In this booklet: Itinerary
Important Info
Rules & Guidelines Agua Devotionals
5-7 8 9-15
Journaling Pages
Imperfect Itinerary
Everything is subject to change. sunday, june 30 12:00pm meet @ Bellingham airport 2:00pm fly to San Diego 4:50pm get vans & drive to Vicente Guerrero 5:30pm IN-N-OUT Burger 11:00pm arrive and settle into W.H.O. orientation with Jackie ASAP lights out + sleep
thursday, july 4 6am team 4 picks up kids 7:30am breakfast with kiddos 8am team 5 = kitchen clean up do yo devos!* 8:30am head to work site 9-noon do work, son! 12:30pm back at W.H.O. for lunch with kiddos 1pm team 1 = kitchen clean up 1:30pm back to building a house 4pm play futbol 6pm dinner 8:30pm team meeting 10pm quiet time 10:30pm lights out
monday, july 1 7:30am breakfast with kiddos 8am team 2 = kitchen clean up do yo devos!*
8:30am 9-noon
12:30pm 1pm
1:30pm 4pm
head to work site build a house back at W.H.O. for lunch with kiddos team 3 = kitchen clean up back to building a house back to W.H.O., clean up Las Aves, outreach (worship) dinner at Rueben’s Crazy Chicken team meeting quiet time lights out
friday, july 5 6am 7:30am 8am 8:30am 12:30pm 1pm 2pm 4pm 6pm 8:30pm 10pm
tuesday, july 2 6am team 3 picks up kids 7:30am breakfast with kiddos 8am team 4 = kitchen clean up 8:30
12:30pm 1pm
1:30pm 3:30pm 6pm
do yo devos!*
head out to work site build a house!! back at W.H.O. for lunch with kiddos team 5 = kitchen clean up back to building a house W.H.O., chill dinner team meeting quiet time lights out
wednesday, july 3 6am team 2 picks up kids 7:30am breakfast with kiddos 8am team 3 = kitchen clean up do yo devos!* 8:30am head to home build 9-noon build a house 12:30pm back at W.H.O. for lunch with kiddos 1pm team 1 = kitchen clean up 1:30pm back to building a house 4pm get ready for church/enjoy life/wash your hair 6pm church 7pm dinner 8:30pm relax/recharge/recreate 10pm quiet time 10:30pm lights out
teams 1 & 5 pick up kids breakfast with kiddos team 2 = kitchen clean up do yo devos!*
head to work sites back at W.H.O. for lunch with kiddos team 4 = kitchen clean up finish up projects retirement center dinner team meeting quiet time 10:30pm lights out
saturday, july 6 8:30am breakfast 9am team 3 = kitchen clean up 10am leave for San Diego do yo devos!* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- San Diego - TBD sunday, july 7 9:00am church
San Diego - TBD Beach?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4:00pm San Diego airport 6:15pm get on the plane 8:55pm arrive back in Bellingham!! *If you have breakfast kitchen clean up, do your devos during lunch kitchen clean up.
Some Info car sickness
If you are prone to car sickness, please be prepared with meds or let us know if you need to sit in the front. The roads are less than ideal.
don’t drink the water (ever!)
As you know well, don’t drink the water. It should not be used for brushing your teeth or ingesting of any kind. It will make you sick. Clean water will be provided.
it’s potty time
Mexican septic systems cannot handle toilet paper. It is to be placed in the trash can next to the toilet.
Flight Info Sunday, June 30 Depart: 2:00pm Arrive: 4:50pm
Sunday, July 7
Depart: 6:15pm Arrive: 8:55pm
Bellingham San Diego
Flight 226 Nonstop
San Diego Flight 227 Bellingham Nonstop
Rules & Guidelines (From Welcome Home Outreach)
CASA HOGAR BIENVENIDOS WELCOME HOME OUTREACH MINISTRIES VICENTE GUERRERO, B.C., MEXICO MX PHONE: 011-52-616-166-2083 OR U.S. PHONE: 503-616-3751 GUIDELINES FOR MISSIONS TEAMS We look forward to welcoming your missions team to Casa Hogar Bienvenidos, Welcome Home Outreach (WHO), and want to make you aware of the following guidelines and tips that will make your visit to WHO productive, meaningful and enjoyable. We ask that all members of your team be aware of these guidelines prior to your trip, and that they commit to following them.
Welcome Home is a non-profit agency that is sponsored by a U.S. Board of Directors comprised of Christians from several faith backgrounds. The facility has been serving children of migrant farm worker families in the Vicente Guerrero region of Mexico since the mid-1980s. WHO operates a year-round daycare (guarderia) for pre-school age children of farm workers. Care for these children is provided at no cost to the families. WHO is dependent on donations from churches and individuals to underwrite the ongoing operational costs of the facility. In addition to the daycare operation, the WHO staff assists migrant camp families with basic needs such as clothing and food, and directs house building projects when possible. Biblical teaching and evangelism are part of the ministry as well.
Jackie Scott is a U.S. missionary living at Welcome Home. Her primary role is scheduling and coordinating group visits, overseeing day-to-day facility maintenance, and growing a stable funding base. The daycare is staffed by Mexican nationals who are committed to teaching and guiding the children in Biblical principles. The daycare staff serve under the leadership of director, Brigida Merino Flores.
Post Office Box 1471, San Clemente, CA 92674 MX Phone: 011-52-616-166-2083 / US Phone: 503-616-3751 Website:
Jackie Scott, Director Abel & Rosa Hurtado, Co-Directors E-Mail:
Rules & Guidelines, Continued
While we are delighted to host missions teams at Welcome Home, group members must keep in mind that WHO is a fully operating facility with a normal daily routine – and a residence for two families. With that in mind, we ask that visiting groups adhere to some basic guidelines:
Water is a valuable resource in Mexico and should not be wasted. SHOWERS are available at WHO, but we ask that they be taken on an as-needed basis, and be kept to 5 minutes or less. TOILETS should be flushed only when there is solid waste.
DRINKING WATER: Do not use tap water to drink or brush your teeth. Purified water
is available in the WHO cafeteria. Please bring your own drinking container for water, marked with your name, so that you can take water with you to job sites or to other destinations.
No toilet paper or other paper products should be put into the toilets. There are receptacles next to each toilet for TP. We know habits are hard to break and that accidents will happen. If TP is accidentally dropped into the toilet, it must be removed.
Electrical service in Mexico is very expensive so conservation of electricity is a must. Please help by using lights, fans and other appliances only when necessary and remember to turn them off when you exit a room.
Your daily room & board fee includes two meals per day. Breakfast is served at 7:30 a.m.; lunch at 12:30 p.m. The kitchen staff expects that visiting groups will eat with the children at those times. If off-site projects keep group members away from WHO at meal time, or you make other plans, your group leader needs to notify Steve or Jackie Scott so the correct amount of food may be prepared. Group DINNERS are on your own; you are welcome to use the WHO kitchen for your meal preparation, or visit one of several recommended restaurants in the area.
Groups are asked to assign at least three individuals to assist with kitchen clean-up for each meal. Other than those on duty in the kitchen, group members should, for the most part, not wander into or loiter in the kitchen.
Sleeping areas are furnished with single beds (some are bunkbeds), with blankets and pillows provided. Group members are asked to either bring their own sheets or a sleeping bag for their use. DO NOT move furniture, mattresses, or other equipment without authorization!
Rules & Guidelines, Continued
Every morning, Monday through Friday, staff leave Welcome Home at 6:00 a.m. to pick up the daycare children and return with them at about 7:00 a.m. Therefore, we ask that groups respect the quiet hours from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
WHO has only one washing machine and it is reserved for daycare use only. We are happy to direct you to a nearby laundromat if needed.
American Christians visiting in Mexico should dress modestly in keeping with the standards of the Mexican Christian community. Pants for both women and men of all ages should be knee-length or below (no shorts, no mini-skirts). Please, no tank tops, halter tops or bare midriffs; no excessive cleavage; no exposed underwear. Bathing suits should be worn only when at the beach (one-piece suits only). On construction sites, Welcome Home requires that all persons wear long pants and close-toed shoes (work boots or tennis shoes). Absolutely no sandals or shorts on construction sites. This is for your own safety. Workers may want to bring a sun hat, sunscreen and gloves for construction
ALCOHOL/DRUGS/SMOKING: No alcohol, drugs, or smoking are allowed on the Welcome Home premises at any time. Please do not bring these items with you or purchase them while here.
Please help us keep the WHO compound neat and tidy. Be respectful and responsible in using the facility. The bathrooms, sleeping areas, and common areas should be policed regularly for trash and personal belongings.
When your group prepares to depart the WHO compound, we ask that you do the following…
Bedding: Rooms:
If you used our pillow/pillowcase, please take them to the laundry room area. Sweep out or vacuum your sleeping areas. You should find brooms and dust pans in each area; if not, please ask. Bathrooms: Assign group members to do basic cleaning of the bathrooms. Take out trash and replace liners; sweep floors. Please leave the quarters in as good – or better – condition than you found it! Be sure to check your area to make sure you have everything!
REMEMBER that you are a guest in this country and in this community – and that you are representing Jesus Christ and His love!
Water....... drink a lot of it.
I love water. One time I didn’t have enough. It was called dehydration. It was actually not that fun. I barfed a lot. Ask my wife, she’ll remember because it ruined Valentines Day.
•Fill up your bottle with the water from the cafeteria before we leave for the work site. •Drink the water while we are working. •When we come back to get lunch, refill your bottle with water again. You’ll need to refill it because it should be empty from drinking the water. So when you refill the bottle…. •Then drink that too.
Look at this here quote:
“I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it. “ -W.C. Fields (actor/comedian) W.C. Fields passed away on December 25, 1946. Maybe it had nothing to do with dehydration but he should have had a better attitude about water.
Effects of dehydration:
•Increased heart rate •Increased respiration •Decreased sweating •Decreased urination •Increased body temperature •Extreme fatigue •Muscle cramps •Headaches •Nausea •Tingling of the limbs •Muscle spasms •Vomiting •Racing pulse •Shriveled skin •Dim vision •Painful urination •Confusion •Difficulty breathing •Seizures •Chest and Abdominal pain •Unconsciousness
SIGN THE PLEDGE! I, _______________________, will be SMART and drink H20!
Get it??
Much love,
Sunday Oh my goodness! We’re going to the great country of Mexico! Yes, there is an alarming amount of awesomeness that will be taking place. Get used to it. There is amazing food, a totally different and cool culture, garbage cans next to the toilets, and chubacabras! I am so excited for everyone who is on the team. (#TeamMexico) I believe God has everyone one this team here for a reason and that is splendid! Remember why we’re going. Si, we’ll be building a house for a family in need and that is great. PTL! But don’t forget we’re here to do more than complete this task. Keep your eyes and heart open to see where God wants to use you to make an impact. It’s very likely what you’re being led to do will be out of your comfort zone; do not be afraid to do it! Pray. Do this a lot. Pray for God to use us and keep watch over us. Pray for Jackie and everyone at W.H.O. and the community we’re serving. Be kind. Seriously. We’re going to be far from home, working hard in some pretty hot weather. It’s easy to get cranky. Don’t take it out on other people. Keep focused on why we’re here. If you see a team member feeling down, check on ‘em. Pick them up. Keep your attitude in check. Mark Twain perfectly stated that to a person with a hammer everything looks like a nail. To a person with a crappy attitude, everything looks like a problem. Decide now to have an attitude that sees every situation as an opportunity. Pretty sure that’s what Jesus would do. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Don’t forget that we are guests and we need to be respectful. It’s okay to have fun, be loud and energetic. In fact, I recommend it! However, it needs to be at the appropriate time and place. W.H.O. has guidelines and we need to respect them. Keep an eye out for each other and stick together. Teamwork! Remember that we are going to a foreign country representing more than just Encounter, Cornwall Church and ‘Murica. Most importantly, we’re representing Jesus. Let us do that well.
Why are you here? What an amazing opportunity you have to be here in Vicente Guerrero. God is going to use you in ways you will never expect. You aren’t just here to build a house. You are here to be stretched to your core mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are excited for what you are to experience and how you will grow in your relationship with God through the work you are doing here. There is a need for support all over the world, but God has chosen YOU to be here in Vicente Guerrero, Mexico. As you are here, look at your surroundings; what do you see? Why do you think we are here? What is the need? How do you think you can help the people in this community beyond the projects we have in store for you? God told you to come and you did. Have you asked Him to guide you and to reveal why he has asked you here? Take a few minutes, pray to God and let him reveal to you your purpose and what he wants you to do here. Jot down what He is telling you and let it be a guide in all you do this week.
Verses to Ponder: READ THEM Jeremiah 29:11 Matthew 19:16-26 Proverbs 29:7
What stands out to you from these verses? What are your takeaways?
Life App: Press Install to Download. Starting now and when you return home, find ways to fill a need. There is a need somewhere, you just have to open your eyes and seek it out. Is God calling you to work with kids? Volunteer at a food bank? Visit with the elderly? Ask God for what he wants you to do.
Read: Ecclesiastes 4:9-16 Check it:
Don’t Go It Alone! In community, we find we have a lot of love to give. Community is an important spiritual practice. I mean, dude, take a look at the Trinity! Totally a community of love! We get to try that out right here on Earth. We were built for relationship. We were built to help others and be helped by them. From the scripture, what words or phrases stick out to you? Why?
What do these words or phrases tell you about how you’ve been helped? About how you’re built to help others?
Chat with God: Ask God to show you clearly how people have shared their work and their wealth with you, how they’ve picked you up when you’ve fallen down, how they’ve warmed you when you were alone, how they protected you when you faced your worst. Ask God to show you how to extend community to someone who needs it today.
Life App: Listen to someone. Sit down, chill out and listen to those around you. Take some time to listen to someone you don’t know very well. Realize that God loves this person and died for them. Who do you feel like you should reach out to today? Why?
Go do it!
So You Think You Can Worship? When we think of worship, we think of singing songs. Worship is so much more than that. There are many ways in which people worship. Worship can be personalized to the individual as long as there is a sincerity and truth to your style of worship. Worship is glorifying God and connecting to God on a deeper level. You become immersed in his presence and it’s as if all other things disappear around you. You feel God in you, from the tips of your toes to the split ends of your hair strands. Worship is just you and God and your heart is filled brimming with his Greatness and Love. This experience of worship is expressed through a variety of ways. There are those that express it through song, music and dance. People express worship through conversation, prayer and meditation. People express their worship in an outcry of emotions and vocal exclamations. Regardless of the way an individual expresses their worship, God wants to see a genuine, heart-felt connection to him. So bring on your worship and show God how you connect to him on that deeper level.
Verses to Ponder: Psalm 96:7-10
Consider this picture of worship: “Bring gifts and celebrate, bow before the beauty of God, then to your knees - everyone worship!” Is it hard to imagine that God likes it when his people celebrate? Why or why not?
What is one attribute of God that you could celebrate right now? Why do you think that attribute comes to mind right now?
Life App: Worship God daily. Do this one way or another: at home or in the wilderness, quietly or with joyful praise. You don’t have to stick to one style of worship. Spice it up and add a little cayenne pepper to your worship. Just keep it real between you and God and you can’t go wrong,
Chillax, God’s got this! Awesome quotes:
“Don’t you want a little taste of the glory? See what it tastes like?” I’m pretty sure Nacho is talking about God. God’s glory!
-Nacho Libre
Watch this… “Get a taste of God’s glory! It is delicious and organic!” -Dan Meyer One of the glorious things about God is that you can always count on Him.
Read this from Matthew 6! It’s from the Message and it is scrumptious! If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds. Has anyone by fussing in front of the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? All this time and money wasted on fashion—do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them.
Also, read this: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Pray Thank God you can fully rely on him. Admire God for his divine alertness and how relying on him keeps you out of trouble. Take your time so that you can fully explore your gratitude and admiration.
Life App: Rely on God. Take some deep breaths and ponder what it would feel like in your gut to rely on God all the time. Like, every single day! Taste the sweet nectar of reliance so it’s not a chore but the absolute way to live. Trust in God!
Mi Padre es mi luchador! In 2011, My life changed drastically when my son was born. I was now responsible for another human being and instantly, I was ready to die for this young boy. It was such a surreal feeling that came over me. I know that for as long as I am living, I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe. The feeling that I experienced is nothing compared to the feeling that Jesus must have had when he was here on Earth. He was among us, yet he was God, our Heavenly Father. He was willing to die for us and to protect us in order for us to live. He was willing to step “into the ring” and “tag us out” so that he would receive the beating instead of us. We did not deserve this kind of love but Jesus would have it no other way. Here in Vicente Guerrero, we have been doing some awesome projects and using our hands to show God’s love. The question is whether you have been able to tell the people you have interacted with about God. The simplest statement of, “God loves you,” can go a long way and as humans, we all know what love feels like. Love is a powerful emotion and it’s where my protection instinct for my son stems from and it’s why Jesus died on the cross. He loved us so much that he was willing to die for us. The people of Mexico need to know this. They need to know that they have a Father who will do anything for them and is just waiting for them to come to him. God is using you as a seed, a catalyst, through the work you are doing here and through the words he wants you to share. -Ryan Larrabee (one of your fearless leaders)
Verses to Ponder: Luke 15:1-10 John 3:16
What are your takeaways? How are you going to go out and share God’s love to the “lost?”
Life App: Talk about God’s Love. Starting today, challenge yourself to talk to 1 person a day about God’s love. As stated earlier, it can all start with saying, “God loves you!” Carry on this challenge and if you find yourself too comfortable sharing with one person, move on to two.
Write down a story or two of something you want to remember from this mission trip. (Think about relationships you built and times you bumped into God.)
***Tomorrow is Ruthann’s birthday!!! Give her lots of hugs!*** 15
Journaling Pages
God is Able
Nuestre Dios es Poderoso Poderoso
Dios me guía
Nunca fallará
Él conmigo está
God is able
God is with us
He will never fail
God is on our side
Omnipotente Dios
Un camino hará
He is almighty God
He will make a way
Más de lo que busqué
Más de lo que soñé
Greater than all we seek
Far above all we know
Más de lo que pedí
Más de lo que esperé
Greater than all we ask
Far above all we hope
Grande es nuestro Dios
Grande es nuestro Dios
He has done great things
He has done great things
Él triunfó
Dios me cuida
A la muerte venció
Él conmigo está
Lifted up
God is with us
He defeated the grave
He will go before
Vivo está
Él nunca me deja
Raised to life
He will never leave us
Es poderoso
Él nunca me deja
Our God is able
He will never leave us
En Jesús
Dios me ama
In His name
God is for us
Soy vencedor
Con eterno amor
We overcome
He has open arms
Nuestro Dios
Él nunca me falla
For the Lord our God
He will never fail us
Es poderoso
Él nunca me falla
Is able
He will never fail us
God of Wonders Dios de Maravillas
Lord of all creation Of water, earth, and sky The heavens are Your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on High Dios de Maravillas sobre galaxias God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
Tú eres santo, santo You are holy, holy
El universo declara Tu majestad The universe declares Your majesty
Tú eres santo, santo You are holy, holy
Dios del cielo y tierra (2x) Lord of heaven and earth
Early in the morning I will celebrate the light And as I stumble through the darkness I will call Your name by night God of wonders, beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your majesty You are holy, holy Dios del cielo y tierra (2x) Lord of heaven and earth
Aleluya al Señor del Cielo y Tierra (3x) Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth
Beautiful Things All this pain I wonder if I’ll ever find my way I wonder if my life could really change at all All this earth Could all that is lost ever be found Could a garden come up from this ground at all You make beautiful things You make beautiful things out of the dust You make beautiful things You make beautiful things out of us All around Hope is springing up from this old ground Out of chaos life is being found in You You make me new, You are making me new You make me new, You are making me new
Came to My Rescue Falling on my knees in worship Giving all I am to seek your face Lord all I am is yours My whole life I place in your hands God of Mercy Humbled I bow down In your presence at your throne I called you answered And you came to my rescue and I I wanna be where you are In my life be lifted high In our world be lifted high In our love be lifted high
Cannons It’s falling from the clouds A strange and lovely sound I hear it in the thunder and the rain It’s ringing through the skies Like cannons in the night The music of the universe plays, It’s singing You are holy, great and mighty The moon and the stars declare who You are I’m so unworthy, but still You love me Forever my heart will sing of how great You are Beautiful and free the song of galaxies Reaching far beyond the Milky Way Let’s join with the sound Come on let’s sing it out The music of the universe plays, We’re singing All glory, honor, power is Yours amen All glory, honor, power is Yours amen All glory, honor, power is Yours amen
Forever Reign You are good You are good When there’s nothing good in me You are love You are love On display for all to see You are light You are light When the darkness closes in You are hope You are hope You have covered all my sin You are peace You are peace When my fear is crippling You are true You are true Even in my wandering You are joy You are joy You’re the reason that I sing You are life You are life In You death has lost its sting (Oh) I’m running to Your arms, I’m running to Your arms The riches of Your love will always be enough Nothing compares to Your embrace Light of the world forever reign You are more You are more Than my words will ever say You are Lord You are Lord All creation will proclaim You are here You are here In Your presence I’m made whole You are God You are God Of all else I’m letting go My heart will sing no other Name Jesus Jesus 27
From the Inside Out A thousand times I’ve failed Still Your mercy remains And should I stumble again I’m caught in Your grace Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades Neverending Your glory goes beyond all fame In my heart and my soul Lord I give You control Consume me from the inside out, Lord, let justice and praise Become my embrace To love you from the inside out. Your will above all else My purpose remains The art of losing myself In bringing You praise Everlasting Your light will shine when all else fades Neverending Your glory goes beyond all fame Everlasting Your light will shine when all else fades Neverending Your glory goes beyond all fame And the cry of my heart Is to bring You praise From the inside out Lord my soul cries out
Healer You hold my every moment You calm my raging seas You walk with me through fire And heal all my disease I trust in You I trust in You I believe You’re my Healer I believe You are all I need I believe You’re my Portion I believe You’re more than enough for me Jesus You’re all I need Nothing is impossible for You Nothing is impossible for You Nothing is impossible for You You hold my world in Your hands
How Great Thou Art O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art. When through the woods, and forest glades I wander, And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees. When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze. And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing; Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation, And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, And then proclaim: “My God, how great Thou art!�
Lay Me Down With this heart open wide From the depths from the heights I will bring a sacrifice With these hands lifted high Hear my song, hear my cry I will bring a sacrifice I will bring a sacrifice I lay me down I’m not my own I belong to you alone Lay me down, lay me down Hand on my heart this much is true There’s no life apart from you Lay me down, lay me down Lay me down, lay me down Letting go of my pride Giving up all my rights Take this life and let it shine Take this life and let it shine It will be my joy to say Your will Your way It will be my joy to say Your will Your way It will be my joy to say Your will Your way always
Like an Avalanche Beautiful God Laying Your majesty aside You reached out in love to show me life Lifted from darkness into light Oh King for a slave Trading Your righteousness for shame Despite all my pride and foolish ways Caught in Your infinite embrace Oh And I find myself here on my knees again Caught up in grace like an avalanche Nothing compares to this love love love Burning in my heart Saviour and Friend Breathing Your life into my heart Your word is the lamp unto my path Forever I’m humbled by Your love Oh Take my life Take all that I am With all that I am I will love You Take my heart Take all that I have Jesus how I adore You And I find myself here on my knees again Caught up in grace like an avalanche Nothing compare to this love love love
Unchanging Great is Your faithfulness Great is Your faithfulness You never change You never fail, O God True are Your promises True are Your promises You never change You never fail, O God So we raise up holy hands To praise the Holy One Who was and is and is to come Wide is Your love and grace Wide is Your love and grace You never change You never fail, O God You were, You are You will always be (x2)
Just in Case...
Yo Tengo Gozo I’ve Got the Joy...
Yo tengo gozo, gozo, gozo, gozo En mi corazon, (donde?) en mi corazon (donde?) En mi corazon! Yo tengo gozo, gozo, gozo, gozo En mi corazon (por que?), Porque Cristo me salvo. 2) Yo tengo paz, paz, paz, paz... 3) Yo tengo alegria, alegria... 4) Yo tengo gozo, paz y alegria...