Cosmic Awareness Communications r.
U . No 115, J i 1 . r0 Ia, Wt6Mnglun 96567
Paul . Shockle y T rance-Int erprece r
Question : W .S . of Auburn, Washington, would like to ask Awareness : Is actual cloth that Christ was buried in ?
the shroud of
Turin th e
Cosmic Awareness : This Awareness indicates this as being the authentic shroud of an entity crucifie d in the manner of the crucifixion of the Biblical narration, but that this entity was no t the entity known as Jesus . ':'his Awareness indicates this as of little real significance in this age . That thos e who would prefer to have contact with this cloth and to believe, this, may benefit fro m this belief according to their needs . That those who do believe this need this kind o f assurance that the entity, Jesus, was indeed crucified, and this becomes their physica l data, the so-called proof . This Awareness indicates this as likened unto Tago's use of the handkerchief to prov e to Othello that Desdemona was unfaithful, wherein lago tells the story which the audienc e realizes is not true, and then produces the handkerchief. as proof ; and lago, so confuse d and mystified, accents the handkerchief as proof . ''•his Awareness indicates that for entities who need proof of their beliefs, the stor y of the shroud can. give them the feeling that proof has been . supplied . This Awarenes s indicates that in reality this shroud was not that of the entity, Jesus, but was fro m another .
This Awareness indicates that there were thousands and thousands of entities wh o were crucified during those times, and that the crucifixion of the entity, Jesus, wen t unnoticed by most until the Roman empire, 200 and some years later, made the Christia n religion its official religion . Thereafter, this religious empire began to accumulat e ornaments and things of this nature to justify and . prove its authenticity . This Awareness indicates that a shroud as a security blanket for one's beliefs i s of little interest to this Awareness, but for those who need this, let them have this . That there is no reason to dispute or become concerned about the DXWKHQWLFLW\ RI WKLV for there are other issues in . this universe, in this world, which are of much greate r impact : This Awareness refers to hunger, to starvation needs, to war and violence, and t o the great urgencies which face this planet . this Awareness refers you to the need for service, the need for sharing the under standing, and wisdom which is available with those who wish WR know . This Awareness refers you . to the action of tending those who are lonely, those wh o DUH DIUDLG WKRVH ZKR desire companionship .
This Awareness refers you to the great urgency of assisting those who are bein g misled so that they may learn Who, In Fact, They Really !re, and may become One with. their creator, rather than simply searching for a piece of cloth to bow to as a mediator . between their God who is a mediator between another God .
This Awareness wishes you. to assist, others in discovering the basic need for relating- directly to the Spirit which is within each entity, the kingdom of Heaven which i s within yourself .
This Awareness suggests that those who need the shroud are That you may have the crutch so long as you need this :
those who need the crutch .
But this Awareness asks you to put away your crutch, to lift yourself up and t o stand in your Divine Body, this as reference to the spiritual needs DQG WKH spiritua l ERG\ .
Revelations of Awareness is a cosmic newsletter published by Cosmic Awareness Communications . P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 Rates and membership information available upon request .