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Growing up, Thanksgiving was not high on my holiday ranking list. It wasn’t necessarily fun and sugar-fueled like Halloween, nor were there presents or magic like Christmas. Of course, it was always nice to be with family, but I was usually more than happy to get the meal over with so we could move on to putting up our Christmas tree. One particular year, we did the usual go around the table and say what you are thankful for ritual, and my grandfather decided that was the time to reveal his disdain for his recently deceased sister, which resulted in some people laughing, my grandmother furiously yelling at him, and a glass of wine flying from someone grabbing their head in disbelief. Family dysfunction aside, that was an entertaining dinner that went down in our family history books. Now, as an adult, I quite enjoy this time of year. I love the time with my family, I love the food (and the fact that my mom still cooks most of the meal), and I love the traditions. Speaking of traditions, this year is the 10th annual Coronado Turkey Trot, which is an event that is so important to us. My husband’s business, Coronado Fitness Club, has been a sponsor of this event every year, and it truly is one of my favorite ways to kick off the holiday. I like to brag to people that I start every Thanksgiving with a 5k, but I leave out the part that I’m a professional leisure stroller, not a speed racer. It’s a wonderful morning for all fitness levels, enjoying our beloved Coronado with loved ones, all for the Rady Children’s Hospital Foundation Child Life Fund.

Just this past August, on a warm summer’s evening, the Coronado Unit of the Rady Children’s Auxiliary hosted the grooviest summer soiree. Held in the beautiful courtyard of Christ Church, there were disco balls galore, great food and drinks, and even the game Plinko from The Price is Right! This was the first live auction I have participated in, and let me tell you, big mama was hooked. The rush I felt when I won after a bidding war was electric. In case you were wondering, I am the proud owner of a sunset happy hour cruise on Whitney and January Benzian’s Duffy boat, score! However, the real star of the night was the man of the hour, the 2023 Turkey Trot Ambassador, Jimi. We heard from Jimi and his Child Life Specialist, Victoria, and when I tell you I sobbed my fake eyelashes off, I did.

The fabric of our community is something special. I knew Jimi’s grandmother through the gym, and I remember she told me her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren who were around my kids’ ages were moving to town; she was so excited. I ended up meeting Nicole outside of kindergarten pick-up and talk about a beautiful energy, I was immediately drawn to her. The pandemic then reared its ugly head, and at some point, our kids Lux and Wref were in an online class together. Life happened quickly, and then last fall, I heard the news that is every parent’s worst nightmare: at 10 years old, Jimi had been diagnosed with AML Leukemia. I anxiously followed along a GoFundMe and got updates from Nicole’s close friends and Jimi’s grandmother. The absolute resilience of this kid is incredible, and the positivity and faith the family maintained is inspirational. Jimi’s little brother Wref was able to be a match and donate his stem cells, which was the best-case scenario for the road to recovery. I am so proud to know this family, and they have a whole town behind them, cheering them on.

If you would like to join in on the wonderful local tradition, I am including all the information to register. Or if you are out of town, they gladly take donations as well. As I reflect on my gratitude this holiday, I am reminded not to sweat the small stuff. Stuffing is dry? No big deal. Kids are arguing? Fine. My pants are feeling a little tight? Cool. None of it matters. Enjoy the chaos, find some peace, and take lots of pictures. I am feeling so incredibly grateful for this special place we get to call home. Sending lots of love to you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving and justice for Green Bean Casserole! Oh, and hey Jimi, GO CHIEFS! ◆ https://radyfoundationcu.ejoinme.org/sponsor https://radyfoundationcu.ejoinme.org/donate

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