The Beac n
Positively Coshocton County
weD. feB 24 Thru TueS. March 2, 2010
INSIDE ceLeBraTe ffa
PageS 10, 11, 14, 15
The Sixth Man!
voL 2, no. 30
freSno grounDBreaking cereMony Page 17 cLaSSifieD Page 23 This edition of The Beacon published in honor of Dennis Parkhill. “Shining a Positive Light on Coshocton County”
raLLying for Their TeaM oftentimes called “the sixth man”, young men and women of the coshocton student body came out in force for
TAX REFUND EXPRESS! 777 S. 2nd St., Coshocton (The white house next to the Bowling Alley)
Take the worry out of taxes – call us today!
the game against arch rival Dover at the Wigwam on Wednesday, Feb. 17. pictured here are several students proclaiming “We’re number one” during the game. BeAcon pHoTo By MARk FoRTune See Page 2 for conTinuaTion
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Interim Health Care ...............7 Kaufman Realty..........20 & 21 Keim Lumber..........................8 Lenny’s Barber Shop..............5 Millers Dutch Kitch’n .............6 Milligan Memorials ..............16 Mission Auto Connection .....24 Mosier Computer .................16 Murrays Tire .......................22 Olde Town Debbie Myers.....20 Olde Town Marc Lacy..........20 Pearl Valley Cheese .............10 Peddicord Rice.....................20 Phase III ................................3 Rausch Trailer .....................22 Raven’s Glenn Winery & Italian Restaurant ........3 Roma’s Gifts and Florist ........3 Route 5 Auto Sales .............22 Seton Coshocton ...................7 Shelby Theaters ....................2 Sprint Print............................6 Tax Refund Express ...............1 Taylor Insurance..................11 The Art Asylum ...................15 TMK Farm Services .............11 Vacshak ..............................15 Village Motors .....................17 Walhonding Valley Sand and Gravel ...................8 Wells Fargo Advisors .............5 Windsorwood Place ...............7 Your Pizza ...........................14
PUBLISHERS statement
THE COSHOCTON COUNTY BEACON is published weekly, EXCEPT the last week of December by Good Fortune Advertising LLC, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. All rights reserved © by Good Fortune Advertising LLC. Good Fortune Advertising LLC does not necessarily support the opinion of writers. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Pricing Permit No. 25408 at Coshocton, OH, 43812. Postmaster, send address changes to The Coshocton County Beacon, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, OH 43812. Address changes may be sent via email to To request free in county delivery of The Coshocton County Beacon, visit our office at 226 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton to fill out a requestor card. You can also request free in-county delivery of The Beacon online at
Published by Good Fortune Advertising, LLC 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: 740-622-4237 • Fax: 740-623-9937 Office Hours: Mon – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Deadlines: Classified Advertising – Friday at 5 p.m. Display Advertising – Wednesday at 5 p.m. Located at 226 Main Street Towne Centre, Coshocton, OH OWNER/PUBLISHER - MARK FORTUNE CIRCULATION & CLASSIFIED – NICOLE MEDLEY GRAPHIC ARTIST – BRYAN FOX SALES CONSULTANT - SANDY HARVEY SALES CONSULTANT - NINA DRINKO REPORTING & GRAPHICS - BETH DULANEY Disclaimer: The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. The publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertising beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. Classified refunds will be given only on mistakes reported during the first time the ad appears in The Coshocton County Beacon. Any reproduction without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. 2008 The Coshocton County Beacon
Conference title usually goes through Dover and this year was no exception. The Coshocton Redskins faced off against the Tornadoes at the Wigwam on Wednesday evening, Feb. 17 with all the marbles hanging in the balance. The Redskins had lost in overtime at Dover earlier in the season so the capacity crowd was fired up for some good competitive basketball. WTNS Sports Director Tom Thompson summed up the matchup this way, “Dover is a great program. If you want to win the ECOL – you have to go through Dover. Year in and year out Dover is a top shelf program – so you can measure yourself against them and it’s great when you can decide the league championship on your own floor. That’s all you can ask for”! Following a junior varsity win that started the evening strong for the Redskins, a special presentation was held before the varsity game. A football playoff final four banner was presented to the fans and the school that will surely hang with pride at the school. Following a one day postponement due to the snow, both teams brought their “A” game to the court. “Downtown” David Brown started the crowd buzzing with two three pointers within one minute. At halftime the ‘Skins led 21-19. With 2:40 remaining in the third period, the Redskins extended their lead to 7 points with
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By Mark forTune Brown dropping a deep three. That was followed by a Dom McCluskey three point shot at the end of the third quarter with the Redskins now leading by ten, 37-27. Although Dover rallied in the fourth and got within four points, the Redskins never faltered and McCluskey made two crucial free throws with forty seconds to go. Coshocton ended up winning by a final score of 50-45, claiming sole possession of first place in the ECOL. The Redskins won the league championship with a record 16 victories by defeating River View and Meadowbrook over the weekend. This ended a grueling stretch of games for the Redskins in which at one point they played three consecutive games on three consecutive nights – winning all three games. Dr. David Hire, Coshocton City Schools superintendent, said, “This victory brings confirmation that this team has arrived at the level of play they are capable of – the confidence they have in themselves, and for others to see them arrive at this level of play is just terrific”. Jim Nelson, the “man behind the microphone” for the team, commented after the game, “You always want to have a win – this puts the ‘Skins ahead of Dover with two games to go in the season. The stands were full – and a lot of kids showed up – the whole football team was here. It shows the “oneness” of the student body – there were more than just parents here tonight. The important thing is that they did their best – they played totally unselfish”.
Agents Realty and Auction Service .........21 Business and Service Directory ...................18 Cambridge Area Chamber of Commerce .................16 Central Ohio Technical College ........................5 Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Coshocton .................22 Coshocton Automotive NAPA ........................11 Coshocton County Senior Center ...............7 Coshocton Grain Company ..14 Coshocton Pallet and Door ....8 Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation ....12 & 13 Coshocton Tire ...................11 .............22 Dale Gress...........................21 DeCosky Ford .....................19 Designs by Michele .............10 Extermital..............................8 F.R.E.T.S ............................16 Farm Credit Services ....8 & 14 Finton Equipment.................10 Frontier Power ....................14 G&M 5 Point Auto Sales .....22 Gerber & Sons ....................15 Hershberger Country Store ....9 Hickory Heaven .....................9 Hilltop Golf Course ..............16 Home Loan Savings Bank ....15
Customer Index ecoL chaMPS! The basketball road to the East Central Ohio
Coming March 5th: “Dear John” & “Alice in Wonderland”
CO SO MI ON NG ! classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
february 24, 2010
COSHOCTON COUNTY HOME SHOW Call Now to Reserve Your Space 740-622-7907
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Potential buyers will be looking for ideas, information, and inspiration for home improvement or landscaping. From interior design to kitchen gadgets, if it belongs in the home, it belongs at the Home Show! Free Admission and Free Parking are a plus, but How-To seminars and bulk paper-shredding will help draw even more customers into the Show. Use the Home Show to bring potential buyers to you!
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habitat opens re Store program in coshocton
pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
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NEWARK - Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) has rescheduled its Open House for PostSecondary & Concurrent Enollment Options for Wednesday, March 3, 6:30 p.m. at the COTC Coshocton Campus, 200 North Whitewoman St. High school students entering 9th - 11th grade next year; parents and students are encouraged to attend. Call 622-1408 to RSVP or for more information. The open house had originally been scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 16. Post-Secondary Enrollment allows high school students to enroll in college courses at no cost to them. Students can earn both high school and college credit. To be eligible, students must notify their school district by March 30 of their intent to participate in the program for the following year. Concurrent Enrollment allows high school students to enroll in college courses at one-half the cost of regular tuition as well as the cost of textbooks. This session will cover the risks and benefits of participating in the programs, COTC admissions requirements, as well as allow the student to complete the Intent to Participate Form in time for the March 30 deadline. Both programs require students to meet minimum admissions requirements.
accePTing a generouS DonaTion The Rotary recently donated $5,000 to Habitat for Humanity. From l to r: Matt Waers, Americorps/VISTA Habitat Member; Sue Hardesty, Habitat; Heather Guess, Rotary; Doug Marmie, Rotary The Rotary recently donated $5,000 to Habitat for Humanity. From l to r: Matt Waers, Americorps/VISTA Habitat Member; Sue Hardesty, Habitat; Heather Guess, Rotary; Doug Marmie, Rotary. Buehler’s also recently made a generous donation of $1,000 to Habitat. Sue Hardesty expressed gratitude for their kindness. To donate to Habitat, contact the Re Store office at 623-2764 or Ernie Galajda at 622-7432.
february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
coTc open house rescheduled
respectively. All materials donated are tax deductible. Habitat is also having their Home Show at the Career Center on March 13 and 14. There will be vendors from around the county and visitors can stop by and visit their booths. There will also be seminars on Saturday and Sunday. Along with the seminars, there will also be a shredder truck on Saturday. The community is encouraged to bring their unwanted paper items to be shredded and recycled. There will also be a dumpster for recycling metal. The cost is a donation. There will also be a box truck for monetary donations. Money raised will help toward building homes. “These homes are not given away,” said Hardesty. “These people work beside the volunteers and when the work is done, they pay a mortgage back to Habitat. And that money goes to build further homes. It’s a hand up, not a hand out.” On Sunday, there will be an EMS vehicle for the public to view at the Home Show. Refreshments will also be served. The public can also make a monetary donation through Re Store. To donate, or for more information, contact the Re Store office at 623-2764 or Ernie Galajda at 622-7432.
Spring is just around the corner and with that season of renewal comes the dreaded task of spring cleaning. But instead of throwing out that old piece of furniture that’s never used anymore, consider donating it to the Coshocton County Re Store Program. Habitat for Humanity is joining the over 600 Re Store programs nationwide and has been operating a local Re Store program here in Coshocton County for the last six months. They are currently accepting donations such as reusable furniture and large household items. After receiving these donations, Restore will resell the items to the general public for less. There’s only one problem. Habitat has no permenant building to store their donated items. As of today, the items are being stored by the Coshocton Lumber Company. They have graciously allowed the Habitat For Humanity to use this area as a starter building. Sue Hardesty, past president of Habitat, says she hopes they will soon outgrow the building with an overflow of donations. “Since the building materials are donated, they get a second chance at life and are not doing to the landfill,” said Ernie Galajda, president of Habitat for Humanity. The main hold-up for this situation is lack of funds. Just recently, the Rotary and Buehler’s donated a kind sum to Habitat: $5,000 and $1,000
By BeTh DuLaney classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
february 24, 2010
Mark’s Musings
It was a dark, cold and windy night. I have always wanted to start this column in that fashion! The opportunity finally presented itself last week. While helping a friend I learned several things of general interest to practically no one but those involved. First, llamas are really not that intelligent. Second, four wheel drive SUV’s are not meant to “herd” llamas nor “drive” them to any sort of building, barn or habitat, especially in two foot snowdrifts. Thirdly, there will always be a need for those big green machines and the friendly sort of guys and gals that own them and are willing to use them to help a neighbor in need. While there is truly a “need to know” basis to this story – the names must remain innocent - but it will forever go down in the annals of State Route 541 West history as, “The great llama chase of 2010”, also known as, “The three phased operation”. The rest of you will just have to wonder about this one! We Americans are showing the world that we are still the country to chase when it comes to medals at the winter Olympics in Vancouver. I was a bit dismayed yesterday when I found out (after one full week of the games) that I have been watching a tape delay. WHAT? You better shift the start times of these games to better suit us Americans, dangit. And I say if you win the most medals YOU get to determine the next site location and the start times. And you also get to name your own event. For example, let’s say that the USA retains the medal count – we can now add “The Snowman Building Contest”, or “The Hardest Snow Ball Contest”. This is, after all, the Winter Olympics. Good
job USA. for us to safely move New Executive Director Suzanne Hey, what is all around the community Smailes Clark has filled the shoes this about political not only last week but vacated by Amy Hasseman and the contributions no longer the previous weeks as employees at AK Steel – Coshocton having any limit from well. Thanks to all of Works were the Top Giver. Once corporations? This is you for keeping our again, our community has proven interesting – I can imagine roads passable and us that, when faced with a challenge, a Congressman running the people of Coshocton County step safe! for office in 2012 with The United Way up and deliver. Let’s keep that spirit a huge banner behind of Coshocton County going in 2010. them with corporate 2009 campaign logos proclaiming their Mark forTune concluded successfully. support. For example, if you running for office from the St. Louis, Missouri area, you darn well better be sponsored by Anheuser Busch. This From The Coshocton Wochenblatt January 1910 has all sorts of both comedic and serious implications. Perhaps The - A fight broke out at the gasworks between locals Beacon will someday gain enough clout that we can sponsor something and one Romanian. The aftermath came before Judge besides a bowling team. Wimmer. Speaking of bowling, a big Frank Conrad, from here, broke his left leg on New thank you goes out to all those that Year’s Day. He was loading saw mill remnants near participated – and will participate in the annual Bowl for Kids Sake at the Fresno and a heavy log rolled toward him while loading. Coshocton Bowling Lanes. As the - James West married his Emma in 1904 and in 1907 major fund-raiser for The Mentoring divorced her. He presented his first marriage license on Center for Coshocton County, this New Year’s Day and proceeded to marry his divorced event goes a long way to helping kids Emma again. in our community. Our community has taken it on - The Furniture Company Schultz reorganized and is now the chin for the last couple of years Central Ohio Furniture Company. It was incorporated – or even longer – but everywhere with a joint-stock option of $60,000. you look there are small victories Thursday evening, a can with gasoline exploded at the being won. And some large ones. The recent groundbreaking for the apartment of James Slaughter in Roscoe Village. The fire Fresno / Pearl wastewater treatment was doused with the help of the bucket brigade before too facility is a huge victory for people in much damage occurred. that area of our county. The elected and other officials that helped get this done deserve a big hand. I also think a big round of praise The Beacon wants your opinion! needs to go out to our city, township, Have an opinion or want to comment on something you’ve read in county and state workers, in addition to The Beacon? first responders, that made it possible Please email Mark Fortune at: The Coshocton County Beacon is now accepting Letters to the Editor! Be sure to include your first and last name. Emailing your Letter to the Editor in Microsoft Word format is preferred. The Beacon reserves the right to edit, refuse or otherwise reject any letter that is deemed inappropriate or offensive to our readers. No more than 500 words please. Please have your letter turned in by noon on Friday.
Memorable Quotes
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Larry Stahl of Bakersville
Thank you for requesting the Beacon!
no gutter balls here
Give me a call to discuss our current rates. Joshua G. Fisher, CRPC®
BeAcon pHoTo By MARk FoRTune
Appointments Recommended 622-4947 Walk-ins Welcome • Behind Coshocton Bowling Alley
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february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
bowled a strike and the team was celebrating with high fives all around. From left to right are; Tracy and Dave Richmond, Savannah Moser, DeAnna Heck and Regina Heck. Savannah is Tracy’s “little sister” in The Mentoring center of coshocton county program.
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ceLeBraTing a STrike DeAnna Heck had just
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Well, there were actually a few but the point is that everyone had a great time for a great cause at the annual Bowl for Kids Sake fund raising event which was held for adult teams at the Coshocton Bowling Lanes on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19 and 20. Students will be bowling this coming weekend and at later dates to be announced due to the calamity days at area schools. Bowl for Kids Sake is the major fund-raising event for The Mentoring Center of Coshocton County, formerly Big Brothers / Big Sisters. Executive Director Sheila Mayse, said, “We strive to raise 50% of our annual budget with Bowl for Kids Sake. This weekend was about the adults and we have teams bowling at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm. Our presenting sponsor was Kraft Foods and AEP Conesville has joined us as a new corporate sponsor. Coshocton Bowling Lanes is also a corporate sponsor. About 450 people have participated this weekend. This bowling event keeps the doors open and allows us to provide the services for area children at The Mentoring Center of Coshocton County”. Rick Merrell, director of operations at Annin & Company, remarked, “We enjoy this – it’s a good cause – for the kids. We like doing things for kids and we like to give a little bit back to help The Mentoring Center. We have ten or more teams participating today. I’m proud that they stepped up for this and for many other things to help support the community. Everything we do at the plant to raise money is given back and that money is all from the employees at Annin”. Tracy Richmond, who was bowling with husband Dave, “little sister” Savannah Moser from The Mentoring Center program, and stepsisters of Savannah, DeAnna and Regina Heck, said, “We’ve been matched for a little over a year. I just think kids need adults that are interested in what they want to do. I get a lot out of it too – it’s really become a whole family thing. I get so much enjoyment out of doing this. Savannah is always so appreciative and grateful of everything we do and that is rewarding right there”. The Baker’s IGA team consisted of Carrie Phillips, Christine Roberts, Melissa Stephan and Tiffany Seibert. Christine commented, “It’s fun and we enjoy helping out the community. We raised $785 by asking employees at the store and also our customers to donate to the cause. We also had a “dress down” day at the store where employees could “dress down” for a donation to our team”. Melissa Stephan, who bowls in a league for the “Good Time Gals”, added, “This is just a great way to be involved. This is the most money we’ve ever raised – we had a lot of nice people who were generous and donated to us”.
By Mark forTune
10:00 a.m. Coffee and donuts
2009 River View graduate Luke Widder, son of Les and Dana Widder, shared his thoughts with The Beacon on being a freshman member of the Indiana Wesleyan University Chorale, Jazz Ensemble and Masters Praise, a southern gospel quartet. The 81 member Chorale was in concert at the Roscoe United Methodist Church on Saturday evening, Feb. 20 and also provided music at the Sunday morning services. Widder had this to say about his college experience thus far, “This is my third time home since last September, including Christmas. It’s nice to see family and friends again for sure. Being involved in the Chorale and the other music groups keeps me on my toes. There is just such a community amongst the groups, especially the quartet”. Regarding collegiate life, Widder added, “College, academically speaking, is more challenging than I thought. Balancing singing and academics is something I am working on and improving. My relationship with God is number one and I am closer to God now. At the
By MARk FoRTune
The Beacon
10:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies Noon Covered dish dinner
7:00 p.m. Free evening program – “Youth Night” Amish school and Jeff Wherley
University, God is number one. We voice our prayer concerns daily”. Indiana Wesleyan University is located in Marion, Indiana, is the largest private Christian college in the state and boasts a student to faculty ratio of seventeen to one.
1:00 p.m. Afternoon program
Thursday, March 4th Noon Covered dish dinner 1:00 p.m. Afternoon Program 7:00 p.m. Free evening program – Skits Marlene Kanuckel and Nancy Akins band will provide special music. Admission: Adults: $2 Children $1 Thursday special soup supper served from 4 – 6 p.m. Adults are $5 and 6 years and under are $2.50. They will serve homemade cakes, pies and salad. There will be door prizes at every session.
LocaL MuSician coMeS hoMe pictured in center is Luke Widder, a 2009 graduate of River View High School, and a member of the Indiana Wesleyan University Chorale, joined the other 80 members of the chorale in concert at Roscoe united Methodist church this past weekend. Widder is also involved in the Jazz ensemble and Masters praise, a southern gospel quartet, at the university. BeAcon pHoTo
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Tell Them You Saw it in The Beacon!
miller’s dutch kitch’n Where you won’t go home hungry!
Prime Rib on Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Nights
Wednesday, March 3rd There will be a baking contest on Wednesday morning: Peach pies (made from scratch) ages 17 and up; Chocolate cupcakes (made from scratch) ages 16 and under. Boys 16 and under – Any wood craft item
Local youth shares thoughts on being in chorale
RECEIVE 10% OFF ALL DINNER ENTREES! Not Valid on LUNCH Specials. Expires March 31, 2010
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108th annual Tiverton community institute March 3rd & 4th At the Tiverton Grange Hall Welcome to the Tiverton Community Institute Sponsored by the Tiverton Grange 1515 classified hotline 622-4ads
february 24, 2010
coshocton hospital to take part in Baker’s iga health fair
Learn how you could save some money and how your costs may be tax deductible.
A Senior Living Community
Would you like to save money?
623-4600 •
Monday, March 1
Creamed Turkey, Mixed Vegetables, Fruit Cocktail, 100% Fruit Juice, Biscuit/ Marg., Milk.
Thursday, March 4
Tuesday, March 2
Friday, March 5
Lasagna, Tossed Salad, Green Beans, Pears, Italian Bread/Marg., Milk. Pulled BBQ Chicken w/ Bun, Hashbrown Potatoes, Coleslaw, Mandarin Oranges, Milk.
Roast Pork, Red Potatoes/ Gravy, Carrots, Peaches, Dinner Roll/Marg., Milk. Egg Salad on Bun, Minestrone Soup, Potato Salad, Pineapple, Milk. To access ingredient content, please call Travis Webb 740-622-4852 *A lower concentrated sweet or lower sodium meal is available upon request.
All seniors are welcome: bring a friend! Call for more information: 622-4852
HOME Presented by
March 1 - March 5
Cindi Harriman, R.N.
Monday, March 1
9:30 am Hausey 9:30 am ROM 9:30 am Nails with Penny 10:30 am Exercise 10:30 am Grocery Bingo
Home healthcare aides assist seniors who live in their own homes. They are trained to provide routine personal care services and can also perform basic housekeeping tasks. Home healthcare aides are a great help to seniors who require more extensive care than family and friends can provide. They can help the senior get in and out of bed, bathe, dress, and groom. They also provide valuable companionship. Under the direction of nursing or medical staff, home health aides may assist with medical equipment and change nonsterile dressings. Depending upon the needs of the senior at home, a home healthcare service can help you choose the appropriate home healthcare aide to assist your loved one.
Tuesday, March 2
9-11:00 am Line Dancing 9:30 am Hausey 1:00 pm Hair - Sharon Jones 1:00-4:00 pm Bridge
If you think that a home healthcare aide might be right for you or for a loved one, call INTERIM HEALTHCARE OF COSHOCTON at 877759-2106 today. Our compassionate companions are screened and bonded, so you know you’re getting a kind and caring aide. We can provide a wide variety of services, from full-time live-in companions for long-term situations, to the occasional respite visit, so that you can have a day off. If you have any questions, we’re always available any time, because we know that a crisis can strike anytime. Call today to find out more. We are located at 420 Downtowner Plaza. People you count on, care you can trust.
Wednesday, March 3 9:30 am Hausey 9:30 am ROM 10:30 am Exercise 11:00 am Dan Barnes - Piano 1:00 pm Book Club
Calendar Thursday, March 4
9-11:00 am Line Dancing 9:30 am Hausey 10:00 am Blood Pressure Check 11:00 am Game Day
Friday, March 5
9:30 am Hausey 9:30 am ROM 10:30 am Exercise 11:00 am Ohio Consumers Council Presentation
Coshocton County Senior Center
Presented by Cindi Harriman, R.N.
Please email us with any questions you may have at:
March 1st - March 5th
Wednesday, March 3
There’s no place like
255 Brown’s Lane Coshocton, Ohio 43812
201 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton • 622-4852 Center hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Staff members from Coshocton Hospital will be a part of the Bakers IGA Health Fair on Friday, March 5 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Coshocton Downtowner Plaza location. Hospital staff members will be on hand at the event to offer blood pressure and blood sugar checks as well as offering advice on nutrition and exercise. This event is part of the IGA Hometown Healthy Challenge which takes place from Feb. 14 – March 13 at the Coshocton location. The event is designed to help shoppers make healthier lifestyle choices with recommendations from USDA’s MyPyramid guidelines for food choices and exercise plans. Coshocton Hospital is a non-profit organization located at 1460 Orange Street in Coshocton Ohio. Currently the largest employer in Coshocton County, Coshocton hospital celebrated 100 years of service to the community in 2009. With a complete line of services available, they are dedicated to providing “The Right Care…Right Here”. For more information, please contact the hospital at 740-622-6411 or visit them online at
pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
A Fair Housing Community
february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
on Friday, Feb. 12, the “Silver Liners” visited Sacred Heart School gym classes and taught the students how to do the “electric Slide”. pictured with the “Silver Liners” from left to right are; Vanessa Rivera, Leihla Mckee, conner Stevens-Woolery and Anna Richcreek. They also taught the students how to do the “chicken Dance”.
• Country Setting • Applicants must be at Seton Coshocton least 62 years of age. Apartments • Quietly Secluded BRC Properties Inc. • Social Activities Managing Agent • Library • Puzzle/Game Room 377 Clow Lane, Coshocton 622-7664 • Pets Allowed
Senior news
SiLver LinerS Teach STuDenTS
The Coshocton County Senior Center will soon become a distribution point for a federal USDA food and nutrition program for low income senior citizens living in Coshocton County. To be eligible for a monthly distribution of groceries, an individual must be age 60 or older, live in Coshocton County and meet income guidelines. Monthly income for one person in the household is $1,174. Please add $405 for each additional household member. Boxes of food will be packed at the Mid-Ohio FoodBank and shipped to the Coshocton Senior Center to be distributed to program participants each month. The first date for this will be Tuesday, March 16 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. This nutritious, shelf stable food box will typically contain cereal, fruit juice, canned meat or fish, peanut butter or beans, canned fruit, canned vegetables, rice or potatoes and American cheese. It is intended to be an aid in supplementing your regular household food supplies. There are a limited number of openings, and please remember that there is an application process with this program. There will be an enrollment day on March 4th from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you are interested in this program, please call the Coshocton Senior Center at 622-4852 for more information and program availability.
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commodity Supplemental food Program
Silver Liners teach students to dance
Talk to us about crop insurance. Knowledgeable Crop insurance specialists from Farm Credit Services can help you with your crop insurance needs. We listen to what you want to achieve with every single acre and then customize coverage on your farm.
united way honors top givers at breakfast By Mark forTune The United Way of Coshocton County celebrated the wrap up of the 2009 campaign with a breakfast at The Presbyterian Church on Thursday, Feb. 18. United Way board President Rebecca Porteus exclaimed, ““Today we are here to celebrate the generosity of this great community. Times are tough for everyone these days but the people of Coshocton have risen to the challenge to help others and make this a successful campaign! To date we have received through donations and pledges $354,296.32! That’s 101% of our $350,000 goal We’re here today to celebrate our successes and say thank you to each and every one of you who helped make that possible. This year we experienced a unique situation. We raised $324,000 through traditional campaigning and were blessed with an additional $30,000 grant from the Schooler Family Foundation”. Porteus also added that, ‘Coshocton Memorial Hospital stepped up to the plate as our 2009 corporate sponsor and they truly did and outstanding job”! In addition to recognizing the local media and companies that helped make the campaign a success, Suzanne Clark was introduced as the new Executive Director, Amy Hasseman was recognized as the past Executive Director and Libbie Granger-Prince was applauded for her tireless work in the role of Executive Assistant.
WE COME, PESTS GO! “Over 60 Years of Service”
Farm Credit Services offers coverage to meet your goal at an affordable price with dedication and experience.
Experience the best in Lighting in Keim Lumber’s Hands-on Showroom
Call us today to discuss your 2010 Crop Insurance needs. Appointments are being taken for March 5th.
right are employees of Ak Steel – coshocton Works, Jerry Sturtz, Human Resources Manager, Debbie pennybaker, Human Resources representative, Troy Balo, operations and Bob Scott, General Manager. BeA-
con pHoTo By MRAk FoRTune
AK Steel – Coshocton Works was announced as the top giver with $29,204.88 being raised for The United Way of Coshocton County. New Executive Director Suzanne Clark commented, “Coshocton County is truly a very giving place and your hard work is appreciated. The volunteerism spirit makes Coshocton County go and I am appreciative of what all of you do”.
Dress up your home with a new door! • Made of top-quality materials • Designed for years of trouble-free, energy efficient service • Solid, polyurethane foam core protects against cold
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Farm Credit Services
Your Home’s lighting is its Jewelry Lighting that defines your style
Circulate the air with quiet beauty
Call or stop by to see Kelly Miller and Suzanne Shrimplin 115 North 2nd Street, Suite B Coshocton, OH 43812
Spiders, Fleas, Bees, Ants, Mice, Termites, Roaches
akSTeeL – coShocTon workS recognizeD aS uniTeD way ToP giver pictured from left to
Delivery Available • M-F 7-5 & Saturday 7-12
Filter Sand & Gravel for Septic Systems A.D.S. Plastic Culvert & Drainage Pipe Supplier
0058_101409 classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
february 24, 2010
home & outdoors
SR 557 Charm, OH 44617 330 893-2251 * 800 362-6682 Lumber Company
Mon. 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM Tues. - Fri. 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM Sat. 7:30 AM - Noon
Anniversary Sale Coming April 14 - 17 0020_022410
Tell them you saw it in The Beacon!
Sacred heart School to have registration
Early Advantage Preschool, located in the Kids America Complex on Otsego Avenue, will host an Open House, Thursday March 4, from 5 – 6:30 p.m. The teachers, Ellen Mathews, Vickie Jones and Jody Lenzo invite you and your child to visit and get a closer look at the classroom setting and the unique learning experience offered at Early Advantage Preschool. The teachers bring a combined experience of over 60 years, teaching preschool children and preparing them for kindergarten. Classes are available for 3, 4 & 5 year-old children. For more information stop by Early Advantage Preschool or call Jody Lenzo at 622-4342, Vickie Jones at 622-6211 or Ellen Mathews at 545-5107. Give your child that Early Advantage and sign up now for fall classes.
Wednesday & Friday Nights
Hershberger Country Store
2010listed Tree Seedling SeedlingSeedling sizes next toPackets variety in inches sizes listed next to variety in inches
Conifer Packet 10 ea. variety – 50 seedlings total Colorado Blue Spruce (9”-15”) Douglas Fir (10”-18”) Norway Spruce (10”-18”) Scots / Scotch Pine (9”-14”) White Pine (9”-15”) Flowering Tree Packet 3 ea. variety – 15 seedlings total American Mountain Ash (6”-12”) Eastern Red Bud (6”-12”) Washington Hawthorn (6”-12”) White Flowering Dogwood (6”-12”) Witch Hazel (6”-12”) Native Hardwood Tree Packet 3 ea. variety – 15 seedlings total Black Walnut (6”-12”) Red Oak (6”-12”) Sugar Maple (5”-12”) White Oak (6”-12”) Wild Black Cherry (6”-12”)
Bulk Trees Conifer Trees 25 or 100 Count: Colorado Blue Spruce (9”-15”) Douglas Fir (10”-18”) Norway Spruce (10”-18”) Scots / Scotch Pine (9”-14”) White Pine (9”-15”)
Nut Tree Packet 4 ea. variety – 16 seedlings total American Hazelnut (6”-12”) Black Walnut (6”-12”) Butternut (6”-12”) Northern Pecan (6”-12”) Shade Tree Packet 3 ea. variety – 15 seedlings total Red Maple (6”-12”) River Birch (6”-12”) Sugar Maple (5”-12”) Sycamore (6”-12”) Tulip Tree (6”-12”) Shrubs for Birds 3 ea. variety – 15 seedlings total Blackhaw Viburnum (6”-12”) Elderberry (6”-12”) Gray Dogwood (6”-12”) Ninebark (6”-12”) Red Osier Dogwood (6”-12”)
Deciduous Trees 100 Count: Any Deciduous Tree species offered in any of the above packets can be ordered in 100 count only. Please indicate type on order form. Bulk Deciduous tree order deadline is March 19, 2010. Wildflower Seeds 1 ounce; plants 100 to 200 sq. ft. All trees and shrubs are state and federally inspected. We may need to make reasonable substitutions based on availability of certain species. All trees and shrubs are bare root seedlings 5 to 18 inches in height.
All orders are subject to availability. Orders are filled on a first-come first-served basis. There is no limit on the number of packets that can be ordered. Payment must be included with your order. Notices will be sent out in April specifying order pick-up date and location. Tentative pick-up date is April 9, 2010 Conifer Packet Name____________________________________ Flowering Tree Packet
State_______________ Zip__________________
Coshocton SWCD 724 S. Seventh Street, Room 120 Coshocton, OH 43812 Orders must be received by March 26, 2010 4:00 p.m. Orders are subject to availability. If you have any questions, please call (740) 622-8087, ext. 4. Order form also available online: 0035_022410
#______@ $20.00 ea. ______
Nut Tree Packet
#______@ $20.00 ea. ______ #______@ $22.00 ea. ______ #______@ $20.00 ea. ______
Shrubs for Birds
#______@ $20.00 ea. ______
25 Colorado Blue Spruce
#______@ $15.00 ea. ______
25 Douglas Fir
#______@ $15.00 ea. ______
25 Norway Spruce
#______@ $15.00 ea. ______
25 Scotch Pine
#______@ $15.00 ea. ______
25 White Pine
#______@ $15.00 ea. ______
100 Colorado Blue Spruce
#______@ $40.00 ea. ______
100 Douglas Fir
#______@ $40.00 ea. ______
100 Norway Spruce
#______@ $40.00 ea. ______
100 Scotch Pine
#______@ $40.00 ea. ______
100 White Pine
#______@ $40.00 ea. ______
100 Deciduous (kind) _____________#______@ $70.00 ea. ______ 100 Deciduous (kind) _____________#______@ $70.00 ea. ______ Wildflower Seeds
#______@ $ 3.50 ea. ______ TOTAL ENCLOSED
Mail with Payment to:
#______@ $22.00 ea. ______
Native Hardwood Tree Packet
City______________________________________ Shade Tree Packet
2010 Tree Seedling Packets
2 ½ miles S.W. of New Bedford on TR 220 Open Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 7:30 – 5:00 Wed. & Fri. 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Beer Battered Cod Fish, Fries & Slaw
Now Available...
february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
Sign up for fall classes at open house
and custody papers if applicable. If you are Catholic and NOT baptized at Sacred Heart Church, you need to bring baptismal certificate. Times for Kindergarten screening will be given the night of registration. Registration fees can be paid on the night of registration and must be paid before the first day of school. For more information, contact the Preschool at 623-2119 or the school office at 622-3728.
School news
Registration for Preschool and Kindergarten for the 2009-2010 school year will be Tuesday, March 2 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the school gym. Those wishing to enter Preschool must be 3 years old by Sept. 30 and be toilet trained. The night of registration, you will need to bring the child’s birth certificate, social security card, shot record and custody papers if applicable. Those wishing to enter Kindergarten must be 5 years old by Sept. 30. The night of registration, you will need to bring the child’s birth certificate, social security card, shot record
ridgewood ffa
ridgewood ffa
february 24, 2010
fuTure LeaDerS of our coMMuniTy Ridgewood FFA members after the State Agricultural communications contest in november. This contest focused on basic journalism, editing, and public speaking. The team of paige Warwick, nicole Hardesty, Davey Garber, Amber Michael, and Felicia Lane viSiTing our naTion’S caPiToL Ridgewood placed first in District Eight and Twelfth in the State. FFA members Tiffany Zimmerman, kayla Finton, Todd Lahmers, cali LAvigne, and Travis Schlabach standing pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon on the steps of the visitor’s center at the united States capitol Building in Washington D.c. each June, members have the opportunity to attend Washington Leadership conference, one of the best leadership development opportunities the FFA has to offer. pHoTo
PygMy goaT Ridgewood FFA member Alyssia Schlarb with her pygmy goat kiddo at one of the many petting zoos the Ridgewood FFA hosts for the community each year. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe
heLPing The chiLDren’S hoSPiTaL
Ridgewood FFA members kelsey Miller, elizabrth Sharier, and Sierra Shaw selling apple butter at the Apple Butter Stirrin Festival in Roscoe Village. Students made the apple butter from scratch in class, then sold it at the festival with the proceeds going to columbus children’s hospital. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe
6 miles north of 36 on Rt. 93 Hours: Mon. - Sat. 8-5
Congratulations FFA Participants!
~ embroidery ~ signs ~ vinyl graphics ~ ~ glass & mirror etching~
Quality Work at a Competitive Price!
Pearl Valley Cheese
Maloy, Daniel Burch, Seth Finton, kristen cochran, nigel Hackenbracht, and Davey Garber after the District Forestry contest in September. This contest involves tree identification, chainsaw safety, orienteering, and timber cruising. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe
Proud FFA Sponsor Over 20 varieties of cheese to sample!
ouTDoor SafeTy Ridgewood FFA members Ruth
Michele R. Meek
1020R Cedar Street • Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Coshocton, OH 740-622-4403
Zanesville, OH 740-450-7446
Proud of our FFA Participants! 0004_022410 classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
ridgewood ffa
THe BeAcon
Proud FFA SPonSor 123 S. 2nd St., • Coshocton • 622-6123 103 W. Railroad St. • W. Lafayette • 545-9409 0003_022410
Taylor Insurance and Financial Services
110 West Pine st. (740) 622-7993 fax: (740) 622-7987
777 S. Second St. • Coshocton 740-623-2207 • M-F 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
“Proud SPonSorS of ffA”
naTionaL ffa convenTion Ridgewood FFA members Amber Michael, Felicia Lane, Haley cutshall, nicole Hardesty, cali Lavigne, and crystal Rimel in front of the national FFA center in Indianapolis Indiana. This tour was part of the the national FFA convention. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
Call us about our great good student disCounts!
TMK BaKersville has an on-going coMMiTMenT To worKing wiTh farMers. Ridgewood FFA members Taylor Tatro, kayla cowdery, paige Warwick, kayla Finton, Megan Sharier, Derek Hoffman, Adam pulley, and Tyler Hostetler after the State Soils judging competition. In this competition, students evaluate the land on whether it is a good site for urban or rural uses. The soils teams finished first in District Eight and finished 18th and 27th the State competition held at Wilmington college in october. pHoTo
Our business is agriculture.
Just a few of the services that TMK offers: Certified crop advisor on staff, Bag & Bulk fertilizer and application, Chemicals and application, Lime & Limestone trucking & spreading, Liquid fertilizers, Pioneer seed, Dekalk & AsGrow seed, Baler twine/Bale wraps.
T mk Bakersville
Phone: 330-897-3911 Toll Free: 1-800-445-4055 Fax: 330-897-3405
Mailing Address: PO Box 3068 Bakersville, Ohio 43803
STaTe SoiLS coMPeTiTion
february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
fun in The ouTDoorS Ridgewood FFA members Mark Border, kayla Finton, Megan Sharier, kayla Ridgewood FFA Memcowdery, Ruth Maloy, Amber Michael, Daniel Burch, The higheST honor Dean poole II, and klarrissa powell at the end of a bers who have achieved the highest award that an great session at ohio FFA camp Muskingum in June FFA member can receive, the American FFA Degree. near carrollton.. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe pictured from left to right; Sue Davis, Advisor, Devon Braniger, cody Westhoefer, Richard Lahna, Mike DerBeAcon ringer, Advisor. (not pictured: Ryan Michael, also an American Degree winner) pHoTo SuBMITTeD To
ridgewood ffa
The Coshocton County Beacon – We’re Just Local.
river view ffa
river view ffa
vice PreSiDenT State Vice president Suzie McMullen, member of the River View FFA, conducted a chapter visit at River View during which she met with each of the Agricultural education classes and inspired students to take advantage of the opportunities which FFA membership presents. pHoTo SuBMIT-
The Frontier Power Company riDe ThaT horSe FFA member kim Alton dem-
Your local non-profit electric cooperative 770 South 2nd Street, Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-6755 • 800-624-8050
onstrates to the Farm Animal Biology class how to safely ride a horse during their trip to Triple R Stables. Students from the RVHS class were studying equine and were able to supplement their classroom learning with a riding exercise.. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To
conSTrucTion zone Agricultural Science I students constructed shop projects to be displayed at the Coshocton County Fair. Through these projects they learned the importance of equipment safety, how to follow a set of construction plans, and correct use THe BeAcon of various tools and equipment. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
Farm Credit Services proudly support FFA members at River View and Ridgewood. We also tip our hat to the vocational ag teachers who support the FFA programs: Mrs. Davis, Mr. Derringer, Mrs. Buxton and Mr. Rich. They are helping today’s youth develop character and build strong leadership standards, and we appreciate their efforts.
Farm Credit Services OF MID-AMERICA
Kelly Miller and Suzanne Shrimplin 115 N 2nd St., Suite B • Coshocton, OH 43812 • 622-6006
Large 1 Item Pizza only $6.50!
(carry out only)
P.O. BOX 606 COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 740-622-0941
“Proud SPonSor of ffA”
fuTure LeaDerS River View chapter officers Kim croft, carly Babcock, and Mandy Rice attended ohio Leadership camp at FFA camp Muskingum in carrollton, where they learned leadership and team-building skills that have benefitted them as officers and young leaders. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
0014_022410 classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
february 24, 2010
TeD To THe BeAcon
river view ffa
river view ffa
SuMMer caMP Zach elson, Lisa Stutzman, Jordon Mullett, Mandy Rice, Joel Hamric, emily Stout, and kim Alton, members of the River View FFA, attended FFA Summer camp at FFA camp Muskingum where they spent a week networking with other ohio FFA members and doing team-building activities. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
Coshocton’s Best Kept Quilting Secret “Proud Supporter of FFA” * INNOVA Long Arm Quilting Machine *Riccar Vacuums *PFAFF Sewing Machines *Sales & Service *Fabric *Classes *Yarn *Wool
740-622-5956 M-F 9 to 6 • Sat. 9 to 5
creePy hoSPiTaL Jessie carnes “doctors” An-
isha Seitz at the “hospital” during the River View Taran Martin prepares FFA Haunted Hallways. This event turns RVHS into a to “wheelbarrow” Mandy Rice through the obstacle haunted house, and was attended by over 200 visitors course during the Barnyard olympics. This event is in 2009. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon the first all-chapter event for new members to the River View FFA, and allows new members to meet and interact with other members of the chapter. pHoTo
BarnyarD oLyMPicS
Serving the area farmers since 1905
Gerber & Sons, Inc. Manufacturers of Bob White Quality Feeds Quality and Service: Our Most Important Products
Gerber’s Feed Sack - Coshocton, Ohio 740-622-8888
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Gerber & Sons Mill and Offices - Baltic, Ohio 1-800-468-4710
Farmerstown Elevator - 330-897-4453
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740-575-4042 0015_022410
A proud supporter of Agriculture and our area FFA chapters!
Art gallery and working studio
440 Downtowner Plaza • Coshocton, OH 43812
february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
STrawBerry fieLDS River View Ag ed students spend part of a summer workday constructing a raised strawberry bed behind the department’s greenhouse. All students are assigned a four-hour workday during the summer during which they complete departmental projects.. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
The way we were...
kiwanis presents check to Dollars for Scholars
Serving Coshocton and Surrounding Counties Since 1992
• NEW • USED • REPAIR 321 South 6th Street, Coshocton 740.622.1649 • 740.502.1743 Cell Proud to have served the people of Coshocton and our surrounding communities for over 113 years!
February 24th, 1970
March 2nd, 1980
Forty-three Cub Scouts raced their homemade cars down the track hoping for a win at the annual Pinewood Derby sponsored by the West Lafayette First Baptist Church. This was the first year the church had sponsored the event. First place went to Jeff Harsh, with Regiss Shivers coming in second and Clark Cornelius coming in third. Each participant also received a 1980 Pinewood Derby Ribbon. Several boys were also presented with their gold arrow points by cub master John Harsh. All information was obtained from microfilm of the Coshocton Tribune at the Coshocton County Library.
ier Computer s o M
Specializing in Custom Design, Etching and Carving of Fine Memorials
Granite • Marble • Bronze • Mausoleums Cemetery Lettering & Cleaning 1132 Cemetery Drive • Coshocton • 622.5833 • e-mail:
Spring Opening March 1st! (weather permitting)
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F.R.E.T.S Roasting Company
Friends. Refuge. Espresso.Tunes 509 Main St. Coshocton •
Although almost 200 students from Coshocton High School entered science fair projects to be presented to the judges, only one lucky student received a superior rating. Jim Dickerson, a freshman, received the only superior rating out of twenty-five entered exhibits with his project, “Operation of the Bonded Silicone Rubber Membrane”. His project showed a living, breathing mouse who lived underwater and obtained oxygen to live through the water itself. The students had been working on their projects since the last October. Each project included a research paper and a demonstration based on the student’s independent study, which was under the supervision of their science teacher. Criteria for judging included knowledge achieved, effective use of the scientific method, clarity of expression and creativity.
Coshocton Kiwanis donated $1,400 for a SMART Board to be purchased at central elementary School. central elementary is raising funds to purchase SMART Boards for the entire 3rd and 4th grades. Pictured (l to r): coshocton city Schools Superintendent Doctor David Hire, 3rd grade teachers Kathy Hawn and Geralyn Raach, and kiwanis president T.J. Justice. pHoTo
Air Force Captain Donald J Parrish received a high honor by Lt. Gen. James E Briggs during the graduation ceremony at James Connally AFB in Waco, Texas. The Coshocton High School graduate was rewarded for outstanding achievement as a student trainee for excellence in flying and military performance. In June of 1955, he was assigned a 2 ½ year duty in Japan. Upon returning to the United States, he was decorated with the Air Force Commendation Ribbon Award for outstanding service while on duty in the Pacific and was promoted to captain on Jan. 1, 1960.
DonaTion for The new SMarT BoarD The
February 28th, 1960
DonaTing To DoLLarS for SchoLarS The Coshocton Kiwanis presented a $4,300 check to Dollars for Scholars. pictured (l to r): kiwanis president T.J. Justice and Dollars for Scholars campaign chair Jim eckelberry. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe
Discount Memberships Available now thru April 20th! Pick up your 2010 Membership at the Lake Park Office. Phone: 622-7528 or 740-202-1408 for more information.
Coshocton County was fired up for two consecutive nights of exciting Coshocton boys basketball on the home court. Coshocton Redskins and the Cambridge Bobcats were scheduled to tangle on the Coshocton High School court on Friday, Feb. 24. The mighty Redskins hoped to attain second place in the final Central Ohio League standings, but knew they would have to play hard against the sizzling Bobcats to achieve victory. The next evening, the Warsaw Pirates and the Keene Cardinals were scheduled to face off on the court. This game would ultimately determine which lucky team would take on the unstopable, unbeatable, Conesville Vikings and go on to the Class B sectional tournament at Zanesville.
SR 83N 622.8083
0025_022 classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
february 24, 2010
February 24th, 1950
coshocton county celebrates with groundbreaking ceremony
Fresno, OH – The Coshocton County Commissioners celebrated the beginning of the Fresno and Pearl Wastewater System project with a groundbreaking ceremony held on Monday, February 22 in the village of Fresno. The Coshocton County Commissioners,
the residents of Fresno, Pearl Valley Cheese and the Village of West Lafayette have a lot to celebrate including obtaining sufficient funds for the project. The Coshocton County Fresno and Pearl Wastewater System project was awarded; $600,000 through the Community Development
Adult Fiction Spooner by: Dexter, Pete
Adult Nonfiction Open: An Autobiography by: Andre Agassi
Teen Fiction Pandora hearts by: Mochizuki, Jun
Children’s Picture Book Dinotrux by: Gall, Chris
Our entire inventory can be viewed at
784 Wooster Rd • SR 83 North • Millersburg, OH • 800-292-8842 Open Mon. & Thurs. 8am-9pm • Tues. Wed. & Fri. 8am-5pm; Sat. 8am-1pm
E HOURS: SPECIAL SERVICuntil 8pm ys da Open Mon
V i l l a g e Mo t o r s
february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
water Treatment Facility groundbreaking ceremony are; from left to right; Michael carder, GGc engineers, Brian Winkler, GGc engineers, Steve Grossman, oWDA, Jimmy Stewart, ohio Senate, Gary Fischer, coshocton county commissioner, Dane Shryock, coshocton county commissioner, D. curtis Lee, coshocton county commissioner, Zack Space, congressman, Troy Balderson, State Representative, Jack patterson, Mayor of West Lafayette, T.J. Justice, coshocton port Authority, chuck ellis, pearl Valley cheese, Brian Simmons, coshocton county. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeAcon
coShocTon counTy ceLeBraTeS wiTh grounDBreaking pictured at the Fresno pearl Waste-
Block Grant, $100,000 through Ohio Public Works Commission and over $3.3 million dollars in principal forgiveness and loan money through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding. The ARRA funding program, better known as the “federal stimulus package,” supplied the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) over $275 million dollars in principal forgiveness and loan money to distribute to shovel-ready projects throughout the state of Ohio. Though over 1,650 projects were submitted through the website, only 332 projects made it to the OEPA’s final approval list. The Coshocton County Commissioners, along with GGC Engineers and T.J. Justice of the Coshocton Port Authority, worked tirelessly to submit funding applications to make it to the final ARRA funding list, scoring at number 39 on the priority list. The project will not only serve 175 residents of the un-incorporated Fresno area of Coshocton County, but it will also enable the Pearl Valley Cheese factory to maintain their operation without past environmental concerns that restricted and limited their operation. The project will also impact the area through creating better wastewater services, and will hopefully serve as a catalyst for the area to promote development and job growth for the region. A large part of this is due to the pro-active efforts of the Village of West Lafayette in agreeing to allow their wastewater plant to become a treatment facility for the region. With West Lafayette agreeing to allow their plant to become a regional facility a whole new source of revenue will be available to finance their potential future Ohio EPA mandated improvements and provide for future industrial growth.
a love of snow – men
ringing in the new year winter wonderland
Business Directory
chinese new year at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum. After a short introduction on the chinese culture in the museum’s Asian Gallery, participants tried oLD raiLroaD BriDge This beautiful wintery traditional new year foods and created a personal- scene is the Bridge at Mohawk, the old railroad bridge. ized zodiac hanging. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe The photo was taken off of 715 from Walhonding by ed Stoecker. Stoecker used to work at the campground BeAcon located nearby and thought it would make a pretty snow scene. pHoTo SuBMITTeD To THe BeA-
Have you seen our new web site? Visit us online at
BUSINESSDIRECTORY classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
february 24, 2010
hoMe SchooLeD STuDenTS ceLeBraTe chineSe new year Home schoolers celebrate the
SweeTPea The SnowMan Gabe Rainwater of
elm Street built this six foot tall snowman as a surprise for his girlfriend. Rainwater said, “It took about an hour to build and I did it while she was at work. She had talked about a snowman so I did it to surprise her. She rounded the corner and just started laughing. The neighbors offered me some extra snow if I needed it but that wasn’t necessary. The head was kind of difficult to get up there due to the weight. The eyes and mouth are dirty snow from under a car and the arms are wood packed with snow.” The snowman’s name is Sweetpea. BeAcon pHoTo By MARk FoR-
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february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
see page 20 & 21 for answers to both puzzles
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Friday February 26th • 10:00 AM * Vehicles * ATV’s * Snap-On – MAC – Matco – Napa Tools * * Auto Lifts * Full Line of Automotive Repair Equipment * Racing Truck – 1950 Chevy Truck – Dirt Bikes – Car: ASA 2005 Series speed truck, 355 spec motor, Luke 2 Speed trans., quick change rear end; 1950 Chevy 3100 truck from west coast, 5 window, 90% complete & ready to be restored; extra set of original corner windows for ’50 Chevy; 1990 Honda CR500, new motor ’04; 2007 Suzuki DR-Z 125L; 1986 Kawasaki YZ65 w/ new YZ95 in ’04; 5hp monster truck ATV w/ elec. start & stereo; 1994 Chevy Lumina, high miles;
Local Events
Roscoe/Conesville Recreations Baseball & Softball Registration will be on Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Conesville Elementary. If RV schools is canceled due to weather, registration make-up day will be on Friday, Feb. 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Conesville Elementary. Roscoe Recreation mail in Registrations: P.O.Box 982 Coshocton, Ohio 43812. Bluegrass Jam. Three Rivers Fire Department, located at the intersection of SR 36 and SR 621, Canal Lewisville, presents Bluegrass Music on Feb. 27. Featured band is Northern Tradition at 7 - 9 p.m. Acoustic jam will follow from 9 - 11 p.m. Admission is $5 a person with children 12 and under no charge. Food and non-alcoholic drinks will be available starting at
WANTED: Properties adjoining or near Woodbury Wildlife...I have buyers! Call Marc Lacy... Cell - 502-3074 Home - 829-2035 Office - 622-3669
Lifts – Tool Boxes – Auto Repair & Shop Equipment: Wheeltronic 4 post 12,000lb lift w/ Space Saver 6,000lb accessory lifts; Matco 10,000lb & Snap-On 9,000lb asymmetric lifts; misc. hoist extensions; Snap-On Gold Medal Limited Edition tool box, very nice; Craftsman workbench/tool box combination; Hotsy steam pressure washer, diesel; Snap-On BRA8WH air compressor; Snap-On & Northern Industrial Tool sandblasters; Blue Point plasma cutter; Millermatic 130XP welder; MotorVac CarbonClean system; acetylene torch set; fluid dispenser tank; 6 ton shop press; 2 ton engine crane; hyd. transmission lift; Craftsman 16gal shop vac; parts cleaner; Napa battery charger; tool carts; Snap-On diagnostic computer; complete line of testing & repair kits; misc. jacks & stands; Oil Ace air drain pan; misc. oils & fluids; misc. tires incl. dirt & asphalt racing;
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Note: This is complete business liquidation with many specialized tools not listed. Full listing available at Larger highlight items will be available for live online bidding via Terms: Cash, Check, or any major credit card with proper identification. 3% buyers premium but will be refunded for cash sales. Lunch Stand Auction by the Order of: Mountainside Auto Repair James Eichel – Owner
KAUFMAN REALTY, INC. (888) 852-4111 • CURT YODER, AUCTIONEER • (330) 204-2447 • Auction ID 702
The main floor has 2 bedrooms, living room and bath. The basement level has a 2-car detached garage, living room and is partially finished. This home is in a good state of repair with a beautiful lot. Also has central air. Shown anytime by appointment. Also selling automobile and personal property. Terms: Real Estate sells to the high bidder, 10% down time of auction, balance due in 30 days. No contingencies in contract. Taxes will be prorated to date of closing. Estate of: Homer Miskimens, Sr. Exec: Homer Miskimens, Jr. Attorney: Van Blanchard Coshocton Co Case # 20910173 Auctioneers: Herb Peddicord (740) 502-3110 Greg Rice (740) 502-3111 Ryan LePage (740) 502-4227
PR ê
Name Brand Tools: air tools incl. inmpact guns, ratchets, chisels, die grinder, drills, sawsall, sander; pullers incl. slide hammer, pulley, tensioner, steering wheel kit, A/C clutch kit; Lombard chain saw; Matco Torque sticks; Matco Special Forces ½” powerdrive set; WrenchesSockets-Ratchets of all sizes incl. Snap-On, Matco, Gearwrench, Craftsman, S&K; SLI Provision 100 bore scope; Blue Point temp gun; leather stamps (alphabet & numbers); LMI load stabilizer; new 19.5 tire chains; misc scrap iron incl. some copper; Office Equipment – Miscellaneous: 3 computers; Infinite 4 phone system; HP printer/fax machine; Casio cash register; office chairs; credit card machine; filing cabinets; 3 signed Tim Cox framed prints; 3 framed train pictures; Oasis water cooler; Napa clock; misc. NASCAR & racing signs & posters; Pro Spot Fitness P500 weight machine w/free weights & electronic controls;
Community Calendar
Your Full Service Real Estate, Auctioneering & Appraisal Company
316 N. 3rd St. • 740-622-3111 PR ê
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5 p.m. furnished by the Three Rivers Fire Department with proceeds for the fire department. There will be a raffle and/or a 50/50 drawing. For more information contact Duane and Clenda Hardesty at 740-4988456. March is Developmentally Disabled Awareness Month. Coshocton County Board of Developmentally Disabilities will begin celebrating March as DD awareness month with a community invite breakfast at Hopewell School from 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. on March 3. Coshocton County Commissioners will sign a DD awareness month proclamation at 8:00 a.m. at Hopewell School. Soup Supper. All you can eat Soup Supper will be Thursday, March 4 at Tiverton Community Hall. Menu will include different kinds of soups, salad and homemade pie and cake. Cost is $5 for adults and $2.50 for ages 6 and under. Serving will be from 4:30 - 6 p.m. Soup Supper. Walhonding Valley Ladies Auxiliary Soup Supper and Bingo will be Saturday, March 13 from 5 – 7 p.m. with Bingo to follow at the Walhonding Valley Fire Department.
Benefit for Mike Stiteler will be Saturday, Feb. 27 at Coshocton County Sportsman Club at 5 p.m. until ? $6 donation per person, $10 couple. Tickets will be available at the door. Menu will include Chili, hot dogs, chips and refreshments available. There will be a 50/50 drawing, corn hole tournament and auction. Auction items include guns, sporting goods, knives, Longaberger baskets, and other misc. items. Auction will start at approximately 6 p.m., with corn hole tournament starting at approximately at 7 p.m. All profits will benefit Mike and Barb Stiteler to help with medical bills.
Support Groups
Coshocton County ADHD Support Group. Are you struggling with a child or children who may have ADHD? There is help in the area! There are many who may not be aware of the help, but there is a support group in Coshocton County! The group meets once a month! If you have any suggestions or ideas, please share them. The ADHD Support Group will be at St. John’s UCC, 808 Orange St. For more information or questions, contact Angie Moses at 740-6238551 or by email at
Club Meetings
Coshocton County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society meets the third Tuesday of each month from 7:30 - 9 p.m. at Coshocton Library Basement Meeting Room. On March 16 the discussion will be Joe Kreitzer – Real Photo Postcards.
For all your Real Estate needs call Debbie
The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
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february 24, 2010
auctions & real estate
224 N. Fourth St.
“I make it happen, you make it home.”
Church Events
* SAWMILL * LOGGING * CONSTRUCTION * LOCATION: The Mt. Hope Auction 7743 County Road 77, Millersburg, OH 44654. Centrally located in Mt. Hope Ohio midway between Millersburg & Mt. Eaton on SR 241. Watch for signs.
Saturday Feb. 27th, 9:00 AM Absolute Auction
Coshocton Common Pleas Court – Divorces/Dissolutions Divorces Granted: Mellanie McCormick of Coshocton from Larry R McCormick of Coshocton Jennifer G Bailey of Coshocton from Rufus Bailey III of Coshocton
Land Transfers 2/11 American General Parcel #96-00757320 to Kingdom First Properties; $5,000 Nancy K Cottrell to Rock Land Properties; $615,000 Jon Ryan Yoder and Corey D Yoder to Jacob R Mast; $40,000 Robert J Snoddy and Carole A Snoddy to Rick A Barger and Lynn M Barger; $32,000 2/16 Gia T Markley to Wiley Organics Inc; $95,000 2/17 Randolph J Alwine and Michele A Alwine to H Robert Simmons and Ruth Ann Simmons, co-trustees; $77,000 Norma P Koontz to Nelson D Yoder; $18,000 Craibo Properties to Coshocton County Commissioners; $40,000 316 West Main St., West Lafayette, OH 43845 OFFICE PHONE: (740) 545-7158
Good seating still available! Large Parking Lot Handicap Accessible Daily Preview 9 AM - 4 PM Consignments Taken M - W: 9 AM - 6 PM Kitchen Opens FRIDAYS at 3 PM Don’t Make A Move Without Calling Agents Realty & Auction Service First!!
Construction Equipment: 2004 Gradall G6-42P w/1014hrs, original factory foam tires (rubber apx 80%), 42’ 6000lb boom & lift capacity, Machine Ser# 0189183, JD PowerTech 4.5 Liter Diesel engine, Engine Ser# PE4045D129597, 4WD rear steering, Auxilary Hyd in boom, Pallet forks; 1994 Lull Highlander transfer, ser #9414N114320; Grove SM4688 XT all terrain scissor lift ser #24437; Skidder: JD 540 D Skidder, 23.1x26 rubber ; Dozers: Cat D3B Dozer #27Y01855; 1987 Cat D4H TSK LGP Skidder Dozer, ser. # 3AC00492 w/ winch and arch, new paint, 7500 hrs.; 850-B Case Dozer; Excavators: JD 120 EXC 36” bucket, 50% UC; Wheel Loaders & Backhoes: Terex 72-20 Serial # 15UPM41908; JD 444G loader & forks ser. #002284; Tractors & Skid Loaders: 2005 Case 430, forks, bucket, and bucket teeth; 1958 MF 35 Diesel Deluxe Tractor with pre heat; 1953 Farmall 300 TA, Swartz wide front, narrow front, pulley, quick hitch, straight sheet metal; White 155-22193 tractor, Field Boss ser #279721-414; 2006 N.H. LS190 skid loader ser # N6M436578; Trucks & Trailers: 93 KW T800 Boom Truck; 1992 Ford 80-F Tandom dump truck ser #1FDZY82A9NVA25599; 1993 Freightliner Tandom dump truck ser #2FHY3ED851A417818; 1987 Int, S58 dump truck tandom axle ser #1HSZXGTNOHH501428; 89 Peterbilt Dump Truck; 2005 Pitts 42ft log trailer ser # 5JYLT42255P050933; Attachments: Gearmatic #19 winch, fits 450 & 850 Case & Arch; Sawmills & Equipment: Wood-Mizer LT40, good condition; Farmi winch, like new; This is only a partial list with additional consignments coming in daily until sale day. Check for new consignments. For additional information, consignment rates, and free equipment evaluation contact:
Partnered with
23024 CR 621 • Coshocton
Agents Realty & Auction Service
23024 CR 621 (Next to Walmart) • Coshocton, OH 740-622-0700 or 1-888-216-8772 Members of Zanesville and Coshocton County Board of Realtors
KAUFMAN REALTY, INC. Orin Yoder – Auction Manager (330) 575-4102 Kaufman Auctions, Inc. • (888) 852-4111 Curt Yoder, Auctioneer (330) 204-2447 Mt. Hope Auction (330) 674-6188 Thurman Mullet (330) 231-4268 Orus Mast, Auctioneer (330) 473-9077 Auction ID 663 0028_022410
Marriages: Lana Kay Bieber of Newark, OH to Opha Lee Lawson Jr of West Lafayette Melissa Ann Scherz of Castalia, OH to Patrick Robert Leist of Coshocton Brandi Lynn Canfield of Coshocton to Travis Eugene Philabaum of Coshocton Diane Hackenbracht of West Lafayette to Stanley Horn of Walhonding Shannon Lee Babcock of Coshocton to Jason Patrick Bradford of Coshocton
Check out our new website that includes our auctions!!
Public Record
Dale Gress real estate 0007_102109
Coshocton County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner will be Tuesday, March 2, at Raven’s Glenn Winery with Social Hour from 6:30 - 7 p.m.; and Dinner at 7 p.m. Donation of $25 per person. Speaker will be Josh Mandel, Candidate for State Treasurer. All you can eat Soup Supper will be on March 13 from 4 – 7 p.m. at Three Rivers Community Center SR 621 Across from Carter Lumber. Your choice of allyou-can-eat chili or vegetable soup, 1 dessert, drink for $5. Kids 4 and under is $3. All proceeds will help purchase a projector for Firefighter training Sponsored by: Three Rivers FD Ladies Auxiliary
february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
Groups and Organizatons
Dozers: 1984 JD 450-D Dozer ser.#C711551, runs good, has good undercarriage and tracks, winch; JD 550G Dozer Ser. #798133 50% UC; Wheel Loaders: 45-B Fiat-Allis 4WD, ser. #55501523; Volvo L90; Track Loaders: Cat 953 Backhoes: JD 510 Backhoe, complete Transmission rebuild in 2005 serial # 7882C3JD; Case 590 4 WD Extenda Hoe; Trucks & Trailers: 1990 Ford XLF Series #2FDLF47GSLCA43991 Gas pickup w/ flatbed; 1992 Chevy 3500 #1GBJC34F9NE166768 diesel utility truck; 1987 Ford L9000 Tandem Axle Dump Truck with 315 Cummings - 8 low and low; 1983 International S Series Flatbed with Int 210 Engine #1HTAA19E7DHA19034; 1988 L9000 Ford Single Axle Dump Truck with Cummings Engine #1FTYR90L8JVA55632; 1985 Ford F8M Dump Trucks serial # 1FDXK87U2FVa01187; Chevy tandem log truck w/ Prentice 120 loader; 1987 Eager Beaver 20 HA 20 ton tag along equipment trailer, serial # 1120HA200HT200689, air brakes with new oak deck, brakes and tires better than 75%; Attachments: 9’ rake; 2000 Sweepster mod. D32C5, ser. # 010135, complete unit, hyd., drive mounts; Sawmills & Equipment: 28 ft. Mellot log trough w/ kicker; Log Cart; Dinasaw PPFBD Bandsaw blade sharpener - 12 volt; Misc: 8x10 storage barn; 10x10 storage barn; tools; fasteners; maintenance supplies; 7.3 L Diesel, Ford ZF 5 speed, Dana rear end –GAWR 11,000 + four 16” rims ( all from a1989 Ford F-Super Duty); 26 ft truck bed, 42’ sides with roll tarp
21 auctions & real estate
Isleta UMC is taking spring flower orders through Feb. 28. You can order flats or annuals for $2.50, 4” pots of specialty plants for $2.75, hanging baskets for $13.50 and perennials for $7.75. There is a huge list of flowers available from the grower, Molesky Greenhouse of Alliance. Flowers can be picked up Saturday, May 8 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the church. For more information and an order form, call Bev Darr at 740-492-0606. Isleta UMC will be hosting a free community dinner Sunday, Feb. 28 with serving time from 5 - 6 p.m. Following dinner, there will be a craft time where you can make pinecone bird feeders and a St. Patrick’s Day project. Isleta UMC’s free community dinners are the last Sunday of each month. For more information, call Connie Patterson at 545-6308. The Warsaw UMC Jacob’s Closet new hours of operation. Beginning in February, we will be open every Thursday from 9 - noon, and the last Thursday of each month, 9 - noon and 5 – 8 p.m. At this time, we will no longer accept any clothing until the first of March. The church is located at 130 E. Church St. in Warsaw. For more information, call 740-824-3228.
44th annual corn club banquet held
By: Mark forTune
2001 Hyundai Accent 3D GS.....$.2,995
the increase of carbon released into 2001 Dodge Gr. Caravan Sport..$3,495 our atmosphere”. V-6, AT, Higher Miles but very nice! Next, Duane Stutzman, 1996 Ford Contour GL...............$2,495 President of the River View FFA 4 cyl, AT, 84k, Clean local trade chapter, and Suzie McMullen, (50 others to choose from - all under $5,000) current State of Ohio FFA VicePresident and graduate of River View High School, presented – Since 1972 – trophies and plaques to area corn Providing Quality Affordable Vehicles farmers. The awards were provided And Satisfaction After The Sale by Coshocton Grain Company, 65 W. Pine Street, Coshocton • 740-622-8811 (By Riverside Towers Apartments) Chase Bank and the Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District. Craig Hunter was awarded first place for hill land, hand check river view corn cLuB PreSenTS awarDS pictured from l to WHERE YOUR DRIVING with 164.3 bushels per acre and r are; front row, Speaker Mr. Ralph Dull, Lynn Mikesell, Drew Hunter, DREAMS COME TRUE! Kyle Lowe took second with 143.2 craig Hunter, Liz porteus, kevin Lowe, Martin Daugherty, neil croft and Suzie McMullen. Back row, l to r; Duane Stutzman, kevin McVey, bushels per acre. In the machine Ben young, Jessie Wright, Joe McVey, knox porteus, Mike Wilson check category for hill land, Bill and Denny Tumblin. BeAcon pHoTo By MARk FoRTune Daugherty placed first with 229.2 bushels per acre and Amy and Beth The River View agricultural education department Porteus second with 217.2 bushels per acre. hosted the 44th annual corn club banquet at the Drew Hunter earned first place in the bottom high school on Saturday, Feb. 20. Following a land, hill check with 193.7 bushels per acre with delicious meal prepared by Shelia Guthrie, Mr. Kevin and Kim Lowe second at 121 bushels per Ralph Dull gave a presentation on conservation acre. In the bottom land machine check, first Rick “Mousie” Miller Whitey Ashcraft Justin Huntington and offered opinions on how to utilize green went to Croft Farms with 232.2 bushels per acre CALL US 623.2200 methods to conserve. Dull spoke about carbon 1102 Chestnut St, Coshocton at the 5-way light and using hydrogen as a fuel source, saying that and second was awarded to Joe McVey with 230.4 bushels per acre. us out on the net at hydrogen is a perfectly clean source of electricity The No Till award went to Bill Daugherty and is economical to produce. He also talked with a yield of 229.2 bushels per acre. Some about how we need to be giving our young people quick “corn-y” facts; corn is the main ingredient RAUSCH SALES O T U A D N A 545.6832 more responsibility – especially in farming. in most dry pet food, the typical ear of corn has TRAILER Dull offered three main reasons for being more 800 kernels and one bushel of corn will sweeten 2008 Chrysler Sebring LX – $9,250 conservative and developing alternative energy more than 400 cans of Coca-Cola. Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PL, PW, Remote Entry, CD, 41K sources, stating, “The good stuff (meaning oil) 2007 Jeep Liberty Sport 4x4 – $11,900 Jim Rich, Vo-Ag instructor at River View, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PL, PW, CD, Remote Entry, 26K won’t last forever, our dependence on foreign oil said, “We’re trying to promote agriculture and 2007 Pontiac G6 – $8,995 places U.S. national security at risk and finally, grow corn more efficiently. We have fewer V6, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PL, PW, CD, Remote Entry, 31K 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser – $7,695 acres to work with now – we have to grow more Auto, Air, Tilt, PL, PW, CD, Remote Entry, 31K with less. That gets us in trouble with prices SERVICE DEPARTMENT 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser Touring – $7,995 Moonroof, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PL, PW, Remote Entry, CD, 27K sometimes. When it comes to the corn club, the $30 per hour labor rate, 2006 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab 4x4 Auto, Air, CD, 37K – $12,500 biggest value for the students is in growing crops, $23.36 lube, oil & filter change UTILITY TRAILERS – Starting @ $495 sharing the results and then having something 16’ Tandem Axle Trailer w/ Slide-in Ramps – $2,075 they can relate to. We have test plots on the school farm so they can study the results. This BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE! 706 Otsego Ave • 524 South 7th St • Coshocton SR 751 (1/2 mile south of US36) West Lafayette SALES & DETAIL | 622-8350 MECHANICAL SERVICE | 622-4656 has also helped our FFA agronomy teams in the competitions”. Rich also provided those in attendance with some basic facts about the River View Corn Club, which was chartered at Warsaw in BRING THESE COUPONS IN FOR GREAT SAVINGS 1957 with six members. In 1966 there were 124 PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX OR SHOP SUPPLIES (Expires March 31, 2010) members and Bob Mikesell had the top Hill SLOW DOWN WITH THIS BRAKE SPECIAL LUBE, OIL & FILTER SPECIAL Land Check with a yield of 196.8 bushels per RETAIL VALUE $28.99 REPLACE BRAKE PADS & TURN ROTORS acre and Charlie Duncan won the Bottom Check RETAIL VALUE $169.99 with 210.7 bushels per acre. 0005_011310
0036_022410 classified hotline 622-4ads
The Beacon
february 24, 2010
auto Sales
4 cyl, AT, 91k, One Owner!
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Got something you really want to sell!? Put it in front of thousands of readers in The Coshocton County Beacon classifieds! Call Nicole at 622-4ADS (4237) or fax to 623-9937 or visit us at 226 Main St.!
05 Hyundai Tuscon, Coshocton, 2&3 4x4, alloy wheels, BR, month to month cruise. $10,895. 740lease, no cats. 740- 623-8337 498-5893 06 Chevy Equinox MOBILE HOMES LT, AWD, 60k miles, alloy wheels. $13,495 FOR RENT 740-623-8337 Trailers for rent. $250 and up, plus TRUCKS deposit. 740-6226047 1991 Ford F150 XLT MOTORCYCLES Lariat, 5 spd, 140k miles, new tires, new 2006 Harley David- petrol tank, great son Sportster 883 body. $2,150. OBO. Low, color black 740-829-2503 cherry, zip off saddle bags. Removable 06 Honda CRV, windshield, bike cov- AWD, sunroof, er, battery tender. 5-speed, Vtech, 55k $5,500. OBO 740- miles $17,495. 740622-5113 623-8337
2009 Top brand 5’x10’ utility trailer, 2”x6” floor, 15” tires, excellent condition. 2990 GVW. $600. 740-610-8466 or 740-622-6480
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES Friday at 5 p.m. (Prior to Wednesday Publication) Place your order by phone: 740-622-4237 or fax: 740-623-9937 • Place your ad via e-mail: Stop In – 226 Main St. Coshocton
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february 24, 2010 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ads
Buying: Boy Scout patches and memorabilia, one entire TLG Distributors Used washers, dry- 18 Tanned Deer patch or entire colOnline Advertising. ers and ranges. Call hides (buckskin). lection. Call 740-623Call Terry 740-575- Kevin at 740-390- 740-622-8632 0793 leave message 4121 5114. No calls after or email scoutpa6p.m. PETS ANNOUNCEMENTS HAY AKC Lab puppies, Wanted old knives, Happy 90th vet checked & 1st swords, arrowheads, Birthday First and Second shots. Ready to go to old photos, old tools, February 26 cutting orchard Grass new home. For more crocks. Bill Nelson of Timothy mixed hay. information 740-622- 740-294-9013 Willscreek fisher- Round and square 1253 man, ginseng man bales. 740-824-3621 APARTMENTS & trapper. Love from Adopting a pet? AnFOR RENT Dorothy, you wife of CABINETS imal Adoption Center 68 years, your chilThrift Store has kit- One Bedroom, one dren, Carol Ann, New Custom Made tens, cats, puppies, mile out. $350 month, Connie & Donald Kitchen Cabinets. 6 dogs. All are altered, total electric, deposit, upper, 4 lower, white shots, wormed. Save references, lease. No Happy Birthday with brushed nickel a life, Adopt! 504 pets, non-smoking. Barbara Weaver hardware. Hard Main. 740-575-4519 740-622-7303 February 22nd & wood counter tops. 23rd White cast iron sink. For sale Basset Upstairs, 2BR apt. Only your mom 740-295-5428 hound puppies, had quiet neighborhood, knows! floors, shots and wormed hardwood Love, Shelly, Renee, $125 each. John stove, refrig., deck. Josie and Nicole CLOTHING Troyer, 28584 New $340/mo. plus utiliCastle Rd. Walhond- ties and deposit. For Sale. Girls, size ing, OH 43843 at 229 740-623-9904 SERVICES 6, Cinderella beaded Feed Supply style, white flower DUPLEX Bud’s Refuse Trash girl, 1st Communion WANTED TO BUY FOR RENT Pick-up, city & coun- dress. Excellent conty clean-up. Special dition. Asking $20. Standing Timber or Both sides of duplex one time pick-ups. Call 740-623-0093 chipwood. 5 acres or for rent. 2BR, $350/ Odd jobs, senior for more information more. Contact 740- mo. 1BR $250/mo. in Coshocton. No pets, discounts. 740-622545-9227. utilities not included. 2414 Call 740-202-0048 ADVERTISING
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Sales Hours: Mon.-Fri 8-6 • Sat. 9-2 • Service Hours: M-F 8-5:30