Western Sandpiper % Calidris mauri Shorebirds are perfectly suited to their shoreline habitat. They have long beaks to probe deep in mud and sand. They have long legs to wade into water. Their wings are long compared to their body size which helps them for their big migrations. Flocking together helps them nd food and warn each other about enemies. Over 500,000 sandpipers stop in Delta during their migration along the Paci c Flyway.
Draw and colour in the habitat for this Western Sandpiper.
Birds love Delta - Learn why Delta is so special to birds. The Fraser River delta is special. Its temperate climate supports the largest wintering population of birds in Canada. Birds of prey, waterfowl and songbirds spend winter month feeding and sheltering. Over ve million migratory birds also pass through The Fraser River delta each year. They use the elds, wetlands and forest as a stopover on the Paci c Flyway. The Fraser River delta is globally important to birds.
Check out www.birdslovedelta.ca to answer these questions about Delta’s amazing birds and the habitat that supports them. 1. What are the habitats in Delta that birds love?
2. What is the Pacific Flyway?
3. How long is the Western Sandpipers migra#on along the Pacific Flyway?
4. What food does the Western Sandpiper eat in Delta? How does it eat this food?
5. How many Sandpipers come through Delta?
6. How much does a Sandpiper weigh?
7. List 4 things you can do to help birds.
Want to share? We would love to see your work and drawings. Take a picture and post to social media with #birdslovedelta and #deltabc, or, send us a copy of your completed worksheet to CAE@delta.ca!