Reuelat~ioad Price : $3 .00 741-26
The New-Age Cosmic Newslette r
COSMIC AWARENESS COMMUNICATION S P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 9850 7
SPECIAL REPORT--(Alternative Energies ) COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce an d other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly rather' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through certain carefully-trained channels . The information contained herein was received from deep, super-conscious trance states and 'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for those who desire to help in bringing In the New Age and those who shall inherit the New Age .Throughout the man y thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels Cosmic Awareness repeatedly tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore , doubt, and discover f o" r yourself, through \RXU own channel, what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Members o f Cosmic Awareness Communications are invited to send in questions of general interest for possible publication in this Newsletter .
NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS----THE MUSHROOMING BEAS T ....How to close them down .. . .A new energy alternativ e
COPYRIGHT 1070 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service, Reproduction however is permitted .
Should the Protests Continue ? (Excerpt from a 1978 reading )
QUESTION : Awareness, how do the atomic plants, specifically Trojan , here in this environment affect the people around them an d fish we eat etc ?
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this has been generall y established that there have been great violations t o life forms by the use of radiation . This Awareness indicates that there is no way that radiation forces , the use of atomic energy in these particular uses ca n be beneficial to the life upon this planet . This Awareness indicates that the use of radiation is destructive, and destructive forces are not constructive . This Awareness suggests that there is great concern among those planets neighboring the earth, the inhabitant s of those planets regarding the earth's use of atomic energy . This Awareness suggests that this is likened unto th e Beast being armed with weapons that can destroy the entire planet, and the Beast, realizing the value of thes e weapons in the psychological effect upon entities, in that it allows the Beast to intimidate the masses . This Awareness suggests that this is but one tool of intimidation, that there are so many others that cannot be discussed full y at this time . This Awareness suggests that entities involved in the nuclear protest to continue in these activities, yet thi s Awareness suggests that entities working closely with this Awareness, focus not so much on the weapons of th e Beast, but rather upon the heart of the Beast . This Awareness indicates the heart of the Beast is the money system , and when this is looked at, exposed completely, the Beast shall lose its power and the weapons may be dismantled , and a healing of the earth can occur . This Awareness indicates that it appears around the turn of the century ther e shall be activities aimed at a global cleanup, this requiring great mobilization of all nations and of all technologie s available for this type of cleanup . This Awareness indicates this between the turn of the century and twenty year s thereafter . COULD NUCLEAR WAST E BE PROPELLED INTO SPACE ? (From a CAC reading given Aug . 8, 1979 )
QUESTION : A question from O .E .B . "Would it be safe to propell rockets loaded with nuclear wast e into the air?" (Strangely enough, in today's paper, there is a three column story abou t slingshots into space urged for radioactive waste that is a proposal by scientists . Woul d Awareness please comment on this ?
This Awareness indicates that this as being that which may be considered as relative . This Awareness indicates this as relatively safe, for certain force s here on Earth who are concerned about ridding the Earth from these radio active forces—this being safe so long as the launch is safe . This Awarenes s indicates however that this not safe in terms of those forces which use th e space for travel . This Awareness indicates that essentially the situation i s such that it is an extreme approach to a problem which can be made muc h more simple . This Awareness indicates that the development of alternativ e energy sources other than nuclear can prevent the need for this kind o f action, yet those forces behind the nuclear industry are looking for a wa y out that would be acceptable to those who do not wish to deal with th e waste material from these plants . Nuclear Power Plants are Nuclear Time Bomb e
This Awareness indicates that also, the Russians have within their power the ability to neutralize the radioactiv e waste from such plants, and could in time allow this to be used in the United States, when their control here i s satisfactory to their desires . This Awareness indicates however, that for those who do not wish these plants peppere d all over the Earth, that this is a serious problem, and many would prefer these plants be eliminated entirely . This 2.
Awareness indicates that essentially the development of this form of energy can be beneficial in certain areas wher e there is no alternative, such as through the use of solar, geophysical, wind or other alternative energy sources . Thi s Awareness indicates however, these areas are few and the dangers of nuclear power are many, even with the abilit y to neutralize the waste products, for this is itself a complex action, and these nuclear plants can be considered a s time bombs---nuclear bombs time bombs which could be released at any time, and the neutralization would no t necessarily be quick enough to prevent tragedy . This Awareness indicates that essentially the greatest reason for non use of nuclear power is its inherent danger and its total unnecessary qualities, for there are other forces which ar e rapidly developing that will overcome any need for nuclear power . Extreme Danger Lurks Along the Entire Nuclear Rout e
This Awareness indicates for example, the use of highways, highways being used as solar energy collectors, whic h can create electricity for both travellers and for the homes along the highways or for other areas which would b e supplied by the electrical wiring from that highway . This Awareness indicates that there have been other forms o f alternative energy listed elsewhere . This Awareness indicates that the use of nuclear power as that which is unnecessary, inappropriate and dangerous, that even with the ability to neutralize these wastes and the radiation, thes e plants have too many various potential dangers to be prized so highly . This Awareness indicates for example, thos e who mine the uranium, those who carry the uranium or other elements, those who transport these elements to th e plant, before it is even used are also in jeopardy . This Awareness indicates that these entities working in the mine s in the hauling of this substance, those entities along the routes where the substance is used---all of these are in dange r and will be suffering from the dust of the radiation . This Awareness indicates from the radiation of the dust whic h is blown from these elements in the mines and in the transportation, for generally these are transported in ope n trucks which allow the dust to fall or fly in the wind or along the route before reaching the points of destination . This Awareness indicates there are so many different levels and ways whereby the use of radioactive substances i n this kind of situation -is dangerous, that it becomes absurd to attempt to find a way of simply satisfying the objectives of the nuclear syndrome by slingshot efforts to hurl the waste into outer space . This Awareness indicates that already there is much debris in space which would hinder future travel around thi s planet, already the debris has been dumped into oceans and will eventually need to be pulled out and neutralized . This Awareness indicates that this action would simply require that the Earthship would eventually need to sen d out crews to clean up the atmosphere around the Earth as well as the underwater debris, and the debris being plante d in various places upon the Earth . This Awareness indicates that this is similar to an action whereby an entity eats the apple and throws the core ou t for someone else to attend to . This Awareness suggests that any form of scientific creation or invention which leave s a problem for others is not completely developed and should not be made public policy or placed upon the publi c until a complete program for dealing with that is established, so that from beginning to end the total situation i s handled appropriately without leaving a responsibility to someone else . This Awareness indicates that when an entity makes dinner and places the food upon the table, the dinner is not finished until the dishes are cleaned . This Awareness indicates that when a group of scientists simply create the power and sell the power, their service is not finishe d until they have disposed of the waste in a proper way whereby others will not be threatened by that waste in th e near or distant future .
Act Makes Public Responsible for Lawsuit s and Damages in Case of Meltdown or Othe r Nuclear Disaster or Acciden t
This Awareness wishes to mention that entities who are opposed to nuclear power can end this immediately in a genera l sense by writing their Congressmen and proposing that the y repeal the Price-Anderson Act . * The Price-Anderson Act is an act which allows the government , using tax-payers money, to pick up the cost of any nuclear disaster . This Awareness indicates that the privately owned powe r plants cannot receive insurance from insurance companies t o attend to such a disaster, and the cost of such, theretore sinc e the insurance companies do not wish to give this kind of guarantee, the tax-payers were given the duty through the Price-Anderson Act . This Awareness indicates that if the nuclear plants an d the utilities responsible for these were forced to assume any financial burden resulting from their own mistakes, or from th e dangers of a meltdown or other nuclear hazards---if these utilit y companies were forced to pay compensation for any damages they themselves would simply quit the business and refuse to accept that responsibility . 3.
This Awareness indicates that as long as the public is willing to pay for the mistakes of the nuclear power plant s in case of an emergency or a disaster, then what has the utility company to lose by continuing to press for mor e and more use of this form of power? NUCLEAR PLANT IN MASSACHUSETT S TAKES ITS PROFITS ANO RA N (After Bankruptcy, the Tax-Payers Paid for the Clean-up )
This Awareness indicates that also you may be aware of the nuclear plant which went bankrupt in the Ne w England states (this appears to be in Massachusetts), whereby the public was left with the bill for dismantling an d for ridding the area of the waste which was left over after the plant had made its fortune and then bankrupted . Thi s Awareness indicates that this can occur in one area or in many areas, that the public is going to be stuck with th e bill, with the damages and with the cost of any of these errors or any of the slag and waste from these plants afte r the utilities have taken in the profits which they desire . ED's Note : Private profit-making utilities arc building a nuclear plant on the Satsop river near Olympia, Washington .Recently a loca l newspaper was told by a frightened employee of the plant that during the building of the huge cooling towers, concrete was inadvert antly poured over huge pieces of equipment, air compressors etc . and instead of removing these and preventing a possible structura l hazard, the management cut off the pieces still sticking out of the concrete, covered this with more concrete and told the employee s to 'forget about it .' Finally admitting to the error, after many denials, the company stated the cost involved in removing these item s was prohibitive and probably would cause no problem later .Nothing, therefore was done about it .lf not for the Price-Anderson Act , the utility company would probably have removed the equipment imbedded in the concrete foundations . But since the tax-payer wil l foot the bill should a disaster occur due to this negligence, the utility company has no incentive whatsoever to remove the hazards . Another power company in Washington state has gotten Federal approval to build nuclear plants on the Skagit river–even thoug h the proposed site will be directly over a well-known aisd active earthquake fault line . Mass protests against this have been ignored .
Map prepared in 1977 by L . Frankli n Ramirez, designed by Mercedes Naveiro , Commissioned by Women Strike fo r Peace . Information from Anothe r Mother for Peace .
NUCLEAR WEAPON S Design, Testing, Production , Storage, Deployment ) UNDERGROUND EXPERIMENT S UNIVERSITY REACTOR S MILITARY AND ERDA x ' 721 REACTOR S AND RESEARCH FACILITIE S Accounting for 50% lappr ) of All Radioactive Wast e NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS (Commercial ) Accounting for 501 (appr .) of all Radioactive Wast e
There is only enough uranium in tite worl d to last for 25 years (Danger will last 200,000 years )
This Awareness indicates also that there is approximately twenty-five years of uranium available to use in thes e plants, thereafter there will not be enough to continue this action, therefore the twenty-five years' use will be follow . ed by the 200,000 years of potential damages from the waste left over . This Awareness indicates that the redeeming hope is that the waste can all be neutralized . This Awareness indicate s there also are some hopes that fission processes and fast breeders will be implemented to use up the waste left ove r after this twenty-five year period . This Awareness indicates, however, that these fission systems and the fusion whic h many entities expect to be developed also contain certain risks which can be even greater than the fission system . This Awareness indicates that basically however, the use of solar energy as that which is far superior and developin g very rapidly so that it can become the major form of energy within the next thirty years, surpassing anything avail able from nuclear power . This Awareness indicates that also the use of wave generators in the oceans and wind generators in mountai n passes can add much more energy than the nuclear plants will give . This Awareness indicates that all of the nuclea r plants in the United States operating in 1978 produced less than one day of all energy used in the United States, th e energy from oil which was brought in as being greater in one day of use than all of the nuclear plants combined i n the United States during the 1978 year . This Awareness indicates this as an indication of how much is being spen t on nuclear power plants, the amount of risk involved for the small amount of return which is given by these plants . This Awareness suggests that entities in requesting the repeal of the Price-Anderson Act can do much to clos e down these plants, and in so doing the energies will 'be shifted to solar and other forms of alternative energies . ' ED ' s Note : The references to the repealing of the Price-Anderson Act are suggestions by Cosmic Awareness and do not necessaril y
reflect the opinions of C .A .C . which is forbidden by law, as a tax-exempt organization, to promote, lobby or otherwise attempt t o influence legislation or promote political candidates etc . For this reason we are not suggesting that the membership begin writin g letters to the editor of their local papers in order to inform the public about the Price-Anderson Act and the fact that they will b e responsible for paying the damages G ue to nuclear accidents that might be caused by careless or irresponsible actions of the profit making power companies who own these nuclear facilities (even though the masses have been kept in ignorance of the existence o f the Price-Anderson Act . Nor is CAC suggesting that the SPIRAL . organizations p rint up this information and disseminate it to th e public in their usual manner . What entities reading this information choose to GR with this information is no concern to CAC . I t is the policy and obligation and function of CAC to publish the material presented by Cosmic Awareness and we are duty-bound no t to alter or delete any information even though it may infringe upon the areas proscribed by the laws governing tax-exempt organization s
Russia Believes Nuclear Powe r Can Replace Oil and Thus Prevent Future Wars
This Awareness wishes incidentally to mention that the U .S. Labor Party, which is a strong force backing nuclear powe r and has been promoting nuclear powe r with various types of bumper sticker s and other campaigns, the U.S. Labo r Party as associated closely with Russia , and +Russia as promoting nuclear powe r as an alternative to oil, the reason bein g that the Russians have recognized tha t wars have been generally fought, largel y fought over the use of oil and the contro l All over the U .S . peaceful demonstrations are occurring in protest over th e of oil, and the Russians feel that the nucmushrooming growth of profit-making nuclear power plants . The recen t lear use would present a successful alterThree Mile Island nuclear disaster has caused an increase in these demonsnative to oil . trations . Demonstrations like the above do little to stop nuclear power a s the organizations have little money to press the issue through the courts . This Awareness indicates that Russi a If all these people were aware of the Price-Anderson Act, they could probgenerally has not begun to consider sola r ably direct their combined energies toward the politicians and get this ac t energy seriously, nor have the U .S. Labo r repealed, thus closing down every nuclear power plant in the U .S . Party specialists considered solar energy seriously . This Awareness indicates tha t any references in U .S . Labor Party to solar energy tend to be based on old data from approximately one decade ago , rather than from new creations or new technologies in the solar energy fields . 5.
WHAT ABOUT MIGMA — THE CLEAN NUCLEAR ENERGY ? QUESTION : Thank you . One final question on this subject by M .W . of Astoria, New York, who sent in an article and a question . I'll read a little of his statement and part of the article, and ask Awareness to comment . "Since nuclear energy is the hottest subject being talked about today, I would sincerely as k that a question be asked to Cosmic Awareness about an article in one of the New Age publications called New Elrections, produced by 3110 Foundation (Yogi Bhan) at 1962 Wes t 4th Avenue, Vancouver B .C . Canada . In issue No . 28 there is an article on nuclear energy whic h states that `Clean nuclear energy was made by a Yugoslavian and a research team working together. Since the plant was shut down for lack of funds, would this entity Bogdan Maglich an d his research be useful as a common ground for reconciliation between anti-nuclear people wh o want to shut down all nuclear plants in America, and the NRC authorities who probably stifle d these clean Migma experiments and insist on making radioactive nuclear energy. The question arises from the recent reading on Harrisburg where Awareness stated the corporat e socialists, having lost the four Rockefeller brothers, were dealt a heavy blow by the state Socialists who, I believe, is being secretly financed by the Rothschilds of London . If the anti-nuclear people are getting a stronger hold and putting enough pressure on the government to close down all nuclear plants, and it looks lik e they'll make it this time, it's only a matter of how long–then according to the most recent information about Harrisburg being th e beginning of a series of sabotage attempts by agents of Rothschilds, the anti-nuke movement is unknowingly doing what the Rothschilds want done–that is to shut off American technology starting with nuclear energy, then oil etc ., throwing America's society bac k in time to a non-technological status . " Now, that wasn't the question particularly, but I'll read a little bit from this ;article, called "Migma–Clean Nuclear Energy Coming . " `Would nuclear power be environmentally acceptable if it were, one : completely clean–that is, incapable of producing radioactivity ; two : cool–producing no thermo-pollution ; three : economic when compared with present fossil fuels ; and four : directly translatabl e into electricity? The answer is surely, yes–a dream, no ; an imminent reality . In a private laboratory just outside of Princeton, N .J . , temporarily shut down for lack of funds, the Migma Institute of Clean Fusion is on the threshold of the biggest breakthrough in th e history of peaceful nuclear power . But the government doesn't want it, the nuclear industry doesn't want it, and the nuclear researc h establishment certainly doesn't want it . The reason is not far to seek, Migma carries the threat of immediate success, relegating to obsolescence all the present and dangerous fission nuclear power plants, and all the expensive and inherently dangerous fusion scheme s which have not lived up to the hopes held for them . Migma is a product of the fertile mind and adventurous spirit of physicist Bogda n Maglich, a Yugoslav national who is supported by a dynamic and brilliant team whose age averages 26 years . The Migma approach to nuclear power production is completely different from other approaches, it is an ordered instead of a random process, it is a coo l process rather than one involving billions of degrees of temperature . Basically it consists of firing accelerated beams of atomic nucle i nearly head-on against each other ; in the Migma chamber, incoming high energy particles from a linear accelerator go into orbit unde r the influence of super-conducting magnets ; as they complete their orbits, they collide with new incoming particles and fuse, releasin g energy directly collectable as electricity, without any of the huge losses entailed in the steam transfer systems of other nuclear processes . So simple and straightforward is the concept and the design that if you want alternating current, you simply turn the Migma uni t off and on . It only measures about six feet across so that it can be used for a small community-sized plant, allowing decentralizatio n and avoiding enormously expensive transmission lines . Or, Migma units can be stacked to generate as much power as wanted in an y single location . " And the article goes on, but I think that's enough for Awareness to comment on .
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as a totally different technique from those of fusion and fission . This Awarenes s indicates that this type of system as that which carries very little danger in its use or in the production of energies . This Awareness indicates that this would be very effective in terms of assisting entities to accept this kind of nuclea r power . This Awareness indicates however, that this also may be considered as an alternative form of energy whic h as the article indicates, would not be acceptable because of the vast amount of money certain entities have put int o the nuclear industry of present . This Awareness indicates that this is the crux of the situation, that entities have put money into their nuclea r plants and want these plants to pay for themselves . This Awareness indicates that these entities are willing to ris k whatever is necessary to receive the benefits from these plants . This Awareness indicates that in the beginning thes e plants were to have been created to produce a cheap electricity, but the cost has gone much higher, has quadruple d in terms of what it promised to begin with . This Awareness indicates that the cost will still continue increasing .Thi s Awareness suggests that these plants at present have very little redeeming social value, very little redeeming economic value to the public, and very little redeeming ethical value as far as the so-called clean atom is concernec . Thi s Awareness indicates that when these plants were first promoted, this was intended and advertised as a way of creating clean energy, producing no smoke and therefore non-polluting . This Awareness indicates that this was a fals e promotion, and the pollution though not seen, is felt by many and has its effect on the environment . This Awareness indicates that the monies involved in these present plants and those being built are of such large amounts tha t it will require much focused energy of many to shut down these plants . 6.
This Awareness indicates as previously suggested, the repeal of the Price-Anderson Act as that which is the mos s efficient way of dealing with the situation . This Awareness suggests that as far as the previous readings and information regarding the desires of the Rothschilds to shut down the productivity of the United States by having th e nuclear protestors to assist in shutting down these nuclear plants, this was intended as an action to help to creat e a crisis atmosphere in the United States so that a declaration of national emergency could occur, and an excuse b e given to get the public to accept a strike against Saudi-Arabia in order to get more oil . This Awareness indicates tha t essentially this is no longer occurring, is no longer being pushed by the Rothschilds . * This Awareness indicates the National Regulating Committee was partially assisting in the shutting down of these plants . This Awareness indicates that the situation now is such that there are still forces seeking to shut these dow n because of the publicity, that the forces involved now are sincerely concerned . This Awareness indicates that th e forces in power, operating through the Russian influence, also want this to be shut down as part of the general disarming of the United States . This Awareness indicates that the purpose of this disarming is to help to create an atmosphere whereby the National Emergency Powers can be brought in ; and after the powers have been implemented , the Russians will no doubt attempt to reopen the nuclear plants and put the United States back in full-scale productivity . This Awareness indicates that the alternative to this is to press very hard and rapidly for more solar energ y development and to repeal the Price-Anderson Act to make this more dangerou s for the power plants rather than letting the power plants be dangerous to the pub lic and the public footing the bill for that danger . This Awareness indicates that once the crisis of transition is over and the American people recognize what has occurred, and are free to begin more in-depth stud y of science and technology without the extreme influence of the state and corporate socialists---this Awareness indicates when this occurs, the development of these various types of energy systems which arc non-pollutant in the true sense, thes e can become realities .
According to Cosmic Awareness , the repeal of the Price-Anderson Act is a sure-fire and immediate way to put the lid on Nuclea r power plants in the United States .
This Awareness indicates that those who are in these areas at this time and wh o can develop these potential new alternative energy sources, will be the leaders i n these industries during the coming decade and the true genius of the America n inventiveness will begin to flower and blossom . This Awareness indicates that there is a certain kind of creativity in this nation that has been stifled but is unique . du e to the freedom of thought which this nation has promoted, and this unique inventiveness will be that which again assists in showing the way out of the technologica l darkness which has been heavy over this nation for the last twenty years .
AN ALTERNATIVE TO NUCLEAR POWER , OIL & GASOLINE THE McCLINTOCK AIR MOTO R This Awareness indicates that the McClintock airmotor as that which entities of C .A.C. may wish to assist in developing---this as a motor designed by David McClintock . The entity David McClintock as having the patents for the differential, the four wheel drive and th e automatic transmission---that all of these automobiles which are driven today owe thei r transmissions, differentials, and the four wheel drives to the genius of this entity . This Awareness indicates that th e entity also invented the computing scales and the train signals . This Awareness indicates this entity created the airmotor in the mid-50 ' s and was unable to build the en gine because the metal of the time was not capable of withstanding the intense pressure which the engine would generate . This Awareness indicates that presently the engine pressures are such that metals of today could be used for building this engine . This Awareness indicates that this as an engine which runs on air and does not use other fuels, no r does it pollute, but simply releases air back into the atmosphere . This Awareness indicates that the Interpreter as having been given the piece of property in Oregon by the so n of this entity David McClintock--Cleo McClintock and his friend Ed Nelson . This Awareness suggests that thi s may be considered as an invitation to those who are interested in alternative energies of this type, to contac t the Interpreter regarding any kind of assistance which might be available in the development of this air moto r of David McClintock . This Awareness indicates RQFH this motor has been developed, there can be many rewards for many entities an d the general public will benefit most as the need for oil or nuclear power will no longer be present . This Awarenes s indicates this engine as capable of producing electricities, of powering plants, of powering factories or of flying air planes or other aircraft . This Awareness indicates the engine has been examined and patented by the Patent Office , that there have been computer tests reco gnizing its unique principles . This Awareness indicates that there does nee d to be more research and development and the actual building of a working model before anything else can be done . This Awareness indicates that this may require as little as $20,000, but could be developed more easily with approximately $100,000 depending on whether one or more engines were developed and where these are developed . * Revelations of Aw-al-enes No . 79-15 (3IV?tle Island) $2 .00
This Awareness indicates this air motor as having already been built approximately 15 years ago, that this wa s built and proved workable by the General Electric Research Corporation . This Awareness indicates this as havin g been put into the archives of this corporation . This Awareness indicates that the motor having been built, having proved itself workable, was not built in its complete form as presented by the inventor--that certain informatio n by this inventor as having been held back and given only to Ed Nelson and Cleo McClintock, which will allow a more efficient engine to be built . This Awareness indicates this entity, David McClintock, as being one who ranks alongside of Nicola Tesla in term s of his genius ; wherein Nicola Tesla worked in electronics, this entity worked in mechanics . This Awareness suggest s that every invention by this man has had a magnitude that has touched all of the mechanical progress which ha s occurred in the past fifty years . This Awareness suggests that this entity as having received practically nothing fo r his inventions--that in almost every case his inventions were stolen or otherwise manipulated out of his control .That the entity learned after losing his differential and certain other patent rights, to leave out certain key elements fro m the patents . This Awareness indicates that the entity in inventing the 4-Wheel drive, was informed that there was n o value in having front-wheel drive, when back-wheel drive would be sufficient—this until the World War 11 cam e along, wherein the government then took control of the patent and had the 4-Wheel drive vehicles built for th e armed forces . This Awareness indicates that in terms of the automatic transmission, that those automatic transmissions now i n use are built using only the information which was presented in the patent—that the entity withheld certain information which would have made these transmissions much more efficient . This Awareness suggests that in terms o f the airmotor, that this patent also contains enough to build the airmotor, but that a key element is missing ; an d these missing bits of information have been given to Ed Nelson and Cleo McClintock, who in turn, have place d certain tapes and other sources whereby this information is placed in safekeeping in case something happens to them . This Awareness indicates that entities wishing to use the patent for the airmotor may do so, but will run into som e difficulty without the cooperation and assistance of Ed Nelson and Cleo McClintock . This Awareness indicates that essentially this motor can be the most efficient motor built (this in terms of compression type motors) built upon this plane . That the principles used in this motor are of such advanced engineerin g that it is difficult for the average mechanic to understand the workings of the mechanism . This Awareness suggest s that the Mazda rotary engine was built using but one of the principles of this motor : that of the rotary engine with the satellite gears and the sun gear, with the pistons moving in connection with these rotating gears . This Awareness indicates this particular motor, the McClintock air engine, as that which uses two manifolds, uses the principle o f vacuum and compression, uses one piston to simply create an air pressure, while the other two pistons work to mo v the crank shaft, through the use of the sun gear and the planetary or satellite gears . This Awareness indicates that the compression ratio of this engine has been tested at Oregon State University b y computer to register 27 to 1 leverage, this comparing to an average of 5 to 1 ratio of most engines . This Awarenes s indicates the power of this engine as being overwhelming for the amount of energy intake . This Awareness indicates that not only can this engine be used for driving force, but will also increase power—this being as a power-increase r whereby a small engine putting energy into this engine will create an output that far surpasses the energy which i s put into the engine from the smaller engine . This Awareness indicates that all of this sounds like a perpetual motion machine, yet this is not so, for wherei n the air is released, the engine will stop . This Awareness indicates much of the power depends on the fact that th e air in being pumped, heats up, becomes extremely hot from the pressure that builds . This Awareness indicates als o that the entity would have built this engine during the early 50 ' s, except that there was no metal at the time whic h could have sustained and withheld the pressure which this engine would create—that much heat and pressure is buil t in the process . This Awareness indicates that modern metals are capable of holding this intense pressure and the heat . This Awareness indicates there will be certain areas whereby the `bugs' will need to be worked out, but generall y speaking, this engine can be built without great difficulty . The entity used standard parts in his diagrams, parts whic h are easily obtainable from automobile manufacturers . This Awareness indicates that the need for this engine at this time is obvious, the use of this engine is multiple . Not only can this engine be used in powering automobiles, trucks, boats, ships, and planes, the engine can also b e used to generate electricity and heat for homes . This Awareness indicates that the engine is somewhat different fro m gasoline engines in that a truck having such an engine within it could climb a hill without losing power, without slowing down, for the power ratio is of such magnitude that it does not diminish under heavy loads . This Awareness indicates that more information on the efficiency and the nature of this engine can be obtained by discussion with th e entities Ed Nelson and Cleo McClintock, or by written letters to these entities . This Awareness indicates that It has released this information simply to inform entities of this particular situatio n in case there are certain energies which are available for this activity and for this development . This Awareness indicates that it appears this can be developed in the near future, when the proper atmosphere, social atmosphere an d political atmosphere has been established to allow this type of motor to be brought forth . This Awareness indicate s that the United States government is aware of this motor and its potential, and has placed this on a kind of priorit y list in the sense that it does not want this motor built by any foreign country .
QUESTION : Would Awareness suggest the best way to finance a working model of this air motor, to locate one or two entities who have tha t type of money to invest, or for the people involved with this air motor to set up a company and to issue and sell shares, perhaps t o some C .A .C . members having the first crack at it ?
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the two entities Ed Nelson and Cleo McClintock do have certain understanding of the workings of this motor—that before David McClintock passed on, he briefed each of these men with special information which is necessary in the building of this motor, plus the information which is available in the patent . Thi s Awareness indicates these entities also have certain drawings and can add various improvements and changes to thi s motor as is necessary . This Awareness indicates the motor was designed to use standard parts, therefore the majorit y of parts will not need special molds . This Awareness indicates that these entities however, insist that the motor be built on their property in a building which will be necessary, this as approximately fifty by ninety or perhap s smaller . This Awareness indicates these entities insisting on such a building, this costing approximately five to te n thousand dollars—this to serve as a research center for this motor and for other projects which the entity Ed Nelso n has been developing and working on, and also for certain other inventions left by David McClintock . This Awareness indicates that these entities wish and insist on a building on the property and the motor being put together there with their supervision . This Awareness indicates that the general cost of the motor, the first model, is expected at about $10,000 . Thi s Awareness indicates however, that this could be an underestimate of the cost in lieu of today's prices and the labo r costs involved . This Awareness indicates that it appears that with great care and caution, $10,000 could build suc h a motor . This Awareness indicates that more likely it would cost approximately 30 to 40 thousand to have th e motor in perfect working order . This Awareness indicates that once such a motor is created, the Satellite Moto r Company No . 2 could be initiated to sell stock and the properties from these stocks could be worth millions . This Awareness indicates that an approach to financing of this could occur from donations, or from loans . Thi s Awareness indicates that donations for research or loans for research or the purchase of stock in the Satellite Moto r Company or the research and development of this engine could be one way of financing this—that also the use o f private individuals, investors who are willing to examine and consider the potential, this as another way of development . This Awareness suggests that the legalities require that entities wishing stock in a company cannot be sol d stock until a motor is perfected and it is shown that it works, therefore, the approach in terms of entities donatin g or loaning money would not be guaranteed a piece of stock in the company unless the motor worked . This Awareness indicates that a contract could be drawn up so that any entity giving money to the research would receive a certain percentage of stock if the motor worked . This Awareness indicates that it legally could not accept the mone y on the grounds that the entity would receive stock, and with a promise that the motor would work---there is n o legal way to assure an investor that the money donated or given for the research and development will not be lost , therefore the entity would simply need to consider this as a donation or loan . This Awareness indicates that such could however be a donation or loan based on the outcome so that anything given would be returned at the tim e the engine was working . This Awareness indicates that if the entity at that time wished to receive the return of th e money invested—this could be returned as stock in the company . This Awareness indicates that this kind of arrangement could be presented . This Awareness suggests there are also other possible ways and that entities who have a n interest in assisting on this project may send in their ideas and suggestions to the Interpreter who then can conside r these and discuss these with the two men involved, and from this discussion, determine a kind of program that wil l be suitable in most cases for any who is interested in becoming involved in the production of this motor . QUESTION : Awareness, would it be possible for this research and development complex to somehow be chartered by the Aquarian Church s o donations coming in from entities at least could be deducted from their income taxes ?
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative, that the Aquarian Church as having been chartered by the Stat e of Oregon as a religious, educational, social, philanthropic research organization---that the research in these area s can occur under the auspices of the church . This Awareness indicates also that the donations could be put into a kind of trust fund, whereby entities donate for purposes of research or for purposes of other church activities . This Awareness indicates that those donating in the research fund could let these be donations to that fund on a temporary basis so that they could receive back the monies donated when that particular project paid off, or could rein vest or redonate that amount into another project after that project is completed . For example, an entity migh t donate $100 into a research fund for the air motor, then once the air motor is completed, the entity would b e notified that the motor was completed and had earned a certain amount through the sale of the engine, and th e entity could have the $100 back, or the entity might wish to reassign the donation to another project . This Awareness indicates that in this manner, the donations would be something on the order of temporary donations or loans , which could be shifted from one project to another . This Awareness indicates another example as wherein an entit y loans a certain amount to the Goodship in order to help the Goodship purchase herbs for the Reju-Weight or Reju Body or some other herbal combination, and when the Reju-Weight or Reju-Body has earned enough to pay bac k the entity, the entity may either receive back that which was loaned, or transfer that loan into the research organ 9.
ization for the motor . This Awareness indicates this as likened unto a trust made up from loans, a pool of energ y loaned or donated by members which can be shifted around for various products, projects or the purchasing of products . This Awareness indicates these are but suggestions of various approaches to this situation . This Awareness suggest s that any members wishing to comment or add suggestions to this may contact the Interpreter who will in turn communicate with those involved in the situation, and from this dialogue, a kind of cocreative development may com e about that will allow these projects to be started . This Awareness indicates these entities have offered the Aquarian Church, C .A.C. a portion of the royalties o f this engine to assist in furthering their projects . This Awareness suggests that these entities are also open to receiving assistance and financing and sharing a large percentage with any entity or entities who are willing to assist in th e development of this engine . This Awareness indicates that those who wish to finance or assist in the finances of the McClintock airmotor , this can lead to wealth beyond your imagination, not only for yourself, but for the Awareness movement, and fo r the benefit of the entire nation and world . This Awareness indicates that this as an answer to the oil crisis and th e energy crisis .
ED's Note : C .A .C . members or others interested in helping get this airmotor project happening, please send suggestion s to the address below . These will be forwarded to the Interpreter and discussed with Ed Nelson and Cleo McClintock . AIR MOTOR PROJECT C/O C .A .C . P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 9850 7
THE GREAT THREE-MILE ISLAN D RADIATION COVER - U P ( How to Deal with Radiation Poisoning ) ED ' s Note : Shortly after the Three Mile Island nuclear `accident ' , Kim T ., the 14 year old daughter o f C .A .C . member, Alex T ., of York, Pennsylvania suddenly took ill . Alex described her illness symptoms as 'nausea, loss of appetite, pain in her abdomen and joints .' At first he though t it would pass, but then it continued into days, then weeks . Kim continued to lose weight an d was admitted to the York hospital for 'tests'–the doctors admitting they did not know wha t the illness was . Kim remained in the hospital for six weeks, until May 24th . During this tim e she got 'progressively worse ' . The pain spread to her joints, and from there to the rest of he r body . Eventually, she couldn't move her arms or legs . In addition, a 'peculiar violet rash ' developed around her elbows and ankles . Unable now to eat, Kim remained in bed, curle d in a fetal position . Alex was convinced she was dying—the hospital still could not determin e what the problem was and continued giving her 'tests' . Despite Alex's objections, who no w suspected radiation poisoning, the hospital continued to bombard Kim with X-rays . By th e time Kim was discharged from the hospital, she had received over 20 X-rays . Each time, h e said, the violet rash on her arms and legs would flare up intensely . The doctors announce d one day they had to perform surgery on Kim . Alex refused this . Kim, her weight now dow n from 110 to 74 lbs . still could not eat . They were taking blood samples every hour, pumpin g drugs like codeine into her . Shc was white, ashen, and had tubes fastened up to her–and no w they wanted to do an operation . They did it, but found nothing (removing her appendi x as long as they were butchering her in that area) . Alex told reporters later, "It was pur e malpractice, total, pure experimentation '. At this point, Alex telephoned C .A .C . He was desperate, convinced Kim was dying, and could we possibly ask Awareness what to do abou t the situation . Luckily, the Interpreter Paul Shockley was in Olympia at the time giving th e monthly C .A .C . general readings . We asked the question, excerpts of which now follow . QUESTION : Alex T . ' s daughter Kim is in the hospital with some serious problems, and he wanted to as k Awareness is there anything about this situation he should know about that he doesn ' t already know, or any advice from Awareness concerning this .
10 .
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that apart from what the entity already knows relating to the malpractice technique s in the hospital, and the already experienced conditions which this child has moved through, there appears to b e some psychological problem, this being in relation to a tenseness, the tension having to do with certain emotional frustrations . This Awareness indicates that this condition also was brought on in part by the eating habits of thi s child, but that this alone would not have resulted in the problem . This Awareness indicates also this relates to the Three Mile Island radiation, which affected the energy flow o f the child, through certain foods consumed as well as the atmospheric and environmental conditions . This Awarenes s indicates that this as a leading cause of the psychological stress as well as the physical reaction to the diet and ha s its effects presently on the child's condition . This Awareness indicates that those foods previously mentioned relating to treatment of radiation effects ma y be considered as beneficial . * *Awareness was referring to the information It gave in the Iiot line reading 79-7 (The Eve of World War III) $2 .00 . This Awareness suggests also the use of seeds, particularly sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and th e use of Miso—this Miso available through many health food stores . This Awareness suggests also the use of lemo n j uice and lemon peel as being beneficial in treating this . This Awareness also suggests the bath, using the epso m salts and bicarbonate of soda combined in the bath water . This Awareness indicates her problem appears to hav e come through milk or dairy products and through grain substances, this in relation to the diet intake--that ther e also appears to have been some intake relating to the air and other water contacts . This Awareness indicates tha t there shall be more cases of this nature, there are cases appearing at this time of a similar nature . This Awarenes s suggests that Miso as being one of the stronger counter-radiation foods, that this be given to her daily . This Awareness indicates that the entity be given large doses of fruit juice, particularly fruit juice such as grape , melon juices, papaya juice, apricot, peach, that some citrus juices be given, particularly those with Vitamin C content in high quantities, such as pineapple, lemon, orange juices . This Awareness suggests that lime juice as beneficial , this being mixed with lemon or orange juice . This Awareness suggests that these citrus fruits be given carefully s o that the acids not cause unnecessary pains—that this be given in a manner whereby the entity does not experienc e a reaction ; that this start with a small amount and gradually increasing the amount, watching for any effect . Thi s Awareness suggests also the use of comfrey tea can be of benefit in regards to the kidneys, this also to include juniper berry tea or capsules . This Awareness indicates that these may be mixed as a combination of juniper berries an d comfrey, the comfrey having special healing effect to the tissue, the juniper berry having its effect on assisting i n the rebuilding and cleansing of the kidneys . This Awareness suggests that the cranberry juice may also be beneficial , that this be given in small quantities, increasing according to the entity's desire . This Awareness suggests that th e liquid foods be the dominant part of the diet, that this continue for at least four days, without much other substanc e –that wherein other substance is eaten, this be well chewed or given in the form of a sauce or whipped gravy-lik e soup . This Awareness indicates that this may include protein as part of the food ingested during this time . This Awareness indicates that the wearing of gold or copper by this entity or having this metal placed close by , can be beneficial in drawing off some of the influences and assisting the body to draw in the proper healing energies . This Awareness suggests also that bathing in mineral water or using steam baths or warm baths or the use of saun a baths, whereby the entity sweats and releases this poison from the pores, this also can be of great benefit to th e entity . This Awareness suggests that large doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, that lecithin can also be beneficial, als o Vitamin B . This Awareness indicates the Vitamin B Complex as that which assists in giving the entity the energy necessary—Vitamin E and lecithin being beneficial in assisting to restore the tissues around the nerve endings withi n the body on those areas which have been exposed or injured, the sheaths of the nerves, and Vitamin C as that whic h assists in eliminating the radiation effects . This Awareness suggests that the movement of this entity to another hospital can be beneficial under certain circumstances . This Awareness suggests that wherein this information is given and considered as part of the treatment , that the entity can benefit . This Awareness indicates however, wherein this radiation aspect is ignored and furthe r operations of other forms or other experiments are conducted, this will simply weaken the child's natural healin g abilities even more . This Awareness suggests that this information being given to naturopathic doctors in your are a or available to you can be beneficial to them in their treatment, and in their consideration and evaluation of th e condition . This Awareness suggests that you may attempt to communicate this information to the doctors yo u would request assistance from, that they may reconsider under the conditions of radiation poisoning, rather tha n seeing this as poor kidney problems alone . This Awareness suggests that if this does not work out, then you ma y consider another hospital, such as the John Hopkins Hospital . This Awareness suggests however, that you be ver y careful in considering this hospital, and that you contact a doctor who can explain to you the probability of treatment if the entity enters that hospital . This Awareness suggests that there appears to be much incompetence within the hospital the child is now in, an d that incompetence in the reports may be carried over into other treatments from other doctors of the medical pros fession unless this is cleared . This Awareness suggests that in actuality, you yourself could probably have done a . much for this entity as the hospital has done without the cost or operation involved This Awareness suggest also that a healing be sent to this entity at this time, this being brought as resonatin g electromagnetic energy,down in a spiral, this coming down upon far above into the hospital room wherein thi s 11 .
entity resides, and moving now into the crown chakra, moving into the head, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen , stomach, intestines, the various organs, into the legs and feet . This Awareness indicates this i; ovi .ig into the arm s and fingers . This Awareness suggests that this resonating electromagnetic energy now vibrating upon this child's aura. This Awareness indicates that there is now seen that which is a protective covering around this child which seals i n the healing energies, and which seals out any further violation to this child . This Awareness suggests that this no w may have its effect upon the child, to assist in bringing forth a balancing of the healing forces of the child's bod y to help the child throw off those poisonous energies . This Awareness indicates that these being transmuted by th e resonating electromagnetic energies now surrounding the child's body . This Awareness suggests that when the entity Alex T . calls, that you may assist in speeding up this operation o f healing by playing this tape over the telephone, whereby he places a recorder to record the information on his ow n tape—that this may be then transcribed by himself and/or played for Kim to assist her in the suggestive force o f this message . ED ' s Note : The tape of this trance-reading and healing by Cosmic Awareness was immediately played over the telephone and recorded by Alex . The next day, Kim was able to get up and walk around the hospital–her first movement in weeks . When Kim was released from th e hospital, Alex began a crusade in his area (York being in the radiation area of the Three Mile Island area) of trying to inform peopl e that many such as Kim were suffering from radiation poisoning and not being treated correctly . He contacted experts in law and i n nuclear physics, spending thousands of dollars trying to prove an enormous cover-up was going on to keep the public ignorant of th e dangers of the Three Mile Island radiation pouring forth from the reactors . The nightmare continued . One night the police kicke d down the doors of Alex ' s apartment and dragged Kim, kicking and screaming down four flights of stairs, dislocating her shoulder i n the process . The hospital in York, fearing that Alex would sue and continue talking to reporters about the incident, had issued th e order to the police . There is much more to this story which space does not permit . One newspaper, however published much of th e story of the terrible ordeal of Kim . This the Harrisburg Monthly News Magazine. In their August, 1979 issue, they devoted most o f this paper to exposing this cover-up of radiation poisoning, in a front-page cover story entitled, " What Have They Done to Kim? – A n Outrage Beyond Belief" . Entities wishing to read this revealing article may obtain a copy of Harrisburg—The Monthly News Magazine , by writing to : Harrisburg, The Monthly News Magazin e 315 Peffcr St ., Harrisburg, Pa . 1710 2 (Ask for August 1979 issue, Vol . 9, Number I and enclose $1 .00 )
HOW CAN ONE PROVE RADIATION POISONING ? (Devastating Atomic Explosion in Russia One Source ) ED ' s Note : Kim survived after the healing given by Cosmic Awareness and the diet of Miso and juices suggested . In September she and Alex visited Olympia and the C .A .C . staff and she appeared almost as good as her former self, only she still has abou t 20 pounds of weight to regain . Alex is trying to keep her in hiding as the authoritie s in York are doing everything they can to discredit Alex and his family, fearing that massive lawsuits are pending against the hospitals, doctors, police departmen t and Three Mile Island nuclear power plant . In a later reading, Alex requeste d further assistance from Awareness about proving radiation poisoning . Excerpt s from the reading follow : QUESTION : Alex T . called in reference to the information Awareness gave him previously o n his daughter Kim, who is recovering from the radiation poisoning from Three Mile Island, and Alex and a crew of friends, many of whom we met at the 1977 Yorktown Conference" have been doing a lot o f research and work, trying to build up a case of radiation poisoning, and hopefully get this information to the public . They arc al l convinced there is a tremendous cover-up going on there in Pennsylvania in relation to radiation poisoning from the Three Mile Islan d nuclear reactor accident . Alex says, he has simply run into a dead end ; he has conferred with the best doctors in the field, the bes t authorities, and they say it's almost impossible to prove radiation poisoning so it would stand up in court . And the authorities at Thre e Mile Island now, according to Alex, are saying there was very little radiation actually released, and they plan to reopen another plan t soon . Alex wanted me to ask Awareness if It could suggest where they might possibly come up with some adequate proof that woul d stand up in court that would prove what radiation poisoning actually is, perhaps in the animal experiments or genetic damage or some thing like that . They have exhausted all of their means, according to Alex, as far as getting this type of information .
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this is suppressed information and very difficult to find in this nation . This Awa: ness suggests that the contact with certain soldiers who were present at the Nevada test site, and their doctors an d lawyers might reveal some information regarding this . This Awareness indicates that contacts with the Japanes e government regarding radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the symptoms, this might be a better source . Thi s Awareness suggests that this be directed to the American Consulate in japan, with requests for information as t o who you would contact in regards to a research project on Nagasaki and Hiroshima and the effects of radiation . For an in-depth account of this alchemical mcetin in Yor k 12. lease refer toptheC. .. ..kle 'A Magic Happening in Yorktown ' !` tA,C boo am, .
This Awareness suggests you not inform them that you are interested in the radiation in relation to Three-Mil e Island, but rather that you are seeking to contact scientists in Japan who are familiar with the Nagasaki and Hiroshima radiation effects and the treatment of such radiation . This Awareness suggests that you may also contact the Soviet Union, the American Embassy there for simila r information and request this from them . This Awareness indicates this in reference to an explosion in Russia whic h has been covered up and which resulted in great damage in that nation . This Awareness indicates these entities hav e much information on the effects of radiation . This Awareness indicates the entity Linus Pauling and certain othe r scientists in the United States can also supply this information to you . This Awareness indicates that a particula r scientist, the name not seen clearly, this entity having been quite outspoken a gainst nuclear power recently, thi s entity as one who can supply the information or lead you to the source of such information . That this entity a s having been deeply involved in the early work of the Manhattan Project, this entity as now advocating the repea l of the Price-Anderson Act . This Awareness indicates this Price-Anderson Act as that which places the responsibilit y for any nuclear accident and the cost of such on the American tax-payers . This Awareness indicates this entity a s advocating that the repeal of the Price-Anderson Act would throw the burden of responsibility on the utility companies, and thus would create the end of nuclear power– for the utility companies would not wish to risk the dange r of lawsuits of the damages which these power plants could cause . This Awareness indicates that essentially this as the correct approach and that entities by repealing the Price Anderson Act could bring an end to the use of nuclear power . This Awareness wishes to comment briefly on this a s there are many who advocate the use of nuclear power as being necessary . This Awareness indicates that the use o f nuclear power as that which is only an intermediate energy source, for as is, it will only supply energy for 25 years , and this being a relatively small percent of the needed energy . This Awareness indicates that the dangers of nuclear power as being quite great . This Awareness indicates tha t if a fast breeder could be established within 25 years, then this would be valuable according to some as a temporar y means until these fast breeders were developed at which time greater use of the nuclear power could lead to longer , long term nuclear energy sources . This Awareness indicates however, the fast breeder cannot be developed in tha t time, and if so developed, poses still a great danger, not only to the masses upon this planet, but to the planet itself . This Awareness indicates that the present shortage in terms of energies as being basically contrived, that there hav e been vast discoveries of oil in Alaska, in Mexico, and in other parts of the world during the past few years, and th e increase in the use of oil has not accompanied that discovery, or the amounts available . This Awareness indicate s that besides the use of oil, there are many new methods whereby power could be generated, at much less expens e than the nuclear energies . Two Ocean Wave Generators Could Supply all Power Needed in U .S .
This Awareness indicates that the wave generators placed on both sides of the United States or any other countr y with an ocean, could generate all the power necessary for that nation---this receivin g the energies to turn the turbine s from the movement of the ocean waters . This Awareness indicates there are also individual inventions of entitie s as mentioned previously, ranging from the vortex motor, the air motor, crystal energies and solar systems . Thi s Awareness indicates that there are also methods of obtaining oil from vegetations . This Awareness suggests that th e present shortage as being related to the refineries and their inadequacy as they were not built to properly make th e unleaded gas which has been required . This Awareness indicates that this has caused a shortage in the unleaded gas , and this as the major cause of the lines and the cause of certain stations to be shut down . This Awareness indicate s that essentially the use of alcohol mixed with gasoline would be sufficient to substitute for the unleaded gas, thi s being 20% alcohol . This Awareness indicates this would allow the automobile to operate in the same manner a s would the unleaded gas . This Awareness suggests that these entities who cry out for more nuclear power, and are willing to take th e chance on the lives of others in order to promote these plans---these entities have generally a financial stake in th e nuclear industry and are simply responding to this from the greed motive or these entities have not thoroughly , carefully researched and studied or discovered that there are other means of producing energies which are muc h more effective and less expensive than the nuclear plants . This Awareness indicates that many of these entities such as the U .S . Labor Party, are promoting the use o f nuclear power over solar power, and are using information which is outdated, referring to the vast expense of solar strides which have occurred i n energy . This Awareness indicates these entities simply are not recognizing the great , developments of solar energ y the field of solar energy development--these entities are still relating to the early panels, and have not recognized that there have been breakthroughs on many levels and that this can become a very inexpensive source of power . This Awareness indicates that many of these energy sources will be made available upon this plane when th e greed structure is broken . This Awareness indicates also that that the Russians have a method whereby they ar e e capable of neutralizing radiation and the waste from the nuclear power plants, and therefore these entities are mor willing to use that source for their power than are Americans . This Awareness indicates that this as one reason wh y r the U.S . Labor Party and the Soviet Union are promoting nuclear power . This Awareness indicates that the Labon . This Awareness indicates that these forces, feeling assured i Party has recently joined in an alliance with Russia the use of nuclear power because of their advanced technology in dealing with the waste, can in good conscienc e promote the use of this power . This Awareness suggests however, that this nuclear power as that which is unnecess-t ary and remains threatening and dangerous even with the capability of neutralizing this . This Awareness suggests i is both unnecessary and inappropriate---that the solar energies, the wave motions, and other sources as indicated ca n 13.
move the energies of this nation, of all nations into extreme advanced technologie s without the danger of pollution or radiation as now experienced through the petroleum and nuclear industries, and without creating a threat which these industrie s have given as a legacy to the people of the Earth . VESTED INTERESTS HAVE SUPPRESSE D ALTERATIVE ENERGY METHODS FOR YEAR S When greed motive ends, many gifts will be showered upon Eart h
QUESTION : Awareness, many of the members have sent in questions for us to ask the Awareness about alternative energy sources and many more will undoubtedly write in as a result of this particular reading . Is most of the information on these alternative energies in print or can be researched, and is it necessary at this time to question Awareness on any of these particular alternative energy sources ?
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that much of this is in development at present, that muc h of this is available in printed works . This Awareness suggests that many solar energ y companies have gatherings where they distribute and explain their various techniques . This Awareness indicates the use of eutectic salts in solar eneri y for storing the energ y as that which has been a major breakthrough . This Awareness indicates that there are often conventions where these alternative forms of energy are discussed and the findings and the techniques displayed in exhibitions or in other printed material . This Awareness indicates that in terms of many of the other inventions, that th e forces in power--the oil companies and others -- simply restrain, restrict and threate n the inventors so that these cannot be brought forth . This Awareness indicates tha t the Gray motor for example, was working and running ; the Tattler Magazine ran a l article on this engine and shortly thereafter the Gray motor was taken out of prodt .— tion by major influences which were represented by the district attorney of Los Ang eles, who had the organization cease production, who confiscated materials and pre # vented this from being researched further . This Awareness indicates this engine a s one which ran on electromagnetic energy, and used no fuel . This Awareness indicates the air motor of David McClintock as another engin e which awaits development, which runs on air and uses no other fuel . This Awarenes s GIs watching nuclear test in Nevada (1951 ) indicates this entity as the inventor of the four-wheel drive, the differential, the autoThe price of low-level radiatio n –Cancer courtesy of Uncle Sam matic transmission and other inventions . This Awareness indicates that the battery o f Art Summer, which would be an unlimited electrical source as that which also can b e developed--this as a battery which never needs recharging and produces extremel y high voltage---this made from crystal . This Awareness indicates that there is a vortex energy motor in Santa Barbar a being developed–this as already in working order . This Awareness indicates in Seattle an entity as having created a g enerator that has been tested and works, which uses the wave energies of the ocean to create electricity and thi s has been demonstrated---but the entity, rather than being rewarded, has received threats and has been told not t o proceed any further . This Awareness indicates that the government has poured vast amounts of money into oil and nuclear researc h and development, into helping oil companies discover more sources of oil or giving tax breaks to these companies , but the amount given to solar energy developers has been only a token amount, to give the appearance that th e government is trying to develop solar energy . This Awareness indicates in recent months, this has begun to receiv e a slightly greater acceptance with many of the officials of government and that solar energy may soon become mor e acceptauce . This Awareness indicates this particularly wherein oil companies and the utility companies which ar e presently in power can capitalize on the production or use of these solar methods and the profits from such . This Awareness has not mentioned all of the sources of alternative energies nor does It intend to do so at thi s time .
REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 98507 . Rates and membership information available upon request .