Mirrors, Sparks and Other Things

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Mirrors, Sparks & Other Things

Practices... a little direction for some new spiritual practices we want you to try this month: Confession (1 John 1:9):

1. Remind yourself of who He is and confess (tell Him) He is the LORD of your life. 2. Invite the Holy Spirit to convict you of how you have disobeyed or distrusted God.

Slow/Rest (Psalm 62:1):

We can so easily get caught up in going fast and NEED to have that rhythm disrupted. Questions to ask: Why do I go so fast? What does going fast satisfy? Why do I resist slowing down? What effect does rest have on me? Exercise: 1. How do you react to a slow driver or sales clerk? Whatʼs that about? 2. If you are tired, ask yourself if it is a body or soul tiredness. What would refresh you today?

Fast (Matthew 6:16) & Memorize (Psalm 119:11, Colossians 1:16):

Fasting is to abstain from something to increase your mindfulness of God and focus on Him. It is a great way to remind ourselves who it is that actually meets our needs. Memorizing scripture is a great way to focus on promises that we have or how we are called to live. Godʼs Spirit reminds us of these truths by bringing these verses to mind at pertinent times. (Tip: Memorizing can be challenging...I have found the easiest way to memorize is to read a verse repeatedly while reflecting on what God is saying to me each time. Before you know it you’ve memorized it!)

Examen (Philippians 1:9-10):

God is with us every moment of every day. Invite the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to Godʼs presence and movement in your life. Questions to ask: what am I thankful for today? How did God speak to me today? What fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) did I bear today?


We are not created to do life alone... the scriptures are full of “one another” verses. As we authentically share life, including what God is teaching us, we will find joy and God will use you to inspire, challenge, and encourage “one another.”

Spiritual Practice for Week 1: Confession Confess that Jesus is LORD and confess your sin (the ways that you disobey or distrust your LORD).


Pray: Ask God to teach you as you read the Bible. Read: James 1:1-8 1. According to this passage, what helps us mature in our relationship with God? How is that different from what you thought?

2. When you face a decision and you don’t know what to do, what instruction does this passage give you?


Pray: Thank God for three good things in your life, then ask Him to prepare you to hear His instruction. Read: James 1:9-18 1. What does this tell us about who God is?

2. What happens when we treat things that tempt us like they are not a big deal?

W1D3: Family Time

Share 3 things that you are grateful for. Pray: “Open my ears to hear Your words.” Read: James 1:19-27 1. What do you do more naturally: talk or listen? What is God’s instruction in this passage?

2. How do you feel when people don’t listen to what you are saying?

3. As a family, how do you do at talking and listening? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. How do you think you can improve as a family?

Practice: If there is anything that you need to ask a family member to forgive you for, seize the moment. If there is anything that you need to confront a family member about that you didn’t appreciate, seize the moment and gently but specifically tell them about what they did and how it made you feel.

Spiritual Practice for Week 2: Slow Down/Rest – 10 min

Go for a walk alone without your phone/ipod/etc. and think about what you read.

We move way too fast nearly all the time. This week, slow down, enjoy each moment, refuse to rush. Give God your attention as you slow down.


Pray: Take a minute to ask God to forgive you for the ways that you chose to live for yourself rather than make decisions to reflect your desire to live the way He wants you to. Read: James 2:1-13 1. What does this tell us about who God is?

2. Did God open your eyes to sin in your life through the verses you just read?

3. Who do you show favoritism to and against?


God tells us that he wants us to pray all the time (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Today we will focus on different elements of prayer. I find it helpful to write these out. As you write out your thoughts, it forces you to go slower and think through things rather than just skip across them in fast forward. Find a place you can focus. Take a moment to slow down. Now talk to God. Praise God. That means telling God what you love about Him. Repent. Ask Him to forgive you for your sins, the ways that you chose to live for yourself rather than for God. Ask. Tell God about what you, your family, your friends, your school, your country, your world needs Him to do. Yield. This is where we do what is hard and tell God that we trust Him and His timing when it comes to it, or when he answers our prayers.

W2D3: Family Time

What are 3 things that made you happy, joyful, giddy recently? Pray: Thank God for three good things in your life. Then ask Him to prepare you to hear His instruction. Read: James 2:14-26 1. What is the main message of this passage?

2. Do your actions demonstrate your faith?

3. How do you show others your faith in Jesus Christ by what you do?

Practice: Spend an hour or more doing something fun together without phones, iPods, or anything that would distract you.

Spiritual Practice for Week 3: Fast & Memorize

Pick one day to fast from food or something else, like media. Also, pick a verse or two that you have read this month and commit the words to memory. If you don’t have a verse in mind from James that you would like to memorize, try James 1:22.


Pray: Thank God for three good things in your life, then ask Him to prepare you to hear His instruction. Read: James 3:1-12 1. What did God make stand out to you in this passage? What got your attention? 2. How are you going to live differently because of what He made jump out to you? Be specific. Practice: Work on memorizing your verse.

W3D2 Read: James 3:13-18 1. What behavior results from “wisdom” that is not from God? 2. What do you think it means to “harbor”…bitter envy and selfish ambition? 3. What behavior comes from wisdom that comes from heaven (meaning from God)? Practice: Work on memorizing your verse.

W3D3: Family Time

Take a moment for each member of your family to point out what a different member has done that’s been appreciated or made someone feel loved. Pray: Praise God together. “God, you are (fill in the blank),” “God, thank you for (fill in the blank),” or “God, you have (fill in the blank).” Read: James 4:1-7 1. What questions do you have about these verses?

2. When we ask God for something, how does this passage instruct us to pray?

3. Why do you think God opposes the proud?

Practice: Memorize & Fast As a family, go without something for the day or an agreed upon part of the day. As you think about the thing you are fasting from, take a moment to pray for your family—each member of your family & your family as a whole. Suggestions of what to fast from: food, phone/texting, facebook, video games, really anything you do a lot and like. As you think about wanting to do that thing, allow that to remind you to pray or remind yourself that God can meed your needs.

Spiritual Practice: Prayer of Examen

Invite God to show you His activity and the desires He gives you throughout your day. Don’t let this practice scare you like a slobbering pit bull. Here are a few ways that I have seen God in the everyday: Laughter. Creation. Someone loving me well. Taste. My kids. Hugs. Answered prayer. Speaking to me through the Bible.


Pray: Ask God to teach you as you read the Bible. Read: James 4:7-17 1. Why do you think he says that we should submit (surrender or yield) ourselves to God? Hint: James 1:13-15

2. How do we come near/close to God? Hint: check out Jeremiah 29:13. (It may help you to think about how you get close in a relationship with a new friend.)

3. Verse 17 is a pretty challenging verse to read and apply to our lives, as we frequently know the good we ought to do, yet we don’t do it. What are a couple examples of times you haven’t done the right thing? a. Challenge: when the opportunity comes to do the right thing in the coming week, do it.

Practice: How have you seen God today? Write it down and be specific.


Pray: Thank God for three good things in your life, then ask Him to prepare you to hear His instruction. Read: James 5:1-12 1. Is patience something that comes naturally, or is it more challenging for you? In verses 7-8, are we told that we will get everything the minute we want it?

2. What do we learn about God and our suffering in verses 10-11?

Practice: How have you seen God today? Tell a friend.

W4D3: Family Time

Practice: How have you seen God in big and small ways this week? Pray: Ask God to teach you as you read the Bible. Read: James 5:13-20 1. According to the first couple of verses in this passage, who does God invite to pray?

2. There is a critical ingredient that we must have when we pray…starts with an “f”…without it God does not answer our prayers?

3. The word “sinner” in these verses is talking about someone who does not have a relationship with Jesus Christ yet…though we all are guilty of sin. Who do you know who does not yet believe in Jesus? Take a moment to pray that their eyes will be opened to God’s goodness and love. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for this time to learn together.

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