Cosmic Awareness Communications
COSMIC AWAKLNFS`> is the tolce that cxpressed ltscll through I .1nar < ; at .:c• Jesus of \ai :tnith . the I uddha . Krishna . i :ast m1 I tiIter' . ;ta .l who speaks again taint as th e Mohammed . and other great avatars who se :'vcd its'Chann .-is' lot hit workd begins io enter the !dr,r •I rr rot spiritual consciousness :out awa'cress Suu, ('>hi I : :stole 1u :ncuess has been . onfmun i cnitug through eet1ain eniefully Irained channels . I he inhumation roninmcd henrin was Ieceivcd troth deep trance ,tale~ an d 'interpreted' by an cnlity alliii :ucd with :1 .( ' I his ma :ion is till 'host : whr+mherIt the New Age . Awareness t,'lls you no t to believe amrtiting, but to question . explore doubt and de:cove : for ycwrscll what is the truth- I 'osntni Awareness ,nit mdlealr:s and ell It gCSl ~ .
How One Entity ' s Energie s Can Dethrone the Money Go d (The Rape of Consciousness )
Paul Shockley, Trance-Interprete r Question : A question from N .K ., co-chairman. 'Save the Whales Committee .' l : seek this answer . Wil l these efforts to save the sperm whales be successful? Will men and women of courage be lon g in coming to neip? How can I contact them? Am I sincere? Truly : As present funds don ' t permit an offering, let me offer my knowledge and skill at your disposal after May 25th, fo r three days, in return for your answer urgently anticipated . COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates your efforts in't :his action as that which is satisfactor y energy being given . This Awareness suggests that the nature of your work and those who ar e involved in this action as that which is having its effect, not only in terms of saving th e whales, but also in terms of pointing out the need to be aware of all life forms upon thi s planet . This Awareness indicates that the action of saving the whales is a kind of alchemica l symbol whereby the vital forces of entities are being respected, whether these entities b e fish, fowl or mammal . This Awareness indicates the Piscean Age„ the sign of the fish, is that which being represented in this action .
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This Awareness indicates that at the end of each Age there is a symbolic ritual tha t has been performed whereby the symbol of that Age is sacrificed . At the end of the Tauru s Age, the bull was slain as a symbol for the ending of that Age, and this is reflected i n the Spanish bullfighting . At the end of the Aries Age, the slaying of the lamb as tha t which was reflected both in the sacrificial rituals as well as the symbolic crucifixion o f the entity Jesus as the Lamb of God . This Awareness suggests that the final Age of Pisces being threatened with another symbolic ritual, the sacrifice of the fish, the whale . This Awareness suggests that these sacrifices have gone on long enough ; that the path to spiritual development is strewn wit h sacrifice, and sacrifice has not brought about great change in entities nor in their level s of awareness . l : upyrtohl
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This Awareness suggests that entities no longer sacrifice themselves nor othe r creatures for their gods ; that the money god as that which is demanding the sacrific e and en-Unction of the whale and of other species, and this money god is that which need s to be dethroned . This Awareness suggests that it is long overdue that entities take away the staf f of the money god, that they turn their attention to the gods of life, of liberty and o f happiness to all creatures . This Awareness suggests that lust, greed and power are th e three gods who are fostered by the money god, and these three are those who are th e great betrayers of human kind, as well as the other creatures of the earth . This Awareness suggests that even if there were only one entity left to cry ou t against these violations, that one entity would still have the possibility of makin g a change, of being heard, and of changing the course of history , This Awareness suggests that the road is long and difficult for the entity who seek s to change the direction of consciousness ; yet it is that which has been trod many time s by many entities, alone or together with friends, and the direction of consciousnes s has been changed, often by the voice of one individual crying out in the wilderness . This Awareness suggests that you not be discouraged ; that you continue as long a s there is still a whale, a bird, a fish, an animal, or a bush left living on this plane . For there is that which needs protection ; and as long as there is one who can speak fo r those who cannot speak, this is a responsibility and a duty to do so . ***aac** * ED ' s Note : Those who wish to help save the whales and other sea life may obtain information b y writing to : GREEN PEACE, 860 2nd Ave ., San Franciso, Calif . 94107 (These are the valiant entities who daily are risking their lives in small boats by confronting th e Japanese and Russian ships on the high seas engaged in the slaughter of these mammals) . Also the Center for Environmental Education (The Whale Protection Fund), 2100 M St . NW , Washington D .C . 20037 . Both organizations are non-profit, tax-exempt groups and solici t your financial and physical support . TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATIO N IS IT CHANCING CONSCIOUSNESS ? Questio n From T .0,, Baltimore, Md . This summer, your state of Washington, as well as Rhod e Island and other territories in the world, are becoming laboratory subjects in a controlled experiment examining relationship between consciousness and society . Teachers o f transcendental meditation program are flocking to these territories in order to measur e the effects of a heightened level of consciousness upon such variables as crime rate , hospital admissions and weather . The theory is that small percentages of meditators i n the population, and even smaller percentages practicing the TM Sidhi techniques, ca n precipitate a phase transition in consciousness, and a tunneling effect throughout th e world . Could Awareness comment on these principles, techniques and relationships ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative ; that this as a continuation o f the same type of energies which were implemented during the early days of the Organization of Awareness, wherein the Kahuna Ring was created around the earth . . %, This Awareness indicates that groups of meditators can have their profound effec t upon consciousness, and can, through meditation, even effect weather, violence, crim e rate, and can even have an effect on ending wars . 2.
This Awareness indicates much of this information has been given previously an d has been used in certain experiments in the early days of the &anization of Awa_reness, DQG Servants of Awareness, , during the previous decade . " ~rtir~c~
* ED ' s Note : Further information on the Kahuna Ring can be found in the introductor y pages of the Meditation Manual . (Price : $3 .00) See Back-Issues catalog . HOW TO STOP THE SPREA D OP THE FIREAN T Question : J .S . ofSan Francisco has a question . I recently saw a T V program which showed how a species of ants called, ' fire ants, ' has invaded th e southern United States and is rapidly spreading northward . These ants are highl y D agressive and capable of LQIOLFWLQJ very painful fiery sting, which gives them their name .. According to the program, all known pesticides were tried, but wer e useless tostop their spread . Can Awareness give a solution to this serious problem ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates there are methods whereby disease may be placed Into th e ant civilization for ridding them . There are also methods whereby sterility may b e introduced to those civilizations . This Awareness suggests, however, WKDW there can be room made on the earth fo r such civilizations, if entities so choose . This Awareness suggests that wherein thes e civilizations become too threatening to the human form, that it becomes appropriat e _f_or the human form to remove those civilizations ; for the ant is, in essence, onl y an insect which is created out of the thought-forms of the civilization of Atlantis , and is a remnant from Atlantis and earlier cultures, and the thought-forms tha t spilled out of the consciousness of those early civilizations and took form in th e evolving creatures of the time . This Awareness indicates the ancient scientists creating various species o f insects and entities and many of these being accidentally created from one another , and,through evolutionary accident and process, have created various types of creature s upon this earth . This Awareness indicates, however, that these creatures in general are th e creations of the immortals and of the consciousness of humanity, and that in thi s manner mankind or humankind has been given dominion over the animals and insects an d birds and fowl and plants of the earth . Yet, this dominion as that which must b e handled carefully and wisely to avoid over-balancing the natural environment of thi s earth, and suffering the consequences of that imbalance .
Question :
FOOLING AROUND WITH CREATION : (Is the Myth o f ' Pandora's Box' True? )
Awareness has indicated that the fire ant was an accidental creation by thos e entities in Atlantis who fooled with creation . This leads me to wander if perhaps th e so-called ' myth' of Pandora, the first mortal woman, fashioned from clay by Hephaestus , who intended that, by her charms, she should bring misery upon the Truman race, ma y have some basis in fact . According to the myth, Zeus gave her a beautiful box an d forbade her to open it . She of course did, and the plaques of mankind escaped and al l that remained in the box was hope . Would Awareness please comment ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates WKLV FDQ be viewed as symboIic of various types of experiences of human expression from previous lifetimes .
This Awareness indicates that this as an allegor y which has many different levels of meanings . Thi s Awareness indicates in one level, what the questione r suggests is in the affirmative . On other levels , there are other meanings . This Awareness suggests that the Atlanteans wer e well informed and did practice using the creativ e forces which direct the chromosomes of various type s of creatures in their efforts to form new creatures . Our Tom Cat s Created in Atlanti s This Awareness indicates the Atlanteans as respon sible for the domesticated cat and for other insect s which are presently living upon this plane . Thi s Awareness indicates the Atlanteans as also havin g experimented with certain cloning sciences ; tha t there was some success in this and there were certai n creatures created ; yet their greatest concern was i n mixing of the qualities of these creatures . Pigs Part Human This Awareness indicates the pig, itself, a s having been developed from certain types of chromo some manipulation which incorporated certain huma n characteristics in its development . This Awareness indicates the statement that th e pig as being created by mixing the human and th e earlier boars as not correct, for this is not exactl y a mixture . Yet there were certain qualities fro m humans which were placed into the pi g ' s evolutionary development through certai n types of hormone injections and cellular marriages . . .certain chromosomes taker. from the human cell, mixed with the cell of the pig, for reproduction of a new specie s of pig . , r
This Awareness indicates that this as a kind of activity whic h the Atlanteans engaged their scientific efforts toward . This Aware ness indicates that more on other levels of this science shall b e given at other times ; that this is sufficient for present .
Question :
In reference to the pig, there is a question I want to ask . It was sent in by V .R . of New Haven, Connecticut . " Many religions condemn the eating of swine . Is th e pig any different from any other animal in terms of eating its meat and one's spirit uality?" And I might add, does the information Awareness just gave on the pig have anything to do with this "unclean . mea t" of the pig, as mentioned in the Bible ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . That essentially, the essence s taken from the human and placed into the pig as that which relates unto the qualitie s that develop appetite . This Awareness indicates, however, that there are certain othe r qualities which went into the makeup of this particular species known as the pig . This as being certain qualities of human intelligence . 4.
:'LL3 A ::ateness ._aeica, es the pig does h eve a iciad of human intelligence of a certain type . This as being carried through the pig's hereditary lines via its chrom osomes . This Awareness indicates that in one sense, an entity could say that the pi g is part human . This Awareness indicates in another sense, one could say that i t simply has certain essences which were taken from humans and put into the animal . This Awareness indicates this as a matter of interpretation .
This Awareness suggests, however, that the use of pig meat as that which has bee n a strong factor in many religions . The Hindus avoiding the meat of cows, as well a s other animals, and the Western world, particularly of the Jewish influence, as avoid ing the meat of pigs . This Awareness suggests that there are certain qualities withi n the pig meat which can be detrimental to the health and psychic development o f entities ; yet some entities are immune to the ill effects of pig meat when used in small amounts . This Awareness suggests, however, that as a general rule, it is best to avoi d the use of pig meat . 0;â&#x20AC;˘,
This Awareness suggests in terms of living long and healthful lives, as well a s using diet for spiritual development, the use of pig meat is the more detrimenta l to such development . The use of cow as next in line, and the use of other red meats following . This Awareness suggests that â&#x20AC;˘lamb as not being of great detriment, that fowl follows this, and fish as being least offensive to entities in their health and growth . That shellfish as being the more beneficial of the meats . That from there, i t moves into the vegetable kingdom, particularly the areas of mushrooms, which ar e becoming much more beneficial than detrimental . This Awareness indicates that one cannot state that the avoidance of all o f these at all times will necessarily be beneficial, but rather that these be used no t in great quantities in a diet, other than as is necessary . This Awareness suggests the emphasis he placed on fruits, nuts, vegetables, the n the shellfish DQG ILVK as being more of the borderline foods . That other foods i n the meat department as having less emphasis in the diet . This Awareness suggests this as kind of a general outline for entities to vie w the nature of the over-all picture of proper dieting . This Awareness suggests, however, that some entities may require, for certain periods of time, or for certain physical urgency, the use of red meats while thei r development and body is making adjustment toward the more refined levels of spirit ual expression . This depending greatly on the environment, workload, attitude an d the transmutation of the energies of the entity .
IS A FALSE POPE ON THE THRONE IN ROME? (Monkey Business in the Vatican? ) Question : Due to a number of stories in the tabloids etc ., we've had a number of question s on this subject I'm about to ask, and I think this question from S .C . of Richmon d Heights, pretty well covers it : "A while back, I found a newsletter on my car in a shopping center parking lot . I t was called, "Michael Fighting,," and the editors were obviously Roman Catholic . In the October, November, December, 1975 issue, published in Rouge ont, Quebec, ther e is a startling article about Veronica Leuken . She states that on September 27, 1975 , at Bayside, New York, she had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mar ;:, who announced that the real Pope Paul VI is drugged beyond competence and an imposter is taking hi s place, put there by Archbiship Agostino Casaroli, Archbishop Giovanni Benelli, an d Jean Cardinal Villot . They are high-ranking officials of the Vatican government . The imposter was placed there, with the help of plastic surgery, so these three me n could rule 'for the forces of Satan' . Would Awareness SOHDVH comment?" COSMJ_C AWARENESS:
(Long, long pause ) . . .This Awareness will not c ogent on this . Er ' s Note : This question was asked in a general reading, July 21, 1978 . A month or so late r Pope Paul VI died . In an unprecedented burst of speed, a ne w, pope was elected onl y a few days later, a process generally taking weeks or months . The new pope, callin g himself John Paul I (no relation to the actor) immediately reappointed Jean Villo t as Secretary of State, the equivalent of the Vatican's prime minister, DQG Archbisho p Agostino Casaroli as Secretary of the Council for Public Affairs, the Vatican' s foreign minister .
MORE ON PREDICTIONS, BY' PSYCHICS: . Question : A question from D .R ., Lincoln Hill, Calif . "I have an urgent question for Awareneas . While a psychic was in a tranc e state, a message came through giving a formula for a new fuel . The message was : 'I see letters . Ther e is a Y . There is an R . There i s a loop number . It's like a 2 . There is a 2 . A funny looking slash like a check mark . There i s another number that is like an H . Then there is a letter T, and RHC . There is a Z again, an H, then ,e, there's an 0134 . All of this is underscored and over this is an ' R2V and V .' They said that thi s formula would be important and it woul d help people with fuel problems . Will Awarenes s please comment on this ? 6.
This Awareness indicates this as being 'all Greek' to this Awareness, an d suggests that you return to the psychic and ask the psychic to explain further, i f clarification is possible . This Awareness Indicates that wherein psychics give information that is garble d and cannot be understood, or whereby the message is confused and veiled in hidde n symbology, or whereby the information is said to be so profound, but cannot be under stood because of incompleteness or a lack of clarity, this Awareness is not incline d to decipher or to make valid the claims of such psychics .
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEE N A' SINNER' AND A 'JOKER ' (Rationalizing a rip-off of Society ) question, : A question from G .S . of Huntington Beach, Calif ., tha t is rather strange, but I think he is serious . 'Would Awareness please differentiate what has bee n referred to as a 'sinner', from a 'joker,' as in the cas e where one unkindly steals out of sheer needy purposes an d the other out of childish play? Could an entity lead a humorously mischievous,â&#x20AC;˘ yet perhaps vandalistic, such a life, free from karmic entanglements because of his strengt h of true love that he holds for all ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates you will better understand the nature of energy if yo u toss out the words 'joker and 'sinner' . This Awareness indicates the word,'sin', is simply related to the geometric term , sign, which means in. effect, off course . This Awareness indicates that, the 'joker' is a term, in this case, which refer s to one who is playing jokes on others for his own amusement .
This Awareness indicates that by throwing these terms out, you are left with th e
entities involved and their on motives for their actions .
This Awareness suggests that, wherein an entity steals out of need, and anothe r steals out of need to play scene kind of joke on others for his own amusement, ther e is little difference in any part except the need . This Awareness indicates the on e may need the food or the object which was stolen ; the other may need the thrill o f putting something over on another . This Awareness suggests that in either case, th e entities are not relating clearly and the degree of violation or the degree of un clarity, or the degree of attitude and separation from that which is clear relation ship, is that which will determine any karmic implicaticns . This Awareness indicates often entities steal out of need, yet they are the one' s who put themselves in need in the first place, and therefore their- need may not b e justification for the theft, although they may justify the theft from their need . This Awareness indicates that there are entities also who have certain types o f rationalizations which state that 'there are too many people who are caught in mater ial realms and materialism and are identified with WKLQJV DQG , VKDOO DVVLVW WKHV H entities in overcoming their possessiveness and identification with their things b y removing their things from them and using them myself' . 7.
This Awareness indicates this may surprise many entities wh o are not into thievery to realize that this is a kind of min d game which many thieves use to justify their thievery .
This Awareness indicates that they see themselves as superio r beings, stealing from another in order to help that other overcom e their possessiveness . They, of course, ignore the fact that the y are even more possessive, because they arc not willing to ear n their bread, but rather would take the bread from others through thievery . This Awareness indicates the human mind is capable of any kind of deception tha t can be imagined, and many entities imagine such kinds of deception and allow this t o become a major part of their being . This Awareness suggests it behooves entities to discover the workings of thei r own mind and consciousness and explore the nature of their motives before ever look ing out at others and their motives, their consciousness, and their actions for purp oses of condemning those other entities .
Question :
There is a publication called the Health View Newsletter, and in a recent issue , in fact, Vol . 1, number 1, it has an interview with a Dr . William Kelly, of the Kell y Foundation, and one of the things, the interesting tl :ings, Dr . Kelly says, is tha t everybody who takes vitamins, any kind of vitamins and minerals, unless they tak e supplements like pancreatic enzymes, hydrochloric acid and comfrey pepsin, nothin g will get through at all, no matter what they take . In other words, he's se7ing tha t these vitamins and minerals that people have been taking for years, haven't bee n doing any good because the mucous inside the system evidently prevents these fro m getting into the blood stream where it does any good . Would Awareness comment on this ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as an exaggeration . That the enzyme s, mentioned ca n be taken in conjunction with the vitamins and minerals and this can assist in makin g these more beneficial to the system . This Awareness suggests however, that the phys ical body, itself, contains certain enzymes which allow the vitamins to he assim ilated . This Awareness indicates that these enzymes can be brought into the bod y through other natural foods in the diet and need not necessarily be taken as supp lements with the vitamins and minerals . This Awareness indicates, however, that taking these enzymes along with th e vitamins and minerals will tend to be even more beneficial .
Question :
There was a discussion on the Johnny Carson Show recently where Orson Bean wa s talking about a set of identical twins in New Jersey who were developing and speakin g an entirely new language . They understood English, Spanish, French etc . but coul d not speak back ; they speak only in this strange new language to one another . Psych ologists say they have only one other case of this phenomenon recorded over 50 year s Could Awareness please enlighten us on this subject 2 COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates there is an angelic tongue that may be referred to a s 8.
as a universal language which is spoken on the inner plane . This Awareness indicate s these entities retained the memory of this . This Awareness indicates that most entities, upon being born, retain this lang uage for a short time during their infancy, think in this language, but that th e exterior or external forces outside the entities, tends to overpower the languag e and the language is submerged and forgotten by the consciousness of most entities . This Awareness indicates the situation of these identical twins having the sam e chromosomes and entering together was such that they communicated telepathicall y, together, that they communicated in their words and conversations with one anothe r even in the womb, and afterwards in their infancy, while developing speaking skills . This Awareness indicates that this as an unusual coincidence ; that the situation o f identical twins retaining the memory and having the opportunity to converse with on e another, this as being a peculiar situation to allow this to occur . This Awarenes s suggests that these entities could also assist in translating this universal tongu e into these languages which they understand : the English, Spanish, French and othe r languages which they may learn . This Awareness indicates that these entities may, in time, assist others i n learning this universal language .
Question :
THE RIGHT TO DI E (Do We Have It?)
J.M ., of Los Angeles, has a question for Awareness in reference to the New Ag e Bill of Rights . He wanted to ask if the following amendments to the Bill of Right s could be considered to be added : (1) The right of the individual to choose the typ e of medical care he desires and the right to refuse any medical care that he does n ' t desire, and (2) The right to die . The right of the individual to give up the physica l vehicle whenever he desires shall not be abridged ; the right to refuse extraordinar y means of prolonged life . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that these as applicable and may be sent to Thomas McQuay , who is presently working on the revision and amendments relating to the information previously given . Question : In relation to this question on the right to die, would Awareness please expan d a little on this concept . This is in the news quite a bit, particularly since thi s entity, Carnal Quinlin, had her life-giving hoses etc . finally removed, and it seem s there is a lot of controversy going on this right to die . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that there are intensities involved in living . That , essentially, each entity has the right to die, and no other entity can deny thi s right, mechanically or psychically . This Awareness indicates that each entity has the right to live, but that entitie s can deny this right, mechanically and psychically . This Awareness indicates that the emphasis on the right to die as being quite ou t of proportion in terms of consciousness at this time . That entities might conside r putting all of that attention on the right of others to live . This Awareness suggest s that while entities were concerned with this entit y ' s right to die, there have bee n thousands upon thousands who were denied the right to live . This Awareness indicate s 9.
that wherein this entity wishes to leave her body and wishes that body to cease it s life-fuaotioning activities, the entity can simply withdraw, This Awareness indicate s that even though mechanical apparatus keeps the body breathing and the heat h.: pumping , the entity seed : not be present . That the functioning of the . body is not the life o f the soul, and that the entity may be elsewhere even though the body continues . This Awareness indicates there is no violation to this entity in this action : This Awareness indicates no entity is a prisoner within h i.s or her body except where in one imprisons oneself . That no outside entity can force one to stay within one' s body if one wishes to leave . This Awareness indicates that entities can influence others to remain, thi s particularly in terms of loved ones who do not wish another to die or to leave th e body . These entities tend to call the soul . back to the body, and ., in this manner , do assist in influencing one to stay ; but even this is not a violation, for th e entity returns out of compassion rather than from being forced to return .
CONICERNI :N't NUCLEAR POWER PLANT S (Should the Protests Continue? ) Questio n ~ - , ,+} f t1~, ~ CO SMTC AWARENESS .
Awareness, how do the atomic plants , specifically Trojan, here in this eraviron •men.t affect the people around . them and fis h we ea t ? l•: :1
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This Awareness indicates that this has been generally established . that there hav e been great violations to life forme by the use of radiation . This Awareness indicate s that there is no way that radiation forces, the use of atomic energy in these particular uses can be i) to tilt_' life upon this planet . This Awareness indicates that the use of radiation is destructive, and destructiv e forces are not csnsrr'uctive . This Awareness r=uggests that there is great concern . among those planets neighbor ing the earth, the inhabitants of those planets regarding the earth's use of atomi c energy . This Awareness suggests that this is likened unto the Beast being armed wit h weapons that can destroy the entire planet, and the Beast, realizing the value o f these weapons, in the psychological effect upon entities, in that it alloWs th e Beast to int mldate the masses . This Awareness suggests that this is but one too l of intimidation, that there are so many others that cannot be discussed fully a t this time . This Awareness suggests that entities involved in the nuclear protest to continu in those activities, yet : this Awareness suggests that entities working closely with
this Awareness, focus not so much on the weapons of the Beast, hut rather . upon th e heart of the Beast . This Awareness indicates the heart of the Beast is the mone y system, that -, :-tarn this is looked at, exposed completely, the Beast shall lose it s pourer and the - weapons may be dismantled, and a heal ing of the earth. can occur .
This Awareness indicates that it appears around the turn Of t'he century there VKDOO KH activities aimed at a . global cleanup, this requiring great 'mobilization o f all nations and o{ all . tech:LJI&?gies available for this type of cleanup . This Aware 7 -
fleas indicates . this between . the turn of the century and twenty years thereafttei7 . 10 .
UU L1Un :
What steps should we take today, to affect the heart of the Beast ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests that the money system, the control of tool, where money came from, how the various uses and branches of facets of society.
the first thing is to know your enemy, learn abou t mind, the hypnotic use of money as a manipulativ e it got started, who owns the money system and wha t the money system are doing to control the man y
This Awareness suggests that you learn about your enemy, understand, expose , and then love your enemy in a manner that disarms him . ED's Note : for additional information, please refer to Revelations of Awarenes s 78-8 & 78-16 . Also the booklet, Cosmic Awareness Speaks,. For more information o n the banking system and the banking conspiracy, Awareness has recommended the book , Pawns in the Game, by Commander Guy Carr, ($3 .00 available through C .A.C .) .
THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMEN T (Is it Significant? ) Question : E .D . of Burton, Washington asks : Within the Christia n church is a renewal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit . I t is known as the Charismatic movement . Whole congregations are being split apart by its power and many are a t last seeing light within institutional Christianity . I know the Spirit is universal and not only the sacred pet of charismatic Christians , and I would like Awareness to comment on this movement . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this activity as that which is in the will of this Aware ness . That this as moving into levels beyond mind, emotion and feeling, into level s of awareness whereby entities begin to tap in to the Universal Spirit, the Chris t Consciousness, without the necessity of moving through the dogma or the hierarchy o f the church. This Awareness suggests that in the charismatic movement, that th e entities are discovering that the Christ Consciousness is within themselves . This Awareness indicates that this as being likened unto the rejuvenation o f spirit within the Christian movement . This Awareness indicates this rejuvenation an d contact with the Universal Spirit, with Anti-Matter, as that which is occurring i n many religions in many systems, even within the scientific community, even within ' the governmental levels, and even within the banking systems . This Awareness indicates that Anti-Matter, or Spirit, as beginn9ng to be felt an d experienced by all entities upon this plane, even though many have different name s and different words to describe this energy . This Awareness indicates that all o f these entities are aware and cognizant of the fact that something is happening upon this plane to their consciousness that is not like anything they have ever experien ced before . This Awareness indicates that many of the teachings and dogmas of the differen t organizations, whether these he religion, science, sociology, psychology, history , or whatever, many of these dogmas are no longer just words, but are being accompanie d by .experiences that could be termed 'mystical' or `s :ritual', and the experience s 11 .
are becoming far more important than the labels which have been so sacred in th e past, These labels, these names, these words, these dogmas, are secondary to wha t is being experienced in the present time . CHOOSING A FRAME : OF REFERENC E
(A Meditation to End Separateness (Closing message from the above reading ) This Awareness wishes entities to meditate on two different frames of reference . This Awareness suggests that you put on one frame and look at the world and se e how many separate, individual things can be seen ; how each thing, each blade .of grass is distinct and separate from all others ; how each tree is separate and dis tinct ; how all of these separate things have been brought together in conflict wit h one another ; how ideas are in conflict with one another ; how competit ;on is see n everywhere ; how entities speaking to one another contain those slight inuendoes o f competitive expression . This Awareness suggests that you look with this frame of reference for some time , until you see clearly the division and sepit_rateness that exists everywhere in th e universe, how everything is in competition : this versus that, white versus black , ignorance versus knowledge, everything being opposed to everything else ; opposition , polerity, rampant in the universe . This Awareness suggests that after you have completed this meditation, that yo u put on another frame of reference and look out at the world through this window, an d see how everything is in harmony ; how all religions basically are saying simila r things in different terms ; how the trees are all part of each other in that the y relate to each other, they touch the same earth, they experience the same energies , they breathe the same air, . they witness the same breezes, and they enjoy the same light . This Awareness suggests that you look at the blades of grass ; how they mimic eac h express themselves similarly . This Awareness suggests that you liste n to entities talking to one another ; how they long to communicate ; how they want to be close ; how they speak i_n those crude and archaic words, those feelings which tI.ey already share and know . This Awareness suggests that you look at the space between entities, the space between the leaves of the trees, and recognize how i m ortan t those areas of space are to the tree, to the entity . other, how they
This Awareness suggests that you begin looking at the space between stars an d that you recognize the space as being all one ; and that the stars, the trees, th e entities, the blades of grass, are all floating in the ocean of space . This Awareness suggests that you look at this space as bein g consciousness and recognize that this Living Creature, which per meates all space as consciousness, is the Totality and the One , and that things abide therein, and that there is no separate ness while viewing the universe through this frame of reference .
ED`s Note : For additional information on how to use the Fram e - of Reference Meditation , please refer t o Revelations of Awarenes s No . 78-3 .
REVELATIONS OF AWARENISS is a cosmic newsletter published by ('u .rurir Aniarr'io s Olympia . Washington 91'150 . Rates and membership tniormauon available upon request .
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