How a Defense Attorney Could Help Edward Snowden Lately, the story of Edward Snowden has been all over the news. His name first hit the spotlight when he leaked top secret information regarding several mass surveillance programs run by the governments of Britain and the United States. Now hiding out in Russia under the protection of political asylum, it is unclear what’s in the future for Snowden. One thing is clear, however. Snowden is going to need a lot of legal help. Snowden’s Story An NSA contractor, Snowden had access to classified information. When he became concerned that the government was going too far with its surveillance plans, he decided to leak that information to newspapers and media outlets. Clearly, the government was not happy with this and beyond declaring his acts illegal, officials are also threatening him with punishment categorized under traitor and espionage labels. On the other hand, there are many citizens who are declaring Snowden to be a hero and a whistleblower, someone who has done a brave and dangerous thing in order to help his fellow citizens. Until more details about his case are verified and understood, it’s impossible to say with certainty whether his acts should be praised or condemned. In an effort to escape punishment by the government, Snowden made his way to Russia, hoping to gain asylum there. After spending about a month living in the airport, and applying to
twenty different countries for asylum, Snowden is now believed to be living somewhere in Russia with temporary asylum. According to his own words, Snowden believes that his actions, though not in strict obedience to the law, are in line with a higher sense of the law and that he is doing a service for his countrymen. Does Snowden Need Legal Aid? Although Snowden is obviously a very intelligent person with an above average understanding of the legal system, he will definitely require legal help. In fact, the American Civil Liberties Union has now stepped in to help Snowden obtain proper legal defense. His case is extremely sensitive and very intricate. When you’re dealing with leaking of top secret government information, flight from a country, residence in another country’s airport, and temporary political asylum, things get complicated. Snowden will need a very strong team of legal experts to help him fight his case. If they win, it could set a very important precedent in American legal cases. Snowden’s father happens to be a lawyer, but it is doubtful that he will end up representing his son since he has so much invested in the case on a personal level. Whether Snowden is a saint or a sinner has yet to be decided by any legal system. On the one hand, he has some very powerful people who are very angry with him. On the other hand, many people, including former president Jimmy Carter, are hailing Snowden as a hero whose
actions are to be applauded and encouraged. What is certain, in all of this confusion, is that Snowden’s case will require the best legal defense he can acquire.
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