Cosmic Awareness Communication s P. 0 . pnr 115, Olympia, Wrinlneten 98507 .
SOME ANSWERS TO QUESTION S ABOUT THE BIBL E Awareness, we have a number of questions on the Bible from member . Shirley G . (A long statement containing many questions is read ) This Awareness indicates that the letter be taken one point at a time . Q . Okay . What does Awareness say about the physical Armageddon as it is spoke n of in the Bible ? A . This Awareness indicates wherein this is completed and taken care of on th e inner plane, the necessity for this manifesting upon the physical plane is lessened . This Awareness indicates there is still some possibility, of the action spillin g out from the inner plane onto the physical plane, but that even though there ar e build-ups and intensities and preparations for this, there are also certai n changes going on in consciousness which tend to lessen the likelihood of thi s action . This Awareness indicates at this time there is no definite way of, predictin g or projecting that which shall be in regards to this, or to the intensity o f that physical Armageddon . This Awareness indicates this as related unto the spee d by which consciousness can be changed, , and that . speed , of, change in consciousnes s is related unto communication factor s Q . Is the knowledge which came to John and others the same source as Awarenes s information readings, Universal knowledge, Edgar Cayce and so forth ? A . This Awareness indicates,the knowledge is present everywhere and can b e available to anyone . The interpretation of that information as that which i s unique to the entities who express that . Q . Why then, is it said in the Bible that after . that time no one else was neede d to receive the information because God laid down his purpose then,(underlined) an d no more was needed to be said ? A . This Awareness indicates this as an interpretation of the entity by the entit y who was writing that portion of the Bible . This Awareness indicates that you understand the Bible was not written by th e pen of God . That the Bible was written by Priests and men who interpreted thos e laws which they felt were universal, and who told stories which they felt wer e symbolic and universal and meaningful . That any story taken too literally, whereb y an. entire lifestyle is basedraxound, and is willing to kill and slaughter in orde r to live by a story, is in error . This Awareness indicates that entities in reading the Bible for what it is ca n find great wisdom there, and can find answers to many questions . Entities who ar e willing to slaughter others in order to stick by ;apartitular point which is
Page 2 . written in the Bible, in a particular verse, by a particular„entit-y lved three or , four thousand years previously, such entities are~irn~'grea :40r!: there thas ThisAwaren dctsheravbnmyslughter been muc h slaughtering of emotions ; there have been much difficulty and pain create d through fanatic interpretation and fanatical application of Biblical verses . This Awareness suggests that if you take the verse mentioned and apply tha t as an absolute fact, this would mean that for the next six-hundred billion year s no one could say another thing, for it had already been written in the Bible . This Awareness suggests that the Bible and the earth and the works therein b y that time will not even be known or ever have been remembered . This Awarenes s suggests it is a question . of just how literally you want to interpret the Bible . This Awareness suggests that when this was written, written for a small cult an d a small group of followers, the statement was intended to let those follower s know that they, the Priests, had finished their work and it was no longe r necessary to write any more . This Awareness indicates the Old Testament was written for the age of Aries , the new Testament written for the age of Pisces, that now there is time for a New writing and a neti form ofunderstanding to occur ; that the old ways were ' based on form, .the'new ways are based on understanding and realization wherei n each entity can have the opportunity to become one with God, can become on e with the rather, with the Mother, with the Son . This Awareness indicates that this Awareness brings forth not only a psychology , but a sociology and a way of looking at history--at the mystery of life, an d does also bring forth a deeper understanding of self and of consciousness . This Awareness suggests that this may be called religion, maybe called cosmi c science, may be called by any name ; that the categorization is not necessary . Bu t if you wish to put this Awareness and the messages into a category, that is you r own choice . RWKH U Q . Are the stories written by the authors of the Bible codes to each about what was happening, possibly written in numbers codes as explained i n the book, . City of Revelations, by John Mitchell ? A . This Awareness indicates this as correct in ma'dy' levels ; that there ar e approximately seven symbolic levels of many of the stories in the Bible . Tha t there are definite numerological meanings to, the sacred words which appear i n the Bible . This Awareness indicates that you understand the entire Hebrew language, th e lettering system, both of the Hebrew and the Greeks, was at one time tied int o numerological meanings and represented by Tarot cards . This Awareness indicate s that the twenty-two letters of the Tarot being the letters of the Hebre w alphabet . That these also grew out of the sixteen Egyptian letters which relat e unto ILemurian letters which also are V\PEROV for philosophical concepts ; tha t the Greek alphabet also is FORVHO\ related unto the`Lemuri'an alphabet . That al l of these letters and numbers were at one time symbols for concepts ; that th e stories came forth from this . This Awareness indicates an example : the card ' Strength ' in the Tarot relate s unto the story of Daniel and the lion's den ; that the 'Magician' and the 'Empress' , the ' High Priestess ' , these relating unto Adam and Eve and the garden . Thi s Awareness`ihdicate's there are PDQ\ levels of symbology ; that this can be explore d at another time .
Page 3 . This Awareness indicates that the four beasts of the Apocalypse, that the beast s Ezekiel Frith the head of a :man, the lion, the eagle, these as being related unt o . astrological eig-xe .
That you understand the symbology of the Bible as being such that it contain s alchemical symbols, astrological symbolism, historical symbolism, moral symbolis m and rules, and it conta ,{.ns also spiritual aad cosmic symbolism ; that, in particular , it contains psych' c, or consciousness symho1s . This Awareness indicates the messagea being g iven through these present interpreters by WKLV $ZDUHQHVV DUH those which attempt o open up some of the symbolis m for greater exploration and deeper understanding . For WKH mysteries involved in the .symbols which hve been taken too literally are such that these has been grea t confusion and tregedy . This Awareness suggests that \RX look at the Greek mythologie s DQG YLVXDOL]H a culture or civili?ation which would WDNH such mythologies A s literal--actually visualizing such an entity as Mars or L,nollo or Athene as sittin g somewhere in the sky, doing all the things these entities did in the Greek Mythologies . This Awareness suggests that these actions of personification of the planets , personification of forces and aspects of consciousness, are but poetic imaging an d poetic symbolism . That if you wish to take WKHP literally, that is alright, eve n as the child may take literally , the spirit of. SF_nta Claus .
4 6KH JRHV on : "Is Awareness more or less' described as a method of psycholog y rather than Protesting to EH D false prophet going against the Bible? " A . This Awareness is not going against the Bible ; is not professing . to be a fals e prophet ; is now SURIHVVLQJ WR be a prophet . This Awareness is simply looking,an d through WKH ,QWHUSUHWHU the Interpreter in contacting WKLV level of Awarenes s
7KLV $ZDUHQHVV DVVHV QRW WKDW \RX believe anything that is given by this Awareness . But that if
do care to listen, to look, that there are indications which ma y
assist you. in discovering Truth ; may assist you in discovering the nature of you r own being: . And as you look, you mszy di sc_ever an are; within your own psyche that i s aware of that which, is Snir.9.L . atd has nothing to do mith thought, concepts, idea s or beliefs . And in becoming aware of that, you me wish to share with others, an d in this manner may become, .nn interpreter of Aw . er'ess yourself . This Awareness indicates . this
be classed as observation and interpretation .
This Awareness has no physical body, but is simply aware ; and the awareness which is present, is present f or everycr_e who looks deepl .y, without expectation or opinio n being brought into the looking ptoces . Q . "Is the pain end suffering on earth because • men is living under man-made law s rather than the ?yaw RI God? " This Awareness indicates WKLV as in the DIILUPDWLYH This Eareness indicate s the Law of Cod as that t s ever present . This as the Law of 'rarma ; that man does live under the Law of Karma and therefore suffers certain p ains when thi s Law is violated . This Awareness indicates that many of man's laws are in direc t opposition and confront the :Caw of Karma . A.
Q . She concludes with : "I don't feel it is my fault because of the misfortunes o f the earth, so em I st*.ppc ed to live by the word of the Bible in the literal sens e and reject others as the Bork of Satan? I understand what Awareness is saying, bu t the source of all spiritual explanations seem contradictory to the simple messag e that God speaks of "."
Page 4 . This Awareness suggests that you look within and seek the voice within, th e voice of the turtle, the silence within ; for none other can give you the Truth ; others can only indicate th e : way . It is for the individual to find his or her ow n source ; and in this discovery, there can be no violation of others . This Awareness suggests that 'any spirit or force which speaks through to yo u which causes you to condemn, judge or violate another is not of a Divine nature . CONCERNING ALL THOSE DEVIL MOVIE S AND THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDO N Q . A question taken from a Wall Street Journal story recently that : "It's finally true, movies are going straight to the Devil," and it ' s a long article, and it' s concerned mainly with how popular the Devil is anymore, and how suddenly thi s phenomenon has happened, it quotes : "Almost every movie company has five or si x Devil movies in the works, 'says Alan Ladd Jr ., Fox Film Division President . " Devi l movies are the current staple, they've even eclipsed the Western in popularit y all over the world ." It goes on and on about how much money these Devil movie s are making, but my question is : Is there any significance that these movies ar e suddenly so popular at this time, and is it correlated somehow with the retur n of Rhyee into Essence ? A . This Awareness indicates this relates unto the Battle of Armageddon which ha s occurred on the inner plane and which is having certain effects in consciousness . This Awareness indicates that in the fifties there was the fad of conformity wherein all entities sought to be similar and to find the ' right mode of behavio r ' ,appropriate to the society . This Awareness indicates that in the sixties, in th e early sixties and late fifties, there was the rebellion of the 'beatnics' ; that in the mid-sixties there was the beginnings of the 'hippie' movement and the us e of mind-altering drugs . This Awareness indicates that in the seventies, in the late sixties and earl y seventies, there was the rebellion against the establishment ; that this as als o a rebellion against war and violence . That there was in the early seventies th e movement toward pornographic movies, the taboos of sex being such that the door s were opened wide and all the hang-ups and problems and . full array of sexua l inhibitions and lust were 'being poured forth upon the hungry public who would accept suc h This Awareness indicates that the pornographic period as now moving out, tha t the period of violence in the late sixties, the violence of the secret agen t movies which showed the death of entities in a manner that was without feelin g or, heart ; the movement from that into the pornographic levels and now th e beginnings of monster and satanic movies ; this as a pattern which taps into th e pulse of the consciousness of entities and finds those areas and taboos and bring s this out for entities to look at . This Awareness indicates that there are problems which occur in relation t o these actions, but that in the larger sense, the action of bringing out a tabo o whereby entities may face their Devil, may, face that which they fear ; in a genera l sense, this is that which does open up certain deep sub-conscious areas in th e consciousness of entities and can allow a cleaning process . This Awareness indicates the Devil syndrome' shall run for approximately two t o three more years, and that following this there shall be an interest in how t o move toward a consciousness level that understands the process of avoiding such forces . This Awareness indicates the action of bring forth this kind of energy throug h movies does reflect what is occurring on the inner plane, and this shall trigge r into those forces which have been spoken of by this Awareness--which have attempted
', ag e to bring about a structure upon this ea- :th whereby slavery could occur with a few in charge . This Awareness indicates this being the anti-Christ novement, tha t the action of these movies being put out primarily to attempt to re-establish th e polarity of the God and Satan concept in order'to promote religions, the organize d UHOLJL2Q6 so WKDW they can sell th .emselves . better . This as that which will not function and will not work,as is planned, but instea d
will saturatet 'ee , society with Devil syndromes until these have been looked at , cleaned out and thrown out of consciousness as useless concepts .
This Awareness indicates that following this, the cleansing process of the huma n
soul and spiritual teachings shall begin afresh .
This Awareness suggests that in the coming years the polarities may intensify fo r a short duration, that following the year 1978 these shall begin lessening and th e movement toward the. new Aquarian Age shall begin in earnest . CONCERNING BIRTH-CONTROL BY ASTROLOGY Q . L .A . of Ames Iowa writes : "In a recent mailing there was mentioned a certai n berry for birth control . I seriously wonder how safe it would be for ,a person t o take something which could possibly make her sterile for up to a year . All I can tell you for sure is a method of birth-control I use . It is the ovulation an d astrological fertility method . There is a book called The Natural Birth Control Book , by Art Rosenbloom and Leah Jackson . Many have used this method with extreme succes s as it has proven to be 98% effective when used correctly . I have used it for . a number of months and when Ifollowed it, it has never failed, :rerhaps this coul d be method used as an alternative to berries, pills and . devices . Would . Awarenes s comment on that, please? "
A . This Awareness inai_cates this as an action which would be benefical IRU many . This Awareness suggests that the astrological birth control V\VWHP DQG also th e rhythm system, being XVHG together, as effective . That likewise entities can us e Astrology for determining the sex of their child , This Awareness suggests that . entities who care to put out the effort, to mov e into and study astrology for this purpose or any other, shall benefit greatly, Tha t the majority of entities whould rather use a simple method of putting a pill i n their mouth or some other factor for birth control . This Awareness suggests tha t though it takes a little more attention, training, study and research, the growt h that shall come about from ,the studyrof• .astro?.ogy LQ UHODWLRQ to this shall be beneficial ; shall be more beneficial in the long-range development of the entity . This Awareness suggests there is .a! place for both, for several methods . CONCERNING THOSE WHO THINK THA T GOD" HATES__. THEM " AND SHORT-CHANGED THE M
Q . We had a letter from FW of McHenry Illinois which I read and then DV N Awareness to comment upon : " Dear Sir . I have an unusual problem which is why don't I get the things that I want and feel I must Lave? I have spent many long hours at very deep meditation . I ask God to please help me, but IIe ignores me . I am convinced God hates me . Whe n I ask to have people healed of their diseases etc . it generally works very well . WhereI ask for money to buy WKLQJV that I need,` . a new car, for instance, I am completely ignored . I always have had a job but at today's prices I hate to go into debt for a thing, I really couldn't , afford it . My question- is, how do yo u go . about getting prayers i_n reference to money Answered? It is Very depressing t o know that God hates \RX , have read books RQ SUD\HU getting \RX what you want . I used every idea that I have heard of and everything that I . could eome up with ; -bu t it has been wasted , wasted time . If I don ' t get what I want before 1977, I am going
Page b . to ignore the existence of God . I am 57 years old so this is an old experience ; I should say, one of many repeated happenings . I even hate myself at times . I feel that I can ' t be worth much to be treated like this . If you can find-th e answer to my problem, I will be happy to join your group . Yours Sincerely, F .W . " A . This Awareness recognizes that you would appreciate seeing the image of thi s Awareness bowing to you and begging forgiveness for not having given you tha t which you want . This Awareness, however, does not give entities that which they want, but doe s give entities that which they need . This Awareness indicates that in your particular headspace, there are certai n things which you need much more than you need money and items . This Awarenes s indicates there are certain understandings which are far more important to yo u than the gratifications of the physical desires . This Awareness indicates tha t the time shall come when you have moved through your training and learned you r lessons and have discovered the nature of your self and the fallacy of playin g games with Divine forces which are part of your own self . The time will .come when you will realize that these lessons, the understanding gained from - thes e lessons, were priceless and that money could never have given you what you need . This Awareness indicates that money cannot buy character, though character can bring forth 'that which is the physical needs . This Awareness suggests that you r character is still growing and being built, that there are certain understanding s in terms of what is occurring in forces that work behind . the physical levels , and these understandings are close at hand in your psyche, When you full y comprehend these, then the physical shall be supplied . This Awareness indicates that the Kingdom of Heaven is within ; and that once yo u receive these keys to the Kingdom and enter therein, all that shall be added int o you . This Awareness suggests that as long as you, as a single will, seek to gai n personally, without regard for what you are actually doing, in order to gain ; without regard for whether you actually need this ; as long as you feel Divin e forces owe you something, you shall find yourself butting your head against a brick wall . When you are able to say 'Thy will be done', when you are able to become responsive to the needs of others, concerned about the needs of others, accepting whateve r is given to you, asking and praying without complaint ; when this occurs, you shal l be given more . This Awareness indicates that much of your Grace, that which is earned throug h good works, is being used up in complaints and self-pity . And when your complaint s and self-pity cease, you also shall be able to draw from your . Cosmic bank accoun t for your good works something which is more useable in terms of tangible energies . CONCERNING THE RIDDLE OF EASTER ISLAN D
Q . There was a television program concerning Easter Island the other day an d they call it the ' Riddle of Easter Island' . Evidently many years ago there wa s a massacre there of all the people living there ; that huge statues were found mutilated and decapitated and the scientists have never been able to figure ou t what suddenly stopped all the action there, and how these monoliths were brough t down the mountain to the edges of the sea . They have tried to duplicate it an d they claim that its an incredible engineering feat that simply can ' t be done, eve n with today ' s equipment . Would Awareness please explain the riddle of Easter Island?
Page 7 . This Awareness indicates these were built with devices similar to the lase r beam . This Awareness indicates this as associated with the Crystal Project Thi s Awareness indicates these devices built by those entities ZKR were involved in the building of the pyramids, the airfields, the various stone structures around th e earth . This Awareness suggests this as covered in the works of Von Danikenand others . This Awareness suggests that the beings in building these particular statues wer e bringing forth a force relating unto their religion . This Awareness indicates tha t the forces of these statues being designed in their particular manner were such as were intended .t.b protect the Island from invasion . For there . . are certain treasures hidden upon that Island, and these stones do serve to protect these . This Awareness indicates that there are also spirits which inhabit the stone form s and serve as protective guards for this treasure . This .Awareness Indicates thes e spirits reside in another dimension ; yet remain in these stones, in a,-level akin t o sleep, a very deep sleep . This Awareness indicates these also have a certain effect upon consciousnes s within this plane in maintaining the solidity of this particular plane to hel p prevent the de-polarization of the material levels of the atoms upon-this plane . This Awareness indicates that you understand in the early formation levels o f Lemuria, there was no real solidity as is presently known . That the nature of matte r at that time was akin to the difference between water and gas . This Awarenes s indicates that the earth in the early Lemurian times was more gaseous than physical , and that the statues assisted entities LQWR PRYLQJ into shapes and forms . Thi s Awareness indicates this as also related unto actions Whereby entities could trave l from other realms in the universes and find a place to hibernate within a statu e and could gradually develop a feeling for form, before entering this third dimensional world . This Awareness indicates that the statues at Easter Island were muc h later than these earlier statues this Awareness now describes . This Awareness indicates the statues at Easter Island were brought forth IRU similar purposes, but after the earth itself had become'irore solidified . Thes e statues being guards and landing pads for spirits .
CONCERNING THE COSMIC AWARENESS TRANCE HEALING S Q . My friend Mary F is 87 years old and totally blind and suffering needlessly . She says people come through the walls at night and prevent her from resting . He_ r mind is clear, but her body is worn out . Will Cosmic Awareness please heal he r and guide her into the White Light ? A . This Awareness indicates that you understand the healing may be given and ma y be felt by entities, and the message may be sent which allows the rational mind t o understand what is occurring . But that the intensity and the depth of the healin g also depends upon the Law of Gratitude : wherein you feel you deserve to he healed , to that extent you are healed . This Awareness does,not pick up any karma for you, that wherein you can do an y action ZKLFK allows-you, yourself, to feel worthy of being healed, then indeed doe s this Awareness bring' that' healing to you . Your action of opening up yourself to th e feeling that you really deserve to be healed is likened unto opening , the door' fo t this Awareness to enter . That wherein you wished to keep the door closed ; you fee l guilty, you feel unworthy, you feel yonrself to be seeking something you do no t deserve . That this as likened to opening the door only a crack and hoping Awarenes s shoves something forcefully into you, and then doesn't bother you any further . Thi s Awareness indicates that wherein you truly wish to be healed, you may open the door
Pag e
totally to Awareness by feeling yourself totally worthy of healing . And when thi s occurs the total healing shall transpire . This Awareness indicates it was for thi s reason that the suggestion was given for these readings that entities not only sen d $35 for the energizers and for the trances, , but that they give certain donate d energies to others in need or to some organization that is serving others . These donated energies be sent in forms of money or service or somethin g useable and wanted by others, so that the one opening the door for healin g 'feel's Worthy- of being healed ; this as the way to open the door wide an d generously for this Awareness to enter . Wherein you are not totally receptive, this Awareness can only give you small dose of that which is needed .
This Awareness denies entities nothing, nor does it force rewards throug h closed doors . This Awareness suggests you make yourself receptive to the healing given .
CONCERNING PREDICTIONS BY PSYCHIC S Q . A highly accurate psychic indicates a major interstellar vehicle landing will b e publicized widely to the masses by the media by 1979 . Please comment . A . This Awareness indicates this .may occur . Comments on the predictions of others ma y best `6e :obtained by requesting the information from the original source . This Awarenes s will -not fill in all the details of missing parts of predictions or philosophies, particularly when these are not seen as being accurate in essence . Many of these are potentially accurate or partially correct, or correct on certain levels only . This Awarenes s wishes entities to give attention to their own and others growth and development and t o move levels of suffering into levels of communication and dynamic living . This Awarenes s suggests that much of the sensationalism of the predictions and the concerns for futur e experiences 50, 100, 1000 years hence are nothing-other than escapism . This Awarenes s indicates that true escape from "What is" comes only when entities truly face "What is " without resistence ; for only then is it possible to move on into new action . When entities can look clearly at what is happening they can then make a change in tha t action and move into new levels . This Awareness suggests that action of ideals, actions of future possibilities , actions of science fiction, all of these are basically necessary in terms of long-rang e vision, yet is is even more necessary to have the connection between where you are an d where you are going very clear, so that you may move step by step along the path . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities have their ideals so far out tha t they cannot possibly bring these ideals into their own reality levels, then thes e ideals become nothing but an escape for the min d s--an action of soul travel wherei n the body sits confined in its prison and the mizid .: eiattdera--an in its attempt to escape . This Awareness suggests that mind and body can come together, emotions and feeling s can come together, and entities can be free on all levels by facing clearly tha t whic h is . For that which is, is essence and the essential of . each moment moves entities ste p by step along the path, moving ever upward, ever more clearly toward freedom . The travel is slow but sure .