For more information
760.757.2121, x 6528
For more information
760.757.2121, x 6528
An intensive career preparation program for uniquely abled individuals who have huge potential and need to be given the chance to succeed in a meaningful career.A Uniquely Abled Academy provides those with Level 1, (low-support needs) autism an education and job placement in a career that is relevant and provides income, dignity and purpose while flling a major need for employers, and easing parent concerns.
The mission of The Uniquely Abled Project is to shift the paradigm of MISSION thinking from “disabled” to “uniquely abled. The Uniquely Abled Academy training program for CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machinists is as distinctive as the individuals it serves. The typical characteristics of those on the spectrum are a perfect match for operators of CNC machines, which are used to shape and cut materials for manufacturing. Provided are the instruction, learning, and testing for students to achieve technical profciency, as well as work readiness skills and employment assistance.
The Uniquely Abled Academy will teach Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines combined with using quality control instruments, shop mathematics and blueprint reading.
Graduates will qualify for a number of entry-level positions, including machine trainee, machinist apprentice, CNC operator.
Must be 18 years of age or older
Level 1, (low-support needs) autism
Show competence in organizational skills that refect the ability to function independently in social and academic settings
Exhibit competence in reading, basic math and computer comprehension, specifcally show the ability to identify main idea, make inferences and integrate disparate ideas
Demonstrate improved social competency including skills in self-advocacy, independent, independent living and social collaboration
Demonstrate improved skills in the appropriate use of language in a social content by applying a variety of communication skills
High School or GED diploma, and be prepared for a variety of post-secondary and career opportunities. Successfully demonstrate basic algebra and English skills (sometimes demonstrated using ACT WorkKeys pre-tests)
Ability to work 5 days a week, eight hours a day, 40 hours per week
Comfortable working with machinery in an industrial environment
A good attitude
Free to approved students
Certifcate of completion
LEAN training
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Safety Certifcate
Products they have made
Completed resume
Networking opportunities
Industry tours