CP Identities

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making a mark: corporate identities

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Ethics – A new vision for South Australia Officid quia none eiuntor ad es que non con con co

Ethics – A new vision for South Australia

A Modern Career in Pubic Administration

Officid quia none eiuntor ad es que non con con co

Officid quia none eiuntor ad es que non con con co

corporate identities

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corporate identities

Government of South Australia 2006–2007


Natural Resources Management Council

Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board



Government of South Australia

Government of South Australia

Natural Resources Management Council

Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board

Government of South Australia


Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board

Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board


2006–2007 Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board


Government of South Australia Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board

Government of South Australia South East Natural Resources Management Board

Government of South Australia Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board

Other Fact Sheets: Our Bush Our Coasts Our Rivers NRM Regions Salinity For further info please go to our website: www.nrm.gov.au

AN INSIGHT INTO LAND REHABILITATION IN THE SOUTH EAST Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetu er adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibommodo consequat.h euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

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MEDIA RELEASE 4th April 2005

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For more information contact – John Citizen E. john@kangarooisland.nrm.sa.gov.au T. +61 8 8312 2541 F. +61 8 8215 2146

Natural Resources Management Council

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CDSIRC Annual Report 2010–2011


executive SummARy This is the fifth annual report of the Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee to be tabled in Parliament.

Purpose and Establishment

Transport Related Deaths

Reviews and Recommendations

The Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee was established by the Children’s Protection Act 1993 (the Act) in February 2006.

Ten young people between 15–17 years of age died in transport crashes in 2009. The Committee supports the implementation of evidence-based strategies that will lead to improvements in the safety of young drivers and their passengers.

The Committee’s four reviews identified a broad range of issues where systemic change could contribute to the prevention of deaths or serious injury in similar circumstances including:

The role of the Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee is to contribute to the prevention of death or serious injury to South Australia’s children. The Committee reviews the circumstances and causes of deaths and serious injuries to children and makes recommendations to Government for changes to legislation, policies and procedures that may help prevent similar deaths or serious injuries.

Activities The Committee continues to monitor and analyse information about the circumstances and causes of the deaths of all children in South Australia. This Annual Report contains information about the deaths of children in South Australia from 1 January 2009 – 31 December 2009. In the reporting period from 1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010, the Committee has also submitted four in-depth reviews to the Minister for Families and Communities. These reviews considered the deaths of 12 children and young people. This Annual Report summarises these reviews and the recommendations arising from them. It also comments on the progress of the implementation of its previous recommendations.

Highlights from the 2009–2010 Annual Report

AnnuAl RepoRt 2010–11

In 2009, 129 children aged between birth and eighteen years died in South Australia. The death rate, which takes into account the number of children living in the State, was 35.0 deaths per 100 000 children. This rate is similar to rates over the past five years.

Suicide The deaths of four young people were attributed to suicide. The Committee noted drafting of the State-wide suicide prevention strategy, which will incorporate strategies to address suicide and young people, has been undertaken by the Mental Health Unit of SA Health and will be available in December. The Committee has advocated for measures that seek better ways to help professionals and communities to respond to young people who may be at risk of suicide.

Drowning The circumstances in which young children drown are similar in each year. The Committee noted the goal of the Australian Water Safety Strategy to promote, monitor and enforce four-sided home pool fencing. These goals should be adopted by the South Australian government.

Aboriginal Children The Committee notes again the number and high rate of deaths of Aboriginal children, their contact with child protection services and how the history of notifications for these children support a focus on improving the broad determinants of health for Aboriginal people. The Committee will discuss whether South Australian police can improve accurate identification and reporting of Aboriginal people’s involvement in transport crashes.

Nearly three-quarters of the deaths (70% – 89 deaths) resulted from some form of illness or disease. Most of these deaths occurred in very young infants where the death was attributed to causes associated with pregnancy, labour and birth such as extreme prematurity or congenital conditions such as heart malformations.

Child death & SeriouS injury review Committee


Child death & SeriouS injury review Committee

RepoRtIng RequIRements Quem consequuntur eos ei, eu tation sanctus iudicabit sed, cum et nibh legimus apeirian. Quas feugait sed no, alterum oporteat adversarium eum. Impedit interesset ne sea. Ad facilis euripidis quo, delicata euripidis cum.

CommIttee’s poweRs anD FunCtIons • Lucilius phaedrum ea eam, ei pro persius deseruisse, vel in utroque salutandi. • Causae facilis vim at, id vis saepe semper prompta, exerci fabulas qui no. • Nec cu justo everti. Velit quaeque aliquyam sea. • Cu ignota aperiri electram mel. • Duo ex wisi persius, unum vidit repudiare an nam, cu eos tale vitae possim. • Nam sententiae quaerendum ad, usu id choro constituam laoreet.

Quem consequuntur eos ei, eu tation sanctus iudicabit sed, cum et nibh legimus apeirian. Quas feugait sed no, alterum oporteat adversarium eum. Impedit interesset ne sea. Ad facilis euripidis quo, delicata euripidis cum.

• Caring for children with disabilities and their families. Families face significant challenges when caring for a child with disabilities. Government agencies must provide appropriate and timely levels of support to these children and their families. • Infant Safe Sleeping. Child protection and health agencies have a key role in preventing sudden unexpected infant deaths through the provision of co-ordinated services and increasing their clients’ awareness and understanding of the risks associated with sudden unexpected deaths in infancy. • Aboriginal Infants. Services are needed to promote the health and wellbeing of young Aboriginal women to prevent the premature deaths of Aboriginal infants.

Monitoring Over five years of activity, the Committee now spends a significant amount of time determining if changes in policy, procedure, levels of awareness, attitude and practice have occurred as a result of its recommendations. Monitoring occurs across a divergent number of issues including:

Child death & SeriouS injury review Committee

• Antenatal services for vulnerable infants and their families • Consistent guidelines for infant safe sleeping

Illness and Disease

Child death & SeriouS injury review Committee

• Supporting young people. Education is a key protective factor in young people’s lives. Education systems need to be able to effectively monitor school attendance and student wellbeing and work to ensure that students remain engaged with their schooling.

• Lucilius phaedrum ea eam, ei pro persius deseruisse, vel in utroque salutandi. • Causae facilis vim at, id vis saepe semper prompta, exerci fabulas qui no. • Nec cu justo everti. Velit quaeque aliquyam sea. • Cu ignota aperiri electram mel. • Duo ex wisi persius, unum vidit repudiare an nam, cu eos tale vitae possim. • Nam sententiae quaerendum ad, usu id choro constituam laoreet.

• Development of a youth suicide prevention strategy. Changes in policies and practice in areas such as risk assessment, case planning and management and interagency co-ordination of services have also been monitored by the Committee in this reporting year.

Committee overview and Plans 2009–2010 Child deathS Sa Sed unum apeirian et. eos quodsi invidunt adversarium ad. an pri adhuc noster voluptatibus, usu id unum utinam indoctum, ut ius wisi corrumpit. te mel admodum perpetua, viris detraxit forensibus usu et. ei sed nonummy eleifend, ceteros partiendo persecuti pro ut. vim no doming semper honestatis, pri lorem dicunt et.

corporate identities

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Land Management Corporation

Delivering places for people

Delivering places for people

Land Management Corporation

Annual Report 2008–2009

Delivering places for people

Land Management Corporation

Edinburgh Parks Land Management Corporation

The largest industrial park in South Australia

Delivering places for people

Land Management Corporation

Delivering places for people in collaboration with the City of Charles Sturt

Bowden Urban Village Community Newsletter

M AY 2009


Land Management Corporation

Delivering places for people

in collaboration with the City of Charles Sturt

Quick Overview

Bowden Urban Village Community Newsletter

You’ve probably heard that the ‘Clipsal’ site in Bowden has been purchased by the Land Management Corporation (LMC).

M AY 2009


Clipsal’s consolidation of operations into a new site in Gepps Cross has presented the opportunity to create a unique and exciting development on the 10.25 hectare site. As a local resident or land owner, your ideas and feedback will be important in the development of a plan for the future use of the site.

Quick Overview

This is the first of a number of newsletters which are designed to provide information about the project and promote opportunities for you to become involved in the planning process.

“Dici beritati di dolorem imostrum facepror aut et tiae n tiae non sed tiae non sed on sed iteliquis rerum venis. Dici ber tiae non sed itati di dolorem im.

In October 2008 the Premier of South Australia, The Honourable Mike Rann, announced that the Government of South Australia would acquire the ‘Clipsal Site’ at Bowden and transform it into an inner-city, medium and high density, mixed use village. Titled ‘Bowden Village’, the project will showcase international best practice in green sustainable living and transit-orientated development. The LMC has recently commenced a master planning process which will harness the skills, expertise, energy and creativity of a range of stakeholders and deliver on the State Government’s high aspirations for the site. Image below: An artist impression of the potential transformation of Third Street looking towards Park Terrace and the Adelaide CBD.

“Dici beritati di dolorem imostrum facepror aut et tiae n tiae non sed tiae non sed on sed iteliquis rerum venis. Dici ber tiae non sed itati di dolorem im.

You’ve probably heard that the ‘Clipsal’ site in Bowden has been purchased by the Land Management Corporation (LMC). Clipsal’s consolidation of operations into a new site in Gepps Cross has presented the opportunity to create a unique and exciting development on the 10.25 hectare site. As a local resident or land owner, your ideas and feedback will be important in the development of a plan for the future use of the site. This is the first of a number of newsletters which are designed to provide information about the project and promote opportunities for you to become involved in the planning process. In October 2008 the Premier of South Australia, The Honourable Mike Rann, announced that the Government of South Australia would acquire the ‘Clipsal Site’ at Bowden and transform it into an inner-city, medium and high density, mixed use village. Titled ‘Bowden Village’, the project will showcase international best practice in green sustainable living and transit-orientated development. The LMC has recently commenced a master planning process which will harness the skills, expertise, energy and creativity of a range of stakeholders and deliver on the State Government’s high aspirations for the site. Image below: An artist impression of the potential transformation of Third Street looking towards Park Terrace and the Adelaide CBD.



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