2008 the cience of corrosion

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MARCH /6-20. 2008 • NEI¡I¡ ORLEANS. LOUISIANf>­ ,


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08294--Corrosion Monitoring atthe Coleson Cove Generating Station

: 98284--:-Development of Full Flow Field Tester for Material . a~d Chemical Performance Evaluation .

Yahya T AL-]anab~ Hassan A. AL-Ajwad, Ha ]in Cho~ Nasser A. AL-Nashmi, Hamad H. AL-Alwan~ Morifaq Ibrahim]rifG.r, KhaLid S. Al-Mugary, and Ali A. Al-]abran, Saudi Arameo Lab R&D Center

KeLIy McKeen, CNER 08295-Monitoring Rolling Process with Multi Electroc Corrosion Monitor, with Correlation of Steel Corrosic Ra'te to Other Coolant Variables, Conductivity, pH, Temperature. Dissolved Oxygen. and Corrosion Poten

08285-Using Ultrasound Measurements for Real-Time Process Control of Pipelines and Process Equipment Subjected to Corrosion and/or Erosion

Raymond CoLbert and Ronald Reich, Aleoa

Tarjei Rommetveit, SensorLink AS,' RO) ]ohnsen, Norwegian Universiry qfScience & TeehnoÚJgy; Carl Henrik AMen, StatoiL Researeh Center

08296--Real-Time Corrosion Monitoring in the Atmosphere Using Automated Battery-Driven Corrosi, Loggers Tomas Prosek and Dominique 7hierry, lns.titut de la Corrosion; ti Kouri4 lnstitute qfClwnical TechnoÚJgy Prague; Lisbeth R. Hilb

08286--Real Time Corrosion Monitoring to Assess me Corrosivity of COl and Chloride-Rich Oil Water Mixtures .andthe Kinetics of the Response to Imidazoline-Based Corrosion Inhibitors

and Mikkel Ostergaard Hansen, Tech7lieaLUniversiry qfDenman Degres, NKE SA; Vratislau Blazele, GaÚJanotec(lna

VVilliam ViLlamizar, Corrosion y Proteeeion lngeneria SC; .CarÚJs A. Sanehez Magana, PEMEX

08297-Monitoring of Effectiveness of Dehumidificatiol System for Corrosion Control Inside Upper Steel Box Girder in Yeongjong Grand Bridge Using Thin-Film Elec Resistance Sensors

08287-Chevron Gulf of Thailand Strategy and Experience with High Sensitivity Corroslon Monitoring

Robert WaieThouse, Cheuron Offihore Thailand, Lid.; Albert Van Roodselaar, Cheuron

SeonYeob ~ SungWon]ung, Kyeong-Wan Parle, and YoungTai CorReL Tech7loLogy Ca., Lid. ..

08288--lntegration of Corros ion Assessment with Online Plant Process Improvement and Asset Management . Applications Russell D. Kane, H.oneywell Process Solutions


08289-lntelligent Pipeline Monitoring Systems: Brillouin Sensor Integratíon , - &mlxm PingGu; WinfÚJi¡ Reuie, and Wenywrz/rer¡g, MTL


-GANMETNatural Resources; LuJanZou; OZ Optics, Ltd.

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' Process (S"T:G 36). ' 8 to ID a.m. .







. _ j:::.'!..tbo_diclAn9<:1i~~~C?testiqn 9 to 11 a.m ':r,' ;'1 :;:::,.:/..... ' - '. '

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08290--Remote Monitoring of Pipeline Corrosion Using Fiber Optic Sensors

W Don Marison, Fiber Optic Systems TechnoÚJgy

Process Industry7 Pulpan.d " .

1 to 4 p.m. ,"

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08291-Trials and Experiences in Wireless Automated

Pipeline Rectifier Monitoring , .

Lance Decker and]erry Knoblach, Space Data Corp. : I

08292-Experiences of Remote Monitoring and Controlling Systems in CP

Inhibition~Corrosion and

2 to.3 p,m. ',


Song and Young-Geun Kím, Korea Gas Corp.; Kyoung- Wan

Parle, CorreL TechnoÚJgy Co., LId,

08293-Field' Test of High Temperature Corrosion Sensors

in a Waste to En,ergy Plant

Steuen A. Matthes, Bernard S. Coui7lo ]r., Sophie]. Bullard, and Km M WiLLiamson, Us. Dept. qfEnergy

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Coatings and l" , .Linings, :. . Protective:Atrnosp' ' . ,'1 . . , This is a joint meeting of ~TC~s 02, pª;,~~~;.. ~"'1""'l

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3 to 5 p.m.



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OcIaba 2007


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