By Kris Grant When you consider a trip to Tucson, you’re most
Now there’s an even better reason to trek on over to
likely to be drawn to the natural environment of the
Tucson: In 2015, Tucson was the first American city to
Sonoran Desert. Located just north of the U.S.-Mexico
earn the designation World City of Gastronomy by the
border, Tucson is a great place to experience the spirit
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
of the Old West, with exceptional sunsets outlining
Organization (UNESCO). The designation recognizes
rugged mountain vistas punctuated by giant saguaros,
Tucson’s history as the oldest continuously inhabited
ocotillo and barrel cactus.
and cultivated area in the nation with archaeological
Home to the University of Arizona. Tucson features a
records that showed crop cultivation going back more
vibrant visual and performing arts scene. Bounded by
than 4,000 years, plus a 300-year record of orchards,
mountains that were once ancient volcanoes with peaks
vineyards and livestock ranching.
that rise above 10,000 feet, Tucson is surprisingly also
Let’s meet four culinary leaders whose passion for their
a winter ski destination, while down in the valley, guest
craft is evident in their offerings … and an over-the-top
“dude” ranches and the finest resorts and spas in the
loyal client base.
nation beckon visitors throughout the year.
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