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Cosmic Awareness Communication s
n.__The New-Age Cosmic Newslette r HOT LIN E
P. 0 . Oax IiS,
Olympia, Washington
stal l
PRICE . $3 .00 COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that espreased itself throutla Jesus of Nazareta the Buddha, Krishna ; Mohammed, Edgar Cayce andAg e other great avatars who served ..s'Ch : .nnels for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks regain today as the world begins to enter the New Lhre,ugh carefully-trained channels . The inforof s intual consciousness aund awareness . Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been conimuntcatingby an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This mation contained herein was received from deep Mi er-conseiou . trance levels and interpreted given thr,,ugh these channels , information is for those who desire to help in bring,ng it the New Age .'rhroughutat the thousands of ' eadiags' :^anon, expiore, doubt, and discover for yo . :rseI , through your own channel . Cosnde Awareness tell : : not Co believe anything, but to qu interpreter . what in the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C ., the yuarian Church of Universal Ser ice, oc the Paul Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awarenesa may state in any of. a .ese readings, nor does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessarily believe or agree with the sU teinerts of Cosmic Awareness . Paul Interprets the energies !ts he sees them in trance levels and is mot personall y . in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication responsible for what is said .klembers of C .A .C . are invited to
Paul Shockley , Trance—Interprete r
peilit . Message , C .A .C . General Reading No . 1 ) Nle. 7th, 198 0
Does Awareness have an opening message ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness asks that the energizers vibrate the word ' OHM ' thre e times . (This is done) . This Awareness wishes to tell a story, this dating back to the earl y 1600's . This Awareness indicates this in the area of England, betwee n York and Lancaster, wherein the entity George Fox, (in this present life time known as Avaton) and the entity William Penn, (in this present life time known as Paul Shockley), joined together with a group of entitie s and formed that which was commonly called `The Association of Friends or The Friends of the Light' . This Awareness indicates these entities, embracing no particular religion , formed an association of entities who worshiped the truth and the righ t to have religious freedom in their expressions . This Awareness indicate s these entities were considered radicals of their day . That the entity William j Penn was the eon of a high official of the British Navy, a friend of th e King . This Awareness indicates the entity was somewhat ashamed o f his son, William Penn, and the radical Association of Friends to whic h he i)elonr ed . This Awareness indicates the entity William Penn bein g deeply involved in assisting the Friends of Light in their legal battle s regarding their religious heliefs, both in England and also on the Continent . This Awareness indicates that at the death of William Penn' s fathei, the King, who owed his father a large amount o f money, through an agreement with William Penn, diss olved the debt by granting William Penn a portion o f property in the New World whereby he and his Friend s saoae: the Great of the Light could go and practice their religious freedoms in th e 01 Macedon New World . This Awareness indicates this portion as describe d ri :nnin~ h'.'tweeei two parallels toward the West ; as far as the land went . This Awareness indicates that this descrip Lion became the State of Pennsylvania and was stopped in the West by settlers who had already settled the land t o the West of the present borders . This Awareness indicates that the State of Pennsylvania as a portion of the Com m onw :is in fa . :, to this day known as a commonwealth rather than as a state . COPYRIGHT. 198 0 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . R.enrodnction by nermission .
This Awaront:ss indicate that the State or Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was created particularly for the needs of the Friends of Light, the Association of th eFrinds,whobcameknsthQuaerbc c their zeal and intensity when they spoke, which cimsed them to shake and quake . This Awareness indicates this name originally intended as a ridicule, became a form o f pride to these entities as it was repeated agaid and agai n and as they became known as `Quakers ' . This Awareness indicates that not only was this intended for the religiou s freedom of these entities, the Quakers, hut for all entities of any religion . This Awareness indicates that the Commonwealth o f Pennsylvania was then established under rules whic h would allow religious freedom, which would allow othe r types of freedom--this in the 1670 ' s, approximately jO( ) years previous to the Articles of Confederation whic h formed the United States . This Awareness indicates thi s also included the Indians in Pennsylvania ; that these cut
,,,,, ;,n,, Penn's Treat} malt the i t rlians U torn Harpers ) ,iteshadnoprblmwithensar,fo
they had clear relationships with these entities, particularly the 1elaware and Iroquois Indians . This Awareness indicates that these Iroquois and the Delaware Indians also influenced the treaty and the policies of the charter for the formation of the area known as the Keystone State of Pennsylvania . This Awareness indicates that Pennsylvani a became known as the Keystone State when it ratified the policies to join with the other States in forming th e United States . This Awareness indicates that 100 years after the establishment of the policies in Pennsylvania set forth by th e principles of the new religious freedoms, William Penn and his associates, the entities from the varicus States gathered in different areas of Pennsylvania--in Philadelphia and in York . Pennsylvania--to establish the Articles of Con federation, which became the base for the present Constitution of the United States . This Awareness indicates tha t this was clnsely patterned after the Constitution or the Charter of Pennsylvania . This Awareness indicates that i n effect, York, Pennsylvania is the birthplace of the United States, in that the Articles of Confederation in 1777 wer e accepted and ap,troved by the Continental Congress, and this became the Charter on which the United States wa s built .* In fact, this as the first time the name, `the United States ' , was officially used in the documents . This Awareness indicates that in 1977, two hundred years later, the entities Paul ;l'eu:iley and Avaton and other s --Thomas McQuay 'and different entities also having roots in that previous era, returned to York to establish a historical, documented action of implementing a concept into consciousness known is the Unified States of Awareness . This Awareness indicates the *purpose of this action being to bring about the concept of the spread of freedom fro m the roots of the United States for all of the nations of the world . This Awareness indicates since that time in 1977 , .theUnifdSasoAwrenhstialh yben ofim,asthervbnougeciswt which to deal . This Awareness indicates that the important action at the time was to re=establish the focal poin t and the historical significance of that time for a reference point in future actions . This Awareness indicates that at present time there is an action which has been ' brewing on the back burner ' for some four years, whereby it is time that entities became aware of this action with the possibility being presented , so that entities wishing Co become involved in this moment of history might find the opportunity to work co creatively in this action . This Awarenes ndicates that from October, 1 .976, to present time, the entity Alexande r Thompson of York, Pennsylvania, has been holding the Thompson College available for use by this Awareness for a college to be opened in that area . This Awareness indicates that the funds for this action have not been available ; the Alien Forces in that area having given this entity a heavJ and total attack to destroy any possibility of openin g such a college in that area for this Awareness . This Awareness indicates that this also must be looked at in the retrospect of history and mystery . This Awareness indicates the entity Alexander Thompson as being the reincarnation of Alexander the Great ; an d that the entity Alexander the Great as having implemented through his action, the turning point in consciousnes s of the Western World, which broke up the power and controls of the Priesthood and secret schools more than an y other entity in the history since the Egyptian times . This Awareness indicates that this entity therefore has inherite d the wrath of the Alien Fo :ce . * Torn Mc(luay seas formerly Thomas Jefferson, according to Cosmic Awareness . For more information on the historic York Town Convention, pleas e refer to the x okb•e:, 'A M, :;m' : Happening at Yorktown ' ,!$ 3 .n0),'the Akashic Nccord,(, .3 .00), ' Yorktown, Pa . Nov . 15, 1977, ($3 .00) and the variou s Yorktown r.uuitigs re,'ardiag the transfer of power, No . 77-17 ($L00)„77 15 (SLOG) ; 77-1 9 (52M0) available from ( : .',C . Also, for one of the stories about Alex Thonrpson's ti ctie with the Alien Force, pieasc refer to No . 79-26 (Nuclear Power),$3 .OU . (The story on his daughter, Kim . )
This Awareness indicates that this entity, Alexander Thompson, as holding title t o property deeded to a Scotsman, an ancestor of this present Alexander Thompson, whos e name was Alexander Thompson ; the deed being signed by the entity William Penn---this i n the mid 1600's . This Awareness indicates this entity holding title to property deeded to hi s family over 300 years ago by the entity William Penn to an Alexander Thompson . This Aware Aiexa niitr . ness indicates this entity Alexander Thompson of present time as being desirous of having this property used for projects of this Awareness, for projects of Cosmic Awareness Communications and th e Aquarian Church . This Awareness indicates that is has watched for some time and has directed individuals in various ways to give assistance to this entity in his efforts to hol d the line in this area against overwhelming odds . This Awareness indicates thi s entity, Alexander Thompson, as having been the only major force in that are a holding off the Alien Force, which is attacking the very roots of the Aka-Chor d of this nation . This Awareness indicates that this entity as having been 'victoriou s in these attacks in many ways which appear miraculous and who can tell the storie s of these miraculous adventures in books which the entity can dictate when tim e permits . This Awareness indicates that at present, the entity has no time for such adventurous romances and stories of miraculous escapes and of the interweavin g of forces in his battle with the Alien Force, for the entity is still involved wit h s the battle .
Alexander Fhompson & Mary Farre l (First Mate Mary) at the 1977 Yor k Convention .
This Awareness indicates this entity as also the reincarnation of the entity, King Alfred of Austria . This Awareness indicates that this entity as being a close associate of this Awareness---one who has served many lifetimes i n the effort of raising consciousness, of enlightening the masses . This Awareness indicates that the entity as one wh o may be termed `a soldier of Light ' . That this entity has suffered greatly from many of his deeds, from the karmi c repercussions of some of his actions as a warrior ; yet the entity has also accomplished many great things on variou s levels . This Awareness indicates that at present, the situation is such that the entity ' s college--which was once considered the most prestigious college in the United States for business training---this college now sits empty . Thi s Awareness indicates that there are branches of the Thompson College which are being run by other private organizations who have purchased the name of Thompson in order to continue using the prestige established by thi s family . This Awareness indicates that the actual college owned by Alex Thompson sits basically empty, except fo r renters in one part of the college . This Awareness indicates the original intent was that this become a New Ag e college ; the entity as wishing to see courses taught which would bring about the understanding of higher spiritua l laws, communication, reconciliation, and greater awareness of business procedures, of an international understand ing . This Awareness indicates that in 1975, It gave this entity a complete plan for a New Age college which woul d develop students who were capable of spreading higher levels of consciousness in all areas of endeavor . This Awareness indicates this material as available to those interested .* This being of 12 branches in the school . * This reading has not been published by C .A .C. hur Xerox copies are avaiiable for those interested for :63 .00 from C .A .C .
'Tins Awareness indicates that since that initial Tin Q yr j inforinitio .h of approximately four to five read s ings relating to this college, this Awareness wishe s to add further, that this become likened unto a peace institute ; whereby entities may study peac e DQG properity for the world, as well as for indivLGXDOV WL a personal level . This Awareness indicates that thi s to encompass peace and prosperity o n all levels- main individual, through family, group , society, culture, and the entire internationa l OHYHOV 7KLV EHLQJ studies aimed at HQOLJKWHQLQ J entities on diplomacy and business affairs, so tha t all may prosper . Not at the expense RI WKH few , not, at the expense of the many, but that DOO may prosper from co-creative activities . This Aware~.. . ~ ness indicates WKDW lc has given this opportunit ytohumanifcsergtohiacn X'. ~'9 :U < ,aaaA ILU & 4 at this time . The Administration Building, Thompson Cotlece, York, Pa . This Awareness indicates that this being a time wherein the economy of the nation i s going down the drain . This Awareness indicates that on all levels, entities are witnessing the beginning of an economic down-spin wherein there will be higher prices of basic energy and food needs, lower prices in terms of manufactured items and real estate, higher inflation rates, more unemployment, and greater conflict between entitie s over personal survival needs . This Awareness indicates that from a logical, rational point of view, WKLV would be th e time for entities WR JUDE ZKDW they can, go into hiding, board up WKHLU windows, and seek to survive without becoming involved in anything other than personal interest . This Awareness , however, is suggesting to those who are reading this or hearing thin message, that you consider an action which is the reverse of the retreat in fear, and tha t you consider taking an action to create something new in this time when all else is going down the drain, creatin g something which uplift:, humanity, which has the potential for developing a new kind of consciousness wherei n entities are trained in diplomacy on levels for individuals, for business, for national and international affairs, t o bring peace rather WKDQ competition, and prosperity for all, rather than in seeking ways to 'do the other in' b y getting his or her money for one's self . This Awareness indicates that the entity, Alex Thompson, has until July 15th of this year (1980)1,o pay off approximately sixty thousand dollars on the college in York . This college as having been remodeled in 197 0 .at a cost of $600,000 above its own real estate value at the time . This Awareness indicates that at, today's market price of low real estate values, he has been offered $345,000 for the college ; but those entities seeking to purchase th e college have stalled this entity for over one year, renegotiating continuously until the mortgage which is due in Jul y becomes somewhat threateniA .g at this time . This Awareness indicates the entities seeking to buy this college, i n their latest proposal, are asking that the entity Alex Thompson allow them to include the college as part of th e collateral for a loan which would allow them to borrow the down-payment in order to purchase the college . This Awareness indicates that this meaning that the entity Alexander Thompson would have no recourse if these entities do not, make payments, but to take back the college with a high (10 4, against it . This Awareness indicates these entities wishing ;o ho row $200,000 against the college in order to pay $100,000 (I;iwn-payment to the entity Ale x Thompson . This Awareness indicates this as their latest proposal, and this being such Unit it it totally unacceptabl e as a business deal but comes at a time when the entity is under pressure to pay tiff the $60,000 mortgage, which i s due July 1.5th . This Awareness suggests that this presents a situation whereby this Awareness does not wish to ` lay any trips' o n anyone, but does wish to inform entities of a potential action which they may take to create something of a magical nature at a time which would require great faith on their part through a co-creative effort of entities who, eac h RIIHULQJ HLWKHU donations or loans of a relatively modest nature, could together raise the $60,000 by July 15th to allow a reprieve so that WKLV Awareness could have more time whereby ,W FRXOG ILQG IXUWKHU financing to open th e Akastla Institute of Peace and Prosperity in York, Pennsylvania . This Awareness indicates that this, once formally cleared, will give the time whereby others outside the immediate membership of Cosmic Awareness Communications can begin to he informed as to the nature of the purposes of the college . This Awareness indicates that within time this college can become a focal point for all lovers of peace, and ther e will be vast amounts of energy poured into this college to assist in its purposes of bringing about the understandin g of peace and prosperity . This Awareness suggests that there are very many influential and wealthy entities wh o would come forward with their money, with their influence, once this has been established so that they understan d its workings, its purpose, its nature, and whereby they can examine its actions and realize that it has a message an d purpose for future generations .
This Awareness indicates however, that this as ail but imagination and potential until the action is rooted on ;~ ---firm foundation . This Awareness indicates that ~r do5 : ; no t depend on buildings, but that the buildings are then : . ,nd`,~ the replacement of such buildings require great energy . r~ iih 'I That the cost of finning similar buildings for operation will â&#x20AC;˘' . require greater energy than using those already present .
This Awareness suggests therefore that entities who hav e any feeling for this action, who wish to consider such involvement in estabhsning this type of seed in consciousness , to think seriously about assisting in the pronam betwee n now and July 15th . This Awareness suggests that there may also be some who have relatively large amounts of mone y which could be pu' 4p in a iorn basis, using the building s for collateral if net °ss' T . This Awareness suggests that this also be considered . Housing for young women--Thompson College, York, Pa . This Awareness suggests that in order to open th e college itself, mo'-e money will be needed . That had ther e been $10,000 in 1977 available for the college, it would have been opened and running ; but this money was no t available . This Awareness indicates the entity Alexander Thompson had 100 students signed up at $500 each fo r the first term, but conic : not open the college because the law required that there be $10,000 in reserve . This Awareness indicates therefore there will be a need for more money to be raised in order to open the college, even afte r the mortgage is secured . This Awareness suggests that this as being the situation : that the college is such that it has a long history of 5 0 years of service . Fiat it has a name which is held in high esteem throughout all of Pennsylvania and the East Coast , this being the Thompson College of Business . That these names can be useful in terms of fund-raising projects .Tha t the entity Alex Thompson as being a minister of this Awareness and wishing to use this college for purposes o f bringing about higher unuerstanding of the Awareness principles, peace and prosperity through business, law, art , philosophy, and other areas . This Awareness indicates that there are entities standing by who are willing to put their time into the action, teaching or administrating the college . This Awareness indicates there are lists of students still seeking enrollment in the Thompson College . These lists continue to flow in, even though the school has bee n shut down for four years . This Awareness indicates there are boxes and boxes filled with the names of alumn i students who have studied at the Thompson College, these entities now in business in various areas . These entities as being potential reserves for donations in the action if the action ever occurs . This Awareness indicates there is great potential in this action, but at present there is no substance . . . .there is onl y a mortgage of $60,Gt`U which is rapidly coming due and which will need to be attended to quickly . This Awarenes s indicates with the attention of entities who are capable of understanding this, the money needed can be raised relatively easily through donations or loans . This Awareness indicates that the most appropriate method of raising suc h monies would be through Cosmic Awareness Communications setting up a trust fund to hold the money until it i s determined whether enough is available to pay the mortgage, or whether the project should he scrapped . This Awareness suggests that rather than send in money for this at this immediate time, this Awareness suggest s that entities indicate: quickly--within the next two weeks---how much they would be willing to donate or loan toward the fund-raising project . That this may then be tallied and Cosmic Awareness Communications can determin e whether enough would be raised to make the project possible for paying off the mortgage . This Awareness indicate s that once it is determined that the amount needed can be raised, then the entities could be informed and send th e donations or loans in to the trust fund for this purpose . This Awareness indicates however, that the time factor i s important if this is to occur . This Awareness indicates once this has been stabilized for a period, the entities ca n then focus on the opening and maintaining of the college, on fund-raising and on the students ' applications and th e curriculum . This Awareness suggests that for apprcximately the last three or four years, little time has been available fo r work on the college itself or for the classes, because of the intensities involved in keeping the financial needs of th e moment in a state whereby the buildings could continue . This Awareness indicates that it was costing approximatel y $2000 a month just to keep the buildings empty, particularly during times of winter ; for the heating of the buildings was necessary during the extremely sold winters, so that the pipes would not freeze . This Awareness indicates this entity, Alex Thompson, spent many hours shoveling coal in the furnaces because he did not have the mone y for the gas or for oil to keep the buildings heated . This Awareness indicates that for want of a few hundred dollar s \g..- at the right time, the entity Alex Thompson lost thousands . That the entity sold portions of his inheritance, port ions of his fortune, just to keep these buildings available for this school . This Awareness suggests that any ern ities who feel that this is a worthwhile project, may wish to consider donations or loans . This Awareness indicates there have already been loans by some who have been informed of th e actions and these have been generous, but there has not been enough information regarding this and those whos e loans have been given have been inadequate for the needs of this project . Tliie Awareness wishes to throw this ou t
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for entities to consider . ii does not wish that: entities consider this as being an attempt by this Awareness to tak e money from them, hut rather that they see this as an action whereby this Awareness has communicated a particula r bit of information which may call forth a response from those who are able and willing to respond . This Awareness indicates that there are a number of influential people who would he available for working in the Akasha Institut e of Peace . There are many who will in future times devote great energies to this and become very enthused abou t the actions . This Awareness sees this Institute as not being centered solely in the area of York, Pennsylvania, but a s having branches throughout the United States and in other countries, whereby courses are taught to entities i n every area and the degrees are granted from the college in York for the courses which entities study . This Awareness suggests this also having branches in foreign countries, m foreign tongues, whereby entities of Russia, China, India , Japan, Africa, or in European countries---that all of these of any language could have the opportunity to study th e ways of peace and prosperity through co-creative and reconciliatory actions . This Awareness indicates this can he the fabric which weaves the New World order and which counters the war colleges which have prevailed upon the human race for so long and with such tragic effects . QUESTION : Awareness, one question : By establishing this fund through C .A .C ., could the membership who donate rather tha n loan be granted the to :, exemption on their Federal Income Tax of that amount as a donation ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates that this school as being tax exempt . That the paper work regarding this as being completed . This Awareness indicates these donations could go throug h the Aquarian Church ; however the Aquarian Church at this particular time is still in litigation from the law suit an d that it would be better to avoid any entanglement with this action at, this time by having Cosmic Awareness Communications deal with this fund . This Awareness indicates that it appears the Aquarian Church will soon come ou t from under the heavy attack and shall be more able to carry on its functions within a short time . This Awareness indicates that this Aquarian Church also has been under heavy attack by the Alien Force for a period of approximately four years . That this as now reaching a climax, and the Church as emerging from that attack victorious an d strong . That it has taken a great toll on its energies, and has set it back enormously in its potential, and has cost i t many friends and members ; but it is alive and well in the State of Oregon . This Awareness indicates that it is on th e verge of a great new beginning . (Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates that those entities who are capable of risking a portion, who are willing to risk a portion of their energy, their wealth, for this purpose shall be rewarded by those of the inner Plane who are watching this action and are now gathered to give their full energies toward establishing this college . This Awareness indicates tha t those who give to this action, shall be rewarded ten-fold during the coming years ; so that they do not suffer fro m their loss, hut rather gain from their gift. This Awareness suggests however, that no entity who is in dire need of th e gift, deprive themselves or their loved ones from receiving the' proper nourishments and financial needs by giving to this cause . This it i areness does not want sacrifice . This Awareness asks that the widow who would give her mite , that those who would witness this, may recognize her generosity and the magnitude of her gift, but this Awarenes s suggests that this entity may need the gift more than that to which she would give . And therefore this Awarenes s asks that you not give more than you can, but that you give according to your inclination, capability, and you r desire . (The Law of Gratitude ) Editor': Ilote : The New Age college in York KDV always been Awareness's 'baby ' . C .A .C . is publishing this reading because we too are in favor o f seeing tins college manifest and because Awareness has presented this information for entities to consider . However, C .A .C . assumes no liability in any manner for any loans or donations given to this project . CAC, as indicated by Awareness, will accept the donations and create a special fund payable to the Universal Service Foundation of York, Pa . which will be forwarded t n them . Do not make cheeks out to CAC or the Aquarian Church, but make them out to the Universal Service Foundation which controls the Thompson College in York, Pa .