4 minute read

Doing Good Feeling Good

By Hattie Foote

2023, let’s do this.


How we got here, I don’t know. I could swear it was just 2019, so I triple checked the calendar and unfortunately it’s true! January used to feel so joyless to me, the magic of the holidays packed away in boxes and uncomfortably bloated and pale. As I’ve gotten older though, I am starting to enjoy the fresh start and let’s be honest we can all use some type of reset. I like the good intentions of New Year’s Resolutions, but also think that they should be fluid because Lord knows most of us don’t follow through completely. I mean I can’t even remember any of mine so not sure if I resolved anything. That tracks.

I want to focus specifically on moms right now, because over the past year when I talk to women in all stages of life, I hear a common theme. I’ve lost myself in motherhood, I wish I had mom friends, I’m lonely, are just some of the many, many thoughts that we can all relate to. Yeah, yeah, yeah, being a parent is life’s greatest joy, absolutely. While it is magical, it is hard. Harder for some than others. If I could give one piece of advice to new moms, it would be to have things that are just for you. It’s not selfish to feed your mind, body, and soul. For the love of God put yourself first, as impossible

as that sounds. I feel like I harp on this a lot, but social media is a blessing and a curse. It’s full of information, inspiration, and a way to connect with like minded people. But oof, the comparison and guilt you inevitably feel can be devastating. So, this year let’s log off a bit, and find your thing.

One of the easiest ways to meet people is joining a service group, the good news is there is a plethora of ways to get involved in our community. I must admit; I am a homebody and don’t love going to every meeting/event. I will donate the shirt off my back but have been selfish with my time. I think being a Chi Omega in college drained me, events every single night will do that to a girl. Then again, I was hardly Mother Theresa, more like in charge of making jello shots and planning theme parties. So recently I decided to join the Coronado Floral Association, I thought that was a good baby step for me and there couldn’t possibly be beer bongs involved. It has been such a positive experience; I’ve gotten to know moms I see at school pick up and have dedicated nights once a month on the calendar which feels manageable for me. If flowers aren’t your thing, there are so many other groups to join, including Safe Harbor Coronado, Coronado Junior Women’s Club, PTO, Islander Ladies Club, Rotary, I could go on and on but there is literally something for everyone.

Maybe you want to get out there and just move your body! I know a great gym (wink wink) and I also know so many people who have gotten involved in tennis at Coronado Tennis Center. Or literally go walk on the beach by yourself! That’s the ultimate mind, body, soul moment! Whatever it is you choose for yourself, I hope it brings you happiness. Because when Mama is happy, everyone is happy.

I am challenging myself to be more intentional and involved this year, and I will take you on the journey with me. It can be so intimidating putting yourself out there, especially in a small town like this where many friend groups have already been established and you aren’t sure where you fit in. Trust me when I say you will find your place and people. They are there, it might just feel a little uncomfy finding them. Hopefully I will see you soon out and about doing good and feeling good!

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