English Edition Nº 38

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Pg. 7 | Security Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos confirmed that drug kingpin Walid Makled will be extradited to Venezuela and not the US

FRIDAY  November 19, 2010  No. 38  Bs. 1  Caracas

Pg. 8 | Opinion

Gregory Elich explains the danger of how climate changes may effect us sooner than we expect

ENGLISH EDITION The artillery of ideas

Venezuela: housing a priority

The Chavez administration is guaranteeing housing rights to homebuyers suffering from fraud and real estate scams

Thousands arrested for drug trafficking in 2010

In response to mass real estate scams perpetuated by several private corporations that have affected thousands of innocent homebuyers, the Venezuelan government is guaranteeing property rights and ensuring that victims get justice. Dozens of fraudulent real estate companies have been expropriated in recent weeks after their billion-dollar scams were exposed by government investigators working together with those affected. All homes purchased are being handed over to their rightful owners.

Nicaragua and Costa Rica in conflict


Central America is once again on the brink of armed conflict, as border tensions between Nicaragua and Costa Rica are causing regional concern. The OAS called on both nations to stand down their troops, presently posed on the border, but Nicaragua holds firm to an International Court of Justice decision confirming the disputed territory rests on the Nicaraguan side. Costa Rica authorized thousands of US troops and warships to have full access to its territory.


US Congress hosts anti-ALBA event US representatives sponsored a meeting attacking Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Cuba.


Regional budget debated The Federal Governing Council met this week to determine funding for regional governments and projects.

Social Justice

Government provides free computers for kids A joint venture with Portugal is guaranteeing laptops for school children in Venezuela.


Venezuela has Latin America’s best income distribution

enezuela has the best income distribution of Latin America, per the latest Gini coefficient index, informed President of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Elias Eljuri. During a press conference, Eljuri explained that Venezuela “continues improving income distribution according to the 2010 Gini coefficient, which was reduced to 0.389; the lowest in Latin America. It has dropped from 0.49 and not even one Latin American country is under 0.4”. Venezuela’s Minister of Planning and Finances, Jorge Giordani,

and the President of the Central Bank of Venezuela, Nelson Merentes, also joined Eljuri during the press conference. The Venezuelan official said the Latin American countries showing a similar Gini coefficient index stood between 0.43 and 0.44. Brazil’s Gini coefficient was 0.59, while Chile reports 0.52. All the countries of the region are at least 0.10 points above Venezuela, explained the INE President. “Before President Chavez was elected in 1998, 20% of the population kept 53.4% of the wealth.

That figure has been reduced to 44.8%, which represents an increase of income for the poorest sectors and the middle class. There has been an important redistribution of income”. Additionally, Eljuri considered as positive the decreasing tendency of the informal unemployment rate, which “has dropped from 51% to 43%, while formal employment continues increasing from 49.9% to 56%. This means that employment quality in Venezuela has improved”. T/ AVN

ver 10,800 people have been arrested during 2010 for drug trafficking-related crimes in 8,290 operations conducted around the country by members of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), the Criminal, Penal and Scientific Forensic Police (CICPC), the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), the Bolivarian Service of National Intelligence (SEBIN) and regional and municipal police departments. According to figures of seizures and detainees for drug-trafficking in Venezuela from January 1 to November 12 published by the National Anti-Drug Office (ONA), out of the total number of detainees, 10,497 were Venezuelans and 138 were foreigners, including 17 kingpins extradited by the government to nations such as Colombia and the US, where outstanding arrest warrants were issued. Additionally, 60 tons of drugs have been seized in different operations conducted around the country, which includes the seizure of three tons of marihuana carried out last weekend in the state of Carabobo (Northern central coast) in a joint operation of the CICPC and ONA. During the past year, Venezuela has substantially improved counter-narcotics efforts, despite the massive drug production and trafficking in neighboring Colombia, the largest producer of cocaine in the world.

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