Cosmic Awareness 1978-20: Regarding Cancer: The Great American Tragedy

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Cosmic Awareness Communications , P,

Unit. ttt,






Paul Shockle y Trance-Interprete r



Ouestinn : A qnestion from R .1. . .r Williamsburg, Virginia : " Please submit: this question to Cosmi c Awareness . According to American Cancer Society, cue in 14 women in the U .S . ar e losing a breast to cancer . What is the cause, or what: are we doing as a society o f women to set ourselves up for this? Please explain and give additional information . I have experienced thi . surgery and work . with women who have . 1 desire understanding . COSMTC AEAC.ENESS : .


This Awareness indicates there is much information out on this problem, but tha t you will not find this information in medical books controlled by the medical profess ion .

This Awareness suggests that much information is available through the homeopathic . naturopathic, chiropractic and herbal forms of medicine . This Awareness indicates that in many cases, there is in actuality no need for the surgery, This Awareness indicates, there is the beginnings of cancer, or of a tumor , which could be cured by the unorthodox methods ; that in. some cases the surgery may b e necessary according to today's values and technological capabilities . This Awareness indicates that the best method is preventive medicine_ That th e causes of cancer are many . This coming through the chemicais which are used in va' : :iou s industrial act / 9LL - &6 through. the preservatives and additives jr foods, the artificia l flavors and colors, and through the water systems wherein impurities are added , This Awareness indicates that also, and somewhat to an even greater de problem is caused by the suggestive force which continues to promote tn .i daner and hnn Coowigt

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This -Awareness indicates that this suggestive force is that which is an unknow n t in ' terms of the regular medica l cal profession. s use of tools and medicines in . dealin g with disease . The Subconscious Deat h Wis h This Awareness suggests that to a great extent, cancer is a psychic disease cause d by death wishes, fear and belief that one may catch this dreaded disease . This Awareness indicates that entities can . protect themselves from this to som e extent by proper attitudes, by realizing themselves to be spiritual beings, to hav e dominion over their physical body, recognizing the . power of their mind, the power o f their will to keep themselves well and healthy . This Awareness suggests that, however, when entities begin to feel a kind of deat h wish, a feeling of unworthiness, and when entities couple this feeling with poor eating habits, poor environmental situations, and detrimental behavior patterns that har m the health, this opens the door ?nd creates greater possibility for the weakened condition that leads to the problem of cancer or other diseases . This Awareness indicates that essentially anyone could contact cancer, but essentially anyone can also throw off that problem :

the problem o f

This Awareness indicates there have been . many enti.ti' . . who have had cancer an d al , have healed themselves,, simply :7y the sheer will to be This Awareness indicates that the mind is the builder, and wherein one can . accep t a heeling, half of the battle is won ; the body tends to follow the directions of th e mind, This Awareness suggests that wherein ent}_tiee are convinced that there then the situation follows that convict :ion .


is no hope ,

to Help ReverseCancer

This Awareness suggests, however, that entities having such a problem : do wha t you can to monitor and to change your situation, bringing about greater health . Thi s Awareness suggests, however, that you also continue to keep check and keep track o f the situation . This Awareness suggests that certain herbs, each a .s s chaparral, such as white oak hark This Awareness "suggests this information on the traditional cancer-curin g herbs as have been used, for many centuries is available in various herbal books : thi s in AmericanHerbal Formulas, in I3 ; ck toEden, in Dr. . Christophe r ' s works, and in. othe r herbal books on the market . This Awareness indicates there is also help which can be obtained through homeopathy medical systems, and through other more commonly known organizations, such a s Friends ofCancer Victims . This Awareness indicates that this Awareness has given . information on cance r situations during the past five or six years ; that this information essentially i s a repetition .

This Awareness suggests that there is much information on the market today, hu t the American Cancer Society and the A .M .A ., having so much more access to public communication, tends to dominate the field of propaganda related to this situation .

This Awareness indicates that the time comes shortly wherein the tables shal l turn and the old ways shall pass away, and opportunities shall come about whereb y entities may have the true art of healing upon this plane . The $64,000,000000 Questio n This Awareness indicates that entities surely must wonder why the AmericanMedica l Association, why the American. Cancer Society, and why the American people are s o determined to allow cancer to be the great American health problem that it is, whe n other countries of the world, using other medical systems and other dieting methods , other types of food processing, do not have this problem . This Awareness suggests that entities simply need to look around and question an d he truthful with themselves .

This Awareness indicates that this, however, seems quite unlikely as far as th e average American entity is concerned at this time, for most Americans prefer to follo w the dictates of the programmers of this system, rather than question and look toward other systems which are more effective . This Awareness indicates this as being somewhat of a tragedy, yet this being tha t which this Awareness allows, so long as the entities in the situation, so long as th e victims of the situation, desire to continue and to allow this to continue simpl y because they do not wish to take the initiative in looking in other directions, an d prefer to continue supporting these organizations that feed their employees and thei r armies of doctors on the ill health of their patients . This Awareness indicates this is not intended as a condemnation of doctors i n general, but that this Awareness wishes entities to look at the authority of th e medical profession and question where this authority comes from, and whether it i s all that it claims to be in terns of a true healing profession . This Awareness indicates the medical system used in America today as being approx imately fifty years in building ; and thousands of years of research used by othe r systems, such as the herbal, homeopathic, and the Chinese methods are basically condemned and ignored by this new medical system . This Awareness suggests that entities are given free will to follow those system s and forces and leaders of their choice . This Awareness indicates also that the proble m finds its roots in the food and industrial areas ; that the healing cannot be stresse d without an awareness of the causes . The Crape Diet and Other Cure s Question : One question in relation to that last one . Through the interpreter, Ralph Duby , Awareness gave a grape diet for people inflicted with cancer .'* Will this grap e diet work for women who have breast cancer ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the action of fasting as that which can help . Th e action of using grape juice for a period of seven days, the diet given previously , and the action of the seven day Awareness fast as given previously : all these ar e beneficial . This Awareness indicates the nature of cancer is such that the entity's conscious ness must first desire to be healed . This Awareness suggests that the reaction of the body to a fast or diet chang e is that which can create a shock among the cells, which, also triggered with th e desire for healing and the suggestion of healing, can cause a reversal .. in the cancer-causing activities . 3.

1I, anesle, i .^etrlle, v icamzrin as Aids in Reversing Cance r

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This Awareness suggests that Type 5 or auto-suggestion, and also hypnosis, can h e of great benefit in reversing the condition . This Awareness indicates that Laetrile and other vitamins, such as vitamin C an d vitamin A can also help in this condition by strengthening certain aspects of th e body . That maltiple vitamins and minerals, allowing the body to have greater strength , can assist it in resisting the situation . Lemon Juice, Cider Vinegar. as Cure s This Awareness indicates the use of lemon juice, increasing the use of lemon juic e to that which may be approximately one pint daily, as that which can be beneficial .

rhis Aware-less indicates that apple cider vinegar as that which can be beneficial . This Awareness indicates that the herbs mentioned previously as given in th e various herbal formulas, particularly that of the American Indian ?ler.bal Encyclopedi a and Dr, Christopher herbal formulas ; these Laken along with those fasting and clean sing diets can be of great benefit , This Awareness indicates that the cleansing of the physical body allows the odi c force and the resonating electromagnetic energy to increase and to drive out th e cancer-causing elements of the ay-stem . This Awareness indicates there are also certain chemical and drug therapies tha t are recently being discovered which will be on the market within a few years that ca n be beneficial in certain types of cancer . Cosmic Awareness is Disj fiste d This Awareness indicates that the information relating to cancer as that which i s likened unto an avalanche of information which tends to become overbearing and tire some to this Awareness, in the sense that there have been many cures for this diseas e which have been totally ignored by the forces which do not wish this to be con .quer.e d 0 This Awareness feels a tendency to look away in utter disgust at these force s which allow entities to be mutilated and to suffer the agonies of this disease whe n it could easily be cured by methods which have already been discovered, tested an d proven . This Awareness indicates there are even methods using cla y ' which can cure certai n types of cancer . This Awareness indicates that entities who seek to bring forth thes e cures are generally ridiculed and even destroyed for their efforts . This Awareness indicates, however, that these cures shall surface, and the masse s of entities upon this plane shall eventually awaken and realize what is occurring , and those who have held power and have misused that power shall find themselves bein g overthrown by the masses : The meek shall inherit the earth .



EDITOR'S QUESTION : Awareness tells us one of the most powerful forces on thi s plane Ls the power of suggestion, a tool well known and used by the al ien force . Have you ever wondered why the American Cancer Society doesn't call itself " Th e American ANTI-Cancer Society ? " If one desires to bring an end to something, doe s nne resist it or promote it? Would you call the recent anti-war movement whic h brought about the end of the Vietnam war, " The War Movement?" i n.,< about it) . ('T`h

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Will Excessive Sex, Cause Cancer '% Question : A question from E .N . "I have a question for Cosmic Awareness as follows : From the book, 1hinkin anci 2ostin, by Harold Perckdal, page 361, 'Cancer may he the growt h of thousands of years . It is usually caused by sexual thoughts and appears about th e middle period of life and later, seldom in youth . In later life, a person ought no t e to entertain sexual thoughts . Cancer is likely to become 'more frequent in the New Ag . when is considered the middl e with the development of thinking .' Jis question is : From dwelling one's though t period of life, and does entertaining sexual thoughts here mean to become more freqon sex uppermost to spiritual development, and, is cancer likely . uent in the New Age because we are in the age now where spiritual development shoul d be uppermost in our thoughts? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the thoughts of sex and sexual images do not, i n themselves, cause cancer . This Awareness indicates that when. entities move throug h their normal growing cycle, there are certain circuits which open as the entity move s from childhood into- adulthood . This Awareness indicates, during puberty, the sexual circuitry begins to ope n and certain types of consciousness and activities, as well as hormones, and . othe r chemical effects begin to happen in the body in a manner that creates changes in tha t body, This Awareness indicates the entities who move into continued physical developmen t eventually reach that period of life in which that which may be termed 'menopause ' occurs . This Awareness indicates that this as again another shift in development and another circuit opens wherein the entity is allowed to begin developing more of a feeling of personal purpose in terms of the career motivations or in terms of th e basic life purpose--why the entity ems to this Diane . This Awareness indicates that it is during the period of menopause and thereafte r that the entity begins to sense his true purpose in living upon this plane . Thi s Awareness suggests that entities, during that period of menopause, who seem to fee l that their true purpose is to wallow in sex, will tend to keep his energies in th e sexual circuit open, but : will fail to open other circuits . This Awareness suggest s that there is nothing during this time that indicates an entity should not indulg e in sex, so long as the entity can also open the next circuit and more into areas o f consciousness which allow the entity to begin seeing his true purnose as a spiritua l being . This Awareness indicates that the problem comes about when the entity wishes t o retain the youthful vigor, focuses on that, becomes obsessed in that, and cannot mov e beyond the significance of sexual activities and allows that to dominate one ' s life . This Awareness indicates that in essence, sex itself does not lead to cancer, bu t as the entity, Percival, said, the dwelling in concepts of sex as that which can, i n some cases, bring about a kind of short-circuit of the energies which can bring thi s action about . 4v '7?

This Awareness indicates that even in this situation, however, it is not th e direct result of such thinking, but such thinking leads to other attitudes, and i t is those other attitudes which help to bring about the cancerous conditions . This Awareness indicates those other attitudes deal with attitudes of deat h wish, feelings of not being important, not being accepted . This Awareness indicate s that entities who dwell on sex and also feel unloved, these are the entities wh o tend to open the doors and . create the atmosphere for cancer to appear in their lives . 5.

Other Causes of Cance r This Awareness indicates that the dwelling on sex is only one of the causes whic h can lead entities to feel unloved . This Awareness indicates that the death of a partner, the loss of e loved one, can also cause entities to feel unloved, and though the y may not have any great desire for sec, they too can contact that condition which lead s to cancer . This Awareness LQGLFDWHV WKDW EDVLFDOO\ WKH UHDO FDXVH RI FDQFHU LV UHODWHG XQW R the death wish . That the cancer conditions are prevalent in. most entities, but the bodies of those who wish to continue living, who have enthusiasm for life, and wh o are loving and feel loved, these bodies generally are too healthy for cancerous conditions to gain control of their cells , This Awareness suggests that essentially the death wish is that which is th e culprit . That this death wish can be very subtle, and often entities have mixed feelings and do not even realize they have had a death wish . This Awareness indicate s that this can often he caused by a rejection of one who was loved . This can be caused. by the loss of a loved one . This can be caused by an entity feeling unloved and unwanted, or rejected, and in this kind of attitude, the cancerous condition can begi n to grow . This Awareness indicates that even after the situation changes, and the entit y finds new desire for life and new hope, the condition which began . earlier may hav e gained a kind of foothold in . the body and may continue having its effect. . This Awareness indicates that in such a situation, the entity now wishing to liv e but having cancer, must go through a . strong mental and emotional . cleansing in orde r to throw off that cancerous condition which was invited in during that period wherei n the death wish was felt . This Awareness indicates that sexual relationship between entities is not th e culprit is relation to cancer . That thoughts of sex in . themselves do not cause cancer , but that the feeling of loneliness, of alienation, is that which can result from suc h thoughts and such images and this can assist in creating that problem . Comment byAwareness Rega.rdin_;_Sie ;x This Awareness wishes to make one comment regarding sea . That entities upon thi s plane have created a great taboo from sex, and from the other normel biologica l functions of their body, and this great taboo has created many tragedies that canno t even be imagined by most entities . This Awareness indicates that millions upon millions of entities have bee n slaughtered, have suffered, have experienced an-nameable tragedie s ;, indescribabl e sorrow, because of the taboo against sex . This Awareness indicates the various wars which have been fought have been basic ally nothing ether than sexual repression and perverted expression . of sexual image s and energies . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity cannot make love freel y because of the taboos, the entity then begins creating judgment, hostility, self righteous values and cravings which lead to ambitions, which lead to rejections o f others, which lead to an . entire myriad . of complicated forces and activities of tha t life ; and when an entire society builds itself around a taboo of this nature, th e entire society can also begin creating these kinds of abberations . This Awareness indicates when the society comes in contact with another societ y and the relationship is in conflict, the hurling of bombs, the shooting of bullets , the destruction and death . that follows, is in a sense, hut. an exaggerated action o f intercourse between these cultures and societies . This Awareness indicates that entities who understand the nature of symbolog y will, notice that the 8th house of the zodiac, the sign . of Scorpio, relates to both

. house o f the house of sex and that which is law enforcement and war, and the 8th . Scorpio is also called `the house of death째

This Awareness indicates ti.-Fat all of these are as different levels of the sam e energy . That each is a type of alchemical change . That the release of sexual energie s balances out the psyche of entities . That the retention. of these energies tends t o create greater polarity and greater imbalance, and this can be used for power, bu t

will eventually be released, and when released, this can be released in . a manner that may be destructive because of the great power which motivates and drives the agen t holding that power .. Question : Thank you . Does Awareness have a closing message ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the time has come wherein, entities cease in action s

of promoting their personal values at the expense of others . This Awareness 'indicates that wherein an entity has a value that allows the entit y to condemn others, to harm others, to hate others, this entity does need to questio n

that value . This Awareness wishes entities to notice the difference between self-righteousnes s and the spiritual life . The spiritual entity looks at others for that which is valu-

able, that which is beautiful, that which is spiritual and that which is food . .

The self-righteous entity looks at others for that which is the flaw, for tha t which is evil, for that which is harmful . and for that which is bad . The purpose o f the self-righteous entity is to find something wrong with others in order to compar e themselves with that other, so that they, themselves, shall feel superior . The purpose of the spiritual entity is to look at others and find areas of comp atabil .ity so that they can be as one . This Awareness indicates that entities who look at others to deprive them of thei r expression, who look at others to feel hostility because their values are not th e same, entities who look at others and hate them because they express themselves i n this or that manner : these entities are being self-righteous and are creating th e ills of the world . This Awareness indicates those entities who look at others to find areas of comp -

atability, to find areas wherein there is potential for communication and harmony :

these entities are assisting in bringing about the New Age, in bringing about th e world without sin, in bringing about the activities that bring forth harmony an d express love between entities upon this plane . (The Law of Gratitude )

Jethro Floss ; Beneficial Books, N .Y . (Also CAC book catalog ) Our Cure, Raymond fextreit, Swan House Pub . Co . PO Box 170, Brooklyn, M . Our Eartl 11223 . (Includes info on clay healing) . Back t o to Eden

Seven Day cleansing diet and grape cure for cancer, #75-76 Rev . of Awareness ($2 ) Other books on cancer cures and herbal medicine available at most health food stores . Herbs and books also available from : The Medicine WheelCollective, 831 W . Fir, Sa n Diego, Cal . 92101 . Also, Dharm. Trading Co, PO Box 06 .467, Portland, o re . 97206 . Dr . Christophe r ' s herbal remedies available from the Herb Silk, PO Box 352, Provo , Utah, 84601 . R.EA El Al IONS O AW'AREN1SS 1S a'co5rnk ncovs1e l r published by f 'o,.;our ,4It'xrrrrlr,t,% < urritr,unrrarrow., P .O . Box 115 , Olympia . Washington 91'507 Rates and inenlhl'E'SIil1 mlotmatten available upon request

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