Cosmic Awareness 1978-42: How To Stop The Antichrist

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Awareness t)nr



Communication s

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\,WART .\I - S1 . ts the tnrce that (spts .-.•d Ii', I through f..dgoc Cayce . Jesus of Na/annii, the lluddha . Krishna , an.: othci ge a t avatars who : ..:i cd as '(Jta iii k ' to' Ilu :'Iira s'.•nl l• lather', and wits sp(aks .tlt .,lu tuwav as th e ss,, ; is . n,a to cptct to 1 nl spit dual :u' s.auus n :s, and awareness Strict : 196 1} ( ' ostnle Aw r,-nes, has born nxnnn :n r irtt.t ,KO [WUK cr main :arc( :: Cv treated ChannelIii ir•furtnat .on i u)t acted bel Clrl u ;u rece' d trort duty, tra p( : states an d 'interprr e te .i ' ht an cntri•; attihatcd with ( . A This iulortnatiun : s t i n those who het the New \ c . :\sc lee w ;.s tells son no t t,l hv!trvc anything, atilt to yu :au p n, ;•kplo :e• doubt and discover lol yourself what is the FA nth Cosmic '\ .rareness orals in .Beale, a p . ; suggests

Paul Shockle y Trance-interprete r



Why You Should Ratif y The Unified States ofAwarenes s

Question : From R .M ., Tampa, Fla . One question we woul d to have answered about the false Christ, o r Anti-Christ that is due to come onto the world scen e soon to practice his deception on the peoples o f the earth, especially to influence the young people . Can his place in prophecies be stopped, or can h e he destroyed by man, or can he be stopped by Divin e interference if enough prayer groups pray to send out the love required to lesser, or short his powers , his evil powers? Ts there any way to short-circui t like

cr stop such evil? What would be required of God' s

children to cause a turnabout_ of the prophecy tha t will cause him to come into power as a world leade r or p resident ? :i St IC AWARENESS :: This Awareness :indicates the action of awakening the masses to reality is t` e t which could stop the anti-Christ and cause a ceasing of his power . This Awarenes s suggests that the an_i-Christ receives its power through the wrong use of the mone y system . This A wareness indicates the economic system as being used as a hypnoti c bauble, hypnotizing the masses in a manner that causes them to run throughout thei r lives chasing the 'buck', seeking the gratification that honey can give .

This Awareness indicates that these entities worship the money god, 'Adolf,' an d his pre phe t ; ' Moolu.h . ` This Awareness indicates these entities following these mone y gods, following after these priests of the money gods, entering into the temples o f else money gods ; these entities bowing and scraping before the money-changers o : th e wer ld, t] gging pleading that they be given a crumb of credit : ; these entities basic ally, are hypnotized, asleep, unaware, and cannot conceive of

living without th e

:ri:mbs of money that are doled out to them by these priests and bishops of th e money-god religion . This Awareness indicates this is the anti-Christ system . Thi s Aw eteaeso :_uoicates that_ : wherein entities begin to awaken and see through this system , that ehey have been duped and deceived ;, that the entity Jesus, in drivin g :" .'. : the money-changers from the temple, was demonstrating a les :;Jai, giving .; the worl d the answer, and was ci :ueif.ied for that action . This entity and his real message ca n n the ma .i~i~e c ;o that the 1'.1 a.S : ^>(.3 ma'1yy }1 't S .' i_1? .7 understand Y h the nature of l i.1,=; s r


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saaLind, trading and cooperatively owning the money systems, or the credit system s of the world .

This Awareness indicates that there is no reason why a nation should allow a foreign corporation to own its money system, and in . such a manner, to take over th e nation through the money system which it owns . This Awareness indicates the Unite d States was created by the founding fathers in a manner that was intended to protec t the states from the money-changers of Europe and the Constitution provides that thi s nation has the power, through its congress, to mint and coin money and regulate th e value thereof ; yet this power was given away to the Federal Reserve Bank, and in tha t gift, to the bankers of Europe who own the Federal Reserve Bank, along with othe r international hankers . This Awareness indicates there is•much information available on this and entitie s wishing to learn more may consult these various sources . This Awareness wishes entitie s to understand, however, that there is no reason why entities must continue followin g the money god except that entities find it more convenient to do this than to creat e a money system of their own which is owned by the people for the people, and which ca n give back to the people that which would ordinarily be taken as profits by the banks . This Awareness indicates that a cooperatively owned money system, owned by the people , cculd also make profits just as a bank makes profits, but instead of going to the fe w individuals who own the banks, the profits could go back into social programs, int o national programs, and in this manner substitute for the income tax and other ta x systems ,

This Awareness indicates that instead of being taxed, entities could simply pa y interest to the nationally or people-owned bank, and the people-owned bank woul d return that interest into the programs which the people believe to be of a value t o themselves and their society . This Awareness indicates this, of course, will take a mass awakening and ther e are not too many people upon this plane who care to be awakened, for most entitie s are searching for the drink, the pill, the smoke, the food . or the show, or book or experience that dulls their consciousness and puts them into a stupor . This Awareness indicates that if and when entities upon this plane begin t o awaken, then the anti-Christ will lose its power ; but if entities do not waken, th e anti-Christ shall gain more and more power and entities shall find themselve s enslaved as has been prophesied . . ,c*** EP.'s_Note : Awareness has created the Unified States of Awareness as an alternative t o the present money system and has indicated that due to the lethargy of most entitie s this may not be implanted until the present system sustains a violent economic crash , which is imminent in the not too distant future . For more information on this, pleas e refer to the Akashic Record (Reprints available catalog) .


(The Tremendous Power in Signing Your Name )

We have a letter from V .P . of Cedar Crest, New Mexico who has a question : " Ther e are some questions in my mind, and maybe in the minds of others too . It has been sai d that one should not join the Unified States of Awareness just to obtain the talents . I will soon be 71 years of age . Iy eyesight is not what it used to be . I have some arthritis etc ., and it gives me discomfort . What could I do to help? I think it wil l be wonderful if this plan can function as planned, but believe it is primarily a younger people ' s movement . There must be many older people in this movement whos e heslth and activities are severely curtailed as mine is . What about them? What par t tan they, or should they play, in this movement?' t 2.

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this action shall begin somewhat slowly and shal l gradually build over a period of several years . This Awareness indicates that withi n approximately ten years, there .•,ill be outposts throughout the United States wherei n entities can travel but a short distance and attend meetings and gatherings where :". r information and ideas and goods and services can be exchanged . by fellow members o f the Unified States of Awareness . This Awareness indicates that, at present, the action of lending your name an d support to this activity as that which does feed energy and does give a kind o f blessing to the organ knoti :n as the Unified States of Awareness . This Awareness indicates that the fact that an elderly person can give his or he r name and blessings to such an action can have an influence on other eld*rly person s to allow them also to look again and perhaps reconsider, and perhaps also give thei r blessings . This Awareness indicates that as entities begin to lend their name throug h ratification and support, this organ, the organization, the activity, will begin t o grow in greater and greater energy . This Awareness suggests that you must understand the sum total of your life, an d all of the energies which are, and have been yourself, are carried in your name ; an d when your name is given in support of an action, all of those energies which are yo u are funneled into that action through that name which is given in support . Thi s Awareness indicates that these energies are not often seen clearly, hut these energies are there . This Awareness indicates that in return, the Unified States of Awareness ca n begin to give forth greater energy to you, to your children, to your loved ones , and to those who follow in the future generations from your children and your love d ones . This Awareness indicates also, that if perhaps you reincarnate again upon thi s plane, you may enjoy the fruits of that organization which you gave your energie s to, and may be blessed doubly for having given your energies at this time in it s crucial stages while it needs such support . This Awareness indicates that there i s nothing that guarantees that you will not return again to this plane to live again , and that if perchance you do, you might wish this earth to be a paradise . This Awareness suggests that entities living today may help to bring about tha t paradise for their own future lives as well as for the live s. of their children an d their children's children .

REVLil .A FIO\S OF AWARFNES :; is a cosmic newsletter puhtisheu hr ( uuti .t ti dr ;vier ( lllnrtdurutngs, P .O . Hoy 715 . Olympia . Washington 98507 . Rates and membership information availahtu upon request .



This Awareness wishes you to consider other worlds, to consider the Kingdom o f Heaven, to consider other planets and other systems, and ask yourself : Is this the best possible world, or is there something else out there ? Is the Kingdom of Heaven capable of guaranteeing food, shelter and clothing , or is this some kind of universal fallacy whereby every entity within the univers e must work by the sweat of his brow ? This Awareness suggests you look to the lillies of the field and see how the y toil not .

To Ratify and Energiz e The Unified States of Awarenes s Please Fill Out the Forr. Below ( " Nothing happens until entities make it happen .") . .Cosmic Awarenes s

The following named entities do hereby ratify and energize the concept of the Unified States of Awarenes s so that our children and our children ' s children an d ourselves, should we pass over and reincarnate later , shall inherit the New Age-ea spiritual age without war nor want, and where the Divinity within each entity i s recognized and respected by all . I recognize this as being the Universal Democracy an d World Government which I wish to he a .sscciated with . And 1 fully understand that this does not relieve m e from the obligations and legal responsibilities to my local and national government . That the Unified State s of Awareness is another level of relationship . Signed ,

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