Cosmic Awareness 1980-07: Turmoil Beneath The Surface Of The Sea Of Tranquility

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P .O. Box i h . (if y111pda, lil l ashini-ta n

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iX;SirflC AWAftENk:SS is the Force shut expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mahannned, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served a& 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly bather' and who speaks again today as the world beginu to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 19E3 Coernie Awarenem has been commtuaicating through carefully-trained channel . The infertrance levels and 'interpreted' by an 4ii .titv affiliated with C .A .C . Thi s manion herein was received front deep irifarrstation ts for those who desire to help in hiiniong in the New Age . ThrouOlours the thousands of 'Readings ' given tlirounh these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells un not to believe anything but to q1testion . explore, doubt, and discover for yourself through your C'"Nn channel , whet ix the truth, . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and auggeat . Neither C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Servie s . or the interpreter , Paul Sla eddies is responsible fur anything Commie Awareness may state in any of these re&dingu, nor does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y belitva sir agrse with the atatairtenta of Cosmic Awareness . Paul mterpreta the energies as he aces then, in trance levels and is not . personally rasnonslble for what is asid.rdenibers of C .A .C . are in aited to Rend in qucatlons of general interest to ask Awareness for posaihle publication .



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General Ro:iding N& . 1, January 3, 1980 1

PLEASE NOTE : For easier readability anti understanding , Cosmic Awareness suggests these readings be read aloud .

This Awareness indicates there is VHHQ that which appears as a sailing strip passing through sea of what appear s to be tranquilby on Ills surface, yet which indicates signs of subsurface activity UHODWLQJ WR a deep and powerfu l turbulence . This AwaRniess indicates this turbulence, on close examination, appears to be caused by the conflic t and struggle of two mortal enennes--these being likened into sea monsters whose power is great, whose potentia l can create havoc even on the surface level for many of the passing ships . copyrtFoRT 1980 by ros,iii e Awareness Ciantnuideasions & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction by siarsnission .



This Awareness indicates that the struggle between these monsters as that which has been deep , has been somewhat subdued though threatening. but which now moves iinto levels whereby there is a great potential for powerfu l confrontations between these monsters and the effect of such confrontation threatens the entire Sea of Tranquility . This Awareness indicates that essentially this relates to the potential for a powerful religious war to erupt . This Awareness indicates that the energies at this time are such that there is a moment of decision which wil l occur very soon whereby these forces shall either !Jack away from that confrontation or shall engage fully into a life and death struggle . This Awareness indicates that these energies relate unto that which has been ignited in th e Middle East and which can, if allowed, erupt into explosive situations from which there is no turning back . This Awareness indicates that this may also be prevented by quick, deliberate, and careful attention from thos e who are aware of the inherent dangers and potentials regarding the condition, that certain strong actions as well a s great patience and understanding will be the key factors in preventing the explosive potential of such violence fro m erupting. This Awareness indicates should these fail, this thrashing of these forces, this war, shall not be containe d in that area but shall spread, for the energies locked up may be likened unto powerful explosives which are bu t waiting for the release to occur . This Awareness indicates that should this occur, great suffering upon this plane will be experience. ;yet this can be likened unto the birth pains of the New Age or new beginnings of humanity, for there is that which needs to b e released . This Awareness suggests that a more gradual .release would be less painful, less dangerous, and more valu able to entities upon this plane ; but wherein entities are impatient to have their way, the sudden and urgent explosive actions appear to be the proper route . This Awareness indicates that those who choose this path of violence assume themselves to have a superior backing for their actions, have faith in that backup superiority whether this be Allah, God . or material weaponry . Thes e entities in placing their faith in that which they believe assume they shall win and therefore are willing to risk th e danger rather than to work through levels of relationship, diplomacy, communication, bargaining, and legal maneuvering to find solutions to the problems. This Awareness indicates that it is possible that. if given enough attentio n these two monstrous forces can look at each other, recognize each other's position, understand each other's frame work and thinking . and find ways of resolving the issues rather than simply condemning and justifying violen t actions. This Awareness indicates that whether the huh= race is ready for reconciliation or prefers to play aroun d with further condemnation and justification concepts the outcome shall eventually be the same ; whether there is chaotic war on this plane, or slow evolutionary change in the thinking of humans, the outcome will eventually reac h a reconciliation whereby all entities will learn to respect one another regardless of differences and allow each othe r to have their differences of opinion without attempting to violate others through malicious attacks or imprisonments or condemnations or slander or other forms of abuse. This Awareness indicates that the Muslim world as that which is undergoing a kind of rapid transmutation, movin g from old ideas based upon the subjugation of women into modern concepts of reconciliation between the male an d female forces . This Awareness indicates that this movement has occurred against: the principles and teachings o f basic philosophy held by those of the Muslim faith and many of the male members of the Muslim world consider this change to be a threat to the very existence of their masculinity claims and to the basic foundations of thei r beliefs which were formed, in part, upon such claims . This Awareness indicates that consequently there is a back lash against the movement of women upon this plane to find equality . There is a back-lash in the Muslim worl d which is exemplified in particular by the entity Khomeini, as an action which polarizes the concept of male supremacy, male control, and from that position observes the remainder of the so-called `civilized world' as being debase d by concepts of sexual equality--=the entity seeing particularly the influence in Western technological societies a s having contributed to the decadence and debasement of the concepts of male supremacy allowing females to hav e greater expression in the male religious-oriented societies . This Awareness refers entities back in history to times wherein the religions were based upon feminine deitie s wherein the male was considered to be expendable but the female needed protection in order to bear children . Thi s Awareness indicates that these early religions based on feminine deities were the dominant religions for hundred s of thousands of years and only in recent times have the religions switched to male deities---this being an effort t o bring about a balance and place for men in a basically feminine-oriented world . This Awareness indicates that so m cultures upon this plane did manage to keep a balance of male and female deities in their religions which in tur n allowed great civilizations, which remained in balance, to grow and develop . This Awareness indicates that mor e recently the masculine types of religions wherein the deities arc male, have emerged in greater power and have thei r influence on the nations and the cultures Lean toward the technological, rational, and scientific advancements , toward aggression and other masculine tendencies . This Awareness indicates that these masculine religions hav e perpetrated the subjugation of women so that she has been given a place much like that of a servant to man who , in turn, assumed a god-like position over her . 2.

This Awareness indicates that this in particular from the time of the Old Testament from the tim e of Moses and up to and through the New Testamen t and the modem times—this including movement s through the Islamic or Muslim philosophies in tha t which is the Middle East, Europe, Russia, and th e Americas. This Awareness indicates the oriental s e world as having maintained a general balanc until recently, leaning more toward the feminin e side and allowing a masculine influence withi n that, but in recent times turning more towar d masculine influences of technology development and away from the feminine past . This Awareness indicates that essentially what is occurring upon this plane at this time is a quickening pac e leading to the reconciliation of the energies, the balancing of the male/female energies whereby equalities mus t occur, and those religions which are based in their foundations upon sexual concerns, particularly wherein certai n sexual subjugation is promoted, those religions shall carry the greatest karma as the balancing and reconciliation s are released . This Awareness indicates essentially most religions containing high significance in sexual concern s are outgrowths of the basic conflict between male and female energies, and these have grown from the culture s which fostered these religions, either as programs for assisting these cultures or as rebellions against the culture s before. This Awareness indicates that presently the energies of these serpents beneath the Sea of Tranquility threaten t o bring about great turbulence as the birth of the reconciled child of humanity emerges . This Awareness indicate s that within a short time the decision must be made as to the direction for allowing this birth to occur, whethe r there will be forces which would abort and destroy this reconciled offspring of humanity, or whether these force s will allow these energies to continue in motion to bring forth the New Being for the New Age . This Awareness indicates that regardless of whether this occurs in peaceful setting or in violence the birth will be complete and wil l find its expression . This Awareness indicates there does appear to be some danger to this birth whereby the forc e which is alien to reconciliations will have a day, controlling and holding power over the New Being . This Awareness indicates that it appears also that the entity whose face is used to symbolize the Muslim movement against the Western developments, this entity appears to be one who shall find martyrdom shortly . Thi s Awareness indicates that as this entity achieves his goal of martyrdom the entity may satisfy that craving of tha t nation for martyrdom so that they need not be sacrificed along with this entity as a martyr for their beliefs. This Awareness indicates this as being similar to, or a reflection of, the action of Jesus the Christ, wherein the entit y Khomeini may substitute as a martyr for the rest of the Islamic people so that they need not also be martyred . This Awareness indicates the forces in consciousness, the movements in the mass mind work in strange way s whereby entities and clusters or groups of entities or organizations of entities or cultures of entities may be seen a s likened unto the thoughts, concepts, cultures or clusters of thoughts or concepts in the mind of an individual . Thi s Awareness indicates as there are individual thoughts within an individal's mind, likewise there are individuals a s actors in the mind which is the mass mind, the mind of mass consciousness, as there are clusters of thoughts suc h as mathematics, sciences, religions, and social concepts and disciplines which inhabit an individual's mind . Likewise , in the mass mind there are organizations and clusters of entities who exemplify these concepts for the mass min d of humanity as there are in the individual mind conflicting ideas, conflicting emotions, conflicting feelings, wherei n one set of ideas makes war upon another set of ideas, wherein science may clash with religious concepts, or wit h personal needs or whereby the individual's self-esteem is in conflict with the ideals . Likewise, in the mass mind , organizations and cultures, nations, religions, concepts, may also clash with each other ; emotions may flair in one area against those in another and essentially, the mass mind is a reflection of the individuals which make it what i t is, and the individual minds are but reflections of that which is occurring in the mass mind . This Awareness indicates that a difference in levels of communication, the time-lag between the individual cell o r soul and the total mind is that which is the cause of inner conflict and turmoil, for wherein 1 .2he mass mind or th e entities' integrated mind could communicate fully to all its parts there would be no disharmony and the change s would occur spontaneously with fluidity as the Universal Mind dictated, influenced, these mass minds or individua l minds . This Awareness indicates that this does not occur however, for the energies do move at varying frequencie s and that which enters the mass mind as a new energy requires time and struggle before it filters down into th e groups, religions, cultures, nations, and organizations of the mass mind, and even more time before it enters int o the thinking of the average citizen of i :!'Litt culture . This Awareness indicates that, fortunately, the average citizen i s not necessary as a voice in determining the validity of the energies which enter into the influences on a society, fo r 3..

the average citizen as the average brain cell, is more concerned with finding its own nourishment and sustenanc e than with having an influence on the entire mass mind or its thini,i n This Awareness indicates that therefore this Awareness and those hierarchy forces which .channel energies fro m this Awareness into those dusters of planets, into those galaxies of stars, into those solar systems and the entitie s residing upon and in those planets, into their cultures, into their groups, and into their thinking—these forces of reconciliation ; these forces can and do eventually enter into these levels to bring about that which is harmony, pac e and balance . This Awareness indicates that unfortunately, from some points of view, when entities become aware enough o f the natural laws and forces of the Universe, such entities having the wisdom and knowledge of gods, also have th e capability of playing with such energies to bring about imbalance, polarities, and disturbances in the nature of thes e forces by creating concepts which arc opposed to one another, setting up focal points for consciousness to rall y around and to energize so that oppositions occur . This Awareness indicates that these are those priests who creat e in the Universal Mind opposing thoughts, and these opposing thoughts in the Universal Mind can become culture s or individualized by certain names or forces having the potential of being named, and once named, may be broke n into parts or parties to that : force . This Awareness indicates an example being that wherein entities create Satan a s opposed to God . This Awareness indicates that once these forces have been created and are energized, these force s do have impact in the Universe as opposing forces in the mass Universal Mind and can rally energies around them so that all of consciousness is affected somewhat by these forces . This Awareness indicates that those who are aware of the nature of playing with dualities, polarities, oppositions ; schisms, separateness, schizophrenia, on a cosmic or collective level dealing with mass mind or Universal Mind ; these entities who are aware of this may either contribute to furthering the divisions or may work toward reconciling th e polarities to lessen the sorrow, suffering and tragedies . This Awareness indicates those who contribute to increasing the polarities , increase the tragedy, sorrow, and suffering . This Awareness indicates tha t those who seek to contribute to increasing the polarities generally seek powe r over those whom they have created as their enemy to oppose, and this increase in personal. power as an opposition to that which is the enemy, eventually leads to these entities being caught in their own game, being overthrow n having their power removed, and finding themselves the enemy of the people . This Awareness indicates this not only relates to individuals but to gods an d those gods or deities which seek to reconcile differences---these are thos e which emerge as the true gods of the Universal Mind . This Awareness indicates that entities in witnessing the coming events ma y wish to observe these events from the viewpoint of those who would watc h and work for reconciliation rather than to take sides in a conflict which i s essentially predestined by archaic concepts which have been programme d into the mass mind and which now must be erased . This Awareness indicates essentially you arc witnessing the reconciliatio n between masculine and feminine-forces, played out i .n a religious war betwee n cultures which have exemplified opposing sides of these energies . * For a larger understanding of this, please refer to the many Revelations of Awareness Newsletters wbieh refer to Isis and Rhycc , the first sepa ateness', having reconciled and returned to Essence . '



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Awareness, there are some that arc saying that the entity, Khomeini, is an actor—that the real Khomeini had been killed and that th e one now in power is being programmed by other entities . Is there any truth to this ? COSMIC AWARENESS '

This Awareness indicates that it appears that an actor was killed--- that this entity as being the true Khomeini , but that this entity is indeed being influenced and programmed by others . 4.


QUESTION : is the recent invasion by the Russians into Afghanistan an effort by the Russians to stabilize that area or is it a maneuver to gai n more military expansion ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as an action to stabilize the area--- g hat: this has had certain reversal effects in term s of the Muslim attitude toward Russia, but that the Russians assume the risk as being worthwhile in order to b e present in the event that the situation in the Middle East gets more volatile . This Awareness indicates that the Russians essentially have had little ability to influence events in Iran---this bein g influenced greatly from the British---and that the Russians, wishing to be more secure against the potential held b y the Iranian situation, have moved into Afghanistan in an effort to stabilize the Middle East area and also to assist i n protecting certain of the Arab nations from attack which they have understood as being potentially imminent excep t for strong action to prevent: such attacks . This Awareness indicates this particularly in relation to Saudi Arabia . This Awareness indicates that there appears to be a general understanding between Washington and the Sovie t Union in regards to what is occurring, regardless of the superficial statements made by these nations . This Awareness indicates there also appears to be elements within both nations which are in conflict and which are attemptin g to use as many conflicts as are available to increase the polarities---not only between these major powers, but als o in other parts of the world . This Awareness indicates that this relates to the previous reading* wherein it was stilte d that the Alien Force had left behind a kind of suicide group, a Kamikaze type of force, to reek as much havoc upo n this plane as is possible so that the return of the Alien Force at a later time might be made more easy . This Awareness indicates that it appears that at this time there is approximately a 50% danger of war erupting i n the Middle East . This Awareness indicates that this has increased from a 30% danger in November but is much les s than that danger of last May in 079, wherein there was a 70% danger . This Awareness indicates that it appears that ; the decision between these forces is about to be made and this will occur not necessarily from the decision of morta l beings so much as that of the mass mind wherein the mass mind itself will have that split moment whereby it shal l erupt in war or shall avoid war according to the energies within the mass mind . This Awareness indicates whether this occurs as war or as gradual change will depend on the types of energies which entities emanate into the mas s mind . This Awareness suggests that entities meditate on peace ; that entities visualize peace ; that entities think i n terms of these chaotic potentials as diminishing, as moving away, moving toward peaceful settlement ; that entities communicate their desires for peaceful settlement ; and in this way the mass mind shall have its influence from a s parts and that influence toward peace may overbalance the influence of other parts seeking war . A VISUALIZATION MEDITATION TO HEL P BRING THE HOSTAGES SAFELY



One final question : Dr . Beter implied in one of his recent tapes that the plan all the time with the hostages, the American entities i n Iran, was to sacrifice these entities . With the meditation Awareness just gave, could this situation be changed by entities visualizin g these hostages coming home, coming down the ramp of the airplane? Would that help if they visualize this, that it might reverse th e original plan to liquidate these entities ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . That this can be of great benefit . This Awareness indicates that essentially it is not the Muslims themselves ; it is not in the Muslim philosophy to kill these hostages, but it is par t of a plan fostered by forces behind the events to have these hostages killed in order to create the outrage in Americ o for the greater potential attack and war or military sanctions or for economic sanctions against Iran . This Awareness indicates that much of that which is occurring is, as usual, related to economic interest, but these economic interest s again, as previously indicated, have roots in religious concepts, and religious concepts have their roots in sexua l mysteries . This Awareness indicates the three taboos : money, sex, and religion, again are expressing themselves in thes e events, though these generally are not fully seen in the events in the face of the news . "Revelations of Awareness' No . 80-4 (What to Expect this Coming Year) $2 .00 from C .A .C .



(Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates that there is also seen the surface of the Sea of of Tranquility, whereby the churning o f these forces beneath its waters may be so deco or may he c' ;ffused so that th . surface does not become a majo r chaotic churning of events, but simply that of a rippling of confusion and disturbance, perhaps just enough to roc k the passengers back to sleep . This Awareness indicates that entities wishing to assist in this image of the Sea of Tranquility remaining peacefu l may visualize these religious concepts deep within the waters of their own soul, wrestling with each other and finding reconciliation, or at least acknowledging each other's right to be without needing to destroy the other ; and entities wishing to reconcile these forces may also look deep within themselves and reconcile their own feelings re g arding the equal rights of the opposite sex . This Awareness indicates equal rights, equal responsibilities, not equal s trength or equal capabilities, nor equal responsibilities or rights which are not capable because of the lack of strength o r because of the tack of capability . This Awareness indicates that entities cannot be equal and still be of opposite sex, for the male cannot give birth to children, the female generally does not have the physical strength of the male ; the female has certain strength s which the male lacks, and the male has certain strengths which the female lacks—therefore equality is a myth . That the concern be not for equal rights or responsibilities based on equal ability, but rather on equal opportunities fo r self-expression . This Awareness indicates that for too long men have been subjugated by women and women have been subjugated by men and children have been subjugated by their parents . This Awareness wishes entities to begin looking at each other and asking each other, "How can I give this entit y the rights to freedom with the responsibility to handle those rights properly? " This Awareness indicates that rights of freedom must be earned by right responsibility toward that freedom . Thi s Awareness indicates that as entities wrestle with these concepts within themselves they are contributing to th e balancing of the energies in the mass mind, and in so doing, shall assist in bringing about peace throughout th e world.




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An address by Cosmic Awareness to the membership of C .A .C .




( Opening Message of C .A .C . General Reading No . 2 ) January 3, 198 0

This Awareness indicates that many of the members of your organization having been with yo u for some time, having moved through intense times, have been integrated within themselves so tha t the present and future periods of the coming events will not be of such intensity to these entitie s that they cannot handle the energies . This Awareness indicates that these entities as being prepared for channeling a kind of integrativ e force through their expanding consciousness, that these entities shall continue growing and developin g and forming the basis for the philosophical foundation which is being prepared on this plane : This Awareness indicates that this comes through many entities Here a little there a little . . . . here a little more seeping out from the consciousness of various entities into the relationships , into the worlds of art, drama . politics, education, law, social services, religion, and even in socia l engagements and relationships between entities--these values based on relationship, respect, reconciliation, communication, and love, emerging from various entities : Here a little there a little here a little more : This is emanating the philosophical foundation on which the New Age is being built . This Awareness indicates many of your membership are among those who are emanating thi s energy : Here a littl, there a little here a little more . This Awareness indicates as time progresses these entities studying these messages and th e messages which come from others, from their children, from their wives, from their husbands , from their parents-째--these entities studying these messages shall. begin unfolding that basi c philsophical foundation Here a little la.ter a little then a little more lhat as thes e energies are emitted from one, from more, then eventually the many shall begin to emanat e these energies for all .

REVELATIONS OF AWAIiEril;8S is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (A non-profit organization) . Rates and membership information is available upo n request . For samples of these communications, send $3 .00 for 80 page book . `Cosmic Awareness Speaks' to above address .

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