Cosmic Awareness Communication s
P . 0 . Boa 113, Olympia, Wa:hlnpon 98507
A MI?SSACJ? TO MUSICIAN S FROM COSMIC AWARENES S (Paul Shockley, Trance-Interpreter ) Question : ,J,K . of Vernon, Connecticut writes : "I have a question for Awareness . I have notice d increasingly deeper and deeper levels of meaning and truth in the lyrics to contemporar y songs I hear on the radio . I pay more attention now to songs than ever before and I:. kno w music increases the vibrations . Is this due to the increase in awareness of those wh o create the music and lyrics, and would Awareness comment on how this effects the genera l public ? Cosmic Awareness : This Awareness indicates that the majority of fine musicians and artists are attune d to higher spiritual forces . This Awareness indicates that many of these entities, by thei 7 nature, are capable of tuning into higher forces of vibration and music, yet there ar e certain . problems which these entities have not resolved, and many of these entitie s become fixated on lower levels of consciousness, not having yet evolved beyond certai n stages of development . This Awareness indicates that in these instances such entities write and becom e involved in art and music which is of a somewhat degraded nature . T his Awareness indicat e that even this is in the will of Awareness, for such entities tune into those levels o f degradation and do, to some extent, lift others . This Awareness indicates that the danger here is that these entities also presen t an opportunity for those who are above this level to be dragged down to a degraded natur e This Awareness indicates that even this is no great problem, for those entities wh o are dragged down that easily need to work out certain karmic problems and deeper under standing so that they are not easily influenced by such degraded levels . This Awareness suggests that each level of development has its level of expression , that music expresses these levels : That wherein entities are seen as climbing the ladde r to the higher spiritual levels, and some entities are dragged down to lower rungs, thos e entities are simply in a learning process, and may again begin climbing ; that th e opportunity is always available for entities to rise or fall according to their leve l of awareness .
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This Awareness suggests that those who have the wisdom and understanding to use tha t music, to listen with their ears, with their soul, with their feelings, and with thei r spirit, to those finer notes, those musics that come from the etheric level, the sound s which are of the Universal Spheres, those vibrations and tones which are of•an upliftin g nature, those entities who attune to the highest and best shall find themselves risin g on the scale and moving into higher spiritual vibrations where their reward becomes Bre a on all levels .
This Awareness wishes to caution entities about listening to words and music . whic h o drags their spirit : downward, which causes theui to feel sorry for themselves, or t become wrapped up in negative lamentations ; ; bnt that entities instead, to listen C o those musics and words, and . the art expressions which lift their souls, which mak e w them feel good about themselves and :about others , ' and ..about: their world, and allo them to ,feel happy , to he'aliv e This Awareness indicates that music which allows entities to feel compassion fo r g others, lamentations that . express truth, love and compassion, these also can . be upliftin to the soul . But those lamentations, those expressions of sorrow which tend to mak e the entity identify with feelings of inadequacy, with feelings of loss that cannot b e explained or fulfilled, with feelings of inferiority, such songs do intend and d o have the effect of lowering one ' s self-esteem and causing one to sink in feeling s of desperation and loss, which cannot ' easily be recovered . This Awareness suggests that yo look at music as though you were listening t o a programmer attempting to program yourself, and that you ask yourself : "Is this the programming that I want? "
Cosmic Awareness has given excel .lent. . raps on suchsubject.^s as : Heroin addiction—Its cosmic significance, cause and cure . Marijuana--(flow its use is helping to change the consciousness of mankind) ' LSD---(Ilow it helped many to understand Who, in Fact, They Really Are ) Teen-Age Sex (there ' s lots of it around ) G Abortion (should you \ or. shouldn ' t . you) an unusual cosmic : viewpoin t Suicide (what: real ly+ happens . to your-spirit when you depart from here that way) . Karma (i .nsrant and long-range ramifications ) Jesus, the man . 'he "Christ- Consciousness " within man . he Bibl e Fortune-telling, astrology, Tarot : readings, etc . Flying saucer s ''he Sasquate h r he Hollow Eart h The Bermuda triangl e The movie, " Star Wars" (Why everyone is seeing It . What it really is all. about . ) A complete master plan
the Covernment of the New Age (now forming) .
Plus hundreds of other in-depth subjects . Ti you are more than curious, ii you are seeking answers to important questions ; if you sometimes feel that there could be something you are missing out on thi s life experience ; if you would truly like to help uplift your brothers, help rais e the consciousness of this earth plane, then the time is ripe for you to turn on t o Cosmic Awareness and the wisdom It offers that can turn your head around, give yo u a purl e s , and direction for this life experience, and show you how to relate t o and 'hel l ':aiso the consciousness of those around you . Please contact the addres s below for free information and a chance to get the Cosmic Awareness_Newslet :ters an d Correspondence Lessons free for three months . (in three months you will know whethe r or not: Awareness is for you . )
Kevelatious of Awareness is a cosmic newsl ;;tter published by osmic Awareness Communications . i P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 . Kates and memhe,'d ip information available upon request .
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