sue Dann, read the proclamation from the steps of the Guildhall at 4pm on Sunday 11 September.
The Lord Mayor was joined by dignitaries and civic leaders, including the Lord Lieutenant of Devon and the Bishop Designate of Plymouth, who led prayers.
It was a historic occasion on Sunday September 11 when the formal proclamation was made to the people of Plymouth of the beginning of the reign of the new sovereign, King Charles III.
In line with protocol, flags near the Guildhall were raised to full mast while the Local Proclamation was made and were lowered again to half-mast immediately afterwards.
...Long live King Charles III
Photo by Hazel Mansell-Greenwood
The Lord Mayor of Plymouth Coun Sue Dann leads the crowd in proclaiming the new sovereign
11October 2022@PlymChronicle
Dan said he was delighted and very relieved when he opened his envelope and saw a grade 5 on his results sheet, which meant his place to study his dream degree was confirmed.
Mia, who is 22 and in the final stage of a Level 4 Apprenticeship in Counter Fraud Investigation, said passing GCSE maths was the final hurdle for her current educational journey. Despite her successful academic record, which includes a degree, a triple star distinction in her Level 3 Health and Social Care Diploma, and passes in all other GCSE subjects, Mia has always struggled with maths.
Students and staff at City College Plymouth have celebrated outstanding GCSE results with an overall pass rate of 98 per cent.
Dan Roberts
Mia and Adam Whyte
City College students celebrate GCSE success
“The staff did a lot to make it possible for me to continue, and having seen that I’ve passed with a grade 4 feels brilliant. A lot of the past year has been a blur, but somehow I managed to find enough time between being with Evelynn to get the work done. I just want to say thank you to the college for putting everything in place for me to continue.”
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Having worked out that her baby would arrive shortly after sitting her exams, Esme decided to continue with her plan to gain these vital qualifications, having missed out on C grades whilst at school. However, this plan was thrown up in the air when Esme’s daughter was born 12 weeks early.
A few weeks later and confident that baby Evelynn-Rose was making good progress, Esme decided to continue with one of her courses, and the college switched her to online learning. She juggled her studies between her visits to the hospital, where Evelynn had to stay for 80 days.
The college’s inclusive learning environment welcomes students of all ages to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. The results achieved by the college’s adult students were particularly impressive with an overall pass rate in English of 100 perManycent. of the students will be progressing onto higher level courses at the college with some having gained their GCSE qualification as an entry requirement to study a degree. Others are now looking forward to enhanced job opportunities having gained these essential qualifications.
Husband and wife Khashayar Jalalvand, 31, and Sahar Marzbanpanah, 24, have shown they really are the perfect match after receiving identical GCSE results.Both
Dan opted to study his maths GCSE entirely online. He added: “Studying online made it more flexible and easier to fit around work. It might not be for everyone, but I think having this option could potentially open up education to so many more people - either those who are short on time or maybe those who don’t feel comfortable attending a big“Youorganisation.stillgetan awful lot of support by choosing to do it online. The lectures are very responsive and I found their feedback extremely helpful. I think people should be made aware of the options they have and that it’s never too late to do something different or to pursue the thing you feel most passionate about.”
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“If you are an adult, you shouldn’t feel concerned about studying at the college. They have people there of all ages, all backgrounds and it’s a very friendly place to study.”
I might one day do a master’s and not having maths could prevent this”
Maths will always be a struggle due to dyscalculia and it could have been really easy to just give up, but the team at the college do everything they can to keep you motivated. They won’t give up on you.
Esme Belcher with baby Evelynn-Rose
Esme said: “Evelynn needed a lot of support to begin with and spent a long time in hospital. When she was first born, I contacted my lecturer to say I wouldn’t be coming back as Evelynn had arrived. However, I eventually decided to continue with English after discussing my options with the college.
Some of the inspirational stories of courage and commitment to learning are featured here.
The ecstatic couple both achieved a grade 4 in English and an outstanding grade 7 in maths. Sahar intends to do an Access to Higher Education course before progressing to university to study biomedical sciences whereas Khashayar, who has a background in electrical engineering, is considering gaining a UK-recognised qualification in this Sahararea.said: “The college is a really friendly place to study and our lecturers have been great. We’re both so excited and a bit shocked to have passed. We are really, really pleased!”
Brother and sister Mia and Adam Whyte from St Budeaux have found themselves in the rare situation of sitting GCSE maths at the same time. Having both previously missed out on a grade 4/C, they decided to study together as they progressed through the course.
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Mia said: “It took a few years for someone to realise that my struggle with maths was the result of dyscalculia. This was my fifth attempt at GCSE maths, which I needed to pass as part of my apprenticeship and it really felt like it was now or never. Luckily, not having this qualification hasn’t had too much impact on my education or career, but I’ve always been conscious of the fact that it could.
Shortly after enrolling to study GCSE English and maths Esme, who turned 23 on results day, learned she was pregnant.
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Nationally, pass rates for GCSE maths and English have taken a big drop compared to last year, but students at City College have excelled despite the huge disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic with some students sitting exams for the first time.
Dan said: “I was a little bit lazy when it came to school work. I was good at English and my other GCSE subjects, but maths required more effort. And if I’m honest, I was more interested in playing video games back then.”
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Adam, 17, who has been resitting maths as part of a full-time study programme, is hoping to start a Level 3 Business Diploma in September.
Across England only 20 per cent of students achieved a grade 9-4 in maths, placing the college significantly above the national picture with its students bucking the trend by achieving 28%.
GCSE results day was extra-special for Esme Belcher from Keyham who achieved a grade 4 in English and collected the result on her birthday.
Dan, who is 32, is planning to study conservation biology at the University of Plymouth in September, but having failed to achieve a grade C in GCSE maths whilst at school, he had to gain this vital qualification in addition to completing an Access to Higher Education Diploma in Science.
To find out more about studying GCSEs at City College Plymouth, visit cityplym.ac.uk.
“I was still able to go to sixth form and I then went to university and achieved a Degree in Games Design, eventually becoming a data analyst. I’ve always had an interest in science and nature though - I even worked as a zoo keeper for a while, but it took a few years before I realised I wanted to turn these interests into a career and, hopefully, make a meaningful contribution to the world.”
Mia and Adam both had something to smile about on results day, with both achieving a grade 4. Mia added: “I’ve found the college really supportive.
originally from Iran, the couple have been married for four and half years and came to the UK a few years ago. They have been studying their GCSEs to get the qualifications they need to progress to higher level courses.
Dan Roberts from Plympton dreams of becoming part of a growing army of scientists and conservationists who want to dedicate their lives to saving the planet.
The Premier League Tour in Plymouth with Colin Bunney alongside former Argyle skipper Gary Sawyer
Gary Sawyer presents the Community Club Captain’s armband to Colin Bunney
Colin was presented with the award at Manadon Sports Hub, which is used by more than 30,000 people each year, has a floodlit 3G pitch, grass pitch and a modern pavilion with four changing rooms. It was opened in 2019 on a formerly derelict site, following a grant of more than £800,000 from the Football Foundation – funded by the Premier League, the FA and Government.
Colin Bunney has been named as Plymouth Argyle’s Community Captain in recognition of his incredible work over the past 17 years as both an employee and volunteer at the Argyle Trust, delivering coaching for youth and disability participants aged from two to 16.
The Premier League provides £280,000 each year to the Argyle Trust to support its delivery of community schemes. This includes free weekly Premier League Kicks football sessions and positive activity for eight to 18-year-olds, as well as in-school support for primary schools running the Premier League Primary Stars education programme.
This includes increased investment into the Premier League Fans’ Fund, with £5m available to support fan engagement projects across the top four divisions of the football pyramid.
The League is also investing an additional £13.5 million into the Football Foundation to create small-sided pitches in the heart of communities that need them the most. The tour will also give an opportunity to highlight new Premier League investment into women’s and girls’ football, including the Emerging Talent Centres announced earlier this summer.
“Colin just has this amazing passion and enthusiasm for football and seeing people succeed. Which makes him a more than worthy captain in our eyes.”
“I love my job and I don’t do it for recognition. There’s a great team of people working at the Trust and there’s opportunities for everybody to be involved, which I think is fantastic.”
Colin said: “Being recognised by my work colleagues as a Community Captain in this way is a big honour. I have always been football-crazy, playing from the age of five until I was 50, before becoming a coach.
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Over the next three years, the League will continue its world-leading levels of support by contributing £1.6 billion to communities and the wider Duringgame. the Trophy Tour, the League will be announcing new financial commitments to benefit fans and communities.
Colin was presented with a Premier League Community Captain pennant and special captain’s armband by Argyle Trust CEO Mark Lovell and former Plymouth Argyle skipper Gary Sawyer, who said: “Naming Colin as the club’s Community Captain is an opportunity for us to demonstrate appreciation for Colin and his 17 years of incredible work with the Argyle Trust helping and inspiring young people.
the unsung heroes who deliver brilliant work in their communities. These people – whether they are participants, coaches, volunteers or long-time employees – are the lifeblood of their clubs and their “Thecommunities. continuedsuccess of Premier League football enables us to provide unprecedented investment in communities and wider football. As we look to the future, we are committed to investing more than ever, to help develop the game and provide opportunities to people of all ages.”
Premier League chief executive Richard Masters said: “As we mark 30 years since the Premier League first kicked off, it is important we celebrate
Across England and Wales, Premier League investment supports the community organisations
of all 92 Premier League and English Football League clubs, plus the 68 National League clubs.
Community Captain Colin
The Community Captain accolade is being given to more than 100 members of the public who have made an outstanding contribution to their club and local community, as part of the Premier League’s 30th anniversary celebrations.
Trattoria Capri Restaurant, 41-42 Southside Street, Plymouth, PL1 2LD
Cabinet Member for Transport Councillor Jonathan Drean said: “Brunel Plaza is an incredibly complex project but will completely transform the welcoming experience to Plymouth as well as create amazing facilities for the next generation of medical professionals.
Notice is hereby given that Trattoria Capri Ltd on 08/09/2022 have made application to the Plymouth City Council, being the Licensing Authority for the purposes of the above Act, for the grant of a Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate* in respect of the premises situated at and known as:
and display parking in Welbeck Avenue, Winston Avenue and Derry Avenue is being temporarily suspended and converted to permit holders only for the duration of the work, creating 23 bays for residents.Anumber of pay and display bays along North Road East – from Houndiscombe Road to Station Approach – will also be suspended creating nine additional spaces for resident permit holders. There will be frequent inspections to make sure the route remains clear.
To help bring it back into use, the council tried to help the owner sell it, both directly and with the help of an estate agent.
The project team is working closely with partners Network Rail, GWR, the University of Plymouth and their contractor Kier on scenario planning, including ensuring there is enough room for rail replacement coaches to manoeuvre.Asaresult a number of parking bays will be temporarily suspended in both Glen Park Avenue and Welbeck Avenue to make sure bigger vehicles can negotiate theToroad.counter the loss of spaces, pay
When this phase of the project starts, people wanting to drive to the train station will need to follow diversions which will take them down Welbeck Avenue and onto Glen Park Avenue.
Work is starting to alter the entrance to Plymouth’s rail station as the city’s new Brunel Plaza continues to take shape.
“I would implore landlords who have property that is not let or they are not using to get in touch with our teams.”
Public Protection Service Manager, Licensing Office, Plymouth City Council, Windsor House, Plymouth PL6 licensing@plymouth.gov.uk5UF.
Work around Station Approach started in mid-September and will go on until the beginning of December.
A copy of this application can be viewed on the Council's licensing register or at the Licensing Office address during normal office hours. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with this application, the maximum fine on summary conviction being unlimited.
The property came close to being sold a number of times, but on every occasion, despite constant pressure from the empty homes team, all of the plans fell through because of lack of engagement by the owner.Inthe meantime, the dilapidated condition of the property led to pigeons entering through a hole in the roof and nesting in the loft. Due to the weight of the pigeon guano part of the ceiling collapsed in the main bedroom.
“The project team have been working hard to find alternative spaces for residents with permits and we hope this important work will not cause too much inconvenience for people living nearby.”
Letters are being sent to residents and businesses informing them about the work and the diversions but reassuring them that they will still be able to park within the boundaries of their existing permit scheme as well as the extra locations.
11am - 11:30pm on Sundays
This helps to maintain an accurate total of all unoccupied properties and removes from the figures those where records had not been updated to reflect occupancy.
No later than 10/10/22
Council intervention sees an empty house become home
The property, a spacious Victorian family sized home on Beauchamp Road in Peverell, was first reported to the empty homes team in 2014.
A yearly review, where all properties listed as long-term empty on Council Tax records are contacted, is also currently being carried out.
A roundabout will be built at the top of Station Approach where it meets North Road East and the approach will also be widened.Contractors South West Highways will carry out the work on behalf of the Council and aim to cause as little disruption as possible.
Change approaching for Station Approach
11am - 11:30pm on weekdays
14 October 2022 @PlymChronicle
The relevant * licensable activities or relevant qualifying club activities* are as follows:
Any representations to this application should be made in writing or electronically to:
PLYMOUTH 96.3FM or listen online at crossrhythms.co.uk/plymouth
Following more legal wrangling, the council decided that enough was enough and an Order for Sale was agreed so that the sale completed without any further delays.
Finally, it was put back on the market, and renovated to become an impressive family home and sold again. It is now occupied.Councillor Rebecca Smith, Cabinet member for Housing and Communities, said: “I’m really pleased to see this home come back into use. Although the number of empty homes in Plymouth is on the decline, we must continue to use all of the powers at our disposal to get that number as low as possible.
In Plymouth, empty homes officers engage with the city’s most troublesome empty homes all year-round, offering advice, guidance and financial assistance, and with the option of enforcement as a last resort.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”C.S. Lewis
The entire area around the station is undergoing a complete transformation. The University of Plymouth is currently converting the tower block above the station to become InterCity Place, a first-class new home for its healthcare teaching and research, and significant improvements are ongoing in and around the station concourse.
However there will be a four week period – from September 19 until October 14 – when a section of North Road East will be closed to traffic.
(for electronic representations please provide your postal address).
A number of schemes used to encourage empty home owners to renovate their properties for sale or rental are also in the team’s arsenal.
Find out more at homesplymouth.gov.uk/empty-new.
Even at that point, it had been abandoned by its owner for the previous four years with regular complaints received about its condition.
The activities are: Restaurant
“There are thousands of households who need a home in our city right now and every house that lies dormant could be put to use to help the housing challenge.
Station Approach is to be radically altered to allow vehicles to get in and out of the new multi-storey car park without passing in front of the station.
Another empty home has been restored to its former glory thanks to an intervention by Plymouth City Council.
“Even in wartime, the State University of Infrastructure and Technology continues its work and is ready to
Professor Dafydd Moore, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Plymouth, said: “Standing by our colleagues in Ukraine, we’re proud to have twinned with KSMA and SUIT with a focus on supporting staff and students during an unimaginably difficult time for the country and the sector.
“Our immediate priority has been establishing exactly what the institutions need and meeting those requirements. From researchers to lecturers, administrators, IT experts, senior leaders and everyone in between, the University of Plymouth has really come together to work on this and ensure we provide help to the two organisations – both of which, like us, have a strong focus on maritime and navigation.
The national #TwinForHope campaign has been launched to showcase the impact that partnerships between UK and Ukrainian universities are having.
For students
“As for our interaction with the University of Plymouth, we are only at the beginning of the journey and know there will be some great results. The fact that we continue to exist and work is already a great outcome, and we’re grateful to have Plymouth standing by us during this complicated period.”
• Working with our partners with a view to providing IT equipment to further support the twinned universities;
The #TwinForHope campaign
Both remain in operation, however, and the SUIT has even credited Plymouth’s support for its increase in student numbers.
For academics
KSMA, based in Kherson in southern Ukraine, is currently in internal exile with a severely damaged campus occupied by Russian forces. The SUIT, in Kyiv, has been hosting internally displaced refugees, and is struggling to pay basic bills.
• Providing English language support via the University of Plymouth English Language Centre;
More than 75 mutually beneficial twinning partnerships have already been formed between UK and Ukrainian universities. Colleagues from both the twin universities stay in regular contact via online meetings to build relationships, make plans for sustaining Ukrainian education during the war, and create relationships that will make a real difference.Vivienne Stern, chief executive, Universities UK, said: “I’m really proud of the way that the UK university sector has stepped up to play its part in the global response to enabling Ukrainian universities to get through this war and hopefully emerge stronger.”
• Linking Students’ Unions to enable students to share experiences and help build a sense of community;
The partnerships with the State University of Infrastructure and Technology (SUIT) and Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA) come as part of the Universities UK #TwinForHope campaign, launched in September.Plymouth is one of a small handful of universities twinned with two institutions, and has already signed memoranda of understanding with both the SUIT and KSMA.
15October 2022@PlymChronicle FLEXIBLE HOURS TO SUIT YOU. Part-time, Self Employed. Could you deliver the Plymouth Chronicle? Find us on Facebook @PlymChronicle Phone 01752 225623 Or online at cornerstonevision.com Delivering the Plymouth Chronicle every month is an important and valued job, achieved by our fantastic and varied team across Plymouth. Deliver papers, keep fit and earn money! Scan the QR code to apply Contact us to apply
Practical help
• Providing digital skills support to enable safe remote teaching within Ukraine;
University of Plymouth twins with two universities in Ukraine to provide vital support during crisis
The University of Plymouth’s involvement in the twinning initiative follows a separate summer school that it held for Ukrainian medical students, and complements ongoing work within the country to support people with dementia and other potentially hidden disabilities.Whatsupport is the University of Plymouth providing?
• Digital teaching and research resources available through Rapid Inter Library Loans;
• Linking up KSMA and SUIT with each other, enabling sharing of resources internally as well as from the UK;
University teams and Students’ Unions have arranged mass evacuations, and some students and colleagues are now protecting their country on the frontline. Others are spread far and wide desperately trying to continue their research and studies.
The immediate focus has been on identifying and meeting practical needs such as IT infrastructure and mental health support but, longer-term, the universities will establish mutually beneficial academic partnerships with a focus on retaining and restoring a functioning sector in Ukraine.
• Potentially organising a visit to Plymouth in the autumn to further conversations about what more can be done in the short, medium and long-term.
The University of Plymouth has twinned with two Ukrainian universities to share resources, learning and ideas during the country’s humanitarian crisis.
• Resources, guidance and training to support academic staff to continue to teach online within Ukraine.
• Linking up researchers with Plymouth counterparts to discuss research interests after many research outputs at both Ukrainian institutions were destroyed;
provide quality educational services. Our rates of admission of new students are higher than last year – while this is down to a number of factors, our active position in cooperation with European universities and the twinning programme with Plymouth – has certainly greatly influenced the number of students this year.
Since the start of the Russian invasion, over 95 professional pre-higher and higher education institutions have been damaged, while at least nine have been destroyed.
“The twinning initiative isn’t just about short-term help, though, it’s about supporting the sector to continue within Ukraine, so that it can rebuild long term. We’ve already started conversations about future initiatives of mutual benefit, including research group collaborations, joint grant applications, summer schools, and joint educational initiatives such as dual awards and articulation agreements.”We’re really pleased that we’re in the rare position of helping not one, but two universities, and know this is the start of a great long-term collaboration.”OlenaKostenko, from SUIT, said:
• Creating a mental health guidance document for staff and students, with the universities also discussing the possibility of a guest lecturer to offer further support;
• Creating a Ukrainian branch of the Hello Project – Plymouth’s buddy scheme for international students – to foster conversations and cultural exchange between students from all three institutions;
• Providing mental health support thanks to the University of Plymouth’s Student Services team – including pre-recorded sessions and online resources.
Kherson State Maritme Academy
The pilots, a commitment in the Government’s Gear Change Plan published in 2020, aim to evaluate the impact of cycling and walking on an individual’s health, such as reduced GP appointments and reliance on medication due to more physical activity. For the first time, transport, active travel and health officials will work together towards a whole systems approach to health improvement and tackling healthWalkingdisparities.andCycling Minister Trudy Harrison said: “Walking and cycling has so many benefits – from improving air quality in our communities to reducing congestion on our busiest streets.
“Travel and tourism have faced a challenging few years – but there’s no better time to join the industry. Aside from having the opportunity to travel the world as part of your job, travel is one of the most inclusive, rewarding and diverse industries to be part of. Our young people represent the future of travel and I’m excited to play a role in growing industry leaders of the future.
Travel giant launches apprenticeship drive
National active travel commissioner, Chris Boardman, said: “As a nation we need healthier, cheaper and more pleasant ways to get around for everyday trips. Active Travel England’s mission is to ensure millions of people nationwide can do just that – so it’s easier to leave the car at home and to enjoy the benefits that come with it.
as Best Agency to Work in the UK, is one of the only groups to offer this type of qualification in the UK which blends formal college learning with workplace experience. It has invested in training for two in-house trainers who will become official assessors for the programme. As well as its partnership with Northern Training, the group will work with Glasgow Clyde College to deliver a consistent programme for its Scottish network.
Social prescriptions - walking, wheeling and cycling - will be offered by GPs as part of a new trial in Plymouth to improve mental and physical health and reduce disparities across the country.
The Government has awarded £12.7 million in multi-year funding to 11 local authority areas in England. The funding will go towards several pilot projects in each location, including adult cycle training, free bike loans and walking groups.Plymouth will receive £1.2 million for schemes including adult cycle training, cycle repair and maintenance, led group cycle rides and a walking buddy programme.
“Barrhead Travel has been an advocate for apprentices since its inception in 1975. The relaunch of our apprenticeship programme matches our ongoing commitment to nurturing talent from within and investing in training, learning and development.”
To find out more and apply for Barrhead Travel’s Modern Apprenticeship programme visit their website at www.barrheadtravel.co.uk
16 October 2022 @PlymChronicle WE’RE HIRING burtssnacks.com | 0800 023 7404 recruitment@burtssnacks.com | Plymouth PL6 7BP We are now recruiting for a range of opportunities at our Plymouth based factory, producing premium hand-cooked snacks. Join us on our journey and become part of an award-winning, independent business. Join our team! Apply online by scanning the QR code or visit: amhomecare.co.uk/employment We are looking for experienced, passionate and dedictaed Nurses to join our agency team. What we offer: • Competitive rates of pay with weekly payments • Full training and updates • Flexible work opportunities • 24/7 Support • Free DBS (if required) • Uniform provided You must have: • The right to work within the UK • A minimum of 2 years post-registration experience • Proof of Covid-19 vaccination status • NMC Registration • Professional Indeminity Insurance • A warm, compassionate and empathetic nature amhcplymouth@gmail.com07759395645
The pilots will be delivered between 2022 and 2025 with on-going monitoring and evaluation to support continued learning.
“It also has an enormous positive impact on physical and mental health, which is why we have funded these projects which will get people across the country moving and ease the burden on our NHS.”
The pilots must be delivered alongside improved infrastructure so people feel safe to cycle and walk.
The travel company, which was recently named
PLYMOUTH GPs TO OFFER WALKING AND CYCLING ON PRESCRIPTION IN £1.2M PILOT It's not too late Students are still enroling, but hurry if you want to secure a place! Circus St. Andrews Church St.wnToOld Royal Parade ExeterSt WEHEREARE Study at the South-West’s top training provider for learners satisfaction, based in the heart of the city. At Achievement Training we can guide you through your journey… For more information on apprenticeships, visit achievementtraining.com B Animal Care Business Services Health Care Hair & Beauty Childcare & Education Information Technology
Jacqueline Dobson, President of Barrhead Travel, said: “As someone who started
You can use the power of the Chronicle’s 92,000 homes circulation married to your online jobs/applications pages by having a QR code in your advert. Readers can scan it immediately, so you attract people who may not be searching for a job until they see your printed advert.
“Moving more will lead to a healthier nation, a reduced burden on the NHS, less cancer, heart disease and diabetes, as well as huge cost savings. This trial aims to build on existing evidence to show how bringing transport, active travel and health together can make a positive impact on communities across England.”
The well-known travel group, which has a branch in Plymouth City Centre, will partner with Northern Training to deliver the programme. The qualification will provide young people with the chance to ‘earn while they learn’ with great career prospects at the end of their qualification.
Over 50 positions will be created across the country. The group will release further apprenticeship opportunities for head office positions including roles within marketing, HR and IT. The 12-month Modern Apprenticeship qualification offers an exciting alternative to classroom style training with on-the-job learning and provides the foundation for a successful career in travel and tourism.
their own career through an apprenticeship scheme, I know the impact that offering young people genuine development and progression opportunities can have.
Plymouth Chronicle jobs advertising boosts your advert to a wide audience
One of the UK’s leading travel groups, Barrhead Travel, has announced the return of its modern apprenticeship programme to offer young people in Plymouth the opportunity to grow a prosperous career in the UK’s retail travel industry.
Former Olympic cyclist Chris Boardman ‘We need healthier ways to get around’
Ruby Besant: A A B – University of Plymouth to study Physiotherapy; Jessica Rich: A A B – University of Reading to read Geography; Megan Harmse A A B – Reading Law; Olivia Tunnicliff: A A B – Gap year.
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At Hele’s school there was lots to celebrate. Speaking on the day Year 13 pupils discovered their results Principal Justine Mason said: “Today is a momentous day as students collect the first set of results based on formal examinations since the summer of 2019. This cohort were unable to take their GCSEs in 2020 so this summer’s exams were the first external assessments they have taken and obviously at this stage in their education, the stakes can feel incredibly“However,high.the cohort has achieved very well. They have shown grit and determination to overcome tremendous adversity and we are unbelievably proud of each and every one of them!
Hele’s AcelebratestudentstheirLevelresults
highest level. We currently
Since 1965, Princess Yachts has been manufacturing yachts to international acclaim. Today our shipyards cover an area of over 1 1 million square feet across six sites in Plymouth, employing over 3,000 people beginning career the the have vacancies variety of Carpentry, Welding, Fabricating
Katie Rounce achieved an A grade in Biology, Psychology and her Extended Project, as well as a Distinction in Performing Arts. Katie has secured a place at the University of Exeter to Study Applied Psychology.
Lisa Boorman, Principal at Plympton Academy, said: “We are so proud of our Sixth Form students who have worked tirelessly over the past two years to secure excellent results. At Plympton Academy, we focus on helping students to discover their future, students leave us going to ambitious destinations in areas such as Psychology, Teaching, Science and more. We thank the wider community of parents, carers and staff for encouraging and supporting the students in these excellent achievements.”StuartGardner, CEO of Thinking Schools Academy Trust of which the Academy is part, added: “I am delighted for our students at Plympton Academy. They have worked exceptionally hard, and it is great to see them excited about their future. Well done to all!” (Story courtesy of Plympton Podcast)
After an anxious wait over the summer break, Year 11 and 13 students and their families have now learned the outcome of two years of studies for GCSEs, A Levels and Level 3 studies.
There was equal reason to celebrate over at Plympton Academy, where there were particular successes at A Level in subjects including Chemistry, Business Studies, Geography and the majority of photography secured an A* grade.
next step, your skills to
Mia Jaques achieved an A in Psychology, an A in Religious Studies and a C in Biology, securing a place at Plymouth University to study Criminology and Psychology.
Highest attainers with destinations included:Natalia Walshe-Barreiro: A* A* A* – University of Warwick to read Philosophy & Literature;
Sebastian Poole achieved an A in Geography, B in Physics and Distinction in Engineering and has successfully secured a place studying Ocean Exploration and Surveying with the University of Plymouth.
Whether you are
or looking to take
Lauren Pengelly: A A A – University of Oxford to read English Language & Literature;Matthew Sparks: A A B – University of West of England to study Games Technology;
Ellen Best: A A B – University of Bristol to read Biological Sciences; Katie Acton: A A B – University of Leicester to read Criminology; Hannah Cooke A A B – University of Surrey to read Vet Medicine & Science; Rachel Collis: A A B – University of Exeter to read Law;
Nantisha Grant achieved an A* in Photography, Distinction * in Health and Social Care, and C in Fine Art and has secured a place studying Criminology at the University of Plymouth.
There are some standout individual achievements. Twins Jack and Daniel Hillon did incredibly well and gained a share of five A grades and two Distinctions between them.
“We have some exceptional individual performances to celebrate and students with exciting plans to progress to university, apprenticeships or employment. Today’s results, however, are a collective testament to the hard work and dedication shown by all associated with Team Hele’s and the Westcountry Schools Trust, and more widely across the city of Plymouth, from the students themselves to our staff, parents and governors. I am so proud of our Hele’s students and all the other young people collecting results today;
Hannah Duckworth: A* A A B –University of Bristol to read Civil Engineering;ErinGiles: A* A* A – University of Bristol to read Religion and Theology; Lauren Hensman: A* A A – University of Exeter to read Mathematics with
Sophie Chambers: A* B B – University of East Anglia to study Film and Television Studies;
Around half of the students collecting GCSE results this summer will return to Hele’s Post-16 to study for their A Levels. The remaining students have a range of other exciting plans, ranging from further education, to apprenticeships and some even entering the job market.
17October 2022@PlymChronicle W E ARE RE C RUITIN G
for a
rewarding positions at all levels, including
Lucy Fulfitt: A* A B – Loughborough University to read Criminology; Fliss Wakeman: A* A B – Royal Navy; James Moore: A* B B – Arts University, Bournemouth to study Acting;
they thoroughly deserve their successes and we wish them all the best of luck for their next exciting chapter!”
A Derriford consultant has been nominated for a Make a Difference award with BBC Radio Devon thanks to his work during the pandemic.
Other footage features the bombed out Minster Church of St Andrew, an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ style film created to mark the opening of the Civic Centre in 1962, and other iconic city centre developments including Theatre Royal Plymouth and Dingles.
Patel, Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Leisure & Sport said: “Augmented and virtual reality have the power to completely transform the way we see and experience things, and this is a brilliant way of giving residents and visitors to Plymouth a real sense of the city centre’s history.
Derriford consultant is nominated for top award for work during pandemic
This year, BBC local radio stations have decided to recognise those who provide this help and support and those who make a difference within their community through the Make a Difference awards.
My basic training is in anaesthesia, and then I mostly worked with chronic pain. However, during the pandemic I had to retrain myself to work in a ward environment, seeing patients, treating them, and working in an ITU environment. It is a completely different way of working.
The University of Plymouth and The Box have joined forces for an augmented reality project that enables residents and visitors to unlock a series of heritage films from the British Film Institute archive featuring Plymouth’s post-war reconstruction.
The AR/Chive project, which will run until the end of September, is centred on Plymouth’s Civic Conservation Area, which stretches from Royal Parade to Hoe Park.
technologies and urban design and planning.
The exhibition by international selling artist Mark Hannon runs from September 5 until the end of the year and features around 15 original works and a selection of prints.
The project is a joint venture between The Box and the University’s MA Smart Urban Futures programme, which encourages students to address design challenges at the boundaries between smart
The exhibition follows recent success for Mark’s paintings, including having his work chosen for the prestigious Royal Society of British Artists’ Annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London for the second year running.Thepainting selected this year was ‘Boris Boris’, depicting Boris Johnson standing on huge pork pies with ‘Trust Me’ written behind him. The painting chosen last year was of three people from three generations sitting silently on a street bench in Glasgow as the country emerged from lockdown.
Dr Somnath Bagchi
For his latest painting, ‘Jam and Cream’, Mark has commissioned a special slidable frame which you can use to slide either jam or cream on top depending on your taste or preference: “But it’s not actually jam and cream, it’s the bands, The Jam and Cream,” said Mark. “I painted both the bands using various photographic references for each, so they’re interpretations of live performances from their heydays.”
“During the pandemic, I did some night shifts after many years of not doing them. I worked as the anaesthetist with
Difference was started during the lockdown as an audio and virtual noticeboard, supported by local BBC radio stations, to offer help and support to those who needed it.
the bleep. I hadn’t done this since I was a consultant, so it felt like a big shock. Years had passed since I last worked in these roles, so I had to reskill myself and relearn any processes that had changed slightly. It was a big learning experience for us
“The footage connects with anniversaries for the inauguration of the Civic Centre in 1962 and the opening night of the Theatre Royal in 1982. I hope as many people as possible will take the chance to spend a few minutes using the codes and watching the films the next time they’re walking through the civic square.”
All the originals and prints are available to purchase and can be reserved during the exhibition. The paintings can be viewed during the B-Bar’s usual opening hours. Visit www.markhannon.co.uk
18 October 2022 @PlymChronicle
Dr Somnath Bagchi, is a consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at Derriford.Makea
Mark has entitled the exhibition ‘Deep and Meaningless’ because he says it reflects the surreal, satirical, and humorous nature of his work, which can often at the same time be thought-provoking. The paintings and framed prints are on display in the foyer and either side of the stage area in the bar. Some of the prints with appropriately fitting humour are also strategically placed in the ladies and gents to raise a chuckle.
Artist Mark Hannon pictured in Mannameadhisstudio
People walking around the centre of Plymouth are being given a futuristic glimpse of the city’s past.
Dr Somnath has been nominated in the Key Worker category which recognises a ‘key worker who has gone above and beyond their call of duty to help others.’
Passers-by are able to use a smartphone to scan QR codes displayed in five city centre locations, gaining access to archive footage played out in the setting where it was captured.
For Mark, this is a return to the paint brush after working many years in graphics, primarily as lead designer for BBC Spotlight, until he left to take up painting again a few years ago. Almost all of Mark’s paintings are acrylics on canvas or board, painted in the loft studio of his home in Mannamead.
The first of the QR codes is located on a sign outside the Guildhall and links through to archival film footage of a Royal visit to the city captured in 1941.
“Reflecting on the last few years, I wish it never happened. But it did, and we are now better prepared. If something happened in the future, we know what to do and how to do it. We were very scared at the time, but now that we have the vaccine, we are much more confident. I learnt a lot; I learnt to be calmer, to be composed and that you can’t win every time.”The awards are being judged through a series of rounds. Round one, which has already taken place, decided the final four nominees for each category. Round two will decide the final winners for each category. The award winners of each category will be announced during a ceremony later in September.
The ‘Deep and Meaningless’ exhibition came about after a catch-up between Mark and the owner of the B-Bar, Colin Foster: “We’ve known each other for many years, and we got chatting. Colin said he’d love to showcase local art so I’ve been working on new paintings which I think will work well in that setting.”
Augmented reality is providing a snapshot of Plymouth’s past
Talking about his experience of working during the pandemic, Dr Somnath said: “The pandemic was a new experience and not a pleasant one for everybody.
Many of Mark’s paintings reference music, world affairs and politics, and you might spot the influence of the French painter, Magritte, in some of them. He also does portraits and still life paintings: “There’s often no particular logic to my paintings,” said Mark, “and although some obviously have messages, there are some that come under the nonsensical/surrealist/humorous banner, just a simple play on words.” Think singer-songwriter Van Morrison in a Morrison’s van and you get the picture!
“By placing QR codes around relevant locations within Plymouth, we have been able to show the films within an augmented reality space. It not only makes them more accessible to the general public, but also means they are more engaging andCouncillorinteractive.”Pat
Plymouth painter who puts satire in the frame
The area represents one of the country’s most iconic examples of reconstruction following the Second World War, with much of it having been devastated by the Blitz of Plymouth in 1941.
“Weall.had to learn how to cope with this new way of working. My father in India also passed away in this period and I could not attend the funeral due to lock down. It was a great loss for me. I learned to take things easy.
A Plymouth artist whose work has received national recognition has teamed up with the B-Bar at the city’s Barbican Theatre to stage an exhibition of paintings.
AR/Chive has been funded through the Innovative Placements Scheme with the Bridge as part of the the iMayflower programme. It is also supported by the BFI and the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England and Historic England’s High Street Heritage programme awarding National Lottery funds.
“We had to do all of this while at the same time feeling scared that you were going to contract something and possibly spread it to your family. It was a very challenging job. Even if you were only going to the red ward for a simple procedure, you were apprehensive.
Nominations for the awards are divided up into different subcategories including Volunteer, Community Group, Fundraiser, Carer, Great Neighbour, Key Worker, Environmental, and The Together Award.
Will Braddon-Milon, the MA Smart Urban Futures student who has worked on the project, said: “It has been fascinating to work together with The Box and bring some of its vast collection of archived film content to life using the latest technologies.
“Tops Day Nurseries has always been an advocate of staff training and development, recognising that investment in our teams is the best way to raise the quality and skill of the company’s workforce. To even be a finalist for this prestigious award is certainly something to celebrate and I am incredibly grateful to everybody that has contributed to our huge
Plymouth Samaritans have received auction donations for their 50th Anniversary Ball from a wide variety of stars of music, sport, film and art.
Alex Davis, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have been awarded an outstanding rating by Ofsted.
Mama Bear’s Springhill nursery manager,
Appeal witnessesfor
A male pedestrian was taken to Derriford Hospital with life-threatening injuries after the incident which occurred at approximately 3pm.Afull investigation of the scene took place and officers are working to establish the cause of this collision.
The Springhill nursery celebrated its 10th anniversary of being run as Mama Bear’s earlier in the summer and the inspectors have praised staff for the ways they enable the children in their care to flourish in what they called a ‘highly supportive and nurturing’ setting.
Supporters of Plymouth Samaritans are invited to attend the 50th Anniversary Ball which will be held on November 12 at the New Continental Hotel to cap off the anniversary celebrations and to raise much needed funds for the Ticketsbranch.forthe
Mama Bear’s Day Nursery & Pre-School at Springhill Green, Pennycross, was rated outstanding in all areas including the effectiveness of the leadership and management; the quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare; and outcomes for children.
A Plymouth day nursery is celebrating moving up from a ‘Good’ to an ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted rating following its latest inspection by the governing body Ofsted.
“This is a testament to our resilience, and our commitment to doing our very best for children and their parents. I’m very proud
“To move from a good grade to an outstanding grade reflects how committed my team and I are to providing the very best quality early education to our children and we’re thrilled to have gained this official recognition.
Ball are £55 per head which includes drinks on arrival, a three course meal and dancing to the Swing Kings alongside an amazing raffle and auction. Tickets can be obtained from Mrs Jan Sherriff at janetasherriff@btinternet.com
Artist Jo Beer has donated a portrait of Samaritans founder Chad Varah as an item for auction at te Ball.
believe Mama Bear’s nurseries are lovely places to work. And we’re keen to hear from people considering a career move – we have some great opportunities for beginners and established practitioners alike.”
Amy Alderson, director of Early Years Audit and Training said: “I am incredibly proud to be named as a finalist for this award as it represents the hard work and dedication from both the Tops training team and those colleagues that engage with our outstanding training programmes.
Cheryl Hadland, managing director and founder of Tops Day Nurseries said: “We’re particularly pleased to be finalists this year given the extraordinary pressures on the teams this year due to the pandemic and national shortage of Level 3 staff.
Nursery Awards 2022 will be presented with their trophies at the awards ceremony, which will take place in London in November.
For further information about places for children and about career opportunities at Mama Bear’s are available at www.mamabear. co.uk
Celebrating outstanding Ofsted result at Mama Bear’s in Pennycross
Police are appealing for any witnesses who were in the area at the time or have dash camera footage of the collision to telephone 101 quoting Log 512 of September 8.
Police have appealed for witnesses after a collision in Victoria Road, Plymouth on September 8 in which a pedestrian was seriously injured.
“And I was delighted with the inspector’s comment about the leadership team being highly reflective and passionate about continually improving the nursery for both staff and children alike, because I truly
Branch director Norman Holmes said: “We sent out a number of requests for donations two months ago and, quite honestly, we’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity of the folk who are happy to support our work. These wonderful donations will enable us to raise the funds we need to ensure our office and phonelines stay open.”
“The report also observed that all children are given excellent opportunities to experience a variety of innovative and highly motivating activities.
“We were particularly pleased with the comments in the report about our outstanding partnerships with parents. They said families commented on the amazing support staff provide to them, their children and the whole community.
There have also been some wonderful donations from local businesses which include restaurant meals, hotel stays, theatre tickets, fine jewellery and hairdressing vouchers.
A local day nursery chain, Tops Day Nurseries, with five nurseries across Plymouth and more than 20 across the South of England, has been selected as a finalist in a national competition.
The family-run Mama Bear’s day nurseries provide care for children from three months to five years, with 24 settings across Devon, Somerset and Bristol, providing children with their first vital level of education to give them a head-start when they start at primary school. Springhill Green offers five large, well maintained and resourced age-specific rooms, all of which allow direct access to the garden with staff encouraging everyone to develop a love of playing outdoors, whether it is racing around on the grass, climbing on the apparatus or all-weather play in the undercover area.
Donors include musicians Adele and Ed Sheeran, sports stars Mo Salah, Jack Leach and the England Lionesses, and film stars Daniel Craig and Rami Malek.
Outstanding rating from Ofsted for Mama Bears in Pennycross
Tops, which has nurseries in Breotnside, Devonport, Efford, Prince Rock and Stonehouse has been shortlisted for in the Nursery Group (Over 10 settings) category in the NMT (Nursery Management Today) Nursery Awards.
of the whole team and thank them from the bottom of my heart”.
Tops Prince Rock, part of the Tops Day Nurseries family, located on Lucas Terrace, has also been selected as a finalist for the Nursery Training & Development Award.
19October 2022@PlymChronicle
The rating means both the Mama Bear’s settings in Plymouth now hold the highest possible rating from Ofsted.
Words of wisdom and faith
witnessed the amazing work that they do in providing young people with opportunities which would otherwise not be available to them.
Here are just a few of the comments Queen Elizabeth II made about her Christian faith in some of her Christmas broadcasts over the years.
EMR Plymouth will once again enable young people aged 16 and 17 to attend the two week National Citizen Service (NCS) summer school. Helping young people to build their confidence and develop life skills, the annual project allows them to socialise with their peers and develop newTherelationships.partnership was developed as part of EMR’s Young Futures Reimagined programme, an initiative which aims to see all of EMR’s UK sites partner with local charities in order to help young people build bright futures.
“The two lessons that he had for us, which he
Meanwhile, local recycling business EMR Plymouth has announced its second year of support for Plymouth Children in Poverty.
A demolition contract has been awarded to Gilpin Demolition Ltd to tear down empty buildings on Western Approach as part of moves to prepare the site for regeneration schemes including a proposed West End Health and Wellbeing centre.
I could have picked out so many more quotes from the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts over the years and in fact I recommend you take the time to look back at some of her messages. You can find them online at www.royal.uk/christmasbroadcast-2021. Simply change the year at the end of the web address to look back at any prior year.
Listen to Cross Rhythms Plymouth on 96.3FM or online at the new Cross Rhythms Plymouth website at www. crossrhythms.co.uk/plymouth
A spokesperson for Bookmark commented that 97 per cent of schools said that the Your Story Corner packs had made a positive difference to children’s enjoyment of reading.
“Through no fault of their own, children often lack access to the resources they need to help them transition into a successful adult life. Access to the NCS Summer School opens the door to new opportunities, which these young people will take with them as they grow.”
Strip-out work has started in the now-empty buildings from 10 to 22 Western Approach. It is expected the entire demolition programme will take around 16 weeks.
Planning permission for the centre has been granted. However the project remains subject to business case approval and a confirmed funding source.
Clearing the way for West regenerationEndBooks bonanza for Plymouth schools - thanks to Bookmark
The demolition is part of the enabling works ahead of the proposed West End Health and Wellbeing Centre, and funding from the Government’s Brownfield Land Release Fund is being used to facilitate the demolition.
“The teachings of Christ have served as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can find in coming together to worship.”
As we look back at the faith that shaped the personal life of Queen Elizabeth II we recognise it is a faith which, if we’ll let it, will shape our lives for good too.
Primary schools in Plymouth are in line to receive £2,000 worth of reading resources - thanks to the work of the Plymouth Children in Poverty initiative, which is funded by the Plymouth Drake Foundation.
will ever know. However, every Christmas she would lift the lid on how important the gospel of Jesus Christ was to her personally.GaryStreeter MP noted in his tribute to the late Queen: “If she was the rock on which modern Britain was built, it was because she stood on the true rock – the rock of ages. In our pluralistic society, containing citizens of all faiths and none, her declaration of Christian faith never jarred, grated or alienated … because it was authentic, and this was demonstrated through her magnificent Christmas broadcasts.”
The main focus of my article in the July editions was a focus on her Christian faith.
Leading literacy charity Bookmark has chosen Plymouth as the next city to receive significant reading support after earlier programmes in Birmingham and Lincolnshire.Allstate-funded primary schools can now apply to join the scheme, which could be worth £200,000 in total.
By Dave Simpson, Station Manager Cross Rhythms PlymouthExperience
In 1986. “When, as the Bible says, Christ grew in wisdom and understanding, he began his task of explaining and teaching just what it is that God wants from us.
underlined in everything he said and did, are the messages of God’s love and how essential it is that we, too, should love other people.“There are many serious and threatening problems in this country and in the world but they will never be solved until there is peace in our homes and love in ourInhearts.”2002.“Our modern world places such heavy demands on our time and attention that the need to remember our responsibilities to others is greater than ever. It is often difficult to keep this sense of perspective through the ups and downs of everyday life - as this year has constantly reminded me.
In 2017. “We remember the birth of Jesus Christ whose only sanctuary was a stable in Bethlehem. He knew rejection, hardship and persecution; and yet it is Jesus Christ’s generous love and example which has inspired me through good times and bad.”In2020.
In the recent tributes paid by MPs to Her Majesty, Tim Farron MP commented; “She was a constant to us all, but, as has been said already, the constant in her life was her faith in Jesus Christ. Let us remember this: for many people it may be a perfunctory ceremonial faith, but for her it was not; it was a living, active faith in a living saviour. Let us remember this: we have sung for 70 years ‘God Save The Queen’. If her faith is accurate – I am certain it was – God has saved the Queen.”
It was just three months ago that I wrote an article celebrating the life of the Queen in light of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Little did I know it would be so soon that I would be commenting on her passing.
A number of empty buildings on Western Approach are being demolished to make way for the regeneration of the West End of Plymouth’s city centre.
Kerry Bidewell of Plymouth Children in Poverty added: “A huge thank you to the team at EMR Plymouth and the EMR Young Futures team, one donation is always greatly appreciated but a second substantial donation is such an endorsement of the work we are doing. I cannot wait to share the various impacts this vital donation will make...they will be far reaching!”
Most of the dismantling work will take place within the building’s plots although a section of the pavement at the front of Western Approach will need to be closed for a number of weeks. The contractors intend to close the Western Approach entrance to Colin Campbell Court car park overnight for two nights on November 7 and 8.
Schools will receive 200 new, highquality books suitable for children aged from four to nine, 12 months free membership to The National Literacy Trust, annual subscription to Bookmark’s children’s magazine The Story Corner, plus eight weeks free access to the ChatterStars vocabulary development app for 300 Plymouthchildren.was chosen because of the known need and also because Bookmark consider the Plymouth Children in Poverty initiatives to be unique.
Once regenerated, the area will complete the planned Millbay Boulevard scheme, which will connect the newly created coastal quarter to Plymouth city centre.
In light of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, we have decided to postpone the Cross Rhythms Experience article which had been planned and instead share some reflections about the life of the late Queen.
Damon Kinnair, operations manager at EMR Plymouth, said: “Having supported Plymouth Children in Poverty back in 2021, myself and the team at EMR have
Undoubtedly the faith of Queen Elizabeth II would have been much deeper than any of us
A number of car parking spaces at Colin Campbell Court are being let to the contractors while the work takes place, but there are plenty of alternative spaces at the nearby Western Approach multi-storey. No road closures are planned although there will be a bus lane closure for seven weeks from October 3 to November 21. The perimeter road within the car park directly behind the buildings due to be demolished will also be closed.
Damon Kinnair of EMR presents the cheque to Kerry Bidewell and Maurice West of Plymouth Children in Poverty
Earlier this month Plymouth Community Homes gave more detail about regeneration plans for Bath Street. The city’s largest social housing landlord announced plans for a £33.5 million eco-friendly neighbourhood in partnership with the Council offering more than 140 new affordable homes to rent and buy.
One teacher commented: “The children were very excited to see the new books in the library and the books ignited their curiosity. The library and story corners have proved to be popular areas within the school where children enjoy having the opportunity to read to themselves or with each Schoolsother”canapply at plymouthbookmarkreading.org/your-story-corner-www.
20 October 2022 @PlymChronicle
“I know just how much I rely on my own faith to guide me through the good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning, I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God.”
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Parents and carers in Plymouth are being urged to use the City Council’s simple, online eligibility and application service to check whether they’re eligible for free school meals for their children, which can save families over £400 per year for each child.
If a child has free school meals at primary school, this does not automatically carry on into secondary. So if your child has gone from Year 6 to Year 7 this September, you’ll need to make sure you apply. (Details of how to apply are at the end of this article).
• Devonport-based Community Interest Company Bikespace is partnering with cargo bike courier service Zedify in Old Town Street, a hub for consolidating deliveries for businesses. They offer a zero emissions, same and next day delivery service for businesses.
• Memori Prints by Vince Handford, occupying the space in August with his limited edition screen printed posters.
communities to respond to the climate crisis.
Creative businesses, artists and organisations are transforming empty spaces in Plymouth into vibrant new ventures as part of a cultural reimagining of the city centre.
The Meanwhile Use programme is funded through Historic England (Heritage Action Zone Culture Programme), Interreg (C-Care), Plymouth City Council and City Centre Company.
Artistic collective Still/Moving create light installations
• Sprite Arts - a collective of five women artists based at 15-19 Old Town Street until December who aim to make arts events, workshops and exhibitions, establish artist residency programmes and mentoring opportunities. Their opening exhibition Immersion featured the wonderful creativity of 20 regular sea swimmers at Firestone Bay.
After that, parents need to apply and free meals are available to many more families than are currently applying.
A nourishing meal in the middle of the day helps children and young people to do well at school, and free school meals make a genuine saving in the household budget. Over the course of a year a family will spend around £437 on school lunches per child – free school meals would be a real saving.
Greg Lumley, centre director at Drake Circus, said: “We’re always looking for opportunities to support our local community and we’re delighted to be involved in a city-wide initiative. Not only is it great to be able to offer space to these passionate organisations, but their commitment to creativity and sustainability is also very inspiring and important to us.”
Vacancy Atlas are based at their own Meanwhile Use space at 107 Cornwall Street, which will also be used to showcase ‘popups’ through the summer. So far, they have included:• Owen Makes, who filled the space with his beautiful handmade ceramics.
Artists Billy Finch of the Hidden Art Gallery
• Civic Space brings art and creativity together with the local skating community, celebrating Plymouth’s skating heritage with projects such as the mural at the Civic Centre and PRIMEdesign. PRIMEdesign has been made by Prime Skate Park with the support of creative community organisation Take A Part and contemporary art gallery KARST and a hub for their work will be based in Royal Parade until the autumn.
Schools benefit financially as well: for every child registered for a free school meal the school receives extra income, (Pupil Premium), which helps the school provide more and better learning facilities for the children. It’s a real win-win! Everyone with school aged children is encouraged to check eligibility and to apply.Parents who have applied before and were not eligible can re-apply at any time – so if your circumstances have changed, now’s the time to apply again. And if your child has moved from primary to secondary and you haven’t set up free school meals yet, now’s the time to do it. Checking eligibility and making an application is easy online at happyprocess,connectionscanplymouth.gov.uk/free-school-mealshttps://new.ortheQRcodebelow.Ifyoudon’thaveagoodinternetorneedsomehelpwiththeyourchild’sschoolshouldbetohelpyou.
Zedify offer same day deliveries for Plymouth businesses from their premises in Old Town Street
Hannah Harris, CEO of Plymouth Culture, said: “The Meanwhile Use project is genuinely changing the experience of visiting the city centre in a positive way - sparking everyday creative encounters that everyone can access.
Gil Woolley, co-founder of Zedify Plymouth said: “We are thrilled to be bringing an ethical, sustainable and cost efficient parcel delivery service to Plymouth thanks to the Meanwhile Use scheme and Drake Circus. Our vision is to reduce the road traffic around the city, making it a safer and cleaner environment for all.”
Elsewhere, the Hidden Art Gallery by artist and curator Billy Finch has appeared for a few weeks of August in Cornwall Street, showcasing the work of three Plymouth artists - Isis, Tom Bird and Cormack Reid. Billy’s aim
The renowned artistic collective Still/ Moving have also been creating light installations to be displayed in the city centre with community groups.
“We were overwhelmed by the interest in the scheme from the creative and cultural community and it’s inspiring to see them take advantage of the empty spaces in increasingly innovative ways. A huge thank you to all the partners in the city who have made this possible, including the owners and landlords such as Drake Circus.”
More information about the Meanwhile Use scheme is available at meanwhile-useplymouthculture.co.uk/http://
“I managed to get in and be selected and I feel really lucky that it’s happened.”
Earlier this summer Plymouth Community Climate Centre also opened in New George Street, a social enterprise dedicated to engaging, educating and empowering
Plymouth Culture is the strategic organisationdevelopmentthatexists to support and enable the growth of culture across the city. It does this by working closely with and through organisations, individuals and stakeholders.
It is estimated that up to 20% of available free school meals are not applied for because people do not realise they are eligible.Freeschool meals are automatically provided for all schoolchildren in a government funded school in Reception, Year 1, or Year 2.
The Meanwhile Use scheme is spearheaded by Plymouth Culture, Plymouth City Council, Plymouth City Centre Company and Vacancy Atlas - specialists in unlocking the potential of empty spaces.
is to show off the work of up-and-coming artists and those who want to be artists.
aims to work with businesses, landlords and owners to revitalise places not in commercial use, helping showcase creativity and culture while attracting more people to the city centre.
Free inmoreavailablemealsschoolnowforchildrenPlymouth
22 October 2022 @PlymChronicle
A series of retail units that are currently unoccupied have been handed over to creatives as part of the Meanwhile Use scheme brought to the city by Plymouth Culture.Thescheme
Billy said: “I started the gallery to showcase local professional artists and people who want to make a living out of being an artist to the people of Plymouth. Last year I heard about the Meanwhile Use scheme through Plymouth Culture, aimed at filling empty spaces in Plymouth and I thought that a gallery space would be an excellent way to fill an empty shop.
The spaces include three units donated by Drake Circus, which are now being used by creative organisations. These include:
Empty shops in Plymouth city centre transformed by creatives and artists
“As a charity, we rely on the generosity of our supporters and fundraisers like Sam and Tammy, ensuring we can reach other women who may need our support. We are so pleased to encourage them in this remarkable challenge.”
Events and offers can be found on the pub’s social media page at Roundabout.Plymouthwww.facebook.com/
The pub has also seen a new large outside area opened with 16 tables for guests to enjoy the last of the summer sun.
Electricity, Western Power Distribution 0800 678 3105
Devon & Cornwall Food Action 01752 651800
Environment Agency (Emergency) 0800 807060
23October 2022@PlymChronicle
Derriford Hospital 01752 202082
Citizens Advice 0300 3309 043
Stroke Helpline 0303 3033 100 Country Landlords Assn 01752 242980
Carers UK 020 7378 4999
They’ve never been on a plane - but two brave Plymouth mums are skydiving from 15,000 feet
Sam and Tammy
Shelterline 0808 8004444
Parentline Plus 0808 8002222
RSPCA 0300 1234 999
Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784 985
Police, Fire, Ambulance or Coastguard 999 or 112
Water, South West Water 0344 3462020
The refurbishment has also seen air conditioning installed as well as two new pool tables.Externally the venue has been painted blue, with a local graffiti artist, Harriet Wood & Hazardone, also adding a new look to the pub with a mural sprayed onto the outside of the building, making it really stand out from the crowd.
National Christian Helpline 0300 111 0101
Working very closely with the authorities they have a great relationship as partners making Plymouth a Purple Flag city and a very safe one to come and enjoy the entertainment.
The Roundabout pub in Plymouth city centre has reopened following a £350,000 investment.
The Sunflower Centre has engaged
Cruse Bereavement Care 0870 1671677
with over 1000 women who have accessed services in the community, which include workshops, therapy groups, mentoring and counselling – 56% of those who used the centre were survivors of domestic abuse.
Al-Anon Family Groups 020 7403 088
Age UK Plymouth 01752 256020
Adoption UK 0844 848 7900
Osteoporosis Support Group 075958 500314
Police general enquiries 101
Carrie Tecza, social engagement officer, said: “We are so excited for Sam and Tammy who are taking on this courageous challenge to raise money for us, and to do it havingnever been in a plane is absolutely“Domesticamazing!abuse, addiction and mental ill health are all rising. In Devon and Cornwall, there are 14,700 women victims of domestic every year. It is really important to increase our reach and effectiveness. Many women do not seek help early enough, and we are here to ensure these vulnerable women have someone to turn to.
The pub’s facelift has really brought a fresh feel to the popular venue. Inside has seen the pub’s ground and mezzanine floors given a complete makeover, being painted, and having its flooring, carpets, furniture, and lighting all replaced and modernised.
Both Sam and Tammy have accessed the vital support services offered by the charity and are now passionate supporters.
Emergency Numbers
Duo Sam and Tammy take on this heart-stopping challenge – which is the highest in the UK – on September 24 in support of local women’s charity Trevi, which supports women and children affected by domestic abuse and violence.
note that whilst the Publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of telephone numbers in this Directory, and dates in the What’s On section, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors.
Receiving a complete transformation throughout, the venue’s new look interior has seen the pub given a new lease of life.
Money Advice Plymouth (Debt Advice) 01752 208126
Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre 01752 203670
National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000247
The Met Office 0870 9000100 Weathercall 0870 6004242 RAC 08000 828282 Green Flag 0800 400600 Rail Travel, national enquiries 08457 484950 Plymouth Citybus 01752 662271 National Express Coaches 08717 818181 Brittany Ferries 08705 360360 Cremyll Ferry 01752 822105 Torpoint Ferry 01752 812233 Tourist Information 01752 266030 Passport Office, National Helpline 0870 5210410 Theatre Royal 01752 267222 Barbican Theatre 01752 267131 Devonport Playhouse 01752 606507 Plymouth Pavilions 01752 936363 Plymouth Pavilions Ticket Store 03337 727727 Cineworld 03303 33444 Vue Cinema 0345 308 4620 Tourist Information 01752 306330 National Trust Saltram 01752 333500 The Box 01752 304774 Plymouth Arts Centre 01752 206114 Plymouth Life Centre 01752 606900 Brickfields Recreation Ground 01752 563320 Manadon Football Dev’ment Centre 01752 201918 Plympton Swimming Pool 0870 300 0020 Plymouth Pavilions 0845 146 1460 Megabowl, Coxside 0871 5501010 Tourist Information 01752 306330 The Beckly Centre, Plymstock 01752 484433
The pub is run by general manager Richard Smith, who has worked at The Roundabout for nearly nine years. Richard is also a volunteer for the national Pubwatch covering the southwest of England and also chairman of the local Plymouth Pubwatch which is the largest in the country with over 150 venues.
EntertainmentTravelLeisureWeather If you think your organisation would benefit from being listed in our Useful Numbers guide please e-mail your details info@cornerstonevision.comtoor write to: Plymouth Chronicle, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell, Plymouth Tel 01752 225623
Gas, Wales & West Utilities 0800 111999
Relateline 0845 1304010
National Missing Persons Helpline 0500 700700
Talk to Frank 0800 776600
Samaritans 116 123
NHS 111
When asked why they have decided to take on this challenge, Tammy said: “I saw it advertised and thought I’d love to do something to help raise money for the charity that helped save my life. I spoke to Sam, and she said she would love to do it with me, which is crazy considering neither of us has even been in a plane.”Sam said: “I’m doing the skydive because I owe Trevi so much. I was in Jasmine and got to leave with my son. I’ve been at Sunflower for over a year and I’ve had one to one support, counselling, recovery help and done courses. Now I’m a peer mentor and want to give back.’
Speaking on the reopening, Richard
Sam and Tammy want to raise as much money as possible for Trevi and to donate, visit SamandTammyontourjustgiving.com/fundraising/www.
Childline 0800 1111
Disability & Information Advice Line 01302 310123
Stop Hate Crime 24/7 Helpline 0800 138 1625
Drug Addicts Anonymous: Helpline 07818260811
Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 917 7650
Trevi supports more than 700 women annually through its services. In the past year, its Jasmine Mother’s Recovery Centre has supported 69 women and their children. All of their residents have been affected by domestic abuse. After engaging with the services at the centre 84% of women detox successfully and 86% remain with their children.
Christians Against Poverty (Debt Advice) 0800 328 0006
NHS Direct 0845 4647
Roundabout gets a colourful makeover
Two brave Plymouth mums are set to jump from 15,000ft in a skydive to raise money for charity and to top it off, neither of them have ever been in a plane!
said: “It’s great to be back open with our new look and space outdoors, and we’ve been as busy as ever since reopening the doors. As well as our popular student nights and weekend events were looking to bring more and more entertainment to the pub, making The Roundabout the place to be for nightlife in the city.”
All of Trevi’s services are delivered by a dedicated and trauma informed team of women-only support workers, therapists, teachers, and specialist practitioners who work with every woman to address the trauma in her life and help her understand how it manifests so that she can begin to heal, grow and move forward.
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline 0808 8005000
Plymouth University shortlisted for coveted national award
month’s answers Scan the QR code for answers
“It also endorses our commitment to developing and investing in areas that are crucial to global sustainability, and to working with our partners in Britain’s Ocean City and beyond to generate a global network of advocates for the effective stewardship of the oceans.”
It has been integral to the development of clean energy solutions, leading the UK Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub, influencing national investment in offshore renewable energy technology, and securing funding to establish the UK’s national floating offshore wind test facility.
Through practical activities and group work, you’ll learn about working with green spaces, gain industry insight and develop the skills to secure that’s just
a job
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In 2020, it collected its second Queen’s Anniversary Prize in eight years recognising its marine research, this time for its work to alert the world to microplastics and to influence solutions and policies that will reduce their future impact.
University Vice-Chancellor Professor Judith Petts said: “This is further recognition of our international reputation for outstanding marine and maritime research, teaching and innovation. It acknowledges the contributions of students and staff across the University to understand and address the key global challenges facing our planet.
The 2022 winners will be revealed at a ceremony in London this November.
The Central and Waterfront Chronicle is delivered door to door every month to homes in Hartley, Mannamead, Compton, Efford, Laira, St Judes, Mt Gould, Lipson, Greenbank, Prince Rock, Cattedown, Barbican, Hoe, City Centre, Mutley and Peverell.
The November edition of the Plymouth Chronicle in Central and Waterfront will be published on October 14 with a copy deadline of October 3. The Central and Waterfront edition is one of four hyper local editions delivered to a total of more than 90,000 homes throughout theWecity.welcome submissions but cannot guarantee publication. We accept press releases in the form of text documents and images in JPG or TIFF format (high resolution please).
24 October 2022 @PlymChronicle October 2022 Central & Waterfront # PLYMOUTHTOGETHER MOREREAD plymouthchronicle.co.uk Out viewsLocalandCharity ExperienceRhythmstheExperts ALSO INSIDE: Empty city centre shops are transformedbeingbyartistsandcreativesFordetailsSeePage22 Wayne Wheeler taking on MarathonthetofundsforSalvationArmyFordetailsSeePage Two forskydivebravefeettoTrevi,Plymouth-basedwomensSee MonarchourpassingmournsPlymouththeofbeloved See pages 10 and 11 The Plymouth Chronicle is published by Cornerstone Vision Limited, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell, Plymouth PL3 4PY. Registered in England Company Number 05563986. Printed by Newsquest, Weymouth. 01752 225623 or toForinfo@cornerstonevision.comemailwww.cornerstonevision.commoreinformation,ortotalkoneofoursalesadvisors,callChronicle Crossword Sponsored by Cross Rhythms Plymouth Across 1 Paris product (7) 5 Office team (5) 9 Chinese province, mostly an island (6) 10 Asparagus serving (5) 11 Summon back (6) 12 Uncover (6) 13 Broadcast (3) 14 More secure (5) 16 Dull-coloured robes undone (5) 18 Welkin (3) 20 Render harmless (6) 22 Purpose (6) 24 In pieces (5) 25 Irrational fear (6) 26 Bundles (5) 27 Fixed (7) Down 2 Rub out (5) 3 Trumpet flourish (7) 4 Paper capital? (6) 6 Moor (3,2) 7 Predict (7) 8 Tares ripped up, revealing garden flower (5) 15 "Arabian Nights" hero (3,4) 17 Farthest away (7) 18 Metalworker (5) 19 Joyful expression (6) 21 Rouse (5) 23 Hubbub (5) Answers Scan the QR code. Or check the next edition of the Plymouth Chronicle. Across: 1 Sierra, 5 Hasten, 8 Flagship, 9 Move, 10 Solo, 12 Idaho, 13 Learn, 14 Peal, 16 Dose, 17 Hosni, 18 Edits, 20 Volt, 22 Seen, 23 Legality, 25 Stares, 26 Exempt Down: 2 Igloo, 3 Rag doll, 4 Aah, 5 Happiness, 6 Samoa, 7 Envious, 11 Bath salts, 15 Element, 16 Divulge, 19 Inner, 21 Let up, 24 Gee
It also reflects the University’s commitment to aligning its own ambitious long-term strategy with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the UK’s Maritime and Net Zero strategies, the South-West Development Strategy and Plymouth’s status as Britain’s Ocean City.
The University has more than 1,300 students on its marine and maritime degrees, the highest number of undergraduate and postgraduate
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new 6-week programme for 18-25 year olds in Plymouth.
Its place on the University of the Year shortlist acknowledges the University’s international reputation for marine research and teaching, as well as decades of focus, investment, and impact.
University of Plymouthshortlisted for University of the Year Award
The shortlisting comes in a year where the University has again been named among the world’s top universities for marine excellence and climate action.
marine students anywhere in the country.
Plymouth University is in the running to earn the most coveted accolade in the Times Higher Education Awards 2022.
The shortlisting covers the 2020/21 period during which the University reaffirmed its position as one of the world’s leading centres for marine research, innovation, and education.
The University led initiatives in the emerging fields of clean maritime and maritime cyber security, installing a network of shoreside charging
facilities for electric maritime vessels in Plymouth Sound and establishing the UK’s first Cyber-SHIP Lab to test the cyber resilience of connected maritime systems.
It has also worked in partnerships that established the UK’s first National Marine Park, supported government designation of two new Freeports (in Plymouth and on the Thames), advanced the Royal Navy’s work on autonomous marine systems, and cemented the city’s reputation as the UK’s go-to location for marine science.TheTimes Higher Education Awards are open to any organisation involved in higher education across the UK and Ireland, and aim to exemplify the talent, dedication and innovation of individuals and teams across all aspects of university life.