RISKSA UMA Directory 2015

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YOU ONLY KNOW TRUST ONCE YOU EXPERIENCE IT At Auto and General, the opinions and ideas of our brokers have helped to forge a dynamic and solid relationship. Join the Auto and General family as a broker, and be part of a strong and successful partnership. Call us on 0800 100 011 to join us as a broker partner. We are delighted to announce that in 2014, MUA will underwrite on behalf of Auto & General Insurance. If you’d like to hear more please mail our Managing Director, Christelle Fourie, and her team at cfourie@mua.co.za www.mua.co.za | info@mua.co.za | 0861 682 467

Auto & General is an authorised financial services provider (FSP licence number: 16354).

MUA Insurance Acceptances (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 37947) underwriting on behalf of Auto & General Insurance Company Limited, an authorised financial service provider (FSP No. 16354)


We are delighted to announce that in 2014, MUA will underwrite on behalf of Auto & General Insurance. If you’d like to hear more please mail our Managing Director, Christelle Fourie, and her team at cfourie@mua.co.za www.mua.co.za | info@mua.co.za | 0861 682 467 MUA Insurance Acceptances (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 37947) underwriting on behalf of Auto & General Insurance Company Limited, an authorised financial service provider (FSP No. 16354)





CONTENTS UMAs: Foreword 10


A 34 B









The biggest claims in history 26





Social reputation 350









Supporting the UMA industry The outcome of the matter



UMA Categories: p354

UMA Company listings: p360


Service Providers:


Administrators and software providers




Appraisers and valuers


Assistance services


Insurers: Short term

Long term


272 276


Car rentals and vehicle replacement insurance 318 Education 322 Glass suppliers


Legal, compliance and practice management services


Loss adjusters and assessors


Panel beaters


Pathology 334 Plumbing, electrician or home services


Premium collections


Recovery services


Salvage 344 Telematics 344

Insurers: p366

Service providers: p367

Associations: p368

UMA Directory is published by:

(A division of COSA Communications (Pty) Ltd)


PO Box 60320, Table View, 7439

Ground floor, Manhattan Tower, Esplanade Road, Century City, 7441 Tel: 021 555 3577 | Fax: 086 618 3906 | www.umadirectory.co.za

Publisher Andy Mark Managing editor Nicky Mark Copy editor Gemma Redelinghuys Production team Gemma Redelinghuys Yasmin Schrueder Editorial Christy van der Merwe Dominic Uys Luka Vracar Melissa Wentzel Sarah Bassett

Design and layout Dave Androliakos Davida Smith Herman Dorfling Mariska le Roux Editorial enquiries Tel: 021 555 3577 Fax: 086 618 3906 E-mail: info@comms.co.za Website: www.umadirectory.co.za

Advertising and sales Tel: 021 555 3577 Michael Kaufmann | michaelk@comms.co.za Blake Dyason | blake@comms.co.za Dale Gardner | dale@comms.co.za

Copyright COSA Communications (Pty) Ltd 2015. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Publisher, Cosa Communications (Pty) Ltd and or COSA Media. The mention of specific products in articles or advertisements does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by this journal or its publishers in preference to others of a similar nature, which are not mentioned or advertised. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of editorial content, the publishers do not accept responsibility for omissions, errors or any consequences that may arise therefrom. Reliance on any information contained in this publication is at your own risk. The publishers make no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the correctness or suitability of the information contained and/or the products advertised in this publication. The publishers shall not be liable for any damages or loss, howsoever arising, incurred by readers of this publication or any other person/s. The publishers disclaim all responsibility and liability for any damages, including pure economic loss and any consequential damages, resulting from the use of any service or product advertised in this publication. Readers of this publication indemnify and hold harmless the publishers of this magazine, its officers, employees and servants for any demand, action, application or other proceedings made by any third party and arising out of or in connection with the use of any services and/or products or the reliance of any information contained in this publication. Please note while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this directory, the publishers cannot be held responsible for any error or ommisions. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this guide, kindly e-mail editor@comms.co.za.



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Specialists in medical insurance for pets

Specialists in sectional title insurance

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Specialists in guarantee products

Specialists in heavy commercial vehicle insurance

FSP License Number: 15491

FSP License Number: 44721

Specialists in transit and carrier liability FSP License Number: 2565

Renasa Insurance Company Limited is a registered financial service provider (license number 15491).

Foreword Dear Reader We work in one of the most dynamic and exciting industries in the world. To purify the information contained between these covers has been a mammoth, year-long endeavour which has given us tremendous insight into the constantly changing environment in which we find ourselves. The mergers, the acquisitions, the renaming of old companies and the opening of fresh new brands all point to a dynamic financial services niche which has been quick to respond to an ever changing regulatory environment. The signs are all there that we are heading into a tougher trading year this year. But that’s OK. The businesses you will find listed between these covers are adept at finding solutions and have all been through changing business cycles before and so I am confident that our industry will not just weather the storm, so to speak, but find seeds of opportunity to further enhance their offering to clients and each other. I mention above that compiling an accurate guide to our industry like this has been a mammoth year-long task and it is due to the diligence and obsessive/compulsive nature of my amazing team that we have been able to pull this off with as few errors as we have. Please bear in mind that during the course of the year some companies may move or change telephone numbers. Please follow the UMA directory link on the risksa.com news site for the most up-to-date information. And please, if your business is listed here, and you move or change contact details, let us know so that we can help your clients and trading partners find you.

Andy Mark publisher


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All Specialist Underwriters are Authorised Financial Services Providers

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Supporting the

UMA industry

Established in 1999, the South African Underwriting Managers Association (SAUMA) celebrated its 15th birthday in 2014, growing from strength to strength and achieving record membership numbers. Christy van der Merwe

“It has been a phenomenal 15 years, not only in terms of growth, but in terms of what we, as a board, have achieved with limited funding and capacity,” says SAUMA chairperson, Tersia Davey. Underwriting managers have now officially been recognised in the Short-term Insurance Act. “We have created an understanding and awareness in the industry of the definition and position of an underwriting manager, and what we stand for. The valuable contribution in terms of underwriting specialised risks and arranging short-term structures to compete with the international environment on niche products was not fully recognised or understood.” At the very heart of its mandate, the association


has created a professional body which gives underwriters a platform to generate awareness and stand together in a strong alliance to deal with regulatory reform and decisions affecting the market. Indeed, the increased legislative requirements and insurance platforms requires SAUMA to assist with the regulatory feedback, member views and contributions through a holistic approach. SAUMA is fully supported by the Financial Services Board (FSB), and also represents members at the South African Insurance Association (SAIA). The association has open lines of ongoing communication with the ShortTerm Insurance Ombudsman, and the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) 




Authorised Financial Services Provider A member of the



outcome of the matter Melissa Wentzel Melissa Anne Wentzel


There has been heightened interest among financial services industry stakeholders on the effects of the Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) initiative on their business. Leanne Jackson, head of market conduct strategy at the Financial Services Board (FSB), offers some insight into where we are with TCF, the Twin Peaks reform, and the Retail Distribution Review (RDR). Leanne Jackson head of market conduct strategy, FSB

What phase of the Twin Peaks reform are we currently in? Where the broader Twin Peaks process is concerned, the National Treasury is currently revising the draft Financial Sector Regulation Bill, which was first published in late 2013 and will establish the two new regulators. The Financial Sector Regulation Bill will create the Prudential and the Market Conduct Authority. However, creation of the two new authorities is only the first phase of the new legal framework. The next phase will be harmonising and reviewing of all the different pieces of legislation that the two new authorities are responsible for. In terms of the TCF initiative specifically, we’ve already begun to implement that in the way we regulate and supervise the industry. Although the Twin Peaks legal developments will entrench TCF in an overarching way, we’re busy implementing it on an incremental basis at the moment, within our current framework.

With financial services likely moving toward a fee-based model, who will cater to the lower income or ‘mass market’ segment of the retail investor base in South Africa? TThere are two things to clarify here: firstly, the shift to an entirely fee-based model is currently being contemplated in the savings and investments product space. In the case of risk products, it is likely that at least some elements of commission will be retained. Secondly, we’ve made it very clear that even in those areas where we might propose a fee-based model we do recognise that exceptions may need to be made for the lower income or mass market segment.

The aftermath of the RDR in the UK saw the number of financial advisers dwindle. Will South African advisers face a similar fate? I think we need to treat comparisons with the UK with caution. The nature of the Retail Distribution Review in the UK had a very different scope to what we’re looking at here.


So to assume that there would be similar types of results, attributable to our RDR is not something we agree with. One of the objectives (of the RDR) is to ensure the ongoing sustainability of fair financial advice, so we’re not looking to reduce numbers of advisers – we’re looking to ensure good quality advice through a sustainable model.

Can you describe the benefits of an outcomes-based regulatory approach for financial advisers? An outcomes-based approach is something that we believe will be positive for all stakeholders because it focuses on the end result rather than applying a tick box approach to following rules and processes. It makes a lot of sense for all players in the sector to work towards building a model that delivers the right customer outcomes. The TCF approach will help to rebalance the responsibility of product suppliers and intermediaries when it comes to fair customer outcomes. It’s probably fair to say that market conduct or consumer protection legislation in South Africa’s financial services sector has been quite heavily slanted towards the conduct of the advisers, sometimes with insufficient


focus on the responsibilities of product suppliers. We think financial advisers will be encouraged to realise that we’re looking at making sure responsibility is spread a bit more evenly across the value chain.

What should the financial services industry prepare themselves for in 2015? The industry, if they have not already done a lot of work in thinking about how they would demonstrate fair treatment, should get to it fast because they’re actually behind the curve. They should focus on implementing TCF and really getting it well embedded in their culture, strategy, and processing during 2015 and onwards. Implementation timelines for RDR are difficult to confirm at this stage but we realise we need to give reasonable lead times. Having said that though, we have indicated that there’s certain specific conflicted remuneration practices we are troubled by that may result in interim interventions. We’ve already published a request for comment on an intended prohibition of sign-on bonuses for recruiting representatives. That’s an example of an interim implementation that did not wait for the full RDR implementation. 

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Will there be any training? The FSB and Treasury are committed to being consultative on this whole process. As any new legislation or policies are developed there will be consultation on those. Treasury is planning, together with the next draft of the Financial Regulation Bill, to publish a policy statement on market conduct regulation, which will clarify the objectives and approach of the new market conduct regulator. The FSB will always consult on any new measure we introduce. The consultation doesn’t only take the form of issuing a document and asking for comment – wherever appropriate we will run workshops, etc. and try to be as accessible as possible when industry organisations or even particular financial institutions ask to discuss implications. Over the last three years we’ve conducted a significant number – easily over a hundred – of presentations, meetings, discussions, and workshops, with a wide range of stakeholders


on the implications and expectations of the TCF framework. There’s a lot of internal training that goes on as well, because TCF also means a shift in our approach to supervising the industry. So our emphasis is not so much on training the industry, but more on being consultative and accessible where guidance is needed. We’ve also issued different types of written guidance. For example, the TCF Roadmap, the results of a TCF pilot study and a TCF baseline study. We have also designed a self-assessment tool that we’ve published on our website to enable any type of regulatory entity to use and adapt, to form their own implementation of TCF. The FAIS department has published specific TCF guidance for small advisory firms and for investment managers. Those kinds of initiatives will continue as and when we identify a need for them. The Retail Distribution Review was published in November 2014.


Zurich Business Partners. Zurich Business Partners (ZBP) comprises of dedicated teams and value propositions for Underwriting Managers and Tied Agents.

Underwriting Managers (UMAs)

Tied Agents

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From high performance supercars to a mangy cat, some of the world’s most expensive insurance claims have included the unbelievable and the unusual. But whether it’s funny, bizarre, or serious, insurance exists to provide cover for anything you can think of around the world. High-priced kitty Pet insurance is not something you would expect to rank as one of the biggest insurance payouts of all time, but a $22 000 (R197 120) claim for a cat’s renal surgery was paid in 2010. Not only is this the largest single pet insurance claim ever filed, the cat in question was an ordinary mixed breed with no special traits or characteristics. Pet insurance claims can range from expensive to just downright odd. In 2011, Harlem, a pug from America, won the Veterinary Pet Insurance Hambone Award for the weirdest claim. Harlem’s owner had been away on holiday and noticed on her return that he was passing several rocks. She could also feel more rocks in his stomach. An emergency animal hospital was able to give the dog medication and he passed more than 100 rocks. Clients who want pet insurance should look out for the following: • Exclusion period – some policies will accept a claim only from a certain date after the policy is taken out. • Maximum age – a new pet insurance policy may specify that it can be taken out only for a pet under a certain age. • Co-insurance excess – this means the client will have to pay the policy excess plus a percentage of the claim. 


Crash, boom, bang In 2012, an American businessman, Christopher Cox, crashed his classic Ferrari 250 GTO into another vehicle while driving in France. The accident claimed the title of ‘World’s most expensive car crash,’ as the blue and yellow Ferrari was one of only 39 ever produced between 1962 and 1964 and is valued at US$ 31 million (R340 million). The previous holder of the title, with a collective total damage to the elite sports cars adding up to more than $4 million (R35.8 million), was a chain-reaction pile-up on Japan’s Chgoku Expressway in Yamaguchi Prefecture in December 2011 involving eight Ferraris and a single Lamborghini. The convoy of expensive sports car owners and enthusiasts were travelling on the rain-soaked section of highway in the city of Shimonoseki. The driver of the lead Ferrari lost control when changing lanes and the following vehicles, which may have been exceeding the speed limit slightly, slammed into each other, one by one. All the drivers were between the ages of 37 and 60, and six were injured, with two in serious condition. Police say it took them over six hours to clear all the debris off the highway, as it was spread out over a stretch of road roughly 400 metres. According to a witness, the Ferraris, which included a F430 Scuderia and F360, valued from $190 000 (R1.74 million), were driving at speeds between 140 and 160 kilometres per hour in an 80-kilometre zone. The driver of the lead car was a 60-year-old self-employed man; he and the nine others were later charged with


‘accidental infliction of injury while driving’. The incident involved 14 cars in total. In addition to the nine exotic cars, there were two Toyotas and three Mercedes-Benzes. English actor and comedian, Rowan Atkinson, takes the prize for the most expensive single car insurance claim. In 2011, he crashed his McLaren F1 for the second time, leading to a repair bill of £910 000 (R12.6 million) for more than a year’s worth of repair work. When it comes to classic and luxury cars, clients need to be sure that they are getting the best insurance cover at the best premium. American Collectors Insurance offers the following advice: • Drop unnecessary cover. If the car is stored in the garage all year, the client could save money by insuring only for theft or third party damage. • If the client drives the car only on the weekends or to classic car shows, they could take advantage of insurance policies based on limited mileage. • Remove other drivers from the policy. Luxury cars are unlikely to be driven regularly, if at all, by anyone other than the primary driver. The client could reduce their premium by ensuring that no other drivers are listed on the policy.

The cost of art Some of the largest insurance policies in the world exist to cover art, particularly rare paintings and sculptures that would be a loss to the entire world if they were to disappear. Gordon Massie, the managing director of Artinsure, says global art theft has reached very high numbers. “The largest art theft in 2012



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was from a museum in Rotterdam and involved artwork valued at $250 million (R2.2 billion). There were several other museum heists in excess of $50 million (R448 million) in 2012. The largest recorded theft (aside from wartime looting) is valued at $500 million (R4.4 billion) from a museum in Boston,” he says. Massie points out that art theft frequency is on the rise with Paris galleries and museums being prime targets. Additional occurrences of art theft have been during government changes throughout the Arab Spring. His advice to brokers with clients who have art collections is to: • Catalogue the collection well. • Value it frequently. • Make sure you are updated when the client revalues or adds to their collection.

Up in flames The Waldo Canyon Fire was a forest fire in Colorado in June 2012, which resulted in the evacuation of more than 32 000 residents of Colorado Springs and the destruction of about 346 homes. The insurance claims related to the Waldo Canyon Fire totalled more than $352.6 million (R3.1 billion). The top three most expensive local claims at MUA Insurance Acceptances all involved fire damage. Managing director of MUA, Christelle Fourie, says the company’s largest loss on record was for R6.7 million in a fire damage claim. “This is not so bad though, when you consider that we insure buildings valued at more than R100 million,” she points out.

• If the client goes to the trouble of having a valuation done, the adviser should encourage them to accept the valuation that comes back. “Often, clients think the value on their building is overstated. They think they can get a builder for less per square metre than the estimate. As a result, they insure on this lower value but at claims stage, this means they get paid out far less than is adequate to properly replace the house.” • A homeowner’s policy should be reviewed and updated at least every three years.

The shocking effect of power surges According to the Insurance Information Institute, lightning surges in America cost nearly $1 billion (R8.9 billion) in insurance claims in 2011. Loretta Worters, the vice president of the Insurance Information Institute, says plasma and high-definition television sets, home entertainment centres, multiple computer households, smartphones, gaming systems and other expensive devices, which can all be destroyed by power surges, continue to have a significant impact on claims losses. Another reason behind the increased claim costs may be due to a spike in consumer electronics prices.

Fourie has the following advice: • The importance of having valuations done on both buildings and contents cannot be understated.







Darrel Dawson, a director at Echelon Private Clients, says that usually, accidental damage is limited on insurance policies to R10 000 or R15 000. “However, the cost of goods affected by a lightning surge is far more than that. A plasma television set alone could cost the client R10 000 to replace,” he points out. Dawson says Echelon has previously had a R250 000 insurance claim for damage due to a lightning or power surge. Dawson has the following advice:

The fire at St Francis Bay in November 2012, was estimated to have cost more than R500 million in claims, having destroyed at least 75 homes.


• Select a surge protector that has an indicating light and/or audible alarm to show when it needs a replacement. • Look for a surge protector with a manufacturer’s warranty. Some warranties cover only the device while others also cover any damaged equipment connected to the device. • The best surge protection is to unplug equipment from the wall during an electrical storm.








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Global Credit Rating AConstantia Insurance Company Limited is an Authorised Financial Services Provider. FSP 31111

32 30 2


31 3 33

10 facts about art

1. The Merrill Lynch World Report in 2012 found that 20 per cent of high net worth individuals globally have allocated their investment passion dollars to art collections. 2. The Mei Moses World Art Index, which tracks the resale values of paintings, has outperformed US and international equity markets over the last 50 years. 3. In November 2013, a sculpture by contemporary South African artist Jane Alexander, Untitled, sold for R5.5 million, breaking records for both South African sculpture and contemporary art. 4. In 2011, Irma Stern’s Arab Priest sold on auction in London for R34 million, breaking the record for the sale of a South African artwork.


5. Also in 2011, another Stern work, Two Arabs, set the record price for a painting sold in South Africa, selling for R21.166 million. 6. Guinness World Records lists the Mona Lisa as having the highest insurance value for a painting in history. It was assessed at $100 million on December 14, 1962. Taking inflation into account, the 1962 value would be around $780 million today. 7. The highest price record for an artwork at auction is $259 million for Paul Cézanne’s The Card Players, sold in Qatar in April 2011. 8. In May 2014, specialist auction house Christie’s saw the highest art auction total ever, taking in $744.9 million. 9. At the same Christie’s auction, Joan Mitchell’s 1960 untitled painting set a new record for any female artist at $11.9 million. 10. The most expensive art insurance claim on record is for a painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner, which was insured for a mindboggling $38 million dollars.




AGRICULTURE AND FARMING African Rand Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 731386, Fairland, 2030 Phone: +27 (0)11 678 1354 Fax: +27 (0)86 685 9120 Web address: www.africanrand.com E-mail: dion@africanrand.co.za FSP licence number: 5742 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638) Product information: AGRInSURE is a complete farm insurance product on which the client can depend to protect their dwellings, personal contents, farm buildings, machinery, equipment and livestock. It also provides farm liability coverage. AGRInSURE is a self-contained policy, flexible in design and applicable to a variety of agricultural insurance needs. It’s not a homeowners’ or commercial policy stretched to fit the typical farming operation. Instead, AGRInSURE policies are designed with the client in mind and the coverage is written specific to farming risks. African Rand is underwritten

by Genric Insurance Company Limited and exceptional claim service is guaranteed. In addition to the typical commercial and domestic covers offered, the policy is extended to provide cover specifically for farmers. This includes: • Special provisions with reference to livestock • Pumps and electric motors • Irrigation pipes and pumping equipment • Hammer mills • Property in the open • Spray irrigation systems on wheels and centre pivots • Paddock and boundary fences • Damage to water tanks and water apparatus • Produce and livestock in transit • Droving and escaping of animals and stray animals • Spreading of fire • Various farming-related risks to motor vehicles. Contact us for all of your farming assets and livestock insurance requirements.

Alternative Commercial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 504, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0787 Phone: +27 (0)87 232 8860 / +27 (0)87 232 8560 Fax: +27 (0)86 620 0174 Web address: www.acaselect.co.za E-mail: leon@acaselect.co.za / francois@acaselect.co.za


FSP licence number: 39835 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Western National Insurance Company Ltd Product information: ACA is a registered financial services provider with an underwriting arrangement with Western National Insurance Company Ltd.



Commercial lines: We write all general lines of short-term insurance, with preference to commercial business (small to medium industries). Hospitality lines: We are able to write hospitality business – lodges, hotels, game and hunting farms, guesthouses and related risks.

Niche product: Turtle Cover – we have a market first in this product where we are breaking boundaries to extend existing clients’ cover to ensure that they are not left with a shortfall when experiencing a claim. See our product-specific details on www.turtlecover.co.za.

Personal lines: We have a very competitive personal lines product with a well-balanced rating approach to the risks that we would like to acquire. Farming lines: We can provide a wide range of covers that will cater for the needs of commercial and bona fide farming entities.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: IUM assists you, as the broker, in helping your clients to cover the risk and harvest the benefits of growing their business – come rain or shine. Together, you and IUM form a thriving partnership for the benefit of your clients, from which a new product has grown. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre. Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department

• In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services. Cover available: • Accidental damage • Buildings • Business interruption • Combines and tractors • Computer equipment • Droving of animals • Farming implements • Fire • Fire on veld • Houseowners • House contents • Inflation and escalation • Irrigation systems • Machinery breakdown • Money • Motor • Property in the open • Public liability • Spread of fire • Theft.



AGRICULTURE AND FARMING Landmark Underwriting Agency (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 1st floor, Westdene Centre, corner First Avenue and Reid Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301 Postal address: PO Box 1941, Bloemfontein, 9300 Phone: +27 (0)51 430 3371 Fax: +27 (0)51 447 2463 Web address: www.landmark-ua.co.za E-mail: gert@landmark-ua.co.za FSP licence number: 12654 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148) Product information: Landmark Underwriting Agency covers the following risks/classes of insurance: fire (buildings, homeowners, home contents, other contents, stock, fodder in buildings and in the open), accident, crime, liability (including personal liability, spread of fire, droving of animals), motor (including farming implements and irrigation equipment), electronic equipment and livestock. Within the aforementioned cover, the following is also included: pedigreed/registered farm dogs; products liability; animal trespass; bursting and overflowing of dams; warehouseman’s liability; stress cover following a total loss;


landscape cover; post-trauma counselling; labour relations advice cover; visitors medical expenses cover following injury caused by an animal; domestic veterinary expenses following road accident; loss of use of private and agricultural vehicles; large tyre cover for farming vehicles; emergency overnight accommodation; loss of valuable electronic data; motor vehicle hire cover and free cover for death following farm attacks. Who is the typical client for this product? The owner or manager of a farm seeking tailor-made short-term insurance for all personal and agricultural needs as well as selected commercial activity risk needs. Why Landmark? Landmark consists of a dedicated knowledgeable team who has many years’ experience in the underwriting of farmers’ shortterm insurance needs and who understands your business. Our only business is the underwriting of the assets and liabilities of farmers and we market our product through established brokers with whom we have a long-standing relationship and who understand your business and are consistent and well established in your area.




Art, antiques and collectibles Artinsure Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 87419, Houghton, Johannesburg, 2041 Phone (head office): +27 (0)86 111 1096 Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 678 0333 Web address: www.artinsure.co.za E-mail: info@artinsure.co.za FSP licence number: 36954

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company Ltd (FSP 17698) Product information: Art and collectibles are unique in that they are appreciating assets requiring specialist insurance. A standard contents or assets policy is not likely to meet the specific needs that collectors require for their valuable, rare and often irreplaceable collectible items. The Artinsure Collector policy is specifically designed for your precious collectibles, and will put you back into the same financial position that you were in prior to a loss, including the depreciation that follows damage. Full theft and accidental damage cover is standard on the policy along with numerous benefits and the support of an independent panel of expert valuers and restorers.

Aviation Aeronautica Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 651688, Benmore, 2010
 Phone (head office): +27 (0)11 483 3377
 Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 683 1851
 Web address: www.jankelow.co.za
 E-mail: Cassandra.dewitt@icapital.co.za FSP licence number: 4578

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: Aeronautica Underwriting Managers is a niche UMA offering pilot excess insurance to the aviation industry.

Airspace Africa Underwriters Physical address: Hatfield Corner, 1101 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083 Phone: +27 (0)86 133 3345 Fax: +27 (0)86 606 9741 Web address: www.airspaceafrica.co.za E-mail: info@natsure.co.za FSP license number: 4578


Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Coverholder at Lloyd’s Product information: In addition to the Airspace Africa Hull All Risk, Third Party Legal Liability and Passenger Legal Liability and Hull War risk insurance, our specialist brokers can offer their clients access to a variety of newly



and specifically designed products to enable aviation clients to manage their risk efficiently. These products include, but are not limited to, the following: • Airport Owners’ and Operators’ liability including Airmeet liability • Personal Accident for crew • Hull Deductible insurance (including standalone) • No Claims Bonus protection plan • Marine Cargo (aviation related).

Airspace Africa Underwriters has designed easyto-read and unambiguous policy wording of which copies are freely available on our website. Aircraft policy: Hull all risks/liabilities/hull war risks. Aerodrome Owners and Operators (airport liability/hangar keepers/repairers’ liability), Airmeet liability. Personal Accident; pilot hull deductible insurance; buy-down of policy deductible.

Azriel Aero Aviation Underwriting Managers Postal address: PO Box 2747, Lonehill, 2062 Phone: +27 (0)11 462 6200 Fax: +27 (0)11 462 6232 Web address: www.azrielaviation.co.za E-mail: jan@azrielaviation.co.za FSP licence number: 43029 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: Azriel Aero Aviation (AAA), an aviation insurance underwriting agency with an impeccable record, guarantees brokers a speedy turnaround time from the quotation to the claim settlement phase. The reason being that AAA understands the

nature and demands of aviation; hence, the company’s ethos of being available 24/7 and partnering with key aviation syndicates and various other reputable sources of information to keep abreast of global developments. That way, brokers receive unparalleled industry updates and service excellence, which they in turn can pass on to their clients. Aside from processing all claim settlements themselves, brokers will appreciate the fact that AAA is in control of the entire claims process, from appointing qualified assessors, to providing brokers with weekly claim progress reports. And although AAA fully embraces technology, personal interaction with brokers and their clients remains first priority.


10 facts

about sectional title and body corporate

1. Sectional title units account for up to 20 per cent of all residential accommodation in South Africa, and this figure is expected to continue to grow rapidly.

5. Santam settled around R40 million in claims resulting from the St Francis Bay fire, which destroyed or damaged 76 homes in 2012.

2. There are 55 000 sectional title schemes in South Africa. These incorporate a total of around 800 000 sectional title units.

6. Fraud and corruption are ten times more likely to cause major financial losses for sectional title owners, than fire or flooding.

3. Sectional title cover is the only property insurance that is compulsory. It is also the most stringently legislated.

7. Geysers and related resultant damage account for some 70 per cent of all sectional title insurance claims.

4. Body corporate schemes are not entitled to make profits, and their budgets are prepared on a break-even basis. If only 10 per cent of members don’t pay levies on time, the body corporate experiences severe cash flow problems.

8. The most common cause of damage to elevators in sectional title schemes is from water penetrating the shaft. 9. Insurers are starting to underwrite properties in areas near flood plains, with increased caution. Scientists believe that, with climate change, today’s ‘100-year floods’ may start to occur every three to 20 years. 10. Schemes with buildings older than 60 years fall within the jurisdiction of the Heritage Council. This can severely impact the cost and duration of repairs, and plans need to be submitted and verified by the council first.


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Bankers’ blanket bonds Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general


liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.


Bed & breakfast AND guesthouse insurance HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75)

tailor-made products. We offer a wide range of products not restricted to one segment of the industry but designed for various types of establishments including B&B, guesthouses, lodges, boutique hotels, golf clubs, restaurants and conference centres.

Product information: Service is something we are passionate about and as a result we won the FIA UMA award in 2012. We are committed to providing first class service to all our broker partners with over 15 years servicing the hospitality industry with our

Beyond Insurance Camargue is more than a policy. Camargue is more than a product. Camargue is a concept. We bring risk management solutions and risk management services to an ever-increasing range of clients - with ever-increasing impact on business, society and beyond. We are dedicated to seeing the power of knowledge change the world. One business. One challenge. One victory at a time.

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Bed & breakfast and guesthouse insurance (cont.) Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: We are specialists in tourism insurance. Our product is specialised with a wide variety of cover suited specifically for guesthouses and bed and breakfast businesses. Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services.

Bicycle insurance King Price Insurance Postal address: PO Box 284, Menlyn, 0063 Phone: +27 (0)860 00 55 00 Web address: www kingprice.co.za E-mail: brokers@kingprice.co.za FSP licence number: 43862 Product information: King Price, finally, an insurance company that does things the fair and logical way. King Price offers a world first, with super cheap premiums that actually decrease every month, along with the depreciating value of our clients’ cars. Added to that is their award-winning royal service, other great benefits!


Cover available: Property damage section which incorporates the following traditional sections: • Fire • Buildings combined • Office contents • Houseowners • Householders. Optional cover: • Accidental damage to glass • Buildings • Business interruption • Contents • Guest’s personal effects • Personal accident • Public liability • Perishable food and beverages • Landscaping, signage and canopies • Leisure sporting facilities • Liability • Office contents • Watercraft and motor.




Bicycle insurance (cont.) Policy Provider Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PO Box 654, Hyper by the Sea, 4053 Phone: +27 (0)31 566 2322 Web address: www.i-cycleinsurance.co.za E-mail: sean@policyprovider.co.za FSP licence number: 43569 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638) Product information: I-Cycle – At last an all-new product now available to all cyclists. An all risk policy that will provide you with cover while you are participating in a race, training or travelling abroad. I-Cycle will ensure that your equipment is covered no matter where you are, whether it is in the mud participating in a local derby, on the road competing in your favourite classic or on a track abroad. I-Cycle cover includes: • All risks cover for bicycles, equipment and accessories based on new replacement value


• Cover for incidents which include theft, bike jacking and damage to your cycle while training or racing and an option of excess buyback • Cover while competing in international events, national events, provincial events or any other sanctioned events including club rides • Public liability of R 1 000 000. To offer you peace of mind, I-Cycle will include the following in your new tailor-made package: • Medical benefits of up to R100 000 for any accident • Personal accident cover, death or permanent disability cover of R100 000.


BLOODSTOCK Kuda Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Unit 78, Eden on the Bay, Beach Bay Boulevard, Bloubergstrand, 7441 Phone: +27 (0)21 554 KUDA (5832) Fax: +27 (0)86 696 6132 Web address: www.kuda.co.za E-mail: wsmith@kuda.co.za FSP licence number: 38382 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Infiniti Insurance Ltd

includes products for thoroughbred racehorses, as well as the many breeds of horses involved in the various sport horse disciplines. Not only are our rates extremely competitive, but we pride ourselves on our ability to innovate, our excellent service, and our understanding of the needs of our clients.

Product information: Kuda offers the full suite of bloodstock and now also game and exotic wildlife insurance products. Our products cover mortality, infertility, loss of use, loss of income, veterinary cover, public liability cover, personal accident cover, etc. Our bloodstock offering



BODY CORPORATE AND SECTIONAL TITLE Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme

trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

CIA Commercial & Industrial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 615, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 124 2777 Fax: +27 (0)86 613 6684 Web address: www.cia.co.za E-mail: sharne@cia.co.za FSP license number: 13890 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148) Reg. No. 2000/019340/07 Product information: CIA underwrites on behalf of Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP No. 12148, Reg. No. 1994/003010/06). CIA’s plain language Community Living insurance policy provides cover on an all risks basis including subsidence and landslide. This product covers accidental loss, damage or destruction from any cause whatsoever, except where specifically excluded, and is available to residential, commercial and industrial community living schemes such as:


• Sectional title/body corporates – residential, commercial and industrial • Share blocks • Home owners associations • Retirement villages. This product complies with the requirements of the Sectional Titles Act and provides trustees with complete peace of mind. Many additional and unique complementary benefits are automatically included. Cover includes: • Buildings and contents • Extra cover following damage – paid in addition to the sum insured • Extra cover • Geysers • Liability • Trustees and directors indemnity • Employers liability • Machinery breakdown • Personal accident • Motor.


B Eastern Cape Port Elizabeth

Godfrey Williams

Tel: +2741 363 0358

East London

Hazel Bentley

Tel: +2743 726 1957


Wilhelm Immelman

Tel: +2751 436 2821


Derek Bann

Tel: +2782 497 2208


Abdul Ebrahim

Tel: +2711 351 2500


Peter van der Westhuizen

Tel: +2712 460 1030

Partnered 310

Brian Algar

Tel: +2711 609 0480


Tanya Massyn

Tel: +2711 351 1000


Mike Renwick

Tel: +2731 279 3000


Kevin Pillay

Tel: +2733 347 1061


Karen Scruby

Tel: +2783 701 3822

Port Shepstone

Judy Anderson

Tel: +2783 440 4497

Carl Boonzaaier

Tel: +2715 296 0190


Henry Breedt

Tel: +2713 752 8496


Clive Dewes

Tel: +2713 282 7276/7/8


Danelia Venter

Tel: +2783 324 9751

Angela de Wet

Tel: +2718 468 4152

Cape Town

Mark Molenaar

Tel: +2721 815 2200


Heinrich Westenraad

Tel: +2721 914 4122


Suzanne Heyns

Tel: +2744 874 7308/9

Free State



Limpopo Polokwane


North West Klerksdorp

Western Cape

www.hollard.co.za The Hollard Insurance Co. Ltd (Reg No 1952/003004/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider



Omnium M&H Executive Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 716, Bassonia, 2061 Phone: +27 (0)11 026 8618 Web address: www.omniuminsurance.co.za E-mail: stephan@omniuminsurance.co.za

FSP licence number: 2856 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited.

Stilus Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address: Ground Floor, Corporate Place, 13 Mispel Road, Bellville, 7530 Phone: +27 (0)21 948 3585 Fax: + 27 (0)21 948 4028 Web address: www.stilus-recoveries.co.za E-mail: craig@stilus.co.za FSP licence number: 45249 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: ABSA Insurance Risk Management Services Pty Ltd

A member of ONE, ‘insurance done right’ Registered Debt Collector Reg. No. 0063921/13 Product information: Levy guarantee protection. Specialised debt collection, particularly for bodies corporate and home owners’ associations with minimum costs charged to levy defaulters. Enquiries welcomed for general debt collection at economical rates.

Broad-form liability cover AC and E PI & Liability Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 752189, Gardenview, 2047 Phone: +27 (0)11 615 7529 / +27 (0)84 608 2134 Fax: +27 (0)11 615 9360 Web address: www.engineeringace.co.za E-mail: anne-marie@engineeringace.co.za FSP licence number: 43281 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: New National Assurance Company (2603) Product information: Professional indemnity Annual professional indemnity: provides cover for legal liability arising out of error or omission in the performance of professional duties of engineering professionals, facilities managers and estate agents and includes cover for mitigating losses prior to handover.

Cover is on a claims made basis and provision can be made for retro-active cover. Project specific professional indemnity: provides cover for the legal liability arising out of errors or omissions in the performance of professional duties for all engineering professionals and contractors involved in a single project, either insured by the employer/ principal or the EPC(M) contractor. The cover features first party cover prior to handover and legal liability cover after handover. Provision is made for retro-active cover in respect of conceptual design work and also for an extended reporting period for a maximum period of seven years. Design and construct cover: provides cover for legal liability arising out of error or omission in the performance of professional duties of cont 



Broad-form liability cover (cont.) Continued

engineering contractors who undertake turnkey contracts or EPC(M) projects and includes cover for mitigating losses prior to handover. Cover is on a claims made basis and provision can be made for retro-active cover and an extended reporting period. Special professional indemnity products will be available for specialist sub-contractors/ consultants. Broadform liability The policy provides cover for the legal liability incurred by engineering professionals for injury,

death or damage to third party property arising in the course of their business. The policy provides for general liability, employers liability, foundation failure and products liability products. Cover is also provided in respect of contractor’s liability for specific/single contracts and projects on a stand-alone basis or included in an annual broadform format. AC and E Engineering Underwriting Managers is the winner of the prestigious Diamond Arrow Award for the Best Engineering Underwriting Manager in 2012... and again in 2013.

Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general

liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

GENLIB CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor, Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27(0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za


E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482 Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local broad form liability. Tour Operators (includes vicarious liability).


Building insurance CIA Commercial & Industrial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 615, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 124 2777 Fax: +27 (0)86 613 6684 Web address: www.cia.co.za E-mail: sharne@cia.co.za FSP licence number:13890 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148) Reg. No. 2000/019340/07 Product information: CIA underwrites on behalf of Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148, Reg. No. 1994/003010/06). CIA’s plain language Broadform Building

CIB Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 15E Riley Road, Riley Road Office Park, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5101 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 5202 Web address: www.cib.co.za E-mail: info@cib.co.za FSP licence number: 8425 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027) Product information: CIB is a short-term insurance administrator underwritten by RMB Structured Insurance Limited (RMBSI), who are also the shareholder of reference within the business. Owners of shopping malls, retail centres, office parks and residential complexes can be assured that CIB’s buildings product will provide the cover they need for their building.


Insurance Policy provides cover on an all risks basis including subsidence and landslide. This product covers accidental loss, damage or destruction from any cause whatsoever, except where specifically excluded, and is available to all residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Cover includes: • Buildings • Extra cover following damage – paid in addition to the sum insured • Extra cover • Geysers • Liability • Machinery breakdown.


Buses (Passenger Transport Vehicle Insurance) Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP No 3417) Product information: IUM’s passenger transport vehicle insurance products are developed and administered by a division which is dedicated to passenger transport vehicle insurance. Cover is available for tour operators, commuter buses, shuttle services, long distance passenger transport, buses, private hire (hire and reward), group tours, bus companies and operators. We offer immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs via our 24-hour call centre.

Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • Accident scene management • On-site legal services. Cover includes: • Fire extinguishing charges • Locks and keys • Third party liability • Towing charges • Windscreen cover • Wreckage removal. Optional cover: • Credit shortfall • Deposit protector • Downtime/loss of use • Excess reducer: own damage • Excess reducer: theft and hijack.


10 facts

about commercial insurance

1. According to KPMG, 40 per cent of companies that suffer a major business disruption go out of business within two years. 2. In the UK, an estimated 629 000 workers had an accident at work in 2013/14. 3. According to the 25th Annual Retail Theft Survey released by Jack L Hayes International, one in every 39.5 employees was apprehended for theft from their employer in 2013. (Based on over 3.0 million employees.) 4. According to data analytics firm Advisen, data breaches and poor cyber security are becoming regular threats to business.

5. Eighty per cent of businesses suffering a major disaster go out of business in three years, while 40 per cent of businesses that experience a critical IT failure go out of business within one year. 6. Cases of malicious damage to property in South Africa decreased by 1.1 per cent between 2012/13 and 2013/14. 7. Business robberies increased by 13.7 per cent to 18 615 incidents. This crime type has consistently increased in the past eight years. 8. Business burglary has remained largely unchanged (a reduction of 30 reported cases) to a total of 73 600 incidents. This means that each day, on average, 202 businesses were burgled. 9. Stock theft has decreased in 2014 by 6.2 per cent. 10. Labour Force Participation Rate in South Africa averaged 56 per cent from 2001 until 2014, reaching an all-time high of 61 per cent in the first quarter of 2001 and a record low of 54 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2010.

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Cash in transit Polygon Underwriting Agency (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 13365, Clubview, 0014 Phone: +27 (0)86 110 3000 Fax: +27 (0)86 531 3005 Web address: www.polygongroup.co.za E-mail: info@polygongroup.co.za FSP licence number: 35345 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638) Product information: Motor only for security companies Specie insurance – inclusions: • Assets in transit (cash, bullion, precious metals, precious stones, negotiable instruments)


• Static/vault cover • Fine art and collectables • ATMs – static and transit exposures. Extensions: • Fidelity risk cover • Cover for safes • Device cover. As leading specie insurance professionals, our tailor-made specialist policies are designed to protect diverse commercial assets. We support these policies with intelligent and pragmatic risk management advice, enhanced by our expertise in the complementary disciplines of high value commodities and cash in transit and coverage for static risks.



Commercial and industrial risks HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Manufacturing – focus on risk management to help identify risks, minimise impact, maximise risk improvement and offer solutions.

Retail – comprehensive product to protect companies’ assets with fast claims turnaround times ensuring minimum disruptions. Commercial buildings – accidental damage, liability and trustees’ liability among other automatic extensions crucial for the commercial property owner. Motor fleets – design a programme for your client with options of aggregates, stop losses and deposit premiums. Conventional insurance product – brokers are able to offer entrepreneurial businesses and institutions tailor-made packages to create individual value and offer professional service. Affinity – for professionals, doctors, dentists, vets and optometrists and is rated on turnover.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: We are a one-stop shop for comprehensive business insurance for all sizes and requirements. IUM’s business insurance policy is an enhanced, flexible policy catering for the specific needs of clients, to ensure they are properly and appropriately protected and looked after. Cover is provided for general commercial insurance whether it be offices blocks, religious organisations, professional occupations, business services, the building industry,


wholesalers and retailers, storage risks/ facilities and manufacturing (industrial; factories; plant and machinery; motor industry). Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre. Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services. Cover available: • Property • Liability • Motor • Miscellaneous accident • Engineering.


Strategic Insurance Systems Physical address (head office): Block B, Queens Office Park, 30 Alexandra Road, Doringkloof, Centurion, Tshwane, 0157 Phone: +27 (0)12 667 2441 Fax: +27 (0)12 667 2442 Web address: www.stratsys.co.za E-mail: gary@stratsys.co.za FSP licence number: 1007 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Mutual & Federal Risk Finance Product information: Secure Commercial. Isn’t it time you added a little SIS to your brokerage? As an insurance broker, you strive to give your clients the best service, making every effort to ensure they receive the most extensive coverage possible for the price paid.

To do this effectively, you need to understand all the subjective factors influencing their risk profile. This process requires a combination of experience, skill, knowledge and good oldfashioned gut instinct. With Strategic Insurance Systems, powered by Mutual & Federal Risk Finance, we know that no one understands your client’s needs better than you do and we have designed our solutions with this in mind. You too, can enjoy the superior flexibility our solution provides and take optimum control of your insurance brokerage like never before. Our integrated system, underpinned by unsurpassed integrity allows you instant decision-making authority, quicker turnaround times, speedier settlement of claims, and ultimate control of your client service.

Transition Risk Solutions (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 11 Boundary Road, Isle of Houghton, 1st Floor, Harrow Court 2, Parktown, Johannesburg, 0084 Phone: +27 (0)11 484 6802 Fax: +27 (0)11 484 9385 E-mail: winston@transitionrisk.co.za tony@transitionrisk.co.za linroy@transitionrisk.co.za FSP licence number: 40534 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: New National Assurance Ltd Product information: Transition Risk Solutions is registered financial service provider on behalf of New National Assurance Company Ltd (the oldest BEE insurance company in South Africa). Corporate Mega Accounts: • Property, material damage and business interruption [assets all risks] • Machinery breakdown [Following assets all risks] • Liabilities [property owners]

• Miscellaneous classes attaching to an assets policy: - Money - Theft - Fidelity guarantee - Electronic equipment - Accounts receivable - Business all risks - Personal effects - Goods in transit - Contact works. Business segments: • Telecoms • Parastatals • Mining [surface and underground] • Manufacturing • Industrial • Retail • Property portfolios. Territorial scope: • Africa



Commercial insurance Ad Ultimum Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 9857, Centurion, 0046 Phone: +27 (0)12 345 5052 Fax: +27 (0)12 345 2676 Web address: www.adultimum.co.za E-mail: info@auo.co.za FSP licence number: 8273 Product information: Ad Ultimum provides affordable, tailor-made products for individuals and/or groups. Commercial insurance: • General commercial insurance for small, medium and large business ventures across the board • Competitive rates with individual underwriting which makes our commercial product unique • Extended public liability (CUP) cover. Extensions: Motor hire, top-up, excess waiver for private-type vehicles under the motor section of the policy. Add-ons: Roadside assistance for mechanical and electrical breakdowns or when a collision has occurred for private-type vehicles. Personal short-term insurance: • All personal effects, tailor-made to individual needs • All risk cover for the contents of the house • Full subsidence and landslip cover for house contents and house owners • Personal accident cover for clients over

70 years, and extended personal accident • Trauma cover after armed robbery • Breast and HPV cancers. Through Ad Ultimum Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd, short-term insurance brokers can become the irreplaceable and most important link between the policyholder and the insurance underwriter. Ad Ultimum can provide a comprehensive all-round service to brokers and underwriters to ensure they have a competitive advantage. It is a short-term insurance outsource company managing the underwriting, administration and claims of personal lines, commercial insurance and group schemes on an efficient insurance system. Our main objective is to assist companies to function more independently and to be able to have sufficient control on all levels. Independence and control imply the ability to keep accurate records, statistics, facts and figures, as well as collection of premiums directly from policyholders. We provide an Internet-based insurance solution utilising browser technology. The solution facilitates access via both the Internet and the traditional digital data networks.

African Rand Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 731386, Fairland, 2030 Phone: +27 (0)11 678 1354 Fax: +27 (0)86 685 9120 Web address: www.africanrand.com E-mail: dion@africanrand.co.za FSP licence number: 5742 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638)


Product information: CommInsure is a flexible commercial insurance product that can be tailored to suit the requirements of most businesses. The unique approach that African Rand’s experienced underwriting team has to interacting with brokers, empowers the broker to get the competitive edge in an ever-changing market.



African Rand is underwritten by Genric Insurance Company Limited, the thought leader in wealth protection. The dynamic approach that African Rand has in forming partnerships with approved brokers ensures that they work together to get

that elusive account. African Rand will always go the extra mile, even travelling hundreds of kilometres to assist brokers in closing a desired policy. With claims payments taking place on a daily basis, the claims service is guaranteed.

Alternative Commercial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 504, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0787 Phone: +27 (0)87 232 8860 or +27 (0)87 232 8560 Fax: +27 (0)86 620 0174 Web address: www.acaselect.co.za E-mail: leon@acaselect.co.za / francois@acaselect.co.za FSP licence number: 39835 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Western National Insurance Company Ltd Product information: ACA is a registered financial services provider with an underwriting arrangement with Western National Insurance Company Ltd. Commercial lines: we write all general lines of short-term insurance, with preference to

commercial business (small to medium industries). Hospitality lines: we are able to write hospitality business, lodges, hotels, game and hunting farms, guesthouses and related risks. Personal lines: we have a very competitive personal lines product with a well-balanced rating approach to the risks that we would like to acquire. Farming lines: we can provide a wide range of covers that will cater for the needs of commercial and bona fide farming entities. Niche product: Turtle I’Cover – we have a market first in this product where we are breaking boundaries to extend existing clients cover to ensure that they are not left with a shortfall when experiencing a claim.

Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’

liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.



Commercial insurance (cont.) CIB Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 15E Riley Road, Riley Road Office Park, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5101 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 5202 Web address: www.cib.co.za E-mail: info@cib.co.za FSP licence number: 8425 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027) Product information: CIB is a short-term insurance administrator underwritten by RMB

Structured Insurance Limited (RMBSI), who is also the shareholder of reference within the business. Sometimes in business, it seems that what can go wrong, does go wrong. Luckily, commercial insurance can help you plan for every eventuality. We offer invaluable protection against theft, property damage, business interruption and liabilities. Our commercial product range includes; agricultural, engineering, franchise and fuel station.

F&I Physical address: 3 River Road, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)861 322 463 / +27 (0)11 615 1640 Web address: www.facind.co.za E-mail: info@facind.co.za FSP licence number: 9138 Product information: F&I is a specialist underwriting and risk manager offering a full range of comprehensive insurance and risk solutions for the commercial, manufacturing and hospitality sectors. We place emphasis


on our clients’ compliance with statutory and regulatory legislation. Our experienced personnel provide professional risk assessment and tailored risk management services for the protection of intermediaries’ interests and clients’ businesses. Our F&I risk management team attempts to ensure that compliance and risk management issues are identified and dealt with before an event, thereby avoiding claim pitfalls.


Ibiliti Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Office Suite 2C, Cedar Office Estate, Fourways, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)10 590 5511 Web address: www.ibiliti.co.za E-mail: underwriting@ibiliti.co.za FSP licence number: 43404 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Absa Insurance Risk Management Services t/a AIRMS (FSP 10313) Product information: SME Policy – Every business is different. Our policy wordings are easy to understand, adaptable and designed to cover the small to medium South African

businesses against the risk they have to face. We provide our brokers with the best products, flexible solutions, excellent service, portfolio management tools as well as training and support. The plain English policy incorporates their business and personal insurance needs into one simplistic policy. Whatever your client’s circumstances, we will be able to offer a flexible solution that is value for money. We are focused on providing solutions specifically aimed at retailers, administrators, graduate professionals, restaurants, accommodation and mobile businesses.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: We are a one-stop shop for comprehensive business insurance for all sizes and requirements. IUM’s business insurance policy is an enhanced, flexible policy catering for the specific needs of clients, to ensure they are properly and appropriately protected and looked after. Cover is provided for general commercial insurance whether it be offices blocks, religious organisations,

professional occupations, business services, the building industry, wholesalers and retailers, storage risks/facilities and manufacturing (industrial; factories; plant and machinery; motor industry). Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre. Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services Cover available: • Property damage • Liability • Motor • Miscellaneous accident • Engineering.



Commercial insurance (cont.) Insurance Zone Physical address (head office): 24 Concorde Road West, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 601 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 601 0530 Web address: www.insurancezone.co.za E-mail: info@insurancezone.co.za FSP licence number: 42879 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company

Product information: Commercial insurance aimed at sole proprietors, SME’s and larger corporate clients is high on advice and expertise. Fortunately, Insurance Zone has the good folks that have both these qualities and more to assist a broker every step of the process. Find out what our brokers already know and call us for a quote – dazzle and delight is what we do!

Paradigm Risk Consultants (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 73 5th Avenue, Edenvale, 1609 Phone: +27 (0)11 524 0884 Fax: +27 (0)11 524 0702 Web address: www.paradigmrisk.co.za E-mail: niall@paradigmrisk.co.za ross@paradigmrisk.co.za FSP licence number: 4518 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited and Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)

motor cycles, caravans, trailers, watercraft, liability, personal accident and all risks cover for domestic risks. • Lifestyle benefits extend to car hire, home assist and roadside assistance. • Commercial insurance for small, medium and large business ventures including fire, buildings, office contents, business interruption, theft, money, goods in transit, all risks, accidental damage, public liability, motor and electronic equipment.

Product information: Paradigm Risk Consultants is an underwriting agency specialising in personal and commercial insurance as well as lifestyle benefits.

Paradigm is dedicated to understanding each unique risk profile and tailoring policies to individual needs whilst providing quality service.

• Personal insurance includes cover for movable and immovable property, motor,


Paradigm underwrite on behalf of both Compass Insurance Company Limited and Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)


Commercial and industrial



Construction AND engineering insurance AC and E Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 752189, Gardenview, 2047 Phone: +27 (0)11 615 7529 / +27 (0)84 608 2134 Fax: +27 (0)11 615 9360 Web address: www.engineeringace.co.za E-mail: anne-marie@engineeringace.co.za FSP licence number: 43281 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: New National Assurance Company (FSP 2603) Product information: Contract works (CAR) – comprehensive all risk cover intended for the erection of anything from private houses, cluster homes, small blocks of flats up to large projects, such as shopping centres, sugar mills, power stations, refineries, as well as infrastructure such as bridges, roads, dams, water reticulation and pipelines.

earthquake, cyclone, theft, transit, malicious damage, damage to underground services, third party damages. Plant all risks (PAR) – loss of or damage to construction plant and equipment. Plant all risks will cover items such as earthmoving equipment, cranes, pumps, air compressors, etc. In addition, standard cover is available for hiring costs, legal liability arising out of the hire and continuing hire charges. AC and E also offer third party liability for plant on site and on the road for licensed plant. This policy will cover risks such as fortuitous working accidents, theft, fire, faulty operation, overturning, as well as natural perils such as earthquake, storm, flood, collision, etc.

This cover will also extend to contracts for electrical work, plumbing and painting. Because of the different nature of the various policies available, each policy is subject to exclusions and conditions that are particular to the covers afforded by the various policies.

Other products include machinery breakdown (sudden accidental and unforeseen physical loss of or damage to machinery and plant arising from mechanical/electrical breakdown), loss of profits (LOP), deterioration of stock (DOS), dismantling, transit and erection, computer and electronic equipment (EEI) and construction guarantees/bonds.

The policy covers the construction site against the following, subject to the standard terms and conditions as outlined in the policy wording: storm, fire, water, subsidence, collapse, landslip,

AC and E Engineering Underwriting Managers is the winner of the prestigious Diamond Arrow Award for the Best Engineering Underwriting Manager in 2012 and again in 2013.

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A C and E Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd are Specialist Underwriters covering‌ Contractors All Risk / ALOP | Plant All Risk / PL / Roadrisk | Machinery Breakdown / BI / DOS | Electronic Equipment Insurance | Erection All Risk / PL | Dismantling / Transit & Re-erection | Renewable Energy

We cover Africa!

A C and E strive continuously to offer the best Service and Technical Support to our clients at all times! Assistance and specialist support is a call away.

Consecutive 3 year winner of the prestigious PMR.Africa DIAMOND ARROW AWARD

A C and E PI & Liability Underwriting Managers Juristic Representative of Licensed Financial Service Provider 43281

Underwrites Professional Indemnity & Broadform Liability (General Liability and Products Liability insurance) on behalf of New National Assurance Company in respect of the following construction and engineering professions: Contractors, Single Projects, Design and Construction (Supervision), Engineers/Consulting Engineers, Architects, Land Surveyors, Project Managers, Environmental Consultants, Estate agents, Loss adjusters, Town planners, Material Laboratories, Property Valuators, Material Testing, Facility Managers.

Head Office:


Eastern Cape:

Western Cape:

Free State:

7th Floor Office Tower, Bedford Centre, Smith Street, Bedford Gardens, 2047

15 Imperial Office Park, 9/11 University Road, Westville, 3630

34 Seetuin Road, Wavecrest Jeffreys Bay, 6330

Tel: 031 267 1124 Fax: 031 267 1280

Tel: 042 296 2189 Fax: 086 564 1835

Foyer 3, 1st Floor, The Colosseum Building Century Way, Century City, Cape Town, 7441

10 Purcell Street, Riebeeckstad, Welkom 9459

Tel: 011 615 7529 Fax: 011 615 9360

Tel: 021 526 0432 Fax: 021 526 0311

Tel: 057 388 1316 Fax: 086 631 4410

AC and E Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd is An Authorised Financial Service Provider – FSP 43281 A Member of SAUMA Visit our website www.engineeringace.co.za


Construction and engineering insurance


C&G Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): 3rd Floor Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708 Phone: +27 (0)87 985 2144/ +27 (0)21 685 1879 Fax: +27 (0)21 685 5270 Web address: www.engineeringunderwriters.co.za E-mail: miker@coim.co.za FSP licence number: 30114 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: Holding company in respect of the three undernoted operating companies.

C & G Engineering Risk Underwriters (Pty) Limited Exclusively focused to offer the construction industry customised, comprehensive products and solutions and we have a proven track record for innovation. We are continuously researching the market to produce superior products that are tailor-made for the construction industry’s needs. • Contractors’ all risks • Erection all risks • Project delay/ advanced loss of profits • Completed civil engineering risks • Removal of support risks • Plant all risks • Machinery breakdown/loss of profits • Deterioration of stock • Works damage • Electronic equipment.

Firedart Engineering Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PO Box 11653, Randhart, 1457 Phone: +27 (0)11 833 1400 Fax: +27 (0)11 867 2816 Web address: www.firedart.co.za E-mail: info@firedart.co.za FSP licence number: 40536

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148) Product information: Firedart Engineering Underwriting Managers provides a variety of products that cater for the engineering/ construction sector including contract all works, erection all risks, plant all risks, machinery breakdown, including business interruption and deterioration of stock, works damage. Products: Engineering: contract works, plant all risks, machinery breakdown, business interruption, deterioration of stock, works damage, electronic equipment.



Mirabilis Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 1st Floor, Cradock Place, 5 Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, 2196 Postal address: PO Box 2081, Saxonwold, 2132 Phone: +27 (0)861 100 100/ +27 (0)11 880 8200 Fax: +27 (0)11 880 6857 (Offices in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal) Web address: www.mirabilisafrica.com E-mail: info@mirabilisafrica.com FSP licence number: 28190 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Underwritten by Santam (FSP 3416) (An Authorised Financial Services Provider) Product information: Mirabilis offers a comprehensive range of engineering insurance products: • Contractors’ all risk Insurance (CAR) • Engineering project insurance Cover (EPIC) • Advance loss of profits insurance (ALOP)

• Contractors’ plant and equipment insurance (CPE) • Machinery breakdown insurance (MB) • Loss of profits following machinery breakdown insurance (MLOP) • Deterioration of stock insurance (DOS) • Electronic equipment insurance (EEI) • Business interruption following electronic equipment insurance (EEI BI) • Civil engineering completed risks insurance (CECR) • Seamless project insurance. In addition to the above standard products, we also provide seamless tailor made ‘cradle to operational’ covers, designed specifically for financed engineering projects where a single insurer (Santam) covers all project risks from marine to operational including marine, marine ALOP, contractors’ all risks, ALOP, contractors’ third party, project professional indemnity, assets/operational all risks and operational BI. We operate in continental Africa, the Middle East, India, Central and Southeast Asia.

Refine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PostNet Suite 221, Private Bag X75, Bryanston, 2021 Phone (head office): +27 (0)11 519 5355 / 0861REFINE Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 610 4889 Web address: www.refine-um.co.za E-mail: jean@refine-um.co.za Enquiries & quotes: constructionquotes@refine-um.co.za FSP licence number: 20395 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited (FSP 17703)

Product information: We offer the full suite of construction guarantee solutions (performance, retention, advance payment and bid/tender bonds). Refine is a specialist and experienced underwriter in offering guarantee solutions, underwriting facilities on behalf of Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited. Zurich’s participation in this class of risk is of major value to the industry, due to their global brand and credit rating strength.



Construction and engineering insurance


Risk Technical Services Postal address (head office): PO Box 803, Cramerview, 2060 Phone: +27 (0)11 463 1101 Fax: +27 (0)86 636 5825 Web address: www.rtspi.co.za E-mail: abrown@rtspi.co.za FSP licence number: 41202

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance (FSP 1027) Product information: Contract works; erection all risks; plant all risks; machinery breakdown; electronic equipment; liability; removal of support; marine and delay in start up.

Construction and retention guarantees C & G Guarantees (Pty) Limited Physical address: Ground floor Western Wing Coral House, 20 Peter Place, Lyme Park, Sandton, 2146 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 3469 Web address: www.engineeringunderwriters.co.za E-mail: timothyp@cggtee.co.za FSP licence number: 30114

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: Exclusively focused on: performance guarantees; retention guarantees; advanced payment; guarantees; tender guarantees; retail fuel guarantees.

Eton Road Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd (ERUM) Physical address (head office): 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Phone: +27 (0)861 172 986 Fax: +27 (0)866 638 652 Web address: www.erum.co.za E-mail: mike@erum.co.za FSP licence number: 32460

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: saXum Insurance Limited Product information: Erum writes guarantees and bonds including, construction bonds, bid bonds and custom bonds.

Guarantee & Insurance Solutions (A dvision of Phoenix Risk Solutions) Physical address (head office): Phoenix Risk Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Units E & F, Cirtech House, Stibitz Street, Westlake Business Park, Westlake, 7945 Phone: +27 (0)21 794 0121 Fax: +27 (0)86 689 2117 Web address: www.gins.co.za


E-mail: james@gins.co.za FSP licence number: 10150 Product information: Various construction related guarantees are issued, these include performance, retention, advance payment, bid bonds etc.


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Performance and Customs Bond Services (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 353, Private Bag X30500, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 482 2101/5981/8012 Web address: www.pcbs.co.za E-mail: info@pcbs.co.za FSP licence number: 19867 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75)

• Customs and excise bonds • Foreign currency guarantees (guarantees in respect of contracts on the African continent including Indian Ocean islands) • Contract guarantees • Alternative risk transfer products.

Product information: • Letters of intent • Bid bonds • Performance guarantees • Maintenance guarantees • Retention guarantees • Advance payment guarantees • Supplier surety (construction industry only)



PCBS are the premier guarantee specialist in Africa. We specialise in guarantees and alternative risk transfer. Our business has grown to become one of the largest guarantee specialists in Africa through building meaningful partnerships with our clients and by delivering expedient results. We are underwritten by Guardrisk. For further information contact us on 011 482 2592 or info@pcbs.co.za An Authorised Financial Services Provider - FSP19867



Construction and retention guarantees (Cont.) saXum Guarantees Physical address (head office): Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Postal address: PO Box 1634, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 694 5900 Fax: +27 (0)86 212 0859 Web address: www.saxuminsurance.com E-mail: david.agrella@saxuminsurance.com FSP licence number: 32640

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: saXum Insurance Limited Product information: Our products and services cover construction guarantees which include performance bonds, retention bonds, advance payment, bonds, bid bonds, unusual materials on site bonds, maintenance bonds, custom bonds, utility bonds.

Consumer protection insurance Dealers Indemnity (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 417, Morningside, 2057 Phone: +27 (0)11 784 2048 Fax: +27 (0)11 784 3742 E-mail: deni@global.co.za FSP number: 7317


Product information: Credit life, goods cover and retrenchment, underwritten separately or in various combinations of the above, either through a broker or directly with the furniture retailer. The company was founded in 1993 and has been specialising in CPI since then.

Contract guarantees


Makgethe Benefits Physical address (head office): 520 Moreleta Street, Silverton Metro, Silverton, Pretoria, 0184 Phone: +27 (0)84 767 7661 Fax: +27 (0)86 613 9043 Web address: www.natsure.co.za E-mail: info@makgethe.co.za FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: This is a provident fund protection policy. This policy provides cover in the event that your provident fund has not received any contributions, in your name, from your employer. Cover is available to all South African citizens that are registered members of a provident fund.

As one of South Africa’s leading Insurance companies’, our offerings include World Class and Innovative Insurance products and services. We specialise in underwriting small to medium size commercial and niche insurance risks for products such as Leisure Sense, Liability Covers, Engineering and Guarantees. Our Products and Services cover the following key areas within Guarantees: •

Construction Guarantees which include Performance Bonds, Retention Bonds, Advance Payment Bonds, Bid Bonds, Unusual Materials on Site Bonds, Maintenance Bonds

Custom Bonds

Utility Bonds

Contact SaXum Insurance Limited today on: JOHANNESBURG OFFICE: Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193 P.O. Box 1634, Houghton 2041 Tel: +27 (11) 694 5900 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 212 0859 DURBAN OFFICE: 72 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga Ridge 4319 PostNet Suite # 6, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks 4320 Tel: +27 (31) 941 1189 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 697 0663 CAPE TOWN OFFICE: 1 Bridgeway Road, Bridgeways Precinct, Century City 7441 P.O. Box 6112, Welgemoed 7538 Tel: +27 (21) 830 5476 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 641 4058

www.saxuminsurance.com SaXum Insurance Limited is an authorised Financial Services Provider - FSP No: 32460 | Reg. No. 2004/011845/06 cont 




Contract guarantees C & G Guarantees (Pty) Limited Physical address: Ground floor Western Wing Coral House, 20 Peter Place, Lyme Park, Sandton, 2146 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 3469 Web address: www.engineeringunderwriters.co.za E-mail: timothyp@cggtee.co.za FSP licence number: 30114 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75)

Product information: Exclusively focused on • Performance guarantees • Retention guarantees • Advanced payment guarantees • Tender guarantees • Retail fuel guarantees.

Performance and Customs Bond Services (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 353, Private Bag X30500, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 482 2101/5981/8012 Web address: www.pcbs.co.za E-mail: info@pcbs.co.za FSP licence number: 19867 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: • Letters of intent • Bid bonds

• Performance guarantees • Maintenance guarantees • Retention guarantees • Advance payment guarantees • Supplier surety (construction industry only) • Customs and excise bonds • Foreign currency guarantees (guarantees in respect of contracts on the African continent including Indian Ocean islands) • Contract guarantees • Alternative risk transfer products.

Refine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PostNet Suite 221, Private Bag X75, Bryanston, 2021 Phone (head office): + 27 (0)11 5195355 / 0861REFINE Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 610 4889 Web address: www.refine-um.co.za E-mail: jean@refine-um.co.za Enquiries and quotes: constructionquotes@refine-um.co.za FSP licence number: 20395 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited (FSP 17703)


Product information: We offer the full suite of construction guarantee solutions (performance, retention, advance payment and bid/tender bonds). Refine is a specialist and experienced underwriter in offering guarantee solutions, underwriting facilities on behalf of Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited. Zurich’s participation in this class of risk is of major value to the industry, due to their global brand and credit rating strength.


Corporate property and engineering insurance Emerald Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Emerald House, 8 Waterford Office Park, Waterford Drive, Fourways, 2055 Phone: +27 (0)11 658 8200 Fax: +27 (0)11 658 8230 Web address: www.emeraldsa.co.za E-mail: info@emeraldsa.co.za FSP licence number: 13893 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Ltd (FSP 32460) Product information: Emerald is a leading provider of corporate property and associated engineering insurance products on the African continent and is a fully intermediated company, underwriting exclusively for Santam Ltd. Santam Limited is a level 3 BBBEE company, and has a Standard and Poor’s international rating of BBB+ and a national rating of AA+, with a stable outlook. Santam is South Africa’s leading short-term insurer.

Emerald’s experienced underwriting team has extensive technical experience in the corporate property insurance sector in South Africa. Backed by skilled and experienced complex claims technicians and professional engineers, our underwriters are able to find solutions for even the most complex risks. Correct understanding and measurement of risk, appropriate reinsurance placement and accounting and effective claims management are all key to Emerald’s underwriting approach. Specialising in large and complex risks, Emerald’s bespoke wordings provide a wide and complete range of covers. Surface and underground mining, rolling stock, power generation, parastatals, Metro Councils, heavy industry, retail and property groups are just some of the business types that Emerald provides solutions for.




Corporate property and engineering insurance ( Cont.) Inniu Underwriting Services (Pty) Ltd Physical address: Suite 5, 5 Fricker Road, Illovo, Johannesburg, 2196 Web address: www.inniu.co.za Phone: +27 (0)11 476 4420 Fax: +27 (0)86 557 5604 E-mail: info@inniu.co.za

FSP licence number: 34049 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Property insurance specialists in large corporate, mining and industrial risks.

Court bonds Shackleton Risk Management Postal address: George McFarlane Drive, Technology House, Redlands Estate, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Phone (head office): +27 (0)33 264 8500 Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 637 4584 Web address: www.shackletonrisk.co.za E-mail: craig@srisk.co.za FSP licence number: 33621 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Safire (FSP 2092) Product information: Shackleton Risk Management (formerly Court Bond Services) has been placing liquidation bonds of security

in KwaZulu-Natal since 1999. Having a number of former liquidation specialists in our management team, we know and understand the needs of liquidators and the nature of the industry. Our underwriters are on the Master’s national panel of recognised insurers and issue guarantees totalling billions of rand annually to leading liquidators around South Africa. We have facilities to arrange capacity for even the largest estates in the country. In underwriting liquidation bonds, Safire is supported by the global reinsurance market with Munich Re as the lead underwriter.




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IT Security / Cyber Liability




Emerald Risk Transfer is currently the largest Corporate Property and affiliated Engineering Underwriter in South Africa, and underwrites business throughout the African Continent. The solution orientated approach of the Emerald team to create sustainable, quality products is part of their culture. This flexible approach, coupled with the support of their excellent Reinsurer panel, allows Emerald to be truly innovative.

For more information on how Emerald can assist your Corporate clients, visit our website or call us. T +27 11 658 8200 W www.emeraldsa.co.za E info@emeraldsa.co.za Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/emeraldrisktransfer Or follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/emeraldrisk Emerald Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1998/025512/07) is an authorised financial services provider (FSP No. 13893)

The aim of the company is not to be the cheapest by cutting corners, but rather to be the best by offering expertise and skill. Emerald Risk Transfer is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Santam group. Santam Limited is a level 3 BBBEE company, and has a Standard & Poor’s international rating of BBB+ and a national rating of AA+, with a stable outlook.




Credit insurance Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Limited Physical address (head office): 31 Dover Street, Randburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 889 7000 Web address: www.creditguarantee.co.za E-mail: info@cgic.co.za FSP licence number: 17691 Product information: Trade credit insurance is an insurance policy, covering clients against one or more of their customers failing to pay for goods sold/delivered/or services rendered, due to their inability, unwillingness, filing for business rescue or proceeding into liquidation. The policy requires clients to apply for insurance cover on each of their insured

customers, negating the need to obtain their own credit bureau reports and in the majority of cases, some other credit related information. We also provide surety bonds; performance bonds; advance payment bonds; materials offsite bonds; retention bonds; liquidator bonds and customs bonds through a specialised business unit. Since the advent of business rescue, a specialised salvage and recovery unit was established to deal with the intricate restructuring that is needed, to ensure that both our clients’ interests as well as that of Credit Guarantee are preserved.

GS Guarantee Specialists Physical address (head office): 1st floor, Chardonay House, Vineyard Office Estate, 99 Jip De Jager Drive, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530 Phone: +27 (0)86 122 8889 Web address: www.saguarantee.co.za E-mail: danie@saguarantee.net FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75)

Product information: SA Guarantee Specialist (Pty) Ltd is a specialist guarantee underwriter and specifically target the needs in the property market at this point in time. We designed four distinctive products for the property market: a) Breakage guarantee b) Residential rental deposit guarantee c) Commercial rental deposit guarantee d) Swallow guarantee.

PinnAfrica Insurance Underwriting Managers Physical address (head office): Block 1A, The Ambridge Office Park, 1 Vrede Avenue, Johannesburg, 2000 Phone: +27 (0)861 800 855 Fax: +27 (0)86 648 8744 Web address: www.pinnafrica.co.za E-mail: ndupiesanie@pinnafrica.co.za FSP licence number: 39123 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75)


Product information: Credit life for various industry, motor and rental, shortfall insurance top up insurance, return to value, tyre runflat and normal instalment protector. Deposit protector, excess benefit, exterior motor maintenance (scratch and dent). General administration for cell captives, call centres and insurance companies.


Cyber liability Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general

liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.



Cyber liability (Cont.) CyGeist Physical address (head office): 3rd Floor, Hatfield Corner, 1101 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083 Phone: +27 (0)12 364 0835 Fax: +27 (0)86 618 4130 Web address: www.cygeist.co.za E-mail: natalie@cygeist.co.za FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: We have developed an insurance product to address technologyrelated risks as well as impending regulatory demands by providing cover under circumstances excluded from traditional insurance coverage. In fact, it provides more than just insurance, but rather a holistic risk management package encompassing an information centre, IT security

risk assessments, incident response coaching and planning. Our product provides insurance cover for the following consequences of a network security and/or privacy breach: • Costs to recover corrupted or destroyed information assets • Network/business interruption • Third party claims arising from compromised systems or data. Crisis management and notification costs. Expenses of specialists, investigators, attorneys, digital forensic auditors, or loss adjusters. CyGeist underwrites on behalf of Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited by means of a dedicated and ring-fenced short term cell captive, wholly owned by the Natsure Group.

Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mails: sutherlandc@sha.co.za cyber@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416) Product information: Whilst some traditional coverage options might have cyber-crime extensions, the cover provided by a cyberinsurance policy is a great deal broader and has been tailored to assist organisations in responding to network security or data privacy breach. Coverage includes: • First party expenses (actual costs to


restore, re-collect or replace data, costs and expenses of specialists, investigators, forensic auditors or loss adjusters, costs and expenses for the use of rented, leased or hired external equipment, services, labour, premises or additional operating costs including staff overtime). • Loss of business income (net income which would have been earned had the breach not occurred) • Notification expenses (expenses incurred to comply with privacy legislation such as legal expenses and communication expenses through mail, call centres, website and customer support expenses) • Crisis management expenses (services of a public relations consultant, related advertising or communication expenses) • Associated regulatory fines and penalties to extent insurable by law Limit of indemnity R175 million and a range of deductibles available.

10 facts

about environmental damage

1. The Merriespruit tailings dam disaster in the Free State in February 1994 killed 17 people, destroyed 80 houses and caused widespread devastation and environmental damage. The wave of water, mud and slime causing the damage reached 2.5 metres high. 2. Guiyu in China is known as the ‘electronic graveyard’ and is the location of possibly the largest electronic waste (e-waste) site on earth. Some 88 per cent of children in the area are said to suffer from lead poisoning, and there is a higher than the average rate of miscarriages. 3. The world’s largest single point source of carbon dioxide emissions is found in South Africa at Sasol’s coal-to-liquid fuel plant in Secunda, Mpumalanga. 4. The US property/casualty industry faced $85 billion in losses following from asbestos- related lung cancer law suits by December 2012.

5. There have been more asbestos-related claims in South Africa recently. However, claims directly against employers are extinguished by occupational compensation legislation. 6. The 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico released about 4.9 million barrels of crude oil, costing BP more than $14 billion in clean-up costs alone. 7. Blue Platinum Ventures MD, Matome Maponya, was the first director held personally liable for environmental degradation caused by the mining company’s operations near Tzaneen. He was given a five-year suspended sentence on condition of land rehabilitation, estimated at R6.8 million. 8. The great Pacific gyre garbage patch, or Pacific trash vortex is a collection of plastic and other debris and chemical waste trapped by ocean currents. It is estimated to be as large as 15 million square kilometres – about the size of the State of Texas. 9. Water pollution is a key risk in South Africa and causes such as urbanisation, and acid mine drainage as a legacy of coal and gold mining are exacerbating the problem. 10. The Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011 caused by an earthquake and the subsequent tsunami resulted in radioactive contamination of over 30 000 square kilometres of the land surface of Japan.



D-E 391


Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal

For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes valueadded services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services.

Genlib CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor, Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27 (0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za E-mail: george@genlib.co.za


FSP licence number: 35482 Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local insurers. Small to medium enterprises. Intermediaries.


Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): needs of directors. This policy affords directors PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 the flexibility to choose between essential Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Carmargue peace of mind cover or enhanced cover Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 through the optional extensions. SHA is the Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 market leader when it comes to directors and Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 officers liability with over 29 years’ experience Web address: www.sha.co.za in this field. The nature of this business is E-mail: meyera@sha.co.za long-tail, therefore, understanding market FSP licence number: 2167 and claim trends when pricing risks is of Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited paramount importance. We provide tailor(FSP 3416) made solutions for each client’s needs and have the only local wording available along Product information: SHA’s Directors’ and with a dedicated team of underwriters and Officers’ policy is aligned with the Companies claims specialists. Limit of indemnity: Act 71 of 2008 to address the personal liability R500 million.



DISABILITY AND LIFE FMI Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 91, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Phone: +27 (0)86 010 5208 Fax: +27 (0)861 10 58 20 Web address: www.fmi.co.za E-mail: sales@fmi.co.za FSP licence number: 2717 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Financial Management International Pty Ltd, insured by Guardrisk Life Ltd


Product information: We believe an individual’s ability to earn their income is the single most important thing to insure. That’s why we quickly and seamlessly provide sustainable cover that is tailored to the individual needs of our clients, without unnecessary jargon or red tape. For disability and life, our income protection offerings ensure that, no matter what our clients face, their income is not at risk. Visit www.fmi.co.za to learn more.


Employment practices liability Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’

liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.



Employment practices liability (cont.) Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507

Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: simon@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416)

Engineering risks and engineering insurance AC and E Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 752189, Gardenview, 2047 Phone: +27 (0)11 615 7529 / +27 (0)84 608 2134 Fax: +27 (0)11 615 9360 Web address: www.engineeringace.co.za E-mail: anne-marie@engineeringace.co.za FSP licence number: 43281 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: New National Assurance Company (FSP 2603) Product information: Contract works (CAR) – comprehensive all risk cover intended for


the erection of anything from private houses, cluster homes, small blocks of flats up to large projects, such as shopping centres, sugar mills, power stations, refineries, as well as infrastructure such as bridges, roads, dams, water reticulation and pipelines. This cover will also extend to contracts for electrical work, plumbing and painting. Because of the different nature of the various policies available, each policy is subject to exclusions and conditions that are particular to the covers afforded by the various policies. The policy covers the construction site against the



following, subject to the standard terms and conditions as outlined in the policy wording: storm, fire, water, subsidence, collapse, landslip, earthquake, cyclone, theft, transit, malicious damage, damage to underground services, third party damages. Plant all risks (PAR) – loss of or damage to construction plant and equipment. Plant all risks will cover items such as earthmoving equipment, cranes, pumps, air compressors, etc. In addition, standard cover is available for hiring costs, legal liability arising out of the hire and continuing hire charges. AC and E also offer third party liability for plant on site and on the road for licensed plant. This policy will cover risks such as fortuitous

working accidents, theft, fire, faulty operation, overturning, as well as natural perils such as earthquake, storm, flood, collision, etc. Other products include machinery breakdown (sudden accidental and unforeseen physical loss of or damage to machinery and plant arising from mechanical/electrical breakdown), Loss of profits (LOP), deterioration of stock (DOS), dismantling, transit and erection, computer and electronic equipment (EEI) and construction guarantees/bonds. AC and E Engineering Underwriting Managers is the winner of the prestigious Diamond Arrow Award for the Best Engineering Underwriting Manager in 2012 and again in 2013.

AC & E





As one of Southern Africa’s leading Construction and Engineering Underwriting Managers, we offer cover for the following classes of insurance: • Contractors All Risks (CAR) • Erection All Risks (EAR) • Plant All Risks (PAR) • Public Liability (PL) Insurance • Electronic Equipment (EEI) • Machinery Breakdown (MB) • Business Interruption (BI) • Deterioration of Stock (DOS)


For more information contact us Johannesburg; Unit 29, Consort House, Waterford Office Park, Fourways, 2055, Tel: +27 11 658 1156 Cape Town; Shop A1, Office 4, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Tokai, 7945, Tel: +27 21 030 0054 Consort Technical Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Service Provider. FSP No. 2273 Underwritten on behalf of Lombard Insurance Company Limited



Engineering risks and engineering insurance (cont.) Eton Road Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd (ERUM) Physical address (head office): 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Phone: +27 (0)861 172 986 Fax: +27 (0)866 638 652 Web address: www.erum.co.za E-mail: mike@erum.co.za FSP licence number: 32460 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: saXum Insurance Limited (FSP 32640) Product information: Erum writes engineering risk including CAR, PAR and liabilities.

FDM Engineering Underwriting Proprietary Limited Physical address (head office): 38 Turton Road, Boksburg West, 1459 Phone: +27 (0)11 823 6368/90 Fax: +27 (0)11 823 6295 Web address: www.fdmengineering.co.za E-mail: fergus@fdmengineering.co.za FSP licence number: 20816 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited (FSP 15491) Product information: FDM Engineering Underwriters (Pty) Ltd (FDM) is an Underwriting Management Agent which underwrites engineering and contractors all risks on behalf of Renasa Insurance Company Ltd (Renasa).


Thus, underwriting on behalf of Renasa, FDM provides large company purchasing power and attendant price competitive business while delivering exceptional service. FDM offers all traditional engineering and contractors all risks covers. Being a specialist engineering UMA, FDM offers all traditional engineering and contractors all risks covers including, but not limited to, machinery breakdown and loss of profits resulting therefrom, dismantling, transit and erection, works damage, computer and electronic equipment, plant all risks and contract works covers.


Specialists in engineering, plant and contractors all risks

AN UNDERWRITING MANAGER OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED FDM Engineering Underwriters (Pty) Limited Contact Details: Tel +27 (0)11 823 6368/90 • Fax +27 (0)11 823 6298 38 Tur ton Road, Boksburg West 1459 • P O Box 10522, Fonteinriet 1464 fergus@fdmengineering.co.za Registration No. 2004/009147/07 • FSP License Number: 20816



Engineering risks and engineering insurance (cont.) Firedart Engineering Underwriting Managers Postal address, (head office): PO Box 11653, Randhart, 1457 Phone: +27 (0)11 833 1400 Fax: +27 (0)11 867 2816 Web address: www.firedart.co.za

E-mail: info@firedart.co.za FSP licence number: 40536 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148) Product information: Firedart Engineering Underwriting Managers provides a variety of products that cater for the engineering/ construction sector including contracts all works, erection all risk, plant all risk, machinery breakdown, including business interruption and deterioration of stock, works damage. Products: Engineering: contract works, plant all risk, machinery breakdown, business interruption, deterioration of stock, works damage, electronic equipment.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: We are specialists in the construction industry and offer a comprehensive policy for plant all risks. Our product covers all contractors’ plant in sub-Saharan Africa. Cover is provided for loss of or damage to construction plant and equipment. Cover


includes commercial vehicles and special type vehicles (including but not limited to forklifts, tractors, front end loaders, bulldozers, graders, earth moving equipment and similar mobile plant, cranes, pumps, air compressors, crusher plants, dump trucks and the like). Benefits include: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 call centre claims support • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services Target market: • Construction plant and equipment • Compaction equipment • Earthmoving equipment



• Plant hire companies • Road construction plant Key benefit: • Combination policy Cover included: • Accidents and collisions • Faulty operation • Earthquake, storm, flood • Fire • Overturning • Recovery costs • Theft and hijack • Third party liability for on the road risk • Windscreen

Optional cover available: • Continuing hiring charges • Credit shortfall • Expediting costs • Hiring charges • Third party liability for the contract site • Tool of trade.





Engineering risks and engineering insurance (cont.) Mirabilis Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 1st Floor, Cradock Place, 5 Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, 2196 Postal address: PO Box 2081, Saxonwold, 2132 (Offices in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal) Phone: +27 (0)861 100 100 / +27 (0)11 880 8200 Fax: +27 (0)11 880 6857 Web address: www.mirabilisafrica.com E-mail: info@mirabilisafrica.com FSP licence number: 28190 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Underwritten by Santam (FSP 3416) (an Authorised Financial Services Provider) Product information: Mirabilis offers a comprehensive range of engineering insurance products: • Contractors’ all risk insurance (CAR) • Engineering project insurance cover (EPIC) • Advance loss of profits insurance (ALOP) • Contractors’ plant and equipment insurance (CPE)


• Machinery breakdown insurance (MB) • Loss of profits following machinery breakdown insurance (MLOP) • Deterioration of stock insurance (DOS) • Electronic equipment insurance (EEI) • Business interruption following electronic equipment insurance (EEI BI) • Civil engineering completed risks insurance (CECR) • Seamless project insurance. In addition to the above standard products, we also provide seamless tailor made ‘cradle to operational’ cover, designed specifically for financed engineering projects where a single insurer (Santam) covers all project risks from marine to operational including marine, marine ALOP, contractors’ all risk, ALOP, contractors’ third party, project professional indemnity, assets/operational all risks and operational BI. We operate in continental Africa, the Middle East, India, Central and Southeast Asia.

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Contractors’ All Risks Insurance Engineering Project Insurance Advance Loss of Profits Insurance Contractors’ Plant and Equipment Insurance Machinery Breakdown Insurance Loss of Profits following Machinery Breakdown Insurance Deterioration of Stock Insurance Electronic Equipment Insurance Business Interruption following Electronic Equipment Insurance Civil Engineering Completed Risks Insurance Seamless Project Insurance

In addition to these standard products, we also provide seamless tailor made “Cradle to Operational” covers, designed specifically for financed engineering projects where a single insurer (Santam) covers all project risks from Marine to Operational including Marine, Marine ALOP, Contractors’ All Risks, ALOP, Contractors’ Third Party Liability, Project Professional Indemnity, Assets/Operational All Risks and Operational BI. WE OPERATE IN CONTINENTAL AFRICA, THE MIDDLE EAST, INDIA, CENTRAL AND SOUTH EAST ASIA Johannesburg I Durban I Cape Town Tel: 0861 100 100 / +27 11 880 8200 www.mirabilisafrica.com info@mirablisafrica.com Underwritten by Santam. Santam is an authorised Financial Services Provider (3416)




Engineering risks and engineering insurance (cont) saXum Engineering Physical address (head office): Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Postal address: PO Box 1634, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 694 5900 Fax: +27 (0)86 212 0859 Web address: www.saxuminsurance.com E-mail: stephen.marnewick@saxuminsurance.com FSP licence number: 32640 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: saXum Insurance Limited (FSP 32640) Product information: Our products and services cover contract works and public liability, plant all risks, computer, electronic, data processing and medical, machinery breakdown, business interruption, deterioration of stock, dismantling, transit and erection, works damage.

Environmental impairment liability Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general


D-E Continued

liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

As one of South Africa’s leading Insurance companies’, our offerings include World Class and Innovative Insurance products and services. We specialise in underwriting small to medium size commercial and niche insurance risks for products such as Leisure Sense, Liability Covers, Engineering and Guarantees. Our Products and Services cover the following key areas within Engineering: • • • • • • • •

Contract Works and Public Liability Plant All risks Computer, Electronic, Data processing and Medical Machinery Breakdown Business Interruption Deterioration of Stock Dismantling, Transit and Erection Works Damage

Contact SaXum Insurance Limited today on: JOHANNESBURG OFFICE: Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193 P.O. Box 1634, Houghton 2041 Tel: +27 (11) 694 5900 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 212 0859 DURBAN OFFICE: 72 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga Ridge 4319 PostNet Suite # 6, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks 4320 Tel: +27 (31) 941 1189 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 697 0663 CAPE TOWN OFFICE: 1 Bridgeway Road, Bridgeways Precinct, Century City 7441 P.O. Box 6112, Welgemoed 7538 Tel: +27 (21) 830 5476 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 641 4058

www.saxuminsurance.com SaXum Insurance Limited is an authorised Financial Services Provider - FSP No: 32460 | Reg. No. 2004/011845/06



Environmental impairment liability (cont.) Envirosure Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal Address (head office): PO Box 16055, Brighton Beach, 4036 Phone: +27 (0)31 205 4918 Contact person: Sjanine Tanner Fax: +27 (0)31 205 9228 Web address: www.envirosure.co.za E-mail: sjanine@envirosure.co.za FSP licence number: 38594 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Ltd (FSP 12148)

Product information: Envirosure focuses on transporter and static environmental liability and clean up insurance, including contamination and rehabilitation. Envirosure has a 24-hour toll free call centre called Hazcall 24, manned by qualified operators who, in the event of an incident, immediately mobilise their response units to the scene.

Genlib CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor, Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27 (0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482 Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local insurers. Hazardous chemicals and gradual pollution. Spillage and clean-up, to rehabilitation of the environment, and liabilities arising therefrom.

Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: simon@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416)


Product information: Liability insurance for injury and damage following gradual pollutions conditions has traditionally been expensive and difficult to obtain – this is no longer the case as SHA have identified a specific need in the market and are pleased to announce the introduction of our latest product line, gradual pollution indemnity. Why place this cover? • Existing public liability insurance policies traditionally exclude gradual pollution.



• Companies’ corporate governance and compliance controls are becoming increasingly important considerations for existing shareholders, potential investors and lenders. What is the cover? The cover is site based, is not limited to ‘sudden, unintended and unexpected events’ and indemnifies a wide range of coverage that was not readily available including: • Claims-made against the Insured for injury and damage; • Emergency clean-up costs to prevent migration of an accidental pollutant release • Defence costs including the costs of defending an interdict • Underwriters as part of the claims process will liaise with regulators • Restoration costs (‘Rip and Tear’).



Event liability KEU Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 88 Monkor Road, Randpark Ridge, 2169 Phone: +27 (0)861 00 00 90 Fax: +27 (0)861 00 00 30 Web address: www.keu.co.za E-mail: info@keu.co.za FSP licence number: 5076 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: KEU’s events insurance provides cover for all types of events arranged by an events organiser. It encompasses two main areas of event insurance: event liability and event cancellation. Both products offer general cover with the option of extending the cover to meet specific needs. Event liability covers what the insured would legally be liable for should someone accidentally die, sustain a bodily injury or illness at the event. It also covers accidental loss of property and property damage. The discussion with your specialist broker is important to identify possible extensions you may need to KEU’s event liability insurance. Common extensions relate to emergency medical expenses; spread of fire; legal defence costs; wrongful arrest and defamation; the collapse of temporary structure; and food and drink.

The financial impact of an abandoned or cancelled event could be disastrous. Exhibitions, concerts, conferences, processions, festivals and sports events carry a greater risk of cancellation because they are usually held in the open and weather will always be beyond the organiser’s control. Typically, events are cancelled as a result of natural disasters, fire and explosions, technical defects, government intervention or non-appearance of a specific artist. At KEU, we have a clear understanding that every event is unique and special to you. Our event insurance policies have been developed with the benefit of long-term experience as underwriters who are focused on your industry.

Leppard & Associates (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 2730, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 459 1640 Fax: +27 (0)11 268 5887 Web address: www.leppard.co.za E-mail: simon@leppard.co.za FSP licence number: 274 Insurer: Lombard Insurance Company Limited (FSP 1596)


Product information: General public liability, broad-form liability, products liability, events liability, excess layers and umbrella covers, motor third party liability, personal liability top-up (XOL and umbrella), commercial liability top-up (XOL and umbrella), warehousemen’s and carriers’ liability and contractors liability.


Equipment All Risk KEU Underwriting Managers CC

Product information: An event typically requires equipment to help realise the vision for the exhibition, conference or function. KEU’s equipment insurance ensures that all the hours of painstaking effort will not go to waste should the hired-in equipment be lost or damaged during the event. The equipment insurance specifies whether the cover is at replacement value or an agreed value, which may also incorporate repair costs. Of course, there are specific exceptions and these relate to theft from an unattended vehicle; damage as a result of a cleaning or similar process; pre-existing damage or wear-and-tear; confiscation by authorities; mechanical problems or delivery challenges. The first amount payable is excluded from the standard cover.

Event Liability

Event Cancellation

Film Producers’ Indemnity

Prize Indemnity

Equipment All Risk

14 years

of rousing performance This is KEU’s 14th year of stellar performance in delivering tailor-made insurance solutions to the film, television, events and entertainment industries. Since the opening act, KEU has struck the right balance between good partners, a solid track record and the flexibility needed in the entertainment industry. We’d like to thank our entire team – the star performers at the frontline, the technical team behind the scenes and of course, our partners – for helping us to tell a new story in insurance solutions for the entertainment industry. Here’s to another exciting episode in KEU’s story! Contact: Denise or Chummy 88 Monkor Road, Randpark Ridge Tel: 0861 00 0090 Fax: 0861 00 0030 email: info@keu.co.za


Physical address (head office): 88 Monkor Road, Randpark Ridge, 2169 Phone: +27 (0)861 00 00 90 Fax: +27 (0)861 00 00 30 Web addess: www.keu.co.za E-mail: info@keu.co.za FSP licence number: 5076 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)


KEU Underwriting Managers CC underwritten by Centriq Insurance Company (RF) Ltd, will partner only with registered short-term brokers to ensure your risk is covered. KEU is a member of SAUMA.

Authorised FSP: KEU 5076 Authorised FSP: CENTRIQ 3417



Excess insurance Beyonda Group (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 1860, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 023 6561 Fax: +27 (0)86 600 0964 Web address: www.beyonda.co.za E-mail: info@beyonda.co.za FSP licence number: 1361 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: As market leaders in excess buy-down products, Beyonda provides clients with all their commercial vehicles excess/deductible requirements. Protect the client’s cash flow in the event of a loss by insuring their excesses.


Our products include: • Plant all risk excess buy-down cover • Car rental excess buy-down cover • Own damage excess buy-down • Total loss, including theft/hijacking • Penalty excess buy-down • Hazardous chemical pollution liability excess reducer • Loss of use/income cover • Third party excess reducer • Credit shortfall • Deposit protector • Tow fee top-up cover • Goods in transit excess reducer.


Ibiliti Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Office Suite 2C, Cedar Office Estate, Fourways, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)10 590 5511 Web address: www.ibiliti.co.za E-mail: underwriting@ibiliti.co.za FSP licence number: 43404 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Absa Insurance Risk Management Services t/a AIRMS (FSP 10313) Product information: Excess policy – buying your client’s excess down is an innovative option to expand your existing client base, without having to source new business, while offering real value to the client. We assist

all parties to focus on their main functions, thereby ensuring efficiency. We bridge the gap between expensive underwriting and administration costs saving everyone involved time and money. Buying down an excess has never been so easy. This product assists the insured with their cash flow in times of need by providing peace of mind in an affordable way. Your client will be able to reduce or buy down their excesses for the various non-motor sections of the commercial policy, motor, plant equipment, goods in transit and professional indemnity. Downtime and shortfall cover can also be provided. This is a stand-alone product and the underlying policy can be placed with any South African insurer.

Excess of loss liability Genlib CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor, Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27 (0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za

E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482 Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local insurers. Excess of loss (XOL) Motor third party liabilities top-up cover up to R 30 000 000.

Synergy XOL (Pty) Limited Physical address (head office): Suite LG4, Vista Place, corner Glen and Vorster Avenues, Glenanda, Johannesburg, 2091 Phone: +27 (0)11 682 1125 Fax: +27 (0)11 432 3442 Web address: www.synergyxol.co.za E-mail: Amanda@synergyxol.co.za FSP licence number: 35477 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance. Product information: Excess of loss liability.


10 facts about goods in transit

1. Around 83 per cent of commercial fleets’ insurance claims are attributed to operator failure.

5. Uninsured cargo losses worth more than $100 million dollars have been reported globally in recent years.

2. Video driver monitoring systems significantly reduce fleets’ driver related incidents within 60 to 90 days of first installation.

6. According to the South African Department of Transport, serious traffic accidents are costing the South African economy R307 billion per year.

3. South Africa has the highest road density in Africa, with 62 km of road per 100 square kilometre.

7. Cargo delays at African customs points are statistically the longest in the world. On average, it takes 12 days for cargo to clear customs in sub-Saharan countries.

4. Approximately 89 per cent of South Africa’s freight is transported by road.

8. Over 75 per cent of manufacturing firms in South Africa export goods to other African countries. 9. Approximately 96 per cent of South Africa’s exports are conveyed by sea. 10..South Africa’s logistics achieved an overall ranking of 23rd out of 155 countries in the 2012 Logistics Performance Index.


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Factory and Industrial F&I Physical address: 3 River Road, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)861 322 463 / +27 (0)11 615 1640 Web address: www.facind.co.za E-mail: info@facind.co.za FSP licence number: 9138

and hospitality sectors. We place emphasis on our clients’ compliance with statutory and regulatory legislation. Our experienced personnel provide professional risk assessment and tailored risk management services for the protection of intermediaries’ interests and clients’ businesses.

Product information: F&I is a specialist underwriting and risk manager offering a full range of comprehensive insurance and risk solutions for the commercial, manufacturing

Our F&I risk management team attempts to ensure that compliance and risk management issues are identified and dealt with before an event thereby avoiding claim pitfalls.

Fidelity guarantee Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal

Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.



Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: meyera@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416)

Product information: SHA’s Fidelity Guarantee indemnifies the Insured against financial loss resulting from an employee’s dishonesty/fraud. SHA is the market leader when it comes to fidelity guarantee liability with over 29 years’ experience in this field. Understanding market and claim trends when pricing risks is of paramount importance and we provide a tailor-made solution for each client’s needs and have the only local wording available along with a dedicated team of underwriters and claims specialists. Limit of indemnity: R500 million.

Film producers’ indemnity / Film and entertainment Film & Entertainment Underwriters SA (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): Suite 244, Private Bag X17, Weltevreden Park, 1715 Phone: +27 (0)11 431 3694 Contact person: Clive Shelver (MD) Fax: +27 (0)11 431 4188 Web address: www.feusa.co.za E-mail: clive@feusa.co.za FSP licence number: 42293 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148) Product information: Film & Entertainment Underwriters SA specialises in insurance products that are specific to the film and entertainment industries, such as insurance for television commercials, television series, documentaries, music videos, feature films and entertainment events.

Products include: • Film producers indemnity package covering: - Key cast and crew - Negative, video tape and digital card all risks - Faulty stock/camera and processing - Props, sets and wardrobe - Third party property damage. Extra expense: • All risks protection on hired-in film equipment • Personal accident protection for crew, cast and extras • Public liability on premises and location • Employer’s liability • Motor insurance for hired-in vehicles/ action vehicles • Cancellation, abandonment and weather related risks • Animal mortality • Events liability • Prize indemnity • Exhibition all risks • Golfer’s hole-in-one.



Film producers’ indemnity / Film and entertainment (Cont.) KEU Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 88 Monkor Road, Randpark Ridge, 2169 Phone: +27 (0)861 00 00 90 Fax: +27 (0)861 00 00 30 Web address: www.keu.co.za E-mail: info@keu.co.za FSP licence number: 5076 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)


Product information: At KEU, we offer film and commercial producers’ indemnity that encompasses all the important elements and risks so that the insured can focus squarely on their production. We have developed our products over many years of focusing exclusively on the production companies’ needs and we are constantly updating them. Our product covers: • Cast and crew who are crucial to the smooth running of the production • Negative film or digital media and faulty processing, including possible extra expenses while reshooting or recording • Props, sets and wardrobes, whether the insured owns them or not • Equipment, both hired equipment and assets which are owned by the production company • Motor vehicles which are used by production staff, in stunts or as props need to be covered for damage or destruction as well as the liability • Additional expenses related to an insured event can make all the difference. KEU’s cover has anticipated such additional expenses to ensure that you can rest easy • Business property and office contents to ensure that you are insured against loss or damage, given that production companies use electrical data processing equipment • Employers liability for all cast and crew under contract to the production company • Third party property damage, public liability cover • Money – applicable mainly to film productions, KEU’s coverage ensures that the insured can recover from the loss, damage or destruction of money or securities that are needed for their production.


Fuel guarantee and filling station cover Garagesure Consultants and Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 3375, Randburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 791 6602 Fax: +27 (0)11 791 6361 Web address: www.garagesure.co.za E-mail: leslie@garagesure.co.za FSP licence number: 4467 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148) Product information: Retail fuel insurance specialists offering niche underwriting skills for both commercial insurance and retail fuel guarantees.



Fuel guarantee and filling station cover (cont.) Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: The filling stations policy has been designed specifically for the fuel retail industry. This industry has some unique risks due to the 24-hour/365 days nature of the business. The filling station policy has numerous special extensions and enhancements, making this policy one of the most suitable and comprehensive policies available in the market.

Benefits include: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 call centre claims support • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services. Target market All filling stations including related business on the premises, such as: • Car washes • Convenience stores • Dealerships • Fast food outlets • Service and fitment centres • Workshops. Cover includes: Cover the clients business against key material loss and liability for injuries, death and/ or damage to third parties. Unique benefits include: • Contamination of fuel • Credit card fraud and abscondence • Forecourt liability • Industry specific covers • Leakage of fuel.

Refine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 221, Private Bag X75, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)11 5195355 / 0861REFINE Fax: +27 (0)86 610 4889 Web address: www.refine-um.co.za E-mail: jean@refine-um.co.za Enquiries & quotes: fuelquotes@refine-um.co.za FSP licence number: 20395 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited (FSP 17703)


Product information: We offer fuel retail guarantee solutions for the entire fuel retail industry. Our solution is not only aimed at the retail fuel industry alone but extends to the Caltex Branded Marketer as well. Refine is a specialist and experienced underwriter in offering guarantee solutions, underwriting on behalf of Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited. Zurich’s participation in this class of risk is of major value to the industry, due to their global brand and credit rating strength.


GAP cover (Niche) Health and Accident Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 22 Stiglingh Road, Rivonia, 2128 Phone: +27 (0)11 234 7333 Fax: +27 (0)86 605 5859 Web address: www.healthacc.co.za E-mail: ahofman@healthacc.co.za FSP licence number: 376 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited

Product information: Health and Accident Underwriting Managers (H&A) operate in the GAP and co-payment cover market, via the broker market. The H&A standard GAP & CoPayment Cover product offers differentiating additional benefits, including cover for internal prosthesis, trauma counselling, hijack and body repatriation. H&A also offers customised products on broker request.

Linksave (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 201503, Durban North, 4016 Phone: +27 (0)31 564 8920 Fax +27 (0)31 564 8922 Web address: www.linksave.co.za

E-mail: info@linksave.co.za FSP licence number: 43623 (A juristic rep of Intergrated Insurance administrators (Pty) Ltd) Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company.

General and broad-form liability Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial

crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.



Goods in transit/inland transit Associated Marine Postal address (head office): PO Box 55182, Northlands, 2116 Phone: +27 (0)11 912 8000 Fax: +27 (0)11 268 0269 Web address: www.associatedmarine.co.za E-mail: info.amua@amua.co.za FSP licence number: 3416 (Santam)

Product information: Land, sea and air – we’ve got you covered, providing wider, flexible cover for all your marine insurance needs. Whether it’s marine cargo, goods in transit, marine hull or marine liabilities – we’ve got it covered.

Beyonda Group (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 1860, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 023 6561 Fax: +27 (0)86 600 0964 Web address: www.beyonda.co.za E-mail: info@beyonda.co.za FSP licence number: 1361 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: As market leaders in excess buy-down products, Beyonda provides clients with all their commercial vehicles excess/deductible requirements. Protect the client’s cash flow in the event of a loss by insuring their excesses. Genlib CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor, Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27 (0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482

Our products include: • Plant all risk excess buy-down cover • Car rental excess buy-down cover • Own damage excess buy-down • Total loss, including theft/hijacking • Penalty excess buy-down • Hazardous chemical pollution liability excess reducer • Loss of use/income cover • Third party excess reducer • Credit shortfall • Deposit protector • Tow fee top-up cover • Goods in transit excess reducer. Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local insurers. • Once-off transits • Carriers legal liability • Contingency liabilities

Goldfield Insurance Administration CC Postal address: PO Box 619, Randburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 0381 Fax: +27 (0)86 600 6367 E-mail: matthewo@goldfieldins.co.za FSP licence number: 2565


Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa and Lloyd’s Underwriters Product information: Goldfield Insurance Administration CC (‘Goldfield’) underwrites transit and carrier

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Goods in transit/inland transit (CONT.) Continued

liability on behalf of Renasa Insurance Company Ltd. Goldfield’s focus is on personal attention and they deal with all matters other than non-essential functions of the business which are outsourced. Goldfield is managed by an experienced team, which includes several

senior and respected members of the insurance fraternity. Having had a wealth of underwriting experience, Goldfield’s principal Matthew O’Donnell is uniquely placed to offer excellent advice on the provision of, as well the intricacies of, these insurances.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: It is important for the brokers client’s to evaluate the terms on which they are contracting with the owner of the goods or the transport broker, to determine what extent of risk they are exposed to. If it is agreed that they will be liable for all loss/damage, it is vital that the type of insurance cover taken out will suitably protect them against this eventuality. Policy benefits and services: Competitive rates 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department In-house claims settlement

On-site legal services Cover available: • Debris removal and clean up costs • Destruction of salvage costs • Fire extinguishing charges extension • Fraud and fidelity • Overloading • Salvage and recovery of load costs • Tarpaulins, ropes, nets, and other packaging materials • Temporary storage • Various choices of cover Optional cover: • Container cover • Contamination of load • Contingency cover for sub-contractors • Deterioration of stock following breakdown or malfunction of refrigeration machinery • Excess reducer – basic • Excess reducer – theft/hijack • First loss option • Incorrect temperature settings • Leakage of load • Riot and strike • Storage at specific premises.

Lynx Transport Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PostNet Suite 366, Private Bag X132, Centurion, 0046 Phone: +27 (0)86 110 5969 Fax: +27 (0)86 585 6627 Web address: www.ltum.co.za E-mail: info@ltum.co.za FSP licence number: 2880 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: GENRIC Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638)


Product information: Our products provide niche liability and insurances tailor-made for the goods-in-transit sector, specifically owners of commercial transport vehicles and fleets. Lynx brings refreshing market capacity and expertise. Including: • Conventional goods in transit cover for transport contractors cont 


Specialists in heavy commercial vehicle insurance

AN UNDERWRITING MANAGER OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Regal HCV, Contact Details: Tel +27 (0) 87 803 0580 • Fax +27 (0) 86 682 0340 323 Ontdekkers Road, Ontdekkers Park • P.O. Box 6869, Westgate, 1734 Johannesburg, South Africa. info@regalhcv.co.za • www.regalhcv.co.za FSP License Number: 44721



Goods in transit/inland transit (CONT.) Continued

• Conventional goods in transit cover for owners of goods • Transport broker contingent cover • Once off risks • Basic excess reducer • Theft/hi-jack excess reducer Benefits of the Lynx GIT policy: • 6m and 12m container cover

• Debris removal with a R Nil excess • Salvage costs with a R Nil excess • Tarps, nets, straps and chains with a R Nil excess • Overloading allowance • 24/7 helpline assistance in the event of an accident, theft or hi-jack • Free fleet management tool.

Regal HCV (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 323 Ontdekkers Park, Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 1725 Phone: +27 (0)87 803 0580 Fax: +27 (0)86 682 0340 Web address: www.regalhcv.co.za E-mail: sales@regalhcv.co.za FSP licence number: 44721 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Product information: Regal HCV is a specialist transport underwriter focusing on the needs of transport operators based in South Africa. Regal HCV’s territorial limits extend to all African countries south of the

equator. Regal HCV’s focus is on providing fast and efficient service with superior products. The company will tailor products to suit specific needs. Products include: • All vehicle types on comprehensive, constructive loss, third party fire and theft, or third party only basis. • Goods in transit • Public liability • Personal accident – owner, driver, and crew • Excess reducer • Loss of use • Repatriation cover • Theft cover for tyres, tools, and batteries • See You Right roadside assist.

Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine Physical address: 13 Reynolds Street, Petervale, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)87 353 2577 Web address: www.tradesure.co.za E-mail: david@tradesure.co.za FSP licence number: 17607 and 24875 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Western National Insurance Company Limited. Transit & Marine Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PO Box 291, Century City, 7446 Physical address (head office): 11th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001


Product description: Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine (Tradesure) is an authorised financial services provider. Tradesure is a flexible, dynamic and innovative company, servicing the South African insurance industry. We specialise in Trucking, Marine, Commercial, Motorcycle, Goods in Transit and Sectional Title. (Pty) Ltd Phone: +27 (0)86 111 3597 Fax: +27 (0)86 111 3655 Web address: www.tum.co.za E-mail: tum@tum.co.za

F-G Continued

FSP licence number: 20480 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148) Product information: Road transit within RSA and SADC countries, specified vehicle basis, one-off covers, contingency covers, ownerdriver and large fleet schemes and excess

buy-back options. First loss limits loading/ off-loading, extended basis of valuation for imported and bonded cargo, over-height container extension, overloading extension, additional cover for debris removal, including non-liability clean-up, additional cover for load recovery, incidental storage and consolidation cover as well as driver fidelity extension available.

XL Transit Physical address (head office): Office 301C, 3rd Floor, Wesbank House, 21 Riebeek Street, Cape Town 8001 Phone: +27 (0)861 999 627 Fax: +27 (0)861 999 634 Web address: www.natsure.co.za E-mail: xlt@xltransit.co.za FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: XL Transit is a specialist

goods in transit commercial transport underwriter which specifically targets insurance needs for the following markets: • Commercial transporters • Own goods suppliers • Transport brokers • Commercial transport sub – contractors and owner drivers XL Transit has specialist incident response project managers that alleviate the burden of a loss on the shoulders of any transporter or owner of goods.


10 facts

about hospitality and leisure

1. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, travellers to South Africa in 2013 spent a total of R17.3 billion on rooms across all categories. By 2018, this is expected to rise to R28.7 billion. 2. In 2013, visitors to South Africa from other African countries totalled 6.9 million, accounting for 72 per cent of the total number of foreign visitors to South Africa. 3. The total number of annual travellers to South Africa will reach a projected 17.6 million by 2018. 4. South Africa is home to the largest bird (ostrich), largest land mammal (elephant), tallest animal (giraffe), smallest succulent (10 millimetres), heaviest flying bird (khori bustard), largest fish (whale shark), largest antelope (eland), largest tree (baobab), fastest land mammal (cheetah), largest reptile (leatherback turtle), and smallest mammal (least dwarf shrew).

5. By 2018, there will be an estimated 63 600 hotel rooms available across South Africa. 6. The largest number of foreign visitors to South Africa each year come from Zimbabwe, at 1.2 million people annually. 7. The Kruger National Park is home to an incredible 336 different tree species; 49 kinds of fish; 34 different amphibians; 114 reptile classes; and 507 bird and 147 different mammal species. 8. South Africa is the only country in the world with an entire floral kingdom wholly contained within the country. The Cape Floral Kingdom has 9 600 plant species, 70 per cent of which are not found anywhere else in the world. 9. The direct contribution of travel and tourism to South Africa’s gross domestic product is expected to grow R158.3 billion – 3.2 per cent of GDP – by 2024. 10. Cape Town has won the title of Best Destination in Africa seven times at the World Tourism Awards.

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Hauliers combination insurance Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)

Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • Accident scene management • On-site legal services • Heavy commercial vehicles can be insured for either market or retail value.

Product information: IUM’s heavy commercial vehicle products are developed and administered by a division which is dedicated to commercial trucking and transportation insurance.

Cover includes: • Fire extinguishing charges • Locks and keys • Third party liability • Towing charges • Windscreen • Wreckage removal.

Cover is available for owner-drivers, small fleet and certain large fleet that operate locally and in an intermediate and long-haul radius. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.

Optional cover: • Credit shortfall • Deposit protector • Downtime / loss of use • Excess reducers • Goods in transit.



HEALTH & ACCIDENT Ambledown Financial Services (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Ambledown House, Eton Office Park East, Corner Harrison Street and Sloane Avenue, Bryanston, 2074 Phone: +27 (0)86 126 2533 Fax: +27 (0)11 463 1600 Web address: www.ambledown.co.za E-mail: info@ambledown.co.za FSP licence number: 10287 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Constantia Insurance Group, Hollard Group Risk and Absa Insurance Company

Product information: We offer a comprehensive portfolio of health insurance products designed specifically to address the risk of shortfalls in medical scheme benefits following a hospital event. We pride ourselves in having achieved the largest ‘gap cover’ risk pool in South Africa. We are strong advocates of consumer protection. Our code of ethics requires that our products do not harm or undermine the general medical scheme risk pool. We are entirely service focused, you will find our service team to be prompt, compassionate, and highly professional.

Health and Accident Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 22 Stiglingh Road, Rivonia, 2128 Phone: +27 (0)11 234 7333 Fax: +27 (0)86 605 5859 Web address: www.healthacc.co.za E-mail: ahofman@healthacc.co.za FSP licence number: 376 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited Product information: Health and Accident Underwriting Managers (H&A) offer a variety of accident and health insurance products to the broker market. These include income

Liberty Postal address: PO Box 10499, Johannesburg, 2000 Phone: +27 (0)11 408 3911 Web address: www.liberty.co.za E-mail: info@liberty.co.za FSP licence number: 2409 Product information: Life insurance, investment and health.


protection with a selection of waiting periods and benefits terms up to 24 months. Benefits cover loss of earnings due to both illness and accident, or accident only. We offer solutions for both individuals and groups. H&A also offer group personal accident cover including solutions for corporates, farmers and school children as well as personal accident products for individuals. We also offer travel cover options to corporates for employees travelling abroad.


Oneplan Health Insurance Postal address (head office): PO Box 652075, Benmore, 2010 Phone: +27 (0)10 001 0141 Web address: www.oneplan.co.za E-mail: marketing@onegrp.co.za Insurer/risk carrier/principal: ABSA Insurance Risk Management Services (Ltd) t/a AIRMS Product information: Oneplan offers health insurance plans from as little as R254 p/m. Giving South Africans an alternative choice to protect and maintain their well-being through personal health insurance. We’ve designed our plan options to be simple, cost effective and easy to understand. So when accidents or illness occurs, our clients are covered, without any surprises. Cover includes: doctors, medication, hospital, maternity, ambulance, specialist, dentistry, radiology, pathology and more. Claims are pre-paid to a Onecard Transactional Card via a unique mobile claim process. Oneplan and Onepet are administered by Onecard Management Services (Pty) Ltd (FSP 43628) and are marketed by Onecard Investments (Pty) Ltd (FSP 43627), authorised financial services providers. Oneplan is not a Medical Aid Scheme. All products are short-term insurance products and are underwritten by ABSA Insurance Risk Management Services (Ltd) t/a AIRMS.



Heavy commercial vehicle cover Captive Business Consultants (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 31A Arterial West Road, Oriel, Bedforview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 615 3640 Fax: +27 (0)11 615 3678 Web address: www.captive.co.za E-mail: chris@captive.co.za FSP licence number: 9359

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd (FSP 75) Product information: All commercial vehicles in excess of 3 500 kg • Yellow equipment • Light delivery vehicles • Limited private type vehicles • Comprehensive • Aggregate excess • Self-funding • Sand and stone • Harbour • Progressive fund • Discretionary premium refund.

Goldfield Insurance Administration CC Postal address: PO Box 619, Randburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 0381 Fax: +27 (0)86 600 6367 E-mail: matthewo@goldfieldins.co.za FSP licence number: 2565 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa and Lloyd’s Underwriters Product information: Goldfield Insurance Administration CC (‘Goldfield’) underwrites transit and carrier

liability on behalf of Renasa Insurance Company Ltd. Goldfield’s focus is on personal attention and they deal with all matters other than non-essential functions of the business which are outsourced. Goldfield is managed by an experienced team, which includes several senior and respected members of the insurance fraternity. Having had a wealth of underwriting experience, Goldfield’s principal Matthew O’Donnell is uniquely placed to offer excellent advice on the provision of, as well the intricacies of, these insurances.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)


Product information: IUM’s heavy commercial vehicle products are developed and administered by a division which is dedicated to commercial trucking and transportation insurance. Cover is available for owner-drivers, small fleet and certain large fleet that operate locally and in an intermediate and long-haul radius. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.



Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • Accident scene management • On-site legal services • Heavy commercial vehicles can be insured for either market or retail value.

Optional cover: • Credit shortfall • Deposit protector • Downtime/loss of use • Excess reducers.

Cover includes: • Fire extinguishing charges • Locks and keys • Third party liability • Towing charges • Windscreen • Wreckage removal.




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Heavy commercial vehicle cover (cont.) Insurance Zone Physical address (head office): 24 Concorde Road West, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 601 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 601 0530

Web address: www.insurancezone.co.za E-mail: info@insurancezone.co.za FSP licence number: 42879 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company

e spe an


Product information: Many have found the HCV is a tricky business that can burn fingers before the scheme even gets off the ground. Having the right brain-trust is where the trick lies – we have it! Call us when that next HCV policy comes your way and we will do our utmost to get it onto your books!

Lynx Transport Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PostNet Suite 366, Private Bag X132, Centurion, 0046 Phone: +27 (0)86 110 5969 Fax: +27 (0)86 585 6627 Web address: www.ltum.co.za E-mail: info@ltum.co.za FSP licence number: 2880 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638) Product information: Lynx Transport Underwriting Managers sets the benchmark for heavy commercial vehicle insurance, including cars and light delivery vehicles which form part of a fleet. We combine superior knowledge of the transport industry and its associated risks with a comprehensive policy.

Cover is available for special types (yellow goods) including mobile plant used in construction works. We also specialise in ownerdriver operations. Includes: • Comprehensive cover • Restrictive covers • Profit sharing incentive schemes • All risks cover • Special types of vehicles • Own damage excess reducer • Theft/hi-jack excess reducer • Loss of use • Free fleet management tool • 24/7 helpline assistance in the event of an accident, theft or hi-jack • Quick claims settlements.

Merx HCV Postal address (head office): PO Box 4472, Atlasville, 1465 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 3838 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 0943 Web address: www.merxhcv.co.za E-mail: info@merxhcv.co.za FSP licence number: 42991

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Mutual & Federal (FSP 12) Product information: Merx HCV is a specialist UMA for heavy commercial vehicles. We underwrite on behalf of Mutual & Federal. Heavy commercial vehicles are any vehicles that cont 




LYNX Transport Underwriting ManagersH-J

We specialise in all insurance aspects of: • Heavy Commercial Vehicle • Goods in Transit • Tailor-made products and personalised service

transport solutions Call Us: 086 110 5969 www.ltum.co.za



Heavy commercial vehicle cover (cont.) Continued

require licence codes C1, C, EB, EC1 and EC. We have a mandate from Mutual and Federal to handle the full underwriting and claims process.Merxsure is our tailor-made product aimed at the transportation market. Other tailor-made solutions include the following: • Aggregate excess • Burning cost • Merxsure funding.

Value-added products: • Transit cover • Own damage excess reducer • Theft or hijacking excess reducer • Loss of use • Credit shortfall • Towing cost outside RSA • Third party excess reducer • Transit own damage excess reducer • Transit theft or hijacking excess reducer • Environmental impairment liability policy • Merxsure One Excess Product.

Regal HCV (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 323 Ontdekkers Park, Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 1725 Phone: +27 (0)87 803 0580 Fax: +27 (0)86 682 0340 Web address: www.regalhcv.co.za E-mail: sales@regalhcv.co.za FSP licence number: 44721 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Product information: Regal HCV is a specialist transport underwriter focusing on the needs of transport operators based in South Africa. Regal HCV’s territorial limits extend to all African countries south of the equator. Regal HCV’s focus is on providing fast and efficient service with superior products. The company will tailor products to suit specific needs.

Products include: • All vehicle types on comprehensive, constructive loss, third party fire and theft, or third party only basis. • Goods in transit • Public liability • Personal accident – owner, driver, and crew • Excess reducer • Loss of use • Repatriation cover • Theft cover for tyres, tools, and batteries • See You Right roadside assist.

Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine Physical address: 13 Reynolds Street, Petervale, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)87 353 2577 Web address: www.tradesure.co.za E-mail: david@tradesure.co.za FSP licence number: 17607 and 24875 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Western National Insurance Company Limited


Product information: Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine (Tradesure) is an authorised financial services provider. Tradesure is a flexible, dynamic and innovative company, servicing the South African insurance industry. We specialise in trucking, marine, commercial, motorcycle, goods in transit and sectional title.




Homeowners’ insurance Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 5A Dover Street, Randburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)86 198 8988 Fax: +27 (0)86 686 5040 Web address: www.andersoninsurance.co.za E-mail: dylan@anderson-iu.co.za FSP licence number: 39695 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027)

Product information: Our product range allows brokers to offer their clients a full range of cover, ensuring that their specific needs are taken care of. Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers offers a motor standalone range of products as well as building cover, household contents cover, all risk cover, cell phone alone cover, motorbike insurance cover and taxi insurance cover.

CIA Commercial & Industrial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 615, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 124 2777 Fax: +27 (0)86 613 6684 Web address: www.cia.co.za E-mail: sharne@cia.co.za FSP licence number:13890 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148) Reg. No. 2000/019340/07 Product information: CIA underwrites on behalf of Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148, Reg. No. 1994/003010/06).


CIA’s plain language broadform homeowners insurance policy provides cover for private dwellings on an all risks basis, automatically including subsidence and landslide at no additional cost and without the need for expensive geotechnical engineers’ reports. Cover includes: • Buildings • Extra cover following damage – paid in addition to the sum insured • Extra cover • Geysers • Liability.


Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) The house owners’ policy has been specifically designed for residential dwellings as an allencompassing product to give the insured peace of mind in the event of a claim. Target market Residential houses belonging to: • Companies and businesses • Private individuals • Trusts

Cover included: • Additional costs for demolition and clearing, erection of hoardings, municipal plan scrutiny, architects, quantity surveyors and consulting engineers • Accidental damage to machinery including sprinkler irrigation systems and boreholes • Cost of removal of trees • Cover before property transfer • Damage by wild baboons or wild monkeys • Damage to gardens • Emergency accommodation following a loss from an insured peril • Fire Brigade costs • Gardens and water features • Glass and sanitaryware • Guards • Keys, locks and remote control units • Liability cover • Loss of rent • Medical, trauma and funeral costs • Public supply or mains connections: electricity and water pipes.

Omnium M&H Executive Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 716, Bassonia, 2061 Phone: +27 (0)11 026 8618 Web address: www.omniuminsurance.co.za

E-mail: Stephan@omniuminsurance.co.za FSP licence number: 2856 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited



Hospitality and leisure industry Alternative Commercial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 504, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0787 Phone: +27 (0)87 232 8860 / +27 (0)87 232 8560 Fax: +27 (0)86 620 0174 Web address: www.acaselect.co.za E-mail: leon@acaselect.co.za / francois@acaselect.co.za FSP licence number: 39835 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Western National Insurance Company Ltd Product information: ACA is a registered financial services provider with an underwriting arrangement with Western National Insurance Company Ltd. Commercial lines: we write all general lines of short-term insurance, with preference to commercial business (small to medium industries).


Hospitality lines: we are able to write hospitality business – lodges, hotels, game and hunting farms, guesthouses and related risks. Personal lines: we have a very competitive personal lines product with a well-balanced rating approach to the risks that we would like to acquire. Farming lines: we can provide a wide range of covers that will cater for the needs of commercial and bona fide farming entities. Niche product: Turtle Cover – we have a market first in this product where we are breaking boundaries to extend existing clients’ cover to ensure that they are not left with a shortfall when experiencing a claim. See our product-specific details on www.turtlecover.co.za.

H-J Ascent Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 2316, Rivonia, 2128 Phone (head office): +27 (0)861 286 264, Durban: +27 (0)861 543 379, Cape Town: + 27 (0)861 888 834 Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 633 4311 Web address: www.ascentsure.co.za E-mail: info@ascentsure.co.za FSP licence number: 35519 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Infiniti Insurance (FSP 35914) Product information: Tourism • Tours and Transfers • Travel Pro Plus • Pax Protector

Specialised products insuring the property, assets, revenues, liabilities and brand of all operators offering accommodation to paying guests. Entertainment: • Wine and dine • Leisure lifestyle • Events and exhibitions Extensively developed products customised to suit the entertainment, leisure, events, health and beauty sectors including all assets, revenues, liabilities and specific events on a stand-alone basis.

Specialised innovative comprehensive or stand-alone products insuring the assets, motor vehicles, liabilities, professional indemnity and passengers/participants of tour operators, travel agents, tour brokers, transfer and shuttle services. Hospitality: • Welcome plus • Portfolio protector • Boutique stay

F&I Physical address: 3 River Road, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)861 322 463 / +27 (0)11 615 1640 Web address: www.facind.co.za E-mail: info@facind.co.za FSP licence number: 9138

and hospitality sectors. We place emphasis on our clients’ compliance with statutory and regulatory legislation. Our experienced personnel provide professional risk assessment and tailored risk management services for the protection of intermediaries’ interests and clients’ businesses.

Product information: F&I is a specialist underwriting and risk manager offering a full range of comprehensive insurance and risk solutions for the commercial, manufacturing

Our F&I risk management team attempts to ensure that compliance and risk management issues are identified and dealt with before an event thereby avoiding claim pitfalls.



Hospitality and leisure industry (CONT.) HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Service is something

we are passionate about and as a result we won the FIA UMA award in 2012. We are committed to providing first class service to all our broker partners with over 15 years servicing the hospitality industry and our tailor-made products. We offer a wide range of products not restricted to one segment of the industry but designed for various types of establishments including B&B, guesthouses, lodges, boutique hotels, golf clubs, restaurants and conference centres.

Hospitality & Leisure Underwriters (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 696, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 450 3397/3951 Fax: +27 (0)86 689 4950 Web address: www.handl.co.za E-mail: info@handl.co.za FSP licence number: 4995 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam (FSP 3416) Product information: Hospitality & Leisure Underwriters (H&L), Santam’s specialist hospitality underwriter, offers specific related insurance to the entire hospitality industry. With our expertise and dedication we ensure we are the brokers’ preferred market leaders in the hospitality insurance sector providing customised insurance solutions for this specialist niche.


Target markets include: bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, boutique hotels, hotel chains, game farms, lodges, holiday or timeshare resorts, holiday homes and rentals, health and wellness spas, restaurants or franchise restaurants, golf clubs or estates and wine estates plus all associated risks.




Hospitality and leisure industry (CONT.) Risk Guard Alliance (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 60 Camellia Avenue, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0081 Phone: +27 (0)86 110 2025 Web address: www.riskguard.co.za E-mail: underwriting@riskguard.co.za FSP licence number: 31404 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited Product information: Risk Guard Alliance is a short-term underwriting agency who administer on behalf of the RMB Structured Insurance Limited, an owner managed agency, bursting with fresh ideas and unique products. Their goal is to provide the market with a service driven alternative for the shortterm insurance industry. Zach Moolman observed a shortage in the short term insurance industry for service driven specialised products, and used the opportunity to adopt a UMA model. With Risk Guard Alliance’s experience and knowledge it was a

saXum Leisure Sense Physical address (head office): Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Postal address: PO Box 1634, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 694 5900 Fax: +27 (0)86 212 0859 Web address: www.saxuminsurance.com E-mail: pierre.marais@saxuminsurance.com FSP licence number: 32640 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: saXum Insurance Limited Product information: Our products and services cover tourism and adventure public liability, fare paying passenger liability, cancellation of tours, lodges and full asset cover.


natural choice to target the hospitality market first. Shortly thereafter, they followed with an offering for the high-value motor market. As a UMA, Risk Guard Alliance boasts a wealth of experience, quality products, product knowledge and personal service. Our stable consists of commercial, hospitality, personal lines, motorcycle and high valued motor insurance. The comprehensive cover we offer is specifically designed to meet the high expectations and needs of the policyholder. In 2012 we joined forces with RMBSI, which is a valuable partnership with an innovative brand who boasts a Fitch National Insurers Financial Strength (IFS) rating of ‘A+(zaf)’. The choice of insurance company was very important to us, as we needed a partner that would have a progressive view into the future, develop a prosperous long term relationship, and adapt to the ever-changing needs of our clients and the industry. RMBSI is undoubtedly a market leader.


Hull insurance Associated Marine Postal address (head office): PO Box 55182, Northlands, 2116 Phone: +27 (0)11 912 8000 Fax: +27 (0)11 268 0269 Web address: www.associatedmarine.co.za E-mail: info.amua@amua.co.za FSP licence number: 3416 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam

Product information: Land, sea and air – we’ve got you covered, providing wider, flexible cover for all your marine insurance needs. Whether it’s marine cargo, goods in transit, marine hull or marine liabilities – we’ve got it covered.



Income protection FMI Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 91, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Phone: +27 (0)860 10 11 19 Fax: +27 (0)31 502 5250 Web address: www.fmi.co.za E-mail: clientcare@fmi.co.za FSP licence number: 2717


Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Financial Management International (Pty) Ltd, insured by Guardrisk Life Ltd Product information: We believe an individual’s ability to earn their income is the single most important thing to insure. That’s why we quickly and seamlessly provide sustainable cover that is tailored to the individual needs of our clients, without unnecessary jargon or red tape. For disability and life, our income protection offerings ensure that, no matter what our clients face, their income is not at risk. Visit www.fmi.co.za to learn more.


Jewellers’ block Gem & Jewel Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 70014, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)86 123 4436 Fax: +27 (0)86 123 5436 Web address: www.gemjewel.co.za E-mail: natasha@gemjewel.co.za / info@gemjewel.co.za FSP licence number: 5064 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148)

guarantee, business all risks, liability, personal accident, motor, electronic equipment and accounts receivable. Included free of charge (terms and conditions apply): Trauma counselling following an armed robbery for staff and customers, stone breakage, shoplifting and rent.

Product information: Our 2 Precious policy provides comprehensive tailor-made cover for the jewellery industry. Cover options include stock, contents (includes internal glass), buildings, business interruption (also following theft), money, glass, fidelity



Legal services Stilus Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Ground floor, Corporate Place, 13 Mispel Road, Bellville, 7530 Phone: +27 (0)21 948 3585 Fax: +27 (0)21 948 4028 Web address: www.stilus.co.za E-mail: craig@stilus.co.za FSP licence number: 45249 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: ABSA Insurance Risk Management Services Pty Ltd Authorised Financial Service Provider (FSP 8783)

associations being their cash-flows derived from members’ monthly levy payments. Claims for defaulters’ arrear levies are normally settled, within seven working days. This excludes historical debt claims.

Product information: Levy insurance – bodies corporate and HOAs: Stilus policies guarantee the major assets of both bodies corporate and home owners

Leisure industry Ascent Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 2316, Rivonia, 2128 Phone (head office): +27 (0)861 286 264, Durban: +27 (0)861 543 379, Cape Town: + 27 (0)861 888 834 Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 633 4311 Web address: www.ascentsure.co.za E-mail: info@ascentsure.co.za FSP licence number: 35519 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Infiniti Insurance (FSP 35914)

travel agents, tour brokers, transfer and shuttle services.

Product information: Tourism: • Tours and transfers • Travel pro plus • Tax protector Specialised innovative comprehensive or stand-alone products insuring the assets, motor vehicles, liabilities, professional indemnity and passengers/participants of tour operators,

Entertainment: • Wine and dine • Leisure lifestyle • Events and exhibitions Extensively developed products customised to suit the entertainment, leisure, events, health and beauty sectors including all assets, revenues, liabilities and specific events on a stand-alone basis.


Hospitality: • Welcome plus • Portfolio protector • Boutique stay Specialised products insuring the property, assets, revenues, liabilities and brand of all operators offering accommodation to paying guests.


Cara-Sure Physical address (head office): 3rd Floor, Hatfield Corner, 1101 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083 Phone: +27 (0)86 186 8765 Fax: +27 (0)86 615 2756 Web address: www.natsure.co.za E-mail: info@natsure.co.za / info@carasure.com FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: This scheme covers new and pre-owned leisure vehicles (caravans, off-road caravans, motorhomes and camper trailers). The platinum and gold plan cover the leisure vehicle fully comprehensive, including R 30 000 contents cover and a CaraCARE benefit for roadside emergencies. Cara-Sure Pensioner Product: This product covers new and pre-owned

leisure vehicles. The Prestige plan covers the leisure vehicle fully comprehensive, including R 30 000 contents cover and a CaraCARE benefit for roadside emergencies. The econo plan covers the leisure vehicle fully comprehensive and also includes the CaraCare benefit for roadside emergencies. An added benefit is that the Cara-Sure Pensioner Product has no excess. Caravan and camping clubs product: This product covers new and pre-owned leisure vehicles. The prestige plan covers the leisure vehicle fully comprehensive, including R 30 000 contents cover and a CaraCARE benefit for roadside emergencies. The econo plan covers the leisure vehicle fully comprehensive and also includes the CaraCare benefit for roadside emergencies. An added benefit is that the caravan and camping clubs plan product has no excess. The above products are administrated by Natsure (Pty) Ltd and underwritten by Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd; Authorised Financial Services Providers.



Leisure industry (CONT.) HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75)

Product information: HIC offers comprehensive cover for damage to golf courses, bowling greens and the resulting loss of green fees with our grassed sporting product. We automatically include at no extra cost greens; damage by any vehicle or animal or by falling trees; chemical and fertiliser damage; contaminated water; damage by mechanical equipment; malicious damage and failure of water supply (excluding as a result of drought).

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: IUM is a specialist leisure underwriter. Our focus in this area of business provides cover on (but not limited to) pedal cycles, scuba diving equipment, photographic and video equipment, surfboards, kite boards, paddle skis, kayaks, canoes, surf skis, windsurf boards, sailboards and model boats, golf clubs and other sporting equipment. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre. Benefits include: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 call centre claims support • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services Cover includes: • Cover whilst in use



livestock African Rand Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 731386, Fairland, 2030 Phone: +27 (0)11 678 1354 Fax: +27 (0)86 685 9120 Web address: www.africanrand.com E-mail: dion@africanrand.co.za FSP licence number: 5742 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638) Product information: Herd select – provides the farmer with the broadest possible cover against death for the entire herd of animals.

Herd essential – provides the farmer with cover against fire and lightning, with the option to extend the cover to include theft and/or accidental death. Stud animals – ensures that stud animals are covered against death and impotency for the broadest possible risks. The best rates are applied for each specified animal. Feedlots – cover for cattle in feedlots which are used as collateral for financing purposes. Our dynamic approach enables us to tailor-make the product to suite your client’s requirements.


10 facts

about motor (niche/special requirements) 1. A total of 82.84 million vehicles were sold globally in 2013, a 4.2 per cent increase compared to 2012. 2. Automotive production contributes at least six per cent to South Africa’s GDP and accounts for almost 12 per cent of the country’s manufacturing exports. 3. The Nissan Leaf is the first all-electric car to go on sale in South Africa. The 2011 World Car of the Year winner retails for R470 000. 4. The engineering and metal workers, which included car manufacturers, strike led by the NUMSA union, cost the South African economy more than R300 million a day.

5. The average car has 30 000 parts. 6. The South African Police Service reported 11 221 hijackings for the period between April 2013 and March 2014, an increase of 12.3 per cent the previous year. 7. The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department issues an average of 300 000 traffic fines per month, whilst Cape Town does not even issue 10 per cent of that. 8. According to Discovery Insure’s road safety smartphone application, South Africa’s best drivers for 2014 can be found in the Western Cape. Limpopo drivers were the worst. 9. Car insurance was first introduced in the United Kingdom with the Road Traffic Act of 1930. 10. The legal alcohol limit in South Africa is a breath alcohol content of 0.24mg per 1 000ml, or a blood alcohol limit of 0.05g per 100ml.


M-O 157


Malpractice (allied health professionals) Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and

a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.



Management liability Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes valueadded services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

As one of South Africa’s leading Insurance companies’, our offerings include World Class and Innovative Insurance products and services. We specialise in underwriting small to medium size commercial and niche insurance risks for products such as Leisure Sense, Liability Covers, Engineering and Guarantees. Our Products and Services cover the following key areas within Liability Covers: • • • • •

Standalone Public Liability Event Liability Professional Indemnity Directors and Officers Indemnity Combined Liability Wording

Contact SaXum Insurance Limited today on: JOHANNESBURG OFFICE: Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193 P.O. Box 1634, Houghton 2041 Tel: +27 (11) 694 5900 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 212 0859 DURBAN OFFICE: 72 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga Ridge 4319 PostNet Suite # 6, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks 4320 Tel: +27 (31) 941 1189 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 697 0663 CAPE TOWN OFFICE: 1 Bridgeway Road, Bridgeways Precinct, Century City 7441 P.O. Box 6112, Welgemoed 7538 Tel: +27 (21) 830 5476 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 641 4058

www.saxuminsurance.com SaXum Insurance Limited is an authorised Financial Services Provider - FSP No: 32460 | Reg. No. 2004/011845/06



Marine and special risks Associated Marine Postal address (head office): PO Box 55182, Northlands, 2116 Phone: +27 (0)11 912 8000 Fax: +27 (0)11 268 0269 Web address: www.associatedmarine.co.za E-mail: info.amua@amua.co.za FSP number: 3416 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam

Product information: Land, sea and air – we’ve got you covered, providing wider, flexible cover for all your marine insurance needs. Whether it’s marine cargo, goods in transit, marine hull or marine liabilities – we’ve got it covered.

Tri-Marine Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): Unit C6, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Tokai, Cape Town, 7945 Phone: +27 (0)21 701 8023 Fax: +27 (0)21 701 7912 Web address: www.trimarine.co.za E-mail: marinesa@iafrica.com FSP licence number: 44286 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Infiniti Insurance Limited (FSP 35914) and Lloyd’s


Product information: We offer the following products: Marine cargo – imports/exports and goods in transit, marine stock-throughput, commercial hull and pleasure craft marine liabilities. Tri-Marine Acceptances has national representation, with offices in both the Western Cape and Gauteng.


Marine cargo Associated Marine Postal address (head office): PO Box 55182, Northlands, 2116 Phone: +27 (0)11 912 8000 Fax: +27 (0)11 268 0269 Web address: www.associatedmarine.co.za E-mail: info.amua@amua.co.za FSP number: 3416 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam

Product information: Land, sea and air – we’ve got you covered, providing wider, flexible cover for all your marine insurance needs. Whether it’s marine cargo, goods in transit, marine hull or marine liabilities – we’ve got it covered.

Genlib CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27 (0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482

Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local insurers • Imports and exports • Inland transits • Stock throughput.

Horizon Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 2603, Pinegowrie, 2123 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 3473 Fax: +27 (0)11 781 3478 Web address: www.horizonmarine.co.za E-mail: mike@horizonmarine.co.za FSP licence number: 6354 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lombard Insurance (FSP 1596) Product information: Horizon Underwriting Managers successfully combines the strengths of FMA and UMS under the Lombard Insurance Company licence, resulting in almost 40 years of presence in the local market. We provide cover for imports and exports of cargo by all forms of transport, goods in transit, commercial hull risks, smallcraft, stockthroughput and marine liabilities. Horizon prides itself on the application of sound underwriting principles with a focus on risk analysis and tailor-made solutions for preferred

clients, at the same time supporting our broker base in a specialised and technical class. Horizon has full offices in Johannesburg, Durban and have added Cape Town to our branch network. Each office boasts highly experienced staff: Paul March and Mike Brews (Johannesburg) Tel: +27 (0)11 781 3473 Hugh and Ramona Murcell (Durban) Tel: +27 (0)31 563 9640 Bruce Swanson (Cape Town) Tel: +27 (0)21 782 4391



Marine cargo (cont.) Transit Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 291, Century City, 7446 Physical address (head office): 11th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001 Phone: +27 (0)86 111 3597 Fax: +27 (0)86 111 3655 Web address: www.tum.co.za E-mail: tum@tum.co.za FSP licence number: 20480 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148)

Product information: Specialising in marine and transit insurance, we cover: • Imports and exports • Goods in transit • Stock throughput • Pleasure craft and hull insurance • Household goods and personal effects • Advance loss of profits/ Increase cost of working • Container liability • Carriers liability.

Marine risks Cross Country Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 253 Smit Street, Fairlands, 2195 Phone: +27 (0)11 215 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 476 8205 Web address: www.ccic.co.za E-mail: info@ccic.co.za FSP licence number: 39547 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited Product information: Marine explorer – watercraft with or without trailer can be covered on a stand-alone basis. Territorial limits: inland – Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zimbabwe; coastal – Mozambique, Namibia and Republic of South Africa extends to 50 nautical miles offshore.


Watercraft up to R2 500 000 can be insured; third party and passenger liability including water skiers; repatriation of vessel and trailer outside Republic of South Africa following accident or breakdown; damage to machinery by flotsam. Settlement basis on small craft within first four years of registration – new replacement basis; settlement basis on inflatables at current market value irrespective of the age of the vessel. We also offer medical emergency evacuation for skipper and occupants and emergency roadside assistance in Republic of South Africa. Cross country now offer a complete personal lines package.


Devereux Marine cc Physical address (head office): 18 Orchard Heights, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700 Phone: +27 (0)21 671 6612 Fax: +27 (0)21 671 1308 E-mail: sues@mweb.co.za FSP licence number: 446 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London Product information: Hull and cargo underwriters for Lloyd’s of London.



Marine risks (Cont.) Horizon Underwriting Managers (Pty) Limited Postal address (head office): PO Box 2603, Pinegowrie, 2123 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 3473 Fax: +27 (0)11 781 3478 Web address: www.horizonmarine.co.za E-mail: mike@horizonmarine.co.za FSP licence number: 6354 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lombard Insurance Company Limited (FSP 1596) Product information: Horizon Underwriting Managers successfully combines the strengths of FMA and UMS under the Lombard Insurance Company licence, resulting in almost 40 years of presence in the local market. We provide cover for imports and exports of cargo by all forms of transport, goods in transit, commercial hull risks, smallcraft, stockthroughput and marine liabilities. Horizon prides itself on the application of sound underwriting principles with a focus on risk analysis and tailor-made solutions for preferred clients. Horizon has full offices in Johannesburg,

Durban and added Cape Town to our branch network in 2013. Each office boasts highly experienced staff: Paul March and Mike Brews (Johannesburg) Tel: +27 (0)11 781 3473 Hugh and Ramona Murcell (Durban) Tel: +27 (0)31 563 9640 Bruce Swanson (Cape Town) Tel: +27 (0)21 782 4391

Marine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): The Sharaf House, 2 Sinembe Crescent, Sinembe Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban, 4051 Phone: +27 (0)31 584 2800 Fax: +27 (0)31 584 2802 Web address: www.marineuma.com E-mail: potgieterd@marineuma.com or sewbalash@marineuma.com FSP licence number: 37167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75)


Product information: Marine insurance – We write hull personal lines (private pleasure use, skipper charter and international), cargo insurance (import/ export), marine stock throughput insurance; goods in transit (GIT). Our expertise extends to include risk retention (cell captive) and seamless risk financing solution.

M-O Navigate Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Nautica House, Offices 2B, 105 Leslie Avenue, Fourways, Johannesburg, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)861 826 007 Fax: +27 (0)861 775 777 Web address: www.navigateum.com E-mail: info@navigateum.com FSP licence number: 43993 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Mutual & Federal Risk Financing Ltd

Product information: Marine underwriting agency in partnership with Mutual & Federal Risk Financing Ltd; Navigate provides intermediaries with a facility for marine cargo, stock throughput, goods in transit, boat builders risks, market leaders in watercraft cover from jet skis to motor and sailing yachts – liability limits available up to R20 million.

Transit & Marine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 291, Century City, 7446 Physical address (head office): 11th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001 Phone: +27 (0)86 111 3597 Fax: +27 (0)86 111 3655 Web address: www.tum.co.za E-mail: tum@tum.co.za FSP licence number: 20480 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited (FSP 12148)

Product information: Road transit within RSA and SADC countries, specified vehicle basis, one-off covers, contingency covers, owner-driver and large fleet schemes and excess buy-back options. First loss limits loading/off-loading, extended basis of valuation for imported and bonded cargo, over-height container extension, overloading extension, additional cover for debris removal, including non-liability clean-up, additional cover for load recovery, incidental storage and consolidation cover as well as driver fidelity extension available.

Vanguard Marine & Leisure Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 388, Private Bag X1, Northcliff, 2115 Phone: +27 (0)86 100 1135 Fax: +27 (0)11 431 0394 Web address: www.vanguardinsurance.co.za E-mail: bradley@vanguardinsurance.co.za FSP licence number: 39216 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Infiniti Insurance Ltd (FSP 35914) Product information: Vanguard Marine & Leisure is an underwriting manager specialising in providing insurance solutions to the broking fraternity via the insurance broker market. The product offering begins with insurance for watercraft and includes optional cover for the full rig being the tow vehicle, trailer/caravan

and specified all risks items. Liability cover is provided over both the craft, trailer and motor sections. Our aim is to provide the insured with the peace of mind that consistent cover is maintained for the rig whether at home, in transit or while on the water. Vanguard Marine & Leisure is underwritten by Infiniti Insurance (Pty) Ltd.



Medical malpractice insurance Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability,

general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www. camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

General & Professional Liability Acceptances Postal address (head office): PO Box 2667, Fourways, 2055 Phone: +27 (0)11 706 0911 Fax: +27 (0)86 505 9712 Web address: www.gpla.co.za E-mail: dcampbell@gpla.co.za or rhunter@gpla.co.za


FSP licence number: 3664 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London Product information: GPLA underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s of London and provides cover to medical practitioners, allied healthcare practitioners and healthcare organisations. GPLA provides professional indemnity cover to the following professionals: • Architects • Attorneys • Consulting engineers • Quantity surveyors • Project managers • Insurance brokers • Land surveyors • Loss adjusters • Tech PI • Miscellaneous PI.


PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES Specialists in medical gap cover Offers a comprehensive suite of guarantee products

AN UNDERWRITING A DIVISIONMANAGER OF RENASA OFINSURANCE RENASA INSURANCE COMPANYCOMPANY LIMITED LIMITED Linksave Contact Details: Renasa Insurance Company Limited, Performance Guarantees Division Contact Details: TEL 564 3337 8920 •• Fax Fax ((0)31 564 4864 8922 Tel ((0)31 031) 566 031) 566 • www.linksave.co.za 2nd Floor, Gateway Auto City,info@linksave.co.za Jubilee Grove, Umhlanga Rocks • P O Box 1423 Umhlanga Rocks 4320 LINKSAVE is a Juristicguarantees@renasa.co.za Representative of Intergrated Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd. • www.renasa.co.za Registration No. No 2013/236127/07 Registration 1998/000916/06 •• FSP FSP License License Number: Number: 43623 15491



Medical malpractice insurance (cont.) Linksave (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 201503, Durban North, 4016 Phone: +27 (0)31 564 8920 Fax +27 (0)31 564 8922 Web address: www.linksave.co.za

E-mail: info@linksave.co.za FSP licence number: 43623 (A juristic rep of Intergrated Insurance administrators (Pty) Ltd) Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company

Misappropriation of trust funds insurance Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’


liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes valueadded services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.


Motor acceptances Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: forrestm@sha.co.za/ badald@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416)

Product information: Motor fleet and motor third party liabilities product: • Risk-controlled commercial fleets • Self-insured fund protection (aggregate deductible) • Own damage and third party • Clean-up and spillage costs including pollution • Fare-paying passenger liability • Excess of loss passenger liability • Excess of loss motor liability • Numerous extensions at no extra cost.


Keep your clients and their families, Always Visible.

0860 333 444 telesales@ctrack.co.za www.ctrack.co.za

Always Visible



Motorcycles and quad bikes Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 5A Dover Street, Randburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)86 198 8988 Fax: +27 (0)86 686 5040 Web address: www.andersoninsurance.co.za E-mail: dylan@anderson-iu.co.za FSP licence number: 39695 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027)

Product information: Our product range allows brokers to offer their clients a full range of cover, ensuring that their specific needs are taken care of. Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers offers a motor stand-alone range of products as well as building cover, household contents cover, all risk cover, cell phone alone cover, motorbike insurance cover and taxi insurance cover.

Cross Country Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 253 Smit Street, Fairlands, 2195 Phone: +27 (0)11 215 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 476 8205 Web address: www.ccic.co.za E-mail: info@ccic.co.za FSP licence number: 39547

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited Product information: Dirtsure provides comprehensive cover including full off-road use for dual sport, dirt bikes and quad bikes – replacement of bike within first 12 months of registration. Territorial limits: Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Racing risks at an approved MSA or WOMZA event for dirt bikes only; repatriation following accident or breakdown; medical emergency evacuation services in Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)


Product information: IUM is a specialist motorcycle underwriter. Our core focus in this area includes superbikes, quad- and off-road motorcycles, as well as cruisers and dual purpose motorcycles. Cover is also provided for ancillary items such as clothing and riding apparel, where required. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.



Benefits include: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 call centre claims support • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services • Rates for BMWs, Harley Davidson’s and Tourers • Motorcycles can be insured for either market or retail value • Collection of the motorcycle before repair • Delivery of motorcycle after repairs have been completed.

Cover includes: • Death benefit cover • Emergency hotel expenses • Fire extinguishing charges • Locks and keys • Towing charges • Transit • Trauma • Third party liability. Optional cover: • Credit shortfall • Personal accident.

Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine Physical address: 13 Reynolds Street, Petervale, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)87 353 2577 Web address: www.tradesure.co.za E-mail: david@tradesure.co.za FSP licence number: 17607 and 24875 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Western National Insurance Company Limited

Product information: Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine (Tradesure) is an authorised financial services provider. Tradesure is a flexible, dynamic and innovative company, servicing the South African insurance industry.

Motor fleet African Motor Underwriters Postal address (head office): PO Box 2847, Parklands, 2121 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 0905 Web address: www.amu.co.za E-mail: Neil Reinecke neil@amu.co.za or James Holland james@amu.co.za FSP licence number: 1041 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London

We underwrite all types of motor including those harder to place risks that others may turn away and also have a motor trader’s facility. Our business is and always has been placed with Lloyd’s.

Product information: Established in 1996, AMU have a wealth of experience in underwriting motor insurance across a broad spectrum from large corporate motor & HCV fleets to smaller commercial risks.



Motor fleet (cont.) Genlib cc Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27(0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482

Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy cover through various local insurers • Motor comprehensive • Buses • Motor fleets.

HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Our motor fleet product allows us to design the perfect programme for your client with options of aggregates, stop losses and deposit premiums.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: IUM’s heavy commercial vehicle products are developed and administered by a division which is dedicated to commercial trucking and transportation insurance. Cover is available for owner-drivers, small fleet and certain large fleet that operate locally and in an intermediate and long-haul radius. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.


Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • Accident scene management • On-site legal services • Heavy commercial vehicles can be insured for either market or retail value. Cover includes: • Fire extinguishing charges • Locks and keys • Third party liability • Towing charges • Windscreen • Wreckage removal. Optional cover: • Credit shortfall • Deposit protector • Downtime/loss of use • Excess reducers.




Motor fleet (cont.) Paladin Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PO Box 613, Rondebosch, 7701 Phone: +27 (0)21 686 7270, +27 (0)11 523 9550/1 Web address: www.paladin.co.za E-mail: peter@paladin.co.za FSP licence number: 5069 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: Paladin Underwriting Managers provides motor policies for commercial

ventures written on a fleet or specified basis, with a choice of flat conventional, aggregate excess, or burning cost placements. Products are tailored for commercial motor fleets which can include car and bakkie rental companies, but exclude taxis and driving schools. Road assist products are now automatically added to the basic motor policy. Heavy haulage business is generally underwritten on a self-funded programme with an aggregate excess and/or stop loss protection.

Motor – niche/special requirements Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 5A Dover Street, Randburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)86 198 8988 Fax: +27 (0)86 686 5040 Web address: www.andersoninsurance.co.za E-mail: dylan@anderson-iu.co.za FSP licence number: 39695 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027)

Product information: Our product range allows brokers to offer their clients a full range of cover, ensuring that their specific needs are taken care of. Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers offers a motor stand-alone range of products as well as building cover, household contents cover, all risk cover, cell phone alone cover, motorbike insurance cover and taxi insurance cover.

Empire Insurance Administrators Physical address (head office): 35 Felixstowe Street, Sasolburg, 1947 Phone: +27 (0)861 055 505 Fax: +27 (0)86 693 7851 Web address: www.empirefleet.co.za E-mail: erica@empirefleet.co.za FSP licence number: 38321 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company Product information: Car rental in the


event of accident, theft and hijacking. Empire Insurance Administrators (EIA) focuses solely on the insurance replacement market. We are authorised to provide both advice and intermediary services in Category 1, short-term insurance personal lines and commercial lines and our dedicated account managers have all successfully completed both RE 1 and RE 5. We provide innovative tailor-made insurance solutions, and packages at very competitive rates.




Motor – niche/special requirements Hamba Kahle Underwriting Managers Physical address (head office): 1 Hampton Court, Countesses Avenue, Randburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)11 792 6855 Fax: +27 (0)11 791 1260 Web address: www.hamba-kahle.co.za E-mail: natalie@hamba-kahle.co.za FSP licence number: 40764 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: Hamba Kahle Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd offers specialist short-term insurance solutions specifically for the owner driver transport industry. Our name, Hamba Kahle means ‘go well’,

which embodies everything we stand for. We want to provide select brokers with owner driver insurance products that encompass a winning combination of competitive terms and conditions, quick, professional claim service and a customised range of insurance products. When your clients insure with Hamba Kahle, you can rest assured that you are dealing with insurance professionals that know the owner driver insurance industry. We have the expertise and experience required to tailor-make insurance packages for any owner driver scheme. We specialise in creating products for selected brokers that want an edge in this niche market.

Risk Assist 24/7 (Pty) Limited t/a i-Truck Physical address (head office): 55 Gladys Mazibuko Drive (formerly Marriott Road) Morningside, Durban 4001 Phone: +27 (0)31 207-3990 Fax: +27 (0)31 207-3998 Web address: www. i-truck.co.za E-mail: mark.w@i-truck.co.za FSP licence number: 9844 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited

Product information: i-truck is a specialist Heavy Commercial Vehicle Underwriters. We tailor make insurance products moulded to the client’s needs. Our product range is as follows: • Comprehensive motor cover • Goods-in-transit All motor related liability such as pollution liability (environmental impairment), passenger liability, third party liability.

Motor – small area repair Small Area Repair Technology Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd t/a Smart Postal address (head office): PO Box 265458, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, 1935 Phone: +27 (0)16 454 2000 Fax: +27 (0)16 423 7032 Web address: www.smartuma.co.za E-mail: info@smartuma.co.za FSP licence number: 9861 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance (FSP 17698)


Product information: Smart is a revolutionary product that covers minor dents and scratches on motor vehicles, allowing clients to keep their vehicle in excellent condition without denting their no-claim bonus. Everyday wear and tear not only decreases the value of a vehicle, but also becomes unsightly over time if not maintained. cont 


Specialist in agreed value motor insurance

A DIVISION OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Renasa Insurance Company Limited, IVP Division Contact Details: Tel (011) 380 3195 • Fax (011) 380 3080 Renasa House, 170 Oxford Road, Melrose, Johannesburg • P.O. Box 412072, Craighall 2024, Johannesburg ivp-uma@renasa.co.za • www.ivp-uma.co.za FSP License Number 15491



Motor – small area repair (cont.) Continued

Customised to your needs, affordable and easy to use – this plan is simply smart. • Claim as often as needed without excess • No negative impact on your client’s noclaim bonus

• Superior finish that will ensure excellent resale value • Quality body shops and mobile repairs • Professional administration and claims centre.

Motor traders AutoTrade Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 1st Floor, Block C11 Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Ave, Constantia Kloof, 1709 Postal address: PO Box 21427, Helderkruin, 1733 Phone: +27 (0)11 764 3839 Web address: www.atu.co.za

E-mail: atu@atu.co.za FSP licence number: 5232 Product information: AutoTrade are specialists
 when it comes to providing quality insurance solutions to 
the motor trade.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: We are a one stop shop for comprehensive business insurance for all classes of the motor trade. Benefits include: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 call centre claims support • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services. Target market • Fitment centres • Motor retailers


• Motor traders • Motor vehicle repairers • Windscreen repairers and installers. Key benefits • Transit, delivery and convoy cover available. Optional cover available: • Business interruption • Electronic equipment • Fidelity • Fire • Lifts and hoists • Money • Motor • Motor internal risk • Motor external risk • Public liability • Theft of motor vehicles in the open.


Motor warranties/mechanical breakdown Advantage MotorPlan (Pty) Ltd (Hollard) Postal address (head office): PO Box 2184, Florida Hills, 1716 Phone: +27 (0)11 288 7300 Fax: +27 (0)11 288 7331 Web address: www.ampwarranty.co.za E-mail: johan@ampwarranty.co.za FSP licence number: Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance (FSP 17698) Product information: Advantage MotorPlan offers national representation and is recognised as a leading role player in the motor industry. We specialise in marketing, policy and claims administration of motor warranty products. Advantage MotorPlan offers a comprehensive range of vehicle warranties, all underwritten by

the Hollard Insurance Company Ltd. Our products cover your clients against the costs of unexpected mechanical failure, and allows them to manage the out-of-pocket expenses associated with vehicle repair more effectively. Our products have been designed to afford clients the maximum protection with equitable benefits at affordable pricing and is available in a one or two-year option. Advantage MotorPlan currently manages over 60 000 active motor warranties. Other products available: Service plans, tyre and rim warranty, leisure warranty (motorcycles, quads and caravans) and roadside assistance. Product benefits are subject to the standard terms and conditions of the policy.

Impac Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Stone House, 510 Makou Street, Monument Park, Pretoria, 0105 Phone: +27 (0)87 943 4973 Fax: +27 (0)86 572 1992 Web address: www.impacrisk.co.za E-mail: hennie@impacrisk.co.za FSP licence number: 12922

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: saXum Insurance Limited Product information: • Motor mechanical and retail warranties as well as scratch and dent products. • Niche disability • Pension fund • Trustees liability.


Keep your clients and their families, Always Visible.

0860 333 444 telesales@ctrack.co.za www.ctrack.co.za

Always Visible



10 facts

about professional indemnity

1. With the introduction of the Consumer Protection Act and a wave of other consumer protection-oriented legislation and education campaigns, brokers and insurers confirm South Africa is becoming an increasingly litigious society. 2. Legally, a company is vicariously liable for its employed professionals. The professional acts on the company’s behalf and the company receives the benefits of work completed. 3. Medical malpractice professional indemnity claims in excess of R5 million have increased by an incredible 900 per cent since 2009, in South Africa. 4. An average of one in every five South African medical professional indemnity claims is in excess of R1 million, a 550 per cent increase over the last decade.

5. The majority of medical malpractice claims arise from orthopaedics, neurology and obstetrics/gynaecology. 6. Current estimates are that between 30 and 40 per cent of medical specialists are practicing without professional indemnity cover. 7. Historically, PI cover was only for ‘traditional professionals’ such as lawyers, doctors and accountants. Today, anyone offering advice, from a graphic designer to a life coach, needs cover. 8. Cybercrime and many aspects of IT cover are examples of these newer products to the market, and this is an area of increasing liability. Cover needs to be tailored to the nature of the specific work, the data stored, and the specific liabilities incurred. 9. PI rates in the South African market are said to swing in 12-year cycles. The market is currently at the bottom of a hardening cycle. 10. PI is big money. Finaccord forecasts that the market across 10 European countries – Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and the UK – will be worth €7.5 billion by 2017.

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179 181


Performance guarantees Refine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PostNet Suite 221, Private Bag X75, Bryanston, 2021 Phone (head office): + 27 (0)11 5195355 / 0861REFINE Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 610 4889 Web address: www.refine-um.co.za E-mail: jean@refine-um.co.za Enquiries and quotes: constructionquotes@refine-um.co.za FSP licence number: 20395 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited (FSP 17703)

Product information: We offer the full suite of construction guarantee solutions (performance, retention, advance payment and bid/tender bonds). Refine is a specialist and experienced underwriter in offering guarantee solutions, underwriting facilities on behalf of Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Limited. Zurich’s participation in this class of risk is of major value to the industry, due to their global brand and credit rating strength.


UMA A5 sin


PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES Offers a comprehensive suite of guarantee products

A DIVISION OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Renasa Insurance Company Limited, Performance Guarantees Division Contact Details: Tel (031) 566 3337 • Fax (031) 566 4864 2nd Floor, Gateway Auto City, Jubilee Grove, Umhlanga Rocks • P O Box 1423 Umhlanga Rocks 4320 guarantees@renasa.co.za • www.renasa.co.za Registration No. 1998/000916/06 • FSP License Number: 15491


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Personal accident Genlib CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor Howard Terraces, corner Forest and Howard Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Website: www.genlib.co.za Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27 (0)21 531 3714 E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482

Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local insurers. Tour operators farmers vehicles, commuter vehicles, overland vehicles, game viewing vehicles, taxis.

Professional Risk Underwriters Africa Postal address: PO Box 14098, Hatfield, 0028 Phone: +27 (0)861 000 412 Fax: +27 (0)86 618 4277 Web address: refer to www.natsure.co.za E-mail: gary@proriskafrica.co.za and


stuart@proriskafrica.co.za FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s Product information: General liability and professional indemnity.


Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: honeymand@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416) Product information: Our facility is very competitive in the market and we specialise in customised packages for specific client’s

needs. We can write on a multiple of salary basis or on a capital fixed sum insured basis. We can provide cover on a 24 hour basis or on a restricted occupational related risk basis. We can provide cover for accidental death, accidental permanent disability, temporary total disability (accident and serious illness), medical expenses, hospitalisation daily benefits, bereavement benefit of up to R18 000 per employee, serious illness lump sum benefits. We will look at aggregate excess and deposit premium structures to suit your client.



Personal accident (cont.) Universal Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 190, Witkoppen, 2068 Phone: +27 (0)11 781 3469 Web address: www.natsure.co.za E-mail: teresaj@ua.co.za FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk (Pty) Ltd (FSP 75) Product information: Personal accident

Personal lines Ad Ultimum Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 9857, Centurion, 0046 Phone: +27 (0)12 345 5052 Fax: +27 (0)12 345 2676 Web address: www.adultimum.co.za E-mail: info@auo.co.za FSP licence number: 8273

• mechanical and electrical breakdown of household goods • stand-alone or part of package cover for breast cancer and HPV-related cancers • motor hire, top-up, excess waiver under the motor section • extended personal liability (PLIP).

Product information: Ad Ultimum provides affordable, tailor-made products for individuals and/or groups.

Add-ons: • roadside assistance for mechanical and electrical breakdowns or when a collision has occurred • 24-Fix: an appliance and household repair service to home owners.

Personal lines: • all personal effects • all risk cover for the contents of the house • full subsidence and landslip cover for house contents and house owners • personal accident cover for existing clients over 70 years, until the policy lapses / cancels • trauma cover after armed robbery or attempted threat. Extensions: • extended personal accident


Commercial insurance: General commercial insurance for small, medium and large type of business ventures. Through Ad Ultimum Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd, short-term insurance brokers can become the irreplaceable and most important link between the policyholder and the insurance underwriter. Ad Ultimum is a short-term insurance outsourcing company that manages



the underwriting, claims and administration in respect of personal lines, commercial insurance and group schemes through efficient insurance systems. Ad Ultimum can provide a comprehensive all-round service to brokers and underwriters to ensure they have a competitive advantage. Our main objective is to assist companies to function more independently and to be able to have

sufficient control on all levels. Independence and control imply the ability to keep accurate records, statistics, facts and figures as well as collection of premiums directly from policyholders. We provide an Internetbased insurance solution utilising browser technology. The solution facilitates access via both the Internet and the traditional digital data networks.

Anchor Risk Management (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 95 Dely Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria, 0081 Phone: +27 (0)12 425 0060 Fax: +27 (0)12 460 6062 Web address: http:www.anchorisk.com E-mail: manage@anchorisk.com FSP licence number: 14183 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Saxum Insurance, Zurich, Santam Product information: Anchor Risk Management (Pty) Ltd endeavours to distinguish itself from competition on service levels. Customer service to the short-term insurance

broker and their clients is our priority and our biggest area of performance. Linked to this is effective risk management to ensure sustainable profits to the insurer. Entrust your portfolio to Anchor Risk Management and you will excel your business to yet another level of excellence. From us you will receive the support to complement your efforts in achieving your goal. Anchor Risk Management will manage your portfolio on short-term insurance for personal lines, commercial lines and agri business.



Personal lines (cont.) Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 5A Dover Street, Randburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)86 1988988 Fax: +27 (0)86 6865040 Web address: www.andersoninsurance.co.za E-mail: dylan@anderson-iu.co.za FSP licence number: 39695 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027)

Product information: Our product range allows brokers to offer their clients a full range of cover, ensuring that their specific needs are taken care of. Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers offers a motor stand-alone range of products as well as building cover, household contents cover, all risk cover, cell phone alone cover, motorbike insurance cover and taxi insurance cover.

CIB Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 15E Riley Road, Riley Road Office Park, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5101 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 5202 Web address: www.cib.co.za E-mail: info@cib.co.za FSP licence number: 8425 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027) Product information: CIB is a short-term insurance administrator underwritten by RMB Structured Insurance Limited (RMBSI), who are also the shareholder of reference within the business. From bumper bashing’s to burst geysers, from vet bills to lost cameras, from fallen trees to


stolen TV’s – we cover it all in one policy. The CIB Personal Lines Policy offers you cover for almost anything you can think of. We insure home contents, the actual building structure, personal effects, motor vehicles and much more. Our CIB personal product range includes VERTEX. The VERTEX product is designed specifically to cater to the needs of high net worth clients. CIB understands that the insurance needs of these individuals are different and more sophisticated. VERTEX is a unique solutions asset based policy with various tailor-made features and benefits that will provide cover on an all risk basis.


Insurance Zone Physical address (head office): 24 Concorde Road West, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 601 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 601 0530 Web address: www.insurancezone.co.za E-mail: info@insurancezone.co.za FSP licence number: 42879 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company

advantages and benefits that mean something to the client, we have the right product. Our growth in the personal lines sector speaks for itself. Join in on the fun and get a quote from us today!

Product information: Ah, the broker’s staple diet! It is sometimes said: Personal lines is personal lines, is personal lines. We disagree. When it comes to being significantly different and offering

Paradigm Risk Consultants (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 73, 5th Avenue, Edenvale, 1609 Phone: +27 (0)11 524 0884 Fax: +27 (0)11 524 0702 Web address: www.paradigmrisk.co.za E-mail: niall@paradigmrisk.co.za or ross@paradigmrisk.co.za FSP licence number: 4518 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company Limited and Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: Paradigm Risk Consultants is an Underwriting Agency specialising in personal and commercial insurance as well as lifestyle benefits. • Personal insurance includes cover for movable and immovable property, motor, motor cycles, caravans, trailers, watercraft,

liability, personal accident and all risks cover for domestic risks. • Lifestyle benefits extend to car hire, home assist and roadside assistance. • Commercial insurance for small, medium and large business ventures including fire, buildings, office contents, business interruption, theft, money, goods in transit, all risks, accidental damage, public liability, motor and electronic equipment. Paradigm is dedicated to understanding each unique risk profile and tailoring policies to individual needs whilst providing quality service. Paradigm underwrite on behalf of both Compass Insurance Company Limited and Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417).



Personal lines (cont.) Quicksure (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Corner Prince George Avenue and Kingsway, Brakpan, Gauteng, 1540 Phone: +27 (0)11 748 4700 Fax: +27 (0)11 744 4987 Web address: www.quicksure.co.za E-mail: celestec@quicksure.co.za FSP licence number: 16902 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: New National Assurance Company and Santam Product information: Quicksure is a registered

financial services provider and one of the leading short-term insurance underwriting managers in South Africa. In 2012, Quicksure was awarded the PMR Silver arrow award for best general underwriting manager, personal and commercial insurance, in South Africa. Our highly innovative and flexible product range covers almost every aspect of short-term insurance business.

SA Underwriting Agencies Physical address (head office): SA Underwriters Place, Bond Street Business Park, corner Bond and Kent Street, Randburg, Johannesburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)860 002 002 Fax: +27 (0)11 777 7345 Web address: www.saunderwriters.com E-mail: info@saunderwriters.com FSP licence number: 281 Product information: Personal lines: we have a very competitive personal lines product with a well-balanced rating approach to the risks that we would like to acquire.


Commercial lines: we write all general lines of short-term insurance, (small to medium industries).


Strategic Insurance Systems Physical address (head office): Block B, Queens Office Park, 30 Alexandra Road, Doringkloof, Centurion, Tshwane, 0157 Phone: +27 (0)12 667 2441 Fax: +27 (0)12 667 2442 Web address: www.stratsys.co.za E-mail: gary@stratsys.co.za FSP licence number: 1007 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Mutual & Federal Risk Finance

one understands your client’s needs better than you do and we have designed our solutions with this in mind. You too, can enjoy the superior flexibility our solution provides and take optimum control of your insurance brokerage like never before. Our integrated system, underpinned by unsurpassed integrity allows you instant decision-making authority, quicker turnaround times, speedier settlement of claims, and ultimate control of your client service.

Product information: Isn’t it time you added a little SIS to your brokerage? As an insurance broker, you strive to give your clients the best service, making every effort to ensure they receive the most extensive coverage possible for the price paid. To do this effectively, you need to understand all the subjective factors influencing their risk profile. This process requires a combination of experience, skill, knowledge and good old-fashioned gut instinct. With Strategic Insurance Systems, powered by Mutual & Federal Risk Finance, we know that no

Pets Onepet Pet Insurance Postal address: PO Box 652075, Benmore, 2010 Phone: +27 (0)10 0010141 Website: www.onepet.co.za E-mail: marketing@onegrp.co.za FSP licence number: 43627 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: ABSA Insurance Risk Management Services (Ltd) t/a AIRMS Product information: From only R185pm you can cover a pet with comprehensive health cover, or for an affordable R99pm cover them on a hospital plan which covers accident, illness and death. Onepet comprehensive Health Insurance covers: veterinary visits, accident and

illness related events, blood tests, x-rays, kennel fees and more. Onepet teaches an old dog new tricks. Vet claims can be pre-paid onto a Onecard Transactional card, via Onehealth’s unique mobile claim process. Oneplan and Onepet are administered by Onecard Management Services (PTY) Ltd (FSP 43628) and are marketed by Onecard Investments (PTY) Ltd (FSP 43627), authorised financial services providers. Oneplan is not a medical aid scheme. All products are short-term insurance products and are underwritten by ABSA Insurance Risk Management Services (Ltd) T/A AIRMS.



Pets (cont.) Petsure (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 87419, Houghton, 2041 Website: www.petsure.co.za Phone: +27 (0)11 481 1900 Fax: +27 (0)11 484 6187 E-mail: info@petsure.co.za FSP number: 9846 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard (FSP 17698) Product information: PetSure (Pty) Ltd administers a number of Pet Insurance plans including Hollard Pet Insurance which is available for cats and dogs. Products include cover for accidental injury and illness and routine care

and a multi-pet discount is available. PetSure has been administering Pet Insurance plans since 1992. Claims are settled promptly and fairly and there is a 14-day money-back guarantee. Cats and dogs must be between eight weeks and eight years old on date of application. Once on cover, they are covered for life. All pets must have a permanent form of identification to reduce risk of insurance fraud and protect all members. Benefits for covered conditions are reimbursed according to the PetSure benefit schedule which was based on the South African Veterinary Council’s Guide to fees. In addition, PetSure administers PetSure Equine, which comprises veterinary fee cover for leisure horses.

Pet Underwriting Managing Agency (Pty) Ltd (P.Uma) Physical address: Metropolitan Centre, 14th Floor, 7 Walter Sisulu Ave, Cape Town, 8001 Postal address: PO Box 6604, Roggebaai, 8012 Telephone: +27 (0)21 403 9177 E-mail: info@p-uma.co.za FSP licence number: 44387

Company Limited. P.Uma is a specialist in medical insurance for pets.

Product information: P.Uma is an underwriting manager on behalf of Renasa Insurance

Photographic equipment Artinsure Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 87419 Houghton, Johannesburg, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)86 111 1096 Fax: +27 (0)86 678 0333 Web address: www.artinsure.co.za E-mail: info@artinsure.co.za FSP licence number: 36954 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company Ltd (FSP 17698)


Product information: Photographers require a policy with far more tailoring than the basic all risk offerings on a standard contents policy. As photographers range from professionals to enthusiasts, so too do Artinsure’s photographic products, with bespoke, comprehensive policies designed specifically for both the professional and enthusiast market needs.


Specialists in medical insurance for pets

AN UNDERWRITING MANAGER OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (P.UMA) Pet Underwriting Managing Agency (Pty) Limited Contact Details: Tel: +27 (0)21 403 9177 • Fax: +27 (0)21 701 2027 14 Parry Road, Claremont 7708 info@p-uma.co.za Registration No. 2011/107009/07 • FSP License Number: 44387

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Prize Indemnity KEU Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 88 Monkor Road, Randpark Ridge, 2169 Phone: + 27 (0)861 00 00 90 Fax: + 27 (0)861 00 00 30 Web address: www.keu.co.za E-mail: info@keu.co.za FSP licence number: 5076 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: KEU has developed prize indemnity insurance for all types of competitions. These will vary from incentive bonuses payable to record breakers or a person catching a tag fish. Over the years of servicing this niche market, our product encompasses the right cover to ensure that you can hand over the prizes on offer. Sports contests Hole-in-one insurance KEU’s hole-in-one insurance covers the cash amount or prize payable should a player achieve a hole-in-one. The rates for this cover depend on the number of golf rounds, how many participants in the tournament, the distance between the tee and the hole and the skill of participants. Record cover Athletes push their bodies to the limit and have an innate ability for self-motivation. But they also need to be rewarded if they break existing records or exceed a standard laid down for a particular discipline. KEU’s incentive bonus insurance gives them an added motivation to break that South African or world record. Performance bonus cover If your company is involved in sports


sponsorship, this may also extend to a contribution to performance bonuses of the team or individual athlete. Aside from the excitement of your team or sportsman’s achievement, KEU’s performance bonus insurance covers your contribution to the performance bonus. Chance wins Guessing games are the basis of chance wins, which are common in competitions. Entrants typically guess the correct sequence of numbers or select a ‘lucky’ box to win prizes, which is usually based on an actuarially calculated formula. KEU’s prize indemnity insurance is also available for soccer or rugby goal contests and fishing competitions.


Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail:normans@sha.co.za

FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416) Product information: We have a facility to write hole-in-one insurance, with a prize indemnity of up to R1 million.

Product guarantee/recall Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme

trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: griffithsw@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416)



Professional indemnity insurance AC and E PI & Liability Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 752189, Gardenview, 2047 Phone: +27 (0)11 615 7529 / +27 (0)84 608 2134 Fax: +27 (0)11 615 9360 Web address: www.engineeringace.co.za E-mail: anne-marie@engineeringace.co.za FSP licence number: 43281 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: New National Assurance Company (FSP 2603) Product information: Professional indemnity: Annual professional indemnity: provides cover for legal liability arising out of error or omission in the performance of professional duties of engineering professionals, facilities managers and estate agents and includes cover for mitigating losses prior to handover. Cover is on a claims made basis and provision can be made for retro-active cover. Project specific professional indemnity: provides cover for the legal liability arising out of errors or omissions in the performance of professional duties for all engineering professionals and contractors involved in a single project, either insured by the employer/ principal or the EPC(M) contractor. The cover features first party cover prior to handover and legal liability cover after handover. Provision is made for retro-active cover in respect of conceptual design work and also for an extended reporting period for a maximum period of seven years. Design and construct cover: provides cover for legal liability arising out of error or omission in the performance of professional duties of engineering contractors who undertake turnkey contracts or EPC(M) projects and includes cover for mitigating losses prior to handover. Cover is on a claims made basis and provision can be made for retro-active cover and an extended reporting period.


Special professional indemnity products will be available for specialist sub-contractors/ consultants. Broadform liability The policy provides cover for the legal liability incurred by engineering professionals for injury, death or damage to third party property arising in the course of their business. The policy provides for general liability, employer’s liability, foundation failure and products liability products. Cover is also provided in respect of contractor’s liability for specific/single contracts and projects on a stand-alone basis or included in an annual broadform format. AC and E is the winner of the prestigious Diamond Arrow Award for the Best Engineering Underwriting Manager in 2012‌ and again in 2013.


Specialists in excess waiver for PI cover

AN UNDERWRITING MANAGER OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED IBG Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Tel +27 (0)87 807 8677; 039 976 1642 • Fax +27 (0)86 628 1458 Shop 19 Kayden Centre, Scottburgh 4180 info@ibg-uma.co.za • www.ibg-uma.co.za Registration No 2007/019619/07 • FSP Number: 36515



Professional indemnity insurance (cont.) Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za Web address: www.camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme

trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

General & Professional Liability Acceptances Postal address (head office): PO Box 2667, Fourways, 2055 Phone: +27 (0)11 706 0911 Fax: +27 (0)86 505 9712 E-mail: dcampbell@gpla.co.za or rhunter@gpla.co.za FSP licence number: 3664 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London Product information: GPLA underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s of London and provides cover to medical practitioners, allied healthcare

practitioners and healthcare organisations. GPLA provides professional indemnity cover to the following professionals: • Architects • Attorneys • Consulting engineers • Quantity surveyors • Project managers • Insurance brokers • Land surveyors • Loss adjusters • Tech PI • Miscellaneous PI.

Genlib CC Physical address (head office): Unit 002 Ground Floor, Howard Terraces, corner Howard and Forest Drives, Pinelands, 7405 Phone: +27 (0)21 531 2922 Fax: +27 (0)21 531 3714 Web address: www.genlib.co.za E-mail: george@genlib.co.za FSP licence number: 35482


Product information: Genlib specialises in niche insurance policy covers through various local insurers. • Professional indemnity • Intermediaries • Fitness instructors • Architects • Quantity Surveyors




Professional indemnity insurance (cont.) IBG Underwriting Managers Proprietary Limited Physical address (head office): Shop 19 Kayden Centre, Scottburgh, 4180 Web address: www.ibg-uma.co.za Phone: +27 (0)87 807 8677 /039 9761642 Fax: +27 (0)86 628 1458 E-mail: info@ibg-uma.co.za FSP licence number: 36515 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited

Product information: IBG Underwriting Managers have, on behalf of Renasa Insurance Company, developed an excess waiver for PI Cover. This policy works on a trigger basis meaning as long as the underlying PI policy responds to a claim, IBG will pay the excess as stated on the IBG schedule.

Leppard & Associates (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 2730, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 459 1640 Fax: +27 (0)11 268 5887 Web address: www.leppard.co.za E-mail: simon@leppard.co.za FSP licence number: 274 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lombard Insurance Company Limited (FSP 1596) Product information: Leppard Underwriting’s core business includes professional indemnity Manwood Underwriters (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 31, Private Bag X75, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)11 540 7900 Fax: +27 (0)11 540 7920 Web address: www.manwood.co.za E-mail: cwatson@manwood.co.za FSP licence number: 1029 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417)


and broad-form liability insurance. Leppard underwrites on behalf of Lombard Insurance Company Limited. Includes attorneys, built environment professionals (architects, consulting engineers, design and construct, land surveyor, quantity surveyors, project managers and other built environment professionals), chartered accountants, estate agents, freight forwarders, information technology, insurance brokers, underwriting managers, miscellaneous PI.


Protecting Your Reputation




For 23 Years Leppard Underwriting has specialised in Professional Indemnity and Broad Form Liability insurance products.




We at Leppard Underwriting protect businesses against the unknown and the unforeseeable, supporting our commitment to provide clients with the comfort needed to entrust their business to us.




Tel: +27 11 459 1640

Fax: +27 11 268 5887

www.leppard.co.za Leppard Underwriting FSP 274 Underwritten on behalf of Lombard Insurance Company Limited (FSP No. 1596)



Professional indemnity insurance (cont.) Quantum Liability Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 13365, Clubview, 0014 Phone: +27 (0)86 173 3336 Fax: +27 (0)86 531 3005 Web address: www.qlu.co.za E-mail: info@qlu.co.za FSP licence number: 44367 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: GENRIC Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638)

Product information: Specialist multi-liability covers for the security industry including general • pollution • products • security liability • firearms • fidelity extension if required Dealer assist provides assistance for motor dealers in instances where a claim is lodged against them in terms of the Consumer Protection Act. Professional indemnity for motor dealers and short-term insurance intermediaries.

Risk Technical Services Postal address (head office): PO Box 803, Cramerview, 2060 Phone: +27 (0)11 463 1101 Fax: +27 (0)86 636 5825 Web address: www.rtspi.co.za E-mail: dwozny@rtspi.co.za FSP licence number: 41202 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance (FSP 1027)


Product information: • Annual cover for all professionals operating in the built environment • Contractors design and construct/ turnkey and EPCM policies/ foundation failure indemnity • Single projects including consequential loss.


saXum Liabilities cover Physical address (head office): Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 PO Box 1634, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 694 5900 Fax: +27 (0)86 212 0859 Web address: www.saxuminsurance.com E-mail: pierre.marais@saxuminsurance.com FSP licence number: 32640 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: saXum Insurance Limited Product information: Our products and services cover stand alone public liability, event liability, professional indemnity, directors and officers indemnity and combined liability wording.



Professional indemnity insurance (cont.) Shackleton Risk Management Postal address (head office): PO Box 393, Strathavon, 2031 Phone (head office): +27 (0)11 784 5373 Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 611 3226 Web address: www.shackletonrisk.co.za E-mail: gareth@srisk.co.za FSP licence number: 33621 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Safire (FSP 2092)

Product information: Shackleton Risk Management (Pty) Ltd specialises in professional indemnity, fidelity guarantee and misappropriation of trust fund insurance cover for attorneys, liquidators, and business rescue practitioners. As a brokerage we remain committed to obtaining the most competitive rates in the market for our clients.

Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507


Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: duben@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416)

P-R Continued

Product information: Professional indemnity insurance – the world in which professionals operate is one of ever-increasing pressure, with demands for quick answers and cost effective solutions. This pressure can lead to errors and omissions by the professional, which can give rise to claims. This factor together with the litigious nature of our society underscores the need for professional indemnity insurance, both for clients and professionals. Cover is in respect of legal liability to pay compensation as a result of actual or alleged negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional duties. The indemnity covers both damages and defence costs. Extensions available include • Sub-contracted duties • Joint venture and/or consortium agreements • Liability following employee dishonesty • Fee recovery (legal expenses) • Loss of documents • Claims preparation costs • Defamation. Specialised covers offered include • Professional indemnity for design and construct activities • Misappropriation of trust monies / property insurance for attorneys. We offer cover to the full spectrum of traditional professionals including: • Accountants and auditors • Architects • Attorneys • Consulting engineers • Insurance intermediaries • Project managers • Quantity surveyors. We also offer cover to newer/emerging professionals including: • Technology companies • Project managers • BEE verification agents.



Professional indemnity - SINGLE PROJECTS Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: odett@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416) Product information: We provide long-term non-cancellable project professional indemnity insurance for legal liabilities arising out of the errors or omissions in their professional duties for contractors, engineers, surveyors, consultants and other related professions employed on construction projects. The period of insurance can take into account pre-feasibility including early design work and geotechnical work prior to the start of construction for a maximum period of 36 months, the construction period as well as the maintenance and discovery period following final completion of the contract.


The main features of the cover are: • The employer, contractor including subcontractors and professional consultants are joint insureds • The cover includes first party liability • Failure of supervision is covered • Worldwide jurisdiction excluding North America. Civil liability insurance: SHA’s civil liability indemnifies the insured’s civil liability to third parties for any claim (and defence costs) demanding the payment of compensatory damages. SHA is the market leader when it comes to civil liability with over 27 years’ experience in this field. The nature of this business is long-tail, therefore, understanding market and claim trends when pricing risks is of paramount importance. We provide tailor-made solutions for each client’s needs and have the only local wording available along with a dedicated team of underwriters and claims specialists. Limit of indemnity: R500 million.


RENEWABLE ENERGY C&G Renew Risk (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): 3rd Floor Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708 Phone (head office): +27 (0)87 985 2144 / + 27 (0)21 685 1879 Fax (head office): +27 (0)21 685 5270 Web address: www.engineeringunderwriters.co.za E-mail: miker@coim.co.za FSP licence number: 30114 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company (FSP 75) Product information: GCube and C&G have established an exclusive underwriting partnership for renewable energy insurance solutions that are tailored for the Southern African market. This partnership will offer a total available capacity of R4 billion, making it the largest

collaboration of its kind for renewable energy insurance in the world. This brings together GCube’s proven global skills and knowledge with C&G’s Southern African expertise and resources. • Cargo – stock throughput • Inland and marine transit • Marine delay in start-up • Construction all risks • Advance loss of profits • Operational all risks • Mechanical and electrical breakdown • Business interruption • Third-party liability • Employer’s liability.

Mirabilis Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address: 1st Floor, Cradock Place, 5 Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, 2196 Postal address: PO Box 2081, Saxonwold, 2132 (Offices in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal) Phone: +27 (0)861 100 100 / +27 (0)11 880 8200 Fax: +27 (0)11 880 6857 Web address: www.mirabilisafrica.com E-mail: info@mirabilisafrica.com FSP licence number: 28190 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Underwritten by Santam (FSP 3416) (an Authorised Financial Services Provider) Product information: Mirabilis offers a comprehensive range of engineering insurance products: • Contractors’ all risk insurance (CAR) • Engineering project insurance cover (EPIC) • Advance loss of profits insurance (ALOP) • Contractors’ plant and equipment insurance (CPE)

• Machinery breakdown insurance (MB) • Loss of profits following machinery breakdown insurance (MLOP) • Deterioration of stock insurance (DOS) • Electronic equipment insurance (EEI) • Business interruption following electronic equipment insurance (EEI BI) • Civil engineering completed risks insurance (CECR) • Seamless project insurance. In addition to the above standard products, we also provide seamless tailor made ‘cradle to operational’ covers, designed specifically for financed engineering projects where a single insurer (Santam) covers all project risks from marine to operational including marine, marine ALOP, contractors’ all risks, ALOP, contractors’ third party, project professional indemnity, assets/operational all risks and operational BI. We operate in continental Africa, the Middle East, India, Central and Southeast Asia.


10 facts

about specialised domestic insurance

1. A New World Wealth 2014 report, revealed that there were 48 100 high net worth individuals in South Africa, with assets between $1 million and $30 million.

5. WealthInsight found there were 543 billionaires in South Africa. Just seventyfive of these were from a disadvantaged group.

2. The New World Wealth 2014 report shows that 48 per cent of SA’s high net worth individuals (HNW) individuals live in Johannesburg, followed by Cape Town at 18 per cent, Durban at six per cent, and Pretoria at five per cent.

6. In 2014, Bill Gates was the wealthiest person in the world.

3. By suburb, Sandhurst has the highest proportion of HNW individuals at 38, followed by Bryanston and Hyde Park. Camps Bay has the highest proportion of very wealthy in Cape Town with 14, followed by Clifton with 11. In the Durban area, Umhlanga is home to 11 HNW individuals. 4. According a WealthInsight report, previously disadvantaged groups – defined in the study as black Africans, Coloured, Indians and Chinese people – accounted for only 14 per cent of the country’s HNW individuals.

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7. Richemont CEO, Johann Rupert, was the wealthiest South African in 2014. 8. At a net worth of R2.16 billion, Wendy Appelbaum, is reported to be the wealthiest woman in South Africa. She is a director at Liberty Investors and donated R150 million to create the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), and the Donald Gordon Medical Centre. 9. Credit Suisse Research Institute research shows that Switzerland has the highest average wealth, with a new high of $513 000 per adult in 2014. 10. According to Credit Suisse, global wealth is set to grow by nearly 40 per cent by 2018, with the emerging market share of global wealth increasing to 23 per cent by 2018.


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Schools HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: HIC provides broad spectrum protection against risks facing schools, i.e. buildings, contents, theft, computer equipment, management liability, teacher liability, personal accident and emergency response packages.

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: We are specialists in providing cover for the education industry. Our product caters for a wide variety of cover specifically suited to schools. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.


Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services. Cover available: • Buildings • Computer equipment • Contents • Emergency response • Glass • Management liability • Motor • Personal accident • Teacher liability • Theft.


Sectional title Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’

liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes valueadded services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www. camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.

CIA Commercial & Industrial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 615, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 124 2777 Fax: +27 (0)86 613 6684 Web address: www.cia.co.za E-mail: sharne@cia.co.za FSP licence number: 13890 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148) Reg. No. 2000/019340/07

Product information: CIA underwrites on behalf of Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148, Reg. No. 1994/003010/06). CIA’s plain language community living insurance policy provides cover on an all risks basis including subsidence and landslide. This product covers accidental loss, damage or destruction from any cause whatsoever, except where specifically excluded, and is available cont 



Sectional title (cont.) Continued

to residential, commercial and industrial community living schemes such as: • Sectional title/ bodies corporate – residential, commercial and industrial • Share blocks • Home owners associations • Retirement villages. This product complies with the requirements of the Sectional Titles Act and provides trustees with complete peace of mind. Many additional and unique complementary benefits are automatically included.

Cover includes: • Buildings and contents • Extra cover following damage – paid in addition to the sum insured • Extra cover • Geysers • Liability • Trustees and directors indemnity • Employers liability • Machinery breakdown • Personal accident • Motor.

HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75)

Product information: HIC’s Accommod8 product offers tailor-made products which include sectional title (commercial and residential), commercial buildings combined, homeowners, homeowners associations with many automatic extensions.

Omnium M&H Executive Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 716, Bassonia, 2061 Phone: +27 (0)11 026 8618 Web address: www.omniuminsurance.co.za


E-mail: stephan@omniuminsurance.co.za FSP licence number: 2856 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited


Specialists in sectional title insurance

AN UNDERWRITING MANAGER OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Omnium Underwriting Managers, Contact Details: Tel +27 (0)11 026 8618 • Cell +27 (0)72 415 1556 Flora Centre Office Block, c/o Ontdekkers and Conrad Street, Florida 1709. stephan@omniuminsurance.co.za • www.omniuminsurance.co.za Registration No 2005/00715/07 • FSP License Number: 2856



Sectional title (cont.) Stilus Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address: Ground Floor, Corporate Place, 13 Mispel Road, Bellville, 7530 Phone: +27 (0)21 948 3585 Fax: +27 (0)21 948 4028 Web address: www.stilus.co.za E-mail: craig@stilus.co.za FSP licence number: 8783 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: ABSA Insurance Risk Management Services Pty Ltd

Product information: Levy Insurance – Bodies corporate and HOAs: Stilus policies guarantee the major assets of both bodies corporate and home owners associations being their cash-flows derived from members’ monthly levy payments. Claims for defaulters’ arrear levies are normally settled, within seven working days. This excludes historical debt claims.

Security liability Camargue Underwriting Managers Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)11 778 9140/41/42/43/44 Fax: +27 (0)11 778 9199 Web address: www.camargueum.co.za E-mail: camargue@camargueum.co.za FSP license number: 6344 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Lloyd’s of London and Mutual & Federal Product information: Camargue is an underwriter of niche insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions. Some of its products include: directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension fund trustees’ liability, medical scheme trustees’ liability, general trustees’ liability, general liability, commercial crime, professional indemnity, body corporate and sectional title trustees’ liability, clinical trials, fidelity guarantee for financial institutions, medical malpractice for medical establishments and practitioners, and cyber liability. Each Camargue policy includes value-added services with a number of risk managers. With over 400 legal and risk professionals at its


disposal, Camargue ensures efficient roll out and delivery of its services. For further resources, join the group’s Facebook page: Camargue UM, follow the Twitter handle or visit www.camargueum.co.za. Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, and Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Ltd.


Quantum Liability Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 13365, Clubview, 0014 Phone: +27 (0)86 173 3336 Fax: +27 (0)86 531 3005 Website: www.qlu.co.za E-mail info@qlu.co.za FSP licence number: 44367 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638) Product information: Specialist multi-liability

covers for the security industry including general • pollution • products • security liability • firearms • fidelity extension if required. Dealer assist provides assistance for motor dealers in instances where a claim is lodged against them in terms of the Consumer Protection Act. Professional indemnity for motor dealers and short-term insurance intermediaries.

Self-insurance Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: IUM offers a tailormade product for the self-insurance of larger motor fleets in Southern Africa. IUM has had many years’ experience in structuring selfinsurance solutions for clients which cover predominantly motor risks, but which can be extended to include goodsin-transit cover and fuel guarantees where required. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.

• In-house claims settlement • Accident scene management • On-site legal services Cover includes: • Own damage cover • Claims settlement within 24 hours • Stable premiums • Tax and VAT benefits Optional benefits: • Excess-free options (where applicable) • Reinsurance • Separate fire cover for vehicles.

Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department



Specialised domestic insurance Alternative Commercial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 504, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0787 Phone: +27 (0)87 232 8860 / +27 (0)87 232 8560 Fax: +27 (0)86 620 0174 Web address: www.turtlecover.co.za E-mail: leon@acaselect.co.za / francois@acaselect.co.za FSP licence number: 39835 Product information: Turtle Cover – this policy has been designed to ensure that you are not left with a gap in cover and are short paid when you have a loss under which your existing policy covers only a limited or restricted amount under the various extensions of your current shortterm insurance policy. Turtle Cover is a new, innovative and exciting product in which we seek to avoid or reduce your risk of having or finding yourself being short paid due to your underlying policy only providing cover for a reduced or restricted value. Turtle Cover provides additional value by paying the claim shortfall, subject to certain limits and cover options that you have selected. Product details and broker packages are available.


Turtle Cover specialises in providing protection from the unforeseen policy limitations against which we usually expect policies to cater for. Cover for: • Where average has been applied to a claim under householders and house owners. • Where your policy extensions do not cover your full loss, and you are short paid on your claim. • All risk: ‘I forgot’ cover for items where clients have forgotten to add specified items to their policy. • Pothole cover: tyre damage following pothole collision. • Gap cover: most forms of gap cover where your existing limits or cover periods are exhausted. This is a must-have product for brokers seeking to ensure client retention and to avoid conflict when the expected pay out result is not achieved under the underlying policy. Turtle Cover attaches to and follows any underlying policy and can be taken as a stand-alone cover. Professional and Broker Turtle Cover.


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Specialised domestic insurance (cont.) Aquarius Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 3002, Bromhof, 2154 Web address: www.uniqueinsure.co.za Phone: +27 (0)86 727 7854 Fax: +27 (0)86 688 8361 E-mail: raksm@aum.co.za / laurag@aum.co.za FSP licence number: 35916 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: The Hollard Insurance Company Limited (FSP 17698) Product information: UNIQUE Elite for high net worth clients – A specifically designed, tailor-made UNIQUE product for affluent clients. The UNIQUE product was born out of the recognition that brokers seldom have a VIP channel for their high net worth clients and could not guarantee special service from conventional insurers. Why choose UNIQUE? • It’s an all-in-one bespoke insurance product that covers everything you own in one policy.

• It offers flexible cover to suit your unique needs as an elite individual. • We offer optional excess selections including voluntary, flat and waiver. • Our Assets Out benefit is our improved alternative to All Risks cover, giving you blanket cover of up to 10% of your contents sum insured with an item limit of R250 000 for any personal items you take out of your home. Best of all, you don’t have to list them individually on your policy. • We offer to replace certain items in your home with green products, such as your old geyser with a solar geyser. • We cover items stolen out of your home even if there wasn’t forcible entry into your premises, subject to certain terms. • We will send an expert surveyor to your home to conduct a comprehensive asset inventory of your belongings. Down load our Unique Insure App for an easy and convenient way to manage your insurance claims, access emergency assist services and get amazing loyalty offers.

Tel: Fax


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For people who demand a different class of insurance We are experts in dealing exclusively with discerning clients, we know what they want when it comes to bespoke cover, claims and VIP service. What’s more, we’re continuously innovating and improving our insurance

Tel: 086 727 7854 Fax: 086 688 8361 www.uniqueinsure.co.za

offering so your high-end clients get flexible, comprehensive protection. UNIQUE is a high net worth insurance product that’s specifically suited to the needs of affluent clients.

An authorised Financial Services Provider


The Hollard Insurance Co. Ltd (Reg. No. 1952/003004/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider

Powered by





Specialised domestic insurance (cont.) Echelon Private Client Solutions Physical address: 3rd Floor Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708 Phone: +27 (0)21 657 1100/1/2/4/8/9/10/11 Fax: +27 (0)21 683 5441 Web address: www.echelonpci.co.za E-mail: info@echelonpci.co.za FSP licence number: 40613 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam (FSP 3416)

clients and their personal assets. The company is a niche underwriter focused on the LSM 10+ market segment in South Africa, and has specifically tailored benefits and solutions to meet the needs of professionals, business owners and executives in formal employment. We partner with select intermediaries to market our products to policyholders who have a bias for personalised service and independent advice.

Product information: Echelon Private Client Solutions is a specialist insurance underwriter offering innovative benefits, comprehensive cover and competitive premiums for individual

Echelon is also a proud member of the Santam Group, and is underpinned by Santam’s excellent reputation and Fitch AA rating. Echelon underwrites all risks covers for motor, buildings, contents, private aircraft, pleasure craft and specified and unspecified assets, together with flexible personal accident and personal liability solutions. Value-added motor, home and trauma assistance is available on a buy-up basis, offering choice according to specific client needs. Echelon adopts a lifestyle underwriting model aimed at achieving sustainable results over the long term. Clients are individually rated according to a matrix across a range of lifestyle factors. This approach eliminates cross-subsidisation and creates space to offer a bespoke product with superior benefits, yet remaining competitive in a price-sensitive market. We aim to demystify insurance and offer products people need, which are easy to buy and with limited complexity. A plain English policy document caters for the specific needs of the private client and ranks as the most comprehensive personal asset insurance product in South Africa, a first in private client insurance in South Africa.



A first in private client insurance Innovative solutions for emerging risks, crafted specifically for professionals, business owners and executives.

Echelon endorses intermediary expertise in client risk management and advice. www.echelonpci.co.za or e-mail us on info@echelonpci.co.za

at another level Echelon Private Client Solutions(Pty) Ltd is an authorized Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 40613) underwritten by Santam (FSP No.205 3416)


Specialised domestic insurance (cont.) MUA Insurance Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 5777, Tygervalley, 7536 Phone: +27 (0)86 168 2467 Web address: www.mua.co.za E-mail: info@mua.co.za FSP licence number: 37947 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Auto & General Insurance Company Limited (FSP 16354) Product information: Executive Home – domestic insurance tailor-made for a tailored audience. Every client’s risk profile is unique. That is why we offer to tailor-make each policy for the individual. MUA’s comprehensive home insurance cover offers enhanced features not available to holders of ordinary insurance policies: • Minimum entry level sum insured; buildings,

contents and all risks combined R3.5 million or a contents minimum of R1 million • Comprehensive subsidence and landslip cover at no additional premium • Our all risks cover is now extended, normal household goods – covered anywhere in the world • Full coverage of accidental damage to both buildings and their contents • International personal luggage cover from airport to airport is included in the contents cover • MUA offers a voluntary home appraisal service • Underlying cover includes personal liability insurance of R30 million and cover extends to identity theft • A golf hole-in-one is covered for R10 000 and a bowls full-house for R5 000.

Zenith For The Accomplished (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 3505, Paarl, 7620 Phone: +27 (0)21 872 7065 Web address: www.zenithinsure.co.za E-mail: info@zenithinsure.co.za FSP licence number: 36469 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company Product information: Our ethos We provide a personal and flexible service to brokers, are willing to listen to unique requirements and place emphasis on relationships. Product and service excellence are the pillars upon which we conduct business. Our products Zenith: This product is custom made for the financially accomplished. Features include contents all risk cover without item limits and a free inventory and valuation to avoid average. Private use for vehicles includes infrequent


business trips, swallow use caters for a migrating lifestyle and weekender use allows discount for low vehicle usage. AA Plus membership secures peace of mind on the road. The policy offers very high cover limits and caters for the lifestyle of the affluent at competitive premiums. The Business policy: Offers risk based commercial insurance for non-corporate businesses of all sizes. Many free extensions reduces premium spend to ensure peace of mind for the entrepreneur. The Agri policy: Offers risk-based insurance for farmers with a comprehensive suite of covers to select from – including insurance for the homestead, its contents as well as pleasure craft.

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Our service Staff, handpicked from the industry, is dedicated to portfolios and render a private client service to meet the expectations of our chosen market segment.

Zenith Fo



Zenith For The Accomplished (Pty) Ltd, partnered by The Hollard Insurance Company Limited, manage and design insurance products for an elect market of financially accomplished individuals. Our products are augmented by their distribution through an elect broker network who presents after sales advice to policy holders, based on the content of a comprehensive inventory and risk appraisal obtained from independent industry leaders.

www.zenithinsure.co.za info@zenithinsure.co.za | Tel: +27 21 872 7065 | Fax: +27 21 872 7168 191 Main Road Paarl 7646 | PO Box 3505 Paarl 7620 Registration Nr: 2006/032693/07


Zenith For The Accomplished (Pty) Ltd is a licensed Financial Services Provider, Underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Co. Ltd, an authorised Financial Services Provider. FSB Number: 36469


Specialised high-value executive motor vehicles Insurance Zone Physical address (head office): 24 Concorde Road West, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2007 Phone: +27 (011 601 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 601 0530 Web address: www.insurancezone.co.za E-mail: info@insurancezone.co.za FSP licence number: 42879 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company

Product information: Insurance Zone Flawless product is our flagship product for the wealthy, with Insurance Zone Inspire covering the up-and-coming high net worth client. Call us first for a detailed quote and compare it with the rest. The right choice will be clear.

MUA Insurance Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 5777, Tygervalley, 7536 Web address: www.mua.co.za Phone: +27 (0)86 168 2467 E-mail: info@mua.co.za FSP licence number: 37947 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Auto & General Insurance Company Limited (FSP 16354) Product information: Executive motor – motor insurance tailor-made for a tailored audience. Every client’s risk profile is unique. That is why we offer to tailor-make each policy for the individual. These are available as combined personal insurance policies, as well as motor insurance on a stand-alone basis.


MUA’s comprehensive motor insurance cover offers enhanced features not available to holders of ordinary insurance policies: • Motor total loss and theft claims are settled at retail value. Where the vehicle is less than one year old the formula for settlement is replacement cost, subject to the sum insured • Excess waiver for over-55s • Excess waived on motor where the car is less than one year old and a tracking device is installed • Windscreen cover is up to the vehicle sum insured • Specialist classic car and motorcycle insurance • Emergency roadside assistance


Zenith For The Accomplished (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 3505, Paarl, 7620 Phone: +27 (0)21 872 7065 Web address: www.zenithinsure.co.za E-mail: info@zenithinsure.co.za FSP licence number: 36469 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company Product information: Our ethos We provide a personal and flexible service to brokers, are willing to listen to unique requirements and place emphasis on relationships. Product and service excellence are the pillars upon which we conduct business. Our products Zenith: This product is custom made for the financially accomplished. Features include contents all risk cover without item limits and a free inventory and valuation to avoid average. Private use for vehicles includes infrequent business trips, swallow use caters

for a migrating lifestyle and weekender use allows discount for low vehicle usage. AA Plus membership secures peace of mind on the road. The policy offers very high cover limits and caters for the lifestyle of the affluent at competitive premiums. The Business policy: Offers risk based commercial insurance for non-corporate businesses of all sizes. Many free extensions reduces premium spend to ensure peace of mind for the entrepreneur. The Agri policy: Offers risk-based insurance for farmers with a comprehensive suite of covers to select from – including insurance for the homestead, its contents as well as pleasure craft. Our service Staff, handpicked from the industry, is dedicated to portfolios and render a private client service to meet the expectations of our chosen market segment.



Specialised insurance for buildings CIA Commercial & Industrial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 615, Bedfordview, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 124 2777 Fax: +27 (0)86 613 6684 Web address: www.cia.co.za E-mail: sharne@cia.co.za FSP licence number: 13890 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148) Reg. number: 2000/019340/07 Product information: CIA underwrites on behalf of Compass Insurance Co. Ltd (FSP 12148, Reg. No. 1994/003010/06). CIA’s plain language community living insurance policy provides cover on an all risks basis including subsidence and landslide. This product covers accidental loss, damage or destruction from any cause whatsoever, except where specifically excluded, and is available to residential, commercial and industrial community living schemes such as: • Sectional title/bodies corporate – residential, commercial and industrial • Share blocks • Home owners associations • Retirement villages. This product complies with the requirements of the Sectional Titles Act and provides trustees with complete peace of mind. Many additional and unique complementary benefits are automatically included. Cover includes: • Buildings and contents • Extra cover following damage – paid in addition to the sum insured • Extra cover


• Geysers • Liability • Trustees and directors indemnity • Employers liability • Machinery breakdown • Personal accident • Motor. CIA’s plain language Broad-form Building Insurance Policy provides cover on an all risks basis including subsidence and landslide. This product covers accidental loss, damage or destruction from any cause whatsoever, except where specifically excluded, and is available to all residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Cover includes: • Buildings • Extra cover following damage – paid in addition to the sum insured • Extra cover • Geysers • Liability • Machinery breakdown. CIA’s plain language Broad-form Building Insurance Policy provides cover for private dwellings on an all risks basis, automatically including subsidence and landslide at no additional cost and without the need for expensive geotechnical engineers’ reports.


Specialists in 4x4 and adventure lifestyle insurance

AN UNDERWRITING MANAGER OF RENASA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Cross Country Insurance Consultants Contact Details: Proprietor: Ash Brook Investments 133 (Pty) Limited Tel +27 (0)11 215 8800 • Fax +27 (0)11 476 8205 253 Smit Street, Fairlands 2170 • P O Box 731065, Fairland, Johannesburg 1733 info@ccic.co.za • www.ccic.co.za Registration number: 2008/013847/07 • FSP License Number: 39547



Specialised insurance for 4x4 owners Cross Country Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 253 Smit Street, Fairlands, 2195 Phone: +27 (0)11 215 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 476 8205 Web address: www.ccic.co.za E-mail: info@ccic.co.za FSP licence number: 39547 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Limited

loyalty two years’ claim-free on insured vehicle – basic excess for principal driver and spouse is waived; X’S Waiver – applicable to basic; theft/ hijacking; roll over and water damage with R1 000 excess; theft/hijacking excess waived if vehicle is fitted with a fully operational tracking device; Inception Value product – cover for the retail value of the vehicle at inception date of policy for duration of the policy.

Product information: Ultimate Explorer 4x4 and 4x2 vehicle insurance: comprehensive cover for private, business and tour operators’ use including full off-road application.

Vehicle repatriation beyond the Republic of South Africa borders; car hire in the country where the incident occurred; driver and occupants’ repatriation; medical emergency evacuation for driver and occupants; emergency roadside assistance. Complete personal lines package available.

Replacement of insured vehicle within the first year of registration, following a total loss; earned

Sports insurance Stalker Hutchison Admiral (Pty) Ltd (SHA) Postal address (head office): PO Box 55347, Northlands, 2116 Physical address: The Pavilion, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 731 3600 Fax: +27 (0)86 432 4507 Web address: www.sha.co.za E-mail: honeymand@sha.co.za FSP licence number: 2167

Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam Limited (FSP 3416) Product information: We have specific products to cater for professional and amateur sports players, where we can provide specialised cover per sport discipline. Our cover can include; income protection, career-ending cover and catastrophic disability (the inability to do any occupation following an injury).

Specialised small commercial business Frontline Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 63918, Greenacres, 6057 Phone: +27 (0)41 373 0445 Fax: +27 (0)41 374 1833 Web address: www.frontlineinsurance.co.za E-mail: customercare@frontlineum.co.za FSP licence number: 40752


Product information: We offer the following innovative products to cater for your insurance needs, plus a variety of value-added products: • Commercial Composite – a multi-peril policy providing all commercial classes of insurance, • such as fire, business interruption, theft, money, motor, etc.

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CAPE TOWN Tel: 021-919 9080 Fax: 021-919 4396

DURBAN Tel: 031-562 0155 Fax: 031-562 0520

EAST LONDON Tel: 043-735 1681 Fax: 043-735 2080

DURBAN EAST LONDON CAPE CAPE TOWNTOWN DURBAN EAST LONDON Tel: 021-919 9080 Tel: 031-562 Tel: 031-562 0155 Tel: 043-735 Tel: 021-919 9080 0155 Tel: 043-735 1681 1681 JOHANNESBURG KROONSTAD PORT ELIZABETH Fax: 021-919 Fax: 031-562 Fax: 043-735 Fax:3140 021-919 4396 Fax:4991 031-562 0520 Fax: 043-735 2080 2080 Tel: 011-026 Tel: 4396 056-213 Tel: 0520 041-373 0445 Fax: 011-326 0575 Fax: 056-213 4606 Fax: 041-373 0419 JOHANNESBURG KROONSTAD ELIZABETH KROONSTAD ELIZABETH CAPE TOWN JOHANNESBURG DURBAN EAST LONDON PORT PORT Tel: Tel: 043-735 056-213 4991Tel: 041-373 Tel: 041-373 3140 3140 4991 1681 0445 0445 Tel: 021-919 9080Tel: 011-026 Tel: 011-026 031-562 0155Tel: 056-213 Tel: Fax: Fax: Fax: 041-373 0575 0575 4606 4606 0419 0419 Fax: 021-919 4396Fax: 011-326 Fax:011-326 031-562 0520Fax: 056-213 Fax: 056-213 043-735 2080Fax: 041-373


CAPE TOWN Continued

Tel: 021-919 9080 Fax: 021-919 4396

CAPE LONDON AskTOWN yourself: who’sDURBAN looking after myEAST interests? JOHANNESBURG KROONSTAD PORT ELIZABETH Tel: 021-919 Tel: 031-562 0155 Tel: 043-735 1681 DURBAN EAST9080 LONDON PROGRESS DEMANDS STRONG BACK PROGRESS DEMANDS STRONG BACK UP Fax: 021-919 4396 Fax: 031-562 0520 Fax: 043-735 Tel: 011-026 3140Tel: 043-735 Tel: 056-213 Tel: 041-373 0445 in2080 Tel: 031-562 0155 1681 4991six centres Is it a company that commands nationally alliance CAPE TOWN DURBAN EAST LONDON Fax: 011-326 Fax: yourself: 056-213 4606 Fax: looking 041-373 Fax: 031-562 0520 Fax: 043-735 2080yourself: Ask after my interests? Ask who’swho’s looking after my with0575 the largest in0419 the interests? world? Tel: 021-919 9080 global Tel:reinsurance 031-562 0155company Tel: 043-735 1681 JOHANNESBURG




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growth? Is it an organisation that has harnessed advanced you…on the frontline. Authorised Financial Service – FSP No. 40752 Is the it anmost organisation that has harnessed the mostProvider advanced Authorised Financial Service Provider – FSP No. 40752 These are just a few strengths we deploy in our fight for

technology and shown 14 years of consistent impressive technology and shown 14 years of consistent impressive Value-added products: you…on the frontline. growth? growth? www.frontlineinsurance.co.za • Personal/commercial roadside assist These are just a few strengths we deploy in are ourjust fighta few for strengths we deploy in our fight for These www.frontlineinsurance.co.za you…on the frontline. • Auto concierge (auto care) you…on the frontline. Authorised Financial Service Provider – FSP No. 40752 • Home assist Authorised Financial Service Provider – FSP No. 40752 www.frontlineinsurance.co.za www.frontlineinsurance.co.za • Security concierge (security care). Authorised Financial Service Provider – FSP No. 40752

Authorised Financial Service Provider – FSP No. 40752

The market sees us as innovative, effective and efficient. Good old-fashioned service is what we ultimately offer and this has undoubtedly been the key to our ongoing success.



Specie insurance Polygon Underwriting Agency (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 13365, Clubview, 0014 Phone: +27 (0)86 110 3000 Fax: +27 (0)86 531 3005 Web address: www.polygongroup.co.za E-mail: info@polygongroup.co.za FSP licence number: 35345 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Genric Insurance Company Limited (FSP 43638) Product information: Motor only for security companies Specie insurance – inclusions • Assets in transit (cash, bullion, precious metals, precious stones, negotiable instruments)


• Static/vault cover • Fine art and collectables • ATMs – static and transit exposures • Extensions • Fidelity risk cover • Cover for safes • Device cover. As leading specie insurance professionals, our tailor-made specialist policies are designed to protect diverse commercial assets. We support these policies with intelligent and pragmatic risk management advice, enhanced by our expertise in the complementary disciplines of high value commodities and cash in transit and coverage for static risks.


Surety Performance and Customs Bond Services (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 353, Private Bag X30500, Houghton, 2041 Phone: +27 (0)11 482 2101/5981/8012 Web address: www.pcbs.co.za E-mail: info@pcbs.co.za FSP licence number: 19867 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: • Letters of intent • Bid bonds

• Performance guarantees • Maintenance guarantees • Retention guarantees • Advance payment guarantees • Supplier surety (construction industry only) • Customs and excise bonds • Foreign currency guarantees (guarantees in respect of contracts on the African continent including Indian Ocean islands) • Contract guarantees • Alternative risk transfer products.


10 facts

about watercraft and leisure 5. Cape Town-based Robertson and Caine is the second-largest manufacturer of multihull catamarans in the world. 6. The worst maritime disaster, in terms of loss of life, happened on 20 December 1987 in the Philippines when a passenger ferry collided with an oil tanker, resulting in 4 341 deaths.

1. Asia is a hotspot for passenger shipping losses, as demonstrated by the sinking of the ferry St. Thomas of Aquinas in a collision with another vessel in the Philippines in 2013, with the loss of 116 lives.

7. The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is lobbying UK authorities to drop the requirements for yachts over 13.7 metres to carry flares. The RYA argues that modern technology has made flares redundant.

2. In the past year, the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) responded to 452 incidents, 33 per cent of which were false alerts. A total of 193 lives were saved during this period.

8. The prevalence of piracy around the coast of East Africa and the Red Sea route to Europe has effectively closed these destinations to yachts over the past year.

3. The boatbuilding sector grew approximately 37 per cent on the back of increased demand from the US after the destruction of 65 000 leisure boats by Hurricane Katrina. 4. It is estimated that the boatbuilding industry has generated R1.2 billion over the past year

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9. The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) logged 3 992 operational hours in 2013 and saved 1 131 lives. During the same time, the NSRI has logged 7 903 training hours. 10. The NSRI is made up of 901 rescue personnel, including 27 volunteers aged over 70.

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tax insurance Tax Risk Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 356, Private Bag X033, Rivonia, 2128 Phone: +27 (0)861 473 738 Fax: +27 (0)86 719 8228 Web address: www.taxrisk.co.za E-mail: info@taxrisk.co.za Tax Risk Underwriting Managers is a juristic representative of The Hollard Insurance Company Limited, an authorised financial services provider Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company (FSP 17698) Product information: As the world gears up to ensure higher tax collections, SARS has followed suit with more tax audits. You don’t have to have done anything wrong to be selected for a SARS audit. This is the unnerving reality and the experience of tens of thousands of South African businesses and individuals already.


So how do you get selected for an audit? The answer is that the process is often quite random. In some cases SARS may put forward a case that you owe more taxes than you’ve paid in. In others, an error or ‘honest mistake’ may be discovered. Some audits are purely routine but the costs of the process can still be substantial. The reality is that any SARS audit is always best handled on your behalf, by the best qualified experts in their field. This is most definitely not a time for DIY! That’s where Tax Risk Underwriting Managers comes in. When you’re covered with a Tax Risk insurance policy, the costs of getting the right people to defend your case are covered from the word go.


taxi insurance Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers CC Physical address (head office): 5A Dover Street, Randburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)86 198 8988 Fax: +27 (0)86 686 5040 Web address: www.andersoninsurance.co.za E-mail: dylan@anderson-iu.co.za FSP licence number: 39695 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Limited (FSP 1027)

Product information: Our product range allows brokers to offer their clients a full range of cover, ensuring that their specific needs are taken care of. Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers offers a motor standalone range of products as well as building cover, household contents cover, all risk cover, cell phone alone cover, motorbike insurance cover and taxi insurance cover.

Clarendon Transport Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 84216, Greenside, 2034 Phone: +27 (0)11 274 1300 Fax: +27 (0)86 214 8294 Web address: www.ctu.co.za E-mail: info@ctu.co.za Contact persons: Ricardo Rosa – CEO; E-mail: ricrador@ctu.co.za Zane Hassim – marketing director; E-mail: zaneh@ctu.co.za FSP licence number: 5010 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: The Hollard Insurance Company Ltd (FSP 17698) Product information: CTU celebrates more than 20 years of taxi insurance excellence and has paid out more than R1 billion in benefits. CTU is focused on meeting the needs of the taxi industry, as well as being flexible enough to adapt its services and products, in response to the changing demands, by consistently providing good service, backed by stability, expertise and excellent understanding of the taxi industry. CTU currently insures more than 80 000 taxis nationally. This has been achieved via our extensive network of short-term insurance brokers, together with our dedicated staff who are experienced in matters relating to the operations of the taxi industry. CTU

understands the absolute imperative of expedient claims settlement and as part of our enhanced service delivery, we conduct continuous training to maximise efficiency. CTU provides the peace of mind in that you are covered by a company with more than 20 years of experience, expertise, excellence and is the leading provider of taxi insurance. Covers available: Full comprehensive cover – six options/schemes available. Extensions: • Personal accident – covers both the driver and passengers • Passenger liability • Loss of use cover • Credit shortfall • Abscondence, violation and credit shortfall • Deposit protector • Cash back facility • Excess reducer • 50/50 (Unique to the taxi industry).


CTU Dbl pg spread.ai



2:56 PM

                                               


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UnderwriƩen by Hollard, an authorised Financial Services Provider


taxi insurance (cont.) Renasa Taxi Underwriters (Pty) Ltd (RTUSA) Physical address (head office): Unit 11, Boskruin Business Park, Bosbok Road, Boskruin, 2188 Phone: +27 (0)11 886 3200 Fax: +27 (0)11 791 1039 Web address: www.taxiinsure.co.za E-mail: rtusa@taxiinsure.co.za FSP licence number: 39312 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Renasa Insurance Company Product information: The taxi industry in SA is both complex and demanding, so RTU’s

combination of innovative covers and excellent service backed by a web-based management system offers brokers specialising in this niche area an excellent product supported by outstanding systems and efficient delivery. Being totally dedicated to the taxi industry, RTU offers some truly unique products including free personal accident and passenger liability covers (up to a pre-determined limit), a no claims cash rebate, hire purchase cover, free accident roadside assistance, and several others including road cover service which manages Road Accident Fund claims at no additional charge.

Vulindlela Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 15 Old Main Road, Gillitts, Durban, 3610 Phone: +27 (0)87 135 1000 Fax: +27 (0)86 693 0192 Web address: www.vum.co.za E-mail: info@vum.co.za FSP licence number: 33799 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Santam (FSP 3416)

Thatch risk HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za FSP licence number: 5072 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: We specialise in commercial thatch. HIC surveys every risk prior to inception and makes risk management a top priority.


Product information: Comprehensive cover for all types of taxis: minibus, midibus, metered, sedan and shuttle services. VUM also offers a wide range of online tools for quoting and policy activations. Optional cover extensions include passenger liability, personal accident, fixed expenses, audio visual equipment and the total loss protector. The Zuzimali Cashback benefit is automatically included and pays out 10 per cent of premium paid by the client after a no-claim period of 36 months.


PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES Specialists in taxi insurance Offers a comprehensive suite of guarantee products

AN UNDERWRITING A DIVISIONMANAGER OF RENASA OFINSURANCE RENASA INSURANCE COMPANYCOMPANY LIMITED LIMITED Renasa Insurance Company Limited, Performance Guarantees Division Contact Details: (031) 566 Renasa Taxi Contact Tel (Underwriters 031) 566 3337 (Pty) • FaxLimited 4864 Details: Tel +27 (0)11Grove, 380 3080 • Fax +27 (0)11 5699 2nd Floor, Gateway Auto City, Jubilee Umhlanga Rocks • P 327 O Box 1423 Umhlanga Rocks 4320 jonathan@r tusa.co.za ••www.r tusa.co.za guarantees@renasa.co.za www.renasa.co.za RegistrationNo. No.1998/000916/06 2007/018318 • •FSP Registration FSPLicense LicenseNumber: Number:39312 15491



Thatch risk (cont.) Thatch Risk Acceptances Postal address (head office): PO Box 2288, Durbanville, 7551 Phone: +27 (0)86 110 5799 Fax: +27 (0)86 500 2071 Web address: www.tra.co.za E-mail: blokn@tra.co.za FSP licence number: 2317 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Compass Insurance Company (FSP 12148) Product information: Thatch Risk Acceptances was established on 1 July 1998 to fill a gap in an unexploited niche market with the specific aim to service the diverse and demanding needs of the thatch risk market. Today we are the only company to specialise exclusively in residential thatch insurance and, over the years, we have built a strong understanding of the requirements linked to this market. We offer a complete service to our broker base, with a full mandate from Compass Insurance Company to provide quotations, issue policies and manage the entire claim settlement process. We believe in managing a risk and not merely insuring it. We work with the broker to minimise the risk. Major exposures, improvements


and requirements are identified through a comprehensive underwriting procedure, adding value for the client. Cover is offered for the structure, house contents, all risks, motor vehicles and pleasure craft providing complete peace of mind to the client for his personal insurance. While we are the thatch experts, TRA also insures log cabins and timber frame homes. TRA is an established firm with a proven track record of over 15 years. We give personalised service with knowledgeable and friendly staff, no call centres and quick turnaround times on quotes, endorsements and claims. Our products include the following: Private homes: house owners’ and householders’ cover is on an all risks basis, and accidental damage is included for the full sum insured. We offer the client one policy for his entire portfolio including all risks, personal liabilities, motor, PLIP and small craft. Residential associations: bodies corporate, sectional title and share block associations, whole and home owners’ associations.


Tourism insurance Ascent Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 2316, Rivonia, 2128 Phone (head office): +27 (0)861 286 264, Durban: +27 (0)861 543 379, Cape Town: +27 (0)861 888 834 Fax (head office): +27 (0)86 633 4311 Web address: www.ascentsure.co.za E-mail: info@ascentsure.co.za FSP licence number: 35519 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Infiniti Insurance (FSP 35914) Product information: Tourism: • Tours and Transfers • Travel Pro Plus • Pax Protector Specialised innovative comprehensive or stand-alone products insuring the assets, motor vehicles, liabilities, professional indemnity and passengers/participants of tour operators, travel agents, tour brokers, transfer and shuttle services. Hospitality: • Welcome plus • Portfolio protector • Boutique stay Specialised products insuring the property, assets, revenues, liabilities and brand of all operators offering accommodation to paying guests. Entertainment: • Wine and dine • Leisure lifestyle • Events and exhibitions Extensively developed products customised to suit the entertainment, leisure, events, health and beauty sectors including all assets, revenues, liabilities and specific events on a stand-alone basis.

As one of South Africa’s leading Insurance companies’, our offerings include World Class and Innovative Insurance products and services. We specialise in underwriting small to medium size commercial and niche insurance risks for products such as Leisure Sense, Liability Covers, Engineering and Guarantees. Our Products and Services cover the following key areas within Leisure Sense: • • • • •

Tourism and Adventure Public Liability Fare Paying Passenger Liability Cancellation of Tours Lodges Full Asset Cover

Contact SaXum Insurance Limited today on: JOHANNESBURG OFFICE: Profmed Place, 15 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193 P.O. Box 1634, Houghton 2041 Tel: +27 (11) 694 5900 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 212 0859 DURBAN OFFICE: 72 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga Ridge 4319 PostNet Suite # 6, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks 4320 Tel: +27 (31) 941 1189 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 697 0663 CAPE TOWN OFFICE: 1 Bridgeway Road, Bridgeways Precinct, Century City 7441 P.O. Box 6112, Welgemoed 7538 Tel: +27 (21) 830 5476 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 641 4058

www.saxuminsurance.com SaXum Insurance Limited is an authorised Financial Services Provider - FSP No: 32460 | Reg. No. 2004/011845/06



Tourism insurance (cont.) HIC Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Eastwood Office Park, 11b Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 455 5271 Fax: +27 (0)11 455 4779 Web address: www.hicsa.co.za E-mail: info@hicsa.co.za

FSP licence number: 5072 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: HIC is well-known in the tourism industry and we enhance our products regularly to keep up with our client’s needs.

Trade credit Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Limited Physical address (head office): 31 Dover Street, Randburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 889 7000 Web address: www.creditguarantee.co.za E-mail: info@cgic.co.za FSP licence number: 17691 Product information: Trade credit insurance is an insurance policy, covering clients against one or more of their customers failing to pay for goods sold/delivered/or services rendered, due to their inability, unwillingness, filing for business rescue or proceeding into liquidation. The policy requires clients to apply


for insurance cover on each of their insured customers, negating the need to obtain their own credit bureau reports and in the majority of cases, some other credit related information. We also provide surety bonds; performance bonds; advance payment bonds; materials off-site bonds; retention bonds; liquidator bonds and customs bonds through a specialised business unit. Since the advent of business rescue, a specialised salvage and recovery unit was established to deal with the intricate restructuring that is needed, to ensure that both our clients’ interests as well as that of Credit Guarantee are preserved.


Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: Tourism insurance is one of our specialised areas. Our product allows for a wide variety of cover specifically tailored for the tourism industry. Included in the list of products is a comprehensive range providing cover to hotels, lodges, game farms, resorts, golf estates and clubs. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.

Policy benefits and services: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 claims support – 24-hour call centre backed up by our claims department • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services. Cover available: • Fire and buildings combined • Buildings and contents • Business interruption • Public liability • Perishable food and beverages • Landscaping, signage and canopies • Leisure sporting facilities • Office contents • Watercraft and motor.

travel insurance Quick Travel Insurance Physical address (head office): 11 Sherlock Street, Port Elizabeth, 6001 Phone: +27 (0)87 550 4824 Fax: +27 (0)87 550 4824 Web address: www.quicktravelinsurance.co.za E-mail: info@quicktravelinsurance.co.za FSP licence number: 25511 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Regent Travel Insurance

Quick Travel Insurance policies include the following benefits: • Emergency medical expenses • Journey cancellation a curtailment cover • Adventure and winter sports cover • Personal accident • Legal assistance • Baggage cover • Personal liability.

Product information: Quick Travel Insurance provides a wide range of travel insurance policies for South Africans wanting peace of mind whilst travelling overseas. Our travel insurance policies are suitable for a wide range of travellers including: leisure, business, expat, senior, students and local cover.



Truck (heavy commercial vehicle) Heavy Commercial Vehicle Underwriting Managers (Pty) Limited (HCV)© Physical address (head office): Unit B, 43 Empire Road, Parktown, 2193 Phone: +27 (0)11 628 3000 Fax: +27 (0)865 380 958 Web address: www.hcv.co.za E-mail: marketing@hcv.co.za FSP licence number: 9853 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: RMB Structured Insurance Product information: Heavy Commercial Vehicle Underwriting Managers (Pty) Limited (HCV)© is underwritten by RMB Structured Insurance Limited. HCV is one of South Africa’s heavy, medium and light commercial vehicle underwriting managers of choice. That’s

because we’re not your usual underwriting manager. We do things differently, such as sincerely caring for trucks and truckers. HCV issues and administers a range of products specially designed to take care of all types of commercial vehicles from trucks to plant items and, importantly, to take care of drivers as well. With HCV’s unique view to underwriting your business and drivers, you will find that monthly premiums are competitive when all the additional benefits are taken into account. Automatic benefits: • Pays out to the agreed value • Low excess structure Product range: • truck+care • trailer+care • mcv+care • plant+care • bakkie+care • car+care Value added products: • load+care • time+care

Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine Physical address: 13 Reynolds Street, Petervale, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)87 353 2577 Web address: www.tradesure.co.za E-mail: david@tradesure.co.za FSP licence number: 17607 and 24875 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Western National Insurance Company Limited.


Product description: Tradesure Commercial Specialists and Tradesure Truck and Marine (Tradesure), is an authorised financial services provider. Tradesure is a flexible, dynamic and innovative company, servicing the South African insurance industry. We specialise in trucking, marine, commercial, motorcycle, goods in transit and sectional title.


Watercraft and leisure Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 38 Whittakers Way, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2008 Phone: +27 (0)86 194 9444 Fax: +27 (0)86 194 9999 Web address: www.ium.co.za E-mail: info@ium.co.za FSP licence number: 21820 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Centriq Insurance Company Limited (FSP 3417) Product information: IUM is a specialist watercraft underwriter. We provide cover for any seaworthy vessel comprising of the hull, superstructure, fittings, machinery, engines, motors, rudder, propeller, hoardings, moorings, sails, spars, masts, rigging, fixtures, fittings, boat gear and equipment such as would normally be sold as one unit, including its trailer. Immediate, interactive assistance from the time a claim occurs is offered via our 24-hour call centre.

Benefits include: • Competitive rates • 24/7/365 call centre claims support • In-house claims settlement • On-site legal services • Collection of the watercraft before repair • Delivery of watercraft after repairs have been completed. Cover includes: • Comprehensive cover • Fire extinguishing charges • Passenger liability • Sailing craft racing risk • Safeguarding costs • Third party liability • Top up liability • Transit cover • Water-skiers liability. Optional cover: • Credit shortfall.




Watercraft and leisure (cont.) Insurance Zone Physical address (head office): 24 Concorde Road West, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)11 601 8800 Fax: +27 (0)11 601 0530 Web address: www.insurancezone.co.za E-mail: info@insurancezone.co.za FSP licence number: 42879 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Hollard Insurance Company

Product information: Watercraft and leisure is an area that Insurance Zone has had as part of their arsenal of products for over eight years.


The product is formerly known as Leisure Zone, now it is simply called Insurance Zone Leisure – if you haven’t tried it on, give us a bash, no matter what the boys-toy is, we have a product to cover it!

Vanguard Marine & Leisure Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 388, Private Bag X1, Northcliff, 2115 Phone: +27 (0)86 100 1135 Fax: +27 (0)11 431 0394 Web address: www.vanguardinsurance.co.za E-mail: bradley@vanguardinsurance.co.za FSP licence number: 39216 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Infiniti Insurance Ltd (FSP 35914) Product information: Vanguard Marine & Leisure is an underwriting manager specialising in providing insurance solutions to the broking

fraternity via the insurance broker market. The product offering begins with insurance for watercraft and includes optional cover for the full rig being the tow vehicle, trailer/caravan and specified all risks items. Liability cover is provided over both the craft, trailer and motor sections. Our aim is to provide the insured with the peace of mind that consistent cover is maintained for the rig whether at home, in transit or while on the water. Vanguard Marine & Leisure is underwritten by Infiniti Insurance (Pty) Ltd.

Wildlife (game) insurance AnimalSure Administrators (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Unit G7, Bayside Office Park, 41-43 Erica Road, Blouberg, 7441 Phone: +27 (0)21 556 4936 Fax: +27 (0)86 576 6111 Web address: www.animalsure.co.za E-mail: donald@animalsure.co.za FSP licence number: 44029 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Our specialist game and livestock insurer product provides


comprehensive cover for all game and livestock. Cover includes all risk mortality, fire and lightning, capture, transit and post-release stress cover. We have AA claims rating.






T: 021 556 4936 F: 086 548 7842 E: animalsure@mweb.co.za WWW.ANIMALSURE.CO.ZA



SHORT & LONG TERM INSURERS Short term Insurers • ACE Insurance Limited • AIG • Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SA Ltd • Auto & General Insurance • Centriq Insurance Company Limited • Coface South Africa Insurance Company Limited • Compass Insurance Company Limited • Constantia Insurance Company Limited • GENRIC Insurance Company Limited • Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited • Hollard Insurance • Infiniti Insurance Limited • King Price Insurance • Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited • Momentum Short-term Insurance • Natsure (Pty) Ltd • Oakhurst Insurance Company Limited • Renasa Insurance Company Limited • Rodel Administration Services (Pty) Ltd • Santam • Western National Insurance Company • Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Ltd

248 250 30

250 250 252 252 254 254 256 256 258 258 260 260 260 262 262 262 264 264 266 266 268 269

REINSURERS & MEDICAL Medical • Bonitas Medical Fund • Fedhealth Medical Scheme • Genesis Medical Scheme • Momentum Health • TopMed Medical Scheme

270 270 270 271 271

Long term • Assupol • BrightRock • FMI • Liberty

272 273 273 273

Reinsurance • General Reinsurance Africa • Hannover Reinsurance Africa • Oak Tree Intermediaries (Pty) Ltd • RGA Reinsurance Company of South Africa • SCOR Africa Limited • Willis Re (Pty) Ltd

276 276 276 278 278 279

251 31 249


ACE Insurance Limited Physical address (head office): Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2146 Phone: +27 (0)11 722 5700 Fax: +27 (0)11 783 0812 Web address: www.acegroup.com/za E-mail: nei.beaumont@acegroup.com FSP licence number: FSB 00060/01 – FAIS 27176 Product information: • Casualty: general liability; excess liability; environmental liability

Financial lines: directors and officers liability; public offering of security and investments; professional indemnity; medical malpractice; commercial crime; cyber liability Accident and health: corporate; affinity; direct marketing; travel

Property, energy and terrorism: material damage and business interruption; contract all risks/ erection all risks; energy; machinery breakdown


AIG Physical address (head office): 10 Queens Road, Parktown, 2193 Phone: +27 (0)11 551 8000 Web address: www.aig.com E-mail: aig-sasales@aig.com FSP licence number: 15805 Product information: AIG is a world leading property-casualty and general insurance organisation serving more than 70 million clients around the world. With one of the industry’s most extensive

ranges of products and services, deep claims expertise and excellent financial strength, AIG enables its commercial and personal insurance clients alike to manage risk with confidence.


For over 50 years AIG has been dedicated to servicing the South African insurance market. Our products are characterised by innovation, outstanding ‘value added’ services and underpinned with our underwriting specialists, unparalleled global network and the expertise of our local claims team.



“**ACE Service ACE on


We are


Insurance for business, families and individuals



What does it mean to be ACE insured? My broker and I have access to local experts who truly understand my risks and go the extra mile. We work together with people at ACE on everything from loss prevention advice to paying my claims. I can get on with growing my business, knowing I’m protected by one of the largest and strongest insurers in the world. “**ACE Travel Insurance is issued and underwritten by ACE Insurance Limited (1973/008933/06), a registered Financial Services Provider (FSB 00060/01 – FAIS 27176). Inall instances the terms and conditions of the policy wording apply. ACE only provide general guidance (advice), and do not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs.” 253


Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SA Ltd Physical address (head office): The Firs, 2nd Floor, 32A Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 214 7900 Fax: +27 (0)11 447 1777 Web address: www.agcs.allianz.com E-mail: nondumiso.mhkize@allianz.co.za FSP licence number: 16722

Product information: • International insurance solutions • Risk consulting services • Engineering • Liability • Energy • Financial lines • Marine • Property • Package and multiline.

Auto & General Insurance Physical address (head office): Auto & General Park, 1 Telesure Lane, Riverglen, Dainfern, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)860 25 25 71 Web address: www.autogen.co.za E-mail: onlinesupport@autogen.co.za FSP licence number: 16354

ensure that all your vehicle insurance needs are met.

Product information: Auto & General is a formidable leader in South Africa’s competitive insurance industry offering vehicle, household, business, and life insurance.

Business insurance: Our business insurance products are specifically designed to fit a range of small to mediums size businesses – from accountants to medical practitioners to guesthouses. We also offer professional liability products such as directors and officers and errors and omissions insurance.

Vehicle insurance: We offer insurance products ranging from limited cover to comprehensive cover as well as an array of optional value added products that can be added to your insurance policy to


Household insurance: We make sure that all aspects of your house receive proper cover with our home contents, buildings, residential estate, and portable possessions insurance products.

Life insurance: We recently branched out and are now also offering life insurance, which includes Pure Life Cover.




Centriq Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): The Oval, Second Floor, West Wing, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 268 6490 Fax: +27 (0)11 268 6495 Web address: www.centriq.co.za E-mail: info@centriq.co.za FSP licence number: 3417 Product information: Centriq is an independent specialist cell captive insurance company with valued people relationships, risk sharing partnerships and unique customer solutions as guiding principles. We own and operate both a short-term and life cell captive license, which provide our business partners and insurance clients with the ability to participate in the

risk and benefits related to their individual insurance business. We specialise in offering the following insurance business partnerships and risk solutions: Insurance business partnerships: • Underwriting managing agents (UMAs) insurance partnerships • Brand affinity insurance partnerships. Risk solutions: • Risk finance and alternative risk finance • Specialty insurance solutions (via our appointed UMAs) • General commercial and personal insurance solutions (via our appointed UMAs) • Value add and community affiliated personal insurance products (via our appointed brand affinity insurance partners).

Coface South Africa Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): 3021 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, Johannesburg, 2157 Phone: +27 (0)11 208 2500 Fax: +27 (0)11 208 2600 Web address: www.cofaceza.com E-mail: info.za@coface.com FSP licence number: FSP 44160 Product information: Coface is a trade credit risk expert and a worldwide leader in credit insurance. It assists companies − regardless of their size, business sector or country − as they grow within their domestic and export countries. Credit insurance solutions are offered which aim to protect businesses against the risk of financial default by their customers. Coface supports its clients by assessing and preventing risks, so that they can make the


best decisions at the most opportune moment thanks to comprehensive, detailed analysis of country, sector and credit risk. This analysis draws on a powerful international network that also enables Coface to offer its customers credit insurance services in 98 countries, directly or via its strategic partnerships, and has the ability to provide cover for its clients in approximately 200 countries.




Compass Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): 54 Peter Place, Peter Place Office Park, Building G, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)11 745 8333 Fax: +27 (0)11 745 8444 Web address: www.compass.co.za E-mail: info@compass.co.za FSP licence number: 12148 Product information: Compass Insurance Company Limited is a specialist short-term insurer, operating exclusively through underwriting management agencies. The Compass UMAs operate in niche/specialist insurance areas and focus on providing innovative and relevant products and services to individuals and businesses with specialist insurance needs.

Constantia Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): Tulbagh, 360 Oak Avenue, Randburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)11 686 4200 Fax: +27 (0)11 789 8828 Web address: www.constantiagroup.co.za E-mail: info@constantiagroup.co.za FSP licence number: 3111 Product information: Products offered include: • Heavy commercial vehicle • Motorcycles • Legal expenses insurance • Motor traders commercial risks • Health and accident insurance • Cellular phone insurance • Value added products • Guarantees • Specialist risks.


Due to the specialist insurance needs, business is only underwritten through professional intermediaries who act as agents of the insured and advise on the best insurance cover. Compass currently partners with the following UMAs: Commercial and Industrial Acceptances, Film and Entertainment Underwriters SA, Firedart Engineering Underwriting Managers, Garagesure Consultants and Acceptances, Gem and Jewel Acceptances, Health and Accident Underwriters, Landmark Underwriting Agency, Motor Acceptances Underwriting Managers, Paradigm Risk Consultants, Synergy Targeted Risk Solutions, Thatch Risk Acceptances and Transit Underwriting Management.




GENRIC Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): Building 3, Midrand Business Park, 563 Old Pretoria Main Road, Midrand, 1685 Phone: +27 (0)861 44 44 62 Fax: +27 (0)86 586 0945 Web address: www.genric.co.za E-mail: info@genric.co.za FSP licence number: 43638 Product information: Born from a culture of innovation, GENRIC Insurance Company Limited is fast growing into the preferred niche insurer for the South African market. We look at risk in a new way. We bring tailored cover to specialised industries and individuals and their specific needs with our range of products such as: • Agricultural insurance • Aviation • Bereavement • Car hire • Commercial • Commercial insurance for fuel and motor retail industries

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Commercial legal CPA dealer assist Cycle insurance Equine insurance Excess waivers Goods in transit Heavy commercial vehicles Health and accident Mechanical warranty Motor only cover for security company vehicles Office automation Personal legal Pothole cover Professional indemnity Purchase protect Rental deposit guarantee Rental insurance Scratch and dent Security company liabilities Specie insurance (cash, art and valuables) Tyre and rim.

GENRIC Insurance Company Limited – Insurance Intelligence Integrity.

Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): 102 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 669 1000 Fax: +27 (0)11 669 1931 Web address: www.guardrisk.co.za E-mail: guardrisk@guardrisk.co.za FSP licence number: 75


Product information: Guardrisk is a specialist cell captive insurance group providing tailor-made risk financing and insurance solutions, and access to a broad and diversified panel of related services and professional reinsurance markets.




Hollard Insurance Physical address (head office): Hollard Campus, 22 Oxford Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Phone: +27 (0)11 351 5000 Fax: +27 (0)11 351 5001 E-mail: info@hollard.co.za FSP licence number: 17698 Product information: Hollard has always provided a warm and welcoming home for specialist underwriting managers. Through our passionate Insurance Partners team, we team up with underwriting experts who share our passion for excellence and innovation. These experts are mandated to deal with all aspects of product design and pricing, marketing, underwriting, general administration and claims on behalf of Hollard. Our longstanding partnership

philosophy means that we succeed through growing these UMAs into class- or productleading businesses on a sustainable basis. Following our integration with Etana Insurance, we have extended the Hollard specialist partnership model to incorporate a one-stop shop for brokers looking to address commercial and corporate risks. Our Broker Markets division now houses Hollard’s Centres of Excellence, which combine industry-leading skills and expertise with an owner-managed mentality to comprehensively address specialist commercial and corporate lines requirements. These centres of excellence are supported by risk improvement specialists, who assist brokers in offering real and holistic solutions to the risks faced by businesses of all sizes.

Infiniti Insurance Limited Postal address: PO Box 23, Strathavon, 2031 Phone: +27 (0)11 718 1200 Fax: +27 (0)11 726 1874 Web address: www.infinitiafrica.com E-mail: info@infinitiafrica.com FSP licence number: 35914 Product information: Infiniti Insurance Limited is a short-term

insurer focused on long-term partnerships with specialist entrepreneurs and brokers. Infiniti write specialist underwriters from bloodstock, game, marine, hospitality and everything in between. Infiniti have seven divisions namely – reinsurance inwards, broker division, a specialist underwriter division for niche areas of business, as well as a guarantee division and Infiniti RisQ – our liability division, Infiniti Aviation and Infiniti Legal Sense.

King Price Insurance Postal address: PO Box 284, Menlyn, 0063 Phone: +27 (0)860 00 55 00 Web address: www.kingprice.co.za E-mail: brokers@kingprice.co.za FSP licence number: 43862 Product information: King Price, finally, an insurance company that does things the fair and logical way. King Price offers a world first, with super cheap premiums


that actually decrease every month, along with the depreciating value of our clients’ cars. Added to that is their award-winning royal service, and other great benefits!




Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): Mutual & Federal Centre, 75 President Street, Johannesburg, 2001 Phone: +27 (0)11 374 9111 Fax:+27 (0)11 374 2606 Web address: www.mf.co.za E-mail: chris.john@mf.co.za FSP licence number: 12 Product information: Mutual & Federal is partnered with carefully selected UMAs whose niche skills and

product ranges cater for the specialist needs of clients and complement Mutual & Federal’s existing offerings. Products: Mutual & Federal has partnered with the following UMAs: Merx HCV – a specialist underwriter of heavy commercial vehicles and transport contractors; Camargue Specialised Liability Management – an underwriter of niche liability insurance products and a provider of risk management solutions to a broad spectrum of industries in Southern Africa.

Momentum Short-term Insurance Physical address (head office): 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Gauteng, 0157 Phone: +27 (0)860 11 15 12 Web address: www.momentum.co.za E-mail: shorttermbrokerservice@momentum.co.za FSP licence number: 22789 Product information: Momentum Short-term Insurance aims to enhance the financial wellness and safety of individuals, families and their businesses, which is why we offer short-term products to suit your individual needs. Our innovative mobile apps for clients and financial advisers put the power back in your

hands. Whether you need personal cover on your all-risk items, car, household contents, or building; or commercial cover on your business assets, we’ve got you covered. Our clients are rated on their individual risk profile and not on an average calculation. Our personal insurance cover includes cover on vehicles, buildings, contents, all risk, personal accident and watercraft. Our commercial insurance cover includes cover on vehicles, buildings, contents, business interruption, electronic equipment, money, stock, goods in transit, public liability, employer’s liability, fidelity guarantee and motor traders.

Natsure (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 14098, Hatfield, 0028 Phone: +27 (0)12 364 0871 Fax: +27 (0)86 612 2988 Web address: www.natsure.co.za E-mail: tersiad@natsure.co.za FSP licence number: 4578 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75)


Product information: Niche specialist lines. Engineering, aviation, transit, personal accident, court bonds, livestock, construction guarantees, renewable energy, general liability and professional indemnity, rental guarantees, alternative risk transfer, rental guarantees.


Here’s why you and your clients choose Momentum Short-term Insurance... Products to suit your unique needs Individual risk rating Free 24-hour emergency assistance Guaranteed premiums for 12 months Submit a claim and more via our mobile app For more information contact our call centre

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Oakhurst Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): 127A York Street, George, 6530 Phone: +27 (0)44 805 3405 Fax: +27 (0)86 206 4892 Web address: www.oakhurstins.co.za E-mail: frost.bridget@badgerins.co.za FSP licence number: 39925

Oakhurst success story. As a valued UMA partner, we’ll offer you our full commitment and support to help you grow your business. Each UMA will have exclusivity in their specific class of business and we’ll actively refer our network of brokers to you in order to help you grow your business.

Product information: One of Oakhurst’s core values is partnerships, and in line with this, we are looking to grow our business with like-minded people and businesses who would like to be part of the

If you are looking for a change with a partner that believes in Soft Landings, World Class Service and Excellence, please give our CEO, Brad Hogan, a call in absolute confidence on +27 (0)44 805 3405.

Renasa Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): 170 Oxford Road, Melrose, Johannesburg, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 380 3080 Fax: +27 (0)11 380 3088 Web address: www.renasa.co.za E-mail: guarantees@renasa.co.za FSP licence number: 15491 Product information: Renasa offers performance, retention, advance payment and bid bonds or guarantees to the construction industry and also customs bonds to the freight forwarding market. These guarantees enable Renasa’s insured clients


to improve their cash flows and provide the necessary documents required to meet tender and other requirements. With the support of its treaty arrangements, Renasa is now able to offer capacity up to R20 million to select clients. Renasa’s guarantees are widely accepted in the market. Renasa’s A-rating has made its bonds and guarantees accepted by most employers including municipalities, corporate building contractors and the South African Revenue Services (customs bonds). Renasa’s guarantee division focuses on quick turnaround service.




Rodel Administration Services (Pty) Ltd. Postal address: PO Box 8020, Bonaero Park, 1622 Phone: +27 (0)11 100 1999 Web address: www.rodelsa.co.za E-mail: info@rodelsa.co.za

Product Information: Commercial and domestic insurance as well as tailor-made insurance products.

Santam Physical address (head office): 1 Sportica Circle, Tyger Valley, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530 Phone: +27 (0)21 915 7000 Fax: +27 (0)21 914 0738 Web address: www.santam.co.za E-mail: info@santam.co.za FSP licence number: 3416 Product information: At Santam, we believe in a simple principle. That insurance should add value, not questions or uncertainty. It should provide peace of mind, not parameters or excuses. This has been our philosophy since we first opened our doors on 1 May 1918 in Burg Street, Cape Town. That is why we are the leading short-term insurer in South Africa with a market share of close to 23%, annualised gross written premium of more than R20 631 billion, assets worth more than R19 billion and over 700 000 policyholders. Santam also holds business interests in Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and


Zimbabwe, as well as strategic investments in the global insurance industry. The group is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and has as its majority shareholder, South African life assurance company, Sanlam. Sanlam has operations in a number of countries with recent acquisitions in Southeast Asia. The Santam brand is based on our intermediary partner relationships being one of our core competencies. However, we are cognisant of the fact that client needs in some segments are continually changing and we are positioned to meet these needs by building other channels that support our leadership position in the industry. Santam has managed to build a diverse company that stretches into all areas of general insurance, across personal, commercial and specialist market. This diversity, coupled with a world-class scientific underwriting capability, enables the company to steer its way through the ups and downs of the typical underwriting cycling and deliver insurance good and proper.




Western National Insurance Company Physical address: 2nd Floor, The Cliffs, 3 Niagara Road, Tygerfalls Residential and Office Park, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530 Montana Office Park, Unit 001, Block A, 335 Calliandra Street, Pretoria, 0151 Phone: +27 (0)861 937628 Web address: www.westnat.com E-mail: info@westnat.com FSP licence number: 9465 Product information: Western National is a niche commercial insurer specialising in providing total solutions in the small to medium size commercial and business market in both South Africa and Namibia. Western specialises in commercial lines insurance


which will allow you to safeguard your business against the specific risks it faces. We endeavour to provide total solutions in the commercial market by enabling our intermediary to access a multiple of product options. Our expertise extends to the structuring of tailored programmes, include aggregate excess structures and more complex underwriting. Western is very passionate about commercial insurance, and has a highly qualified team to support the everchanging requirements of this industry sector. Western and its partners provide a range of industry specific commercial solutions to ensure the unique requirements of these industries are catered for.

Physical address (head office): 15 Marshall Street, Ferreriasdorp, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2001 Phone: +27 (0)11 370 9111 Fax: +27 (0)11 319 2483 Web address: www.zurich.co.za E-mail: corporate.communications@zurich.co.za FSP licence number: 17703 Product information: As a leading global insurer in South Africa, Zurich continues to provide distinct and specialist products and propositions, allowing us to bring significant benefits to

our customers, with a breadth and depth of expertise and experience that provides ultimate peace of mind. From private individuals, through to SMEs, commercial and corporate businesses, we provide knowledge and expertise when it matters most with service excellence at the top of our agenda. Our products and propositions are supported by an evolving underwriting and claims service proposition that ensures you have access to our network of specialist business decision-makers, wherever you are.


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Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Ltd.


Bonitas Medical Fund Physical address (head office): 135 Patricia Road, Freestone Park, Sandton, 2199 Phone: +27 (0)860 002 108 Fax: +27 (0)11 384 5107 Web address: www.bonitas.co.za E-mail: queries@bonitas.co.za Product information: The second largest open medical scheme in SA, Bonitas aims to provide value-for-money healthcare benefits to all South Africans. With over 32 years of experience, we pride ourselves on our financial soundness and stability. We have an AA- Global Credit Rating, reserves of over R3.3 billion and a solvency ratio of 33.3%. Our carefully designed plans are perfect for people from

all walks of life, no matter the size of your family or paycheck. We: • Pay out more claims than any other open medical scheme • Have the largest GP network in South Africa • Are the only medical scheme to pay for dental benefits from risk • Offer free flu vaccines, HIV tests and a wellness benefit on all options • Pay for supplementary benefits (including maternity benefits) from risk so savings and day-to-day benefits last long. We are serious about our members’ needs and aims to support their lives by offering quality healthcare and generous benefits at affordable rates.

Fedhealth Medical Scheme Physical address (head office): The Woodlands, Building 26, 16 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)11 656 5052 Fax: +27 (0)11 656 4869 Web address: www.fedhealth.co.za E-mail: peter@fedhealth.co.za

Product information: A large open medical scheme with a comprehensive range of options and unique benefits which pays more from risk than other schemes.

Genesis Medical Scheme Physical address (head office): The Terraces, 4th Floor, Black River Park, Fir Street, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925 Phone: +27 (0)21 442 9900 Fax: +27 (0)21 447 4707 Web address: www.genesismedical.co.za E-mail: genesis@genesismedical.co.za Product information: As a leading medical scheme in South Africa, Genesis Medical Scheme has a proud heritage of providing exceptional


benefits and true peace of mind to its members. Rated as one of the top five most successful medical schemes in the country, as measured by claims ratio, solvency and access to medical facilities, all Genesis members are in good hands. Genesis members enjoy comprehensive cover for all qualifying medical conditions. The scheme’s inhospital cover far exceeds that of most other medical schemes. Depending on the benefit option selected by members, day-to-day benefits may include medical savings, dental

benefits, consultation benefits and cover for medication, whether prescribed or over the counter. All Genesis members have the luxury to choose their own hospital and

their own doctor or medical specialist. Members are neither forced to go to network hospitals, nor are they forced to make use of network medical practitioners.

Momentum Health Physical address (head office): 1-3 Canegate Road, La Lucia Ridge, Umhlanga, 4051 Phone: +27 (0)31 573 4000 Web address: www.momentumhealth.co.za E-mail: jump@momentumhealth.co.za Product information: Momentum Health is the 3rd largest open medical scheme that provides medical cover

to more than 110 000 families. It offers a range of flexible healthcare options which can be tailored to suit individuals’ healthcare needs and level of affordability. Complemented by Momentum offerings like HealthReturns and HealthSaver, Momentum Health offers a complete solution, reinforcing its philosophy that your health is your wealth.

TopMed Medical Scheme Postal address: PO Box 1462, Durban, 4000 Phone: +27 (0)86 000 2158 Fax: +27 (0)86 762 4050 Web address: www.topmed.co.za E-mail: info@topmedms.co.za Product information: Established in 1972, TopMed provides a wide range of affordable and transparent healthcare options especially tailored to suit corporate clients, SME’s and professional individuals. We have a holistic and innovative approach and offer financial stability, efficiency and

personal service – customer centricity being an essential cornerstone. We are passionate about healthcare and have partnered with private health administrators (PHA) and managed care partners, Mediscor, CareCross, ER24 and PPN to ensure the highest levels of service excellence. Sound governance and above statutory solvency levels ensure that in a changing and complex environment, TopMed remains relevant in the current private healthcare industry. Our options include: traditional, new generation, hospital, limited benefits and capitation-based options.





Assupol Physical address (head office): 308 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, 0081 Phone: +27 (0)12 366 3700 Fax: +27 (0)12 362 3500 Web address: www.assupol.co.za E-mail: info@assupol.co.za FSP licence number: 53 Product information: Funeral cover Planning ahead makes a difference. By taking time now, you can provide both financial and practical help for you and your loved ones in the future. It means that you and those closest to you do not have to worry about the expenses when you or they are most vulnerable and least able to cope. It is a simple way for you to take control of your affairs, gain peace of mind, and help your family at a difficult time. Life cover Life is full of surprises, some of which are very challenging. Your death could leave your family financially vulnerable. Nothing can replace you, but money provided at the right time will ensure that your loved ones are protected should the worst happen. This means security for them and added peace of mind for


you. By paying an affordable monthly premium, you can make sure that on death or disability, or in the case of a critical illness, a lump sum is paid out tax-free, which can be used to: • pay off your home loan and other debts • provide for living expenses for you and your family, for example if you become disabled or suffer a critical illness like cancer or a heart attack • provide for other financial needs. Savings products Life is enough of a puzzle – take the guesswork out of your future financial planning and start saving today for a specific goal. Whether it is for your children’s education, buying a car, taking a holiday or buying a house. With our savings plan it is easy, our premiums are affordable and we can tailor-make it according to your requirements. Create a savings plan today and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Retirement annuity Retirement is expensive. Take charge of your financial future. The key to a secure retirement is to plan ahead for that dream holiday, more time with the family, or taking up a new hobby. Don’t delay – start planning for your retirement today.

Postal address: Building D, Sunnyside Office Park, No 2 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Phone: +27 (0)86 000 7744 Fax: +27 (0)86 679 7173 Web address: www.brightrock.co.za E-mail: service@brightrock.co.za FSP licence number: 43237 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: BrightRock (Pty) Ltd is underwritten by Lombard Life Ltd. Product information: BrightRock’s needs-matched life insurance

offers truly individualised life insurance cover that’s built around your specific needs at the outset, and changes with you as your life changes. With BrightRock, you save an average of 30 per cent on your monthly premiums, from day one. Most life insurance policies bundle your needs into a large lump-sum that grows every year. But you have different needs, some long, and others short or medium term. BrightRock’s cover is designed to track each of your needs exactly as they change over time. This strips out unnecessary waste, making cover more cost efficient, relevant and sustainable.

FMI Postal address (head office): PostNet Suite 91, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Phone: +27 (0)86 010 5208 Fax: +27 (0)86 110 5820 Web address: www.fmi.co.za E-mail: sales@fmi.co.za FSP licence number: 2717 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Financial Management International (Pty) Ltd, insured by Guardrisk Life Ltd

Product information: We believe an individual’s ability to earn their income is the single most important thing to insure. That’s why we quickly and seamlessly provide sustainable cover that is tailored to the individual needs of our clients, without unnecessary jargon or red tape. For disability and life, our income protection offerings ensure that, no matter what our clients face, their income is not at risk. Visit www.fmi.co.za to learn more.

Liberty Postal address: PO Box 10499, Johannesburg, 2000 Phone: +27 (0)11 408 3911 Web address: www.liberty.co.za E-mail: info@liberty.co.za FSP licence number: 2409 Product information: Life insurance, investment and health.









General Reinsurance Africa Physical address (head office): Block A, 2nd Floor, Granger Bay Court, Granger Bay, Waterfront, 8002 Phone: +27 (0)21 412 7700 Fax: +27 (0)21 4127782

Web address: www.genre.com E-mail: reception@genre.com Product information: Reinsurance services

Hannover Reinsurance Africa Physical address (head office): Hannover Re House, corner Hillside and Empire Roads, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Phone: +27(0) 481 6500 Fax: +27(0) 484 3330 Web address: www.hannover-re.com E-mail: customercare@hannover-re.co.za Product information: Hannover Re, with a gross premium of around EUR 14 billion, is the third-largest reinsurer in the world. It transacts all lines of non-life and life and health reinsurance and is present on all continents with around 2 400 staff. The rating agencies most relevant to the insurance industry have awarded Hannover Re very strong insurer financial strength ratings –

Standard and Poor’s AA- ‘Very Strong’ and A.M. Best A+ ‘Superior’. Hannover Reinsurance Africa and Hannover Life Reassurance Africa have had a presence in the African market for over 50 years, fostering relationships with leading insurers in the sub-Saharan region. We offer our clients a broad range of reinsurance solutions, ranging from financial reinsurance to individual life reinsurance, from group life to disability products. Our strength however, lies in our passion for innovative and progressive reinsurance structures for the life industry. Hannover Re Africa focuses on non-proportional treaty and facultative reinsurance business. The company promotes and supports a unique underwriting agency business model.

Oak Tree Intermediaries (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 565, Bromhof, 2154 Phone: +27 (0)11 791 7560 Fax: +27 (0)11 791 7507 Web address: www.oaktree.co.za E-mail: gordon@oaktree.co.za FSP licence number: 41760


Product information: Specialist treaty and facultative reinsurance broker. Geographically, we service the sub-Saharan region, including the Indian Ocean Islands. We specialise in all classes (life, non-life and health).




RGA Reinsurance Company of South Africa Physical address: 7th Floor, The Terraces, Black River Park, 2 Fir Street, Observatory, 7925 Phone: +27 (0)21 486 1700 Fax: +27 (0)21 486 1800 Web address: www.rgare.com E-mail: infosa@rgare.com Product information: RGA South Africa is the only dedicated life reinsurer in the South African market and supports all lines of individual and group life reinsurance business, including financial solutions such as capital-motivated reinsurance and longevity reinsurance to help you manage your capital and risk. In 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 we were ranked #1 in the Business Capability Index

by NMG Consulting, which is based on how well we are viewed by insurers in terms of providing quality service and support to our clients. In 2009, we were ranked #1 for group business in the NMG Consulting cedant study. We have treaties in place with all the major direct life insurance companies in the region with operations in Parktown, Johannesburg and Observatory, Cape Town, serving clients in and around these cities, as well as clients in neighbouring Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland. RGA entered the South African life reinsurance market in 1999 and since then we have built upon our core competency of facultative underwriting to include actuarial services, product development and claims management. Our team of 72 full-time associates can provide you with support across the entire lifecycle of your business.

SCOR Africa Limited Physical address (head office): 4th Floor, Blend on Baker, 17 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 507 3900 Fax: +27 (0)11 507 3939 Web address: www.scor.com E-mail: tray@scor.com Product information: The Group is organised around two main businesses, SCOR Global P&C (property and casualty reinsurance) and SCOR Global Life (life reinsurance), plus an asset management business, SCOR Global Investments. SCOR


Global P&C and SCOR Global Life are leading global reinsurers, executing an underwriting policy focused on profitability, developing value-added services and adhering to a cautious financial policy in order to meet the expectations of their clients in terms of security Thanks to its two main business lines, the Group is active throughout the world, which means it can serve the interests of both its French and international clients as effectively as possible. The non-life and life sectors, which are entirely uncorrelated, contribute in equal measure to the Group’s success, providing it with stability and guaranteeing lower volatility.

Physical address (head office): First Floor Building 3, Inanda Greens Office Park, 54 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 341 9600 Fax: +27 (0)11 326 7816 Web address: www.willis.com E-mail: iain.macindoe@willis.com Product information: Willis Re specialise in the UMA arena and currently partner with over 25 UMAs. We help our partners grow from start-up to being reputable brands. We understand the UMA business challenges and specialise in creating reinsurance programmes that can support the UMA environment. The key to our success is that

we create a partnership triangle between the UMA, ceding companies and reinsurers. Come hail, flood or earthquake, Willis Re is committed to developing risk transfer solutions for all potential risk scenarios, helping insurers and reinsurers create long term value for their business. Over the 183 year history, Willis Re has developed a deep understanding of risk and all the ways it affects capital and your organisation’s financial performance. Our collaborative team harnesses the power of this experience and our leading edge analytics, to provide our clients with sophisticated understanding of their risks and the intelligent and practical solutions to manage their risk outcomes.



Willis Re (Pty) Ltd

Administrators and software providers


Appraisers and valuers


Assistance services


Car rentals and vehicle replacement insurance




Glass suppliers


Legal, compliance and practice management services


280 282 30


Loss adjusters and assessors


Panel beaters




Plumbing, electrician or home services


Premium collections


Recovery services






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administrators & software providers atWORK Internet Software Solutions (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 500 Tsitsa Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, 0002 Phone: +27 (0)861 289 675 Fax: +27 (0)12 347 6290 Web address: www.atwork.co.za E-mail: trevors@work.co.za

atWORK is a comprehensive client and practice management system with the following features:

Product information: atWORK has worked hard to simplify business processes for our users and to ensure that it is easy to produce a financial analysis report for the client that is professional, understandable and meaningful to your clients. A solid financial analysis process ensures that you are giving sound advice and the client buys into what you are providing.

• • •

• • • •

Client management and communication Practice management – control and manage the office daily tasks Portfolio downloads via Astute and directly from the investment platforms Document can be created and managed by atWORK and stored offsite Documents can be sent to an iPad for an electronic signature Financial analyses tools for client risk events and wealth management and reporting Commission management and splits for businesses managing multiple advisors. Short-term tools.

Brolink (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 85 Gerhard Street, Centurion, Tshwane, 0057 Phone: +27 (0)12 673 0000 Fax: +27 (0)12 673 0011 Web address: www.brolink.co.za E-mail: brolink@brolink.co.za FSP licence number: 10834 Product information: The three solutions we offer have all been designed to remove the hassle of administrative tasks and help streamline our clients’ business processes. Websure is an online system that allows industry professionals to get quotations, issue policies, track claims and view documentation from a range of insurers including Santam, Mutual & Federal, Hollard, Zurich and MUA. Our insurance administration service offers brokers the chance to outsource the collection of


premiums, policy administration and claims management, amongst others. Finally, our management information services use the skills of actuaries to assess business performance including profitability and conversion rates, enabling brokers to constantly improve their offerings.





administrators & software providers (cont.) Cardinal Insurance Management Systems Postal address: Block D, St Andrews Office Park, 31 Meadowbrook Lane, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)861 988 888 Fax: +27 (0)865 277 362 Web address: www.cardinal.co.za E-mail: info@cardinal.co.za Product information: As a front-runner in the high-speed world of insurance industry software, Cardinal understands the growing needs of • insurers, • underwriting managers and • brokers.

How you benefit Cardinal appreciates that rudimentary policy, finance and claims administration systems are outdated. You need a system that’s comprehensive enough to stay ahead of the game so you are always ahead of your competitors. This is why CIMS covers far more than these entry-level functions, allowing you to revolutionise your services to clients in terms of: • speed, • competence and • compliance. The company



In keeping with world trends, we have developed a broad-scope insurance administration system. It offers financial service providers the ease of working on windows- and web-based systems and the intelligence of a program written specifically to satisfy the unique needs of an industry that is constantly evolving. What we do Our Cardinal Insurance Management Systems (CIMS) provides you with a single, comprehensive, windows- and web-based insurance administration programme on a user-friendly, robust platform. Appropriate for all channels of short-term insurance, CIMS means that you can efficiently and cost-effectively improve your service to clients. As a packaged application, built on the foundation of over a decade’s development, CIMS is innovative, up-to-date technology – expert enough to run an entire business.


Cardinal, a private company, is constantly improving, refining and advancing – for our benefit and yours. With three founding directors and over 40 talented specialists, including Microsoft developers, business analysts and consultants, we’re well-equipped to develop, improve, and enhance systems to suit your needs.







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administrators & software providers (cont.) CyberPro Consulting (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 2nd Floor, Building 13, The Woodlands Office Park, Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, Johannesburg, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)11 656 3394 Fax: +27 (0)11 656 3532 Web address: www.cpconsulting.co.za E-mail: information@cpconsulting.co.za Product information: CyberPro Consulting is a provider of bespoke software, web, mobile and database solutions to the insurance and banking sector. CyberPro has over 15 years of proven track record, having provided solutions to many of the leading insurance players in the SA market.


Our expertise spans the following areas: • In-depth knowledge of the SA insurance industry • Insurance system development • Web and mobile customer self-service and planning platforms • Broker portal solutions • Industry body and partner data integration • Common customer view and master data management • Workflow and business process improvement • Business intelligence and data analytics • IT system alignment to POPI and TCF Requirements.




administrators & software providers (cont.) Genasys Technologies Physical address (head office): 1st Floor, Willowbrook House, Constantia Office Park, corner 14th Avenue and Hendrik Potgieter Street, Weltevreden Park, 1709 Phone: +27 (0)860 GENSYS Fax: +27 (0)86 766 0228 Web address: www.genasys.co.za E-mail: info@genasys.co.za Product information: Genasys SKi® (Software Key to insurance) is a full featured, enterprise level, insurance management platform that has proven to be both stable and highly scalable. The SKi® platform together with the SKi® toolset provides a powerful enabler for any insurance business looking for the right software platform to support their growth and strategic initiatives. SKi® has its roots in Europe, where it originated as a custom development for a national insurer with over 50 branches.


Ski® is the brainchild of Steve Symes, Genasys founder, who sought to find a market for the software back home in South Africa. Over the last 12 years, both the software and company have evolved to provide world-class software developed, delivered and supported by highly experienced teams. Genasys continues to invest heavily in the SKi® platform with nearly 30% of its revenue channeled back into research and development in order to ensure that SKi® remains a world-class offering and class leader. Ski’s success is largely due to its intelligent architecture that provides clients with a level of customisation normally only achieved through bespoke development but without any of the associated business risk due to Ski’s domain specific framework and reliable base.




administrators & software providers (cont.) GRiP (Geo-Risk information Platforms) Postal address: St Andrews Building, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West, Western Cape, 7130 Phone: +27 (0)82 444 7722 / +27 (0)21 300 0060 Web address: www.gripcompany.co.za E-mail: peter@gripcompany.co.za

Product information: GRiP IRiS (imagery and risk information systems) GRiP AVS (address validation service) GRiP SpatialKey (spatial analytics) GRiP SAVi (property size, aerial imagery, valuations and information platform).

Innosys Physical address (head office): 11 Boundary Road, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198 Phone: +27 (0)11 532 8300 Fax: +27 (0)11 532 8400 Web address: www.innosys.co.za E-mail: info@innosys.co.za


Product information: Providers of custom software to the SA and UK insurance markets, offering a full range of services from small innovation projects to systems for large enterprises; specialists in mobile survey and risk assessment solutions.




administrators & software providers (cont.) Innovation Maven (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Innovation House, 192 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 790 5570 Fax: +27 (0)11 790 5587 Web address: www.innovationmaven.co.za E-mail: info@imaven.co.za FSP licence number: 43748 Product information: Innovation Maven is a full service insurance administrator with a predominant focus on servicing the broker market. Owned by London Stock Exchange listed Innovation Group plc, the group’s operations span 12 countries worldwide with local operations in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.

Innovation Maven’s range of innovative solutions provides brokers with access to the following: • STRIDE approved systems • Multi-quote platform • Comparative quoting on multiple insurers • Underwriting and/or claims agreements with a vast range of insurers and UMA’s • Claims settling authority with leading insurers • Technical back-up and support • Rapid deployment of new product lines Partnering with Innovation Maven means clients experience cost savings on technology ownership, maintenance and upgrades; access to web based systems and simplified and easier administration.

IRESS Physical address (head office): 2nd Floor, Building 2, 2929 on Nicol, William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)10 492 1111 Fax: +27 (0)10 492 1311 Web address: www.iress.co.za E-mail: hello@iress.co.za Product information: XPLAN Advisor Central The affordable, flexible and intelligently bundled entry-level solution for financial advisors, incorporating a range of modules so that you appear to be a genius, thanks to top-notch calculation software. This way, you always know your client as well as you know yourself; can offer a basic financial needs analysis in mere minutes; complements your financial solution with a crackerjack app; grow your slice of the pie and build your business further.

XPLAN Enterprise Advisor The full financial planning system that is hosted by IRESS, customisable with your branding and absolutely flexible in line with your operational processes and your business’s idiosyncrasies. There’s nothing standard or generic about Enterprise Advisor, which incorporates a range of supremely intelligent modules so that you put your client at the epicentre of the planning universe; show clients their consolidated investment portfolio online; use hard, fast data to back up your knowledge and produce reports.




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administrators & software providers (cont.) Legacy Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Corner Lynnwood and Kings Highway, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0081 Phone: +27 (0)12 470 5400 Fax: +27 (0)86 124 2628 Web address: www.lum.co.za E-mail: cbester@lum.co.za FSP licence number: 13783 Product information: Comprehensive combined household and vehicles insurance, comprehensive business insurance cover, comprehensive business insurance cover for sectional titles, comprehensive business insurance cover for agriculture, replacement value cover for


vehicles, comprehensive business insurance cover for tourism, leisure and entertainment industries, heavy commercial vehicles (trucks), comprehensive business insurance cover for medical practitioners and dental practitioners, comprehensive liability cover, hospitality policy, restaurant policy, merchant policy, entrepreneurs policy, Legacy Avant-Garde Business Policy, B&B policy, driving school instructor policy, educate policy for schools, engineering, plant all risks, contract all risks, computer and electronic equipment, dismantling, transit and erection, machinery breakdown, deterioration of stock, bonds and guarantees, construction guarantees/bonds, fuel station guarantees – retail and art insure.

Physical address (head office): 193 Bryanston Drive, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)11 244 8400 Fax: +27 (0)11 244 8404 Web address: www.lightstone.co.za E-mail: info@lightstone.co.za Product information: Lightstone is a data and analytics provider providing useful information on vehicles, properties and businesses.

We use a unique blend of expertise, proprietary data and technology to provide: • Information and analytical studies on all properties in South Africa • Market intelligence on all vehicles in South Africa • A complete overview of all business in South Africa • Consumer engagement tools to maximise support and marketing services.





administrators & software providers (cont.) Nimbis Physical address (head office): 170 Oxford Road, Melrose, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 380 3151 Web address: www.nimbis.co.za E-mail: nimbis@concourse.co.za Product information: The Nimbis suite of software brings the latest cloud technology to the intermediated short term insurance industry.

Whether you are a UMA/administrator looking to run efficiently, a broker looking to provide better service or an insurer looking to monitor and improve loss ratios, Nimbis provides complete insurance administration, claims management and business intelligence functionality. Whether you want to run software that is better than what you run now or software that is cheaper than what you run now, Nimbis will achieve both. Nimbis is: • Accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection. Work in your office using a PC, at a client using a tablet or even on a beach using a smartphone, with no additional software installation or special configuration required. • Extremely cost effective, with the lowest monthly pricing combining with the latest cloud technology, meaning you no longer need the expensive distraction (and risk) of managing expensive servers and IT services. • Effortless to maintain, as we do it all for you. This enables you to focus on insurance business instead of IT. • Nimble and agile, rolling out changes within days to improve your business functions. • Painless to migrate to, we will manage the process of extracting information from your current insurance systems without interruption to your business. Nimbis is brought to you by Concourse IT, the software and infrastructure specialists for the intermediated short term insurance industry, with entirely South African infrastructure and expertise.





administrators & software providers (cont.) One Loyalty Rewards Physical address: Office 201, 202 and 203, 2nd Floor, Benmore Gardens Shopping Centre, corner Grayston Drive and Benmore Road, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 291 7300 Fax: +27 (0)11 291 7309 Web address: www.oneloyaltyrewards.co.za E-mail: anthony@oneloyalty.co.za

• Funeral assist • Notification of loss • Tutor assist • Tax assist • Document assist • Home and convenience drive • Direction assist bicycle assist • Motorbike assist • 4x4 assist • Caravan and trailer assist • Boat assist • Heavy vehicle assist • Commercial assist • Agri assist • Trip monitor • Accident protect • Pothole protect • Fines protect • Licence protect • P.I. protect (private investigation) • Bail protect.

Product information: One Loyalty Rewards specialises in developing all types of insurance mobile App solutions, tailoring of insurance underwriter, broker, staff, call centre, customer and corporate assist and lifestyle loyalty programmes.

Lifestyle benefits: Home • Car • Health • Travel • VIP Concierge • Kids • Lifestyle • Education and many more.

Mobile App services: All types of bespoke mobile App solutions – incorporating features like: • Instant access to emergency assist services • Easy claims lodging at the scene of the accident with the ability to load incident-specific photos and add the third party’s driver’s licence disk and vehicle licence disk details via a simple scanning functionality. • Access to a panel of approved motor and home service providers • Access to get directions to your nearest hospital, clinic and/or police station • Seamless integration with your back-end systems and any other third party system. • Weather notifications • Vehicle and home valuations and much, much more! Assist benefits: Panic SOS • Roadside assist • Medical assist • Trauma, assault and HIV assist • Home assist • Office assist • Claims assist • Legal assist • Crime assist • Disability assist


Additional services: Mobi solutions • Customer relationship management • Value added solutions • Case management – insurance claims cards • Customer care lines • Household, geyser and resultant damage service.

Physical address: 23 Berghshoop, corner Brackenfell Boulevard and Langeberg Road, Durbanville, 7550 Phone: +27 (0)21 975 0215 Web address: www.profida.co.za E-mail: info@profida.co.za

Product information: Insurance software solutions for insurers, underwriters, administrators and brokers.

Rodel Administration Services (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 8020, Bonaero Park, 1622 Phone: +27 (0)11 100 1999 Web address: www.rodelsa.co.za E-mail: info@rodelsa.co.za

Product information: Commercial and domestic insurance as well as tailor-made insurance products.

Roundcube South Africa Physical address (head office): 39A Lincoln Street, Woodmead-East, Johannesburg, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)83 449 6966 Web address: www.roundcube.eu E-mail: tianhorn@roundcube.eu Product information: Roundcube is a cloud-based modular SOA insurance solution that is completely customer-centric for any and all users, whether they are end-customers, employees or third parties.

Roundcube is platform independent and can be added on top of any currently implemented core insurance system. By preserving and extending legacy applications, which is a less costly and less risky approach than rip and replace, Roundcube can address the limitations of these systems and propel insurers into the future. This means companies can capitalise on their system’s longstanding strengths and reap the benefits of the Roundcube customer-centric approach immediately.



Computer Science Software (Pty) Ltd – PROFIDA


administrators & software providers (cont.) Software AG Physical address (head office): Culross on Main, Building 3, corner Culross and Main Roads, Bryanston, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)11 317 2900 Fax: +27 (0)11 465 7123 Web address: www.softwareag.com/za E-mail: zareen.hartley@softwareag.com

better service. Building on over 40 years of customer-centric innovation, the company is ranked as a ‘leader’ in more than a dozen market categories, fueled by core product families Adabas-Natural, Alfabet, Apama, ARIS, Terracotta, webMethods and Software AG Live.

Product information: Software AG helps organisations achieve their business objectives faster. The company’s big data, integration and business process technologies enable customers to drive operational efficiency, modernise their systems and optimise processes for smarter decisions and

Visit www.softwareag.com/corporate/ products/az/aris for the online product guide. Software AG has more than 4 600 employees in 70 countries that serve 70 percent of the Global 1 000. The company is headquartered in Germany and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (TecDAX, ISIN DE 0003304002/SOW).

STRIDE Physical address (head office): 51 Empire Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 Phone: +27 (0)11 694 3100 Fax: +27 (0)11 726 7508 Web address: www.stridesa.co.za E-mail: jenny@stridesa.co.za

Product information: STRIDE provides a single data standard and data transfer technology (switch) to the short-term insurance industry. We are integrated with most insurers and system providers to enable data flow between systems, brokers, UMAs, insurers and other relevant parties in the insurance transaction.

Sure Settle Physical address (head office): Upper Level, The Posthouse, Bruton Road, Bryanston, Sandton, 2191 Phone: +27 (0)11 4679798 Fax: +27 (0)86 600 0903 Web address: www.suresettle.co.za E-mail: info@suresettle.co.za Facebook: Sure-Settle Product information: Sure Settle™ is a closed loop claims settlement solution, it brings retailers and service providers closer to the insurers


and turns cost centres into profit centres whilst removing the frustrations experienced with third party paper, card and cash based settlements. SureSettle focuses on reducing cash based settlements and ensures like for like replacements. We are the only solution provider that gives the insurer and retailer an electronic voucher platform to redeem and settle at retail POS. Our solution can be white labelled and easily managed by insurers, mandated brokers, retailers and any other organisation within the claim-quotesettlement space.


APPRAISERS & VALUERS ProofSure Physical address (head office): 20 Briza Street, Somerset West, 7130 Phone: +27 (0)71 688 3818 Fax: +27 (0)21 683 0571 Web address: www.proofsure.co.za E-mail: cynthia@proofsure.co.za Product information: The leaders in the field of insurance onsite verifications (valuations): ProofSure has combined management experience of over 80 years. We verify your clients’ domestic and commercial contents and buildings and present reports which recommend accurate sums insured for replacement cost of your clients’ assets plus risk surveys for underwriting purposes. Our independent service is key to your book and assists with benefits such as:

• • • •

No average applied Improved loss ratios Reduced fraud incidence We assist with the TCF outcomes

ProofSure’s national verifiers have well over 100 years of experience in their field of expertise which includes art, antiques, collectables etc. for contents, plus building experience and knowledge of notable reference. Our ethos is to link the industry and individual clients together, removing the stigma of a ‘grudge purchase’ so as to eliminate the average clause entirely, supporting the ombudsman for shortterm insurance.



APPRAISERS & VALUERS (cont.) Qantam Risk Assessment (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): PostNet Suite 464, Private Bag X8, Northriding, Johannesburg, 2162 Phone: +27 (0)861 726 747 Fax: +27 (0)11 791 1089 Web address: www.qantam.co.za E-mail: info@qantam.co.za Product information: Qantam offers valuations (building valuations/ asset inventories) of household contents and buildings and commercial contents and buildings. Underinsurance has always been a cause for concern in the insurance industry and our services pave the way to the future of average-free insurance. We have 26 years of experience in the field of insurance verifications and have completed over 110 000 reflecting that approximately 80

The Valuator Group Physical address (head office): Guarantee House, 2nd Floor, Burg Street, Cape Town, 8000 Phone: +27 (0)861 659 659 Fax: +27 (0)866 201 127 Web address: www.thevaluator.co.za E-mail: gavin.c@thevaluator.co.za Product information: Valuations of property (retail, commercial, industrial and residential), plant/ machinery/equipment, fine art/antiques/ contents, aviation, farms and game farms and all assets. Business valuations, valuation advisory.


per cent of clients are underinsured by about 50 per cent. With extensive knowledge of valuables such as artwork, antiques, oriental carpets, Qantam has a formidable team with national coverage. We have substantial professional indemnity cover. Some benefits: • Improved loss ratios • Reduced fraud incidence • Improved underwriting with the risk surveys and underwriting factors • Increased premium from correct sums insured • Reduced claims costs • Achieve a competitive edge as a consequence of a cleaner book • Better client care image – Treating Customers Fairly • No average.

Active Operations Management International (AOMi) Physical address (head office): 3rd Floor, 8A Keyes Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 447 1073 Web address: www.activeops.com E-mail: jaymi.wooldridge@activeops.com

Product information: Active operations management drives fundamental and lasting change in management behaviours which positively affects the way operations work. It does this by concentrating on three aspects: method, skills and tools.

Auto Magic Holdings (Pty) Ltd Postal address: 13 Lakeview Crescent, Kleinfontein Lake Office Park, Benoni, Gauteng, 1500 Phone: +27 (0)11 422 4710 Fax: +27 (0)86 602 7297 Web address: www.automagic.co.za E-mail: info@automaigc.co.za Product information: Offering years of panel beating experience, both our dent repair and auto repair craftsmen contribute to our overall specialised services.

Our numerous branches located around South Africa all offer the same unparalleled quality within various panel beating and auto repair services: • Bonnet, bumper and boot lid replacement and repair • Fender, door and headlight replacement and repair • Replacement and repair of all mag wheels • Hail damage repair • Rust spot damage repair • Spray painting and colour coding to all areas of the vehicle • Professional polishing to all surfaces.

ContinuitySA Physical address (head office): Unit 5, Growthpoint Business Park, corner Tonnetti and Old Pretoria Road, Midrand, 1685 Phone: +27 (0)11 554 8000 Fax: +27 (0)11 554 8150 Web address: www.continuitysa.co.za E-mail: info@continuitysa.co.za Product information: ContinuitySA is the leading business

continuity management company in Africa. ContinuitySA offers a complete business continuity management (BCM) solution which delivers fully managed ICT resilience, backup and recovery solutions, leveraging off an extensive nation-wide base of infrastructure, data centres, bandwidth and ICT capability. ContinuitySA has a proven record of handling a wide range of business interruptions and is strategically positioned to ensure your business stays in business.





ASSISTANCE SERVICES (cont.) Customer Loyalty Consultants Physical address (head office): 5 Equity Estate, Charles de Gaulle Crescent, Highveld, 0157 Phone: +27 (0)86 122 2252 Fax: +27 (0)86 293 5234 Web address: www.customerloyalty.co.za E-mail: karlah@customerloyalty.co.za Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Mutual & Federal Product information: Customer Loyalty Consultants provide UMA and broker support solutions.

Our services include: • 24-hour contact center • Emergency assistance products • Value added products • Broker support • Business systems • Claims administration • Third party claims administration • Marketing and design • Customised mobile App solutions. We are an authorised financial services provider.

The Automobile Association of South Africa (AASA) Postal address: PO Box 596, Johannesburg, 2000 Phone: +27 (0)11 799 1670 Fax: +27 (0)86 524 2251 Web address: www.aa.co.za E-mail: fleetcaresales@aasa.co.za Product information: Assisted services


• • • • • •

24-hour AA Mayday emergency medical rescue AA Road patrol roadside repair services Key lockout service Flat tyre change Fuel to reach a filling station AA Battery service including mobile battery sales

• •

in potentially dangerous circumstances ensuring safety of your vehicle, your employees and freight.

AA Recovery towing service (electrical and mechanical breakdowns) Message relay service.

Value added services • Motor-related legal services • Telephonic technical advise • A Travel – accommodation booking services • Road information and maps • Referral to AA quality assured repairers.

Medical help Whenever you need it through AA Mayday services ensuring you are never alone in any situation.

AA Fleetcare offers you: • On-the-spot mobility 95% of our roadside assists are repaired at the side of the road to get you moving fast. •

Stand By You Roadside security to wait with your driver and freight in the event of a breakdown




Fleetcare advert DPS advert 11/17/13 1:07 PM Page 1 C


r u o y n d a r o C f f a s t t n u e o i cl e with to b s cover? thi

Visit www.aa.co.za or call 011 799 1670 for more information 308












AA Fleetcare’s unique service offering gives you, the Insurer/Broker with a passenger, delivery or commercial clientbase, the peace-of-mind knowing you have superior roadside assistance guaranteed to keep them moving! AA Fleetcare offers you: •

On-the-spot mobility... 95% of our roadside assists are repaired at the side of the road to get your clients moving FAST.

Stand By You roadside security to wait with your client in the event of a breakdown in potentially dangerous circumstances ensuring the safety of their vehicle and freight.

Medical help whenever your client needs it through AA Mayday services ensuring they are never alone in any situation. 309


ASSISTANCE SERVICES (cont.) DriveRisk (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 12580, Benoryn, 1504 Phone: +27 (0)860 105 417 Fax: +27 (0)86 683 9519 Web address: www.drive-report.com E-mail: info@driverisk.com Product information: DriveRisk is a solutions company offering fleet owners and operators an extensive range of technically advanced products, dedicated human back-up teams and sophisticated predictive analytics to enable them to develop strategies to mitigate their on-road risk, protect their capital and human investment and improve their bottom line – seamlessly,

automatically, turning recorded data into easyto-implement actions needed to reduce fleet risks and operating costs. Products and services include: • DriveCam, powered by Lytx – an event-based incident recording system with an automated scientific analysis facility • DriveReport – a 24/7 on-the-road phone-in monitoring servicec • DriveTrac – vehicle tracking system • Vehicle recovery service • Around-the-clock programme management partnering • Professional training services • Review service • Authorised fitment centres.


Driv miti tech uns road a c com man leve

En 308


DriveCam’s proven technology offers insurers and fleet operators tangible benefits.

SUBSTANTIAL COLLISION CLAIMS COSTS REDUCTION PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS TO MEASURE RISK AND PREVENT UNDERWRITING LOSSES ONGOING DEVELOPMENT IN DRIVER SCIENCE SUBSTANTIAL FUEL & MAINTENANCE COSTS REDUCTION PROACTIVE SERVICE TO ASSIST CLIENTS IN MANAGING RISK AND IMPROVE THEIR BOTTOM LINE DriveCam,® the world’s leading fleet risk mitigation company combines cutting edge technology and analytics to predict and prevent unsafe driving, protect drivers, reduce onroad risk and operating costs. Much more than a camera monitoring device, Drivecam is a comprehensive, fully integrated driver behaviour management solution that offers unparalleled levels of risk identification and profiling.

And by protecting drivers and reducing risk, you’re increasing your bottom line. Use the proven past to protect your future with DriveCam, powered by Lytx,TM the only company that has analysed the driving behaviours of over 450,000 drivers in more than 950 fleets worldwide. Simply put, there’s nothing else quite like it.


Enquiries: 0860 105 417


www.drive-report.com 311


ASSISTANCE SERVICES (cont.) Europ Assistance South Africa Physical address (head office): 680 Joseph Lister Street, Valley View Office Park, Constantia Kloof, 1724 Phone: +27 (0)11 991 8000 Web address: www.europassistance.co.za E-mail: info@europassistance.co.za FSP licence number: 5001 Product information: Home and family – Europ Assistance SA is proud to be the most comprehensive home assistance services provider in South Africa. Our product offering and client base positions the company as a market leader in this industry. A single point of contact puts your members/employees in touch with a national network of relevant specialists, designed to make life simpler, more convenient and cost-effective. Automotive: Europ Assistance SA is a solid and established service provider with particular focus in the automotive and travel industry. What sets the service apart is the emphasis placed on the driver and passengers, in addition to the vehicle.


A single point of contact promotes mobility in every situation with members/employees connected to a national network of automotive and travel service providers, including insurers, car rental companies, car manufacturers and retail clubs. Health, medical and travel: Europ Assistance SA is recognised as a preferred supplier of 24hour emergency services, medical resources, trauma counselling and general health support. A single point of contact puts your members/employees in touch with innovative, personalised support solutions, including a national network of medical and emergency service providers, designed to make life healthier, safer and more convenient. Professional and outsourcing: Europ Assistance SA combines experience, technology and unequalled industry knowledge to ensure superior quality across its consulting services. Our professional team and proven system defines us as a preferred service provider in this market in Africa.






Global Choices Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 82 Wessel Road, Metropolitan Office Park, Block G, Rivonia, 2128 Phone: +27 (0)11 603 8133 Fax: +27 (0)11 807 4641 Web address: www.globalchoices.co.za E-mail: contact@globalchoices.co.za FSP licence number: 44544 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Global Choices is a value-added 24-hour assistance solutions company with expertise in the short-term and long-term insurance market, healthcare, retail and vehicle finance. Global Choices provides customised valueadded assistance and emergency services products, personalised to the requirements of brokers, underwriters and insurers. A full service claims and case management centre is housed at the head office in Rivonia, Johannesburg. This call centre is open 24 hours a day, all year and operates


as an extension of the clients brand with capacity to have specific protocols down to suburb level across all services. Through the use of technology, clients have the option to have all the services available by customisable Apps for use on smartphones and one touch panic buttons on all types and makes of handsets. Global Choices specialises in both proactive risk management products as well as reaction services creating value throughout the insurance products life cycle. Some of the product highlights include: • Roadside assistance and accident management • Commercial roadside assistance • Home assistance and geyser replacements • Home safe chauffeur • Crime assist • Mobile App – search for ‘Global Assist’ in your app store of choice • Intelligent panic.




Global Choices Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd is an authorized financial service provider, FSP #44544




Global Choices Total Funeral Care (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 82 Wessel Road, Metropolitan Office Park, Block G, Rivonia, 2128 Phone: +27 (0)11 603 8133 Fax: +27 (0)11 807 4641 Web address: www.totalfuneralcare.co.za E-mail: contact@globalchoices.co.za FSP licence number: 44544 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Global Choices Total Funeral Care provides a wide range of ‘life-coping’ services to funeral policyholders or employees of various companies when they are faced with challenges such as bereavement and sexual assault. At times like these, bereaved families or trauma

victims need a helping hand to guide them through the associated difficulties. These value added services are sold through a range of insurance policies, which cover major areas that touch people’s lives: body repatriation, funeral assistance, legal, transport, trauma, emergency and lifestyle. The covers are comprehensive, and are designed not just to cover the expenses involved, but also to provide critical assistance, advice and referral. Global Choices Total Funeral Care’s product range has evolved beyond emergency services to include assistance on the day-to-day hassles of life.

One Loyalty Rewards Physical address: Office 201, 202 & 203, 2nd Floor, Benmore Gardens Shopping Centre, corner Grayston Drive and Benmore Road, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196 Phone: +27 (0)11 291 7300 Fax: +27 (0)11 291 7309 Web address: www.oneloyaltyrewards.co.za E-mail: anthony@oneloyalty.co.za

• • •

Product information: One Loyalty Rewards specialises in developing all types of insurance mobile App solutions, tailoring of insurance underwriter, broker, staff, call centre, customer and corporate assist and lifestyle loyalty programmes. Mobile App services: All types of bespoke mobile App solutions – incorporating features like: • Instant access to emergency assist services


• •

Easy claims lodging at the scene of the accident with the ability to load incidentspecific photos and add the third party’s driver’s licence disk and vehicle licence disk details via a simple scanning functionality. Access to a panel of approved motor and home service providers Access to get directions to your nearest hospital, clinic and/or police station Seamless integration with your back-end systems and any other third party system. Weather notifications Vehicle and home valuations and much, much more!

Assist benefits: Panic SOS • Roadside assist • Medical assist • Trauma, assault and HIV assist • Home assist • Office assist • Claims assist • Legal assist • Crime assist • Disability assist cont 




Global Choices Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd is an authorized financial service provider, FSP #44544



• Funeral assist • Notification of loss • Tutor assist • Tax assist • Document assist • Home and convenience drive • Direction assist bicycle assist • Motorbike assist • 4x4 assist • Caravan and trailer assist • Boat assist • Heavy vehicle assist • Commercial assist • Agri assist • Trip monitor • Accident protect • Pothole protect • Fines protect • Licence protect • P.I. protect (private investigation) • Bail protect

Lifestyle benefits: Home • Car • Health • Travel • VIP Concierge • Kids • Lifestyle • Education and many more. Additional services: Mobi solutions • Customer relationship management • Value added solutions • Case management – insurance claims cards • Customer care lines • Household, geyser and resultant damage service.

The Affinity Group Postal address: PO Box 480, Sanlamhof, 7530 Phone: +27 (0)21 201 1233 Fax: +27 (0)86 425 0526 Web address: www.affinitygroup.co.za E-mail: liandra@affinitygroup.co.za Product information: The Affinity Group can rethink your Value Added Services offering and turn it into a multi-million rand year on year saving. To us, road side assistance is not just a service – it is an industry that we dream of completely revolutionising. The Affinity Group is driven to create revolutionary business success through synergistic thinking. We have spent a decade perfecting and developing a superior supplier network and Call Centre Management system,


that allows us to create significant value for our clients. As a result we can deliver top of the line value added products that will make a significant difference in our clients business and in the lives of their customers. We believe that we are more than a service provider, we see ourselves as your business success partners. Our 24-hour call centre operates seven days a week 365 days a year. Services we offer: • Roadside assistance and accident management service • Household assistance • Legal assistance • Medical assistance • Drink drive chauffeur services. We offer services on personal lines, commercial lines as well as heavy commercial lines covering Southern Africa.

One Loyalty Rewards specialises in customised insurance value-added services and the development of all types of Mobile App Solutions

We support integration into the following systems:

has made five unique solutions available to One Loyalty via their unique mobile scanning functionality or online web service: Valuation • Verification • Accident data • Test Drive • Quick Credit _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These Assist Services can be integrated into your app or supplied separately: Panic SOS • Roadside Assist • Medical Assist • Trauma, Assault & HIV Assist • Home Assist • Office Assist • Claims Assist • Legal Assist • Disability Assist • Crime Assist Funeral Assist • Notification of Loss • Tutor Assist • Tax Assist • Home & Convenience Drive • Direction Assist • Bicycle Assist • Motorbike Assist • 4x4 Assist • Caravan & Trailer Assist Boat Assist • Heavy Vehicle Assist • Commercial Assist • Agri Assist • Trip Monitor Accident Protect • Pothole Protect • Fines Protect • Licence Protect P.I. Protect (Private Investigation) • Bail Protect Office: +27 11 291 7300 Anthony Kotton: +27 82 784 4271 anthony@oneloyalty.co.za Ryan Grill: +27 82 552 8216 ryan@oneloyalty.co.za





CAR RENTALS AND VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INSURANCE First Car Rental Postal address: PO Box 521, Durban, 4000 Phone (head office): +27 (0)11 230 9999 Phone: +27 (0)861 1ST CAR / +27 (0)861 178 227 (24-hour call centre) Web address: www.firstcarrental.co.za E-mail: info@firstcarrental.co.za Product information: CMH Car Hire (Pty) Ltd T/A First Car Rental has more than 6 000 vehicles in use in South Africa and has 49 car rental branches, including branches at all major South African airports, business and tourist

destinations. Worldwide, we offer car hire in over 100 countries and 4 500 locations. The First Car Rental fleet ranges from no-frills models to top-of-the-range luxury cars. First Car Rental is listed as one of the top four car rental companies in South Africa, making us a formidable player in the car rental industry. First Car Rental provides affordable car hire in South Africa, so whether you’re planning a holiday, a selfdrive adventure or going on a business trip, we’ll provide a first-rate vehicle at a competitive rate.

Gage Car Hire Postal address: PO Box 787, Strathavon, 2031 Phone: +27 (0)11 282 3400 Fax +27 (0)11 783 1026 Web address: www.gagecarhire.co.za E-mail: info@gagecarhire.co.za Product information: With a focus solely on the insurance replacement market, Gage Car Hire ensures an efficient process of the rental between


insurer, administrator, broker, insured and car rental company. Gage Car Hire adopts a philosophy of striving for outstanding service quality, ensuring ongoing commitment to our client’s needs. Our main focus is to simplify the rental for all parties involved. Service provider: Europcar, Budget and Tempest.




CAR RENTALS AND VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INSURANCE (cont.) Global Choices Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 82 Wessel Road, Metropolitan Office Park, Block G, Rivonia, 2128 Phone: +27 (0)11 603 8133 Fax: +27 (0)11 807 4641 Web address: www.globalchoices.co.za E-mail: contact@globalchoices.co.za FSP licence number: 44544 Insurer/risk carrier/principal: Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (FSP 75) Product information: Motor replacement insurance Global Choices focuses on the insurance replacement market. We are authorised to provide both advice and intermediary


services in Category 1, short-term insurance personal lines and commercial lines. We provide innovative tailor-made value added insurance solutions, and packages at very competitive rates. We add more value and convenience to your insurance replacement products with our: • • • • • •

Home safe chauffeur services Motor crime incident assist Motor concierge services 24-hour accident assistance call centre Motor legal assistance services (RAF, pothole cover, fines, etc.) Accident assist mobile App and panic button.


Vehicle repl


Global Choices Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd is an authorized financial service provider, FSP #44544

Vehicle replacement advert A5H.indd 1


2014/11/01 1:18 PM


EDUCATION Centre for Financial Planning Law, University of the Free State Physical address (head office): Financial Planning Building, corner Sport and Dean Street, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 9301 Phone: +27 (0)51 401 2823 Fax: +27 (0)51 401 3733 Web address: www.ufs.ac.za/cfpl E-mail: mosheberengmf@ufs.ac.za

Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes available in financial planning: • •

• Product information: The Centre for Financial Planning Law is a leader in financial planning education and training. A variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in financial planning are presented by the centre, including the qualification required for Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®) Professional designation.

• •

B.Iuris with endorsement Financial Planning Law Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning (required for CFP® Professional designation) Postgraduate Diplomas in specialised fields of Financial Planning LL.M in Financial Planning Law LL.D in Financial Planning Law.

The University of the Free State, through its Centre for Financial Planning Law, was the first academic institution in South Africa to offer formal financial planning education and celebrated its 10-year existence in 2011.

Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) Physical address: Ground Floor, 37 Empire Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193


Phone: +27 (0)11 381 8900 Web address: www.inseta.org.za E-mail: insetacallcentre@inseta.org.za

Physical address (head office): Bellville Park Campus, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530 Phone: +27 (0)21 918 4482 Fax: +27 (0)21 918 4478 Web address: www.usb-ed.com E-mail: info@usb-edlcom Product information: USB Executive Development Ltd (USB-ED) is the public executive company within the University of Stellenbosch Business School. Our service offerings include open and customised executive development programmes for individuals and organisations, as well as strategic consulting.

USB-ED’s Centres of Excellence have been established to provide thought leadership and research in important focus areas. These include the Centre for Applied Entrepreneurship, the Centre for Business in Society, the Transnet Centre for Business Management of Projects and the Centre for Positive People @ Work. We also have offices in Gauteng and KZN. USB-ED management programmes are now also actively presented in 11 sub-Saharan African countries and executive development services in five other African countries.



USB Executive Development Ltd


GLASS SUPPLIERS Autoboys Physical address: 26 Genesis Boulevard, Crown Mines, Johannesburg, 2025 Phone: +27 (0)11 226 9000 Fax: +27 (0)11 226 9000 Web address: www.autoboysglass.co.za E-mail: glassclaims@autoboys.co.za

Grandmark Glass has been serving the automotive glass industry for the past 15 years, with annual global windscreen sales for 8 million units. Grandmark Glass undergoes many tests to ensure its glass meets stringent performance standards – whether for extreme weather conditions or safety reasons.

Product information: Autoboys – using Grandmark Glass – is a mobile glass fitment service. We come to you at a convenient time and location.

Insurance Approved. Quality Certified.

Commercial Auto Glass (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 34179, Jeppestown, 2043 Phone: +27 (0)861 57 57 57 Fax: +27 (0)11 493 6721 Web address: www.commercialautoglass.co.za E-mail: morne@commercialautoglass.co.za / gilo@commercialautoglass.co.za Product information: Commercial Auto Glass (Pty) Ltd is the sole importer and distributor of D.K.G Automotive Glass for cars, bakkies, taxis,

busses and trucks. We’re committed to quality workmanship, supplying a range of products that meet with the OEM and SABS standards. With more than 14 years in the industry, we are recognised as the preferred supplier of SABS approved automotive glass to the insurance and transport industry, major fleet holders and general public. CAG has seven branches nationwide ensuring we are where you need us!

National Auto Glass (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 205 Corobrick Street, Meadowdale, Johannesburg, 8428 Phone: +27 (0)11 723 9100 Fax: +27 (0)11 453 5508 Web address: www.nags.co.za E-mail: keith@naglass.co.za Product information: • National Auto Glass has been in operation since 1992. • National Auto Glass manufactures and distributes a wide range of high


quality windscreens for the Automotive Replacement Glass (ARG) market in South Africa. National Auto Glass has a wellestablished National Dealer Network of over 150 dealers to provide installation, insurance and support services to the ARG market. National Auto Glass has a fully integrated insurance claims management system capable of serving all the relevant needs of the insurance companies and their clients.





PG Glass (a division of the PG Group) Physical address (head office): AMR 3, Concorde Road East, Bedfordview, Gauteng, 2007 Phone: +27 (0)10 215 2700 Fax: +27 (0)10 215 2762 Web address: www.pgglass.co.za E-mail: hjones@pg.co.za Product information: As South Africa’s leading glass retailer, PG Glass provides a comprehensive service and range of products to its market including the

insurance industry, fleet customers, the building trade and individual customers via its network of more than 119 fitment centres and 200 mobile units countrywide. Product range: Shatterprufe® windscreens, Armourplate® side and rear window glass, Glass Medic® Chip repairs, LLumar® safety and security film, aluminium window frames, showers, sliding and patio doors and mirrors.

Windscreen Distributors (Pty) Ltd Postal address: Units 3 and 4 Pelican Park, Malcolm Moodie Crescent, Jet Park, Boksburg, 1459 Phone: +27 (0)11 397 8910 Fax: +27 (0)11 397 8679 Web address: www.windscreendistributors.co.za E-mail: marketing@windscreendistributors.co.za Product information: Windscreen Distributors is the sole distributor of the Fuyao brand in Southern Africa. We house nine distribution warehouses throughout Southern Africa: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Polokwane, Jet Park


(head office), Pretoria, Port Elizabeth, Nelspruit and Harare, Zimbabwe. Fuyao Motor Glass is recognised as the second-largest motor glass manufacturer in the world today and holds distinctive marks of quality being the DOT – North America, ECE – Europe, JIS – Japan, KS – Korea and the SABS. With this excellence behind the brand, leading insurance companies in South Africa have approved Fuyao for the safety and quality it embraces. 85 per cent of Fuyao’s productions are for the original equipment market (OEM). With this in mind, WD’s products are manufactured on the same standards and quality controls.




LEGAL, COMPLIANCE & PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SERVICES Masthead (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 1st Floor, Park Terraces, Mowbray Golf Park (off Raapenberg Road), Mowbray, Cape Town, 7700 Phone: +27 (0)21 686 3588 Fax: +27 (0)21 686 3589 Web address: www.masthead.co.za E-mail: info@masthead.co.za Product information: Masthead provides support services to financial service providers, both locally and abroad. These services consist of compliance, risk management, practice management and business intelligence, tailored to address the needs of businesses, ranging from small operations such as sole proprietors to large financial services institutions.

Our compliance and practice management services assist independent financial advisors (IFA’s) to comply with relevant legislation, become more profitable and build capital value in their businesses. For the larger financial services providers we offer a compliance monitoring service which makes it easier for big businesses to keep track of the compliance activities of their representatives. Our national footprint enables us to reach every location within our country and our sophisticated software allows us to combine the individual monitoring reports of each representative and provide consolidated feedback and analysis. We also offer practice management services to assist branches, franchises and representatives to adopt best business practice which drives better efficiencies and builds value.

Masthead Financial Planning Physical address (head office): 1st Floor, Park Terraces, Mowbray Golf Park (off Raapenberg Road), Mowbray, Cape Town, 7700 Phone: +27 (0)86 173 7858 Fax: +27 (0)86 242 4646 Web address: www.mastheadfp.co.za E-mail: info@mastheadfp.co.za FSP licence number: 43435


Product information: Masthead Financial Planning helps Independent Financial Advisors stay in business and deal with the many challenges they face, through our excellent platform and national infrastructure. By assuming key individual responsibilities, we offer advisors the best of both worlds – you operate under a single master licence, enjoy the benefits of business support, protection against advice risk, share in cost savings and build capital value for succession, but are still able to make independent decisions!




LEGAL, COMPLIANCE & PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SERVICES (cont.) Norton Rose Fulbright Physical address (Johannesburg office): Norton Rose Fulbright House, 15 Alice Lane, Sandton, 2146 Phone: +27 (0)11 685 8500 Fax: +27 (0)11 301 3313 Web address: www.nortonrosefulbright.co.za E-mail: donald.dinnie@nortonrosefulbright.com Product information: Norton Rose Fulbright is a global legal practice. We provide the world’s pre-eminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more than 3 800 lawyers based in over 50 cities across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Recognised for our industry focus, we are strong across all the key industry sectors: financial institutions; energy; infrastructure, mining and commodities; transport; technology and innovation; and life sciences and healthcare. Wherever we are, we operate in accordance with our global business principles of quality, unity and integrity. We aim to provide the highest possible standard of legal service in each of our offices and to maintain that level of quality at every point of contact. Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa (incorporated as Deneys Reitz Inc).

Stilus Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Physical address: Ground Floor, Corporate Place, 13 Mispel Road, Bellville, 7530 Phone:+27 (0)21 948 3585 Fax: +27 (0)21 948 4028 Web address: www.stilus-recoveries.co.za FSP licence number: 8783 Insurers/risk carriers/principal: Absa Risk Management Services Ltd Authorised Financial Service Provider.

Product information: Levy Recoveries – Bodies Corporate and H.O.A.’s: Registered Debt Collector Reg. No. 0063921/13 Specialised debt collection particularly for bodies corporate with minimum costs charged to levy defaulters. Enquiries welcomed for general debt collection at economical rates.



LOSS ADJUSTORS & ASSESSORS Associated Loss Adjusters CC Physical address: Unit 4, Ferndale Mews South, 15 Dover Street (corner Oak Avenue), Ferndale, Randburg, Johannesburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 886 1030 Fax: +27 (0)11 789 5310 Web address: www.alacc.com E-mail: alacc@iafrica.com Product information: We specialise in the investigation, evaluation and adjustment of short-term insurance claims, as well as reinsurance audits. We provide services to local and international insurers, intermediaries, underwriting agencies, attorneys and Lloyd’s syndicates throughout the African continent, including Madagascar, Mauritius and Reunion, the Comoros and the Seychelles. Our longevity and distinguished reputation as a market leader are built on commitment to: Independence – establishing the facts Professionalism – applying the right competencies Technical expertise – conducting thorough investigations Integrity – candor and transparency.

Censeo (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): 84 Regency Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Irene, 0157 Phone: + 27 (0)12 450 9300 Fax: + 27 (0)86 541 1697 Web address: www.censeo.co.za E-mail: info@censeo.co.za

Product information: Censeo (Pty) Ltd provides high-quality administration, assessing, verification and forensic services on a national basis to more than 120 underwriters, UMA’s and brokerages in the financial services industry in South Africa and some of the SADC countries. Our services include, among others: cont 



LOSS ADJUSTORS & ASSESsORS (cont.) Continued

Short-term insurance industry • General claims assessing, investigation and verification • Legal recoveries and collections • Vehicle accident damage quantification • Life industry • Funeral and hospital plan claims segmentation and investigation • Life, credit life and disability claims assessing and verification

Niche • Certified fraud examinations, investigation and prosecution • Forensic services – segmentation and risk determination through application of the layered voice analysis (LVA) • Client and staff credibility examinations • Stolen vehicle recovery/upliftment/ clearance/repatriation • Closed file post-claims audits and reviews • Fraud and corruption reporting

Chedza International Holdings (Pty) Ltd T/A Crawford & Company SA Physical address (head office): Crawford House, 17 Muswell Road South, Bryanston, Johannesburg, 2021 Phone: +27 (0)11 463 5900 Fax: +27 (0)11 463 5920 Web address: www.crawfordandcompany.co.za E-mail: richard.jackson@crawco.co.za Product information: The leading provider of professional loss adjusting and claims support services in subSaharan Africa. We are the African associate of Crawford and Company, a listed entity on the New York Stock Exchange, the world’s largest independent provider of claims management solutions with around 9 000 staff working in more than 700 locations in 63 countries. As Crawford and Company SA, our system of claims solutions offers a comprehensive integrated claims management system, GTS, business process outsourcing and consulting services. Our wealth of experience in global networking is partnered with an unsurpassed integration of local expertise in claims and region specific knowledge.


Our head office is located in Bryanston (Gauteng) with branches in Rosebank, Durban, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. Ownership: In 2006 Chedza purchased 25.1 per cent of Crawford and Company SA. In 2013 the shareholders decided that it would be in the best interest of Crawford & Company SA, its employees and shareholders to change its shareholding structure. As a result Chedza purchased the remaining 74.9 per cent of Crawford and Company SA leading to Crawford and Company SA becoming a truly South African owned company with a close link to Crawford and Company through our association agreement. The shareholders embarked on a journey where Crawford and Company transferred its skills to the local senior management team (SMT) in respect of all the services set out below in Crawford and Company SA’s system of claims. This eight-year process has been highlighted as a benchmark of true transformation in this sector. Prior to this Crawford and Company SA only specialised in loss adjusting services.

Chedza assisted the SMT team by introducing them to new clients and promoting the extended service offerings.

Chedza International Holdings (Pty) Ltd is a broad-based black economic empowerment (B–BBEE) company, 32.50 per cent black women owned and a level 3 contributor to B-BBEE.

Business process outsourcing/TPA • Claim administration • Debt collecting • Medical management and malpractice claims • Third party administration • Global programmes • Product warranty.

Our services: Global technical services • Property (construction and building risk) • Engineering • Mining • Transportation • Business interruption • Liability/casualty • Power and energy

Small commercial/personal lines/home owners Claims handling.

Consulting • Forensic audits • Educational services • Legal • Business rescue • Employment equity, skills development, BBBEE.





Panel beaters Auto Magic Holdings (Pty) Ltd Postal address: 13 Lakeview Crescent, Kleinfontein Lake Office Park, Benoni, Gauteng, 1500 Phone: +27 (0)11 422 4710 Fax: +27 (0)86 602 7297 Web address: www.automagic.co.za E-mail: info@automagic.co.za Product information: Offering years of panel beating experience, both our dent repair and auto repair craftsmen contribute to our overall specialised services.

Our numerous branches located around South Africa all offer the same unparalleled quality within various panel beating and auto repair services: • Bonnet, bumper and boot lid replacement and repair • Fender, door and headlight replacement and repair • Replacement and repair of all mag wheels • Hail damage repair • Rust spot damage repair • Spray painting and colour coding to all areas of the vehicle • Professional polishing to all surfaces.

PATHOLOGY TogaLabs Physical address (head office): TogaLabs, corner Sheri Lane and Shelton Avenue, Harmelia Wellness Institute, Harmelia, Edenvale, 1610 Phone: +27 (0)11 663 6300 Fax: +27 (0)86 638 2283 Web address: www.togalab.co.za E-mail: roselynn@togalabs.co.za or marketing@togalabs.co.za


Product information: Laboratory pathology services, blood and specimen testing, reporting, counselling and research. TogaLabs is staffed by highly qualified clinical virologists, microbiologist, scientists and technologists, whose knowledge and skills combine to keep TogaLabs at the forefront of South Africa’s drive to address the HIV pandemic and other infectious and pathology related testing.

Gaute Crown Gezina Menlyn Pretori Sandto Strijdo North Mpum Kwazu Durba New G Pinetow Free S Limpo Easter Weste Maitla

SERVICE PROVIDERS Gauteng | Alberton, Tel: 011 613 6161 ; Benoni, Tel: 011 421 1326 ; Bruma, Tel: 011 621 2700; Centurion, Tel: 012 661 1003 ; Crown Mines, Tel: 011 837 2382; East Rand Mall, Tel: 011 826 6446; Edenvale, Tel: 011 452 1863; Germiston, Tel: 011 454 0240; Gezina, Tel: 012 335 0400; Honeydew, Tel: 011 794 8964 ; Jhb Central, Tel: 011 493 9911; Krugersdorp, Tel: 011 660 2359; Menlyn, Tel: 012 348 5007 ; Midrand, Tel: 011 312 1133 / 1162 ; Montana, Tel: 012 548 1414; New Doornfontein, Tel: 011 402 1833/5 ; Pretoria West: 012 327 7065 ; Randburg, Tel: 011 792 3932 ; Rivonia, Tel: 011 234 3602 ; Roodepoort, Tel: 011 766-2588 / 2737 ; Sandton, Tel: 011 262 5704 Silverton, Tel: 012 803 7944/9903 ; Springs, Tel:011 811 3085; Stafford, Tel: 011 683 3398 ; Strijdom Park - Randburg, Tel: 011 791 4292 ; Vereeniging, Tel: 016 422 9777; Zambesi, Tel: 012 808 3720 ; North West | Potchefstroom, Tel: 018 294 5525 ; Rustenburg, Tel: 014 592 8101/8149; Mpumalanga | Middleburg, Tel: 013 243 2534; Nelspruit, Tel: 013 752 3832; Secunda, Tel: 017 638 1044/1413; Witbank, Tel: 013 692 5475. Kwazulu Natal | Ballito, Tel: 032 947 1844 ; Empangeni, Tel: 035 787 1627; Durban, Tell: 031 902 9534; Durban Central, Tel: 031 368 2108/9 ; Durban North, Tel: 031 579 5140 ; Kokstad, Tel: 039 727 3123 ; Ladysmith, Tel: 036 633 1114 ; Marburg, Tel: 039 682 3317; New Germany, Tel: 031 701 1192 ; New Doornfontein, Tel: 011 402 1833/5; Pietermaritzburg, Tel: 033 386 4408 / 9 ; Pinetown, Tel: 031 700 1474 / 1659 ; Free State | Bloemfontein, Tel: 051 432 7399 / 8409 ; Welkom, Tel: 057 357 1292/3 Limpopo| Tzaneen, Tel: 015 307 2262 ; Polokwane, Tel: 015 293 0982 Eastern Cape | Chiselhurst, Tel: 043 705 8400 ; East London, Tel: 043 705 8400 ; Port Elizabeth, Tel: 041 368 8550; Western Cape | Bellville, Tel: 021 949 0342 / 3 ; Blue Route, Tel: 021 701 1355 / 1374; George, Tel: 044 878 2861; Maitland, Tel: 021 511 6449 ; Montague Gardens, Tel: 021 552 7058 ; Parow, Tel: 021 930 3227; Somerset West, Tel: 021 850 0096.



PATHOLOGY (cont.) W.H.I.P.S Physical address (head office): L22 Aero Centre, corner Atlas and Temple-hoff Suid Road, Boanero Park, Kempton Park,1619 Phone: +27 (0)10 591 4408 Fax: +27 (0)86 586 1623 Web address: www.whips.co.za E-mail: chanel@whips.co.za Product information: WHIPS is a reputable mobile nursing service registered with the relevant legal and statutory bodies. We offer extensive coverage with a National footprint in South Africa, offering a range of services specifically aligned to the insurance industry. With more than a decade’s worth of solid experience in the industry we are familiar with it’s specific requirements and service level expectations.


WHIPS is committed to providing a first class service of professionalism, reliability, confidentiality and convenience to our valued client. If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to assist. WHIPS’ mission is to provide a refreshing high standard of professional, ethical and confidential mobile nursing service to the South African corporate and community, in support of and to enhance the value-added services offered.

One Loyalty Rewards Physical address: Office 201, 202 & 203, 2nd Floor, Benmore Gardens Shopping Centre, corner Grayston Drive and Benmore Road, Sandton, Johannesburg Phone: +27 (0)11 291 7300 Fax: +27 (0)11 291 7309 Web address: www.oneloyaltyrewards.co.za E-mail: anthony@oneloyalty.co.za Product information: One Loyalty Rewards specialises in developing all types of insurance mobile App solutions, tailoring of insurance underwriter, broker, staff, call centre, customer and corporate assist and lifestyle loyalty programmes. Mobile App services: All types of bespoke mobile App solutions – incorporating features like: • Instant access to emergency assist services • Easy claims lodging at the scene of the accident with the ability to load incidentspecific photos and add the third party’s driver’s licence disk and vehicle licence disk details via a simple scanning functionality • Access to a panel of approved motor and home service providers • Access to get directions to your nearest hospital, clinic and/or police station • Seamless integration with your back-end systems and any other third-party system • Weather notifications • Vehicle and home valuations and much, much more!

• Tutor assist • Tax assist • Document assist • Home and convenience drive • Direction assist bicycle assist • Motorbike assist • 4x4 Assist • Caravan and trailer assist • Boat assist • Heavy vehicle assist • Commercial assist • Agri assist • Trip monitor • Accident protect • Pothole protect • Fines protect • Licence protect • P.I. protect (private investigation) • Bail protect. Lifestyle benefits: Home • Car • Health • Travel • VIP Concierge • Kids • Lifestyle • Education and many more. Additional services: Mobi solutions • Customer relationship management • Value added solutions • Case management – insurance claims cards • Customer care lines • Household, geyser and resultant damage service.

Assist benefits: Panic SOS • Roadside assist • Medical assist • Trauma, assault and HIV assist • Home assist • Office assist • Claims assist • Legal assist • Crime assist • Disability assist • Funeral assist • Notification of loss





PREMIUM COLLECTIONS Fulcrum Group (Pty) Ltd Postal address (head office): PO Box 849, Riverclub, 2149 Phone: +27 (0)10 001 2860 Fax: +27 (0)10 001 2859 Web address: www.thefulcrumgroup.co.za E-mail: info@thefulcrumgroup.co.za FSP licence number: 44128 FSP Collections licence number: 17795 Product information: The Fulcrum Group offers flexible finance solutions and works as a one-stop shop for the insurance industry through our focus areas of premium financing, collections, specialist financing, treasury and an insurance management system. Fulcrum Collections Through our payment system we are able to offer brokers a personalised, electronic debit order service. Our IGF guarantee allows us to collect the premiums on behalf of our clients, disburse commissions and fees to brokers, and pay premiums to insurers and other approved parties. Fulcrum Collections has established relationships with all major insurance companies, thus catering for clients with books of business underwritten by multiple insurers. For a quote, please contact Lizelle van der Merwe on +27 (0)10 001 2865 or lizellem@thefulcrumgroup.co.za. Fulcrum Finance 1. Premium finance This service is tailored around corporate and commercial clients who wish to finance their annual short-term insurance premiums. Premium financing is a premium banking alternative, which enables our clients to pay their annual insurance

premiums on a monthly basis at competitive rates. The premium financing facility provided by Fulcrum Finance is one of the most competitive and flexible funding solutions offered within the debt marketplace. We offer fixed, competitive rates (no increase over the term of the loan) and flexible funding structures (repayments can be tailored to our clients’ cash flows.) Entities that use any form of debt and have the ability to, or currently take out annual insurance policies payable in advance, should enquire with their broker about this offering. 2. Specialist lending Fulcrum offers specialist lending to both the short-term and life insurance markets. There are two focus areas in our specialist lending division: 2.1. Acquisition finance Broker acquisition finance – we assist brokers with innovative and flexible financing arrangements, to enable them to acquire brokerages or books of business Management buyout funding – with succession planning becoming a very important aspect of a brokerage and UMA, we provide capital for management within an entity to acquire shareholding. 2.2. Solvency relief finance Solvency relief – with the imminent introduction of Solvency Assessment and Management (SAM), coupled with increasing challenges around accessing capital, we offer accounts receivable funding facilities for insurers and UMAs. This service allows the insurer to receive cash up front, thus alleviating any solvency strain that may occur due to the long-term nature of its underlying debtor’s book(s) Statutory solvency funding – we assist insurers or UMAs that require certain cont 



F ulcrum


The Fulcrum Group SA





capital requirements under SAM legislation. Fulcrum offers structured funding solutions to capitalise an insurer’s balance sheet, and help facilitate insurance premium growth. 3. Working capital funding We enable brokers and UMAs to grow their businesses and take advantage of new opportunities, by helping plan and manage everyday cash flows. We assist certain brokers and UMAs with their clients’ working capital needs, by paying their claims up front and assisting them with the lengthy payment cycle associated with the payout by underwriters of large claims. For a quote, please contact Devan Kerr on +27 (0)10 110 2898 or devank@thefulcrumgroup.co.za. Fulcrum Treasury Fulcrum Treasury specialises in asset management of insurance-related markets. Through Fulcrum Treasury, we help increase the yield on our client’s cash holdings without increasing the risk profile. Proprietary models, years of experience, and dealings with the top five banks ensure that Fulcrum Treasury optimises yield and matches the investment to the cash flow needs of our


clients. There are no third party risks – all the accounts are in your name, and all transactions are directly between you and the bank. Fulcrum was approved by the FSB as a CAT II FSP – FSP 44128 on 13 September 2012. For a quote, please contact Danie Berrange on +27 (0)10 001 2863 or danieb@thefulcrumgroup.co.za. Fulcrum Technology On 1 September 2014, Fulcrum acquitted a majority stake in FlexiBroker. Web-based FlexiBroker enables management of all aspects of your business: binders and mandates; policy management; financials; claims administration; communications; document management; management information; and data sharing with insurers. The Flexibroker Application is a dynamic and powerful application, with 24/7 access that enhances a client’s experience with a broker. The Flexibroker system is fully-integrated, webbased and enables management of all aspects of your business – binders and mandates, policy management, financials, claims, administration, communications, document management and management information, as well as data sharing with insurers. And all this in a FAIS-compliant, paperless environment.




PREMIUM COLLECTIONS (cont.) Insure Group Managers Limited Physical address (head office): IOM House, 6 St. Giles Street, Randburg, 2125 Phone: +27 (0)11 449 6800 Fax: +27 (0)11 781 7811 Web address: www.insuregroup.co.za E-mail: marketing@insuregroup.co.za FSP licence number: 45351 Product information: Having been in operation for more than 20 years, Insure Group Managers has a strategic


focus on financial services for the South African short-term insurance market, providing premium collection management, premium financing, niche financial services and tailored treasury arrangements (including market specific foreign exchange needs). The complimentary range of services is geared towards the dynamics of its vibrant target market. Insure Group Managers is an independent financial services company, which has proven to be successful in providing confidential, reputable and secure relationships with all industry stakeholders.

Excel Recovery Services (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Unit 15, Garsfontein Office Park, 645 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042 Phone: +27 (0)86 111 3826 Fax: +27 (0)86 511 3964 Web address: www.excelrs.co.za E-mail: info@excelrs.co.za Product information: Excel Recovery Services (Pty) Ltd is a specialist in third party recovery and liability claims. We assist in the management of loss ratio. With our specialised knowledge of dilectual liability

in motor law, we assure you of excellent recovery ratios and savings on liability claims. The ERS internet-based reporting system is unique in design and use. By means of this system, our clients can access the progress of any recovery/liability at any time via the Internet. They can also generate reports for own use from this system. The system allows the main user access to all claims, while subsidiaries only have access to their specific claims. Our team consists of attorneys, trained recovery agents and investigators.





SALVAGE Auction Nation Physical address (head office): 24 Pomona Road, Kempton Park, 1619 Phone: +27 (0)861 028 948 Fax: +27 (0)861 028 948

Web address: www.auctionnation.co.za E-mail: errol.levin@auctionnation.co.za Product information: Salvage auction and wholesalers.

Dynamic Salvage Management Physical address (head office): 9 Smollent Street, corner Eloff Street, Ext Selby, Johannesburg, 2001 Phone: +27 (0)11 493 5101 Fax: +27 (0)11 493 2843 Web address: www.dsm.co.za E-mail: shane@dsm.co.za Product information: Buy and sell accident and stolen and recovered vehicles.

TELEMATICS Altech Netstar Physical address (head office): Central Park Offices, Block O, 16th Road, Midrand, Johannesburg, 1685 Phone: +27 (0)11 207 5000 Fax: +27 (0)11 315 6190 Web address: www.netstar.altech.co.za E-mail: ts@netstar.altech.co.za Product information: Altech Netstar pioneered the stolen vehicle tracking and recovery industry in SA in 1994, and is the market leader in terms of size, product range, and an unsurpassed private recovery infrastructure. Altech Netstar employs over 800 people, based at its head office in Midrand,

regional offices in Durban and Cape Town and branches in Port Elizabeth, Rustenburg, Richards Bay, Newcastle, Witbank, Bloemfontein, Polokwane and Nelspruit. Over 10 000 Altech Netstar tracking systems are installed per month, through a network of over 100 fitment centres around the country. With its footprint extending into Southern Africa and its exclusive ground and air recovery teams, Altech Netstar is able to recover vehicles in an average time of less than an hour. Without having to rely on the SAPS, Altech Netstar can respond immediately and, where possible, hand the recovered vehicle directly back to the owner.


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Bidtrack (Pty) Ltd Physical address (head office): Corner Equinox and Meridian Drive, Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga, 4319 Phone: +27 (0)31 582 2000 Fax: +27 (0)31 566 3539 Web address: www.bidtrack.co.za E-mail: info@bidtrack.co.za Product information: Bidtrack is proudly part of the Bidvest Group, one of South Africa’s top listed companies on the JSE. We specialise in next generation tracking technology to give your family and assets the best protection possible. We recover stolen vehicles valued at over R60 million every year. Our fleet management systems deliver exceptional gains in staff and

vehicle productivity and will help reduce your running costs and increase efficiency. The key to this success is our technology. True satellite coverage and a national network of 7 000 GSM towers covering over one million square kilometres facilitates constant two-way communication between Bidtrack devices and our 24-hour control centre. This enables us to pinpoint vehicles around the clock. Where other tracking systems rely on dated technology, Bidtrack uses next generation GSM technology in conjunction with true satellite positioning. Our dedicated and elite recovery teams with nationwide helicopter support are on 24-hour standby.

Ctrack Vehicle Tracking Physical address (head office): Ctrack Building, 9 Regency Drive, R21 Corporate Business Park, Irene, Centurion, 0062 Phone: +27 (0)86 033 3444 Fax: +27 (0)12 450 2497 Web address: www.ctrack.co.za E-mail: telesales@ctrack.co.za Product information: Vehicle tracking, insurance telematics and

fleet management solution with stolen vehicle responses services for individuals, brokers and insurance companies. Offering a host of vehicle tracking and monitoring capabilities, Ctrack’s products have been designed with high levels of functionality and manufactured using quality components in South Africa to give safety and security for vehicles, families and businesses, all contributing to greater peace of mind and convenience.

GRiP (Geo-Risk information Platforms) Postal address: St Andrews Building, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West, 7130 Phone: +27 (0)82 444 7722 / +27 (0)21 300 0060 Web address: www.gripcompany.co.za E-mail: peter@gripcompany.co.za


Product information: GRiP IRiS (imagery and risk information systems) GRiP AVS (address validation service) GRiP SpatialKey (spatial analytics) GRiP SAVi (property size, aerial imagery, valuations and information platform).






Keep your clients and their families, Always Visible. With the ability to monitor a vehicle’s location via SMS and real-time tracking applications on a smartphone, tablet or computer, keeping the family visible throughout any journey is child’s play. So do your part and recommend a Ctrack tracking system to your clients today. 0860 333 444 • telesales@ctrack.co.za • www.ctrack.co.za

Always Visible



TELEMATICS (cont.) Oakhurst Insurance Company Limited Physical address (head office): 127A York Street, George, 6530 Phone: +27 (0)11 826 4182 Fax: +27 (0)11 826 4182 Web address: www.oakhurstins.co.za E-mail: brokers@oakhurstins.co.za FSP licence number: 39925 Product information: Oakhurst is a motor specialist insurer who focuses on good driver insurance through brokers. Oakhurst offers tailormade vehicle insurance solutions for a

variety of target markets, including general motor insurance cover, taxi cover and heavy commercial vehicle cover. What makes Oakhurst especially unique is their Good Driver Program facilitated by the Oakhurst Smart-Box (a telematics device). This program focuses on rewarding clients for good driving behaviour with their Good Driver Bonus giving clients up to 25 per cent of their monthly premium cash back per month.* *Terms and conditions apply. Risk profile dependent.

Tracetec (Pty) Ltd Postal address: PO Box 3761, Honeydew, 2040 Phone: +27 (0)11 793 5341 Fax: +27 (0)86 242 2305 Web address: www.tracetec.net E-mail: info@tracetec.net

Product information: Tracetec supplies a wireless recovery device based on RF technology as well as fleet management products.

Tracker Postal address: Stonemill Office Park, 340 Republic Road, Darrenwood, Johannesburg, 2194 Phone: +27 (0)11 380 0300 Fax: +27 (0)11 215 8900 Web address: www.tracker.co.za E-mail: spage@tracker.co.za Product information: Tracker has been South Africa’s leading vehicle tracking company since the 1990s. While vehicle tracking and Stolen Vehicle Recovery (SVR) remains the company’s core business, the Tracker of today has evolved into a highly sophisticated technological company offering leading edge fleet management and telematics solutions to both individuals and organisations throughout Southern Africa. Tracker has


developed important relationships with the insurance industry, vehicle manufacturers and dealerships as well as fitment centres and finance institutions. It also benefits from a formal partnership with the SAPS. By combining world-class products and services and feeding intelligent and accurate information back to both individual customers and businesses alike, Tracker believes that it can truly improve the lives of South Africans in ways that extend beyond only vehicle recovery. By arresting thousands of criminals, saving hundreds of lives, and preventing scores of future crimes from ever happening, Tracker is and always will be a powerful force for good in South Africa dedicated to bringing down crime and Taking Back Tomorrow for all its people.




reputation Luka Vrakar


Social media and cyber-attacks have been singled out as one of the biggest threats to company reputation. This has led to 91 per cent of African companies changing the way they approach reputation management over the past three years. Cyber insurance could help mitigate the consequences of reputational damage. In 2014, Meerendal Wine Estate came under fire through an online boycott, owing to their use of elephants in their wine making process. In fact, Meerendal had developed a solid foreign market using the ‘Pressed by Elephants’ tagline, and had applied to create an elephant tourist attraction. However, the boycott, led through popular social media platform, Facebook, accused Meerendal of mistreating the animals. In June, Meerendal stated that they would stop their ‘Pressed by Elephants’ trademark application and announced that they did not want to be associated with any project that would cast doubt over their reputation. Insurance does not cover the consequential losses as a result of damage to company reputation, because those things that get damaged, like loss in market share or a drop in stock price, cannot be quantified. Yet, innovation and technology contribute to these risks in the form of social media and cybercrime, and other technological advances which serve as disruptive if strategy and objectives are not prepared to evolve. Should a company be attacked in a way that damages their reputation, their option could be to take action under a typical liability policy, which may include the libel, slander, and defamation of character in its definition of injury. But this does not cover the aftermath of damage to reputation.

Deloitte recently published the results of a global risk survey of more than 300 senior managers and executives and included insights from all five major industry sectors: Consumer and industrial products; life sciences and healthcare; technology, media and telecommunications; energy; and financial services. According to the results, 50 per cent of companies from the African region considered social media and cyber-attacks to be the greatest risk to their businesses. Globally, the financial services considered cyber-attacks, data mining and analytics, and cloud computing as threats. A report by Norton in 2012 indicated that cybercrime had cost South Africa R2.65 billion.

Cyber cover “Social media is a really good recent example of how customer dissatisfaction can quickly impact an organisation. In the past [should something happen] you could worry about it over months, now it could happen over a weekend, get into the press almost instantly, and become a major issue for the company,” says Mark Victor, risk advisory director at Deloitte. According to Natalie van de Coolwijk, managing director of CyGeist, cyber cover provides cover for the cost incurred to contract a public relations campaign, which


Risk management

could aid in minimising the reputational damage done to the affected company. “Cyber insurance also covers other actions taken by the company to try and mitigate the consequences of a cyber-attack or a data breach. When the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) is fully in place, a company will have to send out notifications to clients and other third parties when they have been affected by a breach, and the content in those notifications is critical, because if you are able to alleviate their fears, that should already assist in reducing the potential consequences,” adds van de Coolwijk. The policy would cover the cost of any remediation services that the policyholder would like to offer the affected parties. For example, if financial information has fallen into the wrong hands and been compromised, the policyholder might want to offer the affected party credit monitoring services for the next six months to a year. “So all of the steps that cyber cover takes in responding to the data breach will effectively pick up all of those costs and goes a fairly long way to protect the affected company’s reputation. Those are at least measurable costs that the company will incur, and hence they would be able to be covered by the policy,” says van de Coolwijk.


After the global financial crisis of 2008, financial services had to enter crisis control to ensure their reputations could survive the subsequent fallout of recession and downturn of the market. Deloitte’s report indicates that financial services had considered reputational risk as its main concern three years ago, and it continues to be today. “Organisations now have to focus a lot more heavily on protecting their brand, and protecting market share. The impact of reputation has a far greater impact on organisations. The vulnerability of organisations is much higher right now, than possibly when it was in a bull economy and a bull market,” says Victor. Even with the need for ensuring reputation is well regarded, the Deloitte Risk Survey report shows that while African and local companies have implemented changes in the management of reputation, the trend is one of increasing the monitoring of these channels, which is not enough. The Americas, as well as Asia and the Pacific have increased the number of executives and heads of business to risk management, and over half of the American companies surveyed say that they monitor strategic risk continuously. “There needs to be a more formalised and structured approach than what I believe is taking place; and that is both in reacting, so that something that happens is monitored, and then dealt with proactively. To manage

reputation is to consider both sides; the negative impact on the business, but also the positive impact of the brand. If you are positively driving reputation, then you are effectively increasing brand awareness and increasing value to your organisation,” explains Victor.

Moral hazard Social media provides unmatched communication and stakeholder engagement, and it allows companies to know what their customers are saying about them, thereby bettering services. Social media, however, is temperamental in the sense that its users cannot be controlled or handled internally as with other, more traditional, operational or financial risks. This makes it responsible for being the top concern for reputational risk for companies across the globe, as it enables continuous and uninterrupted communication from the public.

on your reputation, so reputation is on the borderline. The problem is that it involves the human element, and often the biggest risk for many companies is the employees. People are uncontrollable,” concludes van de Coolwijk. Cyber risk insurance is relatively new to South Africa. Risk is high, not just of the possible damage to reputation through online channels, but of cyber-attacks and data losses. Certain elements of cyber cover policies make it possible to mitigate reputational risk, and brokers should ensure they are informed of the scope of those policies currently available. Furthermore, companies need to implement a structured strategy and dedicate more employees to monitor and, therefore reduce, the risk of reputational damage.

“The biggest problem with reputation is that it is more of a business risk than an insurable risk. An insurable risk, to a large degree, is outside the control of the policyholder. And a lot of the actions you take do have an impact

Advice for brokers The South African insurance market is highly regulated, so clients’ interests are definitely protected. Factors to consider when buying a cyber-insurance policy are as follows: • Understand the company’s current insurance coverage to identify any potential gaps. • Evaluating the need for cyber coverage is not a one-man job. Involve relevant stakeholders within the organisation (such as leaders from IT, risk management, privacy, compliance and legal departments). • Make sure to complete the application form correctly to avoid any disputes arising at claims stage. • Ask the insurer about the value-added services they offer and make use of these to manage risk. • Agree with the insurer upfront on the panel of service providers to be used in the event of a breach. • Understand how to integrate the insurance claims process with internal breach response.


UMA COMPANY LISTINGS AC and E PI & Liability Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P53 Broad-form liability cover P72 Construction and engineering insurance P96 Engineering risks and engineering insurance P196 Professional indemnity insurance

P170 Motorcycles and quad bikes P174 Motor – niche/special requirements P188 Personal lines P235 Taxi insurance

Ad Ultimum Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd P64 Commercial insurance P186 Personal lines

Aquarius Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P218 Specialised domestic insurance

Advantage MotorPlan (Pty) Ltd (Hollard) P179 Motor warranties/mechanical breakdown Aeronautica Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P40 Aviation African Motor Underwriters P171 Motor fleet African Rand Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P36 Agriculture and farming P64 Commercial insurance P155 Livestock Airspace Africa Underwriters P40 Aviation Alternative Commercial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd P36 Agriculture and farming P65 Commercial insurance P142 Hospitality and leisure industry P216 Specialised domestic insurance

AnimalSure Administrators (Pty) Ltd P246 Wildlife (game) insurance

Artinsure Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P40 Art, antiques and collectibles P192 Photographic equipment Ascent Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P143 Hospitality and leisure industry P152 Leisure industry P241 Tourism insurance Associated Marine P122 Goods in transit/inland transit P147 Hull insurance P160 Marine and special risks P161 Marine cargo AutoTrade Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P178 Motor traders Azriel Aero Aviation Underwriting Managers P41 Aviation Beyonda Group (Pty) Ltd P112 Excess insurance P122 Goods in transit

Ambledown Financial Services (Pty) Ltd P132 Health and accident

C&G Renew Risk (Pty) Ltd P207 Renewable energy

Anchor Risk Management (Pty) Ltd P187 Personal lines

C&G Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P74 Construction and engineering insurance

Anderson Insurance Underwriting Managers CC P140 Homeowners’ insurance

C & G Guarantees (Pty) Limited P76 Construction and retention guarantees P82 Contract guarantees


Camargue Underwriting Managers P44 Bankers’ blanket bonds P50 Body corporate and sectional title P54 Broad-form liability cover P65 Commercial insurance P87 Cyber liability P92 Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance P95 Employment practices liability P106 Environmental impairment liability P116 Fidelity guarantee P121 General and broad-form liability P158 Malpractice (allied health professionals) P159 Management liability P166 Medical malpractice insurance P168 Misappropriation of trust funds insurance P195 Product guarantee/recall P198 Professional indemnity insurance P211 Sectional title P214 Security liability Captive Business Consultants (Pty) Ltd P134 Heavy commercial vehicle cover Cara-Sure P153 Leisure industry CIA Commercial & Industrial Acceptances (Pty) Ltd P50 Body corporate and sectional title P56 Building insurance P140 Homeowners’ insurance P211 Sectional title P226 Specialised insurance for buildings CIB Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd P56 Building insurance P66 Commercial insurance P188 Personal lines

Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Limited P86 Credit insurance P242 Trade credit Cross Country Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd P162 Marine risks P170 Motorcycles and quad bikes P228 Specialised insurance for 4x4 owners CyGeist P88 Cyber liability Dealers Indemnity (Pty) Ltd P78 Consumer protection insurance Devereux Marine cc P163 Marine risks Echelon Private Client Solutions P220 Specialised domestic insurance Emerald Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd P83 Corporate property and engineering insurance Empire Insurance Administrators P174 Motor – niche/special requirements Envirosure Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P108 Environmental impairment liability Eton Road Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd (ERUM) P76 Construction and retention guarantees P100 Engineering risks and engineering insurance

Clarendon Transport Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P235 Taxi insurance

F&I P66 Commercial insurance P116 Factory and Industrial P143 Hospitality and leisure industry

Consort Technical Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P98 Engineering risks and engineering insurance

FDM Engineering Underwriting Proprietary Limited P100 Engineering risks and engineering insurance


UMA COMPANY LISTINGS Film & Entertainment Underwriters SA (Pty) Ltd P117 Film producers’ indemnity/Film and entertainment Firedart Engineering Underwriting Managers P74 Construction and engineering insurance P102 Engineering risks and engineering insurance FMI P94 Disability and life P148 Income protection Frontline Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P228 Specialised small commercial business Garagesure Consultants and Acceptances (Pty) Ltd P119 Fuel guarantee and filling station cover Gem & Jewel Acceptances (Pty) Ltd P149 Jewellers’ block General & Professional Liability Acceptances P167 Medical malpractice insurance P198 Professional indemnity insurance Genlib CC P54 Broad-form liability cover P92 Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance P108 Environmental impairment liability P113 Excess of loss liability P122 Goods in transit/inland transit P161 Marine cargo P172 Motor fleet P184 Personal accident P198 Professional indemnity insurance Goldfield Insurance Administration cc P122 Goods in transit/inland transit P134 Heavy commercial vehicle cover


GS Guarantee Specialists P86 Credit insurance Guarantee & Insurance Solutions (A division of Phoenix Risk Solutions) P76 Construction and retention guarantees Hamba Kahle Underwriting Managers P176 Motor – niche/special requirements Health and Accident Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P121 Gap cover (Niche) P132 Health and accident Heavy Commercial Vehicle Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd (HCV)© P244 Truck (heavy commercial vehicle) hic Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P45 Bed & breakfast and guesthouse insurance P62 Commercial and industrial risks P144 Hospitality and leisure industry P154 Leisure industry P172 Motor fleet P210 Schools P212 Sectional title P238 Thatch risk P242 Tourism insurance Horizon Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P161 Marine cargo P164 Marine risks Hospitality & Leisure Underwriters (Pty) Ltd P144 Hospitality and leisure industry IBG Underwriting Managers Proprietary Limited P200 Professional indemnity insurance Ibiliti Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P67 Commercial insurance P113 Excess insurance Impac Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P179 Motor warranties/mechanical breakdown

Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P37 Agriculture and farming P46 Bed & breakfast and guesthouse insurance P52 Body corporate and sectional title P57 Buses (Passenger Transport Vehicle Insurance) P62 Commercial and industrial risks P67 Commercial insurance P102 Engineering risks and engineering insurance P120 Fuel guarantee and filling station cover P124 Goods in transit/inland transit P130 Hauliers combination insurance P134 Heavy commercial vehicle cover P141 Homeowners’ insurance P154 Leisure industry P170 Motorcycles and quad bikes P172 Motor fleet P178 Motor traders P210 Schools P215 Self-insurance P243 Trade credit P245 Watercraft and leisure inniu Underwriting Services (Pty) Ltd P84 Corporate property and engineering insurance Insurance Zone P52 Body corporate and sectional title P68 Commercial insurance P136 Heavy commercial vehicle cover P189 Personal lines P224 Specialised high-value executive motor vehicles P246 Watercraft and leisure IVP – agreed value motor ins P177 Motor KEU Underwriting Managers CC P110 Event liability P111 Equipment All Risk P118 Film producers’ indemnity/Film and entertainment P194 Prize Indemnity

King Price Insurance P46 Bicycle insurance Kuda Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd P49 Bloodstock Landmark Underwriting Agency (Pty) Ltd P38 Agriculture and farming Leppard & Associates (Pty) Ltd P55 Broad-form liability cover P110 Event liability P200 Professional indemnity insurance Liberty P132 Health and accident Linksave (Pty) Ltd P121 Gap cover (niche) P168 Medical malpractice insurance Lynx Transport Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P124 Goods in transit/inland transit P136 Heavy commercial vehicle cover Makgethe Benefits P79 Consumer protection insurance Manwood Underwriters (Pty) Ltd P200 Professional indemnity insurance Marine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P164 Marine risks Merx HCV P136 Heavy commercial vehicle cover Mirabilis Engineering Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P75 Construction and engineering insurance P104 Engineering risks and engineering insurance P207 Renewable energy MUA Insurance Acceptances (Pty) Ltd P222 Specialised domestic insurance


UMA COMPANY LISTINGS P224 Specialised high-value executive motor vehicles Navigate Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P165 Marine risks Omnium P53 Body corporate & sectional title P141 Homeowner’s insurance P212 Sectional title Onepet Pet Insurance P191 Pets Oneplan Health Insurance P133 Health and accident Paladin Underwriting Managers P174 Motor fleet Paradigm Risk Consultants (Pty) Ltd P68 Commercial insurance P189 Personal lines Performance guarantees P183 Performance guarantees Performance and Customs Bond Services (Pty) Ltd P77 Construction and retention guarantees P82 Contract guarantees P231 Surety Pet Underwriting Managing Agency (Pty) Ltd (P.Uma) P192 Pets Petsure (Pty) Ltd P192 Pets

P230 Specie insurance Professional Risk Underwriters Africa P184 Personal accident Profsave – PI Cover P197 Professional indemnity Quantum Liability Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P202 Professional indemnity insurance P215 Security liability Quick Travel Insurance P243 Travel insurance Quicksure Commercial (Pty) Ltd P69 Commercial insurance Quicksure (Pty) Ltd P190 Personal lines Refine Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P75 Construction and engineering insurance P82 Contract guarantees P120 Fuel guarantee and filling station cover P182 Performance guarantees Regal HCV (Pty) Ltd P126 Goods in transit/inland transit P131 Hauliers combination insurance P138 Heavy commercial vehicle cover Renasa Taxi Underwriters (Pty) Ltd (RTUSA) P238 Taxi insurance

PinnAfrica Insurance Underwriting Managers P86 Credit insurance

Risk Assist 24/7 (Pty) Limited t/a i-Truck P176 Motor – niche/special requirements

Policy Provider Underwriting Managers P48 Bicycle insurance

Risk Guard Alliance (Pty) Ltd P146 Hospitality and leisure industry

Polygon Underwriting Agency (Pty) Ltd P60 Cash in transit

Risk Technical Services P55 Broad-form liability cover





P250 ACE Insurance Limited P250 AIG P252 Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SA Ltd P252 Auto & General Insurance P254 Centriq Insurance Company Limited P254 Coface South Africa Insurance Company Limited P256 Compass Insurance Company Limited P256 Constantia Insurance Company Limited P258 GENRIC Insurance Company Limited P258 Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited P260 Hollard Insurance P260 Infiniti Insurance Limited P260 King Price Insurance P262 Mutual & Federal Insurance Company Limited P262 Momentum Short-term Insurance P262 Natsure (Pty) Ltd P264 Oakhurst Insurance Company Limited P264 Renasa Insurance Company Limited P266 Rodel Administration (Pty) Ltd P266 Santam P268 Western National Insurance Company P269 Zurich Insurance Company South Africa Ltd

P270 P270 P270 P271 P271


Bonitas Medical Fund Fedhealth Medical Scheme Genesis Medical Scheme Momentum Health TopMed Medical Scheme

LONG TERM P272 P273 P273 P273

Assupol BrightRock FMI Liberty

REINSURance P276 General Reinsurance Africa P276 Hannover Reinsurance Africa P276 Oak Tree Intermediaries (Pty) Ltd P278 RGA Reinsurance Company of South Africa P278 SCOR Africa Limited P279 Willis Re (Pty) Ltd

Service providers Administrators and software providers P282 atWORK Internet Software Solutions (Pty) Ltd P282 Brolink (Pty) Ltd P284 Cardinal Insurance Management Systems P286 CyberPro Consulting (Pty) Ltd P288 Genasys Technologies P290 GRiP (Geo-Risk information Platforms) P290 Innosys P292 Innovation Maven (Pty) Ltd P292 IRESS P294 Legacy Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd P295 Lightstone P296 Nimbis P298 One Loyalty Rewards P299 Computer Science Software (Pty) Ltd-Profida P299 Rodel Administration Services (Pty) Ltd P299 Roundcube South Africa P300 Software AG P300 STRIDE P300 Sure Settle Appraisers and valuers P301 ProofSure P302 Qantam Risk Assessment (Pty) Ltd P302 The Valuator Group

Glass suppliers P324 Autoboys P324 Commercial Auto Glass (Pty) Ltd P324 National Auto Glass (Pty) Ltd P326 PG Glass (a division of the PG Group) P326 Windscreen Distributors (Pty) Ltd Legal, compliance and practice management services P328 Masthead (Pty) Ltd P328 Masthead Financial Planning P330 Norton Rose Fulbright P330 Stilus Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd Loss adjusters and assessors P331 Associated Loss Adjusters cc P331 Censeo (Pty) Ltd P332 Chedza International Holdings (Pty) Ltd t/a Crawford & Company SA Panel beaters P334 Auto Magic Holdings (Pty) Ltd Pathology P334 TogaLabs P336 W.H.I.P.S

Assistance services P303 Active Operations Management International (AOMi) P303 Auto Magic Holdings (Pty) Ltd P303 ContinuitySA P304 Customer Loyalty Consultants P304 The Automobile Association of South Africa P308 DriveRisk (Pty) Ltd P310 Europ Assistance South Africa P312 Global Choices Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd P314 Global Choices Total Funeral Care (Pty) Ltd P314 One Loyalty Rewards P316 The Affinity group

Plumbing, electrician or home services P337 One Loyalty Rewards

Car rentals and vehicle replacement insurance P318 First Car Rental P318 Gage Car Hire P320 Global Choices Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd

Telematics P344 Altech Netstar P346 Bidtrack (Pty) Ltd P346 Ctrack Vehicle Tracking P346 GRiP (Geo-Risk information Platforms) P348 Oakhurst Insurance Company Limited P348 Tracetec (Pty) Ltd P348 Tracker

Education P322 Centre for Financial Planning Law, University of the Free State P322 Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) P323 USB Executive Development Ltd

Premium collections P338 Fulcrum Group (Pty) Ltd P342 Insure Group Managers Limited Recovery services P343 Excel Recovery Services (Pty) Ltd Salvage P344 Auction Nation P344 Dynamic Salvage Management













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FA_A&G CoverSA Ad Nov 2014.pdf



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YOU ONLY KNOW TRUST ONCE YOU EXPERIENCE IT At Auto and General, the opinions and ideas of our brokers have helped to forge a dynamic and solid relationship. Join the Auto and General family as a broker, and be part of a strong and successful partnership. Call us on 0800 100 011 to join us as a broker partner. We are delighted to announce that in 2014, MUA will underwrite on behalf of Auto & General Insurance. If you’d like to hear more please mail our Managing Director, Christelle Fourie, and her team at cfourie@mua.co.za www.mua.co.za | info@mua.co.za | 0861 682 467

Auto & General is an authorised financial services provider (FSP licence number: 16354).

MUA Insurance Acceptances (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 37947) underwriting on behalf of Auto & General Insurance Company Limited, an authorised financial service provider (FSP No. 16354)

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