Cosmic Awareness 1979-12: All About M Ummies

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s

The New-Age Cosmic Newsletter

P. O . Sos 115, 0iinpia, Washington tie$0 7

COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through certain carefully-trained channels The information contained herein was received from deep, super-conscious trance states and 'interprete d ' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C.. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age and those who shall inherit the i' ew Age .Throughout the man y thousands of 'Readings' given through the channels . Cosmic Awareness repeatedly tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore , doubt, and discover yourself, through your own channel, what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest of Cosmic Awareness Communications are invited to send in questions of general interest for possible publication in this Newsletter. Members . s 1D4Yi :We ÂŤN : I



Paul Shockle y Trance-Interprete r





ayce . . .The Unified States of Awarenes s


We have about fo :questions 1pCe'siilagtrn 2mnies':"St9''irtl'lught tonight we'd ask them . The first one is from M .K., Parsip any, N .J . Ike wants to know, "Es there any significance to Tutankhamen, King Tut, as a person, that makes him so popular, or is it just a fascination with gold and the way it was found? " COSMIC AWARENESS :

This Awareness indicates that there are two major reasons for this particular phenomena at this time . This Awareness indicates that the entity known as King Tut as being the only one whose treasures have been publicly donated for the display purposes . This Awareness indicates that other tombs of other Pharaohs had muc h greater wealth, and in many cases much more beautiful artwork . This Awareness indicates that these othe r tombs had been invaded, and the treasures stolen, in many cases by the Pharaohs which followed after . COPYRIGHT 1979 By Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission only .

This Awareness indicates that the Tut tomb as being the only one which remained intact up to the modern . era wherein the Egyptologists, anthropologists and the archeologists were in a type of environment that traine d for the intellectual and historical studies of these treasures rather than simply persons who were classed a s grave robbers . This Awareness indicates that the treasures being kept intact for historical purposes, for museums and for public display, as that which sets this off from other Pharaohs . The Influence Today of the Isis Cult s

This Awareness indicates that the particular phenomenon at this point in time is related in part to a renew cud interest in ancient philosophies, in cults, in the exploration of new levels of consciousness, of mind-control , and of a desire by entities to understand their origins . This Awareness indicates that this as partially prompte d by the Isis cults . which have been brought down from Egypt through secret schools, secret societies which ar e presently emerging from their hidden shadows into the openness of the present societies . This Awareness indicates that this in part, has a relationship to the Knights of Malta* and other secret schools and societies whic h reach back into history for their origins and teachings . This Awareness indicates that the mystery schools carry with them seeds of memory from the ancient Egyptian rites and rituals, as well as certain concepts that have been passed down through the esoteric religiou s teachings of various organizations, such as the Masons, Rosicrucians, St . John, Cross of Jerusalem, and the Gnostics, and even the Catholic Church . This Awareness indicates that there is at this time, a conerted effort by certain group s to revise and bring out the ancient teachings from Egypt in a desire to create a new cult , or religion around these teachings . This Awareness indicates this as a part of an actio n designed to create many small religions, many scattered cults ; in part to break up th e crystallization of the Christian religion, in particular in the United States . This Awareness indicates that the Christian religion, as seen by these entities, has been used in a manne r that stopped thinking, that stopped exploration, and which created a fanaticism . This Awareness indicates these entities also see the Christian religion as having given the United States a strong cen tral core of unity which made conquest difficult . This Awareness indicates that essentially what is occurring i n the United States at this moment in time, is that the religions are splintering into many small organizations o f various natures . This Awareness indicates these including various types of cults and organizations and eve n within the larger religious organizations, these too are beginning to splinter in many ways . Schizophrenia is Striking the Religions Toda y

This Awareness indicates that there is another level of this action which needs to he understood when viewe d from a cosmic viewpoint . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity has a consciousness that is wel l crystallized--with few questions--and wherein that crystallization of that consciousness fits well into the society, that entity is considered to be sane . This Awareness indicates that wherein the consciousness begins t o scatter, to shimmer, to fall apart, and the entity's consciousness begins to break into many fragments, this entity is called schizophrenic . This Awareness indicates that when an entity becomes schizophrenic, there is difficulty in seeing one thing exactly as it is without seeing the opposite--without seeing the conflicting side . This Awareness indicates that schizophrenia is likened unto a diamond which has been shattered into man y fragments. This Awareness indicates that wherein thought has been crystallized and breaks apart from som e shattering experience, and the entity moves into levels of schizophrenia, the entity is likened unto Humpt y Dumpty after having fallen from the wall, and this entity may find great difficulty in having any self-composure . This Awareness indicates that wherein a nation is suffering from such schizophrenia, wherein division i s everywhere present, wherein a religion or religious attitude of a nation has been shattered and division is every where present—that entity, that nation, or that religion is very susceptible to suggestion . That wherein suggestion is given to bring about a re-programming or refocusing, the recrystallization of consciousness, these entities can be brought into control by that which would give the suggestion, and may be directed in a differen t manner . This Awareness indicates that this can occur both on a personal level or on a national level . That wherein a society has been shattered and is divided in many directions through various religious cults and organizations, then the programmer, the hypnotist, may begin to rearrange the direction and thinking of th e people, to bring them into a new direction which he, she, or that programming hypnotic force desire thos e entities, that society to move into . * For more information on this organization , please refer to 'Revelations of Awareness ' No . 79-1 (The Gathering Storm) .

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What is Required to Enter Int o The Cosmic Awareness Trance Leve l

This Awareness indicates that there is still another level, however, which has not yet been discussed in relation to the cosmic viewpoint of schizophrenia . This Awareness indicates an example of this : wherein an entity desires to move into an Awareness trance level, the entity must begin to place aside aspects of self . This becomes likened unto a temporary schizophrenia as these parts of the self begin to shatter and fall apart , wherein the mind, emotion and feeling are laid aside, wherein the entity's identifications are released and le t go of temporarily, wherein the entity begins to fall apart mentally, emotionally and in the feeling sense, an d to surrender to levels of Awareness—that entity is passing through the perilous passage and into the clea r waters of the Source. This Awareness indicates that once an entity passes through the schizophrenia, and if the entity does no t grab for any part, (for any particular area or any fragment of consciousness to cling to, to hold on to, to identify with), the entity then moves into that which is the Clear Light—the Christ Consciousness, the Virgi n Purity of the void . This Awareness indicates that wherein this occurs, the entity has tapped into that whic h is called Cosmic Awareness. This Awareness indicates that wherein a society is shattered, wherein a religion is shattered, and many part s are floating around, wherein entities can avoid grabbing for any particular part, but rather move on towar d the clarity—toward the Clear Light, toward that which is Truth, toward that which does not grab for them , toward that which does not anchor them, toward that which simply is there for them to see ; toward tha t which is pure space, toward that which is pure virgin clarity, that which is crystal-clear consciousness, tha t which is the Christ Consciousness--when entities of the society begin to move on beyond the form of th e religion, toward the spirit of the teachings, then entities have moved into a a social Cosmic Awareness level , or a true Christian identification—not with the religion, not with the body of Christ—but with the consciousness and Spirit of Christ. This Awareness indicates that when this occurs, as it will occur in this nation, then the energies shall begi n to reflect the peace that passeth understanding, which has been promised . Egyptian and Other Religious Energie s Are Helping Entities to Realize Who, In Fact, they Really Ar e

This Awareness indicates that the King Tut energies, that the various types of teachings from India, China , the American Indian, the Gypsies, the Tarot, the I-Iebrew, the metaphysics, the Persian teachings—all of thes e various religious, philosophical and experimental philosophies and religious cults and orders : the purpose fo r the various things, are also to allow entities to reflect on their previous lifetimes . For there arc many (Iristians in this nation who have previously been Hindu, or Buddhists or some other form of religion in a previous life time, and whereby these can be brought up for viewing, for contact, this allows these entities to rekindle, t o retouch areas within their own soul-memory so that their parts, their memory, their soul, begins to integrat e the energies from those previous lifetimes, and they begin to come back together from the various energie s which have been extended over the many eons or lifetimes . This Awareness indicates that this may be likened unto the soul having passed through a night of dreaming , wherein the soul played many roles in many lifetimes of that dream ; and as the soul begins to awaken, it begin s also to recall the various lifetimes which it lived, and recall the various religions which were its philosophy an d key purposes, or key programming during those lifetimes of that dream . This Awareness indicates that consciousness is beginning to awaken on all levels of this earth . That as i t awakens, entities shall begin to reach those levels wherein they may recall Who, In Fact, They Really Are , and in that recollection shall become capable of activities which they dare not imagine themselves capabl e of doing. This Awareness indicates an entity asleep in a bed is not likely to be capable of pole-vaulting, running , jumping or swimming while the entity is asleep in the bed, (except in the dream state) . This Awareness indicates once the entity awakens and leaves the bed, the entity may be capable of swimming, running, polevaulting and jumping. This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity's consciousness has been asleep, th e entity is unable to do those things which are possible when the consciousness awakens . Page 3 .


QUESTION : Question from J .B . ; of Farmingdale, N .Y . 'About three years ago, the mummy of Ramses ll, began to decompose so muc h that it was removed to the Paris Museum for treatment to see if this sudden decomposure could be halted . What after 12,00 0 years would suddenly cause this dematerialization to occur ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates there are two factors involved : This Awareness indicates that one relating unto th e manner in which the mummy had been stored, another relating unto the energies which have been protectin g that mummy . This Awareness indicates that the storing of the mummy was such that there was a protectio n against certain types of moisture as well as certain micro-viruses which later came in contact with this . This Awareness indicates that these micro-virus energies or micro-organisms began to infest the mummy with certai n forces that led to a kind of decomposurc . ELEMENTALS AND SPIRIT GUARD S WITHDREW THEIR PROTECTION OF MUMM Y

This Awarcess indicates that there also was a protection placed upon this mummy from the astral level, b y guards and spirits which were placed to guard this mummy at the time of its burial . This Awareness indicates that the guards, by the invasion of the tomb and removal of this mummy, and the continuous energies of per sons in its locale, these guards began to lose their dedication due to the influences of those who were taking over the interest in the mummy, and the guards themselves began to be pushed out by that strong consciousness and energy emanated by those who were taking that interest in that mummy . This Awareness indicates that many of these astral shells of these guards became dissipated and dissolved , and moved elsewhere . This Awareness indicates that with this protective energy lost, the influence of the ne w energies of present time began also to weaken any protection which had been placed upon this mummy, an d the consciousness which created a shield about this mummy was dissipated and removed to such an exten t that its protection was lost, and allowed a decay to begin . This Awareness indicates as that mummy began to decay, certain changes occurred in consciousness . This Awareness indicates that as these mummies, wherever they may be, are tapped into by consciousness, and a s the consciousness contained within these mummies are released, there is grt :ater freedom brought forth upo n this plane . Page 4 .


ANY CORRELATION BETWEEN 6,000,000 MUMMIE S AND THE 6,000,000 JEWS DESTROYED BY THE NAZIS ? ( New Light on the Holocaust )

A question from L .T ., Leavenworth, Washington : "Is there a correlation between the six million mummies being created an d programmed and six million Jews allegedly being exterminated in Nazi concentration camps? It struck me that the numbers o f entities involved in both cases is the same . "

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this in fact is an error in reporting . This Awareness indicates that the actua l number of Jews exterminated during World War II by the Nazi's was closer to one-and-ahalf million . Thi s Awareness indicates that there were other entities also exterminated during this time, that many of these wer e of other racial origins . This Awareness indicates that the relationship between these two occurrences as being not so close as woul d seem . That the mummification of the six million Atlantcans* as that which related unto a kind of actio n whereby the earth tilt, the magnetism of the poles, these forces were affected by the programming of thes e mummies . This Awareness indicates that the execution of the one-and-ahalf million Jews, or whatever number , and the other races in the World War II holocaust---this as being related in part to energies that came fro m Atlantis . Entities Who Set Up Hitler and Persecution of Jew s Were Mainly Jews Themselve s

This Awareness indicates that there is certain information regarding the action of World War II which ca n be extremely shocking to many Jewish people, that the U .S. Labor Party presents much of this information . This Awareness suggests that essentially, it boils down to the fact that the persons who began setting u p Hitler, and pressed the issues which led to World War H ; the entities who created the environment and wh o allowed the persecution of the Jewish people, were, to a large extent, of Jewish origin, in die cult known as Zionism. This Awareness indicates this information can be quite shocking to many entities, and that it will no doub t be rejected by some, and may cause some hostility to be directed toward this organization . This Awarenes s suggests that it: is a question of whether entities wish to believe in Santa Claus, or whether entities wish to explore realities—whether entities wish to be told lies, or whether entities wish to discover what is . This Awareness suggests that It will give no more on this topic . That entities may discover more information regarding this by writing the U.S. Labor Party * for information on the role of the Zionists in Worl d War II ; that entities may read the book, Dope, Incorporated; that entities may find this information in othe r places . This Awareness suggests that you not confuse this with anti-Semitism, but to recognize and to discove r for yourself, to explore these areas, if this is of any interest to you . This Awareness does not wish to bring about any unnecessary energies toward this organization, but doe s feel it is necessary to avoid hiding information sources if entities wish to explore these areas for themselves . This Awareness indicates that the Jewish people have suffered much-undue criticism, undue hostility–muc h of this because certain forces of Zionism have hidden behind the dress, behind the cloak, behind the skirts of the Jewish people. This Awareness suggests that this as, in part, a situation that needs to be balanced an d brought into harmony, brought into levels of dialogue, brought into discussion, whereby the oppositions ma y be balanced and reconciled . To subscribe to the U .S . Labor Party's publication, 'New Solidarity ' , write : G .P .O. Box 1910, N .Y., N :Y. 10001 .(512 for 50 issu(s )

For More information on Hitler and the holocaust, please Refer to 'Revelations of Awareness' No . 78-14 .

The Book, 'Dope Inc .' can be obtained as same address (Price $6.00 )

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1S MUMMIFICATION THE SAM E AS CYROGENICS 1 (More Reasons Why Entities Should bo Cremated )

QUESTION : A question from B .S ., Lakewood, Colorado . "I have a question for the Awareness , referrin g to Newsletter 78-15, and question titled, "More Light o n Edgar Cayce's and Paul Shockley's Trip in Egypt ." It stated here that entities were placed in deep hypnoti c trance levels, through six different sessions, to mov e these entities into the frozen consciousness of the mum my . My question is, how did this suspension differ fro m Cyrogenics (ED's Note : deep-freezing the dead), and does the soul continue to stay in the body, or hang aroun d the body in suspended animation? In general I foun d all the information given under that question to be difficult to understand . The interpreter, Paul Shockley, Awakenin g After 25,000 Years of Mummification ?

More On Causes Of Retardatio n

QUESTION : A question from B .S ., Lakewood, Colorado . " 1 have a question for the Awareness, referring to Newsletter 78-15, and the question titled, "More Light on Edgar Cayce's and Paul Shockley's Trip in Egypt .' It is stated here that entities were place d in deep hypnotic trance levels, through six different sessions, to move these entities into the frozen consciousness of th e mummy . My question is, how did this suspension differ from Cyrogenics (ED's Note : deep-freezing the dead), and doe s the soul continue to stay in a body, or hang around a body in suspended animation? In general I found all the informatio n given under that question to be difficult to understand .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that portions of the soul remained within the mummified body, seeping out ver y slowly over periods of time . This Awareness indicates that essentially the spirit left, much as entities ca n leave their body during sleep . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity falls asleep and moves in a spirit or astral type body to another place., returning to their body upon awakening, that this is not too unlike the action whereby an entity was mummified for a period of approximately ten thousand years, durin g a dark cycle, or night cycle of the Grand Year of 25,000 plus years . This Awareness indicates that the soul or spirit of this entity moved on, leaving a residue within the body , this likened unto a portion of the soul, and the entity reincarnated over several different lifetimes . Thi s Awareness indicates that in the case of the Interpreter and others who were mummified, that the lifetimes o f reincarnation were in many levels—lifetimes of retarded consciousness, retarded experiences . That many o f the entities who are retarded today, are in fact entities who have cut through time to come back at thi s crucial point, and that these entities carry with them certain energies which are necessary in awakening consciousness today . This Awareness indicates that information has been given on this previously through the Interpreter, Davi d Worcester . This Awareness suggests that the lifetimes of reincarnated and yet retarded experiences began t o increase in frequency as more and more of the soul-stuff seeped out of the mummy . This Awareness indicates that the retarded state of consciousness began to lose its backwardness and as the reincarnations continued , and the energy seeped from the mummy, the entity began to form more and more completeness in the soul stuff that was reincarnating . This Awareness indicates likewise wherein entities are buried, embalmed, an d their bodies maintained, not decomposing, that there are certain energies which remain with those bodie s even though the entity may reincarnate . Page 6 .

This Awareness indicates that many entities who have been buried in graves one hundred or two hundre d years previously, wherein the graves were sealed tightly and the bodies remained intact—many of these entitie s have reincarnated once or twice or more times and still they have not regained a completeness of their forme r selves, even though they may have added more to their being due to experiences . This Awareness indicates for this reason, cremation allows entities the opportunity for dissolving the old , and coming into the new with more of their being, thereby having greater opportunities in the next life fo r taking full advantage of the new experiences with their entire being present in those experiences . QUESTION : J .L . of Lincoln, Nebraska, writes : " We had a discussion in our study group in regards to a newspaper article on cloning and th e freezing of the dead body immediately after death . If it beccmes technically possible to unfreeze and revive a person, would the same soul inhabit the body or could a different soul take up residence in the body? What kind of soul, or is there a soul if a bod y is made from another person from the cloning process ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that in ten-os of the soul and the body, this may be likened unto the entity and hi s clothing. This Awareness indicates that an entity may remove their clothing and place the clothing in storage , and then, after a time, return to the storage to retrieve the cleat p ing . This Awareness indicates the entity ma y also remove his or her clothing and discard the clothing permanently to go elsewhere for other clothing . Thi s Awareness indicates that wherein this occurs, and the clothing is removed from storage, another entity may come along, seeing the clothing, and needing clothing, may take this upon himself . This Awareness suggest s that entities may allow their body to be frozen, that they may move on and create a new body, that they ma y also wait for some time until the body is unfrozen and then reenter that body . This Awareness indicates thi s would be a matter of individual choice . That the entity in leaving the body frozen and going on to create another body will feel a certain kind of retardation, for his entire self has not been withdrawn from the body until that body has dissipated totally . This Awareness indicates for this reason, cremation is the best method o f discarding bodies . This Awareness suggests that another entity moving along through time and space, may discover the body being brought out of deep-freeze and may move into and attempt to take over that body . This Awareness indicates that as part of the original owner of the body still remains, the new inhabitant wil l not have total rein of the body and a dispute may occur, which could lead to certain schizophrenic qualitie s of the revived personality Ievels of the body . This Awareness indicates that the greater likelihood is tha t who-6n an entity allows his body to be frozen with the intention of coming back to inhabit that body, that th e entity would not move on to take up another body, but would remain in limbo until his or her body is unfrozen and then would move back into that body and inhabit that body again . This Awareness indicates that ; thi s would be the probable approach of an entity in such a situation . For if the entity did leave the frozen body t o create another, that entity's new body and experience would be lacking and the entity would essentially be retarded, both physically and mentally in the new body–for part of itself would still be in the frozen body . This Awareness wishes entities to understand that the body is not a separate thing from the soul, that th e soul may be This Awareness suggests an allegory : This Awareness suggests the water within the body i s not a separate thing from the body ; that the water may be withdrawn from the body and certain amount o f moisture may still be present . This Awareness indicates that the moisture which is still present is also water . This Awareness indicates that until all of the moisture is withdrawn, there is still a certain amount of wate r within the body . This Awareness indicates likewise, the soul inhabits the body, and until all of that is with drawn, there is a certain amount of the soul still within the body . This Awareness suggests that the greater portion of the soul can be withdrawn from the body, leaving the appearance of a dead carcass, yet there is still a certain amount of the soul which remains, and will remain until that body is decayed or cremated . This Awareness indicates this also has reference to the action. of mummification, wherein the soul was partially held by the form of the mummy as long as the mummy remained in form and the entity moved on t o other lifetimes, but much of its essence remained with the mummy and it was being directed in part by concepts held by the structures and patterns and brain waves of the mummy . This Awareness indicates that in this situation, the entity moving on from the mummy would be partially retarded---both physically and mentall y and emotionally in future lifetimes–while the soul was slowly being extracted from the mummy--and th e mummy, (the form of the mummy), slowly decayed . This Awareness indicates in the action of cloning, wherein the cell is used to create a new body, that this may be likened unt o taking a portion of the soul of an entity and with that portion being used as is seed, growing a new soul . That the new soul woul d not have much experience except from the Memory of the entity, the soul ; from which it came--the mother soul, which gave i t its original memory and essence .

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THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE INTERPRETER' S M U MM I F I CAT I O N& The Unified States of Awarenes s (Excerpt from a Trance-Lecture for the Unified States of Awareness Tier Board of Twelve, July 26, 1978 ) QUESTION :

Awareness, the Interpreter has been seeing and feeling certain information on the Unified States of Awareness, and has requested that we have a reading on that subject . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as relating unto the Law of Correspondences . This Awareness indicates the experience of movin g through the Icing Tut museum artifacts last night by the Interpreter and yourselves, as that which relates unto the Law of Correspondences. This Awareness indicates that essentially, the energies of ancient Egypt as that which was of a holding nature . Th e action of holding form, maintaining form over a long period of time . This Awareness indicates that the purpose of the Egyptia n experience—the maintenance of form, the holding action-•as that which may be likened unto a vessel which allows the form t o direct the spirit into certain creative endeavors . This Awareness indicates that as has been given previously, the power and th e glory which was held and maintained by those structures, those pyramids and those positions and methods of maintenance relates unto that which was the appearance of form and was held together by that which was decadent, decayed, rotten and o f waste and discard . This Awareness indicates the mummy serving as a seed out of which New Being is created . This Awareness indicates as th e seed decays, the New Being springs forth . This Awareness indicates the Law of Correspondences relates this action to that whic h is Egypt and the civilizations which came forth from this ancient seed placed in consciousness . This Awareness indicates th e stench and decay which lies buried underneath the civilization that came forth, that lies buried under the structures and the glorifications, the gold and jewels, the stench and decay, as that which is the putrefaction in the alchemical process from which th e Philosopher's Stone may begin to emerge as the Light and the rejuvenating factors of humanity . This Awareness indicates that the Interpreter as one who was mummified under the control and guidance of the entity, Ra-Ta . The Interpreter as having been used in part during the 10,000 years and more from that time of Ra-Ta unto present time in a n action which assisted Egypt and its civilizations which sprung from the Egyptian experience, to maintain a kind of power whic h would hold the civilizations together . This Awareness indicates this likened unto a glue, an asphalt or a binding that wrapped th e civilizations together through beliefs, through rituals, through structures and through political and social obligations and relation ships, as well as through the economic systems . This Awareness indicates that the glory and the power that has been the foca l point during this time, as that which has drawn in the energies of consciousness toward the form in an action which allowe d greater expression of a particular type which manifests into a kind of social awareness which has resulted in your present conditions upon this plane . This Awareness indicates the social awareness whereby entities upon this plane are aware of each othe r as nations, as individuals, as races, groups, and as being of different types and of varying cultures, is that which has been a majo r result of this focal action brought on by the use of the forces of Egypt . This Awareness indicates that as Edgar Cayce was the reincarnation of the entity Ra-Ta, and as this entity begin reopenin g those energies from Egypt in the early part of this 20th century, these forces began to re-emerge ; and as these forces opened , the mysteries of Egypt began to oper unto the eyes of the public . This Awareness indicates the entity, Ralph Duby, as havin g moved into that energy which was started by Edgar Cayce and having opened certain further channels whereby new energ y might come forth from the Inner Plane onto this present earth plane . This Awareness indicates the activities of the early 0 of A , The Organization of Awareness ritual and the ritual of the Golden Dawn as having had some great effects upon the energies o f those Egyptian forces and as contributing to the psychic o p ening of the Hail of Records . This Awareness indicates that the interpreter of this message as having been triggered or struck by these energies and the mummified remains in that 1-Tall of Record s as having been touched through the Aka-cord connectors between the entity and the mummified remains, whereby that mununified carcass began to decay and release certain of its energies unto consciousness . This Awareness indicates there were severa l experiences this Interpreter may expose at a later time regarding this . This Awareness indicates that in 1969, this Awareness entered through that hole in space and penetrated the mummy of th e Interpreter to plant a seed in the imagination ; and this seed became the circle of unity which may be likened unto a sperm place d into an egg which then develops and begins to manifest in its own course . This Awareness indicates the circle of unity into th e Universal Services concept which then, through nine years of gestation, evolved into the Unified States of Awareness, which i n the Spring of 1977 began causing labor pains among the social consciousness of the Light Groups, and these labor pains resulte d in the birth of this entity in July of 1977 .This Awareness indicates the christening of the entity in November and its presen t birthdate as being barely over one year . This Awareness indicates this Unified Statics of Awareness as the exact opposite of the energies which were brought forth from Egypt : rather than maintaining and holding power, the Unified States of Awareness i s designed to give forth, to give away that power unto the masses, unto the souls who are citizens of that kingdom . *Please refer to the booklet, For more information on mummies . retardation and cloning . please refer to 'Revelations of Awareness ' The Cosmic Laws o f No . 's : 77-3, 78-7, 78-15, 78-16, 78-21,78-35, 78-39 (Available from the C .A.C. Reprints catalogs) . Cosmic Awareness ' REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a Cosmic Newsletter published by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 98507 . Rates and membership information available upon request .

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