Cosmic Awareness 1978-29: More About The Nazi Holocaust (The Karmic Passion Play With A Cast Of Mil

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Cosmic Awareness Communicatio n P. 0, pnr 115, Olyrnpla, W iin•t1On

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78-29 COSMIC AWARENESS is the force that expressed itself through Edgar Cayce, Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna , Mohammed, and other great avatar's who served as 'Channel ; for the 'Heavenly i :ather', and who speaks again today as th e world begins to enier the Noe Age of s piritual . :onseiousncsa and awareness . Since 190 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through eertaia carefully trained channels . The information container: herein was received from deep trance states an d 'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C' .A .C . This information is for those who inherit the New Age . Awareness tells you no t to believe anything . but zo question, explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests .





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HOLOCAUS T The Karmic Passion Play With a Cast of Million s

Paul Shockle y Trance--Interprete r

QUEST TON ea_ There has been a network TV series this week called 'Holocaust' that ha s Jewish family in Na ti Germany from the 30's to the 40's . Nationally, many Jews got together on the anniversary of the so--calle d holocaust, retelling the experience to their children, lest they never forget . Man y believe that for the salve of the children it is necessary to go over this tragedy o f the 40's over and over again,. Now Awareness has told us that in the case of a rap e victim, for example, the retelling of the experience over and over, can help remove th e trauma from the psyche of the victims . Those who were victims of the Nazis and wh o survived are probably being helped in this manner . M question is : in relation to the children of today, those who never lived during those times, is this retelling of tha t tragedy actually doing them any good, or is this but re-energizing negative experience s attracted a lot of attention . This concerned a

in. consciousness ?

COSMIC AWAREN'ISS : This Awareness indicates this as something that allows the entities to have a kin d of racial identification, likened unto a history of their people,, This Awareness indicates that this cultural history is that which can be beneficial in terms of givin g the entities a sense of understanding and . dignity in. being who they are in relation . t o their religious and racial heritage . This Awareness indicates that this racial and religious or cultural herita e,,whist : entities often_ feel drawn to, is important in assisting them to develop their ow n individuality . This Awareness indicates that from certain levels, this is not necessar y and is not important, yet, when an entity comes into being and is told that they do no t (bpsiIgin

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know much about their origins, where they come from, or whether anything . of any signif icance occurred to them in the past, these entities sometimes feel a kind of uncertainty in relation to the questions of Who am I ? This Awareness indicates that the Jewish culture had as its heritage, its religiou s and ethnic pride and background, which it could point to for identification, yet thi s culture throughout history bas felt itself to be in conflict with those who were no t of that particular religion or culture .

This Awareness indicates that the conflict between the Muslim and the Jewish, th e Mohammedan and the Jewish, the Christian and the Jewish cultures have been emphasize d for the last centuries in a manner that allowed the Jewish people to feel a kind o f stigma in relation to other cultures . This Awareness indicates that the Nazi movement emphasized this even more greatly , to the point where the Jewish culture began to question and wonder, 'What have we done to deserve this treatment? ' This Awareness indicates that in this manner, there was a deep examination of the basic qualities which the Jewish people and their philosophy and their attitudes expressed toward others . This Awareness indicates that these entities took on a kind of sacrificial lam b experience whereby they became the victims of the sacrifice to the forces that followe d the god of power „ This Awareness indicates that when entities follow the god of power, lust an d greed, they may serve that god only so long as they themselves continue to feel them selves insensitive to feeling, to mercy, to love, insensitive to levels of humanity . This Awareness indicates that the god, Jehovah, as a god of power, favoring on e people over another, as basically defined and described as a god of power which th e forces of the Jewish or Hebrew culture worshipped and exemplified as an ideal ,

Jehovah Also :a Money Go d

Jehovah, God



This Awareness indicates that Jehovah basically is a money god . This Awareness indicates that the Hebrew or. Jewish cultur e moved for these thousands of years through the world using th e economic systems in a manner that allowed advantage to those wh o followed the Lord Cod Jehovah, the powerful, jealous god which represented the qualities which controlled the material world .

This Awareness indicates these forces as that which create the matter in th e universe, This Awareness indicates that the Yod-He-Shin•-Vau-Heh, (the Shin being th e 5th element), ties this back into the Spirit, This Awareness indicates ' od-H.e-ShinVau-Heh as the spelling for the name Jesus . This Awareness suggests that this Yod-Zle Va.u-Heh as having been a key to the kingdom of the material plane, whereas the Yod-He Shin-Va .u-lieh as being the key to the link between spirit and matter . The Crucifixation ofChris t And the:Karmic Curs e __


This Awareness suggests that the crucifixion of Christ as a symbolic action wherei n the entity Jesus moved through the passion play and gave his life as a sacrificia l lamb to the end of the age of Aries, or the age of David, as a fisher of men enterin g into the Piscean Age . This Awareness indicates this entity, having given his life to create a kind o f example for the Piscean Age, was said to have been slain by the Jews . This Awarenes s indicates that in the story it is said that the Jews said : " Let his blood be on ou r heads and on . the heads of our children" . This Awareness indicates this statement a s that which has assisted in creating hostility toward the Jewish race by those wh o followed the Christian doctrines and teachings . 2,.

This Awareness indicates that the use of the Talmud by these entities as als o that which has been seen as threatening to the Christians . This Awareness indicate s that basically, these conflicts from the religious teachings have resulted in bloodshed , hostility, violence, between the followers of these different philosophies or religions . This Awareness indicates that the great tragedy is that it was all so unnecessary fo r the actions to occur in this manner . This Awareness indicates that the Jews in Germany as having moved into the ga s chambers and other forms of death in a passive, meek manner, likened unto the lamb s

going to slaughter . This Awareness indicates that this as also an action of a passio n

play acted out on a grand scale with a cast of millions .

This Awareness indicates this as such an unnecessary tragedy brought on by thes e

philosophies that allow nations, people, families, individuals, to slaugher one anothe r

or to sacrifice themselves for some belief or cause that is unnecessary, and does no t cerve the p urpose of constructive living .

This Awareness indicates that when an action begins, wherein the action may appea r to be small and . insignificant, though that action seems minor, it can grow and grow , and when that action violates another, the action can create repercussions that ar e felt centuries later by those who become caught in the movement of the energies o f that action . This Awareness indicates that the repercussion of the crucifixion of the entit y Jesus as that which has carried down through the ages . This Awareness indicates tha t the repercussion of the slaughter of the innocents in Germany as that which als o carries down through the ages . This Awareness indicates that the Wheel of Karma continues to spin and spin, an d

ORRN FDUHIXOO\ DQG VD\ to seek revenge after revenge, until HQWLWLHV "Enough! I shal l

not take my revenge . I shall stop the Wheel of Karma right here" .

This Awareness indicates that there are still entities who have hostility towar d the Jewish people . How many more would you like to see sacrificed before you ceas e in this stupidity of bigotry ? This Awareness indicates that each entity, when reincarnating upon this plane , is potentially capable of reincarnating into any other race, whether this be Oriental , Indian, Jewish, Gypsy, Black, Caucasian, or of the Brown Race, or of Latin nature . This Awareness indicates that any entity has the potential of reincarnating into an y culture, any nation, any area, and any status of being, whether of poverty or wealth ; the potential as determined by those needs which will give the entity the greates t spiritual growth, according to their ability to grow . This Awareness indicates it behooves entities not to plant seeds of hostilit y toward any particular race, culture, status or nation, for indeed they may return t o live a life within the skin of that culture which they have directed hostility towards . This Awareness indicates there is so much more that could be said, but the word s to discuss the holocaust of this event and of other events will always be inadequate . The experience which occurred will always be remembered within the psyche of thos e who participated, and the karma which resulted will be long remembered . And the lesson ., to be learned shall be slowly realized as entities become more sensitive, loving an d caring toward one another, as entities begin to realize the true meaning of th e Law of Tolerance,*

What Effect on the Childre n Watching this TV Reenactment ? .q u9 st1011 ° ^

'What was accomplished, if anything, by having the children who had no knowledg e

of the actual event, seeing a reenactment on TV ? 3.

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this allowed these children to recognize something o f their heritage, to face the facts of their racial or cultural memory .. This allowed these entities the opportunity of discovering through vicarious experiences th e bigotry, as well as the stigma, of the experience ; that these entities are awar e that there was a deep stigma against being Jewish, that there was great bigotr y directed toward them . This Awareness indicates that the other side was not clearly presented as to th e reasons why the Nazis turned on the Jews in all that hostility, and it is unlikel y that this will ever be shown ; for the punishment so greatly outweighed the crim e that entities see the punishment inflicted E\ WKH 1D]LV DV being the greater crime , ZKLFK indeed it was . This Awareness indicates that the Nazi activities, in attempting to solve th e so-called 'final solution te the Jewish problem' ; this was indeed no solution, fo r it created a greater problem . This Awareness indicates the VROXWLRQ can only come when entities are capable of communicating and reconciling their conflicts . Thi s Awareness indicates that the tragedy and ignorance can be talked about eternally : WKH YLFWLPV FDQ ORRN EDFN and resent the experience ; the violators may look bac k and justify their actions ; but all of this is meaningless in terms of sensitivit y and love and compassion of human beings, one toward another . This Awareness indicates the self-righteous entity can express indignatio n toward others, but the spiritual entity can only express love, forgiveness an d PHUF\ WRZDUG others . 1R :RUGV &DQ ([SUHV V

The Violations Create d This Awareness indicates that there are no words that can describe or explai n or sumtma.rize or give the human mind a moment's rest from this experience, RU other experiences wherein entities have violated one another ; for though the desire t o understand and catagorize and place this experience into some neat little pachag e witI-I•, a label, saying, "This was caused by this particular attitude ZKLFK FDQ QRZ K H corrected and forgotte n" , this Awareness indicates this as pure foolishness, fo r such experiences cannot be forgotten, cannot be neatly labeled and placed aside . This Awareness indicates entities can only move on and learn individually what eac h can learn from the experience as they have seen this to be . This Awareness indicates that this holocaust will be dragged up again, and agai n for entities to look at so long as entities feel a need to recall, to examine, an d to look at this image . This Awareness indicates that as entities move further and further away fro m the experience, greater objectivity will be experienced to allow these entities t o learn whatever can be learned by looking back at the experience from another time , another place, another state of consciousness . This Awareness indicates that there were many entities watching this dram a recently who began to understand a little more clearly certain lessons which wil l allow them and their children to avoid in future experiences . i

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*(See Cosmic Awareness Speaks booklet, page 69 . Also Booklet' Laws and Preccsi s of Cosmic Awareness . For more information on the holocaust, refer to Revelations of Awareness #78-14 . REVELATIONS OF A\VAR! .iNESS is a cosmic newsletter published by Gamic Awareness CorrrnlUnk•ations, F .O. Pox 115 , Olympia, Washington 98507 . Rates and membership information available upon request .

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