Cosmic Awareness Communication s P. O . 3ro, 115, Olyr,•Dia, Washington , t 1 7
Paul Shockley Trance-Interprete r
QF ASSIST, (How come there's so many of you .around?)
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Question : K, K„ wants to know : Is St Francis a sort: of grou p soul by now, or is he incarnated in more than one physical form? Cosmic Awareness :
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Miss Awareness indicates the latter as being correct . This Awareness indicate s information has been given on this previously in terms of reincarnation of entities . Thi s Awareness indicates that the consciousness which makes up an entity throughout a lifetim e has many facets . That these many facets do not necessarily accompany each other throughou t eternity . These facets may spread apart and move about into other realms apart from eac h of individuality . WHUPV other in terms of VSDFH LQ This Awareness indicates those facets which were part of St . Francis at one period o f time in his life were not prominent at another period of time in. his life . This Awarenes s indicates that those facets, after the death of St . Francis in the physical sense, the n moved on into further expression, not necessarily connected to one another . 'this Awareness indicates that there are certain entities present upon this plane , each holding certain facets of the entity, St . Francis, as part of their consciousness . In :his manner one entity can foster many reincarnations . This Awareness indicates that , likewise, many entities can be the reincarnation of a previous entity . This Awarenes s indicates that essentially, however, the soul of an entity whose individuality has been . developed clearly, remains intact throughout eons of time and does not become scattere d in its essential qualities, This Awareness indicates that the core being of an entit y generally remains intact if that entity has developed a core being which is solidifie d in terms of its own crystalization and completion, This Awareness indicates that man y aspects of the entity's consciousness, however, may scatter and go into different areas . This Awareness indicates one's own thought forms, those emotions and feelings an d thoughts which entities emit in their daily lives, do not necessarily stay with thei r physical forms or with their soul, but are emitted into consciousness and picked up b y others who also experience those emotions and feelings . This Awareness indicates that man y moods which entities feel are not, in fact, their own . moods, but are moods which they hav e picked up from others . This Awareness indicates likewise the same is true with thoughts , feelings and emotions . This Awareness indicates likewise the same is true with certai n characteristics and certain personality factors ; that entities can siphon. off personalit y factors ; and characteristics from other entities . This Awareness asks the question : 5RZ PDQ\ personality factors or characteristics ca n be taken from another before one can actually discern and claim to he that personalit y reincarnated? This awareness also asks the question : How many personality factors can ente r into another person before that person is said to he possessed ? This Awareness suggests that these are questions relating unto the Law of Relativity . That it is relative in terms of degree, in terms of dimension, in terms of quantity an d quality, This Awareness indicates that when entities request information regarding thei r past life as to who they were in a previous lifetime, this as likened unto the stream o f consciousness, wherein this Awareness or other psychics, look at the entity's consciousnes s and follow up that stream toward its source and into nooks and crappies, wherein . that somec e
once lived and experienced . This Awareness indicates that in this manne r there can be discerned certain trace of energies leading back to an entity, an individual, which is described in various manners . This Awareness indicates that thi s energy can move on back to other points of reference . That each of these points of referenc e can be described as an entity, a character, a personality, a collective of emotions an d feelings ; that each of these entities can be described under a name . This Awarenes s indicates that, depending on how ~nt''ties wish this to be interpreted, the name may b e given net you ware the reincarnation of such and such an entity . This Awareness indicate s in reality these forces are eonstnntly flowing : that nook and cranny, that fork i n consciousness that goes by a certain name, is actually a vortex whereby energy flows thrc'vgh . This Awareness indicates that this may be likened unto the name of a fork in a river , whereby you as. the mater at one place, "Where are you from"? and the water answers, " I am from the fork on the right side of the river, upstream, called the St . Francis of Assis i Fork ." This Awareness indicates that other waters may also claim the same source . Thi s Awareness indicates that the timing of those waters is different : the one water passe d thrcu ;h the fork at one time, the other water passed at another time . This Awareness indicates that all consciousness is one consciousness, even as all wate r is one water . Yet each of these forces of consciousness has chosen a different path, ha s passed through different points of reference, has existed and flowed under the differen t names of different entities, has channeled in certain ways according to the form an d structure of those fork-. in the river of consciousness, according to the form and structur e of the experiences, the shaves of body, the race, the ideas, the training, the environmenta l in put of the entity through which that consciousness flowed during that particular time . This Awareness indicates that those forces of consciousness which have flowed throug h those particular places hate been colored, and affected by those experiences, by those pas t lifetimes, by those movements through those nooks and crannies and those forks . Thi s Awareness indicates that where they arrive at the present time and the experiences of thos e past times, there is a flux of energy which is called " me" , based upon the previou s experience of that energy, the collective memory on all levels of that particular energy . That energy is such that it is looking out from the form which it has now created to flo w through as a node or fork in the river, in the stream of consciousness under a particula r name . referring to itself as a character or personality in present lifetime . Question : Then that would ex p lain, for example, somebody wrote in and said that in the Edga r Cayce Re?.dings, that one of the disciples, I forget which one, was alive in Virgini a Peach, and that today it Virginia Beach he is alive right now and wasn't doing very muc h with his life ; and it was one of the disciples that Awareness mentioned in the York tranc e was present ,am doing work on the earth plane . Would that explain the seemingly inconsistency of that ? Cosmic,! This A :r•7arenesn indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates that eac h entity in this present lifetime can look at oneself and say, "Am I truly the same entit y I was 10 years ago, or em I someone entirely different? " This Awareness indicates that many entities remain stable throughout their lifetime , that many entities shift personalities and characteristics in a very short time . Thi s Awareness indicates that you look at the example of that entity considered in the stor y of the ThreeFaces of Eve . This Awareness indicates that in this entity there were no t only three, but five or more personalities which expressed themselves through this entity . This ANareness asks you et this time, if a trance reader were examining any one of thes e personalities in a future time, a future lifetime, and that personality were to ask : "Wh o was I in my last lifetime," and the trance reader looked and said, "You were Eve Black, " this Awareness indicates that this would be accurate . 2.
This Awareness indicates that supposing another personality of ;Eve :;lack also cam e to the trance reader and said :"Who was I in my last lifetime? " and the trance reade r responded, "you were Eve Black ." This Awareness indicates that there would seem to b e an inconsistency, for these two people walking around in their own individual bodies, bot h claiming to be the reincarnation of Eve Black . This Awareness indicates that continuanc e of this could produce five particular bodies, each claiming to be reincarnated from th e same entity . This Awareness suggests that this seeming inconsistency could, in fact , be a reality . Question : A number of years ago, during an LSD experiment, the entity Debby h . had a voice expres s itself through her as one of these aspects that called itself the "Observer " . ft asked th e question, something to the effect that, "Debby? Isn ' t that rather an odd name? What do yo u thing of Debby?" It was almost . like another entity was speaking through her . Would th e information just given by Awareness explain this phenomenon ? Cosmic Awareness : This Awareness 'tdicates this as in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates ther e are 144 aspects of consciousness in each entity . That this actually can be divided int o 12, creating 1,728 aspects . That this could also be divided by 12, labeling 12 aspect s in each entity . This Awareness indicates this as arbitrary, according to the frame o f reference that entities wish to use in describin, ., the consciousness of themselves . This Awareness indicates that an entity can be described as an arm or as a hand . Tha t Shakespeare used this as a means of literary genius . That the action of referring to th e hand that rocked the cradle ' is a means of literary t :echnigue which uses this principle . That one can be referred to as the eye, the nose, the hand ; yet in reality the entity ca n also be referred to by a name . Sti .11 .,the entity is not the name . The entity can be referre d to by the total shape of the body, yet the entity is not just the shape of the body . This Awareness indicates entities could call each other liver, or heart, or hand, arm , eye, nose, ears, or hair . That entities could call each other by many different names , but the total entity is composed of Who and What lc is, has been, has experienced, an d does continue to experience from moment to moment . That there is no possible word t o describe an entity, for the entity is what the entity 'is' . I am that which I am . This Awareness indicates that entities can have many aspects of consciousness . Tha t entities can be channels for other forces, and when those forces enter in and speak throug h an entity, who is to deny that the force which speaks through the entity is, at tha t moment, part of the entity himself? This as also arbitrary . If one channels negativ e forces, can one deny the fact of being negative? This as arbitrary . One can deny the fac t of being negative, or one can accept the fact of being negative, according to the frame o f reference the entity chooses to use . This Awareness indicates that if the entity wishes to identify that negative qualit y with oneself, and say, "T am evil", then indeed the entity is evil, This Awareness indicate : that if the entity wishes to look at the negative force which is being channeled and say , "the evil force is attempting to violate me", then indeed the evil force is attempting t o violate the entity, and the entity can deny being part of that evil force . This can b e a reality, a truth . This Awareness indicates the word is that which creates the reality . The word create d that which is the heaven and earth, that which is the truth from moment to moment . As yo u describe your experience, this is the truth for you . This Awareness indicates that this use of the word is only true within your particula r frame of reference . That wherein another uses a different frame of reference to discus s your behavior, stating that they do not accept the fact that you were violated by evi l forces which possessed you and caused you to behave in a particular manner, but rathe r think that you, yourself, are evil, these are two different frames of reference . Thi s 3.
Awereness indicates that from one frame of reference a particular type of behavior can be judged as evil and wrong . From another frame of reference, that behavior can b e seen as being correct and as being right, or whereby the entity who expressed tha t negative channeling may feel himself to be violated and victimized . This Awareness indicates it is a matter of which frame of reference are you lookin g through, and no communication, no clear communication, no truth can be shared by entitic s until they lock through the same frame of reference and discuss the situation from twat: viewpoint . Closing message : This Awareness suggests that regarding the messages given in this reading, that eac h entity visualize himself as walking around through time and space with e . wooden frame around his or her body . This Awareness suggests that this may be seen as a wooden frame being held by th e entity, through which the entity looks . This Awareness suggests that you visualize this clearly for a few moments as yo u leave this reading and walk around in your daily activities . This Awareness suggests this may continue for a day or a week as you choose, an d that you ccntinne walking around with this wooden frame in front of you, allowing yo u to look out at the world through this frame . This Awareness suggests that you do this as a reminder to question yourself as t o what your frame of reference is, while looking at this or that concert or experience . This shall be an exercise which shall do wonders for your self-realization .
Revelations of Awareness is a cosmic newsletter published by Cosmic Awareness Communications . P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 Rates and membership information available upon request .