Cosmic Awareness 1979-03: The Guyana Tragedy (The Ultimate In Mind Control) (Jim Jones)

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s

79 . 3

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Olympia . Wnrbinjtnn %S P

COSMIC AWANENESS is the Force that expressed Itself throu4th l3dt;ar Cayce, Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and other great avatars who served as 'channels' for the ` Flearsr 1y Father ' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963 Comae Avtzrc ness has been communicating through certain carefully-trained channels _ The information contained herein was received from deep, super-conscious trance states antl'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C : .A .C . This infottnathm is for those who desire to help in bringing iu the Now Age and those who shall inherit the New Age. Throughout the man y thousar, ;is u4 'Readings' given through these channels, Cosirnc At :lkareness repeatedly tells us not to believe anything, hut to question, explore , enuvt, and tliscuver for yourseif, through your own channel, what is the truth . t,'ua'mu: Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Members o f Cosmic eluxtrenes Cotnrttunt tIons are invited to scud in questions (on anything of general interest) for possible publication in this Newsletter .

Paul Shockle y Trance-interprete r




(From a C .A .C . General Reading, Dec . 15, 1978 ) QUESTION :

A question from S .R ., one of a namber of questions on this subject, an d I'm sure it won't be the last : "I'm sure you will have many requests fo r

Awareness to comment on the 'People's Temple' and the resulting holocaust . I hope Awareness will help us understand the action and how so many pe'ipie could blindly follow Jones . Also , did very many of his followers try to escape his domination? Will this have a negative or positvc effect upo n the Awareness Movement ? COSMIC AWARENESS :

This Awareness indicates that from Its beginning, this Awareness has warned entities against the use of min d forces which are based upon belief and the closing of consciousness . This Awareness indicates that the action o f assuming, believing, or knowing, hinders discovery and questioning . This Awareness indicates that hundreds o f messages have been given from this Awareness regarding the nature a belief . This Awareness suggests that this Awareness has repeated again and again that Its readers not believe what It says, hut to look, and to probe, an d to search for meaning and understanding . This Awareness indicates that suggestions have been given--indication s have been given by this Awareness--but this Awareness has never dictated nor stated information as fact . Thi s Awareness indicates It simply suggests directions for further search . MOST RELIGIONS -1AVE ALWAYS TOLD THEIR FOLLOWER S TO ASK NO QUESTIONS---BLINDLY FOLLOW THEIR LEADER S

This Awareness indicates that there are very few cutlets of the so-called `spiritual teachings' which do not as ] entities to believe–to close their questioning mind–and to follow blindly the leader, the teachers, and the mess ages . This Awareness indicates the entity Jim Jones simply took this technique to its extreme and showed entit i how far this action can be taken in terms of mind control . This Awareness wishes entities to fuliy 2/asp what nail happened here . 1-lad entities been more ()Lien, been n more questioning, and less anxious to believe, to Le-long, to be sure, to be absolutely positive, while ceasing t o to doubt--these entities would not have closed their minds so quickly in accepting this entity . This Awareness Copyrig t 1.979 by ' r'uuic /t

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suggests that it is one thing to be skeptical and to cease to accept anything ; it is something else to he gullibl e and believe without proof . It is still another thing to be open to learning, without ever assuming to know . Thi s Awareness indicates that when entities are open, there is that tendency to question while continuing to explore , and such entities can perceive on an irktui°ive level when things don ' t sound quite right . 'This Awareness indicates that many entities, perceiving in this manner, did not fall for the bait which thi s entity threw out. That those who did fall for the bait were open to taking that bait, rather than being open t o discovery while questioning what they are discovering . This Awareness indicates when the bait was thrown out , the mouth opened, and the fish closed upon this bait, and was caught ; that others looking at the bait remaine d open, questioning the bait, observing the bait, and became suspicious when they saw the hooks and barbs withi n the bait . These entities did not bite . THE THREATS OF REWARDS AND PUNISHMENT S USED BY MANY SIMILAR ORGANIZATION S

This Awareness indicates that in terms of what will happen to organiz ations, to churches, to groups--many of these groups are based upon the sam e type of procedures, though their motives may not be the same, nor as extreme, and their acrivitites may not lead to such disastrous ends . Yet many o f these or;;anizations use similar techniques–not quite so brutal or harsh, but still in a way that is manipulative , with threats of violence, or threats of punishments . This Awareness indicates that many of these use threats o f punishment in this life, others use threats of punishment in the hereafter, and many use promises of reward i n this life-•--others use promises of reward in the next life . This Awareness indicates that these organizations essentially are using similar techniques, though modified somewhat . This Awareness suggests that this technique is a n old technique of mind control, has been used down through centuries by countless numbers of entities, of organizations, of religions, of cultures, of civilizations . This Awareness indicates what Jim Jones did was simpl y dramatize in a manner that cannot he ignored, the technique used by thousands of ethers who call themselve s leaders–who present themselves as teachers, preachers, men of God, men of good, politicians, gangsters, triba l leaders, or other religious, political, monetary, family, or racial leaders . This Awareness indicates that leaders have long used techniques of punishment and reward . That this has bee n dramatized also by psychiatrists and experimenters, experimenting with rats and animals—showing the mctivatio r through stimulus and response techniques that train, or create phobias and neuroses for rats end animals–by usin g the punishment and reward techniques . This Awareness indicates that the technique used by Jim Jones was nothing really nevi . The only thing un usual about this action is that he brought it to such a state which would lead entities into those bizarre activitie s of killing their children, their friends, their loved ones, and themselves, simply because they believed in an entit y who claimed control, divine power, and righteousness, even though his words and deeds were at great discrepanc y and fa• apart. This Awareness indicates this is the kind of absoiute stupidity which is so common upon this eart h FOR MANY, GUYANA A REFLTIO N OF THEIR OWN CONSCIOUSNES S

This Awareness indicates that many entities looking at this may see reflections of their own consciousness , their own thinking, and may wonder themselves if they too might nor have been a victim, if by chance they ha d visited or witnessed one of these meetings wherein Jim Jones spoke his message . This Awareness indicates tha t most entities looking at this, see this as bizarre and psychologically separate themselves from this as far as possible, and prefer to think that they would never, under any conditions, follow such a trickster . This Awarenes s indicates that many of these entities, even now are deeply committed to similar types of mind control--using th e same techniques, with modifications, different degrees of intensity, different types of threats and rewards, an d perhaps different words or motivations than what Jim Jones used---but nevertheless quite the same pattern o f mind control . 2.


This Awareness indicates this relates also unto techniques used b y Jim Jones whereby the body itself was similarly used through the diet , through other means, to assist in making these entities incapable o f resisting—this through diet and through various physical punishment s and intimidations . This Awareness suggests also Jim Jones used force . This Awareness indicates that this is not too unusual or different fro m military training, from corporation occupations. That in a corporatio n the entity is rewarded with the paycheck, whereas Jim Jones rewarde d the entities with promises . This Awareness indicates the paycheck o f REV. JIM. JONES many entities is really nothing other than a promise of security—but is "Messiah" of depth only a temporary security . The paycheck of Jim Jones was a promis e of temporary security and afterlife in heaven or paradise . This Awareness indicates that military training offers security, yet there can be that fatal ending. This Awareness indicates that there are all types of organizations and experiences in family, society, or nations, in cultures, religions, whereby entities may be similarly controlled . This Awareness indicates even parents tend to use these techniques on their own children, for these technique s have been used upon them . This Awareness suggests that It has, for many readings, stressed the importance of communication, clea r relationship, mutual respect between entities, and the elimination of that concept of authority and leadership ; with the substitution of that which is the ability to respond to what is necessary and appropriate in serving on e anothers' needs . This Awareness indicates that in relation to what will happen to the Awareness Movement, a s far as the action of Jim Jones and such, this is totally in opposition to the teachings of this Awareness . Yet there are those forces which will seize upon this action in Guyana and use this as a n excuse to move into, and to put out of operation, those forces which they feel ma y be a threat to their own authority . GUYANA WILL BE EXCUS E TO ATTACK THE CHURCHE S

This Awareness indicates there are even churches using the same techniques wh o will turn toward other organizations—toward other churches, toward their kins, towar d those who are not too unlike their own, and toward groups such as the Awareness groups--and begin calling each other names, accusing each other of being `cults ' , accusing each other of such tricks and methods as was used by Jim Jones . This Awareness indicates that this is highly probable as a result of this Guyana experience . This Awareness indicates that there also will be others who will look around—look at their own technique s experience some embarrassment, straighten up their act somewhat, back off somewhat from the techniques o f punishment and reward—and many of these shall learn from this lesson and shall modify their teachings, an d begin to stress service . C .A .C . & AQUARIAN CHURC H MAY BE ATTACKE D This Awareness indicates there is some potential danger to the Awareness Movement, particularly through th e Cosmic Awareness Communications and the Aquarian Church . That this investigation which is being planned — whereby the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other organizations begin to move into churches and groups t o investigate them—will seize upon the Aquarian Church and Cosmic Awareness Communications, and feel tha t they are a threat to certain values of authority and power and control ; and for this reason, rather than for an y other, they may attempt to put these organizations out of business . 3.

This Awareness indicates that the experience relating to the information which has been prepared in regar d to the Gathering Storm*--this information and the address to the Anti-Christ and other information--is tha t which will bring a clear, straight-forward communication, creating a vulnerability of the Aquarian Church an d Cosmic Awareness Communications, whereby these organizations may be vulnerable to crucifixion, to annihilation ; whereby certain entities may also experience annihiliation ; yet it is through vulnerability that communication can be allowed . This Awareness indicates that whereby entities can move unarmed into the camp of a so-called enemy an d come forth with love, and sharing of concern, and whereby entities can express that concern for all humanity , there is one grand opening for dialogue—and it takes at least one opening before there can be a response to that opening . This Awareness indicates through these entities in the Awareness Movement, It has opened the doors t o allow the Beast, to allow the Anti-Christ, to allow the powers which could enter and could violate, to have tha t opportunity if it so desires, and if it has any such satisfaction from this kind of action . Yet this Awareness indicates It also has offered to that structure an opportunity to have a clear relationship--not based on power an d control, but on love and mutual respect. This Awareness indicates that the next card to be dealt will be deal t by the so-called Beast, by the powers that operate through the structure . This Awareness indicates to those who received these readings, that you study well what you have learned . This Awareness asks you to continue always to question your own beliefs, for in such questioning you will discover more and more and more . 'ED ' s Note : Please refer to 'Revelations of Awareness No . 79-1, `The Gathering Storm' ($4 .00) .




QUESTION : J .S . of San Franciso, asked a similar question, but contained within hi s question was one area not covered, so I'l1 read his question . "Please give u s information on the causes and consequences of the recent mass murders o f the People's Temple religion at Jonestown in Guyana . Who was Jim Jone s and how did he go about obtaining such power over the lives and minds of his followers . What is the situatio n of these people in the after-life? Should we be concerned about the other cults that exercise similar qualities of fanaticism and devotion to a particular cause ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the cause of this action is that which is related unto entities' desire to b e powerful, and to other entities who have the desire to be led . This Awareness indicates that many entities have the desire not to have to be responsible for their own decisions, and these entities become good followers . This Awareness indicates that other entities have the power and capability of making decisions for others, and feedin g off the energies of others, and these entities make good leaders . This Awareness indicates that it matters no t 4.

to followers whether they are on the right path, so long as they do not have to be responsible for themselves . This Awareness indicates that this as essentially the basic cause ; that there were other circumstances involved . That there were many circumstances relating unto various entities involved in this scheme, in this plan to brin g about great financial gains . THE IRONY OF JONES--TYPE ORGANIZATBON S AMASSING MILLIONS WHILE OTHER GRO :1PS MUST BEG AND BORRO W

This Awareness indicates that it is rather pitiful that these people could amass so great amount of money fo r such a bizarre purpose, for such a bizarre ending, yet the entities who receive these messages from this Awarenes s can barely support a trickle of information, and others need to subsidize this information in order to get it ou t to the mi mbership . This Awareness indicates that it almost appears that earthlings desire to be misled, and will pour their fortunes into these mis-leading leaders, rather than to give to those who attempt to share truth an d enlightenment without slavery and possession of their lives . This Awareness indicates perhaps this is part of th e reason that entities like Jim Jones can become so prosperous and so effective, for this entity is not alone . Thi s Awareness indicates that perhaps those entities who offer truth without attempting to enslave or possess other s may find it as being an almost impossible route, and therefore there are not enough of these entities around , because they do not have the facility to continue in their action . This Awareness indicates that this also may b e seen as part of the reason . This Awareness indicates that It previously has mentioned that there would be a possibility of organization s being `set up', being used to assist in breaking down the separation of church and state . This Awareness indicate s this as an example of what was mentioned previously . This Awareness indicates that there is a movement resulting from this, whereby this may be the triggering device that will bring about the breakdown of the separatio n of church and state . This Awareness indicates if this particular situation is not sufficient, that another may b e created for this purpose, may be used for this purpose . This Awareness indicates that Jim Jones was not alone i n this action–that the entity was being assisted and was somewhat directed into this action by others . This Awareness indicates that the entity Jim Jones expected to survive this situation . This Awareness indicates this was als o an experiment in mass mind-body control--to test this technique . This Awareness indicates there are other factor . involved, but this is sufficient for this question . Jim Jones the Reincarnation of Lenin--Not Jesu s and Expected to Survive the Massacre

This Awareness indicates that the entity Jim Jones himself was, as he believed, the reincarnation of Lenin ; but the entity was not, as h e believed, the reincarnation of Jesus. This Awareness indicates that thi s entity had been a person of great power in Persia in a previous lifetim e during that time of the Second Century—that the name does not app ear—. This Awareness indicates that the entity had also been an Incan leader who was involved in human sacrifice—this during a period nea r the Eleventh or Twelfth Century . This Awareness indicates essentially the jim Jones entity was a typical human, who got caught up in his own gimmicks, trickery, an d cleverness and became contemptuous for his fellow man, for his fello w women, for his fellow children ; and in that contemptuous attitud e began to believe himself superior and them inferior.--and from thi s became meglomaniac, psychotic and schizophrenic—essentially psychotic with extreme paranoia . This Awareness indicates that there i s nothing spectacular or significant to separate Jim Jones from man y other entities, except for a certain sadistic quality, a certain leaderslii l 5.

quality and a certain flair for showmanship which the entity use d with great skill . QUESTION : One part of that question Awareness didn't cover . "What is th e situation of these people in the afterlife? "

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates these entities are in states of shock ; that these entities are essentially wandering around together as spirits an d astral beings in the same area of Guyana, although many of thes e entities followed their bodies home and arc lingering around certai n loved ones . This Awareness indicates that some of these entities, particularl y the children and the entities who sought to escape from this mad experience, have moved on into other mor e enjoyable experiences and are essentially being cared for by entities in the Immortal Realms . This Awareness indicates that some of these entities who violate others have been led into those areas o f Hades for processing and for their confinement in those areas while they work off the guilt and the punishmen t which they feel they deserve for their error. This Awareness indicates the entity Jim Jones as in a state of extreme confusion—this entity moving in a n area . of Hades wherein he is seen as likened unto a babbling idiot by others who are laughing at him for hi s claims of being God, for his efforts to control his guards and those of Hades who are attending to this entity . This Awareness indicates that portions of each of these entities–the divine portions—have moved toward th e White Light and beyond ; that many of these have moved into those realms wherein the wrathful deities are ex pressing themselves to these entities . Others have moved into areas whereby they are experiencing joys wit h celestrial types . This Awareness indicates that essentially most of the entities remaining on the earth plane ar e the astral shells, or astral bodies—that the higher body vibrations have moved on to other realms . Ell's Note : For an in-depth report on Hades, please refer to `Revelations of Awareness No . 78-19, The Immortal Realm o f Hades.



This Awareness requests that entities receiving these informations to energize--to send . energy, light, love and protection to the entities who are making these messages possible—for more than ever, these entities have become quite vulnerable and may be in danger of being removed from this plane by some type of violence . This Awareness indicates that your protection, concern, and attention, as that which can be very beneficial in assisting thes e entities to remain strong and courageous during these troubled times . 6.

This Awareness indicates It would not have used this channel for these purposes–putting these entities i n such danger---if it had not been absolutely essential . in order to attempt to lessen the sorrow, suffering, an d tragedy upon this plane . This Awareness indicates that had the communications, activities, and co-operatio n occurred at the time of the York convention and following those times, much of this heaviness would not hav e been necessary . Yet there were entities involved in those activities, whereby they looked upon that information , their obligations and duties, as though these were games—as though these were prestige actions —as though these were some kind of childish ego performances . This Awareness indicates consequently the load, the earth's karma, from this action in this place, has bee n removed from the Unified States of Awareness group, and placed upon the shoulders of those who are closes t to the open channel, and thereby forcing a type of potential danger for themselves and the channel . This Awareness indicates that your concern, attention, and your energizing of protective White Light directed toward these entities for at least six months, and perhaps longer, as that which may keep them alive . (The Law of Gratitude is loudly given by the C .A .C . energizers of this trance-message )

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published by Cosmic Awareness Communication s P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 98507 . Rates and membership information upon request .

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