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Cory Gagnon
------------------------------------------------------- I LOVE (in no particular order): PEG Set D Hook Marcella ⡠my boyfriend pink ΣΣΣ Lysol yelling photoshop SIGMA TROUT cute shoes ICP Fridays sturgeon JAT FAB FIVE Sid + Monte HALLOWEEN scaring people video games thrift stores unsweetened iced tea slow motion dog shows glitter Drew's Spot energy drinks w/ liquor in them I HATE (again in no particular order): papercuts dishes rain vanilla cinnamon football people who are late headaches buffets dough nuts bills RAW MEAT meatloaf pennies ketchup screaming children in the mall SPIDERS douche bags germs the smell of wet dog <3 ⡠<3 ⡠<3 ⡠May your glass be ever full, may the roof over your head be always strong, and may you be in heaven, half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.