Cosmic Awareness Communication s
The New-Ago Cosmic Newsletter
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Hot Line COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha . Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks agsie today as the world begins co enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Aware-new has been communicating through certain carcfuI]v-trrsncd dun-mei n The imormation contained herein was received front deer, super-conscious trance suites and immerse-red' by an entity affiliated with C.A .C. This information is for those who desire to help in hringgmg in the New Age and those who shall inherit the New Age.`rhroughoucthe many thousands of ' Reading~s given through ; these channels Cosmic Awareness repeatedly tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore , doubt, and discover for yourself through your own channel, what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will onl y indicate end set peest . Members of Cosmic Awareness Communications are melted to send in questions of general interest for possible publication in this Newsletter .
Paul Shockley Trance-Interprete r QUESTION : (From C .A.C . General. Reading No. 4, April 12, 1979•) Awareness, were. here for a general. CAC questioning . Does Awareness have an opening message ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests that the entity Vicki T . ask the questions on her lips . QUESTION : Dr. Beta has suggested that church leaders should go to Russia, co let them know that the entire American fabric is no t rotted. Would Awareness comment on whether it would be advisable if we became involved in this, and comment on the venture ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the idea of ministers of the United States going to the Russis.n government to discuss the worl d situation, to assist in building a dialogue which would be intended to lead to a kind of mutual understanding for future trust an d agreement and relationship between these two nations, is that which is following the suggestions which this Awareness has give n in many previous readings relating to conflicts which can be resolved through dialogue, through ccmn ;unicatiun, through discuss ion, rather than through violence . This Awareness indicates that this action as that which will force the controlled press to mention the journey, to discuss the purpose of the visit, and to notice who is going on this trip to Russia . That whereby these several hundred ministers from various churches move to the Russian Kremlin, and are welcomed by the government, and discussions can take place, this can have a profound effect--nor only on the masses who become aware of this through the news media, bu t also on the members of the churches who are represented by the ministers who visit the Russian government . This Awareness indicates this also can have a great effect upon the United States government, the Senators, and those wh o are put on the spot to listen to that which has occurred in the dialogue with the Russian government. and the American minister s and priests . This Awareness indicates that the purpose of this visit being to inform the ministers of the nature of the Russia n leaders and their view of the world situation . Also to inform these entities that WKH American society does desire peace an d harmony . Also to create an atmosphere and a situation which must be observed by the United States government, which the n will be a cause IRU further dialogue by these ministers when returning to the American government and requesting a dialcrue . This Awareness indicates this us essent s ly likened unto the action of using ministers and priests as mediators between the governments of Russia and the United States, to assist in creating a communication and a dialogue to avoid the intensi fying conflict end dangers of war . COPYRIGHT 1979 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction, however . is permitted .
, n ties win not have the desire to promote war, nor have the necessary mental and p: ion:nosphere for such promotion , This Awareness indicates that this :is being a very positive move on the part of Dr . l3eter and the ministers involved, and w . have a profound effect, if this is carried throt+gh :Is planned . This Awareness indicates the energies on this arc great and huildi and the probability of this neutering is quite high . _ ...,gg .u,
tr-YEST.ION : Would Awareness suggest which . if any, of the Awareness people would be particularly good to include to go ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests that yourself—your faithful companion—the lnterpreter . . .the entities Bob Beard, Mary Farrell, and the interpreter's wife---that others= of the tier, also may consider . This Awareness suggest the entity Tom McQucly . Mary Siplca Alan Michael, and-or-Joseph I ir.erec,T his Awareness indicates that Sonny Cole, Anthony Warren., Alexander Thompson, th e entity jack Kat.ebmar, Julie Sullivan, Sammy Sun-Song . This Awareness indicates the entity Gabriel Green—that all of thes e entities could be of great assistance--that the time and expense may be die limiting factor in regards to their going . This Aware nets suggests however, that in particular the first six entities named be the strongly considered . This Awareness indicates tha t great benefit would also occur if the entity Thomas McQuay, as representing the Capstone for the Unified States of Awareness, could also make this journey . This Awareness saggeets that all who could make he journey should contact Dr . Beier within the next two weeks, preferabl y within the next week . This Awareness suggests that these entities in making this contact, in using the name of the Aquarian Church, or their own organizational name, to indicate the area where they are from . This Awareness indicates that wherein entiries are representing or being represented by the ek; uariav Church, but are in other areas, such as Sonny Cole—that this be noted—that the entity is representing the Aquarian Church in New York. This to make it clear that the Aquarian Church is no t .imply sending a number of ministers froths one particular area—that there are other churches in various areas being represente d by the ministers . THE IMPORTANCE OF C,A .C . MEMBER S GET'l'NG TOGETHER IN THEIR ARE A QUESTION :
Ennconr of iig it••turniny on consciousness to rumen lava's .., .
We ' ve received quite a few hitters from entities around the country who have little. CAC and Aquarian Church group meetings . The most recent one was lire ,l Sonny Cole who requested a list of our membership in his area, and 160 names were given . H e sent out. 160 invit?tions to these entities with very- short notice to meet in New York on April 1st . He was wondering if we woul d ask Awareness about the eigr ificance of this type of meeting and whether it's important that the membership start getting together and doing these mcdi.tazioinc and dismissing these problems and considering trade center action, and so forth . His particular meeting, lie said, occurred in . . .,i'll read a little of his note, He said : 'There were a few people who had farms to share . I will be Ionldng into this in the near future, possibly around April 7th . The main area of concern seemed to be in sur vival foods an d access to farm land . We did the tta.t:muting meditation as a group . There we were in the heart of Babylon, near Broadway an d Times Square in Manhattan—thhe heart of the fleas*.—sending out this white light of meditation—a perfect start for a perfect meditation . More will falow .',Tbe main question is, does Awareness have some suggestions or comments on these entities who ar e getting together and the significance of it ? COSMIC AWARENESS :
This Awareness indicates tinny. entities in working together in this manner can be of great assistance to one another, and can add ideas and support and energy and information on projects and the acq uisition of supplies, properties, and other services and thing which may be of great Insicfit in theirs of crisis, or even in times of peace . This Awareness suggests that these entities mus t LM. cautious of a. tendency to ecco .me dependent on the group for everything . That each entity must he encouraged to prepar e for oneself and one's family, but sin also work with the group . This Awareness suggests this as an independence along with a group interrelationship . This Awareness indicates that wherein
more groups of this nature can join together jr'. various parts of the United States, or Canada, or in other countries, that this ca n he of great benefit--that it is time for such gatherings to occur . Group Protection Hinder the Aquarian Church Charte r This Awareness suggests that the Interpreter is presently putting together a packet for charters . These charters for the Aquaria n Church allow the variicus groups iiidepeudcnt incorporations, with the tax-exemption flowing from the mother church, an d a. kind of component part whereby the charter is granted with packets for schools, Feast Centers, Development Classes, Goodshi p imp s, restaurant in oirihatiazi, other forms of shops and activities. agricul.tvral projects, and so forth, which can be added to tha t :hater as the energies and information is available . This Awareness suggests that these charters begin forming the membershi p t; their area with one charter per ZIP code . This Awareness suggests that this can be of great benefit in not only serving the mcm . ers of swarm, but also in serving the area to give information, to Five service, and to assist in the trade of favors, goods, supplie s nd properties. This Awareness indicates rin :it this also in terms of training of individuals in the Development Classes and other research an d formation activities . This I ..wareness i.n.<iicates that more will be given on this . That entities may now begin forming group s :A gathering names and interests of the individuals, so that these groups may be granted a charter . This Awareness indicate s at individuals wishing a chaster from the church, select among themselves who is to be the officers of that church . That this en can h'r the corn: of the accvisg, and then these may he added to by further membership at a larr'r eh
es- ..use iureaay sent in for the USES F This Awareness d Awareness g i ndicates CENTER will receive the charter, alon g wit ythose indicates develo who wish EAST to s jmp dcharten , center in formation . raduall hp their own ou. ry have groups, study groups an atherings-may hg o also do so uir thout ]h t This Awareness suggests h owever, that the action of forming > groups at ness suggests that you also keep in mind the need to be flit., is that which is a ppropriate, but this This A semi-in dependent, andtime virtually Awareeach one wareness of drat suggests as with likened unto an action whereby entities may come togetheri ndependent when it su if it becomes necessary group tothis work . others eachaon, if tha s tht serve grows the ; but whereby entities may also split apart the purposes and serve , Purposes and becomes necessary, and function i ndividually without grou p This Awareness i ndicates the I nterpreter as having the charters inc orporatedtheseparately, quarters church, the other charters will still be able to function, and continue action so that if anythin g for hea d mation on this is made available in the charter packet . This Awareness indicates gatherings, that these are Iikened inro. This Awareness indicates that in regard to the value occurs unto lights being created to turn on co ge h c hch grou p group to new levels of realityâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;that t complete of the Awareness movement shall findasitsthese roots in these charter churches nsciousness and group gatherings up to now shall equal what will occur impetu s groups begin . That nothing which has occurre to form in various areas . d " For information on how you can start a charter group please write : The Aquarian Church of P.O . Box 400$3, Portland, Universal Servicein. your area , Oregon, 97240 .
U .S .
CHINESE TERRORISTS BEING IMPORTED INTO U .S CERTAIN VIETNAM VETERANS GROUPS.. .P RISONERS. . . . NOW BEING T RAINED TO CREATE TERROR AND CHAO S AS EXCUSE TO CALL IN 'NATIONAL EMERGENCY' POWERS. Question : A question from K .R . of Los Angeles . She writes : " call telling me that Dr . Bernie, of Glendale, California Last night I received a phon e ,repotnTVhaCiserplcng20, in this ountry as aented disruptive, revolutionary action . Could Awareness comment on this? " COSMIC AWARENESS . This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative This Awareness indicates this as part of that whic h . this Awareness has n reviousiy warned about , in terms of the efforts to create revolution withi n this CO untTy, in order to have excuse for clampin g down on freedoms . This Awareness indicates that essentially this wil ac company the int ernational crisis which is bein l g planned in the Middle East, which will help to excus the use of National Emergency Powers to suspen e d various Constitutionally given freedoms . This Aw areness indicates that there may be mor e Chinese brought in in this manner . This Awareness suggests that this be watched very closely, that ther e are also plans to use some well-trained veterans fro m Vietnam for similar purposes, and also plans for usin g prisoners who will be released to . create dis turbances â&#x20AC;˘^ ~ . ..~'tn.; within society when the time is ready for the creation of the rcvolutionationary atmosphere in orde rdc:rrAwaensidct to bring in the this as planned to begin intensifying re strictions . during the month of May and throughout the summer ass . '' For more i . nformation on this and what is pla n Please refer to 'R evelations of Aw ned when the national 'Emergency ' areness' No . 79-1 (The Gathering Storm) Price$4.00, av 361e from e .A .r
Question : A question from W .K ., Dobbs Ferry, N .Y . `I'd like to submit th e following question to Cosmic Awareness on behalf of the member ship : Was the recent accident at the nuclear power plant on Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania rigged by an agent of the Beast for any reason? If so, why? In any case could we be advised as to the best public educational strategy which workers in the light could emplo y in channeling public concern about this event into useful avenue s of investigation and action? ' COSMIC AWARENESS :
This Awareness indicates that this as in the affirmative . This Awareness refers entities to the statement of Dr . Beter in reference to th e corporate socialists, which were exemplified by the Rockefeller brothers, and the State socialists which were exemplified by the Bolshevik s of Russia, which are essentially represented by the Rothschilds, wh o dangled the strings on both corporate socialists and State socialists . This Awareness indicates that essentially the corporate socialists fonned that which has been termed 'Capitalism', whereby the corporations controlled the society and acted as an invisible government i n this United States—controlling the elections, controlling the Congresspersons, Representatives and public officials, news media, and agencie s as well as most unions and associations of any magnitude . This Awareness indicates that these corporate socialists held control over the atomic energy plants, through the Nuclear Regulating Commission . This Awareness indicates that these corporate socialists also held control over the security agencies, suc h as the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency, and others . This Awareness indicates that as these corporate socialists have bee n dealt a heavy blow, as indicated in the Dr . Beter tapes numbers 43 and 44`, there is also an action occurring whereby the Stat e socialists are moving in to create a take-over of all private and corporate property, as occurred in Russia in 1i3 17 with the Bolshevik take-over of Russia : This Awareness indicates that this being directed out of London, by the powers working under Rothschild . This Awareness suggests that the State socialists, and the policy of London, centers around the concept of breaking up large corporations int o smaller corporations— of breaking up centralized government into smaller regions--of breaking down the technology of scientific and educational areas, and of breaking down cultural and ethnic groups into isolated tribes--of breaking down cohesion between churches and people into separate groups, cults, and small communes or small organizations . The purpose of this being to have greater control over the parts, whereby the State itself, under direction of the British powers, can regulate the parts , keeping them small and weak, unable to form a competitive or Iarge body to deal with the British controls . This Awareness suggests that the concept of Ecotopia, whereby the Western part of the United States secede from the East ern part, which has been promoted by a popular book---this as also part of that plan of the British to break cultures apart . This Awareness suggests that the regional governments as also eventually intended by these British agents to be used to form smal l Stites, or Soviets--regions which can be controlled within certain limitations . This Awareness indicates these entities are als o encouraging small communes–isolated and un-organized--away from any large organizational structure. This Awareness suggests that the present plan calls for th breakdown of technology, beginning with that which is most controversial, namely the nuclear energy . This Awareness suggests that this in fact as being a blessing for humanity, for the danger s of nuclear energy are much greater than any benefits which could come from this . However the motivation for this as somethin g which must be looked at . This Awareness indicates that the sabotage which was perpetrated in this instance, as that which wa s designed to stop all further development of nuclear power . Particularly, there was the fear that eventually a power woulet develop whereby nuclear fusion would give greater technological development in the world . This Awareness indicates that the British plan is to keep all nations except those which it has absolute control over, and whic h are managed by its own high agents, to keep all nations subservient—technologically as well as economically . This Awareness hidicates this as one reason why there is a concerted effort to keep the OPEC nations from developing any further their own oil , from allowing the Mexican government to manufacture and refine its oil . This plan is to keep these nations producing raw material, but to send this to the industrialized nations for refinement—this keeping the population of the underdeveloped nations i n a state of poverty, whereby they may easily be controlled . This Awareness indicates that the efforts of creating the nuclear mishap as that which was designed to set back the development of not only nuclear power, but of the entire energy level of the United Stares. That the efforts are to curtail any form of energy development in the United States—this both through oil, through nuclear , or through any other form of development . This Awareness indicates that essentially they are working to set this nation back technologically and economically to where it was in the previous century, except for those particular areas of activity which they control .
This Awareness indicates there will still be some flight, and some industrial activities which will be eventually brought unde r their control—this in reference to the hypothesis of whether they have their way . This Awareness indicates that the spill of ga s in Florida as also part of this maneuver . You are seeing what is the beginning of many such cases of sabotage to industry an d technology. This Awareness indicates there is also an effort to sabotage the fields of education, so that children do not learn , arc not educated in areas of technology to the degree which has been prevalent in the 60 's . This Awareness indicates there wil l be a concerted effort to curtail the basic educational development of children . That the future will see these entities attemptin g more sabotage, which the general public will believe to be a sign that science and technology arc failures, and that `we shoul d get rid of them ' . This Awareness indicates that ro some degree this is truce there have been many failures and much excess of stupidity in the areas of scientific developments. This Awareness indicates, however, there also have been many valuable breakthroughs whic h could be of great humanitarian putposcs . This Awareness indicates that there shall also be seen efforts to break down the fabric of society—the structure of society—and many entities will feel this is a revolution which shall lead to greater freedoms . This Awareness indicates however, that y ou he aware that this is being perpetrated by State socialists, whose intention is to enslav e entities under the State, and is no more honorable than the corporate socialists, whose intention was to enslave entities unde r the corporation . This Awareness indicates that the entire situation as that which is beginning to become unglued at the scams, and this is wha t can lead to the downfall of those who would hold power over others . For even these most powerful persons may find them selves unable to deal with the powers of masses of persons or groups who are not controlled by a solid structure from the top , down . This Awareness indicates they have taken control of the strings from the top, down ; yet there are parts which are breaking off, and the entire structure is beginning to crumble, separate ., crack, and weaken . This Awareness indicates it is during that crucial p eriod, wherein the structure's cohesiveness melts, that something totall y new upon this plane may emerge: This Awareness indicates this as coming about due to the meditations and the eitergieings of individuals and groups who have oriented themselves around the spiritual energies of the New Age of Enlightenment . 4ca•B*6 4
° Dr. Beter's Audio Letters No . 43 and 44 may be obtained from C.A .C., PO lox 115 ; Olympia, Washington 95507 . (Price : $6 pe r set, mailed First Class mail) for those who wish to get the Dr . Pieter Parties happening in their area . To subscribe to Dr . Beret's monthly Audio Letter service . please write : Dr . Beter Audio Lette r P .O . Box 1 e42 1 Ft Worth . Texas 76133
SOME OF THE EFFECTS FROM TH E Htet.LiN LIGHT AND ENERG Y THE MEMBERSHIP IS SENDING OUT Costa re Awareness asks that yo u Include Dr . Pater Moto r
Question : The Interpreter has been feeling unusually relaxed, and withou t nearly so much stem, and fewer headaches lately, and we wer e discussing this the other night and wondering if those many members out there who have written us that they are showering us wit h love, light and protective energies has anything to do with this . COSMIC AWARENESS :
This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative, that this as having a very profound effect on the health, energy, attitudes and vitalit y of the Interpreter and others connected with the communications . This Awareness indicates that this as being of great benefit, that without this assistance from the membership, these reading s which have been giver: ,regarding the possibility of nuclear war, would have been Fnuch more difficult, and the energy levels req uired to give these would have taxed the Interpreter and those assisting in the communications, to such degree that the qualit y of readings . the information, would .,have been less comprehensive . This Awareness suggests that wherein entitics,have the abilit y to include these members in their prayers, in their healing in- :aging, in their meditations, and in showering then' 'kith light---tha t this as being a way of helping the situation on :ell levels . This Awareness indicates that many entities who cannot afford time, action, or money, can afford the visualization of dear , white light, protecting these entities . This Awareness asks that you also include the entity, Dr . Peter Beter and his staff in you r ; meditations--{or this entity as being put in a much more vulnerable position now that the proprotective energies, prayers tection from the Rockefeller brothers and family has been removed . This Awareness asks that you cover this entity with protect ,. i.ve light, and your prayers and concerns, that the entity might continue in his divine work . REVlihAT?ONS OF R'41'At :.ENE%S is a manic newsier= published by Connie Awarcnc r„. Communications . F .V . Box 115, Olympia., Wrebsngton . 95507, Ram and mernbcaship information upon request . (Permission to reproduce this reading in any manner is hereby given)