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14 years of the Visual Arts Barbados free online magazine See 14 years of monthly issues here

All information correct at time of publishing. Please phone or email relevant galleries to confirm dates of events as they may be subject to change.

Published by Corrie Scott

A completely free magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place.

Cover art by Lynda Brownw-Bristov

Welcome to Barbados Monthly Arts Events Magazine

Fourteen years of the publication

All issues

This is a completely free magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place.

I encourage anyone with a visual arts event to get in contact with me at and I will add a free page for your exhibition, classes, workshops, talks etc.

Let’s get the arts out there!

Please, pass this magazine on to others and so help the creative side of Barbados get all the exposure possible.


Celebrating 14 years of Monthly Publications Covering the Visual Arts in Barbados






The Barbados Arts Events page was created to promote the Visual Arts Events in Barbados and artists whether exhibiting here in island or overseas.

The focus is on the events for the fine arts, encompassing art, photography, sculpture and installations, gallery receptions, exhibitions, talks, interviews, workshops, publications, studios, residencies.

I will also post visual art collaborations with writers, theatre, dance, videos, music and creatives but it has to encompass the visual arts/artists to be posted on this page.

I started this page because I felt that the visual arts were not getting much needed exposure to expose the talent in Barbados and around the world. I wish I could encompass all the creative arts as there is so much happening on this tiny wonderful island of ours but I am a one woman band doing this free. Over the years this page has become a support for all creative events in Barbados and I was happy for this but realised that it was diluting the fine arts section which it is meant to focus on.

I need to bring the focus back in these group pages to the visual arts.

Thank you for understanding.


How It Happened

I have, for so many years, wanted to create a free online reference book where anyone, in any part of the world, may access the creative people in Barbados. I could not do this on my own and Kathy Yearwood heard of my idea, offered to partner with me and I happily agreed.

What started out in March as a small book of what I thought might be a maximum of one hundred and fifty pages turned into a tome of over three hundred pages. A mixture of excitement and fear at what we had taken on. And here we are in December 2011 with a book showing off the talents in Barbados. So exciting.

The eight month adventure began. Finding artists, photographing them and their work. From March 2011 to October 2011 Kathy and I collated the artwork, the bios and statements and travelled around the island garnering images and information.

Large collections of artwork in homes. Convincing people who thought they were too old and forgotten and watching them smile as their work was photographed and having them talk about themselves so that we could create a bio for them. Literally slipping down the hills of clay at Chalky Mount to see an original kiln and spend the day with the potters. Temple Yard with the Rastafarian community where they are blessed with talent, especially carving, and then coming away with gifts of pineapples and avocados. Photographing in the rain with an umbrella in one hand and a camera in the other to get the right angles. Going to openings and craft shows and talking to many. Coming to my home, going to Kathy’s, and going wherever was needed. Meeting the different personalities in so many locations as I photographed many of them for their portrait photo for the book. Remembering some who have left us. A labour of love, learning and fun.

The thank you part as I could not have done this on my own. Norma Springer who encouraged me to “take the book and run with it”. Kathy Yearwood who offered to partner with me collating and to create the book for artists in Barbados. Alison Chapman-Andrews for helping Kathy and I proof read. Amazing how much you miss no matter how many times we went over it. Sue Bain for offering her professional opinion and suggestions as a copy editor. Peter Boos for all the encouragement. Laura Lin Hutchinson for her introduction. Finally, the most important people, the creative souls who put their trust in Kathy and I to show them off to their best. I hope we have done this.

Corrie Dec 7th 2011


First Published 2011

Link to free online arts directory here

Featuring artists with an image of their work, their bio/artist’s statement and contact information.

With the convenience of links on individual pages to email addresses and websites.

Art, Photography, Sculpture, Ceramics, Installations, Pottery, Craft work, Jewellery and more.

All images are copyrighted and may not be reproduced, published or sold without permission of each individual artist



"A Packing Show". An exhibition showcasing the unique contributions of our featured artists to "Transatlantique 1 – Return: Communing with our Transatlantic Family" at Queens Park Gallery. Saturday, September 14 and Saturday, September 28, 2024.

Mon - Sat, 10am-6pm

Following the exhibition, the collection of art will journey to Dakar, Senegal, for the prestigious Official Fringe Festival (OFF) of the 15th edition of Dak'Art Contemporary African Arts Biennale 2024.


Natalie Atkins-Hinds

Ishi Butcher

Risée Chaderton-Charles

Versia Harris

David (Guru) McClean

Gabrielle Moore

Jaryd Niles-Morris

Akyem Ramsay

Russell Watson

Chris Welch

Ronald Williams


Carol Roberts


Lead - Andrea Wells

Rodney Ifill

Nyzinga Onifa

Oneka Small

Featuring the Artwork being shipped to Dakar Senegal For The Official Fringe Festival (OFF) of the 15th edition of Dak'art Contemporary African Arts Biennale 2024 Titled "The Wake" Nov 7th - Dec 7th, 2024

Undiscovered Artist by Akyem I Ramsay

“There is something fundamentally wrong with a society that is unaware of (... and I am thinking particularly of BARBADOS) the central importance of art in shaping a human life. Any society that is not aware of that is a barbarous society, and we have a society that is NOT aware of that at all. Our notion of art is that it is merely a decorative thing... (George Lamming)

This recent work, "Undiscovered Artist" (2024) (from the “Exile" series), highlights the "invisible presence" and the improvised plight of the misunderstood artist in a hostile philistine society, with his gaze triggered and fuelled by an environment of historical neglect and cruel indifference he chooses instead to remain exiled in his sanctuary (studio) turning his "savage" eye inwards and suspended in his exquisite state of "aloneness" he has unwillingly become the "cross-section of a complicated man".

The Exile Series is one of five themes of my "Ritual of Art Making." These paintings explore and attempt to articulate the exquisite loneliness and the colossal indifference that one experiences as an artist in a HOSTILE visual space-and mainly when that space is defined as HOME!”

“Dregs of the Earth 0.00 and Dregs of the Earth 0.01" continue my investigation of Black people in society.

These are the first two works of an intended five-part multiple-media work.

My previous works were messages to my audiences to " see", to recover lost histories, and to escape the lingering effects of displacement and alienation in the post-colonial world. My methods were dramatic colour compositions and dense (impasto) paint application.

What about our recent histories? This work is a scrapbook of my living experiences and a diary of my ruminations as I order my day and life. It captures the information I receive and extractmessages from nature, conversations overheard on bus rides, news reports, my students, family, and friends.

I am aiming to remain neutral. I am no longer "creating art". I make things.”

Series Title: Ma mmun ma mmadu

“Mmou Onwu (dead spirit) and MmuoNdu (living spirit).

The Igbo join both in their speech.

Ma mmuo ma mmadu. Nwa mmou egbuna nwa mmadu.

Nwa mmadu egbuna nwa mmuo.

These represent the dead and the living.

This series of images seeks to create a spirit within each work that connects the past and present. It uses elements from African heritage that are used and reflected in Caribbean culture. The talent incorporated in these images illustrates the living spirit in you and me still navigating this world. Whereas the masks represent the dead spirit (the ancestors, those who have come before us, the shells, drums, fabrics, artefacts, etc., represent the bridge between the living spirit and the ancestors - a connection of stories and ritual, ultimately, acknowledgement, which is the true power of any spirit or god, to be remembered to be venerated.

This body of work is created through the lens of a Caribbean person who sees the motherland's culture in bits and pieces, often intertwined with colonial ideas. This is the environment many within the region will be born into and have to grapple with. There is a "Bajan" saying: " We must pick sense from nonsense," even though we in this part of the world must work through these past sketches, the spirit of our heritage has never died.

All the images are mainly photography with photomanipulation techniques and layers applied.

Each image has an augmented reality (AR) version of the piece that can be seen from new perspectives. This allows us to experiment with and leverage new technologies, further pushing the level of creative expression.”

“Heroes Valentine

This work references an ancient Barbadian art form from when whaling ships came through the Caribbean. Ladies picked shells and created these unique and intricate works of art called Sailors' Valentines, which many seamen purchased as gifts. Many had themes of love and adoration but also used a red seed representing protection in African and Caribbean cultures. The seeds are heavily featured in the shape of the Adinkra symbol Ananse Ntentan, which speaks to creativity, the complexities of life and the post-colonial mindset is nothing but complex. The art form is believed to have some roots in Lukasa boards used by the Luba people. This work intends to tie these concepts together as a gift to our generation, a means of protection, love, and guidance as we traverse the oceans of our lives.”

-Jaryd Niles-Morris

“The theme of "The Wake" initially brought to mind a ceremonial wake, celebrating and remembering a loved one.

However, my exploration evolved to include the wake as an aftermath-specifically, the aftermath of slavery leading to capitalism and the formation of low-income communities. The wake also represents a vigil and an evolution of consciousness. These pieces are rooted in such reflections.

In both works, dog-like features are central symbols, drawing from myths about canines linked to death and the underworld (the ghetto here represents the underworld). "All Dogs Go To Heaven I features figures in a confined space with a rusted galvanized backdrop, evoking the menacing aura of a guard dog. In society, "dog" can imply both low value and a term of endearment, particularly within the 'ghetto' class.

"All Dogs Go To Heaven I' references Orisha Ogun, Hinduism's Bhairava/Shiva, and the resurrected Christ. These figures symbolize wrath, power, and legendary status achieved through sacrifice, much like how fallen comrades are glorified in street life. The flowers and leaves in both pieces symbolize remembrance, life, death, and transcendence, contrasting the themes of power and control.

Both pieces converse: "All Dogs Go To Heaven I" portrays figures trapped by street life, while "All Dogs Go To Heaven II* shows a character elevated beyond those circumstances.”

David “Guru”


“Pre-Columbian African Indigenous Vessel

The replica of the "pre-Columbian African Indigenous vessel" crafted from wood and recycled materials honours the rich maritime heritage of African ancestors. These vessels symbolize the advanced shipbuilding and navigation skills of ancient Africans, who are believed by some to have reached the Americas long before Columbus. These beautifully engineered ships are not just means of transport but also a testament to the ingenuity and seafaring prowess that allowed Africans to traverse the globe and establish connections across distant lands.

This replica serves as a reminder of these often-overlooked contributions to global exploration.”

Statement on the work

I have always had a deep love for mythology. My father planted the seed in my childhood as I sat at his feet or on his knee and listened to him recount stories of Anansi, La Diablesse, or The Old Hag. My bedtime stories from before I had the language to understand were deeply steeped and marinated in an understanding of my Caribbean African heritage and infused with a deep love for the mythology that connected us to our ancestors. As I grew into adulthood I have retained that love of Caribbean mythology and I have found over the decades that the theme of Caribbean goddesses, of merpeople, of deep water keep returning to centre themselves within my art.

While working on my previous exhibition “Looka: Dismantling The Colonial Gaze”, where I examined the place of Black bodies within historical Caribbean - specifically, Barbadian - art, I was moved by the archival documents I came across; evidence of the sale of Black bodies, and evidence of the immense scale of the theft.

Most appallingly, I saw evidence laid bare, of history that so many have have either forgotten, or want to disengage from. History which remains barely visible yet overlaid, embossed even, upon our current existence. These pieces are a combination of my love for mythology, for history, and for Caribbeanness.

What if the bodies cast into the Atlantic, like they were from ships like the “Zong”… …instead of feeding the sharks, as documented by Dutch slaver Willem Bosman…

…what if those ancestors are the origins of our Caribbean merpeople?

What if, instead of dying, we saved ourselves by transcending, to become the original Atlanteans?

The beauty of the merpeople is juxtaposed with the reality of those who survived, as the words of the archival documents remind us.

The text of “An Act for the Better ordering and Governing of Negroes” overlays “Maternal Eternal”.

A list of the slavers’ ships and their human cargo, including their insured value, is incorporated within “Fresh”.

“We Become, We Became, We Are” embraces and then rejects the lyrics of “The Slave Song” a document that records the oldest song of enslaved people in Barbados.

Our histories remain overlaid even as we create new goddesses from attempts to own, commodify, and destroy us. “

“Chimera in Cane Field“

“In Greek mythology, the chimera was a hybrid but always a female creature, yet the term also signifies a wishful and unrealistic hope. In leaning towards the fantasy genre, this painting shows a young chimera with its toy boat in a cane field, thus evoking the possibility of a yet-to-be-fully-formed identity which still dwells in the realm of possibility.

Fantasy is the speculative production of text and images that imagine other worlds or dimensions from this one. It may also reflect on conscious or unconscious desires. Our fantasies about our identities run in tandem with the shared ideas of our cultures and societies. They are both shifting and reflecting each other, the tension created in fertile ground for the emergence of new ideas and a creative space for new ideals.

Through sculpture, installation, video and images, I address the effects of personal, cultural and political fantasies and the incongruences that arise when what is dreamt is not what is.”

“Freedom to Progress" identifies four architectural representations of dwellings in Barbados and highlights how the physical and architectural landscape in this area has changed as the island has developed over the years.

The middle of the composition comprises representations of the slave hut, the living space for the enslaved; the chattel house, the living space for the plantation workers after emancipation; the plantation house is the living space for the plantation owner; and lastly, modern wall bungalows and twostory houses, which have become ordinary dwellings in Barbados for 20thand 21st-century middle-income families. Images of these structures occupy the top of the composition and become representations of a new and progressive Barbados.”

“We Came On Merchant Ships Pt1" was conceived as an interactive dance performance for the opening of The Season of Emancipation series of exhibitions, curated by the National Cultural Foundation of Barbados in 2023.

The artwork links past, present, and future, referencing the traumatic history of transatlantic slavery.

“We Came On Merchant Ships Pt2" is a 2-channel video installation created using digital technologies (including photography, videography, motion capture and Al), archival photos and hand-drawn elements. It is about persevering and overcoming adversity by coming together. Even though the artwork speaks to a history of inflicted pain, it ultimately is a hopeful piece, as seen in the finale when we reconnect and emerge from underwater into the sunlight.”

“My current project, "The Temple Manuscripts", is an ever-growing digital asset library that uses photography, animation, drawing, and sound design to incorporate motifs from mythology, folklore, spiritual iconography, and nature forms.

As a collection, the manuscripts illustrate an imagined ecosystem of beings and landscapes that seem to exist simultaneously in cosmic, atomic, primordial and futuristic space-time.

This mixing of scale and epoch is a way of contemplating temporality and fragility at a moment where destructive human impact seems to be the determining factor in environmental reality.

The project's title is a play on the notion of the textual and hand-made to reconsider authorship in the image-driven digital age. The individual assets are deliberately modular to allow live mixing of the assets for various presentation modes such as single or multi-channel installations or largescale projection.”

'The Antinomy of Paradise / Two True Truths', she states,

" With this painting, I seek to explore the romanticized view of the Caribbean by examining the disparities between our elected and self-proclaimed reputation as a paradise and the region's stark historical, social, political and economic realities.".

Local artists to feature at International contemporary art exhibition in Dakar, Senegal.

“The works of 11 Barbadian artists are set for the international stage at Dak'Art Biennial, Senegal, in November.

Queen's Park Gallery is the local stage for the 20 artworks from Chris Welch, David Guru McClean, Gabrielle Moore, Jaryd Niles Morris, Natalie Atkins Hinds, Ras Akyem Ramsay, Ras Ishi Butcher, Risee Chaderton-Charles, Ronald Williams, Russell Watson and Versia Harris, that will form part of the inaugural Barbados/ Senegal exhibition, Transatlantique 1: Return, communing with our Transatlantic family at the Biennial, a large-scale international contemporary art exhibition that showcases the work of African artists in Africa and the diaspora and promotes the development of African culture.

Hosted by the Village des Arts (The Artists Village), a space traditionally dedicated to the display and sale of the work of Senegalese artists, the Barbadian artworks will be displayed in conversation with that of their Senegalese contemporaries.

The exhibition is the initiative of consultant Nyzinga Onifa. The project is funded and produced by the National Cultural Foundation (NCF). Thanking the NCF for its funding and curatorial leadership on the project, Onifa explained the potential impact of such a showcase of Barbadian art at the Biennial which in recent years has attracted over 260 000 visitors: "Curators, collectors, the media and many international galleries and museums visit this biennial, so the exposure of participating artists is tremendous.“

The works displayed by the local artists feature riveting visual statements on life in the diaspora in the aftermath of slavery and colonialism, with its attendant loss of family and identity, but also speak to the determined resilience of the descendants of Africa on this side of the Atlantic.

The 2024 edition of the Dak'art Biennial will run November 7-December 7.

The works of the local artists are on display for viewing in the Packing Show at the Queen's Park Gallery from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily until Saturday September 27th.” (PR/BT)

Last evening a reception was held at Queen’s Park Gallery with the artists and curators of the exhibition which is going to exhibit at the Biennale in Dakar, Senegal.

Nyzinga Onifa who initiated this important event of our master artists travelling and exhibiting in Senegal sent further information.


up on the Biennale in Dakar, Senegal

“The Dak’art Contemporary African Arts Biennale, organized by the government of Senegal, will be held from November 07 to Dec 07, 2024. It is a major contemporary art exhibition held in Senegal once every two years. The artistic selection illustrates extraordinary African creativity with diverse mediums, techniques, and artist universes, including illustrations, virtual reality, sound arts, sculpture, and photography. This is the 15th edition of the Biennale, and fifty-eight artists within the Diaspora were selected to participate. The biennale brings together around 250,000 visitors, more than 50,000 from abroad, about 11,000 professionals, and more than 3,000 creators, artists, manufacturers, galleries, collectors, foundations, and institutions. There is a representation of nearly 85 countries, a rich program with nearly 4000 listeners (conferences, film screenings, debates etc). The exhibition host country this year is the USA.

The Official Fringe Festival (OFF) is a private initiative that antennas the biennale. In addition to the official exhibition, which includes selected artists, OFF allows all participants in the arts and culture to present their work without limit, nationality, or gender criteria. OFF will take place May 19 - June 16. It usually starts about three days after the official opening of the Biennale, with more than 450 exhibitions and cultural events. A remarkable media presence, journalists and new media attendants around 1200, media and non-media partners, 200 advertising panels in Dakar including billboards, digital screens, banners, web banners, advertising spots, etc

This year, Barbados will participate in OFF through the NCF and be represented by eleven artists.

The NCF will facilitate the project, and the work of Barbadian artists will be displayed in conversation with work from Senegalese artists at the Village Des Arts. The exhibition space at the Village Des Arts was donated to Barbados through Zulu Mbaye, a master artist and the president of the Village Des Arts. Zulu Mbaye will organize discussions, lectures, workshops, and tours for the Barbadian artists to participate in.

The Theme of the Dak’art Biennale is “The Wake,” an Awakening inspired by “In the Wake On Blackness” and written by Christina Sharpe. The working title of the Barbados exhibition is Transatlantique 1: “Return: communing with our Transatlantic Family.”

The participation of Barbadian artists in the Dak'Art Biennale aims to bridge the arts and cultural gap between Barbados and Africa, fostering stronger social and economic ties between the two regions. This initiative will provide an invaluable platform for Barbadian artists to connect with diverse international figures, including African and global artists, writers, art critics, gallerists, collectors, students, scouts, enthusiasts, and art managers. By engaging in these connections, Barbadian artists will have the opportunity to form meaningful partnerships that promote cultural exchange and elevate the island's influence in the global arts community. This interaction will create space for Barbadian art to be exhibited and sold and enrich the broader cultural dialogue between regions and continents.

The artists are:

Jardy Niles- Morris

Ras Ishi Butcher

Ronald Williams

Risèe Chaderton-Charles

Akyem-i Ramsay

Gabrielle Moore

David "Guru" McClean

Chris Welch

Ronald Williams

Natalie Atkins-Hinds

Versia Harris (her work will be exhibited but she isn't travelling)

NIFCA 2024


for Entries –VISUAL ARTS ����

Calling all visual artists. Individuals, schools and groups working in fine art, craft and photography are invited to participate in the 2024 NIFCA Visual Arts Competition.

��View the rules and register via l-arts-entry/

Submission Deadline Dates:

��School Entries: 4PM onOctober 4, 2024. ��Individual and Non-School Entries: 4PM on October 11, 2024.


Annalee Davis (Barbados) will be exhibiting at Somerset House, London, UK.

“Soil is a secret world at our feet, an ecosystem as diverse in life as our night sky full of stars.”

“I’m so thrilled to be participating in the exhibition “SOIL: The World at our Feet” at @somersethouse along with a stunning array of fellow artists brought together by guest curator @mayrosenthal , The Land Gardeners : Henrietta Courtauld and Bridget Elworthy (@thelandgardeners ), and Senior curator at Somerset House Trust, @clairecatterall ����”

-Annalee Davis

Opening 23rd of January, more information on the exhibition and its programming is available here:


The Barbados Photographic Society (BPS) is founded on an appreciation for and interest in photography.



Our Facebook Group is open to everyone with an interest in photography! You are welcome to join, share your thoughts on photography, post your work, follow the work of our members and participate in our discussions

His Excellency Ciro Luciano Ciliberto Infante, Ambassador of the Embassy of Argentina in Barbados invited Charles McClean, professional photographer and member of the Barbados Photographic Society, to cover the visit of the The Argentine Frigate ARA Libertad training ship which is currently docked at the Bridgetown port.

President of the Barbados Photographic Society met up with Charles on board after one of his pieces was presented to Commander Navy Captain Alfredo Uretathe by Ambassador Ciliberto. The ambassador also presented a surprise image presented by Charles McLean and Bradley Benskin.

Ambassador Ciliberto highlighted that he was delighted to have been able to partner with members of the Barbados Photographic Socierty over the past few weeks and to have professional photographers capture the historic visit.

Barbados Photographic Society theme for Septembert was ‘Textures’ hashtag #bpstextures





































Sheena Rose.

Exhibiting in USA

1-7pm: Sheena Rose - Exhibition Opening Reception Johansson Projects, 2300 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, SF/Bay Area, USA.


This dynamic week-long celebration will spotlight Black brilliance with curated showcases, inspiring talks, and exciting public events throughout the Bay Area. From exclusive exhibitions to open studios, you’ll connect with trailblazing Black artists, creatives, and thought leaders, experiencing their work and impact firsthand.

We’re excited to offer a preview into the incredible experiences coming this October! The Bay Area’s vibrant art scene has so much to offer, and with NEXUS, we aim to create a powerful platform for Black artists to showcase their work and connect with the community.

This week-long celebration wraps up with MoAD’s Afropolitan Ball, a dazzling night celebrating Black brilliance and raising vital funds to support MoAD’s mission. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unforgettable event, championing Black creativity and culture in the Bay.”

“The KAC Gallery of Fellow Artists are happy to announce the addition of Barbadosbased sculptor Cy Hutchinson to our KAC GFA Featured Artists roster.

Hutchinson has shown in both our recent Color:BLACK exhibition and in our 2021 Barbados: Past Present Future exhibition, winning exhibition Favorite Art in the latter.

Hutchinson works in media and themes of nature, bringing visual precision to the organic and sleek finish to textures rendered large, and each revisit to his pieces reveal more nuanced narratives.

We are honored to have him represent the art of physical space and a stature of editorial to our likewise deeply talented Featured Artists; we invite you to check out his selected works — along with the works of our other Featured Artists — at “

-KAC Gallery of Fellow Artists.


JAMAL IFILL of CRYSTAL FORMS is blowing his unique Christmas ornaments into a ball shape for the season. Given that it takes fifteen to twenty minutes to create the average sized piece before filling and finishing, Jamal will be creating these decorations well into December to deliver his commercial and custom orders.

Jamal began making the decorations in 2022 and demand is growing as families seek unique and customized gifts. He takes special delight creating the heirloom pieces for couples and babies “first Christmas”.

Jamal Ifill

Crystal Forms

17 Pelican Village

1 (246) 250 4794



‘Barbados With Love’ Arts and Crafts at Limegrove in Holetown

Locally made crafts, jewellery, photography, sculpture and more at the ‘Barbados With Love’ Gift Shop (upstairs) at Limegrove.

Curated by Vanita Commissiong (Photography by Helen Helen)


Thurs - Sat, 10am4.30pm

Applications for The Carmichael Prize Exhibition 2024 held at the Gallery Caribbean Art are now open.

For more information, and the application forms please contact

Barbados & the Beautiful Ocean

Waters: Source of Life

ASTB - Artists Studio Tours Barbados 2025

Saturday, February 8th, 2025 & Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Saturday, March 8th, 2025 & Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Piece of Barbados Gallery now open at Artsplash Gallery and Cafe in Hastings.

Monday to Saturday 7am to 3pm Sunday 7am to 2pm

The Barbados Arts Council has moved to Earthworks, St Thomas.

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.

Saturday: 9am - 1pm


Earthworks Pottery Complex

Edgehill Heights 2, St. Thomas, Barbados

Tel: (246) 428 2126


Facebook: Barbados Arts Council Official Page

Instagram: BarbadosArtsCouncil

(Image courtesy of Sian Pampellonne )

“Unleash your creativity at EarthWorks Pottery

Visit their studio in Edgehill, St. Thomas, and witness the magic of master potters and painters at work.

From hands-on classes with the talented Pauline D'Hayle to exploring the latest designs, every visit is a unique experience.

Create memories, master the art of pottery, and take home your very own masterpiece!“

- Ins & Outs Barbados

Books: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n - Nyam JamaicaCulinaria: The Caribbean e-books: Shake Dat Cocktail, Cocktails & Hors d'Oeuvres, Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n (4 vol), Nyam Jamaica (2 vol) (see website)

Gourmand World Cookbook Awards: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n: Best Cookbook of the Year, Best Self-Published Book, Best Historical Recipes, Best Cookbook Design for Barbados (2014) 'Best Self-Published Book In The World' (2015) Nyam Jamaica: 'Best Design In The World' (20082009) - honoured 2015 at Frankfurt Book Fair for the 20 years of Gourmand World Cookbook Award - Best of the Best Design In The World (2015)

Caribbean Tourism Award (2009)

Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n This amazing book by Rosemary Parkinson is on island. Two hard cover coffee table books, with a sleeve that encloses both, 656 pages and 1400 plus photos filled with history, tradition, culture, stories and recipes from Barbados.

Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n, a collector's item, has won 4 awards for Barbados –Best Photography, Best Design, Best Historical Recipes, Best Self-published Book –then against 5 of the best books in the world WON Best Self-Published Book In The World and honoured at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 with Best of the Best In The World by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2015.

Jeena Chatrani Antilles Gallery.

“Hi! Welcome To Antillean Gallery of Art!

My name is Jeena Chatrani and I recently started Antillean Gallery with the intention of promoting and selling art from Caribbean artists online.

I'm an artist myself and I've found that the art scene in Barbados could greatly benefit from some online presence. For the last 6 years I've been a full time artist and have had to learn a lot about the business behind selling art. It's not easy to make it as an artist but it is so fulfilling.

With Antillean Gallery of Art I hope to help raise the standard of art and artists in Barbados, and eventually across the Caribbean.”

The artists of Antillean Gallery of Art online gallery:

Catherine Forter Chee a Tow, Cathy Cummins, Chris Richards, Dana Sikkens, Jeena Chatrani, Julia Seymour, Julianne Gill, Lorna Wilson, Mario Holder, Maurice Forde, Sian Pampellonne, Tracey Williams, Trevor Desilvia Curator Jeena Chatrani

Helping the young talent where we can.

This pandemic has created financial difficulties for so many in the arts and they lose any chance to make a career of art.

I just received a donation of art supplies being kindly given by artist Jeena Chatrani, curator of Antillean Gallery of Art online gallery. Thank you Jeena.

These will go to a very talented 17 year old to help her keep drawing and painting.

Would you consider looking around your painting/studio space and see if there are any art supplies that you may not want or need and help the future talents of Barbados.

Either give directly to artists whom you feel may need the help or contact me via private message here and drop off the arts supplies and I will happily disburse them to those in need.

Please be aware of the dignity and pride of those receiving.

Please don’t add their names here. Private message me.

Allow them to decide if they want their names added to art supplies being given to them.

Thank you

Art supplies kindly donated to go to a young aspiring artist in need. Thank you Heidi Berger.

Helping the young talent where we can.

This pandemic has created financial difficulties for so many in the arts and they lose any chance to make a career of art.

Would you consider looking around your painting/studio space and see if there are any art supplies that you may not want or need and help the future talents of Barbados.

Either give directly to artists whom you feel may need the help or contact me via private message here and drop off the arts supplies and I will happily disburse them to those in need.

Please be aware of the dignity and pride of those receiving. Please don’t add their names here. Private message me. Allow them to decide if they want their names added to art supplies being given to them.

Earthworks Pottery. Mon - Fri, 9am -5pm Sat 9am-1pm


Henderson Reece is well-known among art lovers for his fresh, vibrant and cheery batik creations and excels at capturing familiar local scenes and iconic elements in this globally treasured medium

He offers workshops for BB$400 for an entire day under his tutelage, which includes all materials and lunch. His protégés-for-aday leave with a batik of their own design which they can proudly mount and frame in their homes.

Thank to Ins and Outs Barbados

https://www.insandoutsb atik-studio

Pages that add arts events, talks, lectures, workshops, opening receptions, exhibitions, shows and more on a regular/daily basis.

Barbados Visual Arts Page (updated daily)

On Facebook On Instagram @visualartsbarbadosevents

Museum Facebook Page. Ask to be on their email listing.

Barbados Photographic Society

Gine On Magazine

What's On In Barbados

Errol Barrow Centre page

Theatre Eyes

NCF page and

The Frame & Art Co

We're super pleased to announce that we have now started printing in house! We offer photo printing, canvas printing, fine art printing & much more. Send us your beautiful photos and we can print & frame all in one location.

Remember we also offer custom framing for your art pieces. Contact us at 271-6509 or email us at #frameartco

Want to paint with Plein Air Barbados arts group? Send them a message to find out when their next outdoor session will be. Please click on this Plein Air Barbados link to send them a message. m/Bajanartists/

Specialising in art supplies for the professional to student level. Offering a wide range of products


Golden Paints and mediums, Gamblin, Cotman, Liquitex, Reeves, Galeria, Sargent. Plus a wide range of drawing and colouring equipment. Prisma, Derwent, Reeves, Sargent, Charcoal and Pastels.

Easels, Canvases, Watercolour paper, Drawing and Pastel paper.

Screen printing and lino block printing supplies.Fabric paint and dyes. Waxes, pottery tools, stencils and more.

Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm Saturday 8.30am – 3pm. Sunday Closed. Telephone/Fax (246) 436 2950

James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown

Do you consider what you use and discard of regularly?

What are you doing on a daily basis to minimize your consumption of single-use plastics?


Our Mission

To fuel the development of culture through training, research and the creation of opportunities in cultural industries.

The Role of the NCF

The NCF’s two major roles are: developmental and commercial. In its developmental role, the Foundation uses culture as a tool for national development fostering and supporting the various art forms and new cultural products. In its commercial role, the Foundation is responsible for the promotion, production and hosting of cultural festivals and associated events that are considered economically viable or socially acceptable. A key part of this function now includes the responsibility for the staging and execution of major governmental and national events. In addition, as culture becomes more pivotal to national and international policy, the National Cultural Foundation continues to re-assess its responsibilities in light of all its functions.


of the NCF are:

To stimulate and facilitate the development of culture generally

To develop, maintain and manage theatres and other cultural facilities and equipment provided by Government

To organize cultural festivals

Assist persons interested in developing cultural expression.

OBJECTIVES of the NCF are:

To provide opportunities for Barbadian artists/artistes to showcase their talents with the end result being an increased demand for local work

To educate Barbadians concerning their heritage

To offer Barbadians and visitors alike a high quality product that informs, educates and entertains

To equip our cultural workforce with technological skills and training to excel in their particular art forms

To strengthen the local cultural product and in the process increase profits to the shareholders

To create high quality products that will be competitive on the local, regional and international markets

To maximize the role of the cultural sector in the tourism industry

Deebles Point Art Gallery & Cafe. Featuring artists Frank Cossey, Trudi Johnson, Hilary Armstrong, Clermont Mapp, Nancy Cole-O'Geest, Keisha Hinds, Joshua Simpson, Claire EvansonCeppi, Keren Evanson.

Industry Hall. East Point, St Philip. Tel 423 7943

“Somewhere, amid the darkness, a painter measures a blank canvas, a poet tests a line aloud, a songwriter brings a melody into tune. Art inspires, provokes thought, reflects beauty and pain. I seek it out even more in these times. And in so doing, I find hope in the human spirit.”


Theatre Eyes

Very up to date on both local theatre and overseas happenings. Link here

Purple Palm is a local business supplying homes and businesses with the highest quality Print and Mirror furnishings. Using the artwork of many local artists in Barbados and the Caribbean plus work from around the world.

We have been supplying to the hotel and villa industry for ten years, including prestigious clients such as Sandy Lane, Coral Reef, The Crane Beach Resort, Sugar Cane Club and Sandridge among others. We have also supplied numerous private villas, and work closely with local interior designers.

Being directly affiliated with a 40,000 sq ft framing factory our prices are very competitive.

Appointments to view our gallery at Rockley Resort can be made through Paul Hoad or Karen McGuire.


To boldly and brilliantly pursue the adventure in everything artistic and to be a vital and uncommon cultural force in Barbados.



Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados - (246) 426-5325

FAST FRAME FACTORY, Dayrell’s Road, St Michael (246) 426 9994 shaka@fastframefactory.biZ


At the Best of Barbados Head Office, Welches Plantation, H’way 2A 573 6904


Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432



James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael. Tel: 436-2950Monday - Saturday

8.30am - 5.00pm (Easy access to parking by the old Heliport Pad)

LAURIE DASH, Bay Street, Bridgetown.

GINE ON MAGAZINE·Gine On?! is the online magazine brainchild of cultural practitioners DJ Simmons & Empress Zingha published every other Thursday on The husband and wife duo developed the digital publication with artists, entrepreneurs, and all the persons who support them in mind. Too many times do we hear; “Where else does events like this happen?” “Where can I hear live music?” “Anything else going on other than fetes?” “I didn't even know that was happening”. This online, access anytime hub is here; so YOU can find your next favourite time!

We broadcast bare Bajan culture to thousands of users to any device connected to the world through the web portal Link with us for original video content highlighting various art personalities, new music, videos, blogs, podcasts, I mean a couple clicks opens a wealth of entertainment. We build an engaging experience for hundreds of our supporters on social media connecting the world to know wuh gine on with arts and culture right here at home. See you somewhere sometime soon...

Sign up to our mailing list to make sure you always in de know at:

Hosting or performing at a live entertainment event, or doing any activity progressing performing arts in the island? Forward us an email ( with more information so we can help push it for you. Let's help and support each other in the arts! Come and hear wuh Gine On!

Along with a constantly updated cool callendar of events, the site is basically set up in the categories Art, Crumbs & Rums, Follow Fashion, Community.

Under Arts we tell the stories of powerful cultural influencers through video Features. Highlight strong up and coming talent in Artist Peeps. Digest the experiences of stalwarts in the industry in Craftsmen Of Our Men. We link you directly to Bajans producing quality content all over the web through the page New Brand. And coming soon you will be able to attend online workshops and masterclasses in Arts Training.

Bajans love to eat and drink and through Crumbs & Rums we take you into the lives of our local farmers and vendors in Bridgetown Market. Share homegrown recipes and food & beverage blogs in Eat Bajan. Explore the diner things around here in Eating Out In Bim and link up with those street stalls who save our bellies in On De Side. Nuff content coming to fill these pages just now!

Culture is only as strong its Community. Connect with some of the most engaging Bajans through our Features. See and hear the experience patrons and performers had at events under So How It Was. Discover new places to lime and truly treasure Barbados in Part You Carring Me.

We are so fussy to announce Gine On TV. A variety of video specials with a Bajan flair. Be uniquely entertained by some of your favourite local personalities. Real Reactions, Ask Me Anything and Top Ten Talk already in production, with more right around the corner.

You know Bajans know how to take care of ourselves and in Follow Fashion Features we direct you to some the local designers in the industry. Get tips and tricks in trends, hair and body care through Looking Like A Bajan and receive online masterclasses in hair and make up through Fashion Training. This page will be filled with vibrant content very soon so make sure you subscribe for the updates. Of course our official Gine On merchandise is also available. Hats and mugs; with fitted tees and tote bags coming soon!

This site is building an archive documenting Barbadian culture to connect our passions and creativity. Make sure you hit that link to receive notifications when we post something good. Any questions, suggestions, queries or just want to send some love; contact us at Enjoy your space to be a Bajan online and make sure you check regularly because we will be pushing out consistent content for you to enjoy. Join our social media community over at @gineonmagazine on Instagram and Facebook. Love all de time. See you somewhere sometime soon

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