Cosmic Awareness 1979-05: The Rolling Stones: Voyagers Of The New Age

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s P . 0 err 115, 01r inp+r . wasnlnaton 9t50 7

79- 5

COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce, Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha ; Krishna, Mohammed an d other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Mather and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the NewAge of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963 Costmc :?wtarciiess has been communicating through certain carefully-trained channels . The information contained herein was received from deep, super-conscious trance states and 'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Ay, and those who shall inherit the New Age . Throughout the man y thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels, Co.rnntc A .ttar'rateSS repeatedly tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore , doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own charnel, what is the truth . Cosmc Asaireness will only indicate and suggest . Members of C.osnnc Av:arerneSS Coiarmu ncatrons are invited to send in rluestions (on anything of general interest) for possible publication in this Newsletter .

Paul Shockle y Trance-Interprete r

THE ROLLING STONE S VOYAGERS OF THE NEW AG E Burning Off the Energies of Lucife r


A question from S .V . of Grimes, Iowa . 'Because of wha t Awareness had to say about the Beatles, I believe it would b e interesting for another perspective if we might receive som e information concerning the Rolling Stones rock group, becaus e they are believed by many people to be as influential as th e Beatles . Considering some of the attitudes and events that hav e surrounded them, the fact they are still writing material , performing and influencing people, it might be enlightenin g to know more about their place in the Cosmic scheme . Woul d Awareness please give us some information on these people ? COSMIC AWARENESS :

This Awareness indicates these entities as being brought together several times previously . This Awarenes s indicates these entities as having been priests in a Catholic monastary---this in an area north of Rome near tha t which is Switzerland—in that vicinity, this in the 16th Century . This Awareness indicates these entities also as having been together in ...(this as a traveling caravan of trader s of rugs, pottery, gems, stones and herbs)--this in the area of Iran, Pakistan and Northern India ...this appearing to be in the 17th Century . This Awareness indicates these entities, in traveling, began to play instruments together for their own persona l enjoyment, and this as being a time wherein they performed certain harmonious qualities in their communication s with one another. COPYRIGIIT 1979 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Chute) of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission only .

This Awareness indicates that prior to this, these entities served in a tempsc '. this as a temple in Egypt whereby there was chanting and song . This Awareness suggests this appears to be related unto the Temple of Beauty, as described in the Cayce material . This Awareness indicates that these entities did have other lifetimes where they came in contact with one another, but these lifetime s mentioned as being the ones wherein they formed in groups that related unt o musical expression . This Awareness indicates these entities as being what may be classed a s voyagers or wanderers—that they chose to come into the earth plane in orde r to assist in lifting the consciousness of this planet. This Awareness indicate s that there have been certain lifetimes wherein they forgot their purpose, bu t the general movement as that which has been of an uplifting nature by thei r presence in this plane . A WORD ABOUT LUCIFE R THE SON OF GOD WHO WENT ASTRA Y


Is there any significance in the fact that through their music they seem to identify with the dark side, Lucifer etc ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that these entities as doing this, in part, to bring about a depolarizing of the grea t hostility directed toward Lucifer . This Awareness wishes you to remember that Lucifer was also symbolicall y presented as the other son of God who went astray . This Awareness indicates that the entity Michael or the entity Jesus, did not hold animosity toward Lucifer . This Awareness indicates that these entities, though wary of Lucifer, did not have hostility toward this entity . This Awareness wishes you to understand that when you discuss Lucifer, we are discussing a mythical character , symbolic of the rational mind—that in fact, the energies of Lucifer represented that force which the being carrie d with him . This Awareness wishes to qualify that term `mythical ' previously stated . This Awareness indicates the entit y Lucifer as having been chosen and more or less coerced into moving out and leading those who wished to hav e individual expression into that realm which was incomplete . This realm being that which has been called Hades .* This Awareness indicates that the entity Lucifer in having done what was demanded of hint, has now returne d to Essence . This Awareness wishes entities to understand that this entity Lucifer as having returned to Essence . This Awareness indicates that the only Lucifer that still remains is that which is the rational mind, which is th e structural pattern of consciousness, wherein entities feel that they have to think in terms of rationed consciousness, as opposed to holistic or holy consciousness . This Awareness indicates that entities who wish to sing of th e Dark Forces in their musical expression do not necessarily promote the Dark Forces . This Awareness indicate s that they simply present one aspect of consciousness which needs to be looked at . This Awareness indicates tha t there are many ways that entities can express themselves, and many of these ways can be seen as offensive t o those who do nor like that expression . This Awareness indicates there is only one area which this Awareness considers inappropriate to the needs o f humanity--that area being any action which sustains, promotes, or results in sorrow, suffering and tragedy . And the actions which are appropriate in terms of the need of humanity are those actions which lessen the sorrow , suffering and tragedy of the world. 2.

This Awareness indicates if an entity wishes to attend a party, a masquerade ball, wearing the attire of Satan , wearing a Luciferian costume—this, if it does not create sorrow, suffering or tragedy, is a matter of individua l taste . This Awareness indicates if an entity wishes to wear this kind of costume while singing on stage, this is a matter of individual taste . The only sorrow, suffering and tragedy which will be resulting from this, is wherein th e entity should promote, or in any other way, create an action which results in sorrow, suffering and tragedy, fo r others or for oneself. This Awareness indicates that there are certain forces that emanate from such presentations which can create sorrow, suffering and tragedies when entities use these images carelessly . This Awareness suggests that these entitie s using these images need to be very cautious in order to avoid creating karma for themselves and harming others i n their presentations through suggestions or images given to others .

* FD's Note : For more information on the realm of Hades , please refer to ` revelations of Awareness ' No, 78-19 (The immortal Realm of Hades) . For information on th e Beatles, please refer t o Revelations of Awareness No . 78-10 . For the reading by Awareness to rock musicians , please refer to the booklet, 'Cosmic Awareness Speaks' .


QUESTION : L .Ei . has a question : "Relative to the entity Jesus and the entity Jehovah : there is likelihood these entities ma y be fully responsible for recollecting those flocks that have resulted from their first cause creative efforts . Thus th e rapture of Jehovah and the rapture of the Christ is a necessity . This being true because each were, and are, responsible for those creations that they set in motion, together with all offspring of such creations, until all entities involved experien .re their full maturity in consciousness . Some commentary by Awareness might prove helpful alon g these lines .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that there are many levels in regard to the interpretation of this information . That , essentially, there is the mystical rapture which occurs within the individual when the 'Second Coming'--the Christ Light—returns to the individual as a new birth, a Second Corning of the Christ Consciousness . This Awareness indicates that there is also that ever so energized concept of space ships coming down to pick u p those lucky ones who got to escape from holocausts which were left upon this earth to torment the ragged soul s of the remainders .

This concept, which has been energized and energized and energized an d energized. . . .and energized. . . .and energized . . . .energized and energized . . . . energized and energized . . . . energized an d energized and energized energized over and over, over and over. .. .over and ovcr....around an d

around. . . .lifetiine after lifetime ....gencration after generation . This concept which is continually energized by entities who claim to b e aware. .. .who claim to be spiritual . . . .who see themselves having a first rate ticket on the first spaceship ready to leave this planet, just before the disaster strikes . This Awareness ,indicates these entities whq continue energizing this concept are assisting in the continue d destruction of this Earth ; and there are very who are energizing any other interpretation of the Book of Revelations. This. Awareness wishes that entities b4gin to re-interpret the Book of Revelations in a manner tha t allows others also, allows all entities that possibilit ,, that inherent right to have it revealed unto them, to experienc e the revelation of Who, In Fact, They Really \?ireand in that revelation to make for themselves a place in the Kingdom upon, this Earth, within their being—for ,which is the heaven within .


This Awareness is oppressed by the continued predict ions of catastrophe and doom and the continued desir e of entities to be the first on the spaceship that takes the m away from that disaster which they gleefully expect t o strike others . This Awareness indicates there is a certain kind o f spiritual snobbery in the hope of being saved by this kin d of rapture. This also is an expression of fear, which is no t conducive to assisting in the work which needs to be don e upon this plane . This Awareness indicates that entities seeking to sav e themselves without concern for others upon this plan e are not likely to be those who are given first class seat s if there is an evacuation of the planet.


A question sent in by R.B . of the Psychic Research Investigation, Denver, Colo . "A coalition of Christians an d Jesus religious people are working on a Bill to force the Federal Government to pass a special 'No Gay Rights Bill ' and establish extermination camps for all gay, homosexual people, adults and gay children too, in the names of th e Jews and Christs' Gods . They say if allowed to exterminate all gays, children and adults, in the name of Christ an d God there will never again be any gay people on earth . They also hope to pass a law that no one can have any se x outside of wedlock and then only for the purpose of having babies, and that they must get a special OK fro m church and state or be put to death . Would Awareness please comment? 4.

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates these entities who condone murder and mayhem in the name of Jesus, in the name o f Christ, as being an abomination to the teachings of the entity Jesus the Christ .


QUESTI .ON : A question from N .K . of Calgary, Alberta . "I am having problem s with a `tennis elbow' and would Iike to know if there's any information in the readings or is there anything that we know of that ca n solve this problem ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that large amounts of ascorbic aci d (Vitamin C) along with nucleic acid, apple cider vinegar, Vitamin F. , pantothenic acid and the use of Comfrey tea can be of great benefit . This Awareness suggests also that you contact the entity, Mar y Farrell, for herbal treatment ; that this entity may assist you by recommending certain herbs or combinations of herbs .


QUESTION : G .M . an artist from New Haven, Connecticut, would like to ask Awareness : `Does making art count for Grace in "How many have you ser'ed. and how well? " Is it teaching the ignorant or is it self-indulgent expression ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that any form of beautificatio n which can be shared with others is an action of serving . This Awareness indicates that you observe carefully whethe r others appreciate the art, whether others are moved by the art , and whether others can receive certain energies which you wis h to convey that are beneficial to them . This Awareness suggests that many artists promote certain ar t for service, giving to others—but in giving their art, tend t o extract more from the receiver than they give . This Awareness t +; indicates this in particular wherein an artist presents a piece of art and insists that the receiver express great appreciation , or attempts to extract energies for the artist's ego ; or in some manner promotes the art in a way that more or les s forces the receiver to act appreciative, when in fact, the receiver does not fully appreciate the art .

This Awareness suggests that artists can do best by simply presenting their art ; and that if they fear a publi c does not recognize the full value of the art, then the artist may place a price upon the presentation which will b e used to assist the public in determining the value . This Awareness indicates, for example, a higher price placed upon a piece of art than a member of the publi c would expect, will cause that person to look twice as deeply at the art to see why it is so expensive . In this manner , the person may begin to see things in the painting which he or she would otherwise have missed . This Awarenes s indicates that often, however, artists put extremely high prices upon painting which they, in fact, have put littl e energy into, and do not actually merit those high prices . This Awareness suggests that all art is basically of a subjective , expressive nature, and the value can be regulated according t o energies put into the art as well as what a person desires others t o value that piece of art . This Awareness suggests that there are other forms of art : which may be termed objective art, whereby the artist does not put himsel f or herself expression into the object of art, but rather conveys—ver y carefully and objectively--messages, symbols, or purposes which ar e universal in scope and have great effect upon the viewer . This Awareness indicates the entity P .D. Ouspensky spoke of this in his works, in particular mentioning the Taj Mahal, the Cathedral of Notre Dame and other works of ar t by various artists, whereby subjective moods and feelings were not expressed, but whereby with mathematica l precision and objective proportions, great and lasting works of art were created . *

This Awareness indicates this tends to have been somewhat lost in recent times, as the psychological moo d expressionism has come into the fore . QUESTION : Awareness, would the question, How many have you served, and low well? apply to certain types of art that seem ugly and distasteful or psychotic ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that an action whereby an entity expresses oneself is not necessarily an action of art , nor of service . This Awareness indicates the entity who spits upon the street is not necessarily creating an artisti c expression, though it may be a subjective elimination and expression . This Awareness indicates that many artists arc simply emptying their own psychic garbage upon the canva s and calling that 'a.rt'. This Awareness indicates that this often is left for others to devour or deal with . `ED's Note : Please refer to the book ,

In Search of the Miraculous, by P .D . ouspe.nsky . %RRN $YDLODEOH LQ WKH & $ & . Catalog)




QUESTION : A question from 1k L M. of Houston, Texas . `Would yo u ask Awareness---Is it possible to fulfill a karmic debt fo r someone else? And in trying to help someone else, how far should one get involved with their Life's problem ? I realize th e best solution is an on-the-spot response, but sometimes the bes t response is noresponr ;, and I feel it's easy to go too far or not fa r enough in helping. COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that entities can assist others in eliminating karmi c debts, but can also find themselves being dragged down by those and addin g weight to the karmic debt . This Awareness suggests that entities who wish to assist another cannot pic k up the load for that other, but can work with the other to assist that entity in understanding how to pick up the load, in insisting that the other pick u p the load, or in assisting to pick up certain actions long enough that th e entity can get to his or her feet, get their strength back, so that the y can deal with the karmic load and can begin to carry that loa d properly . This Awareness indicates that an entity can also assist others t o understand that perhaps they have taken on too much of a karmic load , or need to work this debt off gradually . This Awareness indicates the best an entity can do for another is to assist the person to understand what i s happening and how they have a responsibility in that . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities agree to take on karma for others, and in fact have no karmi c debt themselves, and in this agreement find themselves carrying some of the burden which is not their own, thes e entities have the right to ask for a reward for the energies being given . This Awareness indicates that wherein you do not ask for such a reward, but continue the karmic burden o f another, that this is of your own volition, rather than as an obligation . This Awareness suggests that you may continue carrying the karmic loads for others out of love for those entities , or you may carry these loads out of concern for those entities, or you may request some form of compensation fo r your efforts . This Awareness indicates also, that in carrying karmic loads for others, wherein you do not request compensation , but resent the efforts, you may discover your complaints and your resentment is the compensation ZKLFK you have received . This Awareness indicates that this relates unto the Law of Prosperity, wherein you give energy but tak e your reward through complaints or through being allowed to express hostility or to feel resentment . This Awareness indicates those are two ways whereby entities can claim their rewards . 7,

This Awareness suggests that you may also claim your reward by feeling egotistical or vain about your accomplishments of taking on others' karma . This Awareness indicates, however, that whereby your action is such tha t you give of your energies, taking on the karma of others because you love those entities, this is a different type o f situation, whereby your energies will be returned in other ways through universal channels . This Awareness indicates that essentially, karma can be understood using the analogy of finances : that negativ e karma may be likened unto indebtedness, and positive karma likened unto having something owed to you . This Awareness indicates that the relationship, whereby the exchange is given on a moment-to-moment basis , may be likened unto instant karma---whereby all is settled quickly, and clear relationship exists without karmi c indebtedness . This Awareness indicates that this kind of communication is that which allows for greater flow o f energies . This Awareness indicates that bonds and bondages, wherein energies are held or placed upon others, may also b e compared both in karmic and in financial levels . This Awareness indicates that interest extended or owed or collected can be applied both in the karmic Jaws as well as in the laws of finance . This Awareness indicates the same ma y be said for the principle involved and in contracts and agreements .


QUESTION : Joe Dun Sloan has sent us a new type D-Cell in a pyramid shape, and I would like to ask Awareness to commen t on it . lie says this pyramid energy extends to six feet from the apex . You hold it about six inches from each ey e for several minutes for eye problems, the same for other problem areas, but for longer times . Placed under the be d at night, initial tests by drugless healers in Washington indicate great potential in many areas . Following first ey e tests, ten of his patients ordered pyramid D-Cells . We would like to know if this pyramid D-Cell is a new metho d that entities can use in healing ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative . That this does convey both pyramid energy as well as the D Cell energy . This Awareness suggests that this works most effectively when the pyramid has been dampened as b y soaking in water . This Awareness indicates this also gives strong energies to water in a similar manner . This Aware ness suggests that a Kirlian photograph of this energy in water be obtained for viewing this type of energy . QUESTIOIJ : Iie suggests pointing the apex of the pyramid at various parts of the body that a :c causing problems, and that thi s seems to alleviate the problem .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative, along with the mental commands or energies of the healer . That the energy of the D-Cell pyramid essentially assists to carry the message from the healer in terms of what are a is to be healed and how the healing is to occur . '

ED's Note : a Kirlian photograph in color showing the aura of the Cell can be obtained from : All-Rays Pyramid Ltd . P .O . Box 244 7

CAC is now able to obtain this new Pyramid D-Cell which ca n also be used in 10 gallons of water or more . Price : $15 each .

Vancouver BC Canada V61R3W7 (Price: $4.00) (Please add this information to your D-Cell catalog )



What Is His Sourco . . . .How Valid Is His Channel ? )


We have a question that keeps recurring, so I 'll ask it at this point . This is a questio n from J .M . of Los Angeles . "The source that works through Paul Solomon of Virgini a Beach seems to coincide with Awareness . The information coining through Paul whe n conscious or in an elevated state is of the highest quality and does not conflict wit h Awareness . Although I can discount Ross Peterson, the teachings and informatio n coming through Paul Solomon are the highest . I have ever heard . What, or Who is th e Solomon source ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this entity as tuning in to levels of this Awareness through another entity as working as a filter . This being on an etheric level . This Awareness indicates this entity on that etl-teric level being capabl e of channeling energies from the Mashie plane, from levels which this Awareness has described as 'Celestria . ' This Awareness indicates that the entity, Paul Solomon, as channeling from this filter, this Celestial entity ; tha t the information as basically clear, and that there is very little personality involved in the channeling . That in man y ways this entity ' s channel is clarified by this through the interpretation ---clarified by this Celestial entity . Thi s Awareness indicates that the entity as occasionally being given direct communication with this Awareness, an d also occasionally other high-level entities speak through this channel . This Awareness indicates that primarily, the channel is opened to this Celestial entity . This Awareness indicate s that the entity's name may be disclosed through his own channel . **** *

Note : Readers wishin g Paul Solomon is founder of the Fellowship of the Inner Light, Y .U . Box 206, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23458 . hi s information on his organization are invited to write to this address . His book : The Paul Solomon Tapes is available from ED's

organization, as well as from C .A .C . (Price : $5 .95) .


(And Intelligence in Other Animals )

A question from K .K . of Ojai, Calif. " I had a parakeet named Pixie, wh o evolved far beyond the imitative use of language and seemed brighter tha n many children . He also seemed to have the ability to `tap Universal Mind ' or the collective psyche, as he knew many things from within without bein g taught them . For example, he called migratory birds 'TouristaS' .l do not speak Spanish . Some experts on whales and dolphins seem to feel Iinguisti c ability is dependent on brain size ; yet quite a few parakeets use language , perhaps not like Pixie above, but better than their small brain woul d suggest . Would you comment on the possibility of using parakeets to lear n more about animals? Also, was there something unique about the bir d mentioned above, or could other parakeets attain this level o f competence in speech, given appropriate training?


COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that much of the speech capacity for suc h animals has to do with the nerve network relating unto the tongue of suc h animals. This Awareness indicates that essentially there are other animal s who have similar intelligence, but they are unable to express themselve s with speech . This Awareness indicates these other animals often express themselves through mental communication known as extra-sensory-perception . This Awareness indicates this particularly so with cattle, wherein cattl e are capable of tuning in to the thoughts of each other and to importan t events which occur to them or in their area . This Awareness indicates that this as also evident in dogs and cats . This Awareness suggests that just because an animal is incapable o f speech, does not mean it is not intelligent—that often it creates a differen t form of communication . This Awareness suggests there are also space entities, entities on othe r planets or in other planes, who do not even have a mouth, because the y do not need a mouth . This Awareness indicates that such animals ar e not stupid because they are unable to speak or communicate with those , who use the mouth for communication . This Awareness indicates thes e entities communicate psychically . This Awareness suggests that the parakeet as having the nerve network which allows the tongue greater freedo m of flexibility and vocal chords greater capability of squawking or flexibility to form sounds . This Awareness indicate s the parakeet also as having a capacity in the brain that has been trained over many thousands of years to imitate, to pick up and reflect sounds—just as some animals can reflect colors of the environment around them . This Awareness indicates that other animals can reflect feelings which are occurring around them . This Awareness suggests tha t in a sense, all animals arc channels for energies which are occurring in or around their area, or within their levels o f identification ; that this particularly in terms of loved ones, whether of their own species or of another species . Thi s Awareness suggests that this parakeet as having enough intelligence to tune in to many levels of consciousness fro m others around . This Awareness suggests also that this parakeet as having picked up certain previous training fro m others besides yourself—that there is a kind of spontaneity in expression which the entity within the bird 's bod y channels . This Awareness indicates that there are entities capable of speaking, of using animals, birds or other creature s to channel through . C .A .C .'S HOUN D IS GETTING A SWELLED HEA D QUESTION : (From VikkiT .)

(He'd Rather Be Human . . .But It's a Dog's Life )

I would Iike to ask Awareness if the information just given would pertain to the phenomenon that is occurrin g with our German shepherd, Siegfried, that over the past six months his skull is undergoing a very dramatic change . It is coming upwards almost into a point that we've never seen before in any other kind of dog, and the entit y Ananda Lee, (formerly Annie Miller), tuned into him and said that he is trying to become human and trying to lear n to talk, and this is changing his skuII structure. I'd like to ask Awareness to comment on this .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this relates unto information given in Percival's Thinking and Destiny, wherein certain aspects of human consciousness passes on to animals, plants and birds, and even insects after the entity has passe d over . This Awareness indicates that the emotions move toward that which is the vegetation level ; the feelings mov e


toward that which is the animal lcvel . . . .this as concepts and ideas, move and gravitate toward that which is of th e mineral level . This Awareness indicates that the clear consciousness moves toward the Clear Light, this particularl y in terms of entities who pass over and desire to move on to that Clear Light and shed these robes of mind, emotio n and feeling . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities then move on and seek to return to rebirth, that thes e energies which have gone out are often called back to the entity ; and the concepts, the feelings and the emotion s arc often withdrawn from the plants, animals and minerals to return to the individual in his or her new incarnation . • This Awareness indicates this relates unto the images seen in rocks, sand, clouds and other formations, whereb y faces or other shapes can sometimes be seen . That these concepts and images moving into mineral levels can hav e effects upon the shapes of these . This Awareness indicates in terms of clouds, that these images often can shap e the clouds according to their own features . QUESTION : Has a portion of the energy from somebody that we have known and who has since died, been that which ha s effected Siegfried's change ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative ; that this as being a relativ e of your own who died relatively recently . This appears to be an older entity . This Awareness indicates this as an uncle . This Awareness indicates the entit y seeking to inform you of this—that this appears to be the reason for th e desire to speak . d ED's Note : The uncle who raised Vikki T . (and did not speak too often to her) had die about a year before at the age of 87 . QUESTION :

Annie said as a result of this skull change and various changes, that the dog' s evolvement was also being speeded up considerably . Is this true, and is this whol e thing a positive process ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : n This as in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates that this dog ' s vehicle as being such that the energies withi the entity, if carried through in terms of evolution, will assist in changing the intelligence level of his offsprin g g somewhat. This Awareness indicates that the dog itself is not evol v ing, but the spirit of the entity within the do n as that which is effecting changes in the dog . That in this sense, the normal intelligence of the dog is being take over by the spirit within the dog and is being progressed at high rates of evolution . This having an effect on th e physical genes, the RNA, DNA of the dog . n ED ' s Note : although Siegfried has recently acquired some l,uman characteristics Ole will stand on his hind legs and sort of sing-talk to us) his mai thrown back, tongue out, snoozing away) . head s desk, flat on his back, all four feet stiff in the air, his preoccupation is with cats and lying beneath Vikki ' "The book,

Thinking and Destiny,

available in the CAC book catalog . is published by the Word Publishing Co ., New York, and is

IS ONE MORE 'SPIRITUAL' LIVING IN THE WILDERNESS ? (Is 'Back to Nature' Closer to God? ) QUESTION : S .V . has a question : " Currently, there are many people expressing a desire to be closer to the Divine , or Spiritual realms, and thus they are moving to wilderness areas to live, believing they are then closer to 'nature ' and thus they would be closer to ' God ' . My question is this : Does the viewpoint expressed have any validity, trut h for the rest of humanity, such that when one lives and works and struggles for survival one is actually closer to th e Divine? Are they corr ect, or is it possible to be concerned with, and involved in, the material man-made culture , having little or no contact with nature, and still he close to the Divine or Spiritual and doing ' God ' s work ' ? Is i t possible they are anticipating a coming change in the way life will be in the future? Related to this is the issue o f conservation of resources and the attempting to recycle what seems to be such minute quantities of materials . I n other words, does it really make any difference from a Cosmic viewpoint where I thought there is no good, bad, o r value judgments, if people try to recycle and conserve, or is this ultimately and in finality an irrelevent issue ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that from a Cosmic point of view, everything in the universe is living, and everythin g in the universe is undergoing change . There are particles of the universe which are being devoured by other particles . This Awareness indicates from this higher viewpoint, there is nothing that matters in relation to this . This Awareness indicates however, that in looking more closely at the nature of these particles, there axe those who have feelings , those who have concerns, those who have identities—and these entities do not necessarily enjoy being eaten b y other forces . This Awareness suggests that the purpose of these messages is not to condemn or to point out what is right o r wrong, hut to lessen the suffering, sorrow and tragedy . This Awareness does not hope to eliminate all suffering , sorrow, and tragedy immediately, but does seek to lessen the suffering, sorrow and tragedy . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity, through conservation and through concern and dedication, ca n move into an action that lessens the sorrow, suffering and tragedy--this is that which is appropriate ; not as a benefit for this Awareness, but as a benefit for those entities who live and express themselves in various forms . This Awareness indicates there is a misconception in many entities ' minds that there is somewhere in the univers e an authority who stands watching and wishes to be obeyed and wishes to be pleased . This Awareness indicates there are many such authorities in the universe, seekin g that kind of obedience and control over others . This Awarenes s indicates however, these entities in that action are not expressing that which is true divinity . These entitites as expressing personality and personal desires . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities wish to tune into that which is spiritual, in the highest sense, the y will not be concerned with pleasing authority . They will only be concerned with lessening the sorrow, suffering an d tragedy of all involved . This Awareness indicates that entities who feel that they can serve to lessen the sorrow, suffering and tragedy by working in society , by working in the midst of the civilization, with all its turmoil and conflict—these entities in their work serving others are indeed work ing in high levels of spiritual consciousness . This Awareness indicates those entities who feel that they can only serve others in lessening the sorrow, suffering and tragedy b y escaping into die woods, into the hills and mountains--lessening their own sorrow and suffering, and forgetting the rest of society—dies e entities also are living in spiritual levels to the best of their ability . This Awareness indicates that if in that solitude of the wilderness the y begin to grow in strength, and wish to return and assist in the needs of society, to serve those who need, to serve in a manner that bring s about necessary changes—then these entities are working in still higher levels of spiritual vibrations . This Awareness suggests you not judge yourself or others, nor let others judge you by where you are working—that you simply serv e where you can to the best of your ability at the moment . This Awareness suggests that those who cannot serve others, serve themselve s as well as they can, until they are fulfilled to that point whereby they can serve others . 'REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS' is a cosmic newsletter published by ( :nsanit 1 Char •u,-,) ( "or;»n,rmcatiOns , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washinryton, 9$507 . Rates and membership information available upon request .

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