Cosmic Awareness 1979-11: The Mark Of The Beast...what Is So Wrong About Accepting The Brand

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Cosmic Awareness Communicatio n

The Now-Age Cosmic Nowstntter

P . O . Box US,


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COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed (twit through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha . Krishna . Mohammed, Edgar Cayce an d other great avatars who served as 'Channels ' for the 'heavenly Father' and who speaks again today ~as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Connie Awareness has been communicating through certain direfully-trained channels . The information contained herein was received from deep, super-conscious trsnee states and 'interpreted by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This tnfurmation is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age and those who shall inherit the New Age . Throughout the many thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels Cosmic Awareness repeatedly tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore , doubt, and discover For yourself, through your own channel, what is die tenth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Members o f Cosmic Awareness communications are invited to send in questions of general interest for possible publication in this New s letter .




BEAST . . . ,

What is So Wrong Abou t Accepting The Brand ? "Why all the fuss about a silly little number? . . . . "

Paul Shockle y Trance-Interprete r

QUESTION : We've received quite a few letters since the Gathering Storer* infotma.tion was published relative to the acroal laser mark tha t could he put on entities—all the way from one lady's remark : "It seems like you people are making an awful lot of fuss over a silly little number, " to more perceptive questions like the following from V .W . I'll read her question, and perhaps we can have Awareness clarify this so they wouldn't write so much about it. "Bow can this laser number that is put on entities' hands or foreheads be on the astral body also? . Why is that number so significant? Is it similar to witchcraft or such? if it is put upon entities whe n the entities are innocent and have no idea of whatever black magic is involved, how could it also go to the astral body when it is so insignificant to those innocent entities? When can entities ever fre e themselves of it If is so etched on his consciousness, or would it be on his consciousness? What is th e difference from it being on the astral body and his consciousness? Is this laser number a karmic thing ? if things like this can be etched into astral bodies and or consciousness, what other earthly things ar e done likewise to entities ' astral bodies and, or, consciousness that we are not aware of now? " COPYRIGHT 1979 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction, however, is permitted .


COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that there are a number of questions in that one . This Awareness suggests tha t essentially, the possibility of such a marking is what is being considered, rather than the absoluteness of it s occurrence . This Awareness indicates that from the time the reading was given to the present time, there hav e been some greater communications regarding this concern, these communications being on the increase in th e United States in particular . This Awareness indicates that if the growth of such communications continues an d increases at the same rate which it has during the past six months, the chances of this occurring in the nea r future will be greatly diminished . And if it does not occur within the next five years, the chances of it eve r occurring on this plane, on this planet, will be highly unlikely . This Awareness indicates that in reference to the question asked, the laser marking on the physical woul d be invisible to the naked eye . This Awareness suggests that a freeze-marking technique would leave a visibl e number--this primarily as used for animals, fish and birds. This Awareness indicates that the effect on th e astral body as being that which relates to the memory, to the recollection or the reflective qualities from th e physical to the astral . This Awareness indicates that any scar on the physical is also registered on the astral . This Awareness indicates that the astral body is that which is of the lesser level of the parts that passes over . This Awareness suggests that entities may understand this more easily if viewing the spirit and soul as being two in one, but cap able of separating . This Awareness suggests that an astral shell of an entity may remain near or with the bod y for hundreds of years after the death of the individual, but the spirit may move on into other experiences an d lifetimes . This Awareness indicates that occasionally when entities open a n old tomb, they feel strange energies, as though being attacked by a ghost . This Awareness indicates that some entities can even see these spirits or ghosts . This Awareness indicates that which is seen is often, is generally, the astra l shell . The astral shell as reported by one entity as having been seen to lea p from a ten story window with such vividness that the entity reported thi s to the managers of the hotel . This Awareness indicates that the entity the n being told that this had occurred some time before, and that many guest s had reported seeing this astral shell leaping from this window,This Awareness indicates that an astral shell does carry the memories and the karma o f the emotional levels with it for some time after the death of the physical . This Awareness suggests in this manner, the astral shell may experienc e the `Mark of the Beast ' with great feelings of guilt, and with great torment after discovering the error of th e event ; and in such an activity may experience time in that realm known as Hades .* This Awareness indicate s that in another sense, wherein the spirit of the entity was innocent, unwitting and unknowing of the implications of such a marking, the spirit may move on into other expressions, even though the astral shell remain s in levels of torment . This Awareness indicates that this later can result in these schisms of a personality bein g brought back together for complete integration when the astral shell has completed its cleansing to its ow n satisfaction . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity is truly a victim on all levels and does not know what i s occurring and does not have any possible say in the event, that entity will not hold himself or herself account able for having been marked, therefore will not suffer the same consequences as one who recognizes the error . This Awareness indicates that the ignorance itself may become the karma, rather than the Mark . This Awareness suggests that many entities believe that ignorance relieves them of responsibility--and in some levels thi s is true ; yet the ignorance itself is a responsibility and keeps the entity from progressing, from developing an d from having the awareness which can lift the entity into higher realms of experience . This Awareness suggest s that if ignorance is truly a means of escaping the responsibility, then one might as well move backward on th e evolutionary scale and become a fish or starfish or stone . • 'Revelations of Awareness ' No, 79- I (The Gathering Storm, $4 .00 ) • For more information on Hades, Please refer to 'Revelation of Awareness ' No . 78-19, 'The Immortal Realm of I lades '.

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This Awareness suggests that the first letter mentioned whereby the entity asked `What's in a littl e number?' : this Awareness suggests that the `little number' is a brand for humans, much like the brandin g of cattle ; and if the entity does not mind being branded as the possession of someone else, then it matter s not . But if entities desire to maintain their individual rights and liberties, then it matters greatly : For onc e that number is placed upon an entity, the entity's individual freedoms no longer exist, and are simply at th e whim of the owners . This Awareness suggests further questions regarding this may be asked . WHY IS THE NUMBE R 66 6 A BAD NUMBER ? (A Little Lesson in Numerology ( end Astrolog y


Alright . She had another quest don relative to the actual number : "Why is the number 666 a `ba d series of numbers', why not 12 3 or 555 or whatever other combinations? Is there a reason 666 i s considered evil or beastly? if there are bad numbers such a s 666, what are other bad numbers and combinations ? On the same reasoning, what are some good numbers and combinations of numbers, and why arc these so? And isn't i t really true that there are no bad nor good numbers as such—that we are to rise in consciousness to the point that there i s neither good nor bad anything?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this does not have to be considered as good or bad . This Awareness considers this as what is. This Awareness indicates that the series of numbers---666—is a matter of the creation of certain symbol s by the human mind, not necessarily by the earth human, but by humanoid consciousness . This Awareness indicates this as an ancient numerical system which came not from this earth plane . This Awareness indicates that you look at the number 9 . That the number 9 when written, begins at a central point and moves clockwise and out, away from that point : this as a symbol of evolution .Moving from one point outward is a symbol of radiant energies going out in a form of generation . This Awareness indicates that the number 6 is the opposite, drawing energies into the central point--thi s in a counter-clockwise direction . This Awareness indicates that 6 stands for self-interest, 9 stands for expansion of self. This Awareness suggests that if you were to draw a circle, dividing that circle into I2 parts of the zodiac , the 6th sign would be Virgo . This Awareness indicates that the Virgo sign relates to order and classification – as well-as diet, health, work, filing and certain types of regulatory behaviors . This Awareness indicates that the 7th sign, Libra, relates to balance, harmony and business or balanced relationship . This Awareness suggests that if you were to look at the 9th sign of Sagittarius, you would notic e this as being related to expansion and extension, foreign affairs and things away from individual pursuits , higher mind . This Awareness suggests going back to the Virgo sign : if you were to divide this sign into 12 general aspects , you would create another zodiac dividing the zodiacal qualities of Virgo . And in that 6th section of this ne w zodiac, you would have the 6-6, or the Virgo part of the Virgo sign .This Awareness indicates that a good astrologer would classify that area as being likened unto a tile cabinet or classification action, whereas the 4t h section of the Virgo might refer to nutrition, and the seventh section of that Virgo sign referring to a kind o f consultation regarding health or some other form of classification . This Awareness suggests that were you divide that 6-6 section into Virgo classification, you would come to a situation whereby the filing system was even further classified and brought into great regimentation . Thi s Page 3 .

Awareness indicates that the filing system being classi fied under a Virgo set of qualities, relating unto 12 type s of human affairs in terms of the classification system, you would discover that the 666 is a computerized classification system. This Awareness suggests that you look now back to the Libra sign of harmony and balance, or business, o f partnerships, contracts and agreements, and likewise classify that Libra sign into a series of 12 zodiacs . You will discover that the 7-7, or the 7th part of the Libra sign, having a zodiac dividing its qualities of partnership, harmony and agreement, would result in a very clear harmonious agreement---a 7-7 classification, th e harmonious agreement of partners . This may be a contract or marriage or the place whereby the agreemen t is consummated . This Awareness indicates that further breakdown into a third set of zodiacs around tha t section would bring about the 7-7-7, which is the number of Christ, which is the absolute harmonious agreement, the bond of freedom between entities and the partner in love . This Awareness indicates that this as but a brief look at the symbology and implications of meaning behin d certain numbers, based on ancient metaphysical teachings and systems . This Awareness indicates this could g o on in other levels in other signs, yielding other infonnation, but this is satisfactory for the symbology of th e number system just given . This Awareness indicates that the 666 also has reference to the level of consciousness of individuals : the 7-7-7 being the Christ Consciousness—the 666 being the power consciousness or the level of consciousnes s for entities seeking power through their development of their spiritual growth . That there are many entitie s who believe that opening the third eye, the pineal, as the ultimate level of development : this as being equivalent to the 666 or the anti-Christ level. This Awareness suggests that the 777 value being equated to the opening of the pituitary, whereby the pituitary in conjunction with the pineal begins to serve as the mystical marriage . That the 666 is the heightening of the animal astral body of the human, whereas the 777 opens the doorway to the spiritual realm : and this in harmony with one another begins the growth, the mystical marriage, the flowering of consciousness whic h relates to the 144 or the 12 times 12 . This Awareness indicates that much of the ancient symbology relating to the 666 message is based on Masonic numerological system . This Awareness suggests that there are variou s types of interpretation for this numerological system ; that essentially entities can explore these and find interrelations and various types of correlations . This Awareness indicates that as far as the computer in Brussels is concerned, this as simply working i n connection with ancient witchcraft forces which are being used in direct affront to Christian teachings . Therefore this was like an action of defiance, numbering to inform others as to the role which is being played by th e computer. This Awareness indicates this being done with the cooperation and full understanding of those wh o are behind the action. This Awareness indicates that questions of this nature are simply mental games, having very little to do wit h the world situation, and are of but a curiosity level. This Awareness is always awed by the human consciousness that becomes fixated on things which are of f the track of urgency and in the realm of diversity for the purpose of creating an issue or concern that is unrelated to the urgency . THE NETWORK OF THE BEAS T

(The Invasion of the United States Begins ) QUESTION : Speaking of that computer in Brussels, we got a letter from J .S. stating that the SWIFT Network is building a computer in Culpepper, Virginia, to hook over 500 banks in thi s hemisphere to the Brussels computer called the 'BEAST' . The natives of Culpepper, we are told . are welcoming the computer with open arms, and we were wondering if Awareness would comment on this?


COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the research by these banking interests chose Culpepper fo r various reasons : the area as compatible with their general purposes, compatible in terms o f location in relation to various banking interests, i n relation to employees' desires, in relation to the attitudes of the loca l * residents, and in relation to the contact with points of power which are needed for their purposes . Refer to 79-E 'The Gathering Storm ' Page 4 . for their 'purposes'.

Question :


Quite a few people are worried about the coming economi c depression and would like to know what to do before it happens in relation to investment and things . In this letter, V .C . asks : 'Would Awareness please advise how various assets an d investments would be affected when the stock market crashes in October and Revelations 13-17 is fulfilled? For example, le t us assume that an individual p ossesses some stocks, savings an d or checking accounts in one or more banks, an insurance policy or two, some precious stones, silver and gold coins, IRA . or other incitement plan, real estate mortgage and so forth, and perhaps is even receiving Social Security . Now, if the market crashes one loses their holdings here automatically . The same woul d prove true if banks failed, but what would happen to other assets mentioned? Would the total amounts recorded in U .S . Savings Bonds, insurance policies, retirement plans and so forth simply be placed into the `Beast' computer in Brussels or whatever fo r each individual, and ao .dition-subtractions made from the total sum as desired and required? It would help to know what metho d or methods of investment are presently, and in the future, safest of all . (My U .S . Savings Bond head the list of safety) . And as respects the.paper money and coins now being used for exchange, would we be requested to turn them in for crediting to ou r computer account? It would also be helpful to know how long the 'Beast ' will reign before he is overthrown . Thank you . "

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the dimension or degree of impact of such . a degree is dependent on so man y factors at this time, that the proper determination of what will occur cannot be clearly evaluated . This Awareness suggests that the appearance at present time is that the collapse, if it occurs, will not be quite so intens e as when this Awareness previously indicated the potential . This Awareness suggests that the threatening economic war in Europe . which may flare into a nuclear war before. October, can have some effect on what occurs in relation to this . This Awareness indicates that also th e fact that many people are catching on and are circulating petitions and circulating letters of concern, this als o may begin having an effect to delay the actions of the Beast . This Awareness indicates however, the force which was previously described as a 'planned depression' is not, as of this time, being called off . This Awareness indicates that other factors have interfered which may cause some fluctuation or alteration . in the plan , but the plan appears to be continuing. THE BEAST MAY ENTICE ENTITIES WITH FREE MONE Y TO ÂŁ.URE THEM ONTO THE ELECTRONIC-FUNDS-TRANSFER SYSTE M

This Awareness indicates in terms of your various types of investments, that it is impossible for anyone a t this time to see. which areas will or will not be affected, or to what degree of intensity the effect will have o n these various areas . This Awareness indicates that it would be wise to put your earnings into those variou s programs or commodities which will still be valuable even in times of depression. This Awareness indicates that as far as the collapse of money is concerned, and the transfer of energies int o the computer banking system, there is a likelihood that entities may be encouraged to join the electronic-fun d transfer system by being promised a particular amount, free gratis, of credit . This Awareness indicates thi s likened unto a guaranteed income for a . brief period, whereby those who join the fund are given an amount – the amount not seen clearly, but an example of, for instance, $2000 worth of electronic crediting for eac h person who agrees to receive the number and electronic fund accounting system . This Awareness indicates the appearance at this time is that the laser marking will not be required immediately, that this will be introduced at a later time, more slowly, with other circumstances being used to brin g this upon the people. This Awareness indicates that it appears this will be introduced first to minority group s and to the super-wealthy, and that it will then gradually be offered to the middle class and later required b y law. Page 5 .

State of Texas Plana to i3tond Mexican-Arrsoticens Soo n

This Awareness indicates that there recently has been an effort in Texas to require that Mexican-American s in that area be tattooed so that they could be distinguished from Mexican aliens crossing the border . This Awareness indicates this as receiving much encouragement from the local Texans .

TH E LAW OF LOV E . . . .A



A question from M .B ., Harbor City, California . I'll read her letter: `Last night I saw a new conceptualization of the Law of Love's meaning, and I would like it to be either confirmed or rejected . I sa w it as a relative law describing how love is, and not as an absolute la w of how we should behave in all situations . I have been unable to resolve the opposite instructions to resist not evil and to deny evil, an d the injunction to resist the `Mark of the Beast' . It seems like Awareness was contradicting the Law 's essence . However, last night it cam e to inc that there was no reason to he upset, because there was a 'La w of Hate' and a 'Law of Disgust' and a ' Law of Survival' etc . Thes e also have their principle and applications : they are a law unto them selves, When the Law of Love is in effect, it's true that we resist not the evil in the beloved, and it's true that we deny any evil . However, if the 'Law of Elate' were in effect, we would resist the evil and w e would not deny its presence . We must ask if this is the way the laws were meant to be read, because be it accepted or not, Awareness sai d that the 'Mark' is to be resisted, and we will find ourselves in hell i f we don't resist it . The ' Mark ' is surely considered that which is evil .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the Law of Love asks entities to resist not evil, with the often misunderstood implication that they should go along with evil . This Awarenes s indicates that this is not intended but is often expected b y entities who read this line .



This Awareness indicates that the line first was spoken by Jesus in reference to resisting not the evil being aime d at you .* This Awareness indicates this in reference to turning the other cheek . This Awareness suggests that there is also another level of meaning---that you resist not evil, but

overcome evil with good . This Awareness indicates this as likened unto transmuting the evil which you see . This Awareness indicates that It also has given that you deny the existence of evil in the world . This Awareness indicates that there ar e two levels of' understanding on this part : that you deny evil exists, or that you deny its existence . This Awareness indicates that in the first instance you may, with your consciousness, deny that : it exists--saying there is no such thing as evil in the world ; in which case it becomes necessary to describe those violations and othe r activities which have been called `evil,' to describe them with other terms besides the term `evil .' This Awareness indicates when entities begin to do this, interesting things happen---they begin to understand the motivations, the causes and the implications of those activities which appear as evil . * Matthew 5 : Verse 3 9 FD 's Note : this passage seems to be overlooke d by many evangelist Christians, who continue t o write td us, arguing that Jesus never said such a tilin g and therefore Awareness is the work of the devil etc .

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Tha Illusion ci Scpareieners was Granted by Lucife r

This Awareness indicates that essentially, that which entities call evil is in actuality separateness, or the ill usion of separateness, in conflict with those parts which it separated itself from . This Awareness indicates that when considering the Law of One : that all things in the universe are one, were created by a Universal Creator ; and considering that the Universal Creator did not create evil, but created good , ---how, then, did evil come about ? This Awareness indicates that there came about the possibility of the illusion of separateness, whereby on e part believed itself to separate from the rest . That part which believed itself to separate from the rest was calle d Lucifer. This Awareness indicates that wherein that illusion of separateness moved out, leaving the other bind, believing itself to be separate, it also was capable of creating that which became the illusion of evil .That when one part of the universe violates another part of the universe, the one part can say, "That was evil," and th e other part can say, "Yes, it was evil of me ." This Awareness indicates that in this manner, both parties can agree that evil was perpetrated by one part against the other . This Awareness indicates however, that when both parts are of the same organ, it becomes difficult for on e part to say, "That was evil ." If one hand slaps the other hand, was the one hand evil, when both are controlle d by the same consciousness hooked to the same body and in agreement to work together, to slap and to b e slapped ? This Awareness indicates that in a universe where,all is one, there can be no such thing as evil . There can only be interaction of one part acting against itself in the form of another part, but in reality only a reflectio n of its same origin . This Awareness indicates that this as one interpretation of the concept, 'of deny the existence of evil . ' This Awareness indicates that: the other concept is to deny evi l's existence in the world . That this can be in terpreted as meaning to deny its existence is to not allow it to have an existence in the world, not allow it t o have a place in your world . This Awareness indicates that either of these can be used, according to your inclin ation. This Awareness suggests that in terms of the Law of Love, it is, indeed, relative : that you may substitut e the word Law for the word Principle ' he Principle of Love is that which places the welfare and concer n and the feeling for others above self . The Principle of Love is that principle which we associate with as good . The Principle of Love is that force which denies the existence of evil in the world, that resists not evil . ' This Awareness indicates recent changes will say, 'Resist not . Love follows the course of least resistance . ' This Awareness indicates that many entities in reading the Cosmic Laws* have been so inhibited by federal laws, county laws, municipal laws, that they believe the word law means authority being placed upon them . This Awareness indicates a Law is a principle. This Awareness suggests that the Cosmic Principles which this Awareness gives as those which are most beneficial in terms of following . This Awareness indicates the princip al of hate, the principle of resistance as that which only strengthens the force which would attack , This Awareness wishes entities to take a lesson from the Oriental martial arts, and learn how by non-resistance of an enemy 's force, one can use their force taking them further, add their own energies to the force o f the enemy, but divert that force into a different direction, so that the enemy is thrown off guard, off balance , and something entirely different from what the enemy intended comes about . This Awareness indicates that you avoid the tattoo without resisting th e tattoo; that you may simply escap e the dangers of the tattoo . This Awareness suggests that you may also call attention to the threa t before it ever comes close, and in thi s manner, cause the enemy to back off , realizing that too many people objec t and it would be too dangerous to attempt to place this violation on them. " The Comic La'iWs' of Cosmic Awareness (trice: $.3.00 from C.A.C. Reprint Catalog)

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This Awareness indicates there is seen a herd of cattle, with the cowboys carrying their branding irons , herding these cattle toward a particular direction--in a direction toward a pen, wherein these cattle can be branded . This Awareness indicates that there is seen a complete obedience by the conditioning placed upon th e cattle, who have daily moved toward that pen for feed . This Awareness indicates there is now seen a herd of people being herded toward a pen, in a particula r direction, with certain entities carrying laser tattoo branding irons, leading those people toward that pen , that. they may be branded . That the majority of these people are walking willingly along, because obedienc e in the past has always served their security and given them their feed . This Awareness indicates there is seen among these people a murmuring, a muttering, a concern, and th e concern begins to grow louder and louder . There are some who are saying to others, "Quiet! You ' ll get us in trouble . We won't get our feed . " There are others who are saying, "They ' re going to brand us! " This Awareness indicates there is seen that which is a disagreement, a concern, an intensification, and eventually- there are shouts and fights among the people . wherein there are those who wish their feed at any cost , and there are those who wish their freedom at any cost . This Awareness indicates there are many who scatter and leave the herd, moving into the forests and int o the woods . There are others who become organized and move against those who would brand them, an d brand their fellow prisoners . This Awareness indicates that all of these entities, if awakened, could simpl y turn to their branders and say, "You are not going to touch us with that thing . " This Awareness indicate s there would be nothing the branders could do, but to back off . This Awareness indicates that the problem is the majority of people have consciousnesses that are approximately the same as cattle . This Awareness indicates there is a Jewish word commonly used to describe the Gentiles : that word i s This Awareness indicates that this is not a n o1 LQW . This Awareness suggests the word goyim means cattle . exaggeration or a term intended to insult : this is rather a term which is quite descriptive of many entities . This Awareness indicates t hat the Gentiles often act the roles of cattle or sheep, and follow through to what ever sacrifice is intended by their masters . This Awareness suggests that the oldest secret organization wa s controlled by Benjamin, and his family, wherebythc' maiked catCLoi' tle for the Pharaoh . kept track of the Pharaoh's cattle, and extenas ded their actions into all the known World, whereby they were th e keepers of cattle iii all countries . a-a


T his .Atvareness indicates from this, many other secret organ . iiations' began to develop, and have been in power on many levels since that time . This Awareness indicates this being the oldest known secret organization of a historical nature in your present civilizations,'' **** * For more information on this and other branches of the Illuminati, pleas e refer to the U .S. Labor Party's publication, the'New Solidarity ; GPO Box ' 1920, N .Y .,N .Y ., 10001 .(S12 for 50 issucs) .Aiso please refer to the hook. ;, 'Pawns in the Game, by William Guy Carr . (S3 .00 from C .A.C . Boors),' (Emphasis is by the editor) is cosmic newsletter, published by Cosmic Awareness Communications , REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is P .O . box 115 . Olvmoia. Washin g ton, 99507 . Rates and membership information is ayaiFabra . upan ragn.ass



The Cosmic Nesysleuer


the KAHUNA PRAYER POWERFUL MAGIC FOR MANIFESTING AND HEALIN G ( The Secret Method Jesus Used to Perform Miracles t ED1TO R ' s Note : This information is an exceprt from a forthcoming edition of 'Revelations o f Awareness. ' It was given in a reading before Awareness suggested entities use the Transmutin g Meditation which was included in the liot-Line issue No . 79-7 for diffusing the energies of the Beast and the threat of an atomic war . We feel this is an excellent supplementary method which uses magic of the highest kind, and suggest that C .A .C . members include this in their work o f transmuting negative energies . Please do not stop using the transmuting meditation previousl y given but include this Kahuna Prayer magic in you r program whenever possible . COSMIC AWARENESS :

This Awareness suggests that your meditations at night may make use of this : This Awareness has given the Kahuna Prayer method, but will again touch upon this to allo w entities to see how these forces can be used . This Awareness indicates in the Kahuna Prayer, entities breathe deeply--the action of breathing deeply at least three breaths , with each breath becoming deeper than the one before . This action allows oxygen to enter into the brain, which allows entitie s the opportunity for clearer visualization : the higher content of oxygen in the brain creates better visualizing capacity . Thi s Awatencss indicates that once entities have oxygenated their brain, a deep breath is taken and that which is to be manifeste d is held in the vision—preferably while the breath also is being held—for a period of many seconds, such as one minute, or thirt y seconds to one minute or longer, so tong as the entity is not straining and focusing on holding the breath . This Awareness indicates that the entity hold the image with the focus on the image, until the breath needs to be released . When this becomes necessary, the entity then fling both hands upward toward the atmosphere and blow the breath between the hands . As the hands move outward (whil e simultaneously moving outward and down), the entity visualizes the breath and imag e rising higher and higher into the atmosphere, moving toward the higher self . . .towar d this Awareness, toward the Divine Forces, toward God, or toward whatever angel o r deity the entity visualizes . This Awareness indicates that the Kahunas then whisper, "The Prayer goes up—le t the rains fall down "---this being symbolic of meaning the image has been given, let whatever results from this come back to me . 'Phis Awareness indicates this as likened unto saying, "So be it . I turn my desires ove r to the higher forces : let them give back whatever they will . " This Awareness indicates this as likened unto the expression . "Thy Will Be Done . " This Awareness indicates once the Kahuna Prayer has been given, the image release d and blown upward with the breath and with the projection of consciousness, this Awareness suggests that you Ict it go completely and turn your attention to other things—dismissing this from your consciousness while working on other things . This Awareness indicates in this manner, the proper return will be guaranteed ; that wherein you continue t o reach up or drag back your prayer, the higher forces cannot work on these energies . This Awareness wishes entities to visualize the information given on the potentia l nuclear war in light of the information just given on the use of magic and the Kahun a Prayer . This Awareness suggests that you use this magic in your imaging--that you us e the Kahuna Prayer, visualizing the potential nuclear war in a picture---then sending thi s picture into the higher realms for higher forces to transmute and to deal with . This Awareness wishes you to understand the word 'Kahuna', the four-in-one, the Ka , which is the four forces of the universe, being Yod Ile Vau He ; the Hun, or Un, being th e universe--this as drawn by a cross inside of a circle . This Kahuna, the word in Polynesia n means "the carpenter ." This Awareness indicates this is closely tied CO the secret teaching s of Jesus . That the symbology of the Polynesian Kahunas and the works of Jesus can b e described in future readings . This Awareness indicates that the word 'Cohena', the Hebrew term for priest, (the nam e Cohen relating to this) . That the Cohena as priest, the Kahuna as carpenter—that there i s a direct tic in these terms, and the Kahuna philosophy is that which was taught by th e entity Jesus and which the entity Jesus used in working miracles . This Awareness wishes to give this information in the near future . COPYRIGHT 1979 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission only .

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