October 28, 2009 Coshocton County Beacon

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The Beac n


Positively Coshocton County

VolumE 2, numBEr 14



wEdnEsdAy, octoBEr 28, 2009

Ground breaking held for airport runway extension

Junior fAir Auction BuyErs And photos pAgEs 8-9 & 16-19 kiwAnis pAncAkE dAy pAgE 5 This edition of The Beacon published in honor of the Stagmyer family. “Shining a Positive Light on Coshocton County”

Airport runwAy ExtEnsion BEgins

Local officials, airport board, and employees of Richard Downing Airport break ground on the 5,000 runway extension. From left to right are; airport board member John Strasser, airport employee Richard Dile, Mike Calevski, representing Congressman Zach Space, airport employee Keith Krebs, County Commissioner Dane Shryock, airport executive director Bethel Toler, County Commissioner Gary Fischer, Project Engineer Don Yager, County Commissioner D. Curtis Lee, airport employee Jim Karas, board member Marion Sutton, airport employee Garry Gunn, Port Authority Executive Director T. J. Justice, and Kathy Thompson, Coshocton Foundation Executive Director. BEACon PhoTo BY MARK FoRTunE ARTICLE ON PG 3 Gourmet Coffee Menu Available Open-Close

Best Smoothies in Town! Chef Mike every Wednesday on the patio

Full Service Bar of Wine, Liquor, Import & Domestic Beer


Wine Purses - Croc & Animal Print Gift Baskets Wine Glasses - Engraved Weekend Entertainment

Located in Historic Roscoe Village at 365 N. Whitewoman St • Coshocton Open 7 Days a Week • 740.622.3000 • www.uncorkedwineandcoffeebar.com

Lenny’s Barber Shop............10 Millcreek Equipment Ltd.......14 Miller’s Dutch Kitchen .........06 Milligan Memorials ..............06 Mission Auto Connection .....24 Mosier Computer .................20 Murray’s Tire ......................22 Myers TV ............................14 Peddicord Rice Auction Realty Guy - Heil ..................21 Phase III - Nails by Jennifer .07 Raven’s Glenn .....................04 Reliv’s Financial Freedom Tour...........................07 Route 5 Auto Sales .............22 Seton Coshocton .................14 Sherry Kirkpatrick ...............04 Sprint Print .........................06 St Johns United Church of Christ ........................04 Stoffer Real Estate- Larry Corder, Auctioneer .....21 The Party Package Too! ......12 Thomas Meiser ....................13 Three Rivers Therapy Services LLC ..............03 Tom Grier ............................13 Uncorked ............................01 Vacshak, Inc .......................12 Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel ....................15 Wells Fargo Advisors - Josh Fisher ..............03 Wilson Carpet & Furniture ...13 Windsorwood Place .............10

PUBLISHERS statement

THE COSHOCTON COUNTY BEACON is published weekly by Good Fortune Advertising LLC, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. All rights reserved © by Good Fortune Advertising LLC. Good Fortune Advertising LLC does not necessarily support the opinion of writers. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at Coshocton, OH, 43812. Postmaster, send address changes to The Coshocton County Beacon, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, OH 43812. Address changes may be sent via email to addresschange@coshoctoncountybeacon.com. To request free in county delivery of The Coshocton County Beacon, visit our office at 226 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton to fill out a requestor card. You can also request free in-county delivery of The Beacon online at www.iwantmybeacon.com.

Published by Good Fortune Advertising, LLC 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: 740-622-4237 • Fax: 740-623-9937 www.thebeaconbuzz.com Office Hours: Mon – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Deadlines: Classified Advertising – Friday at 5 p.m. Display Advertising – Wednesday at 5 p.m. Located at 226 Main Street Towne Centre, Coshocton, OH Owner/PubLiSHer - Mark FOrTune mark@coshoctoncountybeacon.com CirCuLaTiOn & CLaSSiFieD – niCOLe MeDLey nicole@coshoctoncountybeacon.com GraPHiC arTiST – bryan FOx bryan@coshoctoncountybeacon.com SaLeS COnSuLTanT - SanDy Harvey sandy@coshoctoncountybeacon.com SaLeS COnSuLTanT - nina DrinkO nina@coshoctoncountybeacon.com

Disclaimer: The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. The publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertising beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. Classified refunds will be given only on mistakes reported during the first time the ad appears in The Coshocton County Beacon. Any reproduction without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. 2008 The Coshocton County Beacon

mArk fortunE

Before we get to the more serious stuff this week, we must stop and congratulate the Cincinnati Bengals on the NFL front. I am still hoping that Mark Martin can pull out the Chase for the Cup title. It would be fitting for the “old man” of NASCAR to accomplish that feat and let everyone know that mArk fortunE guys over 40 can still get it done. And the Phillies and Yankees in the World Series? Do you care? Finally, does anyone know who this new manager of the Tribe is? Never heard of him. Now, let’s turn to the upcoming election on Tuesday, Nov. 3. There are several local issues that are important and two statewide issues that are grabbing a lot of attention. And, all city council seats are up for grabs this time around, including the President of City Council seat. The local issues are all important; River View Schools permanent improvement RENEWAL levy – a “Yes’ vote is urged to keep up the maintenance on buildings, grounds, school buses and more. The Children Services levy is also a RENEWAL – meaning no additional taxes – this is also important and vital for the children in our community. We urge a “YES” vote on this as well. There are of course, several township levies that are exclusive to the township in which you reside. One of the most important and significant issues on the county wide ballot is the Ohio State University Extension

Vote YES for Issue 2

Ohio farmers know best how to care for their livestock and poultry. Don’t let out-of-state activists tell farmers how to care for their animals. Voting YES for Issue 2 to create the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board will:


levy. This levy will support our 4-H programs, agriculture and natural resources, expanded food and nutrition education program (EFNEP) and community development education for ALL Coshocton County citizens. This is NOT just a service for those living on farms – the OSU extension office serves ALL residents of the county – no matter where you live. The levy is on the ballot due to the economic challenges facing the County Commissioners. In order to balance the budget the commissioners made a tough choice to reduce funding to this program. A decision was made to place a 0.6 mill levy for five years on the ballot to ensure that the people of Coshocton County will still be served by this organization. If you own a home valued at $100,000, your tax would be $18.38 per year, or $1.53 per month. Not much money for all of the services and advice that this office provides. I would not want to tell a prospective employer that our county no longer offers 4-H, Master Gardeners or any of the other programs. Without the passing of this levy, it is certain that the Coshocton County Fair will not be the same. The Coshocton County Beacon suggests a “YES” vote on the OSU Extension levy. On the statewide ballot, Issue 2 and 3 are looming large. Issue 2 is easy. Vote “YES” on Issue 2 – let our farmers, livestock and agricultural experts determine the course of action for the care and feeding of animals, NOT the special interest groups. The Beacon urges a “YES” vote on state Issue 2. Regarding Issue 3, the citizens of Ohio have already voted “NO” on a similar issue FIVE times. Enough said. Do we need jobs? Yes, certainly. But not these jobs. We need quality service and manufacturing jobs. Don’t be fooled – who do you really think will control the gambling in our larger cities? Once the construction is over, we will reap what we have sown. Don’t gamble with our future. The Beacon suggests a “NO” vote on state Issue 3. Solid research proves that gambling preys on those with lower income and the unemployment rate is higher – not lower - in cities where gambling is allowed. The most important thing you can do on Tuesday, Nov. 3? VOTE! Exercise your freedom and the rights that have been bought and paid for in blood, sweat and tears by generations of proud Americans.

You’re our Big Girl!

• Provide Ohio families with safe, locally grown food • Bring the best Ohio experts in animal care and food production together on one Board • Maintain consumer confidence in Ohio-raised food • Keep food affordable for everyone • Protect our family farms

Get involved. To contribute, to volunteer or to learn more, visit www.SafeLocalOhioFood.org.

Vote YES for Issue 2

Endorsed by: Governor Ted Strickland Lt. Governor Lee Fisher Senate President Bill Harris House Speaker Armond Budish State Auditor Mary Taylor US Representative Zach Space State Senator Jimmy Stewart County Commissioners’ Assn of Ohio Ohio Chamber of Commerce

Ohio Grocers Association Ohio Restaurant Association Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives Ohio Veterinary Medical Association National Federation of Independent Businesses – Ohio Chapter And many more - visit www.SafeLocalOhioFood.org for a full listing.

Coshocton County Farm Bureau invites you to learn more – contact our office at 1-800-641-7648. Paid for by Ohioans for Livestock Care Political Action Committee, John C. Fisher, Treasurer 280 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43215


Agents Realty & Auction Service ......................14 Arndt Chiropractic ...............11 Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Coshocton .................22 Classified ............................23 Coshocton Chiropractic Health Center........................10 Coshocton County Farm Bureau .......................02 Coshocton County Senior Center .......................11 Courtsquare Café ................12 Dale Gress Real Estate ........14 Dale Gress Real Estate Auction ......................20 Dale Gress Real Estate Auction .....................21 David Babcock.....................07 DeCosky Ford ......................22 Dennis Meiser .....................12 Designs by Michele .............06 Extermital ...........................15 Fortune’s Boot Shop & Repair ....................15 Hilltop Golf Course ..............04 Interim Healthcare ...............12 James Schumaker ..............04 Kaufman Realty Inc Terry Stanford ...........20 Kaufman Realty Inc -Auction .....................20 Keim Lumber .......................15 Kiwanis Pancake Day Sponsors....................05


Customer Index mark’s musings

Kaelynn Allison Klein Robinson 0065_102809

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thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009



November 3, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday

Love, Mommy, Daddy, and brother Kole who is 2 ½ years old

Airport runway Extension Begins

Together we’ll go far



Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured NO Bank Guarantee MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors is the trade name used by two separate registered broker-dealers: Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2009 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 0409-3012 [75180-v1]A1441

h erapy M inu


• Mobility – walkers (2-wheeled, 4-wheeled, no wheels), canes, scooters, and wheelchairs can be the deciding factor in your safety at home or they can be the support that keeps you active in the community. There are many other pieces of safety/ adaptive equipment available right here in the Coshocton area including: Triplitt’s Pharmacy, Medi-Wise, Randal’s Medical, Frees Medical and other area drug stores. Not all items are covered by insurance, however, all the stores listed above will have knowledge of items covered and any cost you may have. Another option is the Handicap Society. You sign out equipment free of cost for an agreed upon period of time. This is especially great if you have surgery and only need equipment short-term. However, if you have equipment you no longer need the Handicap Society greatly appreciates donations. In conclusion, the “golden years” can pose a challenge to all of us, but with the proper equipment and instruction by licensed Occupational and Physical Therapists, life can be made a little easier. If you feel you may benefit from an evaluation for adaptive equipment, please give Three Rivers Therapy a call!! James Jason Watson, OTR - Partner Three Rivers Therapy Services

is a free publication provided by:

hree Rivers herapy Services, LLC Three Rivers Therapy Services, LLC • 507 ½ Main Street, Coshocton, OH 43812 Phone: 740-295-7080 • threeriverstherapy@sbcglobal.net


Joshua G. Fisher, CRPC® Financial Advisor 250 2nd St. N.W. New Philadelphia, OH 44663 330-339-6669 800-203-4934 joshua.fisher@wellsfargoadvisors.com

Do you cringe at the thought of growing older? Well, I do! I believe I will always be a Toys R Us kid – “I don’t wanna grow up”! However, growing older is a part of life and everyone must accommodate the many changes it brings to our bodies. As we get older, our abilities, such as: vision, strength, fine motor coordination, flexibility, balance and so much more decline. As these abilities are affected, everyday tasks become difficult and frustrating. As a Certified Occupational Therapist, working in patient’s homes, whether it’s a house, assisted living center, or apartment many people are unaware of the “adaptive equipment” that is available to help with these tasks. Examples include: • Dressing – long handled shoe horns, sock aides, and dressing sticks are valuable tools if you have limited shoulder/back/neck mobility and have difficulty getting dressed/ undressed. • Showering – long handled sponges, hand-held shower heads, tub bench/shower chair, and grab bars are a few items available to assist you if you’re experiencing poor endurance or balance. • Bed Mobility – trapeze bars, bed canes and side rails can be the difference in getting in and out of bed by yourself or waiting on help to do so. • Toileting – grab bars, elevated toilet seats, and bed side commodes help keep bathroom time a private time. • Transfers – transfer poles, lift chairs, grab bars, and walkers/canes will be a benefit if you are having trouble standing up from your chair/bed and /or standing and pivoting into another chair due to instability in legs, weakness or any condition that weakens your overall body performance.


Forrester Research, Inc.’s client survey rated Wells Fargo Advisors #1 in doing what is best for clients.

h erapy Minu e

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

ranks #1 with clients!

Providing Quality Physical & Occupational Therapy in your home!

october 28, 2009

Wells Fargo

hree Rivers herapy Services, LLC community

Local officials and members of the Richard Downing airport board marked the beginning of the long-awaited runway extension with a ceremonial ground-breaking on Wednesday, Oct. 21. Member of the airport board, Marion Sutton commented, “It’s going to bring more business and more air traffic to our area. Our company, Jones Metal Products Company, will take advantage of this – our customers will be very happy with this extension”. Coshocton County Commissioner Dane Shryock stated, “It’s a great day for Coshocton County – anything we can do to bring economic growth or keep existing jobs is a good thing. There are certain local employers that have to land at Zanesville due to weather and the restrictions placed on our airport because it is only 4,000 feet. This has to do with insurance and other regulations. This extension to 5,000 feet will certainly help enhance our business opportunities”. As T.J. (T.J. Justice, Port Authority Executive Director) says, “This is just another tool in our toolbox”. Funds to extend the runway to 5,000 feet were contributed by the Coshocton Foundation, The Montgomery Foundation and funds procured by Congressman Zach Space.


it’s church Bazaar time!

n i a et

R Sherry

dElicious food And quAlity crAfts opal Schumaker and Janice Bantum were browsing the goods at the Roscoe uMC annual fall bazaar. Their comments on lunch were, “It was delicious”. (Beacon photo by Mark Fortune) BEACon PhoTo BY



When the leaves start falling it can only mean one thing for many in our community – It’s time for the church bazaar! Whether you are a Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian or any other denomination, the annual fall

Thank you for reading The Beacon!

Paid for by Kirkpatrick for Treasurer, S. Kirkpatrick, Treasurer. 1670 Evergreen Pk, Coshocton, OH 43812

church bazaar means great food, homemade crafts and fellowship. We caught up with some folks at the Roscoe United Methodist Church having lunch last Thursday. Harold Olinger, a long-time member of the church remarked, “This is super excellent and nothing less! I had sugar free chili, and chicken and noodles, which was just as good as the Amish make it. I also had some jello and a chicken sandwich. There was nothing wrong with that either! I will probably come back for dinner.” (Editor’s note: see dates and times on several upcoming church bazaars in this issue of The Beacon – you may also visit our online community calendar by clicking on community calendar from our website, www.thebeaconbuzz.com)

Emmanuel lutheran church continues 20-year tradition


St. John’s United Church of Christ (Corner of 8th & Orange Street)

November 4th • 9am - ? Whitewoman Pottery Display


Let my experience and dedication continue to work for you.

Lunch & Supper served, crafts, baked goods, homemade noodles, mincemeat sausage, and soup. Quilt raffle.

mAking noodlEs In 1989, the people of Emmanuel Lutheran Church started a tradition that is still going strong today: making noodles. The event was started by helen S hothem and is now continued by helen’s daughter, Linda Storm, and Marge Erman. They have two, three-day sessions making, turning, drying and bagging the noodles, and they use 45 dozen eggs in each three-day session. To make sure the event runs smoothly, the church requires at least 15 volunteers and they make 140 lbs of noodles every day. They have already had one, three-day session in September and are now finishing up for their holiday Bazaar on nov. 14 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Lutheran Church. The noodles will be on sale during the bazaar. BEACon PhoTo BY BETh DuLAnEY

Scenic 0042_102809

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thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009

Paid for by candidate, James Schumaker, 52441 CR 16, West Lafayette, OH 43845


James schumaker Lafayette Township Trustee




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Kiwanis PancaKe Day!



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Help support the Coshocton Kiwanis Club and their youth related activities.


Endsley Agency




october 28, 2009

Taylor Insurance and Financial Services

CoshoCton Bowling Center 622-6332

pancake day

Thursday, Nov. 5th • 6am-7pm Roberta’s Catering & Event Center • 51 Pine Street, Coshocton

field of faith

Situated along a plot but in the Methodist of land along Virginia Church you go where Township Road 63, and when the Bishop a group of volunteers says to go. I have have followed their been many places and faith by planting and the Lord decided this harvesting potatoes to was the place. I also help those less that are teach part-time at the less fortunate. Merlen University of Akron. Levering, who owns The land we are using the land, said, “This is for the potatoes is a project of the United about an acre and we Methodist Men of the have over 14 rows of First United Methodist potatoes that are 100 Church in Akron”. hArVEsting spuds from fAith Volunteers yards long. I asked Levering is a retired are shown harvesting potatoes for those less Marc Lacy to help United Methodist fortunate. Pictured from left to right are; Marc Lacy, and he graciously pastor, having served Dan Funk, Pastor Merlen Levering, Steve, Michele volunteers his time and Funk and Pastor Joy Blaney of the Conesville united for 40 years. He stated, Methodist Church and new Moscow united farming talents for this “This farm was my Methodist Church. BEACon PhoTo BY MARK project. I bought a new owned by my great- FoRTunE planter and new digger grandparents. Their and have received lots name was “Cave”. of help and advice from I came here with my grandfather when I was local people; including Tim Holt, Louie Mizer a little boy and have a great affection for this and Jim Roman at Dresden Feed & Supply, who place. 50% of the farm was left to me by my provided us with the seed. On May 27 Marc and Mother and I purchased the other half 3 to 4 9 men planted the field in 2 and a half hours. years ago from other family members. Being My experience with this community is that able to bring it back has been good – I wanted to people will help you! We have harvested over do something that would honor my family, great 900 pounds of potatoes so far with 25% of grandparents and grandfather. what we harvest going to the local community Why potatoes? Levering said, “The Methodist and 50% of what remains goes to the Haven of Men have a tradition of bringing potatoes and Rest in Akron. This is a 24 hour shelter for men, giving them to local food pantries. At their women and children. They feed 21 meals a week meeting every four years the tradition was for – and if you’re hungry they’ll feed you. We split each group to bring potatoes. I told the Methodist the other 50% between the Salvation Army and Men at our church they could grow potatoes on another group in Akron. my farm. At the December meeting, they decided to do it. I have never grown anything in my life Proud to have served the people of Coshocton and our surrounding communities for over 113 years!

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The Leadership Coshocton County Alumni Committee is hosting an Effective Web Design Seminar presented by Mike Coronado, Digital Media Instructor at COTC, Coshocton Campus. Topics include: choosing a web designer, basic web terminology, tips and tricks of the trade, ten important things to know before you meet your web designer, and ten important things to ask your web designer. How to get the most out of your web site as well as methods to improve your exposure will also be discussed. The seminar will be Thursday, Nov. 5, at Montgomery Hall (Coshocton Campus) -- 200 N. Whitewoman Street -- in the first level meeting room from 7 - 8:30 p.m. The cost is $10.00, which includes session materials and refreshments. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting the Leadership Coshocton County Office by Nov. 3. Please include the name(s) of the attendee(s). Payment is due the day of event or before. Checks are payable to Leadership Coshocton County. For more information or to make reservations, call the office at 622-0010 or e-mail lead@ coshoctonfoundation.org. Leadership Coshocton County is a program of the Coshocton Foundation.

college financial Aid 101 The Coshocton College Access Program will be having a financial aid workshop on Thursday, Nov. 5 at the Coshocton High School library, Wednesday, Nov. 11 at the River View High School library, and Monday, Dec. 14 at the Ridgewood High School auditorium. All sessions will begin at 6 p.m. Each workshop session is an overview of the types of financial aid available to students and parents and how to apply. A representative from Great Lakes Education Service will present the information and be available to answer group or individual questions. These workshops are not sales presentations. For more information, contact Brian Crilow at 740-502-6345 or bcrilow@columbus.rr.com.

The Coshocton County Beacon – We’re Just Local.

Where you won’t go home hungry!

Prime Rib on Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Nights

leadership coshocton county alumni to host web designing seminar


As Seen on Bob Vila...


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thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009



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wish granted

coshocton Business and professional 7 women donate stove

DaviD BaBcock



712 Pine St. • Coshocton M, T, Th, F: 8:30-5:30 Sun: 1- 5 Closed Wed & Sat

Lafayette township trustee Paid for by candidate, David Babcock, 53694 TR 158, West Lafayette, OH 43845


Gel Nails & Toe Nails • Manicures Pedicures • Nail Art • Paraffin Hand Dips

1020R Cedar Street Coshocton


Get ready to take control of your life... How would you like to: • break free from the corporate world • secure your own financial future • live life on your own terms? Relìv International wants to show you how Get ready for Relìv’s Financial Freedom Tour!


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Come see for yourself why right now is the ideal time to seize the Relìv opportunity and the limitless possibilities it provides. Presentation by Relìv’s founder and CEO, Bob Montgomery.

Reliv’s Financial Freedom Tour: Thursday, November 12, 7:30pm

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This event is free and open to the public, so bring your friends with you.

Contact: 740-294-5401

Call to arrange for carpooling!!

Relìv is the ideal entrepreneurial opportunity for today!


Thank you for requesting The Beacon!


Linda White Secretary of the Coshocton County Agricultural Society & Fairboard has announced petitions for Director of the Agricultural Society & Fairboard are available at the fairboard office. Any two consecutive year member is eligible to run for office. There will be six (6) positions filled. Anyone wanting to take out a petition may pick it up at the fairboard office at 707 Kenilworth Avenue between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. All petitions must be turned back in no later than 4p.m. Friday Oct. 30. Elections will be Saturday Nov. 7, between the hours of 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Remember to “fall back” this weekend. The clocks go back 1 hour!


fair Board petitions available

Quality Work at a Competitive Price!

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

13 year old Morgan Bradford of West Lafayette is enjoying a long-time wish that has been granted by the Make a Wish foundation. Her wish was to go to Disney World and the family left on Friday morning in a limousine bound for the airport. Morgan suffers from dermatomyositis, which is an autoimmune disorder that causes muscle weakness and debilitation of the muscles. She was diagnosed in July, 2001. Mom, Emily, said, “We’re not sure who submitted her name but we want to thank everyone who has supported her and our family for the past 8 years. Her wish was to go to Disney”. Morgan enthusiastically said, “I think it will be very exciting – I am looking forward to riding the rock ‘n roll coaster and have my picture taken with Mickey and Minnie. Other than the flying I’m really looking forward to it!”

october 28, 2009

members of the Bradford family; Morgan’s brother Tyler, mother Emily, Morgan and father Brandon. BEACon PhoTo BY MARK FoRTunE


wish grAntEd for ArEA 13 yEAr old Pictured from left to right are

Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) recently donated a new stove to First Step Family Violence Shelter. Julie Mulford, Shelter Worker (left) and Coshocton BPW President, Roma Vance (right) stand in front of the new stove. Recently, BPW/OH sent $500 to each A nEw stoVE Julie Mulford, Shelter Worker (left) local BPW to be used and Coshocton BPW President, Roma Vance (right) for special projects. stand in front of the new stove donated by the BPW. Coshocton BPW ConTRIBuTED To ThE BEACon donated $250 to First Step and $250 to Wigs for Cancer. Items and money are collected at every BPW meeting for First Step. On Saturday, October 24th Coshocton BPW will participate in Make A Difference Day by collecting items for First Step at The Mentoring Center of Coshocton County on Main Street, Baker’s Foods and Buehler Food Markets between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Suggested items include paper items, cleaning products, dry goods, personal hygiene products, diapers, stamps, and phone or gas cards. For more information contact Make A Difference Chair, Liz Herrell at 740-294-0199 or at lizywca@columbus.rr.com

Jeff Drennen Dealerships Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Coshocton

2009 Junior fair Auction Buyers - thank you! rabbit fryer

dairy feeders

grAnd chAmpion rABBit fryEr Buyers were Carl & Todd

grAnd chAmpion dAiry fEEdEr Buyers were TMK Bakersville and Bakersville Garage. Pictured are; Ray Yoder of TMK Bakersville, Cheryl Specht of Bakersville Garage and Davey Garber of Ridgewood FFA.

rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion rABBit fryEr Buyer was Robert (Bob) nelson of Dale Gress Real Estate. Pictured are Adrianna Childress of Green Acres 4-h and Bob nelson.

grAnd chAmpion dAiry fEEdEr

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Grand Champion Market Hog.

Emily Stout, Winner 4-H Club


Jr. fair Auction Buyers


Cognion Construction and Debbie Foster of Peddicord Rice Auction Realty. Pictured are; Carl Cognion, Tyler Gano of Winner 4-h, Debbie Foster and Todd Cognion.

Kristy Stout, Winner 4-H Club


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.

Walhonding Valley Sand and Gravel Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Lamb. 0005_102809

Brittany Schaefer, Go-Getters

Buyer was Greten’s Stump Grinding. Pictured is Karrie Greten and Craig hunter of River View FFA.

market chicken

Janet Mosier, Warsaw Lions Club and Keith and Denise McCoy Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hogs. Collin and Allie McCoy, Winner


www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009

Baker’s IGA

grAnd chAmpion mArkEt chickEn Buyers were; hannah rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion mArkEt chickEn Buyer Truck Repair, Sheriff Tim and nancy Rogers, State Representa- was Jeff Drennen Dealerships. Pictured are Victoria Stevens of tive (94th District) Troy Balderson and Walhonding Valley Sand Rainbow Makers 4-h and Rick Whetstone of Jeff Drennen Deal& Gravel. Pictured are Corey, Logan and hannah Ridenbaugh erships. of hannah Truck Repair, Curtis VonAllman of Spring Mountain Climbers, Sheriff Tim Rogers, State Representative (94th District) Troy Balderson and Ezra helmick of Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel.

2009 Junior fair Auction Buyers - thank you! market duck

wether goat

grAnd chAmpion mArkEt duck Buyers were Coshocton

grAnd chAmpion wEthEr goAt Buyer was organic Tech-


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Chicken.

Dillon McPeak, Showstoppers

Sheriff Tim and Nanci Rogers

H. Dewey Thompson

Auer Ace Hardware

Brillhart’s Body Shop

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb.

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Lamb.

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.

Jessie Carnes, Active Achievers

Tyler Wilson, Magic Makers

Michael Foster, Winner

Cory Barnett, Ridgerunners


Ron and Craig Ringwalt


Brianna Stevens, Rainbow Makers


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Chicken.

hannah Truck Repair, Sheriff Tim and nancy Rogers, Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel and State Representative (94th District) Troy Balderson. Pictured are; Corey, Logan and hannah Ridenbaugh of hannah Truck Repair, Sheriff Tim Rogers, State Representative (94th District) Troy Balderson, nancy Rogers and Ezra helmick of Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel. Cole Morris of Good Times 4-h club is holding his goat.


Sharon and Les at Mission Auto Connection and Craig and Neatie Casey at Casey Properties

rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion wEthEr goAt Buyers were

See pages 16 - 19 for more pictures



Hannah Worthington, West Lafayette Superstars

rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion mArkEt duck Buyer was The home Loan Savings Bank. Pictured are; Tom Conidi and Paula Carpenter of The home Loan Savings Bank, Rachelle Goehring of Good Times 4-h, Kyle hamilton and Preston Bair of The home Loan Savings Bank.


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Rabbit Fryer.

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

Tori Stevens, Rainbow Makers

nologies. Pictured are; Patty and David Wiley of organic Technologies, Melissa Laughlin of Coshocton Canine and Kyle Short.


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Chicken.

County Commissioner’s Gary Fischer and Dane Shryock and Tuscarawas Township Trustee Don Wells. Pictured are; Don Wells, Mark Lepley, Gary Fischer, Dillon Lepley of Ribbon Winners 4-h and Dane Shryock.

october 28, 2009

Jeff Drennen Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Coshocton

9 Jr. fair Auction Buyers

Ohio Central Railroad





Appointments Recommended 622-4947 Walk-ins Welcome • Behind Coshocton Bowling Alley


• HAIRCUTS $10 •



• HAIRCUTS $10 •




150 in Attendance at 67th Annual meeting and Banquet The Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District held their 67th Annual Banquet at the Coshocton County Career Center Thursday evening, October 22, 2009. 150

GET FIT WITH CHIROPRACTIC Call our office today to schedule an appointment and consultation.


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Apartments available today...

ask about our pre-winter rate special for new tenants Windsorwood Place we’re all about independence... ....Dad has always been very independent. After his heart started giving him problems, we were all concerned about his health. He and Mom being alone in that big old house was also something we all secretly worried about. Recently a friend of Dad’s told him about the Apartments at Windsorwood Place. It was affordable and Dad & Mom could maintain their independence in their own apartment yet have available assistance 24 hours a day if they need it. They can even take their little dog “Penny” and Mom has decided she wants to keep their beloved Ford in the covered parking area so she can continue to drive to see the grand kids when ever they want. One of the best parts is that a licensed nurse will keep track of Dad’s health and make sure he gets to his doctor’s appointments. They can help keep track of their medication and see that it’s always taken on time. They can even help with moving Mom & Dad’s furniture into their new apartment. The greatest thing is that all this “peace of mind” is easily within their budget. Those assisted living apartments are a great idea........

A Senior Living Community 255 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton, Ohio 43812



Windsorwood Place is an affiliate of Abbington Communities as a senior care alternative.

portEus prEsEnts “Big trEE” AwArd.

Knox Porteus is pictured with Cheryl and Tim Specht, who won this year’s award. Their tree is an oak which measures 18 feet, 2 inches in circumference.



www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009

• Whiplash, painful joints • Frequent headaches • Low back, hip or leg pain • Slipped discs, sciatica


We Offer Custom tailored relief for:

By dEB BigElow, district AdministrAtor area residents and special guests were in attendance. A baked steak dinner served by the Fresno Methodist Church preceded the meeting. The Ohio Soil & Water Conservation Commission held an election for one supervisor to be elected to the Coshocton SWCD Board of Supervisors. Garry Derr and Lori Cabot were the candidates for the position. Garry Derr was elected and will serve a three year term starting January 1, 2010. Lewis “Pooch” Blackson was the guest speaker. Pooch has lived in Coshocton County his entire 81 years and has a deep appreciation and interest in local history. Pooch shared many interesting stories and said his greatest accomplishment was serving on the Board of Education for the Coshocton County JVS when the “new”

school was built in 1978. Pooch is an avid collector of old paintings and records, and his “Galley in the Alley” houses many of his cherished bits of history. Coshocton SWCD sponsored the Coshocton County Junior Fair Hay Show and recognized the winners at the 2009 County Fair – Light Mixed Hay –Anna Powell, Daughter of Brian & Andrea Powell, Ridgewood FFA; Alfalfa & Clover Hay - Craig Hunter, Son of Ken and Amy Hunter, River View FFA; Grass Hay – Jenna Wyler, daughter of John and Annette Wyler, White Eyes 4-H Club; and Mixed Hay – Clinton Hedrick, Son of Dale and Kim Hedrick, River View FFA. Winners received a Rosette and $10 cash award for attending the banquet. Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District announced the 2009 Outstanding CONTINUED ON PAGE 11


Tell them you saw it in The Beacon! coshocton county Junior fAir hAy show winnErs. Pictured are the hay show winners from

Monday, November 2

Egg Salad on Bun, Potato Salad, Pineapple, Milk.

Tuesday, November 3

Oven Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Fruit Cocktail, Dinner Roll/ Marg., Milk.

Wednesday, November 4

Do you have indigestion, headaches, hot flashes, pain, numbness/tingling, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or any other ailment that you want to treat safely, effectively, and naturally?

We Can helP!!! Chiropractic Care for treating the cause of aches, pains, numbness, tingling, and complicated cases that don’t respond to traditional care. Allergy Elimination Treatment (N.A.E.T.) for treating the cause of allergies without the use of drugs or shots. In many cases, any allergy can be permanently eliminated with just one 5 minute treatment. Clinical Nutrition Therapy to address the nutritional needs of your body with high-quality, affordable whole foods supplements that are unlike anything on the market today! Nutritional reflex testing and 3-week purification/weight loss programs are also available.

Give us a call to ask if any of our services could be of benefit to you! *Most major health insurances can be used for chiropractic care.

Arndt ChiroprACtiC

Dr. Gerald Arndt • Dr. Bradley Arndt 409 S. Whitewoman St. • Coshocton, Ohio 43812


Sweet & Sour Pork, Oriental Veggies, Steamed Rice, Mandarin Oranges, 100% Fruit Juice, Wheat Bread/ Marg., Milk.

Friday, November 6

Macaroni & Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes, Peas, Peaches, Wheat Bread/Marg., Milk.

*A lower concentrated sweet or lower sodium meal is available upon request.

All seniors are welcome: bring a friend! Call for more information: 622-4852 November 2 - November 6 Monday, November 2 9:30 am Hausey 9:30 am ROM 10:30 am Exercise 10:30 am Grocery Bingo 11:30 am Budgeting Presentation 1:00 pm Mah-Jongg

Tuesday, November 3

9-11:00 am Line Dancing 9:30 am Hausey 1:00 pm Hair - Sharon Jones 1:00-4:00 pm Bridge

Wednesday, November 4

9:30 am Hausey 9:30 am ROM 10:30 am Exercise 11:00 am Dan Barnes - Piano 1:00 pm Book Club



Thursday, November 5 9 - 11:00 am Line Dancing 9:30 am Hausey 10:00 am Blood Pressure Check 11:00 am Bible Study 1:00 pm Discussion on Health Care Reform

Friday, November 6

9 am - 12:00 pm Beltone Hearing 9:30 am Hausey 9:30 am ROM 10:30 am Exercise 11:00 am Max Hardesty

Coshocton County Senior Center

201 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton • 622-4852 Center hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Tim and Cheryl Specht were recognized as the winner of the Coshocton SWCD’s Big Tree Contest. The winning “Big Tree” was an Oak which measured 18’ 2” in Circumference with a vertical height of 93’ and an average crown spread of 65.5’. The winner of the Mystery Photo Contest which was part of our display at the Coshocton County Fair was Steve Miller. Steve was among 15 winning entries received. The mystery photo was the Homer and Vera Roahrig Farm located on County Road 120, in Linton Township. The meeting adjourned after door prizes were drawn compliments of Coshocton SWCD, Buehler’s, Century National Bank, Coshocton Co. Auditor Sandra Corder, Coshocton Co. Clerk of Courts Janet Mosier, Coshocton Co. Commissioners Gary Fischer, Curtis Lee, and Dane Shryock, Coshocton Co. Recorder David Dilly, Coshocton County Sheriff Tim Rogers, Coshocton Yard, Crowtown Pizza, Earl’s Dari Drive-

To access ingredient content, please call Travis Webb 740-622-4852

Thursday, November 5



A hEAlthiEr you CAn bE AChiEvEd for less than you think


is Gerry Derr, newly elected to the SWCD board of supervisors, is shown presenting Larry A. Frye of L. A. Frye Farms with his award. BEACon PhoTo BY

Beef Stew, Tossed Salad/ Dressing, Pears, Dinner Roll/Marg., Milk.


thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

In, Edie Ryan’s Restaurant, English Ivy, Farm Credit Services, Hahn’s Quik Mart, Miller’s Dutch Kitchen, Mizer’s County Kitchen, Old Warehouse Restaurant, Pearl Valley Cheese, Peggy Sue’s Steak and Ribs, Raven’s Glenn Winery, and the SportZone Pub & Grille.


November 2nd - November 6th

october 28, 2009

the 2009 fair. From left to right are; Jenna Wyler, Clinton hedrick, Anna Powell, Craig hunter, and SWCD Supervisor Adrian Garber. PhoTo ConTRIBuTED


lArry A. fryE fArms EArns consErVAtion fArmEr of thE yEAr AwArd. Pictured

senior news

Conservation Farmer of the Year Award as Larry A. Frye of Linton Township. L. A. Frye Farms was established in 1977 and Larry has been a cooperator of the Coshocton SWCD since 1989. Crops grown on the farm include no-till corn, soybeans, and wheat. Larry operates an agribusiness that sells specialty items including limestone, mulch, lime, square straw bales, and pumpkins. Conservation practices installed on the Frye Farm include a Roofed Chemical Containment facility with a mixingloading pad, subsurface tile drainage, grade stabilization structure, and grassed waterway. Larry is an affiliate member of the Coshocton SWCD and Chairman of the Farm Service Agency County Committee. Congratulations to Larry Frye for being recognized as Conservation Farmer of the Year.


special Ed students plant walking posts at lake park as part of a community project

elect Dennis Meiser • Served as 1st Ward Councilman • Served as Councilman-At-Large • Currently serving his 10th year as President of City Council


2009 Ohio Amish Country Quilt Shop Hop “Attic Treasures” November 4th thru 7th


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Coshocton’s Best Kept Quilting Secret

Paid for by the candidate Dennis Meiser, 1336 Stewart Lane, Coshocton, OH 43812


www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009

for 3rd Ward Councilman

440 Downtowner Plaza, Coshocton 740-622-5956 • vacshak@sbcglobal.net Hours: M-F 9 to 6 | Sat. 9 to 5


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740-623-2949 www.interimhealthcare.com


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nts! u o C e c n erie p x E

On Thursday, October 22, seven special ed students from Coshocton High School planted walking posts for the Lake Park District. Lori Everhart, Lake Park Director, made each post before the students arrived and were painted red, white and blue. Each post represents a mile and were made so that walkers could visually see how far they have walked. “The day seemed to go well,” said Assistant Teacher, Mr. Tony Spang, “They did a good job of putting stuff in and working together.” The event started at 8:45 a.m. and lasted until about 11:30 a.m. The students split into two groups and worked around the lake. Afterward, all seven students and two teachers gathered in a shelter to cook some burgers, provided by the teacher, Mr. Bobby Foreman. “The day went pretty well,” said Teacher Bobby Foreman, “Once we split up into groups, they handled the situation pretty well.” Students that participated were Josh Jackson, Chase Carol, Douglas Clark, Jackson Wright, Robert Cabell, Rebecca Sharere, and Chris Nation.








Coshocton County Trick or Treat Times

A proven leader who is honest, responsible and dedicated.

october 28, 2009

Paid for by the candidate Tom Grier, 111 S. 18th St., Coshocton, OH 43812

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

City of Coshocton – Thursday, October 29th – 5-6:30 p.m. Downtowner Plaza – Thursday, October 29th – 4-5 p.m. Conesville – Thursday, October 29th – 5-7 p.m. Newcomerstown – Saturday, October 31st – 5-7 p.m. Warsaw – Thursday, October 29th – 5:30-6:30 p.m. West Lafayette – Thursday, October 29th – 5:30-6:30 p.m.


Thomas J. Meiser

Queen Pillowtop Sets – $478 Serta Latex Special Queen Sets – $998

for 4th Ward City Council 2009 Paid for by candidate Tom Meiser, 1719 Hay Avenue, Coshocton, OH 43812.


5 Floors of Furniture! 230 Main St., Coshocton 800.894.4600 • 740.622.6237 www.wilsonfurn.com Open Mon-Fri: 9-6 • Sat: 9-5



Serta Specials!



14 sAVe $750 • CAll foR DetAils! 0016_101409


hundreds turn out for Job fair

NEW listiNg! 1988 fairmont mobile Home 3 bedroom home on corner lot. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, country setting on rented lot. Newer garage. RWSD.


tWo story homE


grEat huNtiNg!

2 story, 3 bedroom, situated on 3 lots on HOME, FARM, WOODS, DEER, TURdead end street. KEY, 4 bedrooms, camping cabin, 78

$38,000 acres, pasture & woods, close to state highway 36.




Friday, October 30 • 5:30pm


FEATURES INCLUDE: oak table/chairs, several kitchen tables/chair sets, desks, crib, old wooden cradle, stereos, various electronics, large screen tv, tv’s from 13” to 32”, water cooler, lamps, several washer/dryer sets, stands, entertainment centers, rockers, gliders, stools, wooden chairs, occasional chairs, bookcases, dressers, drop leaf tables, fish tank, couches, couch/chair sets, coffee tables, western saddle, grills, bed frames, twin beds, full beds, various beds, filing cabinet, refrigerators, gas & electric stove, dishwasher, freezers, patio furniture, lawn chairs, nice-detailed oak cabinet, matching table/chair/hutch, metal cabinets, still picking up items, additional furniture to come in. TOOLS: Craftsman tools, grinders, jacks, creepers, chests, jacks, rotozip in case, lights, Coleman lanterns, tool racks, rope, polisher, sanders, 90 amp wire welder, grinders, sabre saw, carts, tires/rims, 16” scroll saw, and various types of hand and power tools. This is a very large auction. (Partial List) - Building has hundreds of pieces of furniture. Visit our website at www.agentsrealty1.com for more details. Mary A. Mason - Broker/Auctioneer Roger Perdue - Auctioneer

locAl JoB fAir drAws lArgE numBErs

Mary Kay Webb, (left) a recent certified medical assistant graduate of the Washington County Career Center, is shown introducing herself to Pam Saxton of Interim health Services at the Job Fair held at the Coshocton County Career Center. The event was co-sponsored by The Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce and the Port Authority. BEACon


market, “It’s kind of scary right now. I’m taking advantage of everything I can, including this event”. Robert Walters of Coshocton, who is looking for work, stated, “There’s not a lot out there. I’ve got applications in a lot of places and have worked at Ohio Plastics, the city of Coshocton in recreation and more. I’m looking for anything right now”. Mary Kay Webb, who is looking for work in health care, commented, “I’m looking for a job in health care – I’m a recent certified medical assistant graduate and went to the Washington County Career Center. They offered the program and it qualifies me to do phlebotomy, injections, EKG’s, take vital signs and more. I can also do administrative work so I’m looking for work in a medical office, health care, clinic, hospital or similar business. I wanted to further my career in the medical field and am looking for full time work with benefits. I think this is wonderful – what an opportunity!” Pam Saxton of Interim Health Services, remarked, “I was so excited when I heard this was going to happen. I just think it’s something the community is in high demand for right now. I’m hiring home health aids, (HHA) LPN’s and an RN home care supervisor. I’m happy to meet people I’ve not met before and am glad to discuss opportunities that our agency has to offer”.

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the 55 acres is priced at: $134,000



Home and 5 acres: $54,900

great location!

Room to roam in this 3 bedroom home with formal dining room. Partially finished basement with a wet bar and attached 2 car garage. Also features a Florida room overlooking the gardens. A must see.



couNtry liviNg!

This 4 bedroom home on 5 acres has a lot to offer. Great place to raise kids and livestock. You can also purchase an additional 55 acres. RVSD.






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thE BEAcon

A Fair Housing Community


www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

Managing Agent


october 28, 2009


real Estate


The Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce and the Port Authority jointly sponsored a job fair at the Career Center on Saturday, Oct. 24 1-800-870-6561 from 10 am to 1 pm. Carol Remington, executive CR 21, NewComeRstowN, oh director of the Chamber, said, “I’m incredibly encouraged by the number of people that are Elderly Apartments Now here to look for work. We had over 27 businesses Available! sign up and are here. We expected the event to be successful – but the turnout is much better than we anticipated. Over 200 people came through in the first 30 minutes and people were lined up at the door”. T. J. Justice, Port Authority director added, “Well over 400 people have attended this event today. This is a tremendous turnout – all of the • Country Setting employers have been very patient and kind. I • Applicants must be at think this is something that we can build upon Seton Coshocton least 62 years of age. Apartments and repeat. I hope the people that attended today • Quietly Secluded BRC Properties Inc. • Social Activities understand that things are still difficult in the job • Library market. We have seen people of all ages come • Puzzle/Game Room 377 Clow Lane, Coshocton to this event today. We want to thank the Career 622-7664 • Pets Allowed Center for opening up today – the parking lot DALE GRESS w REAL ESTATE w DALE GRESS was at capacity and this facility was certainly a great place to hold this first time event in our community”. Travis McInerney, who will be graduating from Mount Vernon Nazarene University this spring with a degree in Business Management and a minor in marketing, said about the job


WE COME, PESTS GO! “Over 60 Years of Service”


warsaw Elementary students celebrate Remember being drug free to Vote on Nov. 3rd!




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Spiders, Fleas, Bees, Ants, Mice, Termites, Roaches

Bargain Nook Lumber Company

cElEBrAting riBBon wEEk Warsaw Elementary participated in Red Rib-

The huge selection & clearance prices will scare you! 4465 SR 557 Charm, OH 44617 Phone: 800-362-6682 www.keimlumber.com 0046_102809



Have you been to our new website? www.thebeaconbuzz.com

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Waterproof, full-grain leather and a moisture-wicking lining system work to keep your feet dry and protected. Guaranteed not to leak for one full year. Built to fit. Built to last.

Fortune’s Boot shop & shoe repair 622-0086 • 23024 C.R. 621 (Just off SR36) Open: Mon.-Fri. 9-6 p.m., Sat. 9-5 p.m.

Since 1905


Filter Sand & Gravel for Septic Systems A.D.S. Plastic Culvert & Drainage Pipe Supplier

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

bon Week Monday, oct. 19 – Friday, oct. 23. Every day, the students had a different theme. Monday was “Kick off to be drug free” and all the kids wore boots. Tuesday was “Born to be drug free” and all the kids brought pictures of themselves when they were babies. Wednesday was “Genius to be drug free” where all the kids wore jeans, Thursday was “Join in the fight against drugs” and all the kids wore camouflage, and Friday was “Don’t just wear red. Go green!” and all the kids planted tulips. Due to rain, the students were not able to actually plant the tulips in the afternoon, but Mrs. Tumblin’s preschool class was nice enough to wake up from their naps for this photo op. Also during Red Ribbon Week, all students and teachers at Warsaw Elementary decorated their class doors to celebrate being drug free. Mrs. Justice’s sixth grade class won the contest and were rewarded with an ice cream party, courtesy of Coshocton Behavioral health Choices and Dari Queen. The students and teachers also received another “sweet surprise” from Deputy Stone and his pal, Dingo, the drug-sniffing dog. Deputy Stone talked to the kids about the importance of being drug free and Dingo gave a demonstration of how he searches for drugs. BEACon

october 28, 2009


Scheetz 2009 Junior fair Auction Buyers - thank you! Marketing market turkey market hog Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.

Shelbie Carnes, Active Achievers


Jr. fair Auction Buyers


grAnd chAmpion mArkEt hog Buyer was Jeff Drennen

grAnd chAmpion mArkEt turkEy Buyer was Smurfit

rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion mArkEt hog Buyer was Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel. Pictured are; natalie Johnson of Premium Ag Kids and Ezra helmick of Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel.

rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion mArkEt turkEy Buyer was

Dealerships. Pictured are; Rick Whetstone of Jeff Drennen Dealerships, Laurie Whetstone and Emily Stout of Winner 4-h.

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.

Stone Container. Pictured are; Randy hothem, Paul Yaw and Dennis Sharpe of Smurfit Stone Container with Emily Raber of Cool Keene Kids 4-h.


Bradley Karr, Keene County Kids

Chase Bank Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.

Double Eagle Auto Sales. Pictured are; hayden Davis, Tori hoop and Denisa Guinther of Double Eagle Auto Sales.

market lamb


Trevor Moden, Above and Beyond

Ronnie & Craig Ringwalt Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Lamb.

Kari Carnes, Active Achievers


www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009

Close Trucking

grAnd chAmpion mArkEt lAmB Buyer was Jeff Drennen Dealerships. Pictured are; Rick Whetstone of Jeff Drennen Dealerships, Laurie Whetstone, Elisha hamric and Joel hamric of River View FFA.

rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion mArkEt lAmB Buyers were Ron & Craig Ringwalt. Pictured are; Craig and Rhonda Ringwalt, Jayden hagans, Shelbie Carnes and Jessica Carnes of Active Achievers 4-h.

These pages proudly provided by the Coshocton County Beacon!

Coshocton Fire Fighters Local 216

2009 Junior fair Auction Buyers - thank you! supreme dairy

Laikin Lauvray, Cool Keene Kids


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Boiler Chicken.

grAnd chAmpion mArkEt stEEr Buyer was Muskingum suprEmE dAiry Buyers were; Pearl Valley Cheese and Gerber Livestock Auction Company. Pictured is Denny Ruff of Musking- & Sons, Inc. Pictured are; Angela Lautenschleger, Linda Welling, Chuck Ellis of Pearl Valley Cheese, Drew Duncan, Rachel Duncan, um Livestock Auction Co. and Jordan Mullet of Winner 4-h. Ashley Pritchard and Jenna Wyler.

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Lamb. 0024_102809

Scheetz Marketing Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Lamb. 0023_102809

Leeland Lauvray, Cool Keene Kids

rEsErVE grAnd chAmpion mArkEt stEEr Buyer was

Jeff Drennen Dealerships. Pictured are; Rick Whetstone of Jeff Drennen Dealserhips, Laurie Whetstone and hannah Williamson of Ridgerunners 4-h.

suprEmE goAt Buyer was organic Technologies. Pictured are Kaila Jacobs, Julia Roberts, Eugene hosfelt and Kory Rinehart with David Wiley of organic Technologies.

supreme llama

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog. 0070_102809


Laura Lauvray, Cool Keene Kids

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.

Hunter Mizer, Extreme Achievers

John Rice, Active Achievers


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Lamb.

suprEmE llAmA Buyer was Philip A. Wagner, Inc. Pictured

are; Kenzie Manns, Zach McMorrow, Liz Wagner, Michaela Elson and Katie haumschild.


Dr. Chuck Peggy Sue’s Woodbury Fornara Steak & Ribs Outfitters

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

Lucas Lauvray, Cool Keene Kids

supreme goat

october 28, 2009

Dr. Lozowski

Jr. fair Auction Buyers

market steer


Small’s Asphalt Paving Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog. 0007_102809

Kennedy Webb, Millfork Valley

Dr Richard McCullough Vision Center 0018_102809

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Chicken.

Talon Bookless, Rainbow Makers

Home Loan Savings Bank


Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Chicken.

Brody Bookless, Rainbow Makers

DeCosky Ford Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Chicken.

Macy Hill, Rainbow Makers

2009 Junior fair Auction Buyers - thank you! Supreme Llama Products

Philip A. Wagner, Inc. Llama Add-Ons: D. Curtis Lee, County Commissioner Dusenberry Farms Scheetz Drive Thru & Feed Store

Feeder Calves


www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009

Jr. fair Auction Buyers


Bakersville Garage, Inc. and TMK Bakersville & TMK Valley Propane Coshocton County Agricultural Society Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce Coshocton Grain Company Finton Equipment LLC George Darr, Pioneer Seed Greten Stump Grinding Hanby Farms Lance Weaver Trucking Kevin McCoy Landscape & Lawn Service and Keith & Denise McCoy Mullett Tire Service (2) Ohio Central Railroad Ohio Heritage Bank Tim Rogers for Sheriff and Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Scott Lowe, Financial Advisor & Owner of the Affinity Group The Home Loan Savings Bank TMK Bakersville and TMK Valley Propane Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel Co. (2) Wilson Carpet & Furniture Sales United Producers, Inc., Buy-Bidder

Market Lambs

Ag-Land Co-Op Inc. American Electric Power, Conesville Plant (2) Auer Ace Hardware Bahmer, Endsley, Hothem, & Waters, Annual Lamb Roast Baker’s IGA Food Coshocton & Newcomerstown Beth & Steve Nelson and Watts Farms Ltd., and Paul F. Brinker Ins. Agency Bluck & Sons Century National Bank Coshocton County Agricultural Society Coshocton County Farm Bureau (2) D. Curtis Lee, County Commissioner Dr Dave Lozoski Fischer Funeral Home (2) Frontier Power Company Hanby Farms (2) Jeff Drennen’s Dealerships Jones Metal Lannings Foods and Mizers Country Kitchen Locke Farms MFM Building Products Mizers Country Kitchen Mizer’s Logging (2) Mullett Tire Service Muskingum Grinding & Machine Company (2) Ohio Central Railroad Ohio Heritage Bank Optics Plus Vision Center Organic Technologies Pearl Valley Cheese Ron & Craig Ringwalt (2) Scheetz Drive Thru & Feed Store Shelly Materials Inc. The Coshocton County Beacon (2) Varns Sandblasting Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Warsaw Dari-Land Locke Farms Raised 9 Market Lambs to $400 Bud Martin, Buy-Bidder

Market Hogs

A.D. Berry Heating & Cooling A-1 Vet Care, Dr. Jeff Poland Ag-Land Co-Op Inc. (2) Albertson-Lawrence Agency & Financial Services American Electric Power, Conesville Plant (2) Baker’s IGA Food Coshocton & Newcomerstown Bank One of Coshocton Bradford Financial Group, LLC Bremer Cattle Farms Brillhart’s Body Shop (2) C & J Gas C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. Canal Cargo Century National Bank Close Trucking Coshocton County Memorial Hospital (4) Coshocton Anesthesia Association Coshocton Collision Center Inc. Coshocton County Antique Power Association Coshocton County Board of Realtors Coshocton Lions Club and Janet Mosier and Keith & Denise McCoy Cox Brothers & Sons, Inc D & D Roofing and Cox Brothers & Sons, Inc. and Dresden Feed & Supply Dan Lahmers State Farm Insurance David H. Dilly, County Recorder and Sandra Corder, County Auditor and Warsaw Lions Club Decosky Ford Dobby’s Hauling and Excavating, Inc. Double Eagle Auto Sales Dr. Robert Gwinn Dresden Feed & Supply Eastern Ohio Embryo & HHS, Dr. Robert Stout Endsley Agency, Real Estate & Insurance Energy Cooperative (2) Farm Credit Services (2) Finton Equipment LLC Frontier Power Company George Darr, Pioneer Seed (5) H & D Drilling (3) House of G.A. Fisher and Josh Fisher, Wells Fargo Advisors J & J Refuse (2) Janet Mosier and Keith & Denise McCoy Jeff Drennen’s Dealerships Jones Metal (2) Lacy’s Meats Lowell Parsons McCoy Ag Wrench MFM Building Products (6) Mizer’s Logging (2) Mullett Tire Service Muskingum Grinding & Machine Company NTEK Auto Sales LLC Ohio Heritage Bank Olde Village Meats Peggy Sue’s Steak & Ribs in New Castle R.B. Drilling R.H. Construction Rettos Trucking RJ Wright & Sons (2) Robert Miller San Cast (2) Scheetz Marketing Scott Lowe, Financial Advisor & Owner of the Affinity (2) Shelly Materials Inc. Shirer Brothers Meats Smalls Asphalt & Paving (2) Smurfit Stone Container Corp. (2) Sugar Valley Meats Terry McCurdy The Employees of Kraft Foods (7) Thompson - Financial Service Tucson Inc.

United Producers Inc., Mt. Vernon Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel Co. (2) Warsaw Dari-Land (2) Warsaw Lions Club Washington Mutual Ins. Assoc. Wen Mar Farms, Inc. (2) Woodbury Outfitters (2) Yellow Bus Sales (5) United Producers, Inc., Buy-Bidder

Market Beef

American Electric Power, Conesville Plant Breneman Construction & Painting C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. (2) Clow Water Systems Coshocton Grain Company (2) Cox Brothers & Sons, Inc Fred Dailey Durbin Farms Eastern Ohio Embryo & HHS, Dr. Robert Stout George Darr, Pioneer Seed and Tim Rogers for Sheriff Hanby Farms J & J Refuse Jeff Drennen’s Dealerships Lacy’s Meats Lapp Farms Muskingum Livestock Auction Company Muskingum Livestock Auction Company and Cox Brothers & Sons, Inc. and Lacy’s Meats and Dresden Feed & Supply and Cox Seed Sales National City Bank Philip A. Wagner, Inc. (3) Porteus Farms and Eastern Ohio Embryo HHS, Dr. Robert Stout Porteus Farms, Geroge Darr, Pioneer Seeds and LePage Cattle Company, Ryan LePage Auctioneer & Heather LePage Realtor Tim Rogers for Sheriff and George Darr, Pioneer Seed Scott Lowe, Financial Advisor & Owner of the Affinity Group United Producers, Inc. Buy-Bidder

Supreme Dairy Products

Gerber & Sons, Inc. Pearl Valley Cheese Dairy Add-Ons: Ag-Land Co-Op Inc. Bakersville Garage, Inc. Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Coshocton County Dairy Service Unit D. Curtis Lee, County Commissioner David H. Dilly, County Recorder Duncan Farms Frontier Power Company George Darr, Pioneer Seed Hill-N-Dale Farm In Memory of Casteel & Lucille Tumblin Lynn & Carol Mikesell Mizer Farms Mullett Tire Service John & Mary Edith Powell Ashley Pritchard & Family Robert, Kathy, Michelle, & Jeep Doughty TMK Bakersville and TMK Valley Propane Denny & Pat Tumblin Kim Wells Lynn Wells West Lafayette Coin Laundry Wills Milk Transport

Supreme Goat Products

Organic Technologies Goat Add-Ons: American Electric Power, Conesville Plant Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Coshocton Collision Center Inc.

Clow Water Systems Concorde Mortgage Coshocton County Farm Bureau and Alan & Janette Donaker Dave Warren, Candidate for White Eyes Twp. Trustee and Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Mullett Tire Service Optics Plus Vision Center Christi Olinger of Peddicord Rice Auction / Realty and Carl and Todd Cognion Construction Company and Debbie Foster of Peddicord Rice Auction /Realty Real Living Right Choice Ron & Craig Ringwalt Tim Rogers for Sheriff West Lafayette Lions Club George Topouski, Buy-Bidder

Market Chickens

Wether Goats

A-1 Vet Care, Dr. Jeff Poland Ageless Iron Restoration Supplies (2) Charles & Ruby Helmick Close Trucking

Emily Raber, Cool Keene Kids

Market Hogs

Joe Bulzan John McAllister Cole Mullen and Darren Green Steve Saslar Dave Shepler Donna Stiteler (2) Dick Wiggins (3) Paul Yaw

Shelly and Co.

Market Lambs

Elaine & Ron Ashcraft and Jean & Les Reid Mary Chase-Carey Lynn Crossley Jodi & Tony Lenzo Ken McCluggage Tammi Rogers & Family Roscoe General Store and Greg & Jan Rice Family Ramiro Del Toro Joe Williams Jean & Bob Wright

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Turkey.

Andy Raber, Cool Keene Kids

Gress Oil, Cognion Trucking and John Blair

Coshocton Hospital and David Warren Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Fryer.

Junior Fair Auction Results

2008 2009 Total Sold -426 Total Sold -409 Total Sale $191, 550.70 Total Sale $225,530.12

Rachel Burkey, Chili Challengers


Gene Mullett and Ron Seitz Jan Luce and Olde Village Meats Johnny’s Pizza and Jeff Schlegel Olde Village Meats Philip A. Wagner Wilson’s Zero Foods

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Chicken.

Jayden Hagans, Millfork Valley


A-1 Vet Care & The Coshocton County Beacon Ag-Land Co-Op Inc. (3) Alan & Janette Donaker (2) American Electric Power, Conesville Plant Auer Ace Hardware (3) Baker’s IGA Food Coshocton & Newcomerstown (2) C.O.T.C. c/o Bonnie Coe, President Canal Cargo Casey Properties Century National Bank Clow Water Systems (5) Conesville Store and Cox Lawn Care & Vegetation Service Coshocton County Memorial Hospital (3) Coshocton County Board Of Realtors

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Champion Market Turkey.

Market Beef

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

Rabbit Fryers

Carcass Show

Stone Container

october 28, 2009

Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Coshocton Collision Center Inc. Coshocton County Board of Realtors Dave Warren, Candidate for White Eyes Twp. Trustee and Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Gary Fischer, County Commissioner and Doogle Wells and Dane Shryock, County Commissioner Mission Auto Mullett Tire Service New Life Assembly Smurfit Stone Container Corp. The Home Loan Savings Bank The Signmaker Fred Wachtel, Coshocton County Engineer Woodward Performance Haflingers (3) Karl Rinehart, Buy-Bidder

Alex McPeak, Showstoppers


Market Ducks

Thank you for purchasing my 2009 Market Hog.


Ag-Land Co-Op Inc. Denise Nowak Double Eagle Auto Sales Pearl Valley Cheese Shelly Materials Inc. (2) Smurfit Stone Container Corp. Olde Village Meats, Buy-Bidder

Clow Water Systems (2) Concorde Mortgage and Coshocton County Board of Realtors Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Coshocton County Board of Realtors Coshocton County Sheriff Auxillary Hannah Truck Repair, Ltd. Jones Metal Locke Farms (2) Melvin & Judy Parks NAPA Auto Parts/GKM Autormotive Organic Technologies Pearl Valley Cheese Tim Rogers for Sheriff and Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel and Hannah Truck Repair, Ltd and Troy Balderson, State Representative Roscoe General Store Shelby Theatres The Employees of Kraft Foods (2) The Garden Patch Greenhouse Walmart Supercenter Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Raised 3 Wether Goats to $175 Bud Martin, Buy-Bidder



Coshocton County Sheriff Auxillary and Raber’s Lawn Care Coshocton Firefighters (2) Cox’s Lawn & Vegetation Service and Conesville Store CTA Pork, LLC Cunningham’s Tree Service Daugherty Seed Corn Martin Daugherty Decosky Ford Denise Nowak (2) Dr. Dave Lozoski Dr. David Erwin Family Eye Care Dr. Richard McCullough Eye Center Finton Equipment LLC Frontier Supply Company Gary Fischer, County Commissioner James F. Nelson Auctioneer (3) Jeff Drennen’s Dealerships Jim & Jayne Cognion & Gress Oil MFM Building Products Mission Auto & Casey Properties Mosholder & Sons Trucking (3) Mullett Tire Service Muskingum Grinding & Machine Company (2) NAPA Auto Parts/GKM Automotive Bob Nelson, Realtor with Dale Gress Realty NTEK Auto Sales LLC Ohio Central Railroad (4) Pearl Valley Cheese (4) Raber’s Lawn Care and Coshocton County Sheriff Auxillary Ron & Craig Ringwalt (4) Robert D. Mauch, CPA, Inc. (2) Tim Rogers for Sheriff and Walhonding Valley Sand & Gravel Co. and Troy Balderson, State Representative and Hannah Truck Repair, Ltd. Roscoe General Store and A-1 Vet Care, Dr. Jeff Poland Shelby Theatres Smurfit Stone Contai ner Corp. (4) Soggy Hill Cattle Company and Kelly Shrimplin, Realtor Olde Town Realty and T.A. Kaser Hauling LLC. Steve Cronebaugh Auction Service LTD. The Coshocton County Beacon (2) The Employees of Kraft Foods The Home Loan Savings Bank W.T.N.S. Radio (2) Fred Wachtel , Coshocton County Engineer (3) Walmart Supercenter Warsaw Dari-Land John McAllister, Buy-Bidder

19 Jr. fair Auction Buyers

Craftsman At Large D. Curtis Lee, County Commissioner Dr. Dave Lozoski Gibson Construction Pearl Valley Cheese

R.J. Wright and Sons, Ben Wright


2009 Junior fair Auction Buyers - thank you!

from 1pm –3:30 pm Low Income families needing assistance with Christmas this year may come and fill out an application. Reminder we only supply toys to children up to age 15. Notice





Thursday, October 29, 5:00p.m. 8895 Edgemoor Road • New Concord


(From Coshocton take SR 83 south into Muskingum County, then west on Edgemoor Road. Adams Township. To auction. Signs posted)

Real eSTaTe

Great private setting with lots of wildlife. Property consists of 15.13 acres of wooded and open land. A 1996 mobile home with a full basement and attached 24x32 2 car garage. An enclosed breezeway overlooks the valley to the rear of the property. Well and septic with the home heated with electric and central air. 200 amp electric service, 2 bedrooms, a full bath and a large kitchen. This home is in excellent condition. Taxes a half are $547.15. This is a great opportunity for the outdoorsman as this is a great hunting area with much room to roam within minutes of town. Real Estate will be offered at 6:00pm with confirmation of sale by the court appointed guardian. Terms: $2,000 earnest money deposit day of auction. Balance at closing within 45 days. All inspections must be completed before auction day. No contingencies.


Magic Chef Ref/Freezer, Maytag 30 inch range, Amana Radar range, Maytag washer, G.E. Electric Dryer, curio cabinet, wing back chairs, entertainment center, pedestal drop leaf table, lamps, vanity dresser, full size bed, coffee & end tables, chest drawers, 4 drawer file, china closet, misc. glassware & china.


New Holland 1920 4wd tractor w/361 hours, Ford garden LGT 145 tractor with snow blade, 4x8 trailer, 2 bottom 3 pt. plow, lawn spreader, 5 hp. push mower, field general 5 ft. rotary cutter, lawn trailer, wheel barrow, step ladders, gun safe, Thompson 50cal. Muzzle loader, Thompson 45cal. Muzzle loader, misc. hand & garden tools. Much more not listed. Many photos at our website. www.dalegress.com Terms: Cash or approved check day of Auction. I.D. required. Auction by order of: Jean Frew Guardian for Glenn Dunfee Terry Longsworth, Auctioneer

316 West Main St., West Lafayette Office: (740) 545-7186 Auction: (740) 545-7158 BRANCH OFFICE: (740) 498-4545 www.dalegress.com w DALE GRESS w REAL ESTATE w

Yoder Real Estate Auction

Church Events

Location: 27408 SR 93, Fresno, OH 43824. (From US 36, take SR 93 N approx 4 miles or from Sugarcreek, take SR 93 S approx 13 miles to property.)

Thursday November 12, 2009 • 5:00 PM 4 BR, 2 Bath Home • 4.24 Acres Mechanics Garage • White Eyes Twp • Small Barn Ridgewood Schools • Coshocton County

Spaghetti Supper. Prairie Chapel Church located at US 36 and CR 23 will have a Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, October 31 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Menu will include spaghetti, salad, rolls, beverages, pies and cakes. Veterans eat free. Great food and fellowship. Proceeds to benefit church mission and ongoing projects. Bazaar. Conesville United Methodist Church Bazaar will be November 5th from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Baked goods, noodles, mincemeat, crafts, pickles, Country Corner Christmas decorations, variety of new and used cookbooks. Full menu served all day.

Open House: Thursday Oct 29 4:00-6:00PM

Here’s a 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath 2128 square foot brick/vinyl ranch home built in 1974 and remodeled in 1988. Home is in good condition and ready to move in. Main floor includes kitchen/ dining area, living room with wood floor, extra large Master Bedroom suite with master bath with whirlpool tub, separate shower, double sink, and laundry hookup, large bedroom or family room, bedroom with wood floor and built-in cabinets, 2 more bedrooms and a bath. Basement has a recreation room with stone fireplace and summer kitchen, shower room, and storage/utility area. Fuel oil hot water heat with add-on woodburner. 2 car attached heated garage with water and drain. Mechanic’s garage with 220 power plus lean to addition for storage/animals. Small barn with stall, fenced pasture. Large back deck. Small storage shed. Plenty of elbow room. Come take a look. Don’t miss a great opportunity! Legal: Parcel #’s 0420000018000, 0420000018100, 0420000065500, 04200000679. Taxes are currently $598.90 per half year. White Eyes Township, Ridgewood Schools, Coshocton County. TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment. Balance due at closing. No financing contingencies. Any required inspections must be completed prior to bidding. Acreage and frontage amounts, including lot markers are approximate and subject to final survey. All information contained herein derived from sources deemed reliable but not warranted. Owners: Leroy E. & Marilyn Yoder • Auction ID 623

Spaghetti Supper. Sacred Heart School will be having their annual Spaghetti Supper Friday, November 6, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The menu will be spaghetti, garlic toast, salad, dessert, and drinks. Prices are: adults $6; children 3-12 $4; under 3 free. The Sacred Heart Book Fair will be Thursday, November 5 thru November 7. The book fair will be open during the


Toy Chest Applications. 2009 Firefighter’s Toy Chest Applications will be taken On November 17th from 9am – 12 pm at Coshocton Job & Family Services and again on November 19th

Donations for Firefighters Toy Chest. 2009 Firefighter’s Toy Chest is also accepting New Unwrapped toys or Monterey Donation to help needy families in Coshocton County with Christmas. Toy drop off locations are Coshoc-

Fundraiser. Schwan man, Dave, will be at Western Southern in The Plaza on Saturday, November 7, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Proceeds will go to K-Kids of South Lawn Elementary School. K-Kids is a service club for 5th and 6th graders sponsored by the Coshocton County Kiwanis Club. Service projects have included donating toys and books to the Emergency Room, collecting baby food for the Salvation Army, helping with Pancake Day, and donating to the Christmas Castle Fund.

KAUFMAN REALTY, INC. DAVE KAUFMAN, BROKER/AUCTIONEER (330)852-4111 OR (888)852-4111 • www.kaufmanrealty.com STEVE MAAG, REALTOR, e-PRO, GRI • (330)763-4769 www.SteveMaag.com

M os

ier Computer

Serving Coshocton and Surrounding Counties Since 1992

• NEW • USED • REPAIR 321 South 6th Street, Coshocton 740.622.1649 • 740.502.1743 Cell


Moving to smaller living accommodations? Reducing household? Executor of an estate? Liquidating an antique collection or collectibles?

We will gladly assist you by buying one item, a collection, an entire estate or household.

We have been purchasing collections and estates since 1994. We pay CASH. We do all the packing and hauling. Our interests and knowledge include: antiques, glassware, stoneware, crocks, bottles, jars, vintage toys, furniture, guns, assorted paper items and general household items.

Call for further information!

Terry Stanford (330) - 417 - 0004 or David Grove (330) – 231 - 2075

*Please call before your garage sale!


Craft Bazaar. The Walhonding Valley Ladies Auxiliary Craft Bazaar will be Saturday, November 14th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. at Walhonding Valley Fire Department. Crafters wanted. Call Kathy at 740-824-4246 or Sherry at 740-824-4376

ton Fire Dept, Warsaw Fire Dept. Mc Donald’s and Dairy Queen. Monterey Donations can be mailed to CCFFA Toy Chest PO Box 158 Warsaw, Ohio 43844. Please help us make a child smile on Christmas Morning.


Local Events


thE BEAcon www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

Community Calendar


october 28, 2009

Auctions & real Estate


401 Walnut St. Coshocton, OH Auctioneer: Larry Corder Office 740-622-6660 Home 740-622-5950 Cell 502-3371


Stoffer Real Estate

Real eSTaTe

Here is a great opportunity with this lovely 3 bedroom ranch. Nice size rooms, central air, city utilities, gas heat, and a full basement with a finished family room and an extra bedroom. This home is situated on an 80x122 level lot with a private backyard overlooking a stream. An attached 2 car garage with attic access has ample room. Taxes a half are $450.49. This is a must see property.

OPeN HOUSe: Monday, November 2, 4-6 PM

Terms: $2,000.00 Earnest money deposit, day of Auction. Balance at closing within 45 days. All inspections to be completed before Auction date. No contingencies. Sells subject to confirmation of owners. Real Estate offered at noon. Terry Longsworth, Auctioneer

316 West Main St., West Lafayette Office: (740) 545-7186 Auction: (740) 545-7158 BRANCH OFFICE: (740) 498-4545 www.dalegress.com w DALE GRESS w REAL ESTATE w

PR ê

PR ê

PR ê



LOCATED: 33449 TR 518, wALHONDING, OHIO (This property sits right in the village of Walhonding approx. 1 mile west of SR 206 & 715 int. - signs posted)


TRACT #1 - 1.5+/- ACRES - 2 STORY HOME

This country style, 3 bedroom home situated on approximately 1.5 acres, has a 1 car attached garage. The main floor has kitchen, ¾ bath, family room, living room, dining room and screenedin front porch. The beautiful open oak stairway leads up to 3 bedrooms and full bath. This home has beautiful red oak floors and many updates. The full basement has a new high-efficiency fuel oil furnace w/central air.


Tract # 2 adjoins Tract #1 and offers a large 60 x 80 frame building with water well. Very suitable for small manufacturing, storage, workshop, etc. Real Estate Terms: Tract #1 and Tract # 2 will be offered separately and together. 10% down time of auction, balance due in 30 days. Taxes to be prorated to date of closing. No contingencies in contract. Real Estate to be offered first followed by personal property. Shown anytime by appointment. Call auctioneer for your private showing. Also selling personal property – watch for itemized list or go to www.peddicordrice.com Owners: Willard A. & Helen Guy, Julie Heil Auctioneers: Herb Peddicord (740) 502-3110 Greg Rice (740) 502-3111 Ryan LePage (740) 294-2595

PR ê

Your Full Service Real Estate, Auctioneering & Appraisal Company

838 S. 2nd St. • 740-622-3111 www.peddicordrice.com PR ê

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PR ê



Great 3 BR home situated on 10.44 acres 2 miles from Coshocton and within 2 miles of the Woodbury Wildlife area. Home consists of a large LR, eat in kitchen, dining room, family room w/ wood stove, bedroom and full bath all on the main floor. There are two bedrooms up and a full basement. The value is here! Stop by the open house and see for yourself. Terms: $2,000 down payment day of auction, balance due at closing within 30 days of sale. Possession at closing. Any inspections must be completed prior to the bidding. Contract to contain no contingencies. Though the sellers have the right to confirm the final bid, they are very motivated to sell. BE PREPARED TO BUY! Realtors, we are offering a co-broke on this real estate. Contact auctioneer for details. Ned & Marge Ogle Estate Auction of Personal Property will be November 14th at 10 am at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. Watch this paper for a complete listing of Antiques & Household items later. This is a large auction & we will be running 3 rings. There will be a lunch stand so bring a friend and spend the day.

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Auction Date

Tuesday, November 17th @ 5 PM


Saturday, November 14, 10:00a.m. 1336 Arrowhead Dr. • Coshocton

PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê PR ê

45081 SR 541, Coshocton, OH REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, November 3rd • 4-6pm



PR ê

thE BEAcon classified hotline 622-4ads

Holiday Bazaar. Grace United Methodist

Warsaw United Methodist Church. The Warsaw United Methodist Church’s Jacob’s Closet is open every Thursday morning from 9 a.m. - noon and the last Thursday of each month

Babysitting Training. The American Red Cross will be holding a babysitter’s training program on November 7 from 10:00 am until 2:00 p.m.


october 28, 2009

Drama. Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flame drama to be performed at Coshocton Christian Tabernacle lcoated at 23891 Airport Rd on Sunday, November 8th at 6:00 p.m. Monday, November 9th at 7:00 p.m. and Tuesday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. For more information call 740-6224133.

Kid’s Club, Teen Night, Prayer Meeting. The Chili Crossroads Bible Church feature’s puppets, prizes, and games for kids--Teens have fun activities and interactive Bible study-Devotional and prayer time for the adults ever Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Chili Crossroads Bible Church located at 29445 CR 10 in Fresno. Contact Pastor Neal Dearyan at 740-545-9707 for information.

American Red Cross

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Bazaar. Clark Community Presbyterian Church located on State Route 83 in Clark bazaar will be November 7, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Don’t miss the country store, craft room and most of all lunch featuring a full menu. The bazaar is being held on the main church floor, no steps to climb.

Holiday Bazaar. The Emmanuel Luther Church will hold their annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 14 from 10;00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. Lunch will be served and selling their own homemade noodles. Other items available will be “Pick a Cookie” table, baked goods, White Elephant items and crafts. Our church is located at 1500 Pleasant Valley Drive in Coshocton.


Bazaar. Sacred Heart School will be having their annual Bazaar on Saturday, November 7, from 10 to 2pm. All tables will be $20. There will be a food stand and home baked cookie sale. Please call the school office 622-3728 to reserve your table.

from 9 a.m. - Noon and 5 - 8 p.m. The church provides clothing such as socks, belts, shoes, purses, coats, t-shirts, jeans, dress slacks, blouses, suits, dresses and children’s clothing to anyone in the community who may be struggling in this economy. Winter clothing will be available after the County Fair. All items are free. For more information, call the church at (740) 824-3228.

Auctions & real Estate

spaghetti supper and the bazaar. Sacred Heart School Annual Ticket Sale will start the night of the Spaghetti Supper

Church, located at corner of Walnut and 4th Street is having a Craft Bazaar on Friday, November 13th from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Many crafts, gifts and holiday treats, good used clothing, homemade soups, sandwiches, pies and cakes will be served 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All proceeds go to local missions.


Community Calendar



Community Calendar


50 UNDER $5,000! Quality Affordable Vehicles And Satisfaction After The Sale 65 W. Pine Street, Coshocton • 740-622-8811


MON. - FRI. 9AM - 5PM

Adult-Child Aquatic Program. The American Red Cross will also be holding an adult-child aquatic program from November 9 through the 13 from 6-7pm at the medical pool at the Medical Arts building at CCMH. The program is for children from six months to five years old and


public record


and on November 8 from 1:00pm until 4:00 p.m. The class is for youth ages eleven to fifteen years of age and cost of the program is $45.00. Register by calling the Red Cross office at 6220228.

– Since 1972 –

Dan Nelson

Scott Jaggers 0024_102109

Josh Ward

Rick Whetstone General Manager

Rich West Ben Giesey Michael Todd 1921 Otsego Ave, Coshocton • www.cjdofcoshocton.com • 740.622.3936 • 866.622.0207

See the new

2010 ford taurus The MosT InnovaTIve Car in ameriCa.*

2, 2009)


801 S. 2nd St., CoShoCton Phone 622-0001 • Fax 622-7347


*Class is five-passenger large cars equipped with standard and optional driver-centric features.


(thru Nov.

Public Record Marriage License 10/22 Ryan Nicholas Webb of Coshocton to Carley Donelle Latham of Coshocton. Coshocton Common Pleas Court – Divorces/Dissolutions Divorces Granted: Jennifer L. Fisher of Lore City from Carl N Fisher of Fresno


www.thebeaconbuzz.com classified hotline 622-4ads

thE BEAcon

october 28, 2009


their parent/caregiver. Cost of the program is $25 and you can call the Red Cross office at 622-0228 to register or with questions.

Dissolutions Granted: Michelle L Walters of Coshocton from Daniel J Walters of West Lafayette Donna J Stone of Warsaw from David Allen Stone of Coshocton

health services of coshocton to offer Blood testing In our ongoing effort to improve quality of life in our county, Health Services of Coshocton will be sponsoring blood testing for the Coshocton community on Wednesday, November 4th from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The testing will take place at our office at 230 South 4th Street. Individuals may park in the back or the on the street and enter via the front or rear door. Testing being offered include a Regular Profile ($20.00) – which test for Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Fluid Imbalances, Bone Disease, Liver Disease, Coronary Risk, Anemia and other Blood Disorders; Thyroid Testing ($18.00), Prostate Testing ($12.00) and Colorectal Cancer Screen ($2.00). We ask that you fast for a minimum of 12 hours prior to the time you arrive for blood testing. Fasting for 12 hours means no food or drink except water. We also ask that you do not smoke the morning of your blood testing. Blood tests results will be sent to each individual and their physician. Health Services of Coshocton’s nursing staff will also be offering blood pressure checks. Coffee, juice and fruit will be served after individuals have their blood drawn. Blood testing is being provided by Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Lab personnel. For additional information, call Health Services of Coshocton at 622-7311 or 622-7406.

CLASSIFIED ADS Part Time Salesperson with experience, must manage customer accounts. Computer and office background a plus. Full Time possible in short order. Send resume: Coshocton County Beacon, 226 Main St. BLIND BOX 2, Coshocton, OH 43812

Elect Aire furnace & air conditioner combination for Mobile Home. Also, girls bike and exercise equipment. Call 740-622-5947 if no answer leave message.

APPLIANCES Kenmore Electric Dryer and Kelvinator Washer. Both work good $90 each or $150 for pair. 740502-9745

Modified shotgun barrel for Remington Model 1100 shotgun. $100. 740-5459505 PETS Yorkshire Pups AKC Limitied. 2nd shots, wormed, vet checked, males $450. Females $550. 740-545-6820

Alto Saxaphone, $200. Excellent shape, new strap. 740-610-3391 PETS Bluetick Beagle Puppies, 1 male, 2 females. Born August 11th. Have been wormed. Good hunting stock. $50.00. 740-622-8618 or 740-610-6561

Used appliance, stoves, refrigerators, washer, dryers. Must be in good shape. Will pick up. 740-502-3792

Newcomerstown, Coshocton, Dennison. Nice 2 BR House, 2 car garage, patio & yard. 2 BR upstairs apt. Lg. 3 BR townhouse apt. 740-498-5893



2 Bedroom, all appliances, all electric, garage. 1911 Chestnut St. 740-6238382

Trailer Lot, 63.3x300. 58610 Wolfe Street, Newcomerstown, OH. “Isleta”. Well, septic, garage, foundation and floor. 740-6221371 please leave a message

2 Bedroom, stove, refrigerator, garage, No pets, coin operated laundry, 1 year lease. 740-6238382



Standing Timber or chipwood. 5 acres or more. Contact 740545-9227.

4 Bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, unfinished basement, laundry room, fenced in back yard. No pets. Trash paid. $500/mo. 740622-3632

TIMBER! Standing - (sawlogs chipwood). ing all types

Buying Timber and/or Providof har-

Full basement, new windows, nice yard, winter heating discount. Off street parking. 740-6230613

Beautiful 3 bedroom brick home.

FARM BUILDINGS Stoltzfus Pole B u i l d i n g s . 60x100x16 Pole Buildings $41,900. 740-294-9636. AUTOS

HOMES FOR SALE House for sale in Coshocton. 2 Bedroom, newly remodeled. Priced in the $20’s. 740-545-9983 or 740-294-8876 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE Shamrock blewide

Mobile Home including nice appliances, carport, storage building in nice adult mobile home park, excellent condition. 740-622-8823 or 740-622-1206


02 Kia Rio, 5 Speed. $3,995. 740-6238337 04 Hyundai Elantra. $6,495. 740-6238337 SUV’s 04 Honda S2000 Convertible, Leather, 5 speed, only 38k miles. $16,995. 740623-8337 VANS 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan LE, 4D Minivan. 7 passenger, quad seating, rear air, Power LW-D, compact disc,

cruise control, privacy glass, alloy wheels, new tires, 150k miles. $3,250. Must Sell! Can be seen at Fortune’s Boot Shop. Not salvage, clean title. Call 740-502-0176 AUTO PARTS 4 Goodyear tires. 225/60R16. 80% tread. $120. 740622-8834 Radiator fits 86-92 Ford Ranger Pickup, 6cyl., automatic, new condition, used 3 weeks. $75. OBO. 740-545-6262 Got something you really want to sell!? Put it in front of thousands of readers in The Coshocton County Beacon classifieds! Call Nicole at 622-4ADS (4237) or fax to 623-9937 or visit us at 226 Main St.!

CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES Friday at 5 p.m. (Prior to Thursday Publication) Place your order by phone: 740-622-4237 or fax: 740-623-9937 • Place your ad via e-mail: classified@coshoctoncountybeacon.com Stop In – 226 Main St. Coshocton

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