80- 4 Price : $2 .00
Cosmic Awareness Communication s
The New-Age Cosmic Newsletter
P .O . Box 115, OlympIa, Washington 9850 7
COSMIC AWAif EN SS is the Force that expressed Itself tliui.h Jeans 01 Nzoeth the Buddha, fxiaZtna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce an d other great avatars who served as- 'Channels ' for the 'Heavenly t athax' and who a6 again today as the world begins to enter the New A e of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1903 Cosmic Awareness har been communicating through arefuUy-trained channels. The informattoe contained herein was received from deep per-comiscious trance levels and 'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is toi those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of 'Readin g s' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe snythan' but to , .im'OOn exQIore, doibt . and discover for yureiL through your own chanaci, what is the truth . Cosmic Awarer,ens wilt only indicate and eug .tesi, Neither C.A .C ., the Aquarian Church oi Universal Service, or the interpreter , Paul Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these readings, nor does C .A.C . or Paul Shockley necessarily behave or agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness . Paul mierprets the energies as he sees them in trance levels and l not personally responsible for what is aid .Memnbrs of C .A .C . are invited to send its questions of general interest to iuth Awarenees for posdbte publication .
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Ato Ext. THIS
(Plus a Review of 1979 )
Status of C .A,C . } and the Aquarian Church
A Look at the
Paul Shockle y
Trance--Interprete r (Opening Message of a C .A .C . Ccncral Reading ) December 13, (97 9
This Awareness indicates that the new year shall begin with a realization that the CCOflO!C situation has steadil y worsened and is on its way toward greater collapse, particularly within the United States . This Awareness indicate s that the degree o this collapse will depend largely on international economic and political factors, as well as ccrta r crises 01 international relationships between nations . Ibis 1\WarCOCSS indicates that the area of the Middle East as being a key factor—this centering around the issue a (>0 . This Awareness indicates also however that minerals as l)Ciflg another issue which will become more and more st ronglv recognized as an important COTICCrII, for there is developing a greater reliance by the industral nations i n particularly the United States on certain other countries for minerals for its production of steel, chromium and vat alloys . This Awareness indicates that this dependency on these nations is such that these various nations are beg . ning in recognize their own potential power as being much like the OPEC nations md their power in relation t o This .Awareness indicates that entities may begin to recognize a. growing conflict on varioas lcvck in terms of iatc r national cooperation between this nation and others regarding both energy and minerals which this nation relics U I > : from foreign sources . This Awareness indicates also that it appears there will be increasing conflict between the nations and those associated with the International Monetary Fund, the British controlled nations, and their econuni : systems . This Awareness indicates that this will also reflect within the United States as a subconscious division among Ceri,>i r Lhticrini actions within the United States, whereby there can be potential for greater political conflict than at an ) previc ;Lls time since the Civil War . This Awareness indicates however, this not necessarily resulting in civil war or 5OCt2 1 strife, :lthaugii it appears there will be social strife that can be of great significance and much disorder, particulari y the cc tioomc situation deteriorates as may occur . ibis Av .arencss indicates tli :tt this deterioration and the degree of such depends laregely on the careful handling il l foreign matters, particularly in regards to the Moslems and in specific reference to Saudi Arabia . That the Irania n affair as that which is a key factor in this relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia, and the prope r ban i line, rh can help to stabilize relationships with this nation to diminish the economic collapse or to lorestall such coiapsc . :iO) I t : ; : : 't ('mirttu Irminme, the Aquru :i .eu Chur,'b of t'.nivt'r,ut Service . itapi'oitucliou by p-erwisslo1i. it
- This Awareness indicates that wherein the Saudi Arabians should decide to dump the dollar, entities can expect t :in:: economic conditions to deteriorate very rapidly and greater problems to occur within this nation . This Awareness indicates that regardless of the actions of Saudi Arabia, there appears to be a much deepening drop in the economy tha n is presently being experienced . This Awareness indicates that this to include greater unemployment within the Unite d States, greater inflation which continues to increase, and tighter credit, more difficulty in obtaining mortgages . This Awareness indicates that entities who are watching the stock market for signs of economic collapse arc no t observing the most crucial area, for the stock market during this time, while reflecting the economic collapse, is no t the key factor ; rather the value of the dollar is that which is the key factor . This Awareness suggests that entities ward the dollar in relation to changing prices of gold and other commodities and in relation to foreign money markets o r foreign currencies. This Awareness indicates that essentially t :hcrc are forces which arc attempting to harin g. down the American econotr e while there are also other forces which are attempting to keep this economy going . This Awareness indicates the Britis 1 influence on the American economy is such as to bring it down in order to switch the currency from a dollar standa n for world trade to one which is based on the International Monetary Fund, whereby a new type of standard is set u p by the Britis n controlled banks . This Awareness indicates that while this is occurring on the one hand, there are certain OPEC nations and others i n Europe--such as West Germany, France, Italy, Ireland and the OPEC nations and also Russia---who are attempting t o keep the dollar stable for a duration long enough so that : the European Monetary S ystcm can become more stabilize d as an economic defense against the the International Monetary Fund of the British . This Awareness indicates the actions of Khomeini as being influenced by the British with the intention of creatin g destabilization in the area, drawing the United States and o gler nations into a conflict which they hope will result i n economic maneuvers which will benefit the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank---the banks controlled b y the Rothschilds . This Awareness indicates basically this is the scenario at the beginning of the year 1980 . That the Russians are care fully watching the Middle East and there is a growing respect and rapport between the Americans and the Russians , even though there also is a division in the United States between those factions which support the British and thos e who support the Russians . This Awareness indicates that essentially the government : of the United States is secretl y but closely aligned with the Russian government, but there are strong military factions in the United States who are working closel y with the British . This Awareness indicates much of this information is available through the l)r . Bcter tapes . This Awareness indicate s that entities may refer to previous material for further background in this area . This Awareness wishes mostly to comment on the scenario of the coming year, as this will be a rather unsettled year with unusual events which entitie s may wish t :o prepare themselves for . This Awareness indicates that while the future is never fixed, certain forces are i n movement, and understanding these forces can allow entities to be prepared-to watch the forces in movement and t o make the best choices possible during changing times . This Awareness suggests that there appears to be some strong likelihood of conflict overseas---this being what ma y be terme d ed war . 'That : the intensity of this is in question at this time, but entities observing current events will be cap able of predicting the intensities as events change from time to time . This Awareness indicates this conflict being suc h that . it will he manipulated by the conflicting interests of those forces previously mentioned . This appearing to be i n relation to the Middle East and triggered by the Iranian hostage and embassy take-over . This Awareness indicates tha t it appears that there is a desire to create this conflict in order to gain control of the Persian Gulf and to set up greate r controls in that area to assure more influence in regard to the availability of oil . That there also appears to be othe r values toward interested parties in regard to the general overall conflict and the effect on the wealth and bankin g businesses . This Awareness indicates that should this conflict occur, that there also appears to be dangers to neighboring countries in relation to this effort to control the economics of these nations . This Awareness indicates that along with th e probably conflict, there appears to be the deepening of the recession toward that which may be termed depression , wherein there is much unem p loyment as well as a drop in the Gross National Product and the sales of goods withi n this nation . This Awareness indicates that this also to include inflation, which appears to mushroom during this year . Thi s Awareness indicates the fuel situation and energy problems also to increase, causin g an inflated expense whereb y gasoline will move to two d o llars per gallon . This P warencss indicates this will not be quite as expensive as it ma y sound, since the dollar will be worth less . This Awareness indicates however, that those who are on fixed income s will not benefit of this inflated dollar and will still be paying extra in the amount indicated by the higher prices . This Awareness indicates that entities can expect food shortages and many entities may lose their homes and properties and businesses during this time . This Awareness indicates that these conditions can lead to much social unres t and conflict and tensions. This Awareness indicates that many of the current movies being played on screens, reflecting back in nostalgia t o the depression era., are but a conditioning to assist entities to accept these times . This Awareness indicates that thos e who must accept these corning times and the economic collapse of their business affairs will do well to not take th e changes as being a reflection on their own capabilities or their own self-image, but recognize this as being somethin g likened unto a storm which entities must go through . This Awareness indicates that many entities may attempt t o blame themselves for business failures and become discouraged and self-critical, even to the point of becoming ill o r 2
self-destruclivc. this Awareness suggests however, that . you view this as an entity would who was lacing a . morn) o f other natural catastrophe . This Awareness suggests you not blame yourself for the storm--you simply take those pre cautions necessary to avoid the greater problems which the storm might create . This Awareness suggests that entities prepare by storing basic grains and foods which can be of life-saving value i n case of shortages . This Awareness suggests that you also accumulate tools which can be valuable in planting, wherei n you have the land and the inclination to plant gardens . This Awareness suggests that other than this, entities atten d their own business in a way whereby they can adjust to the probable changes which might occur and whereby they can still be able to function in a relaxed and harmonious manner . weathering through the crisis as well as can be expected under the circumstances without taking failures too seriously . This Awareness indicates the times will change , and entities will adjust and entices will survive . That those who can make the proper adjustments will survive best . This Awareness indicates It wishes to emphasize that the degree of the coining recession depends on several factor s which are not fully set into motion at this time, but which may be set into motion within the next two months . Thi s Awareness indicates that apart from the social, political and economic conditions, entities may also expect greate r geophysical activity during the coming year and weather itself may be more unpredictable than previously . This Aware ness indicates also that entities may notice more cosmic storms or sunspots and the effects created by these . This Awareness indicates there appears also to be an important event regarding a phenomenon of a psychic natur e or of a nature involving xrhat may be termed the UFO phenomenon. This Awareness indicates that the Alien Forc e essentially has evacuated this planet---this in reference to those forr~es which are from other areas of the galaxy o r other dimensions ---1-lowcver they have left behind that which might be termed a 'hamiltase' or suicide force . That those who remain arc continuing to attempt to create as much havoc on this planet as is possible and are willing t o commit suicide to do so . This Awareness indicates these entities are also willing to destroy the planet or a large part of the planet if necessar y –that their purpose is to create as much chaos during the neat six years as possible . This Awareness indicates howeve r there arc also powerful forces who arc taking the necessary steps to prevent this suicide action from occurring . Tha t it appears these forces at present have the upper hand . THE EMEhGENCY BANKING REGULATION No . l QUESTION : In relation to the economy and the year 1980, there is a law on the books which has been signed by the President and the Secretary o f the Treasury called the Einerl;enc ;' Banking Regulation No . 1 . And to bring; this into effect the President has to call a 'National Emergency ' or an emergency plan . l lc could appear on television and announce, 'You are henceforth prohibited from making any withdrawls of cas h from any bank or savings and lean company, except for 'customary ' quantities of money . The bank will decide what is 'customary . ' Yo u arc no longer allowed to write any checks without the bank's approval . you will be al[owed to write checks only for 'customary ' amounts --the banks will decide what is 'customary ' . No checks will be honored by the bank for any 'unauthorized purposes'–the bank under th e supervision of the Federal Government will determine which uses of your money are 'authorized ' . " Now in light of that-law which is o n the books, does Awareness see in the coming year any great probability that this emergency law will be called in? And if so, what woul d It advise entities to do about this before it occurs ?
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as a probability . This Awareness indicates that this law is particularly designed to prevent entities from rushing to their banks and withdrawing money in a manner which causes the bank to sink an d fall. This Awareness indicates that entities must understand that banks do not contain enough money to pay all thei r accounts entities wish to close their accounts, for much of the money in banks is simply on paper, in figures, an d the actual cash held is but a percentage of that which is kept on record . This Awareness indicates essentially this law is designed to prevent entities from rushing to withdraw more mone y than the bank can give without failing . That this is a precaution against bank failure, whereas the bank can determin e what is `customary withdrawals . This wi II depend largely on whether the bank is able to release that amount desire d from a customer's account or whether the bank feels that the amount would be detrimental to its reserves . This Awcu c Hiss indicates that entities who understand this and wish to continue leaving their money in the bank under thes e conditions, recognizing that there will be certain limitations on their accounts, may continue enjoying the security o f having money in the bank--in a safe place . However entities who do not wish to have these restrictions on their mone y may prefer to remove their money totally while they can, and put this into other types of savings or may save this i n other secret places . This Awareness suggests however that entitles so doing must be cautious that they do not hid e their money where it is unsafe, where It could be destroyed . or where thieves or animals could tinter and rob th e entity of their valuables . This Awareness indicates that certain gems, stones, miner:Hs, or other items such as antiques or food items whic h can be stored, may also be ways of storing valuable energies, so that the entities need not concern themselves wit h money per se, but may have their energies transferred into these valuables and be able to re-transfer through sellin g or trading these valuables at other times .
QUESTION : According to the reports put out by the US Labor Party in their publication, the International Monetary Fund and people behind thi s have pushed the Middle East almost to the brink of war . And they seem to think that if it doesn ' t happen right away, 19Et) will precipitate some kind of holocaust over there . Awareness has indicated the probability of some type of war over there . Does 1t see this getting into a nuclear type war if it should o' cur ?
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this appears to be somehow contained . This Awareness indicates that this appears t o be wherein there is an effort t cause this to flair into a great nuclear war by certain forces . Yet there appears to b e a near miraculous maneuver which contains this to prevent its global occurrence . This Awareness indicates that thi s appears to come from a general awareness of the total condition and cooperation among certain nations which on th e surface appear to be enemies, but which in fact are working together to prevent this from occurring . This Awarenes s Indicates this ii p articular reference to the administrative frces in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Franc e and Germany . This Awareness indicates that this is all that is seen at this time . This Awareness indicates that this probability of avoiding the global holocaust is that which is still nebulous, thoug h it appears that the energies are such that with certain events occurring- in the near future in regards to these concerns , this anpea .rs that there will be a way out to prevent this from happening .
A LOOK AT C .A .C . & THE AQUARIAN CHURC H OF UNIVERSAL SERVIC E (Opening Message, C .A .C . g eneral Reading ) No . 2 given Dee . 13, 197 9
This Awareness indicates there has been during the year of 1979 certain Alien Force attacks upon the organization s Cosmic Awareness Communications, and the Aquarian Church . This Awareness indicates that this as having been more through the astral levels than on physical levels . However this did surface into the physical in many instances and i n different ways . This Awareness indicates that the forces attempted to move in through the weakest areas to do what ever was possible to create problems for the Interpreter, for the staff of C .A .C ., and for the organizations themselves . This Awareness indicates that in many instances the force also sought to work through weakened areas for member s of the organizations to cause any problems possible in the lives of these entities . This Awareness indicates howeve r that in a general sense the organizations and the entities weathered the attacks by this Alien Force from the astra .i dimension and are still afloat, still functioning . This Awareness indicates that the Aquarian Church as having moved into a near-limbo state having been unde r siege during this time and unable to conduct its normal business affairs . This Awareness indicates the Interpreter an d the Aquarian Church both being defendants of a three million dollar law suit instigated by forces working throug h certain entities, having moved into legal actions against the church and the Interpreter with methods which were unnecessary ani inappropriate, but which were designed to destroy the reputation of the church and the Interpreter . * This Awareness indicates these forces having leveled their attacks in this manner have essentially thrown their entir e arsenal into the sinking of the ship, yet the Aquarian Church as still floating and as being capable of weathering th e attacks and moving into stronger position than ever before . This Awareness indicates that this attack having occu rred in a semi-secret area as that which did in fact hinder th e Interpreter's efforts and energies in responding to the requests, needs, and obligations to the membership ; yet thi s was of such intensity that it was necessary for the Interpreter to put his entire energy into this action, even thoug h the normal responsibilities to the membership suffered . This Awareness indicates that while this legal battle is no t com p leted and may still require energies from the Interpreter and others, it appears that there is a new type of energ y moving in . This Awareness indicates that the worst is over and the best is yet to come .
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Pho':o of the 4th severed donkey head to arrr, .r en the doorsteps of C .A .C . Th e !atsst cne 3pp ::cred Nov . 30, 1979 (th e second to cope. r that month) .
This Awareness indicates that in terms of the potential throats to C .A .C .-that there have been approximately four areas in which the Alien Force attempted to affect the efforts of this organization during this past year . This Awareness indicates that the aura around these entities as being strong enough t o ward off any great consequences from these efforts . This Awareness indicates that the four donkey heads placed on the doorstep . of the headquarters as having been instigated by the forces from the astral Ieve l moving through entities who served as agents to this force .
Atwrcnasa had named month before in several readings hew the Beast forces were out to destroy the churches . The entities suing the Aquarian Church hay been in contact with the lawyers who reticently awarded $2,000,000 to a Portland woman against the Church of Scientology . if the case ever reache s the courts, it should be thrown out as all the charms are fabricated . In lieu of funds . Paul has been doing most of the law research himself which aet :outta vn; nine' why he has fallen behind in other activities of the church . 'there is a possibility that C .AC. will be later hit by these same entifa a .
This Awareness indicates that this as having a similar connection or relation to the cat incident*, wherein the ca t wnllccd to the door and left a psychic message to the officers of C .A.C . and the Interpreter, informing these entities that the Alien force was unhappy with their release of the Gathering Storm material. This Awareness indicat e the donkey heads as being similar in nature, letting the entities know that they arc making the Alien Force unhappy . This Awareness indicates however, that essentially the aura around Cosmic Awareness Communications headquarter s as strong enough to block out most of the efforts by the Alien Force, so that these messages arc not hinderances t o the performance of duties and responsibilities . This Awareness indicates that essentially the two organizations, Cosmic Awareness Communications and th e Aquarian Church are moving away from these difficult and threatening times and moving toward clearer waters . 'l'hi s Awareness has certain plans for these organizations and is in the process of communicating directly with entitie s through their own consciousness, through their own channel---communicating with entities who arc concerned abou t assisting to bring in the new spiritual energies that can move through these organizations, to influence these entitie s to donate certain energies in terms of money or other wealth to these organizations, that they might become sufficiently grounded and structured to be able to function more completely as vessels for the spirit and purposes for whic h this Awareness had these organizations created . This Awareness indicates that the Aquarian Church as having limped along with its main source of income comin g from the interpreter's readings, and this barely being enough to keep the Interpreter's basic functions and famil y needs together . This Awareness indicates that this not allowing enough for the church to grow, for services to b e properly rendered to its membership, or for structured activities and departments to be properly organized . This Awareness indicates this no' allowing enough for the hiring of staff, crew, or the printing of necessary publication s or papers . This Awareness indicates that C .A .C ., while managing to stay afloat and progress more smoothly, as still in nee d of greeter support in terms of printing and office equipment in order to produce the proper dissemination of material. This Awareness indicates that this organization also needing greater support in terms of being capable of presenting books and papers to the public, based on material available, but not yet printed . This Awareness indicates that the Aquarian Church as having certain projects for the New Age energies which hav e hardly even been made public or discussed, due to the inability of the small crew to function on its empty fuel tank s or to keep the activities and communications flowing. . This Awareness indicates that this year of 1980 appears to b e a turning point, particularly for the Aquarian Church . That this Awareness is moving to direct certain entities to giv e more energy to this organization, so that it can be launched in proper manner toward the purposes for which it ha s been created . This Awareness indicates this including the establishment of schools around the nation, chartere d churches, the trade centers and special classes for ministers' training and spiritual development . This Awareness indicates that this also to include the research centers or research activities and certain development of projects relate d to the New Age purposes . This Awareness indicates that It is not appealing in this reading to entities to donate money to either of these organizations, but that It does wish to inform entities that It will be and is presently communicating directly to individuals through their own channels, to influence these individuals according to their ability and_ inclination to mak e certain efforts which will allow these organizations to have greater stability in order to perform their function s properly . This Awareness indicates that this will occur during the year of 1980 . This Awareness indicates essentially the problems of the past are falling away and a new sense of direction an d purpose and new energies for these directions and for these purposes arc being made available . ******************** *
* Editor's Note : i'hc reference Awareness made to the cat needs explanation . During the preparation of the 'Gathering Storm ' packet , there were indications both from Awareness and from outside sources that C .A.C . and the Interpreter were being watched very closely . Our telephones were tapped for one thing we discovered, and we were truly afraid that this material would never be allowed to be mail, , l out to the membership . When it was finally printed and packed into postal bags for delivery, we moved these bags full of mail in th e deep of night to the home of a friend who promised to deliver it on schedule to the post-office . Afraid for our very lives at that time , the staff of C .A .C . and Paul Shockley and his wife, Roshanna, took off for a short breather, to escape any consequences of the action o f mailing out the 'Gathering Storm ' material and to plan furore strategy . We found ourselves living for a few days in an island condominiu m on the fourth floor . 'I'hc only access to our apartment was through an elevator or up four flights of stairs, each floor requiring the openin g of' a heavy steel door . To gain access to our apartment another heavy steel door needed to be opened also . The day we arrived the onl y sign of an animal of any kind was a strange-looking orange cat which had very weird-looking eyes with a strange orange-like fire in them . This animal was seen outside the door of the office manager . We commented at the time on this cat because of its strange appearanc e and the way it observed us and arched it back as though we were going to attack it (or it us) . The evening of the day the 'Gathering Storm ' material was supposed to he delivered to the postofficc, we worried and wondered whether this had been allowed to occur on schedule . We had no way of knowing at the time and we had no intention of contacting the entity by phone . The apartment was divided into tw o smaller apartments--Paul and Roshanna were in the one below and Vikki T . and myself occupied the one above which was little more tha n a small balcony overlooking the room below . About 3 AM in the morning everyone leaped from their sacks when an ecary, weird, bowl like scream suddenly pierced the night . It was an unearthly sound---a cross between a child screaming and some kind of animal . It sounded 5.
like it was trying to speak . We almost thought . we could hear words . (If you saw the movie, 'The Exorcis t ' . the animal-like sounds whic h came through the child in that movie could best describe what we heard .) The screams lasted for about three.minutes, It was a cry o f desperation and anguish, anger and dissapoint :mcnt . It freaked everybody out and no one got any sleep that night . Paul hollered up a t us asking us 'l)id you hear that!' What a question . tie got up and advanced to the locked door. The screams were still coming and h e said he heard something did*ing and scratching at the door . Ile did not open it . The next morning we examined the door . It containe d several very deep claw-like scratches over a quarter inch deep . We packed our bags and got the hell out of there . There was absolutely no way any physical animal could have opened all those doors and made its way to our apartment . This story made little sense to any o f us until Awareness mentioned it in this reading . The Alien Force, expressing itself through this animal, was letting us know that th e 'Gathering Storm' had been released into consciousness--and it did not like this one tiny little bit . (Friends of Vikki T . would hav e gazed in wonder and marveled at how this entity leaped when this supernatural screaming first began . I told her that with a spring lik e that she ought to try out for the Olympics) .
*********** * (Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates that during the past several years, mysteries have been revealed at an ever-increasin g rate . This Awareness indicates that entities may wish to look back in time and consider a time of approximatel y five years previously and consider the assumed philosophy which they held at that time, and note how it compare s to their present-day philosophy---becoming aware of the changes in their thinking or in the conceptualizin g, considerations, and potential concerns of their present : consciousness in relation to that which they held lur e years previously . This Awareness indicates that having done this, entities may then move back to a period ten years previous , then fifteen, then twenty . This Awareness suggests that in so looking backward at: the growth and development of your philosophies, you may begin to understand the changes which will be coming in the future times a s you move more and more into the Aquarian Age .
For previously published information on what happened during the year 1979, please refer to the CAC Back-Issue s catalogs . Entities reading this information will more fully understand what Awareness was referring to in this reading . To obtain the 1)r . Beter Audio Letters, please write to the following address : The I)r . Beier Audio Lette r P .O . Box l6421I Ft . Worth, Texas 7613 3
UI W E SAt ScRVICc REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia . Washington, 98507 (A non-profit organization) . Rates and membership information is available upo n request . For samples of these communications, send $3 .00 for 80 page hook, `Cosmic Awareness Speaks' to above address .