Cosmic Awareness 1979-22: A Petition To The Inner Planes To Bestow Riches Upon Light Workers

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s

The New-Age Cosmic Newsletter

P . 0.

ao . 115, Olympia, Washington 98SO 7

COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Caveat an d other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'I lcavcnly Father' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been comtmunicaung through certain carefully-trained channels . The information contained herein was received from deep, super-conscious trance states and 'interpreted ' an entity affiliated with C .A .C 'l'his information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age and those who shall inherit the by New Age . Throughout the man y thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels, Cosmic Awareness repeatedly tells us not to believe anything, hut to question, explore . doubt, and discover For yourself, through your own channel, what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and sumest . Members o f Cosmic Awareness Communications are invited to send in questions of general interest for possible publication in this Newslett .et .

. . . .Ah,

Come on, God . . . .Give us some bread


upon WHOS E

'Will Be Done ' ----Thine or Min e Paul Shockley, Trance-Interpreter


I have here what appears to be a question from J .K ., Royal Oak, Michigan . lle has sent a long letter and a long petition whic h

relates to an appeal to the inner planes to bestow financial freedom, end of the Beast conspiracy and various other things for th e New Age . Rather than read the whole letter (unless Awareness requests it), it 's distilled down to one basic question that I ca n see here : " Cosmic Awareness, please tell us if our requests on the attached petition, dated March 4, 1979 are in accordance wit h the will of God, and if so, will they be granted to God's light workers effective Easter, 1979, symbolized by the ` America Unde r God Glory Day' in Washington, DC, May 1, 1979, so that God 's light workers can co-create the New Age Unified States of Awareness Fourth Dimensional Social Order for God 's Golden Age in total freedom, joy, abundance, dignity and ecstasy for the firs t time in eons? " tr y' s Note : the letter and petition was based on the premise that the wealth of the Rockefeller ' s and Rothschilds which up t o now has been used mainly to support the program and activities of the Beast, must now b e purified and channeled to 'Light workers ' . Evidently a ritual was performed by the letter-writer an d others in his group, candles were burned, prayers etc . were intoned to St . Germaine and othe r executives in the Spiritual Hiearchy who reputedly have the power to grant such requests .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that your petition is likened unto a request or praye r to those on the inner plane . This Awareness indicates that this has been receive d and is being given consideration . This Awareness indicates this in the sam e manner that other prayers are received and being given consideration . Thi s Awareness indicates that essentially requests and prayers work in the followin g manner : HOW PRAYERS WOR K

This Awareness indicates wherein an entity gives forth a prayer, that as likene d unto a request . The entity then is open to receive–the entity being placed in a vacuum of receptivity, waitin ggin for the prayer to be answered--this a s a state of expectancy . This Awareness indicates that wherein ;an entity has the attitidue of "my will be done", and - ._. petitions or prays to God or spiritual forces (or demonic forces in w ~ .~I ' some cases ), the petition being issued as an action of request to satisf y one's personal wil , this request is often ignored, due to other considerations by those beings who have been petitioned, which they feel arc more worthy or more . t important than the entity ' s personal will .




COPYRIGHT 1979 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission only .

This Awareness indicates that another form of prayer is that wherein an entity petitions and asks for assistance or for understanding, but finishes the prayer or petition with the attitude of "Thy Will be Done". This Awareness indicates that this as likened unto an entity asking for something if it all right with the one wh o could supply this . This Awareness indicates this implies that the requesting person is willing to accept whateve r situation or whatever decision is made regarding the situation—therefore is a loyal subject of the one being petitioned, willing to accept a `No' if that is the will of the one being petitioned . This Awareness indicates tha t such an entity is somewhat more realistic, because the entity is able to accept a rejection without feeling tha t this would be unusual or greatly damaging to the entity . This Awareness indicates still another attitude in petitioning is the attitude based on faith . This wherein a n entity petitions or prays or asks for assistance, and then allows the one petitioned to take the case from there . This Awareness indicates this as likened unto a child or an entity who moves up to one who could be of assistance, asks for help, then says, "If you will assist, I'll be over here, and you may contact me there ." This Awareness indicates the entity then may also add, "I'm sure you'll understand my need, and give assistance ." Thi s Awareness indicates the entity then moves on to other things, tieing well aware and feeling quite confident tha t he or she will receive the needed assistance . This Awareness indicates this as a prayer or petition which is base d on the concept of faith . THE



(Putting yourself in the place of the All Mighty }

This Awareness wishes you to look at these three means of petitioning : This Awareness indicates that you visualize yourself as one who is being petitioned . That one entity approaches you and says, "I want you t o make me rich in the same manner that Joe is rich ." Then this entity walks on . The entity may add a few statements such as, "It is unfair, since I am doing so well, and Joe is such a scum, that I should operate in this manner ." This Awareness indicates there may be further statements of a similar nature, further arguments for th e justification of having riches bestowed upon this entity . This Awareness suggests you visualize this entity approaching you in this manner . This Awareness suggests that next comes an entity who states to you, "I have certain needs . If it is withi n your will, and you care to assist, 1 would deeply appreciate any help you can give . Thy will be done." Thi s Awareness indicates that this entity then moves on . This Awareness suggests the third entity approaches and states, "There are certain things we are trying t o do, but we need help . I feel confident that once you have noticed our efforts, you'll agree to our needs and d o what you understand to be be correct in helping us . Thank you very much ." This entity then moves on an d goes about his business, without actually asking for anything, but expressing an expectation that somethin g will be done. This Awareness indicates that you examine these three approaches and ask yourself carefully, which of thes e approaches would you, yourself, be most inclined to respond favorable toward ? This Awareness indicates that those entities petitioned are indeed considering your petition—examinin g whether the method is appropriate, whether the general situation is to be satisfied by the request ; whether th e amount desired is necessary and appropriate for what is to be done . This Awareness indicates also these entitie s are aware that there are some who have stolen wealth, property, riches from others and temporarily appear t o be benefitting greatly from that theft. This Awareness indicates that to these entities, that is not an argumen t for one to use to make these entities feel responsible to give equal riches to another who has not stolen . DON'T BE ENVIOUS OF THOSE WITH ILL-GOTTEN GAIN S ( The Karmic Chickens Will One Day Como Home to Roost }

This Awareness indicates that those who have indulged themselves with wealth and riches through false means , through violations, shall reap their reward—this earth not being a place intended for mere competitive gain s and rules of proper relationship, but rather as a place wherein entities can experience and Iearn from those experiences . That many entities who appear to be experiencing great enjoyment at the expense of others hav e not yet experienced the entire journey of their actions, nor learned the lessons which their actions will bring . This Awareness suggests you not become envious of those whose wealth has been amassed through greed an d violations, for these entities shall still experience that which you would not envy . This Awareness suggests that in terms of the true needs of your own self and others who are working t o bring about the clarity and harmony necessary upon this plane, that there is only a necessity to have what yo u need in order to function efficiently—according to the plan, according to the will, according to the understanding of those who are in fact directing the movement of energies upon this plane in its movement toward th e Clear Light .

_--. 1J a, vah , Buddh

Krishna, Jesus, S

Germaine an d t who will listen

. tSatan? 1

etc & Goddesses .Jeho can't get the H e. W e ATTENTION : God, Masters, s , Gods hadly ate eyl . We this funding anY other /ascended Master .i mmedi . . . tely d Roth s >era Mot u t ythesl e R o c k e f e l e r a n moneY fund eBast broke dow n NEED t hdobr .We ar hou not wish to support Che etc . to ensla.vave us m oney-changer d os Age started witho We g to trsuin fight the y t BELIEVE in Y ou• billions nothing~ Many lion s the are than ks B chiVds have many. . . Yon .the . CountYl .. .have . or a start iless le of billion for WORKERS ) h ere•-.penn i n for How about a co .K TH E owith Yours t.r (ul .. .J Wealth Alone Will Not Defea t the Armies of Darknes s

This Awareness indicates that you appear to doubt the wisdom, the ability of those who are directing th e forces. This Awareness indicates this as your right : and blesses you for this questioning and doubting . Thi s Awareness indicates, however, that simply because you doubt, does not mean that the inner plane forces o f spiritual beings, nor this Awareness, has forgotten the needs of the earth people of light, nor ignores these entities, but rather that there arc certain urgencies which may in fact need to be experienced and dealt wit h which supercede the urgency of being wealthy enough to make things happen simply . This Awareness indicates that when there is a battle between one army and another, and when one arm y falls asleep and allows the other to enter in and take their weapons and wealth, then extracting the weapon s and wealth from that army, returning in victory and enslaving the army—this Awareness indicates that wherei n the sleeping army begins to awaken, and put forth prayers and petitions to higher beings that it is unfair, tha t it is unjust because that army has come in and taken their weapons and wealth, this Awareness indicates tha t this as an ironic prayer . This Awareness suggests that when these entities imply that the spiritual beings, th e `gods' have deserted them, because they do not give them better weapons and greater wealth to fight their enemies, this becomes rather ironic . This Awareness indicates that if entities allow themselves to be disarmed, allow their purses to be picked–i f entities allow themselves to fall asleep, then pray out for the `gods ' to rescue them, not having done anythin g for themselves--what lesson is there? What lesson is learned? This Awareness indicates the assistance being given as that which relates more unto wisdom and understanding of the situation—the awakening of the masses . This as greater than the physical wealth which those entities , those few entities who are awake may be requesting . This Awareness indicates you are one of the army of Light who has awakened . There are a few other s around you who are awake, and while you are crying out for more weapons and wealth because yours hav e been taken by the army of darkness, there are still many in your camp who are asleep, whose pockets ar e being picked, whose weapons are being taken, whose freedoms are being taken–who arc being chained an d bound by armies of darkness . This Awareness suggests that indeed, wealth and weapons would assist you t o awaken your sleeping brothers and sisters, yet there is even greater need to awaken yourself to the realities o f the nature of the game . This Awareness indicates this as part of the karma, or the effect, of having been lulle d into sleep . This Awareness indicates that many entities will find themselves chained and held in bondage, thei r weapons and wealth taken, before they awaken to reality . This Awareness indicates this as necessary to teac h entities not to fall asleep under the wagging tongue of the Luciferian Beast . This Awareness indicates that once entities learn this lesson, they may be free indeed forever . If this Awareness or other beings delivered these entities from their shadow of death without their even knowing what wa s occurring, saving these entities while in their drunken stupor of materialism and self-centered gratifications , would these entities become vigilent soldiers of Light ? 3.

This Awareness wishes you to understand that as you give service with what you have available, energies ar e returned to you to allow you to give more—if you give more service, awakening others with what you hav e available, energies are returned to you to allow you to give still more . This Awareness indicates this is the La w of Gratitude, which will not be superceded by a petition for vast amounts of appropriations from this Universa l Government to allow your forces to fight against your neighboring forces, simply because the forces which yo u have been aligned with fall asleep and allowed your neighboring enemies to enter your camp and rob you o f your wealth and weapons . This Awareness hopes that this clarifies the situation for you, so that you can kno w how to proceed without waiting around for a Universal Government grant or armament appropriation fro m this Awareness : This Awareness gives you, through the Law of Gratitude, all that you need, to do what you need to do .

:+< '2 :+$/(6 %($&+ 7+(06(/9( 6 $1' ',( " (A Need for Psychiatrists of the Deep )

QUESTION : A question from N .J .B. of Tampa, Florida : he would like to know wha t causes whales and other large mammals to beach themselves and subsequently die? And how can we prevent this or assist ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as a form of suicide . The question may als o he asked, 'What causes man to venture into another dimension, even thoug h it costs his life?' This Awareness indicates that this also is a form of suicide . This Awareness indicates that which is present in both cases is curiosity regarding the unknown and a sense of dissatisfaction with the known . This Awareness indicates that there is little that can be done, other tha n to be aware of the emotional needs of alt living creatures, and wherein possible, create an environment that satisfies these creatures. This Awareness indicates that communication through telepathy or feeling or transpersonative type of connection with such creatures can have some possibility of assistance, whereb y you could communicate and encourage telepathically the creature--but the likelihood of this actually havin g an effect is quite remote . This Awareness indicates that essentially, there is very little which can be accomplished once this creature has determined to move in that direction . This Awareness indicates this as similar to th e lemmings who yearly head for the sea to commit suicide . This Awareness indicates that were you able to capture such creatures and work with them biologically or through psychological techniques and reprogramming , or with electronic probes and conditioning devices, there might be a way of changing their instincts . Thi s Awareness indicates that this as something which could be considered in regard to the instincts of animals, rep tiles, birds . * For more information on whales, please refer t o ` Revelations of Awareness ' No . 78-39 (Can the Whale be Saved? ) QUESTION : 1-lave the whales always been doing this, or is it just since the environment lately has just gotten too intolerabl e for them ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as being somewhat of an increased phenomena, due in part to a change i n the environment and a drop in the population . This Awareness indicates the whale population having droppe d greatly, leaves many whales feeling deserted, lonely and isolated, and this creates deeper emotional need an d traumas, which become exaggerated over periods of time . This Awareness indicates that this however, is als o an instinctive action which whales have used down through the ages, since there are few other ways of committing suicide . There are few sea creatures who would attack a whale, therefore the whale's `way out ' is through this method and certain others . This Awareness indicates that generally the whale in committing suicide in this manner, has done so fro m physical pains or injuries, being tired or weakend and unable to swim and needing air . This Awareness indicates that in some cases, however, the whale simply sinks and drowns, and surrenders itself, or allows other sea creatures to take its body . This Awareness indicates that instincts of animals such as the whale, the elephant, who moves to certai n burial grounds when sensing a death approaching--these instincts are very deep, and would be quite difficul t for humans at the present stage of scientific development to deal with such instincts in a manner that woul d greatly change them . This Awareness indicates when science has developed a system, particularly that usin g electronic or psionic devices that can alter the DNA/RNA structural programmings ill the cells of animals, th e instincts may be altered, and changes sufficient to make 4 a difference .

Blessed are the sleepy, for the y shall soon drop off. Nietzche



A question from K .K., Chicago . "Dear CAC . I have a question to be asked to Cosmic Awareness that is o f general interest . My husband and I want very much to be able to sleep together at night, but he snores loudly , usually just when I am about to doze off . This gives me the problem of insomnia and is very frustrating . Is there any remedy for snoring that he can use, and for heavy breathing, so we can begin to sleep at night in th e same bed again ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates there is a very minor operation which can be performed for this purpose . Thi s Awareness suggests you speak to your doctor in regard to this . This Awareness indicates also that for you r own part, you may have a change of attitude toward this snoring . This Awareness suggests that much of the resistance to this relates unto a concern as to whether the entity is breathing properly . This Awareness indicate s this can be disturbing to entities who create in their consciousness a resistance to the sound of snoring . Thi s Awareness suggests that you may consider this as likened unto the purring of a cat, and in this manner ma y begin to have a different attitude toward this, so that it is not so bothersome . This Awareness suggests that th e nature of deep sleep for many entities requires that they breathe deeply . That this deep breathing as being a n action which allows the metabolism to restore and repair the parts . This Awareness suggests that the entity ma y also try sleeping in different positions so that the snoring is minimized . This Awareness suggests this may b e experimented with for this entity's particular needs, to discover which positions are least prone to cause th e snoring. This Awareness suggests that you may also wear earmuffs--this being more appropriate than having th e entity wear nose plugs . ****


A question from S .S. of Williamsport, N .Y. She wonders if we have anything available from Awareness pertaining to the mandatory educational system for children . `I would be particularly interested if you have . My personal feelings are that forced attendance, specified requirements for learning, and the insistence on conform ity and competition are wrong, considering that we are supposedly living in a free country . I further feel tha t the need and desire to learn are instinctive, and that if children are turned off on learning, it is because of th e compulsory school system . Why not give equal opportunity to people all ages instead of forcing it down th e throats of those who aren't yet ready, regardless of the fruitlessness of such actions or the damages often done ? I would really be interested in NQRZLQJ what Awareness has to say about this .'

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that each state has its own laws in regards to education . This Awareness indicate s that the various nations also have their laws . This Awareness indicates that the United States has laws whic h provide education for young people through the public school system . This Awareness indicates that there are certain states which allow parents to remove their children from school and teach their children, under certai n conditions . This Awareness indicates that there are also ways whereby parents (and sometimes requiring a teacher wit h credentials), can set up a private school . This Awareness indicates that there are also possibilities for religiou s schools . This Awareness indicates that the Aquarian Church is preparing to present information on helpin g others to set up church schools, whereby they can begin to teach their children or have their childen taught by entities who do not promote competition, but rather promote cocreative actions, self development and cooperation and integrative teachings, to allow the student to develop his or her full potential in a proper environment with the tested techniques suggested by those teachers and educational experts such as Krishnamurti , Fromm, Thomas Gordon, Ivan Illik, John Holt and others . This Awareness indicates the entity Julie Sullivan as having information on this .* That this entity is prep aring articles for the magazine Seriatim. This Awareness indicates that information regarding the educational plans for the Aquaria n Church, this magazine, and the articles relating to the magazine, these may be obtained b y writing P .O . Box 40083, Portland, Oregon, 97240, in care of Julie Sullivan . This Awareness indicates also, that entities may contact the Dean Point School (P .O. Box 266, Nehalem, Oregon, 97131) for information relating to the school project which they hav e begun, which is of a similar nature . That the entity Mike Krell (at Dean Point) as considerin g work in a similar nature, and may be of assistance in informing others of how they migh t start their own school in their area. This Awareness indicates that this message is not intended to put undue strain o n these entities. This Awareness suggests this information may be limited, for the entities are not completely ready for releasing this information at this time . That thes e entities are considering this for future release, when they have the facilities and mean s of releasing the information, and when it has been organized and researched . This Awareness suggests that the entity Julie Sullivan as having the most inform ation on the activities of creating a school in your area, for this as being prepared fo r the magazine Seriatim. ED's NOTE : The above reading was given by Awareness on January 12, 1979 . However, since that time , the articles mentioned by Awareness in the above reading have been published in the magazine 'Seriatim ' Iournal of Ecotopia, issue No . 10. For a copy of this magazine send $2 .50 to Seriatim, 122 Carmel , El Cerrito, California, 94530 . Also, information on the Dean Point School is now available . Send $1 .00 to P .O . Box 266, Nehalem, Or on, 97240 for brochure and reprints of articles about the school. Mike Krell, founder of the school also has a trade center going there called 'Store-Up ' as well as a bookstore . Any CAC members driving along the Oregon coast on vacation have been invited by Mike to stop by an d chat and trade items, as the trade center is now open for business . Information on starting a free schoo l and reprints of articles by Julie Sullivan may also be obtained by writing hcr .(Address in above reading) .

"Lazarus . . . .Come forth! "

DID JESUS REALLY RAISE LAZARU S FROM THE DEAD AFTER FOUR DAYS ? QUESTION : A question from A.M., West Palm Beach, Florida . "In the 79-11R reading on the Kahuna prayer, this bring s a couple of questions to my mind that I wish for Awareness to answer . Did the entity Jesus truly raise Lazaru s from the dead, and if so, how? Since the body had been dead for four days and Awareness has said after 7 2 hours the soul has left the body, how then can the soul be brought back into a body when it has left it completely? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this can be done . This Awareness indicates that this generally not after four days, wherein the entity has been dead for four days . This Awareness indicates however, that wherein an entity is in a deep coma, or wherein an entity is in a state of suspended animation, that the soul may leave th e body even as the soul leaves the body while entities sleep . This Awareness indicates that this may also b e brought back. 6.

This Awareness indicates there are cases on record, particularly in the Orien t and India, wherein entities have been in a state of suspended animation for lon g periods of time, This Awareness indicates one case for example, wherein an entity was found sealed within a tomb, the tomb having been sealed some 300 year s previously, and the entity upon the opening of the tomb, the entity came bac k to life—this entity having been in a state of suspended animation for some 300 years, this entity being fully aware of the history and nature of activities whic h were occurring 300 years previously . This Awareness indicates that this as an extremely unusual situation, but a s an example of that which can occur wherein an entity's body is prepared fo r such activity, the poisons out of the body and the cells fully charged with oxygen and no efforts or activities which would use the energy or oxygen, wherei n the circulation and hearbeat are slowed down to nothing, wherein the breathin g has stopped and the cells fully charged may simply sit and hold the energy with out using or burning any of this energy . This Awareness indicates that this as an area, which entities of the Western World are not yet ready to fully understand . This Awareness indicates in the case of the entity Jesus in his relation wit h Lazarus, this as a . different matter—the entity Lazarus was indeed dead and wa s experiencing the beginnings of physical decay . This Awareness indicates thi s entity Jesus as one who had some extremely refined spiritual energies and was capable of drawing on even greater energies than those within his own body—th e entity was capable of drawing from the spiritual realm energies which were of a transmuting nature . This Awareness indicates that this entity as one who was highly skilled an d highly trained and was of a special birth, being from the realm of Celestria , having moved down the vibratory ladder to this physical plane . This Awarenes s indicates that this entity quickly developed his capabilities, was assisted b y guides from Celestria and was assisted by mystical schools and teachings i n Egypt, India, Tibet, and that which is now known as Turkey . This Awareness indicates that these teachings assisted this entity in healing processes, in alchem ical magic, and in mental focusing to such a degree that he could draw these energies from the surrounding atmosphere, channel these energies as light, an d raise this body in its vibratory levels while calling the soul to return . This Awareness indicates that in this manner, the entity Lazarus arose . This Awareness indicates there also are other methods such as the action of raising one who is simply in a suspended animation state, but this was not the case with the entity Lazarus . Yogi Yoganandn now in Suspended Animation State

QUESTION : Would that be the same case with the entity Yogi Yogananda who died several years ago and whose bod y allegedly is not decaying at all ? COSMIC AWARENESS ; This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative, that this entity learned to purify his body by expelling al l poisonous air . This Awareness indicates the entity explains much of this in his teachings, particularly thos e related unto the Hansa meditation . This Awareness indicates this also in relation to other areas of his teaching.* * Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship, Publishers . (Also available from C .A.C . nook Dept. $6 .95) FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIANS DEGRADE JESUS BY USING HIS NAME IN VANITY AND EG O . . .This as the shame, perversion and the sickness of the Christian teachings "

This Awareness suggests that there are strange and wonderous things which occur in the philosophy techniques and methods of certain Yogis of India and Tibet . This Awareness indicates that for the Fundamental Christian who considers everything outside of his or her own belief to be of the devil, this would more tha n likely be classed as an action of the devil . This Awareness indicates that for the Fundamental Christian wh o sees such miracles as the action of Babaji, who simply pops up out of the ground before certain entities, an d disappears in thin air, or who remains exactly the same age for hundreds of years when appearing at variou s 7.

times before the followers of that type of philosophy, the Fundamentalist Christian would more than likel y assume that this entity must be an agent of the devil . This Awareness indicates that if the entity Jesus had been named by an Oriental mother, having been give n a name such as Shavako, and having lived in the 18th Century, and having raised an entity from the dead, o r having healed blind persons, but being of a philosophy which was of the culture of India or Tibet, the Fundamentalist Christian would likely label that entity as being of the devil . This Awareness indicates that the Fundamentalist Christian basically cannot survive without a devil everywhere present to vent their hostility toward . This Awareness indicates this as the shame and the perversion and the sickness of the Christian teachings, fo r the entity Christ is being deeply degraded by these kinds of entities who use his name in vanity and as an eg o action to condemn others . This Awareness indicates that the entity Jesus as having had a beautiful spiritual and wonderous message , but these entities concentrate more on their own positions, rather than on the message . These entities gloa t in being `one with Chris t ' , hanging on his coattails, claiming to be his followers, condemning others—yet thes e entities fail miserably to learn the lessons of mercy, love and compassion which this entity gave to those wh o would accept. This Awareness indicates essentially, Lazarus was raised from the dead by a miracle, even as each entity ca n be raised from the dead by the miracle of Christ Consciousness . This Awareness indicates that this analogy o f Lazarus and the Christ Consciousness has several levels of meaning other than simply that of a physical ressurrection from the dead . For more information on the Fundamentalist Christian s and the relation to Jesus, please refer to 'Revelations of Awareness ' No . 7841 (The Bible Fundamentalists)



in history )

QUESTION : The following question has been sent in by six or seve n members at various times, so I'll ask it now : `What significance is there for the world in the lining up in 1981 of th e planets ? Note : never in history has this occurred before, an d whenever the planets are on the same side of the sun, ther e are increased earthquakes, volcanoes and so forth . Wil l great earth changes begin in 1981, and what should w e as members of C .A.C . do concerning this?' (This was a question sent in by G .K . of Chicago, Illinois .

er" COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates there shall be great intensities on many levels—that much of this shall tak e place within the individual consciousness of entities . This Awareness suggests that this as having an effect o f integrating various concepts, various ideas, various feel ings and emotions, so that entities suddenly experienc e a kind of grand awakening . This Awareness indicates that the energies at tha t time may be considered as a new initiation for humanity—a flashpoint in consciousness and a new beginning—that this shall give new starts for programs . This Awareness suggests that any action begun a t that time shall have great force and power and will be highly energized in terms of its future expressions . This Awareness suggests that the activities which are already in motion may be rededicated, rechristened , revised in order to make use of that new energy, and the initiation of its vibrations . This Awareness suggests that more will be given on this at later times . or



QUESTION : Does Awareness have a comment in relation to the recent eclipse of the sun ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this actio n had an effect of balancing certain polarity extremes, bringing them together in a manner that created a kind of discharge, and in creased a sensitivity on the emotional levels. This Awareness indicates this particularly i n those areas in the path of the eclipse . This Awareness indicates that energies which had been in motion for approximately six months prior to the eclipse were involved in this depolarization, this liken unto discharges of energies from the likened remes to allow a more balanced equilibrium in reference to the energies which had bee n increasing in their polarity up to that time . This Awareness indicates that this balancing shall continue for a t least 30 days following the eclipse, whereby the energies shall quickly dissipate at that time . This Awareness indicates that this also has strong effect upon heads of state, whereby the powers place d upon them shall experience certain transitions or transmutations whereby the polarized attitudes or placemen t or positioning may be suddenly shifted to others or to other concepts or other positions in terms of attitude s or placements .* given March 8, 1979, and refers to the eclipse of the sun which had occurred shortly before . It is interesting to • ED's Note : The above reading was. Beter began to reveal how the heads of state had been eliminated and replaced with doubles (organic robatoids) . note that a month or two later, Dr


A question from J .J.L . of Milwaukee, Wis . "We have several beehives inhabiting crevices of our house . The only way to remove them to a less populated area would be to tear out a part of our porch . We do not want to kill them, but their presence in this crowded neighborhood is difficult. Do you have any suggestions in terms of asking the bees to leave, and the best way to do that, or do you believe that under certain circumstances insect pests must be destroyed? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates there are several approaches : that you may hire or request a beekeeper to come and assist you in removing these bees, unde r the conditions which you desire . This Awareness suggests that another alter native is to build yourself or purchase a beehive and put a certain amount o f honey in and around that beehive to draw them to it . This Awareness suggests that while the bees are discovering the beehive. 9.


This Awareness suggests that you may begin using both your mind force to suggest that they leave whil e simultaneously creating a disturbance to their present home, such as for instance hammering on the wall continuously either with a mechanical type of machine or hammer, or placing a loudspeaker against the wall, s o that the bees inside are never allowed any peace, whereby music with a strong beat is continually disturbin g them. That you may hook some kind of alarm system ; such as a smoke alarm, on the wall next to their nests , their hives, so that they are continually being irritated by the vibrations or sounds of this smoke alarm--thi s requiring also that certain smoke trigger the alarm . This Awareness indicates that also a buzzer or some form of electronic signal may be sent into the wall . This Awareness suggests that any of these types of activities t o disturb their peace as being capable of disrupting them and causing them to leave . This Awareness suggests that the most effective method would be to have something which not only mad e a noise, but which vibrated the wall, such as a mechanical type of hammering device that struck the wall fro m outside, opposite their entrance hole, so that when they exit to find out what is wrong, they can find nothin g because it is on the opposite side of the wall . This Awareness indicates that you also have the honey in the hiv e already known to the bees, so that they eventually move to the new hive--not only to enjoy the honey, bu t also to escape the disturbance in their old hive . How

to Get Rid of Ant s

This Awareness indicates that wherein ants are a problem for entities, (ants coming into their homes to devour sugar, syrup, or other foods), this Awareness suggests tha t you follow their path and simply take the sugar or syrup to the ant, rather than allowing the ant to enter your home . This not only saves you the trouble of dealing with ants i n your home, but also saves the ant the trouble of having to go so far to receive the foods .

HELP FOR PROSTATE PROBLEM S WITHOUT SURGER Y More on the new AMA (Alternative Medical Association ) QUESTION : A question from L .M . of Sunnyvale, Ca . "Has Awareness every given suggestions on non-surgical prostate treatment? If not , would it be possible to ask Awareness to briefly comment ' on this subject . There maybe other CAC members with a similar condition . I have had this prostate condition intermittently for about a year, and is now becoming more of a problem . I have been advised to have surgery for this condition, but am reluctant to do it without exploring some non-surgical methods . There is a ris k of the patient being left impotent after prostate surgery . I am 49 years old and not ready for this. " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests the name be repeated. (It is) . This Awareness indicates this information as having been previously given to a member from Ponca City, Oklahoma, the name not seen clearly at this time . This Awareness indicates that there is als o information on herbal treatment of this condition—this available through the *RRGVKLS through Mary Farrell . That the Dr. Christopher herbal formula and a formula in his book as also effective in this treatment . This Awareness indicates that goldenseal, cayenne, uva ursi, yellow dock, burdock root and several other herbs involved whic h are not seen clearly at this time . This Awareness suggests that you contact the Goodship for this information, that this as availabl e through this source . This Awareness indicatcs also that, entities wishing other information on various healing problems may benefi t by sending to Atlantis Rising Herb Shop in Portland, Oregon . This Awareness indicates that this entity Joseph Montagna as havin g begun the Alternative Medical Association (AMA), based omherbal healing . This Entity as having many formulas for curing thos e various types of so-called difficult and even `incurable' diseases . This Awareness indicates that much of his efforts have been occas ionally hindered by the postal authorities, but this Awareness suggests that communication in a letter about your problem to thi s entity can assist in finding the proper formula for healing . This Awareness indicates this entity as keeping strict research record s on the results of the use of herbal formulas and that this information is also available for those wishing to research this . This Awareness highly recommends the works of Joseph Montagna, and the Atlantis Rising Bookstore and herbal treatments, This Awareness indicates that there are also personal healing services available with this entity and others working through his organization . This Awareness indicates that you and others may also consider this as a source of reliable service in terms of non-surgical assistanc e for health problems . "' Goodship,

Box 40083 ; Portland, Oregon 9724 0 Atlantis Rising, 7915 SE Stark, Portland, Oregon, 9721 5 P.O .

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P.O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 9S507 . Rates and membership information available upon request .

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