Visual Arts Barbados March 2024

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MARCH 2024
Please phone or email relevant galleries to
they may be
Published by Corrie A completely free magazine created
we can get
Cover art Lorna Rose CELEBRATING 14 years of the Visual Arts Barbados free online magazine See 13 years of monthly issues here
correct at time of publishing.
confirm dates of events as
subject to change.
out of the need to inform so that
to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place.

Thirteen years of the publication

All issues

This is a completely free magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place.

I encourage anyone with a visual arts event to get in contact with me at and I will add a free page for your exhibition, classes, workshops, talks etc.

Let’s get the arts out there!

Please, pass this magazine on to others and so help the creative side of Barbados get all the exposure possible.

Welcome to Barbados Monthly Arts Events Magazine


Celebrating 14 years of Monthly Publications

Covering the Visual Arts in Barbados

14 years of publications may be viewed here
VISUAL ARTS BARBADOS EVENTS on Facebook Open 24/7 Updated daily Link below






The Barbados Arts Events page was created to promote the Visual Arts Events in Barbados and artists whether exhibiting here in island or overseas.

The focus is on the events for the fine arts, encompassing art, photography, sculpture and installations, gallery receptions, exhibitions, talks, interviews, workshops, publications, studios, residencies.

I will also post visual art collaborations with writers, theatre, dance, videos, music and creatives but it has to encompass the visual arts/artists to be posted on this page.

I started this page because I felt that the visual arts were not getting much needed exposure to expose the talent in Barbados and around the world. I wish I could encompass all the creative arts as there is so much happening on this tiny wonderful island of ours but I am a one woman band doing this free. Over the years this page has become a support for all creative events in Barbados and I was happy for this but realised that it was diluting the fine arts section which it is meant to focus on.

I need to bring the focus back in these group pages to the visual arts.

Thank you for understanding.

The Gallery Caribbean Art Presents ‘A CARIBBEAN STORY’.

A collaboration of work by three women artists Vishni Gopwani, Lorna Rose and Tracey Williams

Opening reception

Saturday 3rd February, 4pm - 6.30pm

Exhibitions Wednesday 28th February

Monday - Friday, 10am-4pm

Saturday 10am-2pm (246) 419 0858

Dennis de Caires exhibition

“Wuh Part You Is?”

at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society.

February 23rd to March 24th

Open Monday - Saturday, 9am - 5pm

Dennis de Caires exhibition “Wuh Part You Is?” at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society.

February 23rd to March 24th Open Monday - Saturday, 9am - 5pm

About the artist

“Dennis de Caires (b. 1957) was born in Guyana and has lived in the UK and Barbados. He completed a BFA at Winchester School of Art and an MA at The Royal College of Art, London, as well as completed further study at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. He has exhibited extensively in the Caribbean and internationally, with 21 solo exhibitions to date, notably at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society, Queens Park Gallery, Zemicon Gallery in Barbados and the UNESCO Galleries in Paris.

He has been in 13 group exhibitions internationally, and in addition to the Barbados National Art Gallery collection, his work is held in numerous public collections including The British Council, De Montfort University in Leicester, the National Gallery of Art in Guyana and the Georgia Museum of Art in Atlanta, USA. He has been awarded two British Council Travel awards and has participated in residencies in Trinidad & Tobago, Switzerland and Colorado.

In an artist statement, de Caires outlines “If I were pressed to make a statement I would confess my desire to make paintings that are contemplative and encourage a slower reading of the world. A more recent impetus, with a full time return to the Caribbean, has been a more acute awareness of, and engagement with nature: leaves, clouds, sea and birds and the moon.”


The Brighton Storeroom:

Pauline Bellamy Couture.

“Mishka is really serving looks in my art couture piece entitled 'Two Hats'. This mouthpiece speaks of the multi-faceted, modern woman, who seeks to find balance as she is challenged to take on the role of the man.

Half of the suit is shiny with cascading frills and feathers, and half of the fedora is also heavily adorned to create contrast of the male and female energies. The combat boots are symbolic of the battles of life that women sometimes endure. The hand painted tree reminds women to remain grounded while gaining upward mobility and reaping the fruits of their labour.

I am thankful that I had the opportunity to show my capsule collection at the Black Feminist Forum that was recently held in Barbados. I presented five pieces of art couture and each piece told the story of the journey and struggles of the lives of women.

Happy Galentines Day Glam-Fam! ��”

Artist Studio Tours Barbados 2024

Studio tours is scheduled to be on February 3rd and 4th 2024 And

March 23rd and 24th 2024

For more information on all the amazing artists participating in @artistsstudiotoursbarbados 2024 visit Facebook

Susan Mains’ ‘The Land the Sea and the Hoi Polloi’. March 3 rd at The Gallery of Caribbean Art.

Exhibition ends March 30th.

New paintings by International artist Susan Mains.

For the love of Barbados, Grenada and the Caribbean. Exhibiting with the gallery since 2003.

“So where is Susan now? And what has she been painting.

Getting over the slowness of the pandemic has been hard on all of us. After all, we are not making bread. And we can’t eat our paintings or wear them.

However if we are talking about the therapy needed get through that difficult time, I think the artists were the luckiest of all.

Our usual is to be in the studio alone, working, meditating, correcting, and spilling paint. The difference was that we weren’t getting paid for our efforts, because we couldn’t invite someone over to see the work. So we didn’t get immediate feed back. We didn’t get that warm feeling when someone connects with you through your painting. We made plans, knowing they could be easily thrown out. One show I was organizing had three dates pushed back. Eventually it was exhibited, but neither the artist nor the curator got to go and see it. That’s not rewarding.

Surprisingly, we all kept busy. We all had hope in the future. We trusted that the path we follow will still have some good for us along the way. That’s the thing about artists, we live in a fool’s paradise. Happily.

This series is name “The land, the sea” and the hoi polloi”. The Hoi Polloi are the everyday common people. In our case, the sailors, the fishermen, the farmers, the vegetable sellers. The salt of the earth people who have always taken things in stride. We have Kick em Jenny, our local undersea volcano rumbling at the moment. No one is panicking. We will take it as it comes.When the volcano in St. Vincent blew, we saved the ash to make some multi media art.

This series of work is deceptively simple. You take a glance and you think you know. Its a boat. But did you realize the wooden boat is almost 100 years old. Built by hand, the hardwood sourced from local trees. The caulking between the planks has been artfully pounded in by the builder, who just wouldn’t trust that someone else would do a good enough job. The canvas sails are recycled over and over, mending the rips, and not easily discarded. The waterline is painted on by intuition, and when the boat is pulled into the water, the line hits the mark every time. I can only imagine that the boat builder feels that same sense of satisfaction that we artist feel when we complete that last stroke on the painting. Come what may we continue to paint. We like it. Ok, true confession. We love it.”

Congratulations to the Barbados Photographic Society President and Executive who were voted in on Saturday 10th of February 2024 at the Annual BPS General Meeting held at Queens Park Gallery.

President - Bradley Benskin

Vice President - Victor Gittens

Treasurer - Sherlock Lord

Secretary - Sybil Edghill

PRO - Michael Turton



Member - Alex Greenidge Member - Charles McClean Left to right in photograph. Charles McClean, Michael Turton, Sybil Edghill, Victor Gittens, Bradley Benskin, Sherlock Lord, Alex Greenidge.
BARBADOS PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY The Barbados Photographic Society (BPS) is founded on an appreciation for and interest in photography. Website Email.
Our Facebook Group is open to everyone with an interest in photography! You are welcome to join, share your thoughts on photography, post your work, follow the work of our members and participate in

Barbados Photographic Society theme for February was ‘Light and Shadow’’ hashtag #bpsatouchofblue





























To the members of Barbados Photographic Society.

February 10th, 2024.

Good evening to all.

I want to start this note by saying that it has been the greatest pleasure working with everyone in the BPS over the years.

It is now the time for me to step back from my work there and for young blood ( who are the future) to step in.

Last night, before the annual general meeting today, I formally notified the President Bradley Benskin, and then after the Executive, and now all of you.

The reason?

I am 70 this year and wish to spend time on projects of my own and other projects in the visual arts that I have put on the back burner.

I have spent many years promoting, marketing and consulting with the BPS.

I will still be here with all of you (but will not be a part of admin daily responsibilities and duties), giving me time to follow other adventures in the arts.

Photography is one of my passions and so I will still be involved with the BPS in that I will still be promoting the BPS through my visual arts pages and in my monthly arts magazine.

I will still continue to create a feature for the BPS in my monthly arts magazine. I will still make myself available to give time for consulting should they need me.

I will still proudly be a member and will now hopefully have time to participate in future group shows.

Wishing everyone the best for 2024.

Corrie P.S. and of course an image to fit this months theme. #bpslightandshadow

Ärdezen one of a kind custom made jewellery.

Painting from life, figurative art with artist Instructor Jo Reed at Andromeda Community Arts Space, Andromeda Botanic Gardens. March 8th, 9am to 2pm.

Cost: Bds $250 (includes lunch at the Eastside Cafe). The workshop includes all materials and the use of easels. Any level of experience is welcome.

To see more of her work: Instagram @joreedartist

To register contact Heidi Berger

This workshop is a great opportunity for anybody wanting to learn, or improve, in figurative painting. We will have a model to work from and produce a series of quick sketches followed by a longer pose for a more in depth painting. The emphasis will be on honing our looking skills and recording our observations of line, proportion, tone and colour; adhering to the traditional practice of drawing and painting from life in an expressive and free way of working. Instructor loanne Reed is a professional painter with a first degree in Contemporary Art Practice. She has won the Jacksons art prize, has been selected as an outstanding artist for Saatchi Online Gallery and works for several award winning interior designers across the world. Her work is figurative and landscape based creating evocative and atmospheric paintings that are between abstract and realism. Joanne grew up on the coast of Cornwall, an area at the most south west tip of England known for its beautiful coastline and artist colonies. She has a long standing connection to the Caribbean but in particular to Barbados.

She now lives on the East Coast in Bathsheba and works on her paintings at the studio in Andromeda Botanical Gardens.

Happy 90th birthday to Kathy Yearwood.

A woman of substance.

Warrior for artists and the arts in Barbados.

Goes to every art reception to support.

Encourages young budding talent and supports the established. Fearless when speaking up for artists and the arts.

Travelled with art in her suitcases to have art receptions at the Barbados High Commission in London.

Curated an exhibition for Barbadian art in Cork Street. A feat as this is an established dominant street of art galleries in London.

Curated exhibitions in Barbados at many galleries.

Created her ‘Festival Gallery’ where she sets up a gallery space at all of the fairs and markets over the years.

Worked with Corrie Scott for nearly a year, visiting artists, having groups of artists meet at her home, amassing artists names, art, and details to create the Arts Directory Barbados.

And so much more.

Here’s to this unstoppable dame!

Building Black Feminists Worlds: The Exhibition

Black Feminists Fund hosted Black Feminisms Forum 2024, Sam Lord’s Castle, Wyndham Grand Resorts Barbados, 4th to 6th February, under the theme “Building Black Feminists Worlds.” Artists Alliance Barbados curated “Building Black Feminists Worlds: The Exhibition” which exposed 17 of our artists to an international, discerning and appreciative audience right here at home. There was much pride in Black Barbadian feminists making a living as artists, and joy for the young artists from Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Haiti at their first international showing. For each artist, it was an inspiring and life changing opportunity. They felt seen, understood and valued. It validated their practices. They were not “decorations.”

According to Tonya Haynes (UWI), The Exhibition “was both the best way of representing Barbados and grounding the Forum in the space as well as highlighting the sacred and profane worlds which Black women dream up.” The value to each artist’s self-worth is immeasurable. Each was empowered. Also, they were tangible rewards. ‘Festering Fantasy 3’ by Anna Gibson has a new home in Ghana, other artists are negotiating sales, and new opportunities are being discussed.

Ireka Jelani, Juliana Inniss, Katherine Kennedy, Margaret Herbert, and Zoe Osborne created new works. Pauline Bellamy presented a capsule collection of her couture art compèred with poetry scripted and narrated by Cyndi Celeste Marshall to a tearful audience.

Akilah Watts, Alanis Forde, Ancel Daniel, Anna Gibson, Arlette St. Hill, Christina Murray, Giselle Walker, Lisa Smith Fields, Nakazzi Hutchinson and Oneka Small exhibited preexisting works. A virtual gallery of additional works and works by Forum participants was created by Giselle Walker.

Curators Oneka Small and Norma Springer “took responsibility to bring inspiring and thought-provoking experiences though carefully curated art stimuli to acknowledge the pain, breathing and healing through it; and going forward spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally ready to keep moving.”

Oneka Small and Norma Springer

February 2024


Anya Stephens

Norma Springer










Pauline Bellamy

I call these wearable artworks 'Mouthpieces' as they speak on behalf of the Black Woman who is expected to be resilient and strong, to sacrifice, to be silent. Each is a tribute to Black Women who show up for life in spite of the seemingly insurmountable struggles they encounter every day. My goal is to share the lived experiences of women through wearable art, to inspire and to enlighten others. Hopefully, women will realise that they are not alone in their struggles.

The works are often a combination of upcycled fashion and of my own unique designs. They are created with a variety of textiles, including straws and burlap, while employing techniques such as fabric painting, appliqués, smocking, and patchwork.

Instagram: @paulinebellamy.246

Facebook: Pauline Bellamy



This series has coalesced into its own micro-ecology and sets of subspecies, referencing flora, fauna and anatomical/biological imagery and processes in form and materials. I am working with practices/tropes often assigned as feminine in society, under the wider investigation of how our landscape, self-image and way of life in the Caribbean can become conflated with fantasy and escapist narratives, especially from my perspective and lived experience as a Barbadian woman.

I experiment with different materials – organic and inorganic – including plastic tampon applicators, both as visually appealing items at first glance, and as something which very intimately crosses a boundary of manmade items intersecting a natural process – not unlike the invasiveness of the paradise narrative. Shells have also become central to the series, initially stemming from their tropical iconography and symbolism, but their usage has evolved aesthetically and conceptually in the work. Shells sit within a larger history of being transitory symbols that represent life cycles, objects of protection, and expressions of femininity. Shells, as protective coverings, can allude to the strength and resilience of Caribbean women in the face of societal expectations.


Instagram: @kathkennedyart


SHE IS A Tribute to The Women’s Self Help Cooperative

Margaret Herbert

The Black Woman in her feminine power. SHE IS, despite trials, tribulations and adversity – Mother, Teacher, Counselor, Leader, Nurturer, Companion, Guide, Vixen, Spiritual Leader, Healer, Warrior, Queen.

An installation of twelve totems in white bearing brightly coloured “necklaces” as symbols of women’s cottage craft and industry- stocking flowers, crochet, macramé, confectionaries, laundry, baked goods. These home-based productions were means of economic empowerment, instrumental in improving their lives and providing for their children.

The colours chosen for the “necklaces” were inspired by the ribbons of the Maypole, danced by The Barbados Landship an organisation known for using the sous-sous to assist members financially.

Instagram: @margaretherbert_wildcotton

Facebook: Margaret Herbert / Wild Cotton



Juliana Inniss

This is one of two wellness space created to assist in the connection the magical, healing, eastern seaside of the island. Sit in the cabana and be surrounded by a variety of beautiful hand-dyed throw pillows in rich purples and blues - colours of harmony, love, and peace. The indigo and plum-coloured fabrics will capture the lunar cycle, the essence of femininity, the strong, beautiful nature of womanhood, nobility, wealth, spirituality, magic and the supernatural.

Taste the salt, smell the sea, feel the wind, and the power of the ocean.


Instagram: @innissjuliana



This body of work is a symbolic representation of growth and the process of rejuvenation. The artwork of fountains made with the Bread and Cheese vines and adorned with Job Tears seeds all grown and gathered from the immediate natural surroundings within the gullies of the Barbadian countryside, pinpoints our connection to nature and the land. The dark rustic feature of the material contradicts a pristine look and evokes memories of the hard labour and struggle endured by African people within these Caribbean plantation societies. These interwoven vessels standing tall, resonate with a sacred space of containment, survival, and embraces aspects of the mystical experiences of motherhood, and the passing on of knowledge, traditions and cultural practices, from one generation to another. The cascading seeds epitomize the flow of water, germination, youthfulness, and invigoration of progress, and development. The bases and upper bowls, portrays a yin and yang duality of the divine male and feminine energy that expresses the oneness of life. The work signals a contemporary approach to a traditional art form and bridges the gap between decorative and functional objects in space.


This series of four-one-minute animations is a celebration of women and their contribution to our collective cultural memory of ‘home’ today. Each animation shows a typical interior of a Caribbean home in the past with décor elements such as plastic floral arrangements, handmade doilies and lace curtains. The scenes focus on settings that the woman of the house occupied the most, that is, where she sat balancing her cheques, her sewing station, the table where she baked and her favourite seat in the house. Each scene has a surreal focus on colour, and a photograph of how the woman, the subject of the image, once occupied the scene.

The women in these memory-centered animations pay homage to women in our local and regional history, documented and undocumented, who have impacted our lives in many ways notably the space we call ‘home.’

In the Front House

Inspired by the memory of her great grandmother's home, 'In the Front House' using elements and photographs from her grandmother to celebrate her front house. The warm yellow and pink with flowers, shadows and doillies speak to the feelings of warmth Zoe feels when remembering her Great Grandmother's Chattel House.


Instagram: @thezoekid1


“Highlights of the President of Senegal's visit to Barbados.

The Prime Minister of Barbados, Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, presented a painting from master artist Akyem Ramsay titled "Van Gogh's Heir" to His Excellency, the President of Senegal, during his visit to the country.

Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St James

“The Board of the Barbados National Art Gallery is pleased to welcome Amanda Haynes, who has been engaged as a consultant to develop our fundraising and communications strategy. Amanda brings a wealth of expertise and experience, and with the Board will build a comprehensive fundraising plan as well as a communications strategy.”


Artist Heather-Dawn Scott tirelessly protesting the lack of a Barbados National Art Gallery for our National Collection.

“These are photos of my latest banner in various locations.

I am offended and injured on behalf of our artists all, past present and future, at the lack of initiative and leadened progress made by the members of our Barbados National Art Gallery Board.

We need a NAG NOW! Our artists are being crippled.”


Artists Studio Tours Barbados 2024 invites you to view the ‘SNEAK-PEAK SHOW’ showcasing the 44 artists in this year's tours at The Frame & Art Co. Gallery, Millhouse Complex, St. Michael.

January 30th to March 27th

Opening hours:

Tuesday - Friday Ian - 4.30pm

Saturday 9am - 2pm

“ More info soon! I never teach the same course twice. In this edition we will pay special attention to how the artistic production of the colonial era influences modern and contemporary practice. We will also explore the big ideas and debates that have informed the development of art in the Caribbean. Bespoke one-on-one or corporate course arrangements are also available.”

Veerle Poupeye ‘Exploring Caribbean Art History’ Part 3.

Artist of the month at the Gallery of Caribbean Art is Lorna Rose.

See more if her work here.

“ LORNA ROSE, is a Barbadian artist who has spent much of her life living in England. Formative years were spent on this island attending Queen's College, and there her training in art began as still life' drawing and water colour painting. However, ballet was her main focus and she attended Elmhurst Ballet School in England, and moved on to Fashion Design at Lucie Clayton.

After working in many areas of fashion; from costume to 'wearable art; with such names as 'Annacat', London, Koves Barbados, Cotton Days Barbados, and her own 'lorna rose label; she moved on, teaching herself to paint using oil on canvas, and went on to exhibit and to sell her work, in both England and Barbados. Galleries including The Barbican (group shows) London, Thebes Art Gallery, Lewes, England, and the former Kirby Gallery, Barbados, and Zemicon, Bridgetown Gallery Barbados.”

Congratulations to Kelly and her team at Frame & Art for yet again putting on this wonderful annual fundraising exhibition with so many artists participating, all helping to raise funds for different charities every year. And to the many art lovers who bought the art helping to make this possible.

“Thank you to all our artists and customers of The Anonymous Art Show for Charity, we are so pleased to have raised $10,000 for @thelittlepinkgiftfoundation

Here we are handing off the cheque to Lynda Lewis, a breast cancer survivor, who established the charity in 2010 with her two daughters.”

Annalee Davis on support in the arts and the Mellon Grant.

“This is no small thing and my gratitude is huge, as is my relief. It is truly an immense privilege to be able to continue my work at Fresh Milk Barbados alongside my comrade, Katherine Kennedy with whom I’ve been in the trenches since 2012. I could not do this work without her nor could we have continued without the vital support of Mellon’s grant. Hopefully, granting institutions inside the Caribbean will begin to understand, sooner rather than later, the need to support overhead expenses and offer unrestricted grants to those working in the sector. The plantation mentality around arts funding needs to stop. Stay tuned for more information as we are able to share more about our plans over the coming months and years. Thank you, thank you!”

“FreshMilkBarbados is so excited and grateful to share that we have been successfully awarded a grant for the 2024-2026 time-period by the US-based Mellon Foundation’s Arts and Culture programme in support of operating and programming expenses. ����������

This generous gift allows us to develop a re-granting programme that will put unrestricted funds directly into the hands of artists over the next three years, while continuing to contribute to the local contemporary visual art community and the region’s creative network, and seek new allies, partners and collaborators.”

Read more on our website

Link here: -the-mellon-foundation/

DP2 ART EXHIBITION pop up exhibition of Codrington School students art.

Sunday March 17th, 1pm-3pm.

At Four Square Rum Distillery, 4 Cross Roads, St Philip


An exhibition of contemporary art (held in January).

Created and curated by Rasheed Boodhoo, William Cummins and Chris Welch

January 6th to January 31st, 2024

Reception: Sunday January 14th, 6 - 8 p.m.

In conversation with Dr. Therese Hadchity

Saturday January 20, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Gallery of Caribbean Art

Northern Business Centre

Queen's Street


St. Peter, Barbados

1 (246) 419 0858

Locally made crafts, jewellery, photography, sculpture and more at the ‘Barbados With Love’ Gift Shop (upstairs) at Limegrove.

Curated by Vanita Commissiong (Photography by Helen Helen)

The Barbados Turf Club Barbados Gold Cup presents ‘Hoof Beats Again 2024’ Art Exibition with artist/photographer Frank Levine, at The Winifred Cumberbatch Garden Art Gallery, Garden-Weston St James, West Cost Road

Sunday 25th February 4pm-7pm

Exhibition Continues until March 9th.

Contact 850 1776. Or 424 9147

Frank Lavine Jr. (Living in New York exhibits Internationally.

Frank D Lavine Artist / Photographer

Award Winning Artist Frank D Lavine was born in England in 1962 and later emigrated to Barbados where he was educated. Frank, as he is affectionally called, loved to sketch and draw from a tender age, prodded by his late mother Elsie.

Frank became better and better as his interest grew during secondary school, which allowed him to meet interesting individuals who helped propel him through different mediums in art and inks.

Frank's love of animals and nature also intrigued him. As he observed them, his interest in birds, plants, wild life and horses became dominant subjects of his art. The charming beauty of nature and the majestic power of the thoroughbred can be seen captured in his paintings. With aspirations of becoming a jockey created a created a bond with the thoroughbred soon painting and sketching became his focal points during his past-time.

Mr. Grantley Prescod (Designer of the Barbados Flag), Ms. Harrietta Bovell and Mr. Basil Jones (Artist and photographer), were his mentors and tutors who both critiqued and encouraged Frank in most of his work.

They were visionaries who saw the hidden talent within him. Frank also credited each of them as he excelled in drawing, acrylic and water colour.

He later returned home to England in 1984 to pursue his interest in art and attended the Cleveland College of Art and Design in 1985. While there, curiosity led him to photography which he became very good at.

Frank also exhibited in England through group and individual shows, which led to great appreciation for his work. In 1998 his fist show entitled "Hoof Beats* 98 was held at the Barbados Museum, tailed by 'Horse Power 2012' which was held at the Barbados Turf Club. He was later recognized for his work and was awarded winner of the Governor General's Award for his Crop Over Exhibits. His collections were exhibited in England, France, USA, Canada and even at the Texeco Oil Company of Barbados, as well as various collectors throughout the island of Barbados.

Some of his works are collector's items.

The Barbados Arts Council has moved to Earthworks, St Thomas.

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.

Saturday: 9am - 1pm


Earthworks Pottery Complex

Edgehill Heights 2, St. Thomas, Barbados

Tel: (246) 428 2126


Facebook: Barbados Arts Council Official Page

Instagram: BarbadosArtsCouncil

(Image courtesy of Sian Pampellonne

Unleash your creativity at EarthWorks Pottery

Visit their studio in Edgehill, St. Thomas, and witness the magic of master potters and painters at work. From hands-on classes with the talented Pauline D'Hayle to exploring the latest designs, every visit is a unique experience.

Create memories, master the art of pottery, and take home your very own masterpiece!“

- Ins & Outs Barbados

Now this is a different vantage view of an art gallery.

The exhibition ‘Colours of Barbados’ now on at the Boardwalk on the South Coast.

Open 24/7.

All artwork and prints are 48” x 48” by many artists who live in Barbados.

Conceived by Mark Hiorns

COLOURS OF BARBADOS Art Show on the Boardwalk

The longest show. 350 feet long (and growing as artists add more pieces).

The exhibition will run for 18 months. Opened on November 29th, 2022

Organised and hosted by James Edgehill and Mark Hiorns

For more information Tel: 1 (246) 228 0631

List of Artists - Updated 7th Jan 2024

Adrian Burnett, Andrea Dennison, Anna Didier, Arianna Holligan, Catherine Cummins CherAntoinette Corbin, Cindy Walker, Hilary Armstrong, Jeena Chatrani, Julia Seymour, Kirstie Hiorns, Korena Darnelle, Kristine Dear, Linda Corbin, Maria Stanford, Mark Hiorns, Micah Rubin, Michelle Bowe, Princess Johnson, Priscilla Richardson, Providence School, Reginald Gill, Sian Pampellonne, Yasmin Vizcarrondo, Amanda Thompson, Andrew Hulsmeier, Aniya Emtage, Ann Rudder, Cathy Alkins, Chris Richards, Frank Cossey, Heidi Berger, Kristine Choy, Lorna B Wilson, Marie Elena Rose, Patrick Forde, Zak Gifford, Zoe Osborne, Sydney Inniss, Roseanne Milligan, Nicole Batson

Books: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n - Nyam JamaicaCulinaria: The Caribbean e-books: Shake Dat Cocktail, Cocktails & Hors d'Oeuvres, Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n (4 vol), Nyam Jamaica (2 vol) (see website)

Gourmand World Cookbook Awards: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n: Best Cookbook of the Year, Best Self-Published Book, Best Historical Recipes, Best Cookbook Design for Barbados (2014) 'Best Self-Published Book In The World' (2015) Nyam Jamaica: 'Best Design In The World' (20082009) - honoured 2015 at Frankfurt Book Fair for the 20 years of Gourmand World Cookbook Award - Best of the Best Design In The World (2015)

Caribbean Tourism Award (2009)

Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n This amazing book by Rosemary Parkinson is on island. Two hard cover coffee table books, with a sleeve that encloses both, 656 pages and 1400 plus photos filled with history, tradition, culture, stories and recipes from Barbados.


Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n, a collector's item, has won 4 awards for Barbados –Best Photography, Best Design, Best Historical Recipes, Best Self-published Book –then against 5 of the best books in the world WON Best Self-Published Book In The World and honoured at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 with Best of the Best In The World by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2015. “Hi! Welcome To Antillean Gallery of Art!

My name is Jeena Chatrani and I recently started Antillean Gallery with the intention of promoting and selling art from Caribbean artists online.

I'm an artist myself and I've found that the art scene in Barbados could greatly benefit from some online presence. For the last 6 years I've been a full time artist and have had to learn a lot about the business behind selling art. It's not easy to make it as an artist but it is so fulfilling. With Antillean Gallery of Art I hope

to help raise the standard of art and artists in


and eventually across the Caribbean.”
-Jeena Chatrani
Jeena Chatrani Antilles Gallery.

The artists of Antillean Gallery of Art online gallery:

Catherine Forter Chee a Tow, Cathy Cummins, Chris Richards, Dana Sikkens, Jeena Chatrani, Julia Seymour, Julianne Gill, Lorna Wilson, Mario Holder, Maurice Forde, Sian Pampellonne, Tracey Williams, Trevor Desilvia Curator Jeena Chatrani


��Paint & Groove lessons every Thursday ��Art Club on Wednesday and Thursday morning

��Kid’s Club on Tuesday afternoons


& Groove Studio
studio�� Our studio
for more information
private lessons during the week or weekends Contact us at 262-5500

Piece of Barbados Gallery now open at Artsplash Gallery and Cafe in Hastings.

Monday to Saturday 7am to 3pm

Sunday 7am to 2pm

Helping the young talent where we can.

This pandemic has created financial difficulties for so many in the arts and they lose any chance to make a career of art.

I just received a donation of art supplies being kindly given by artist Jeena Chatrani, curator of Antillean Gallery of Art online gallery. Thank you Jeena.

These will go to a very talented 17 year old to help her keep drawing and painting.

Would you consider looking around your painting/studio space and see if there are any art supplies that you may not want or need and help the future talents of Barbados.

Either give directly to artists whom you feel may need the help or contact me via private message here and drop off the arts supplies and I will happily disburse them to those in need. Please be aware of the dignity and pride of those receiving.

Please don’t add their names here. Private message me.

Allow them to decide if they want their names added to art supplies being given to them.

Thank you


Would you consider looking around your painting/studio space and see if there are any art supplies that you may not want or need and help the future talents of Barbados.

Either give directly to artists whom you feel may need the help or contact me via private message here and drop off the arts supplies and I will happily disburse them to those in need.

Please be aware of the dignity and pride of those receiving.

Please don’t add their names if posting. Private message me or email me at

Allow them to decide if they want their names added to art supplies being given to them.

Thank you


Art supplies kindly donated to go to a young aspiring artist in need. Thank you Heidi Berger.

Helping the young talent where we can.

This pandemic has created financial difficulties for so many in the arts and they lose any chance to make a career of art.

Would you consider looking around your painting/studio space and see if there are any art supplies that you may not want or need and help the future talents of Barbados.

Either give directly to artists whom you feel may need the help or contact me via private message here and drop off the arts supplies and I will happily disburse them to those in need.

Please be aware of the dignity and pride of those receiving. Please don’t add their names here. Private message me. Allow them to decide if they want their names added to art supplies being given to them.

Books kindly donated to go to a young aspiring artist in need.

Thank you Heidi Berger Art.

Helping the young talent where we can.

This pandemic has created financial difficulties for so many in the arts and they lose any chance to make a career of art.

Would you consider looking around your painting/studio space and see if there are any art supplies that you may not want or need and help the future talents of Barbados.

Either give directly to artists whom you feel may need the help or contact me via private message here and drop off the arts supplies and I will happily disburse them to those in need.

Please be aware of the dignity and pride of those receiving. Please don’t add their names here. Private message me. Allow them to decide if they want their names added to art supplies being given to them.

Thank you

Pages that add arts events, talks, lectures, workshops, opening receptions, exhibitions, shows and more on a regular/daily basis.

Barbados Visual Arts Page (updated daily) On Facebook On Instagram @visualartsbarbadosevents

Museum Facebook Page. Ask to be on their email listing.

Barbados Photographic Society Gine On Magazine

What's On In Barbados Errol Barrow Centre page Theatre Eyes NCF page and


Henderson Reece is well-known among art lovers for his fresh, vibrant and cheery batik creations and excels at capturing familiar local scenes and iconic elements in this globally treasured medium

He offers workshops for BB$400 for an entire day under his tutelage, which includes all materials and lunch. His protégés-for-aday leave with a batik of their own design which they can proudly mount and frame in their homes.

Thank to Ins and Outs Barbados

https://www.insandoutsb atik-studio

Earthworks Pottery. Mon - Fri, 9am -5pm Sat 9am-1pm

Want to paint with Plein Air Barbados arts group?

Send them a message to find out when their next outdoor session will be.

Please click on this Plein Air Barbados link to send them a message. m/Bajanartists/



LOCAL Buy Local. A Collection of Local Artists and Craftspersons to display their work Created by Lilias Gardner
all, please consider buying local and supporting small business. There are so many amazing, talented Bajans offering special goods and services. Something for everyone.”
provide dynamic, creative leadership in bringing the visual arts to the people, in order to facilitate their discovery, understanding and enjoyment of the visual culture of Barbados and the wider Caribbean.

The Frame & Art Co

We're super pleased to announce that we have now started printing in house! We offer photo printing, canvas printing, fine art printing & much more.

Send us your beautiful photos and we can print & frame all in one location.

Remember we also offer custom framing for your art pieces.

Contact us at 271-6509 or email us at


Do you consider what you use and discard of regularly?

What are you doing on a daily basis to minimize your consumption of single-use plastics?

EARTHWORKS POTTERY (246) 425 0223 EarthworksPotteryBarbados worksPotteryBarbados/
BLACK ART STUDIOS Durants Village, Holder's Hill St. James

Specialising in art supplies for the professional to student level. Offering a wide range of products


Golden Paints and mediums, Gamblin, Cotman, Liquitex, Reeves, Galeria, Sargent. Plus a wide range of drawing and colouring equipment. Prisma, Derwent, Reeves, Sargent, Charcoal and Pastels.

Easels, Canvases, Watercolour paper, Drawing and Pastel paper. Screen printing and lino block printing supplies.Fabric paint and dyes. Waxes, pottery tools, stencils and more.

Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm

Saturday 8.30am – 3pm. Sunday Closed.

Telephone/Fax (246) 436 2950

James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown


Our Mission

To fuel the development of culture through training, research and the creation of opportunities in cultural industries.

The Role of the NCF

The NCF’s two major roles are: developmental and commercial. In its developmental role, the Foundation uses culture as a tool for national development fostering and supporting the various art forms and new cultural products. In its commercial role, the Foundation is responsible for the promotion, production and hosting of cultural festivals and associated events that are considered economically viable or socially acceptable. A key part of this function now includes the responsibility for the staging and execution of major governmental and national events. In addition, as culture becomes more pivotal to national and international policy, the National Cultural Foundation continues to re-assess its responsibilities in light of all its functions.

FUNCTIONS of the NCF are:

To stimulate and facilitate the development of culture generally

To develop, maintain and manage theatres and other cultural facilities and equipment provided by Government

To organize cultural festivals

Assist persons interested in developing cultural expression.

OBJECTIVES of the NCF are:

To provide opportunities for Barbadian artists/artistes to showcase their talents with the end result being an increased demand for local work

To educate Barbadians concerning their heritage

To offer Barbadians and visitors alike a high quality product that informs, educates and entertains

To equip our cultural workforce with technological skills and training to excel in their particular art forms

To strengthen the local cultural product and in the process increase profits to the shareholders

To create high quality products that will be competitive on the local, regional and international markets

To maximize the role of the cultural sector in the tourism industry

Rodney Ifill, Cultural Officer Visual Arts 424-0909 ext.234 Annette Nias Cultural Officer - Film and Photography 424-0909 Ext 238
THE FRAME & ART COMPANY & GALLERY Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432
Tides Gallery Tides Restaurant Balmore House, Holetown, St. James Tel : (246) 432-2084 Cell (246)230-1968 Email:

Featuring artists Frank Cossey, Trudi Johnson, Hilary Armstrong, Clermont Mapp, Nancy Cole-O'Geest, Keisha Hinds, Joshua Simpson, Claire EvansonCeppi, Keren Evanson.

Deebles Point Art Gallery & Cafe.
Industry Hall. East Point, St Philip. Tel 423 7943

“Somewhere, amid the darkness, a painter measures a blank canvas, a poet tests a line aloud, a songwriter brings a melody into tune. Art inspires, provokes thought, reflects beauty and pain. I seek it out even more in these times. And in so doing, I find hope in the human spirit.”


Very up to date on both local theatre and overseas happenings. Link here

Purple Palm is a local business supplying homes and businesses with the highest quality Print and Mirror furnishings. Using the artwork of many local artists in Barbados and the Caribbean plus work from around the world.

We have been supplying to the hotel and villa industry for ten years, including prestigious clients such as Sandy Lane, Coral Reef, The Crane Beach Resort, Sugar Cane Club and Sandridge among others.

We have also supplied numerous private villas, and work closely with local interior designers.

Being directly affiliated with a 40,000 sq ft framing factory our prices are very competitive. Appointments to view our gallery at Rockley Resort can be made through Paul Hoad or Karen McGuire.


A monthly programme is produced of all lectures, music and theatre events . To receive it by email or post please email or tel 436 9083 or 84 FRANK COLLYMORE HALL AND GRAND SALLE
and to be a vital and uncommon cultural force in Barbados.
To boldly
the adventure
everything artistic




Creative Imagination
Errol Barrow Centre for
(246) 417-4776 | Fax: (246) 417-8903



Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados - (246) 426-5325

FAST FRAME FACTORY, Dayrell’s Road, St Michael (246) 426 9994 shaka@fastframefactory.biZ


At the Best of Barbados Head Office, Welches Plantation, H’way 2A 573 6904


Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell

(246) 266-9432



James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael. Tel: 436-2950Monday - Saturday 8.30am - 5.00pm (Easy access to parking by the old Heliport Pad)

LAURIE DASH, Bay Street, Bridgetown.


On?! is the online magazine brainchild of cultural practitioners DJ Simmons & Empress Zingha published every other Thursday on The husband and wife duo developed the digital publication with artists, entrepreneurs, and all the persons who support them in mind. Too many times do we hear; “Where else does events like this happen?” “Where can I hear live music?” “Anything else going on other than fetes?” “I didn't even know that was happening”. This online, access anytime hub is here; so YOU can find your next favourite time!

We broadcast bare Bajan culture to thousands of users to any device connected to the world through the web portal Link with us for original video content highlighting various art personalities, new music, videos, blogs, podcasts, I mean a couple clicks opens a wealth of entertainment. We build an engaging experience for hundreds of our supporters on social media connecting the world to know wuh gine on with arts and culture right here at home. See you somewhere sometime soon...

Sign up to our mailing list to make sure you always in de know at:

Hosting or performing at a live entertainment event, or doing any activity progressing performing arts in the island? Forward us an email ( with more information so we can help push it for you. Let's help and support each other in the arts! Come and hear wuh Gine On!

Along with a constantly updated cool callendar of events, the site is basically set up in the categories Art, Crumbs & Rums, Follow Fashion, Community.

Under Arts we tell the stories of powerful cultural influencers through video Features. Highlight strong up and coming talent in Artist Peeps. Digest the experiences of stalwarts in the industry in Craftsmen Of Our Men. We link you directly to Bajans producing quality content all over the web through the page New Brand. And coming soon you will be able to attend online workshops and masterclasses in Arts Training.

Bajans love to eat and drink and through Crumbs & Rums we take you into the lives of our local farmers and vendors in Bridgetown Market. Share homegrown recipes and food & beverage blogs in Eat Bajan. Explore the diner things around here in Eating Out In Bim and link up with those street stalls who save our bellies in On De Side. Nuff content coming to fill these pages just now!

Culture is only as strong its Community. Connect with some of the most engaging Bajans through our Features. See and hear the experience patrons and performers had at events under So How It Was. Discover new places to lime and truly treasure Barbados in Part You Carring Me.

We are so fussy to announce Gine On TV. A variety of video specials with a Bajan flair. Be uniquely entertained by some of your favourite local personalities. Real Reactions, Ask Me Anything and Top Ten Talk already in production, with more right around the corner.

You know Bajans know how to take care of ourselves and in Follow Fashion Features we direct you to some the local designers in the industry. Get tips and tricks in trends, hair and body care through Looking Like A Bajan and receive online masterclasses in hair and make up through Fashion Training. This page will be filled with vibrant content very soon so make sure you subscribe for the updates. Of course our official Gine On merchandise is also available. Hats and mugs; with fitted tees and tote bags coming soon!

This site is building an archive documenting Barbadian culture to connect our passions and creativity. Make sure you hit that link to receive notifications when we post something good. Any questions, suggestions, queries or just want to send some love; contact us at Enjoy your space to be a Bajan online and make sure you check regularly because we will be pushing out consistent content for you to enjoy. Join our social media community over at @gineonmagazine on Instagram and Facebook. Love all de time. See you somewhere sometime soon

Published by Corrie Scott Barbados, West Indies SCAN ME

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